The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, May 15, 1890, Image 3

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She SaH Syrian. SC0EES 0F SALMON.
......MAY 13. 1690
(Monday excepted.)
J. F.
Publishers and Proprietors.
Cass Stkket.
Sappliei to Tie Canneries in Great
.voir coMixa like old times.
Tm or Subscription.
Served by Carrier, ier week ...... . in cts
Sent bv Malt, per month . . Go cts
Sent by Mall, one year S7.00
Free of postage to subs cribers,
The Astoriak guarantees to Its adx-r
tters itoe largest circtilatioii of any new-iri
ter published on the Columbia river.
There xvas such a run of salmon
yesterday that in some instances the
canneries were compelled to refuse
them from the boats. The salmon are
in the river in great numbers, and
nothing like it has been seen for years.
Two causes are assigned for the ex
Ir.inruinary run of 31ay fish; one is the
protracted inactivity throughout
April and the first days of this meuth:
the other that the effects of the good
work at the salmon hatchery is begm-
to be the
A horse fell off the steamer Trie-
aiimr nn linnr f rvinir in jrnf luni i i.C? .
, "T IT " ?. r.i .. ...i lue urst reason seems
auoaru, uiu ueamer bianeu ou jiuu . i.-i.i- AKmif . , ,-. sfnfA
of affairs existed in the spring of 188G
as did this year: there was no fishiug
done till May 12th that year, and when
the steed swam ashore.
The new double doors in the west '
side of the opera house, which have j
just been put in, near the foot of the
gallery stairs, were used for the first
time on Tuesday evening.
The Alone in London' comedy!
company asscd through here on their :
way to Portland yesterday. Thpy
will give a i)erformance in this city '
the early part of next month.
It is proper enough to have wood
dumped in the street before carrx ing
it in the yard or house, but in home
instances wood is continually kept in
the street, often to tho incouvenienco
of passing teams.
the boats did go out they made euor
mous catches.
It is said that some of the three-year
salmon from the hatching of 1887 are
showing up, but the large salmon evi
dently antedate the seed of that year.
There being comparatively few cans
on hand make it a difficult matter for
some of the canneries to take care of
the salmon. as fast as the fishermen
furnish them. One cannery yesterday
had to disjKse of -MX) fishat 25 cents
apiece less than they paid for them to
get them off their hands.
Were all the salmon packed that
could be caught, the pack for May
would aggregate figures that would
compare with those of May in other
Yesterday while at work in a saw j
xnilL Andv Bowers was unfortunato '
enough, to let a circular saw encounter J Fish commissioner Reed came down
one of his fore fingers, and hereafter yesterday morning. He had been as
the gloves for his right hand can be far east as La Grande, where com-
uinuc wiiii uiiuv uut-i.-v jm.
Not for many months has thore
been so few in the county clerk's of
fice searching records. Yesterday was
so lovely that evidently the searchers
preferred to be out of doors, as only
one tKKk or record was taken out of
the vault.
Julius Strauss was in receipt of a
dispatch last evening, bearing the sad
intelligence of the death of his brother,
Aaron,' in Idaho City. The deceased
leaves a wife and family. In conse
quence the New York Novelty Stoic
will le close! lo-dax.
In Sheriff Smith's office yesterday,
Joseph Holfaday, under protest, paid
1,712.83 taxes and cost on the Ben j
Holladay estate at Seaside, xvhich w:is ,
t have ieen sold next Saturday for i
taxes. The objection to payment has j
leen made that the taxes xvere too !
Third street from Main eastxvard is
to le raised and rebuilt at a cost or
s-ex-eral thousand dollars. The street
nlaint had been made to him of dams
in the river there, preventing the
salmon from coming up. He reports
every stream bank high and full of
salmon. The high xvater this year
will be sometliiug tremendous. Snoxv
Ls still piled deep in the mountains
and has just begun melting. At Celilo
last Friday the water rose at the rate
of an inch" an hour. The fish wheels
are doing little as yet All the xvay
doxx'n the river a big catch of salmon
is reported. The fish are all fine ones,
above the average in size.
10 Doesn't Get AronM Tnis ay
Terr Often.
Dr. W. D. Baker returned from a
trip up the valley yesterday.
Geo. Parker is in the city from
Onion Peak, Tillamook Count x.
Mr?. Martz, of South Bend, was in
the citv x'esterdav on her wav to Port
land. II. E. Jackson, county clerk of
Klickitat Co., Wash., is in the city.
He has some fine horses for sale.
A. 1). Bowen returned yesterday
car company are at work on their morning from Los Angeles. His xvife
Jiare, and .several property holders
along the line have secured permits to
do their part of the xvork by private
The directors of the Astoria Build
iug and Loan assocation held a meet
ing last evening and elected the pres
ent efficient officers -.1. P.Dickinson,
president; C. S. Wright, vice-president;
V. L. Bobb, secretary; A. S. Beed,
txaaetirer. The affairs of the associa
tion are iu a most satisfactory condi
tion. In a suit brought in the circuit
court by W. W. Wherry A: Co. against
D. and F. C. Cronk for the collection
ot S1G0.42, claimed to be due and un
paid, F. C. Cronk yesterday, by her
attornex. A. A. Cleveland, tiled a
denial. She claims the debt has been
fully paid, asks a dismissal of the suit
and judgment for the costs iu her
favor, resiKMidcnt solely for herself.
A new canet xas yesterday being
laid on the Jloor of the hall of Astoria
engine company No. 1. It is of Brus
sels of very handsome pattern, and
the new carjet on the platform is also
Brussels, ot a darker shade. Nexv
enspadores, nickel and earthen, of
very attractive designs, have also been
procured, and when the room is com
pleted, as it will be to-day, it will be
remarkably neat iu appearance.
The Westminster papers report that
shipments ot spring salmon to eastern
points have fallen off materially in the
last few days, because Newfoundland
and Nova Scotia are bidding for the
Toronto and Montreal markets with a
fish, very much inferior to Fraser river
spring salmon, and this has depre
ciated the market in those centers so
as to make it unprofitable for the
Westminster dealers to ship and pay
express charges. The price of salmon
has been much reduced, and tho fish
ermen are now bringing in but few
fish in order not to glut the market
remains mere ior me present, on a
visit to relatives.
Major Blakenex', A. B. McKean, C.
McDonald, and il. C. Smith left here
yesterday morning on the State of
California, bound for San Francisco.
" Henry Gregory, of Honolulu, Sand
xvich Islands, a brother of William
Gregony, first male of the Manznnita,
arrived vesterdav morning on the
steamer from Sau Francisco, and left
hist ex'ening forPortlaud. From there
lie goes across the continent to New
York on a visit to Dublin, Ireland.
He expects to be absent from Honolulu
about ftVc months.
Reported Ashore at Toke" Point.
Conflicting reports reached this
ofiico last evening regarding the
stranding ot the steamer Dolphin at
Shoalxvater bay last Tuesday after
noon. The most coherent statement
Ls that the Dolphin, xvhich left here
last Tuesday morning for Shoalwater
bay, went ashore at sunset that day
near Toke's point The tug T. J.
Coleman, of the Sunshine mills,x-ent to
her assistance and made an ineffectual
attempt to toxv her off. Capt Broxvn's
life crew from North Cove went out
in the life boat and took the crew off.
No further particulars of the alleged
disaster were obtainable last evening,
and the exact extent of the Dolphin's
injuries could not be ascertained.
It may be news to some of our read
ers that there is such an officer in this
commonwealth as a state food com
missioner. His name is Peter Essen,
and he is here. His business is to en
force the law that makes it an offense
punishable by fine and imprisonment
to produce or sell unwholesome food,
or adulterated foods, drinks and med
icines. Mr. Essen is a big man; he has a
big job. From the sunrise peaks of
the Cascades to loxv water mark at the
Fort Stevens jetty, he has the whole
webfoot commonwealth to look after,
aud it is no slouch of an undertaking.
What the people of Oregon eat and
drink and take as medicine is a mat
ter that comes home to everyone's
stomach. It is where xve live, so to
speak, and Mr. Essen will well earn
his thousand dollars a year and ex
penses if he will look after the inter
ests of tho people in this important
Tho first thing he did yesterday
morning was to go aboard one of the
little boats and seize a big can of milk
that a suburban milkmau was about
to deliver to his Astoria customers.
Tho milkman xx-as the most surprised
man in the state, xvheu Mr. Essen pro
duced his lactometer and the rest of
the scientific outfit and proceeded to
test the qualitv of the milk.
"Well," said he at the close, "that is
great; this milk is axvay above all re
quirement; it is richer and purer than
any milk Fve met xvith. I want to
compliment your city" said he to au
AsToniAN reporter 'if this is a sample
of the milk you get here, for it is fine,
and not a single fault can be found
with it."
He was assured that it was a fair
sample of the lacteal fluid daily sold
to Astorians.
"The xvater, also," said Mr. Essen,
"that I find you use is remarably
This has also been noticed by other
people xvho smack their lips over
Astoria xvater as compared xvith the
rich and ropy product of the Wil
lamette. Rigid regulations in accord xvith the
legal requirements of the act, would,
however, doubtless result in a dis
covery of some adulterations in goods
Ixmglit elsewhere and offered for sale
just as received.
Some of the clauses are a little dif
ficult to enforce. For instance, sec
tion 3 says that each cow kept for
dairy purposes if confined in stables,
shall have at least 800 feet air space,
etc, xvhich is manifestly impossible to
Mr. Essen xvill be sometimeKiu the
city and xvill doubtless make the ac
quaintance of sex'eral of our citizens
while here.
111 ft 1 ' "" -
Yrtcrrt.iy. M T Allil I lk NlHkVB (! IbIB. I BAflA" V
4m nun i ii.Miiiiiiii mr mm j i
Wort Begins on the Albany and
Astoria Railroad.
Yesterday afternoon Dr. Alfred
Kinney receix-ed a dispatch from Mr.
Barr, the chief eugineer of the Albany
and Astoria railway company, saying
that he xvould be down here xvith his
entire force on Friday morning's boat,
and would immediately begin opera
tions. There are about txveuty men in the
party, and they will bring their pack
horses and surveying outfit and start
in to complete the survey of tho road,
preparatory to grading and track
laying. There hasn't been much talk about
this, but there is S2,000,000 behind it,
and the Albany and Astoria road is an
assured fact
Thus makes txvo railroads that are
now, it may be said, under xvay.
There are txvo more to hear from
that are still hesitating and xveighing
chances and probabilities. Of these
two, one of them xvill be heard from in
side of ten days, and in a way that there
is little doubt will lusure the exten
sion of that lino also to Astoria, the
seaport of Oregon.
Regarding the matter Tuesday's
Herald says:
Chief Engineer x. IJ. I.arr, of the
W. W. Smith and xvife to
Eric Johnson, lot 1, blk
110. McClnre's S
Henrv Powell and wife to
Samuel Pearce, lot 22. blk
32, Powell's addition to
East Astoria
E. A. Noyes and wife to F. A.
Wester and L. C. Wann,
lots 8 and 9, blk 117, Mc
Clnre's Isaac Bergman and wifo to
Henrv M. D'Elia, lots 1
and blk 29. Alderbrook
Previously reported this year 1,320,103
Total to date $1,323,278
How to Cook a Beefsteak.
Henry Dizard the chef de cuisine of
Seattle's big hotel, on being asked by
n Pre.M reporter the best way to cook
a beefsteak, laid great stress upon the
fact that the meat should be four days
old before it is used.
"The meat,'' he said, "must have
been kept for four days in the refrig
erator after the animal Ls killed before
it is in a right condition, and though
it sometimes does not look very tempt
ing on the outside to the eye of the
uninitiated, it is splendid inside and
ready for use.
"Tho meat to be used for a steak
should be cut about one and one-half
inches thick. Most people make a
mistake m cutting the slices too
White Goods.
Plaid Sashes.
and Buttons.
Albanvfc Astoria railroad, will leave this Before putting it into the broiler it
city in a few days, with a force of sur-, should be painted xxith olix'e oil bv
veyors, for Astoria, where he goes to com
pleto tho location of tho lino of the road
from Astoria to Tillamook. Tho ronte
is already surveyed from Albany to Tilla
mook, and as soon as the surx'ey of this
Inst C9 miles is made it is expected that
graders will commence the work of cou-
means of a brush aud also treatedxvith
pepper and salt. It should be then
broiled over a moderate charcoal fire,
xvhich is not too large and which emits
j no smoke.'
"Aim now about tuc tune mat the
strnction, beginning on the Astoria end j steak has to remain lieforc the fire?
of tho line. I asked the renorler.
The company already has a railroad
construction plant, nud it is said by
those on tho inside that a largo force of
men will be put to work grading the road
that is ultimately to connect Albany and
The Price of Judas' Treachery.
I "The usnal lime is from ten to
txvelx-e minutes," replied Mr. Dizard.
"A steak is rarely done in less time."
For fryiug Mr. Dizard recommends
that the steak be put into a pan con-
taming a small quantity ot suet, or
rather a pan rubbed on the inside xxith
Third Street.
The Leading Dry Goods and Clothing House of Astoria.
For Ladies !
HAND-SEWED, DOUBLE SEAM SHOE. It never rips. It never squeaks.
flexible than a hand turn.
A WORD OF cATrrroN".
lie Would Ilax'e His Joke.
A scientific man, while out in a boat
recently, near Seattle, was caught in a
fog so dense that it xvas impossible to
see twenty feet ahead. The boatman
stopped rowing, saying that they must
wait for daylight or at least until the
fog should clear axvay, as they did not
know in what direction to steer.
Their passenger then shoxved Uiem
what benefit could be reaped, in an
emergency from a knowledge of cer
tain natural laxvs. He says: "I at
once stood up in tho boat and shouted.
Soon an echo came back. Pointing
in the direction from which it pro
ceeded, I said: 'There is the nearest
land.' Rowing halt a mile in a speci
fied direction, we soon reached the
shore. The fact upon which I acted
was this: air saturated with moisture
during a fog is a much better con
ductor of sound than xx-hen dry. Two
remits follew: sounds travel faster
sad hence the echo returns more
speedily, and the sound is heard more
distinctly. That would be unneces
sary here where there is rarely fog in
the river.
Mttadaj- SrltaetCeHrcutioH Pro
gramme. Following is the programme of the
Clatsop County Sunday School Conven
tion to be held In the first Presbyterian
church lo-Riorroxv :
1'JdT.M. Dex'otional exercises, Rev.
J2 pTac. Temporary organization ; ad
dress ot welcome. Ilex, b. M. Campbell;
response by visiting delegates.
2:30 i. xi. Reports from Sunday
3 r. m. Adjournment to gix'o an op
portunity to visit public schools.
7:fl0 Devotional sciviceby Rex-. Mr.
net . .
-8. Permanent organization.
8il5. Address by Hex. J. Hoberg.
wWiMent S. S. S. Convention.
t:4G The work before us, Mr. Craxx-
-gaSwHrltethods and plans, Messrs.
HeweU and Fricke.
Qveatkmbox. Adjournment
A limber cruiser aud a friend of his
xvere recently in the tall timber on
Lexx'is and Clarke's, when the day was
xx-arni and they xvere thirsty.
"Wish there was a tavern round
here," said the friend.
''There is I know there is," replied
the other. "See that old felloxv at
work in the bnsh?" pointing to a man
who was piling up hemlock bark col
lected for Olvis's tannery.
"Yes-let's ask him."
"Hello, friend," said the cruiser,
"where's the tavern?"
"Tavern what tavern? Ain't none
about here -"
"But there is- there must be. Quit
fooling and show us the way."
"Don't I tell you there aiu't none."
"Why, that's remarkable most ex
traordinary. What on earth are you
doing here then?"
"Me? Can't yon see Fm pilin'
"Of course it xvas seeing the bark
Jieaper that made me think the tavern
conldn't be far off."
Passengers to Portland.
The following is the list of passen
gers who went up the river last night
on the steamer iu it. inotnpsen:
Mrs. Turner, C. W. Carnahan, N.
Davich and xvife, Wm. Loeb, S. Cal
houn, M. M. Ketchum aud wife, M.
P. Callender, J. M. Mclntyre and
xvife. J. G. McPherson, M. S. Cardell,
W. A. Potter, B. G. Parks, J. J. Gib
lm.T.G. Davidson, H. Davis, O.W.
Barnard, S. Rovitch, Mrs. Drew, W.
S. Geary, J. J. Brumbach, ,T. F. Mc
Goveru, V. Cook, Mrs. I. W. Case,
Miss Humphries, Mrs, Marlz, Miss
Barrow, J. Henderson, A. .T. Johnson,
O. Cothlin, E. L. Merrill, C. Mason,
H. Martin and H. Peterson.
The steamer Fa co rite, Capt Buck
ley, arrix-ed yesterday from Yaquina
The nexv steamer Chilkat is to ha
lauuehel on Saturday noon at high
The Coloma x-eut up the rrverH
yesterday morning, bound for Port
The nexv steamer 11. P. Elmore,
will steam up this morning aud make
a trial trip.
The steamer Mischief, Captain
Wiuant, arrived yesterday afternoon
from Yaquina Bay.
The JfanzanUa xvent up to the
buoy depot at Tongue Point yester
day and unloaded the old buoys she
brought from the south, then returned
to the xvharf, foot of Main street
The steamship State of California,
Capt IL S. Ackley, left here for San
Francisco yesterday morning, taking
20 tons of freight including 100 sacks
of oysters, and the balance was mostly
tin plate, xvhich goes to Alaska by xvay
of San Francisco.
The repairs on the steamer Puritan
are so nearly completed, that it is ex
pected she xx-ill sail for Alaska in
about a week. The pilot house has
been entirely altered, the engine and
machinery repaired, and the boat
neatly painted. She is in rear ot the
Astoria Iron Works.
The steamer Edith is in rear of the
Astoria Iron works, and that firm has
been repairing her boiler, and giving
her a general overhauling as xxell as
repairing her propellor. The work is
nearly completed, and in a few days
she will bo ready for service. She is
oxvned by J. G. Megler, of Brookfield.
The steamship Danube, Capt John
B. Hill, arrived yesterday morning
from Vancouver and Victoria, British
Columbia, laden mostly with Chinese
goods. She had two Mongolian pas
sengers, both merchants, one 50 years
of age, named Chin Chong Quie, and
the other -10 years of age, named Chin
The sloop Jfayfloicer xx-as yesterday
sold by Capt Engene Simpson, of
Oysterville, to C. H. Shubbe, of
Hwaco, and Capt E.Farrer,of Oyster
ville. The latter will now be the
master of the boat, and a new license
has been issued. She is 3G feet, 4
inches in length, 12 feet, 9 inches xvide,
and is of 8 tons burthen.
The steamship Oregon, Capt E.
Polemann, arrived from San Fran
cisco yesterday morning, with 69 cabin
passengers. She had 103 tons of
freight for this city, consisting of 133
sacks of feed, A&i packages of gro
ceries, 802 sacks of tan bark, and 951
packages of sundries. After discharg
ing this, she started up the river at
2-50 p. ir.
Every man xvho is a general reader
has, donbtless, noticed how often, when
he has been reading of a certain sub
ject, he xvill run across the same sub- I T "
ject in an unexpected place, and an in- T10 , ,
cident of this kind bronght to my at- J y 3 e,al
tention a very curious fact, which xvas
a rovelalion to me. I had just finished
W. W.Story's poem, "The Letter of a
Roman Laxvyer in Jerusalem," says a
writcrin thetfo6c-Z)eiocrrt,in xvhich
Story presents the legal aspect of the
case'of Judas Iscariot, and suggested
that in betraying the Saxior he was
only attempting to gixre Jesus Christ
au 'opportunity to declare and prove
himself God, and that he only accepted
the thirty pieces of silver to gixe his
act the appearance of a betrayal for a
bribe. 1 laid aside the pamphlet con
taining the poem and picked up a
book, iu xvhich I found an article on
the ancient coins of the east,
aud one of the lirt things 1
read xvas that the "piece' of silx-er
of 2,000 years ago xvas the
name of a coin, and that its x-alue was
13 cents. It did not require much cal
culation then for me to see that the
price xvhich xvas paid Judas by the
Sanhedrim for betraying Christ was
onlv S3.90. Do von know this uuex-
pected information made Story's poem j Seaside is njicn thu year 'round.
have a strange effect upon me. btory
points to the fact that Judas carried
the pnblic purse aud could not have
been avaricious, or else hexvould not
have been trusted xvith his fund for
the ioor, for xvhich he rendered no
account to any one, yet lie betrayed
his master for S3J0. I had always
thought that "thirty pieces of silver'
meant some largo amount, and the
statement astonished me xvhen I read
it, but on referring to a work on
numismatics I saw that Ihc "piece of
silver' of Jerusalem xvas about the
same x'alue as the "ore piece" of Den
mark, xvhich is just 13 cents, so I sup
pose the statement is true.
Republican Manual - Revised Wr-iioii.
Let it
be understood
for once and nil time:
This Is an
off year, and
Republicans cannot afford
to simply xx'hislle;
saxv wood
and get up early
and stay out late,
else the' great enemy
xvill swoop down uion us
the next election
and gobble the legislature,
tho United States senatorship,
the congressional reapportionment
aud the general bakery.
and leave us
in the soup! Jiloominyton Leader.
The Kili tor's Ambition.
In this as in every other locality where It If
nrc hundreds xvho arc taking
cgetnble Sars.-iparilia, and in nine-
tases out o every ten it is effecting specific
cures. But xrord comes to us occasionally of
people xvho report that it operates too freely
upon the bowels. x,Yc want to saj to those
that they arc not following the rrintcd in
structions and nrc taking too much of it. If
it acts too freely reduce the dose, never tak
ing any more than causes easy and perfect
action. Keep thin in mind, and take it reg
ularly for a while and do not indulge iu too
much greasy food, and wo will have jour
testimonial within a fortnight. If taken un
der these conditions it is an absolute cure for
indigestion, dyspepsia, sick headaches, con
stipation, face eruptions and liver and kid
ney disorders. It may be asked how it con
possibly cure so many ailments. Hut tho
reason is clear. All those troubles are the
legitimato result of improper liver and kid
ney action or impaired digcstlvo organs. Its
elects upon these functions arc 03 astonish
ing to the medical fraternity as to the thou
sands who arc daily taking it.
Colice and cake, nn conLs, at tho
(Viitra! Uestaurant
Remember the Austin house at the
rIMhonrIiOlKiB House.
lJel Reds in town. Rooms per night
50 ami ii" cts., per xx-cek Sl-r0. Mew and
clean. Prix-ate entrance.
It requires no breaking in. More
Astoria, Oregon.
Metf s AIM
Lots in this llcautiftil Addition for sale at
M each : S20 down, balance $10 per
month. Pla's and copy of ab
stract furnished free.
Originator !
Astoria Suburbs !
Five Acre Tracts east of Astoria and only
one aud one-Iialf mile from Columbia
Itiver at $cuO each ; S100 cash,
balance $so per month.
The New Model Range
Agent. Call and Examine It ; You Will be Pleased. E. K. Ilawes Is also Agent for Um
Buck Patent Cooking Stove,
Furnace Work, Steam Fittings, Etc., a Specialty. A Full Stock on Hani.
Ileal Kfttate HrnVrr,
In consequence of the demand for those
beautiful lex-el lots, Mr. P.C.Warren has
been induced to plat ninety-six lots
Adjoining VVarrcnton on the East.
Which xvill be known and sold as
East Warrenton I
Chainins a Fish Wheel.
iftYvr "ScreUry, Astoria aud Co-
KM pencils, xiiey nrc uue.
Griffin & Reed.
A fish xx'heel just being erected by
some Chinamen up the river, broke
loose from its moorings, and had to be
chained to be kept from following the
course of the stream to the ocean
The Dalles Times-Mountaineer.
A Safe Investment.
Is one xvhich is guaranteed to bring
you satisfactory results, or in case of
failure a return of purchase price. On
this safe"plan you can buy from our
adx-crtised druggist a bottle of Dr.
King's Nexv Discox'ery for consumption.
It is guaranteed to bring relief in every
case, xvhen nsetl for any afTection of
Throat, Lungs or Chest, such as Con
sumption, 0 Inflammation of Lungs,
IJroncintis, Asinma, xvnooping uougn.
Croup, etc, etc. It is pleasant and
agreeable to taste, perfectly safe, and
can always he depended upon. Trial
bottles free at J. W. Conn's drugstore.
Wo have let out our hired man and
now do all the mental and all the me
chanical xvork ourself, assisted at the
case by our seven lovely daughters
(unmarried, marriageable). Ve lnix-e
inspiring hopes that by these econom
ical reforms xx-e will be able to make
our chnrming wife's money suffice to
support the paper and maintain the
lamuy unm we are xvorneu lino iimt
honored grave whose eager mouth
awaits our worn out body. Kent Ad
vertiser. HI:rit Wins.
We desire to say to our citizens that
for years xve hax-e been selling Dr.
King's Nexv Discovery for Consumption,
Dr. King's Nexv Life Pills, Iluklcifs Ar
nica Salx-c and Electric Bitters, ami
have nex-er handled remedies that sell
as well, or that have gix-en such unixer
sal satisfaction. "We do not hesitate to
guarantee them every time, and xve
stand ready to refund the purchase
price, if satisfactory results do not fol
loxv their use. These remedies haxe
xvon their great popularity purely on
their merits. J. W. Conk, Druggist.
THE RAILROAD runs through the plat,
xvhich is onlv 200 vards from the Warrenton
depot. For further information call at
once on the
A Snap in Real Estate.
11 1-2 Acres, Close to River and Street
Car Line, Only $500 Per Acre,
for a few Days Only.
W.xt. W. XVitEitr.v.
S. A. WllF.URV.
KiciiAiin II.vnnY,
Civil Engineer.
Wherry & Harry,
Real Estate
$5,000 Can be Made on this Property Within 3 Months.
iiia 1 e m wmmmm
2l.ot.l Sstate Brokers,
Odd Fellows' Building,
City and Suburban Property Sold on Com
mission. Investments Made Tor
Outside Parties.
There Arc Some IIce Itooms.
Over the Mikado camly store, suitable
for oflices, for lent. Apply to Alex
The peculiar combination, proportion
and preparation of Hood's Sarsaparilla
makes this medicine different from
others and superior to them all in ac
tual curative poxx'er. Sold by all drug
gists. Prepared by C. I. Hood & Co
Apothecaries, Loxvell, Mass.
Tke IIefiman Ileusc Cigar.
The La Paloma cigar aud other fine
brands of clears; the finest iu the city,
at Charley Olsen's, next to C. 11. Cooper.
AtlcHtlea, l. o. O. F.
All members of Beaver Lodge No. .T5,
I. O. O. F., are requested to attend the
regular meeting on Thnrsday evening,
May 15th, to take decisix-e action in re
lation to the purchase of cemetery
grounds. The committee have the op
tion on a suitable piece and wish in
struction from the Lodge to purchase
or give it up. u. fc. w right,
Jat Tuttle,
G. Keed.
Fifty pair roller skates. 75c a pair,
worth $1, at Griffin & Reed's.
The latest style of Gents' Boots and
Shoes at P. J. Goodman's.
Mns. Winsi.oxv's Sootiiixo Syrup
should alxx-ays be used for children
teething. It soothes the child, softens
the gums, allaj-s all pain, cures xvind
chohc,andis the best remedy fordiar-rhaja.Twenty-fix'e
cents a bottle.
Heals Ceekcd to Order.
Private rooms for ladies and families:
at Central Restaurant, next to Foard &
WciHkarrt's Boer.
And Free Lniiclt at the Telephone Sa
loon, 5 cents;
Ludlow's Ladies' $3.00 Fine Shoes;
also flexible hand-turned French Kids,
at P. J. Goodman's.
No matter xvhat trade or
profession you choose you
xvill easily detect the men of
original ideas; the men xvho
push themselves uml the town
they live in ahead; men who
are a credit to their profession
and the community they live
in : hut you arc also sure to find
the imitators, those xvho are
at the rear end of the proces
sion, men xvho never have an
original, bright thought or do
an, bright act. If let
alone they xvill exist on xvhat
liberal, unsuspecting people
permit themselves to be rob
bed of; but no sooner does
the original, enterprising man
make a move, and the imitat
ing tail-ender tries to benefit
by his superior's genius.
Note the weak attempts of
the old-styled shops to imitate
my Saturday Surprise Sales.
It's enough to make a horse
I. W. Case, Hanker. JudfN
O. 11. Page.
Office on Third Street,
Near Court House,
Rest Quality. Lowest Prices.
Magnus C. Crosby
Dealer lu
Iron Pipe ami Fittings, Stoxes, Tin-x-are,
Sheet Lead. Strip Lead, Sheet Iron.
Tin and Copper.
Lots in Case's Astoria Are Now on Sale
Astoria Real Estate Co.
TERMS One-Half Cash; the Balance in Six and Twelve Months.
The Leading Tailors.
let Bads For Rent.
The conveniently located and commodious
net nicks knoxwi as the West Coast Packing
Co.'s, cm be rented on very reasonable
terms. For further particulars apply to
Thompson & Ross
Carry a Full Line of
Choice Staple and Fancy
Give Us a Call and Be Convinced.
Clilirei Cry fM-PitcMer's Castoria
For New Goods, Original
Styles and Low Prices
Look to
The Live Clothier and Hatter,
In the Occident Hotel BFd'i
Hustler & Aiken's
Fiedler : & : McDonald.
Call and See Onr Nobby Stock of Spring Goods
Just Arrived.
It comprises the latest goods in the market, anil xve offer them at prices never
before heard of in Astoria, and guarantee the best and most
comfortable fitting suits in the city.
Next to C. H. Cooper's
Astoria, Oregon.
C. P Upshur,
Shipping and Commission Merchant
ItTain St. Wharf, Astoria. Oregon.
Cannery Supplies
Block 26 is Now on Sale.
Lots oOxICO. All clear and Level.
Price xvill soon be advanced.
BLOCK II. ONLY A FEW LOTS LEFT! now ; don't xx-alt.
Odd Fellow's Building.
Fine Tabic Wise
DelixercdatCO cents a gallon, to any
Iiartofthe city. A line line of pure
Jalifornia xvines at loxv prices, at A.
W. Utzinger's Cosmopolitan saloon.
Barbour's Salmon Net Twines.
NEPTUNE Brand Salmon Twine,
WOODBERRY Cotton Lines and Twines
Of all Description Furnished at
Factory Prices,
Effected in First Class Companies,
Representing 13,000,000
.Hartford, Conn
New York,
Morgan & Sherman
And Dealers in
Special Attention Given to Filling
Of Orders.
And Supplies furnished at Satis-
factory Terms.
Purchases delivered In any part of tfee-cUy
Office and Warehouse
In Hume's New Building on Water Street.
P. O. Box 153. Telephone No. W.
astobia, omEeon.
Agency Pacific Express and Wells, Fargo A Co.
The Oregon Bakery
A. A. CLEVELAND, Proper.
M Bread, Cake ani Pastry
None hut the Best Materials Used.
Satisfaction Guaranteed Customers
Bread delivered In any part of the city.
J. B. Wyatt,
Hardware ani Ship CliaiNJftry,
Bright Varnish. Binacle Oil.
Canvas, Hemp Sail TwIm
Oil Wrought Iron SpfkST
Galvanized Cut Nalk.
Pure Oil, Bright Varnish,
uonon uanvas, item
liruun. xvrougnt
Agricultural laplemeKts, Swter
Machines, Paimts, Oik,
iij fUt 4-Xii