"'''. i-' ; fj'"-- Wr' r p" f - i ? t-3 I vtii-ii -iiar n-psMMrtafciMaMMBaiiaMi CZJ ?hc Jtottu tetorau, ASTOKIA. OREGON: FRIDAY MAY ID, 1800 fit and Co nntj Official Paper. EDITORIAL MEXTIOX. Tun Nebraska proliibitiouisls are in the field for he coming state campaign mi lim& brocsy commonwealth, and lawe ndscd 100 for the figlit. Tun S. F. Alia has a singular imce sckdlnlo. The price for a year, by the month is $3.40. The price for a year, V ike week is $5.20. The Kent, Wash.. Advertiser, a port, cliipp. style of paper is about to lat ro, and gives the Iveut folks a "bnraiug up" in its closing issues. If t&e Kant Ailwrtiser man would ston ! think r think to slop for a minute ho would see the absurdity of the situation. Between Seattle and T-soora. are four towns Kent, Slaughter, Sumner and Puyallnp, ten jhHos apart Tliey can't all support pnpare as a matter of fact the Seattle and Tacoma press cover the field and ia aa excellent manner. In any case orchiiig aud abuse is unjustifiable, mmI UHdigniikHl. TutsAstoiuax emphatically favors the right-hour law. Those most in timatoly responsible for the daily ap paRranceof this journal of progress verk eight hours in the morning and input hours in the evening. This lwtres eight hours for amusement. Tho oight-hour system is great, and thfe oflice endorses it by practical ttAtKWSIKV. Kakui: Crrv claims to be "the second ste" in the slate." Some of our es teemed conteiups dispute 13. C.s rJwiin. Tut. tut. brct hi en, Laker City is Mic second city in the state," as ii orotic sl from the Oregon line. lbtioring the state from the west, Astoria is the first city in the stale. Aftor awhile it will be the first which war way the commonwealth is ap proached. StmL.K. fail it. -what :i fuss peo ple will make over a little tiling. SUito Senator Snow, of the new .shite sf AVajiiigJn, has been arrested, ckitgwl with embezzling $5,000 while dignity comily treasurer. He wants tike thing fixed up somehow, so that he gin l on ImhhI at tlie special session at Qlyinpin in August, but some of his cMtstiineuis arc obstinate about it and WMti in ciurli him. Htoct k going to parallel the U. P. lines Trom Pendleton to Portland, a afctaiK t lim miles. In a recent interview C. P. Hunting ton, the 8, P. magnate, made the fol lowing statement, which is worthv of note "When 1 went to California iu 4U. I win accompanied by a party of vomig fellows from my native state, Connecticut, aud when we reached Sscnuncjito, the firl thing they did was to go to the hotel and spend SI spieco for their dinner. My dinner. cKt ie le than a sixteenth of that sum. It was always my rule to live within my income. Any young man who lo that will get along." W L. Scott of Pennsylvania, with $2G.(V3,O30. says he'd give the whole twenty million for a good sound stomach that would digest food. If Scott, will come to Astoria we'll give lilm a job that will fix his inside works so that he can cat five square meals a day and enjoy "em all. Dr. Abern ethys advice to a rich dyspeptic, was never equaled, llcrc it is: "Live on sixpence a day, and earn it.' Tits effort to have a change in the military headquarters of the depart ment of ihe Columbia to Seattle has been deservedly unsuccessful, and the headquarters and hindquarters of the army's representatives in the north west will reaiaiu at Vancouver. TannK is one paper at least in Ta coma that does not wear the collar of thcXorthcru Pacific Railroad com Iiuy. It is the Ifctr-t. It speaks plaiuly and candidly, and claims that the iutcrcsts tr ihal growing city are leiug sacrificed to the corporate greed of that great railroad monopoly. WxxDnLti Evstox, the oldest and one of the most successful real estate men in San Francisco delivered a lecture on "lkcal Estate." and busi ness methods, in San Francisco last Friday. Among oihcr thimrs he said: There is another important factor, aud that is advcitising. Jn my lifetiuio I have written hnndrtds of hooks and wEi phi els on real estate subjects, bnt after all this experience of twenty-seven years 1 have come to the. firm conclusion to do no more of that, bnt advertise in UeBewp-uiers! Everybody" reads them. Civni service reform is having a hard time of it. The American theory is for frequent changes in all public offices, and for every American boy to have an honest chance, whether he seeks it in iwlitics or elsewhere. There is no American sympathy for a life-holdiug class in office, and no real American sympathies attending the preseBt" experiment of creatiug a pro CCBICeirSStSSZBlSHHHMMHI Because its owners are SHANAHAN BROS., CSSSSIHIU'EIBKSIB The Boston UlEtlMIIMHMII Our Goods are Bought for Cash in the Cheapest Markets. The Cash Discounts we are allowed is profit enough for us. We claim to sell our Goods at jobbers' prices, and the more we sell the greater discounts we get. ALL OUR GOODS ARE NEW I No shop-worn Goods offered. We challenge comparison of prices and ask buyers to judge for themselves. Our motto is "One Price to All." Good Goods at New York prices. We ask the patronage of a discriminating public. Mail Orflers Promptly Attentat to. Samples Seat on Application. The Boston Store Importer of Staple anil Fancy fession of office holders. The people's name is taken in vain by such reform ers as have set up in America iu later years to try and teach the people to be indifierent in public affairs. Here is the point that Americans guard most jealously of all things else. They have not watched history in vain. They realized the truth stated by Hallam in his great work on constitutions, that ".all governments begin as pure Democracies, drift into oligarchies and end in monarchies," They do not believe in the English theory of superior classes and life holding classes. Their own acts, and not the theory of reformers, constitute their own opinions. All officers under their own control they change every two years or four, whether in town ship, city, district, state or nation. Never anywhere have the American people made the least expression in favor of a life-tenure in civil office. The claim of the mugwump that the people who favor a life-holding class in office, if subjected to the people themselves, would be rejected by 10, 000,000 votes. There is perhaps no single agency that exerts the influence in the growth of a city as does a live news paper. This influence is not alone felt at home, but abroad, in a thousand wavs that alvravs redound to the last ing benefit of a town boasting of a progressive journal. A public journal is, after all, but a mirror in which every phase of the community in which it is published is most truth fully reflected, Dead towns do not contain any large numbers of reading people in their midst, and a dead town never yet supported anything but an uninteresting and insipid news paper. As a means of dissemi nating information of the com munity in which it is published its effect is widespread. Business men from abroad carefully scan its columns for the advertisements that it regularly carries, as an index to the extent and class of trade of the town; intending settlers and investors pay particular attention to the list of im provements and the daily transfers of property, regularly given publication in its columns, while still others turn to its social features and small gossip which after all has much to do in deter mining the question of the desirability of the town as a permanent place of residence. A paper of a low moral lone must necessarilly cater to a class of people from whom it derives a large portion of its patronage, and a paper of this stamp always flour ishes only in a town where the tone of morals is decidedly loose. The whole makeup of the paper is taken by the intelligent observer as an index of the size and importance of the place in which it is published and which so correctly portrays the progressive or non-progressive spirit of its citizens. Collee aud cake, ten rents, at the Onlral Restaurant. Remember the Austin house at the Seaside is open the year 'round. Will Have Railroad Connection Sooner liberal and not afraid to give inducements to RAILROADS, NEW ASTORIA is WE ARE HERE TO KEPT BY Corner Second and Benton Sts., Opp. the Dry Goofls, Dress Goofls, Fancy Goods, Gent's Fornislings Notions, Sto. NEW TO-DAY. Wanted. TtlUHT OR TEN ACTIVE, ENERGETIC Hi men of ood address and ready pen for census enumerators in Clatsop countv. lllaiiKs for applicants to till nt tlio iMoitNixo ASTOHIAX onlce. .INO. KELLY, Supervisor of Census First Oregon District. 1811. 1890. 17tH of May inn I OK THE' Union Between Sweden and Norway. PROGRAMME. The exercises will be at Columbia Cannlnc Co.'s cannery at 7 :30 r. m. Speeches will be made by local orators on the occasion of the day. The exercises will be followed by a dince, for which good music lias been secured. Sunday School Covention. THERE WILL BE HELD A COUNTY Sunday School Con venton in this city on Friday. May 1G. at 1 -30 p. m.. in the First Presbj terian church, w Ith a i iew to effect a permanent county organization of all the Sunday schools in Clatsop county. This w ill be a mass convention, to which all interest ed in Sunday school work are hereby cor diallv invited. An interesting programme has been prepared, and Rev. J. Hobprg, president of the State Sunday School Con vention, will be present and participate in the discussion. Ry order of the States. S. executive committee. CARL A. HANSON, Member of Com. Garnahan & Go. SUCCESSORS TO I. W. CASE, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Corner Chenamus and Cass streets. ASTORIA OREGON THE VIENNA Manraot and Cbop louse. C. W. Fisher A Co., Prop's. Game, Fish, Oysters, Etc., COOKED TO ORDER- FIbo Private K-as. Everything tint Class. Genevieve Street, rear ot Grlfflu & Reed's. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED P.olp.hrat n NEW ASTORIA! iniiiiiiiHuaii Store ! STAY IIIIIIIIIIIHIIIKI Shanahan Bros., Postoffice. THE Saturday IUUIIUIHHII Surprise SALES ! Inaugurated by HERMAN WISE are a Great Success. In fact people are interested to such an extent that they watch "The Daily Astorian" in order to be posted on what line is to be sacrificed next. Any day in the week (ex cept Sunday) one can go into HERMAN WISE'S Great Clothing Store and find Choice Goods, just suit able to their taste and purse, but his SATURDAY SUR PR1SE SALES are the great event. Remember There is but One HermanWise In the Occident-Hotel Building. Mt . HJ MOTOR LINES, or to any other Substantial Improvement. A Large the Favorite, and lots are selling fast. Come, Examine the Property and Buy. J. H. MANSELL, csl&s NOTAKY PUBLIC FOK City Lots and Acre Property, Ranches, Timber Lands, and Water Frontage for Sale. Correspondence Solicited. P. O. Hex 553. Established 1SS3. INVESTMENTS MADE FOK OUTSIDE PAKT1TS. Next V. I. Teh-graph Ofiic. Third St. Astoria, Oregon. CANDY To-DayFine Ice Cream SodaTo-Day Also Handle None hut the Finest Key West and Imported CIGARS. Please Call and (live me a Trial. THIRD STREET, Next W. U. Telejrraph Offic jt(9JB0t&m&n, f . L. ULEHHART, Bed Estate Broker Oflicc on Third St., Opp. Odd Fellow Tcni-ili-. I. O. Uox 811. AbTOlilA, OUEGON. Lots in WARRENT0N and WEST WARRENTON For Sale, On Installment Plan. Discount forC:uIi. A residence in Astoria since 1S72 enables I nietoghe thebestof information respect ing property tn Astoria ana mis icinuy. FEED Saddles and Harness A LARGE STOCK TO SELECT FROM. GOODS AT SAN ERANCISCO PRICES. I malie a specialty of good work ami guarantee sati-fartinn. At the Old Stand, Wes Side Olney Street, Near Wilson it Pisher . ASTORIA, OREGON. O. It. .SOltKXSON". Sorenson & Go., Real Estate Agents! NOTARY Correspondence Solicited. P. O. Box mi. D. H. WELCTI & OCX, Real Estate tain IrJUI NOTARY 1-rr.LIC We have Property in the original townsitc from $225 up wards. Good Business and Residence Property always on our list. Investments made for non-residents. Correspondence solicited. Call and see us. Office on tVatcr Street, Near C'nioii I'acific Wharf and. Depot j m acaegB i uii a m S Sr-K:S5 s-"?' RSkP ! f S.rj-t J ? s-.Z'JZ .K a?1 . ;-.-sjfetofcr-. ?-r-'. -. iiaSeSgi.. :m-j&rmewmm? -SKT- -- .. -"j ---M!Sf3lS-?' ZT! tS w '-if! fa..,. ? - vv 5fr Immense Stools. FURNITURE CHAS. HEILBORN. Two car loads received : More on the way. You are invited to see the lincst display or FuniitHiv, Carpets, etc., in the city. Prices reasonable. THE OLD STAND, - ASTORIA, i i n i ii i kiiiii ii ni"rrviT"- SHOLESALE AND liETAIL DEALEIt IN Groceries, Provisions and Mill Feed. Crockery, Glass Plated Ware. o Tho Largest and finest assortment of Fresh. Fruits and Vegetables. Keceived fresh overv Steamer. BOOTS AND SHOES! Of Best Quality, and at LOWEST PRICES, -ATTIIE SICN OF THE GOLDEN SHOE. J-OBIBr i.issa'. Than Anyt IKQKER, STATE OF OREGON. ado" FACTORY: TT T TT W T .TIVTTT 41?T TT iJ. J XAJ-JJJiJ- tl JH.JL A(5 EXT. 8 ATZ 5 S. (iUXDEKSOX. PUBLIC. Ofliee on OInev Street, li't'tween i econd and Third. ce. evnenu FOll OHECSOV. the - Largest : Stock ! the Lowest : Prices I OR. H. EKSTBOM, Practical : Watchmaker, ASTORIA, OB. A fine line or Gold and Silver Watches, Solid Gold and Plated Jewelry, Clocks, etc., at reasonable prices. Repairing Promptly Doue. Opposite Crow's Gallery. Other Point R Brokers If j'gjjjjjjJUilflH iwtM f 9 JfflBSKteaw.ii ill iajjr,i?'i(nii ' " "lijj'l kHs Great Slaughter Sale -AT OF- Stationery, Musical Goods ajid Notions, for the Next Sixty Days. Ravel's Brick Building, T. B. LOUGHERT, DKALF.R IJf Cigars, : Tobaccos, : and : Cigarettes ! CONFECTIONERY, ETC. XOXi: BUT THE BEST BRANDS HANDLED. THIRD STREET, ASTORIA, OREGON Opposite Halm's Boot and Shoe Store. FLYNN, The Tailor, KEE?S IN Finest Woolen Goods for Suitings. All the Latest Styles He buys for Casli at Eastern Prices. JHe Guarantees the Best Workmanship on all Garments. Call and see for yourself. Barth Block, ASTORIA, OR. Your Money s worth IS WHAT YOU GET AT Foard Jtjtokes Groceries and Provisions. Everything in a First-class Store and at Extremely Low Figures. Goods Delivered all over Town. Tho Highest Price Paid for Junk. FOARD & STOKES Wholesale Wine House. Fine Wines, Choice Brands. I havo coraplotecl arrangements for supplying any brand of Wine in any quantity at lowest cash figures. The Trade Supplied, Families Supplied. ALL ORDERS DELIVERED FREE IN ASTORIA. Your patronago in City or Country solicited. A. W. UTZ1NGER. Cosmopolitan Saloon. SEALAN0. The terminus of the Ihvaco and Shoalwater Bay Railroad. THE GREAT EST SUMMER RESORT ON THE NORTHWEST COAST. Lies at the head of the Bay, at deep water, and only twelve miles from the bar. The coming County Seat and Commercial Metropolis of Pacific county. Now laid out. Lota on the market from S50, and upwards. For particulars and fuli information, call on or address Stockton & Welch, Real Estate Brokers, AND EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. City, Snlmrban and Acreage Property Fop Sale. MAIN ST ASTORIA, OR., P. 0. Box 511. Tliielseii, Lester & Anita, CIVIL ENGINEERS, Surveyors and Architects. Offick, Roost 9, Flavel's Bltj'o SECOND STREET P.O.Box 813. ASTORIA, OR. F. E. WILLSON, Civil Engineer and Surveyor. DRAUGHTING : AND : MAPPING P. O. Box 8&J. Ollice with J. II. Mansell, next W. U. Telegraph Oftlce. Third Street. Astoria, Or. inuiiiimnunimmiiiiiniiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiwi on the Harbor. Railroad Wharf is to be completed there by June 15th. THE - Opp. Occident Hotel. STOCK TI1E- OKLO K. PARKKR. CARD A. HANBON Parker & Hanson SUCCESSORS TO C. L. PARKER, DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE New Goods Arriving Every Stetme THIS WEEK. 33ress - Q-oods4 The Old Stand - Astoria Orezoa. B. A. SEABORC, Xlt7cr.ei.GO, H.. No curbstone brokers employed here Astoria Iron Ms. Concomly St.. Foot ot Jackson, Astoria. Or General Machinists anil Bier Men. Land and Marine Engines BOILER WORK, Steamboat Work and Cannery Work A SPECIALTY, Castings of all Descriptions Matft to Order at Short Natice. JOHK FOX,- A. L. FOX, J. G. HUSTLBB,. ..Fnaldent. and 8at ........ Vice ftwidmt ......Sec aad Xkeas The Law and Abstract Office OF C. R. THOMSON One Door east of DzKx-rf 3 ssua bto&k A complete set of Abstract Books for the entire County always kept posted to date. Special attention given to practice la the U. s. Land Office, and the examination of laud titles. E. J. foed & CO., GENERAL AGIM lijj- g .zJkfin&&tti.js.-.3iS -OSij-S.-. aaaHHMHH