The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, May 14, 1890, Image 3

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    - - T' vy 5i '
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She gattg gtstoratt.
..MAY 14. 1E90
(Monday excepted.)
Publishers and Proprietors.
Astorxax Building, - Cass Street.
Tf ram of Subscription.
Served bv Carrier, per week . 13 els
Sent by Mall, per month V)s
Sent by Mall, one year $7.00
Free ol postage to subscribers.
The Astouian Kuarantees to its ad-. r
users the largest circulation of any new- p
per published on the Columbia river.
Speeches of State Treasurer Well)
aM Governor Fennoyer.
The ladies of Grace
are proposing to serve
on the 4th of July.
church guild
a fine dinner
Herman Wise had a new safe come
last evening. It is from the Morfler
safe company, of New York.
The net proceeds of the recent pic
nic of the "Woman's relief corps lo
Kindred Park amounted to S30.
A very large safe came down on the
steamer from Portland last evening,
consigned to the "Webb safe and lock
company agency, ot this city.
The Cowlitz liulhlin says Kalama
fishermen make S20 a day. They
won't make so much when the gear is
thicker between hero and the bar.
At the Cutting Packing company,
yesterday morning there was a blight
accident to the boiler. The damage
was but nominal, only it caused some
delay in the work.
A document was filed for record
yesterday which is a re-issue to cor
rect an error in the original convey
ance. It i n donation land claim of
nearly 100 acres in sections 9 and 1G,
township S north, range 10 wast, and
is from the United States to W. AV.
ltayiuoml and wife.
The Dirigo club had a rousing
meeting last night The club is now
composed ot GG members. O. Heilborn
resigned as vice-president and F. J.
Gnnn was elected instead. A com
mittee was appointed lo receive Col.
Kevins, who will speak next Monday
evening under the auspices of the
Yesterday Albert Knudson con
cluded he liad no further use for the
kiug of Norway, and Emil .Tension de
cided that for the balance or this
world's pilgrimage he would no longer
march under the royal hlaudurd of the
king or Denmark. As hoon as their
legal probationary time expires, they
will be enrolled as citizens of the land
which stands to-day one of the proud
et amid the nations of the civilized
world, and which in 551 days will cele
brate its 11 1th birthday anniversary.
The bteamship Oregon is due from
San Francisco this morning, with the
followiug passengers: S. llvman, A. D.
Watson, H. E. Flood, E. Griffith, C. A.
Clemens, W. G. Wallace, L. .1. Lock
hard and wife, A. C. Yandes, Mrs. M.
EL Mulkev and two children. W. Car
rier, R R Havs, S. Dastius, W. C.
Moran, .1. E. Tultle and wire, .T. Ray
mond, J. Haneman, A. 1). Uowen,
llicliard Sargent, M. Levy. S. B. Wil
kes, a W. Sholke, W. Luke, K. Boyle,
Mrs.Trondle. Miss Clifford, Mrs. C.
Dite, Mrs. F. A. Maxwell, Mrs. M.
Wclnstein, Mrs. W. F. Morehouse,
Mrs. J. F. Alexander. J. A. Mont
C P. Hantiucton Expres-o His Sati
The board of directors of the Astoria
and South Coast railway company,
had a meeting last evening at which
was read a letter received yesterday
morning from C. P. Huntington, presi
dent of the Southern Pacific company,
written from the hotel del Monte,
Monterey. CaU in which he expressed
great and evident satisfaction at the
promptitude with which the subsidy of
$200,000 had been subscribed, jis be
tokening Astoria's lively interest in
the ma tterot transcontinental railroad
Pursuant to his request the contract
of transfer was made up to be sent
him forthwith. The tenor of his letter
indicated that obstacles suggested as
possible to arise will be provided
against by him, and that no complica
tions or previous propositions of any
nature will be suffered to stand in the
It is probable that a committee
from the board will shortly go to San
Francisco to have a further and final
conference with Mr. Huntington.
Special Koticc.
The adjourned meeting of the Asto
ria Building and Loan Association, for
the election of officers and such other
business as may come before it, will he
held ats o'clock this Wednesday even
ing. W. L. Ronu, Secretary.
Attention, 1. O. O. F.
All members of Beaver Lodge No. ,1j,
I. O. O. F., are requested to attend the
recular meeting on Thursday evening,
May 15th, to take decisive action in re
lation to the purchase ot cemetery
cround. The committee have the op
tion on a suitable piece and wish in
struction from the Lodge to purchase
or give it up. C. JS. Wuiqiit,
.Jay Tutti.i:,
G. Ukf.p,
Fiftv pair roller skates. 7."ie a pair,
rorth$l, at Griftin fc Reed's.
Trv our Secretary, Astoria and Co
lumbia lead pencils. They are fine.
Griffix & Reed.
Two splendid pianos for sale cheap.
Anyone contemplating purchasing a
piMK) should call on Griffin fc Reed.
Sorcnson fc Gundorson offer a fine
bargain lor somebody to get a good
store and lodging house cheap. See
advertisement in another column.
At The Bastes Stere.
Wc-have just opened a case of French
Ckallles. The styles and colors are
wagnlficent, ami will be so'd at the
nominal price of 8Xc a yard. These
mods are sold everywhere for 10c and
lShfc. The Boston Store, opposite the
Psstonice, Sn ax ah ax Bros.
There Are Sene Nice Rooms,
Over the Mikado candy store, suitable
Tor oKces, for rent. Apply to Alex
The 1IAm IIuse Cigar.
TaVLxPakmia cigar and other fine
brawls of clears: the finest in the city,
at Worksy Olscn s, next to C. II. Cooper.
W.c4Khrt' Beer.
And Free Tfcnch at the Telephone Sa
Ludlow's Indies' $3.00 Fine Shoes;
mtof AwHrieaRd-turned French Kius,
The opening gun of the campaign
was fired last evening, the Democracy
commencing the contest Governor
Sylvester Pennoyer, state treasurer
George W. Webb, and John Gibson,
of Albina, came down last evening on
the '. ''. Rial, and were met at the
'd.c:c by C. .7. Treuchard, Sheriff
j Smith, Dr. Estes, Alex Campbell and
other, who escorted the guests to the
Utzinger's fine band paraded the
principal streets, discoursing excellent
music, starting at 7:30 r. m. and arriv
ing at the opera house about eight
o'clock, which was soon well filled,
there being quite a number of ladies,
and numerous Kepublicans.
In the boxes were P. W. Weeks and
wife, Mrs. Estes, Mrs. P. Grant, Post
master Bell and wife, Mrs. L Bergman,
Mrs. IL Chrislensou, Mrs. G. W.
Webb, George Nolaud and wife, lev.
S. M. Campbeli and wife, Mrs. N.
Bergman, Mrs. J. E. liiggins, George
llibbertandU. W. .Dunbar.
On the platform were the governor,
slate tre:isurer, John Gibson, C. J.
Trenchard, John H. Smith, Dr. O. B.
Estes, J. E. Higgius, Isaac Bergman,
John Kopp, John Caswell and Col.
Frank Chenault
The members of the band occupied
orchestral chairs, and opened the ex
ercises at 8:15 r. M., by playjug
"America,'' in fine style.
John IL Smith advanced lo the
front of the stage and introduced the
man who holds the money of the
stale and who is a candidate for re
election, Hon. George W. Webb, stale
Mr. Webb in this, his first visit lo
Ahtoria, was glad so warm a reception
has been tendered to the governor ot
whom he claimed lo be the body
guard. Have no speech to make, the
governor will do that Never heard
of a stale treasurer who was faithful
to his duly, who was anything of a
speech-maker. Glad to see so many
ladies in the audience, it shows they
are interested in the campaign, and
hope they will lend their efforts in
helping Astoria on the second day of
June, roll up a big majority for Gover
nor Pennoyer.
He said, "I desire lo call your at
tention to a few facts in connection
with the present administration and
its conduct of "the financial affairs.
When I went in ollice, the stale was
$100,001) in debt I soon ascertained
that the United States owed us $12,
000; this was collected and with the
proceeds from the sale of swamp lands
the entire debt has been wiped out,
until now we do not owe a dollar.
'The common school fund has leen
well managed under a Democratic
board. In January, 18S7, we
had in the school fund $780,
000 in notes and mortga
ges which I received from my prede
cessor. January 1st of this year, we.
held $1,000,000 in notes and mortgages,
all of which are gilt edged securities,
and our school fund is in fine shape.
From the interest on these in July,
18S7, 1 paid one dollar on each child
entitled to school money, and this
year on 87,000 children they will each
draw 1.53, showing a maiked in
cre:isc You will soon be called upon
to choose between Philip Metschan
and vour humble servant He is a
good man but I am not here to talk j
for him, but for myself, and as I have
faithfully performed the duties, I
again ask vour votes, for which I will
be thankfiil."
The band then rendered " Hail Co
lumbia" in stirringstrains, appreciated
bv all.
"At 8:30 i m. County Clerk C. J.
Trenchard stepped forward and said
4,I have been honored with the duty of
presenting to you one who is well
known to many. He has been gover
nor of this state for some time, and
we propose to mako him governor for
some time more. You will now listen
to Governor Pennoyer.'
The governor said l'L am glad to see
so many present, especially so
mauv ladies, and desire to return my
thanks for the very handsome major
ity you rolled up for me four years
ago." In visiting Astoria now, I am
invigorated by the glorious breezes
wafted in from the ocean, and by the
cordial greeting you have given me."
He then gave a sketch of his admin
istration during the three and a half
years he has ocenpied the guberna
torial chair, claiming that the expenses
have been much less than before.
Considerable time was given to a
review of the portage railroad and the
boat railway, to overcome the obstruc
tions in the Columbia river between
The Dalles and Celilo, claiming
that the former could be constructed
in a year, and by voting the Demo
cratic ticket that plan would be en
dorsed, but if you vote the Republican
ticket you favor the boat railway,
which will cost far more, and take
thirty-five years to complete.
The locks and canals at the Wil
lamette Falls, Oregon City, were next
discussed, and statement made that
the company has never paid a cent
into the school fund as ten per cent
of their profits as provided by law
when they were constructed. They
revert to" the state in 1892, and the
state should take them, or compel
the company to reduce the rates of
toll. D. P.'Thompson, Mr. Eastham
and Mr. Morey are all owners of
stock in the lock company and are
all candidates for office on the
Republcan ticket, so that he claimed
they should not be elected, especially
at tins time when the question of
disposing of the locks will come up
for action.
D. P. Thompson's official record
as receiver ot the Holladay estate and
as mayor of Portland was severely
criticised, especially while holding the
latter office he had virtually encroached
upon the river line and taken in a
strip 40 x 200 feet, worth S100,000,
without any payment therefor, and
which the sneaker designated as
Thompson's "real estate bay window."
The lauor question was urouguc up,
and an effort made to show that his
position thereon had been right, while
his competitor's record in that direc
tion was the reverse.
He also charged his opponent with
securing the nomination by illegal and
dishonest means in the expenditure of
money, and that the same method of
buying the election was also being
resorted to by Mr. Thompson.
The inevitable tariff question
"bobbed up serenely" and the governor
illustrated tariff for revenue and for
protection, bringing in the stories of
James Otis in 17G1, and the flag of
"Free trade and sailors' rights," as
floatincr at the masthead of Paul Jones'
ship in 1812. The question of taxes
petitor, the story of the battle otTrz.
algar was given, where Lord Nelson ;
displayed the banner, "England expects
every man to do his duty."
The governor said. "Now at this
time in this matter of the equalization j
of taxes, Oregon expects every man ,
ofvou to do his duty. Yon are to!
decide the question at the polls, and
I trust to God your decision will be a
just one. I thank you," and the ad
dress was ended, ho having spoken one
hour and ten minutes.
The band played the glorious old
piece "Bed, White and Blue," after
which C. J. Trenchard called for
"three cheers for Governor Pennoyer,
and the Democratic ticket," and after
they were given, the audience dispersed.
A Proposal to Fund the Dent aM
Issue Bonis.
Am Filed in The Connty Recorder Office
Oregon Land Co. to Mary
Davis, block 42, Pacific.
E. H. Thompson to Daniel
Campbell, lots 9 and 10,
blk 12, Warrenton
John Martin to Mathew
Lamley, lot 3, blk 1, Warrenton
C. W. and Jennie L. Stone to
W. M. McCain, lot 41, blk
5, Merri wether Downs 75
Previouslv reported this
year. . .. $1,319,103
exi: noi'irs
At a regular council meeting last
evening, a petition from Messrs. Hen
derson. TJrauhart and Clayton ask-
Not a Pimple on Baby:
Halt otic year old. Had iri.'i I'ezvma.
Jfizir a'll Gone. Scalp covered icith
eruptions. Cured by t'uiieztra. Hair
splrudid and uol a ;ii;iJj- on htm.
j Cured bySytieuraj!. ) j eiuiiiitsir (ikii!".i l uraise of thu Clt-
kt'ha Kkmhiuks. My hoy when one year
of aj:c was m had ih eczema that he lot
nil of his Inir. His scalp was covered with
eni:ious. which the doctors said was scall-hea-l.
and that his liair would never jjruw
uun. iJCSi-aSimsoir.ciirc iromjmysiciaH5:,
: v i;k
H H l HHi
I tiej:.m the use f Citicci:
ing for a franchise for a messenger 'ami.i amlum to say. witn tae intwr-
-it i feet Miccess. HH hair N now .p'endid. aud
deliver." and district telegraph, was , tiicrctsnotariinp'.emi hha. I recommend
read and referred to committee on SS
streets, with instructions
to draft an all 5kia dUrases of infants and children. and
1 fnal Ihnt nv.orv mntlmr irtn Ills nil fifltifltpd
. -, it . . !, 1r; "".. --'J." - "-.w .-- ....
orumance in accoraancc luerewuu.
A petition from the Astoria St rail-
child uiil thank me for so ilolnsi.
Miss. M. E. WOODSUM. Norway, Me.
Total to date 81,320,103
Capt J. G. Hustler contemplates a
sojourn at Klamath Springs.
Miss Emma Warren will take an
eastern trip at the close of her school
Mis3 Katie McKean will shortly
graduate at the San Jose, Cat, nor
mal school.
Governor Pennoyer, State Treasurer
Webb and wife, return to Portland on
the steamer this morning.
Johu A. Montgomery returns from
California this morningon the steamer,
very much improved in health.
Chas. Francis Adams, president of
the Union Pacific, and vice-president
Holcomb, will arrive in Portland next
A. B. McKean, who has been visit
ing his brother S. T. for the last four
months returns to California on the
outgoing steamer to-day.
Herman C. Smith leaves to-day on
the steamer State of California for
San Francisco, and goes thence to
lledwood City, San Mateo county,
where he expects to remain.
Capt C. M. Noyes, of the bark
C'oZomff, in company with BalphHoyt,
Miss Nelson and Miss Armstrong,
three passengers who have been on
his vessel from hero to China and re
turn, enjoyed a portion of yesterday
afternoon, in riding about the city.
'I he New Life Savins Station.
way Co., referring to ordinance 1,150,
granting a franchise to the Astoria St
Railway Co., aud asking for an exten
sion of time of GO days from June 1st,
1890 to comply with sec. 11, was
granted, the time being curtailed lo
30 days.
Property owners on Jackson street
asked for nrivileire to build a oridiron
wharf at the north end of the street; i caaut-
pelition referred to committee on
wharves and water froutoge.
Proper!' owners on Third street
petitioned to have that street improved
from Madison to Spruce streets; peti
tion granted.
A petition from Jackson street prop-.
erty owners asking for the construe- j
tion of a terra cotla sewer, was: The nw illood and Skin purilicraml purest
granted. and best of Humor Remedies. Internaliwaml
fYnrf ;fnvr nrnnertv owners iati- ClTirrKA. the uvat Skin Cure, and Cuti
uourt street propen owner pai ( CUUASOAlvmeA(,nWte skla Heautmer. ex-
tioned to have the grade or that street finally, speedilypermanently and econom-
ro-established: petition referred to citv leallv cure everv urease and humor of the
Kiirvevor for action thereon skm cl,l :iml Wood, with loss of hair,
stirrcjorioracuoniuLreou. , wheiher iicuiiu:. liumuix. scaly, pimply.
Liquor licenses were granted lo ! wrorIous or uoreditanC uhen alt other
Thomas Graves, George Hill, George i remedies fail.
LaZallelL Bieppa, Sam Olsen and! Sold everywhere. PHee, Ciricu.,50c;
H Jeldness i'.i'ie: Prepared by Hie
A communication from the Astoria ; StoS" ASU ' II,UI,,'A-- C0BroBA
chamber of commerce regarding the' RgrSend for "How to Cure Skin"
necessity ot street improvements aud I " !?, MllluMniHons and too testimonials
proffering auy aid the chamber could nf,nu,nski :lIlli .,, ..reserved and
Fever Sore Eight Years
I must extend to you the thank of one of
my customers, who has been cured by using
the COTicuit.v Remedies, of an old sore,
c i usmI by along spell of slcknes-s or fever
ehilit years ao. He was so had lie wa3 fear
ful he would nave-tn have his !es amputat
ed, but is liappv to say he is now entirely
well. sound as a "dollar. He requests me to
use his name, which Ml!. II. CasOX, mer-
Drusxiat, (laiaesboro.Teim.
We have been selling your Cuticuka
Remedies for years, and havv the first
complaint jet to receive from a purchaser.
One of the worst cacs of scrofula I ever saw
wa cur.'d by them.
TAYL R&TAYI.OR Frankfort, Kan.
Cuticura Resolvent,
White Goods.
Plaid Sashes.
and Buttons.
whuifl. H. COOPER
TkM Street.
The Leading Dry Good's and Clothing House of Astoria.
'. . ", ' ,, """" y " D h niP Skin aud Malu
give in tne matter, was reierrea to me , D4D1 O beaut I -led by
Absolutely pure.
1 I
ItjA lCli.i,fi Inliri? Itil I 1' Cltlifi2
and Weaknesses relieved In one
minute bv the Cuticura Anti-Pain
n.iMi-r. the first and onlv instantaneous
p liti-kilh : streimtheuiii'4 plaster. 'Si cents.
Decay f Anaeorte.
For Ladies !
Major T. J. Blakeucy yesterday in
spected the surf boat recently received
here for the new life saving station at
Fort Stevens. It was badly battered
en route, and an attempt made to re
pair it, but, putty and while lead is a
poor substitute for planks in a boat
intended for use of shipwrecked mari
ners in stormy, and the major de
clined to accept it unless placed in
proper trim.
Everything is in readiness for duty
at the new station except the boat and
crew, which deficiency will be supplied
:ts soon as possible. Major Ulakeney
has given orders for the construction
of a signal tower, and has also had
constructed a telephone line, which,
with the telegraph, will place the sta
tion in instant communication with
this city.
An Olyiupia Complaint.
'Some of the largest property
holders in Olympia," said a prominent
real estate man tills morning, "are the
very ones who discourage investments
by outsiders. Just us soon as they
hear of an intending purchaser, they
stick on two or three thousand dollars
more than the price asked, without
regard to its real value. It was only
iesterday that I had a piece of
nronertv for sale, the real value ot
which was 20,000. My man was
willing to give $25,000, but as soon as
I notified the owner, he calmly stuck
on another S5,000. My man left the
city, and I heard this morning that
he'had put his S25.000 into Aberdeen
property. Such men as these would
retard the growth of any city."
Tribune, 10.
AVill Re the Quern City.
city attorney and the mayor.
A remonstrance against the improve
ment of Court street was filed and ac
cepted. A request from Margaret McCann,
asking that the assessments on Cedar
street to the extent of S300
be taken off, and offering in lien
thereof to give a deed to the prop
erty occupied by the street, was re
ferred to street commitlee.
iv,x.v,luSw ,.. C. T. Smith arrived from Auacortes
f if-, icV.v; n... y ! Monday and gives a gloomy picture
rcl'.-- rr k 'of that one time booming town.
Knmio snnn.lnf tiio otv nf Atr?M ' Auacortes was christened after Mrs.
bearing G per cent, interest, due twenty Amos Bowman, the wife of the original
years from date, interest payable at i lownsitc proprietor, whose maiden
banking house of N. V. Hnrris fc Go., name was Ann Curtis. Bowman sold
Chicago, Ills., wo will pay you ?.2J;iirf 200,000 worth of property, and two
bonds to be paid for on delivery at some monlils ago coni,i 1IIVC closed out
leVred. 'uSffl , P Xwing U , rlb a million. lie kept reinvesting
torily legality or issno to be furnished us ls money, howewer,m the same place,
prior to payment for bonds. and is now reported lo be much era-
If hlnnk'bonds arc not ordered we will barrassed. Dnring the lalter part of
bo pleased to prepare form freo of ex-' Jfebruarv a Kpulalion of -1,0(J0 was
penso to yon, and have work executed by j claimed "for Anacortes, but now it
our own printer, with whom wo have a; a b aifficult to scare up a tenth
contract by the year, thus scennng good '..,, ,, x- .;,,i o
work at very low figures. of tliat "nmber. 1 ah i ma Jlei aid, S.
Yonrs truly, ""
N. W. ILvums & Co. j The A. ,V A, R. R.
On motion the city auditor and city j
attorney were instructed to corres- The Albanv & iVstoria Eailr0ad Co.
pond with IN. W. Harris & Co., as to 1 ar(J getting (heir surveying forces to
form of bond, etc, and to have an or-. ay for bnsiness in com.
dinance .prepared m compliance onQel; the" survey of the road to As
the part ot the cily with the propo- j Qri About fifteen men will form the
Regarding the ordinance
HAND-SEWED, DOUBLE SEAM SHOE. It never rips. It never squeaks.
flexible than a hand turn.
5 J
It requires no breaking in. More
Astoria, Oregon.
Setae!' s Addition.
I crew, and they will work from Astoria
providing , ji,.-,. ....... wha ,..,. has louht
Originator !
Mayor Cro3by, of Astoria, was in
the city Wednesday, and in an inter
view with our reporter, laid it out as a
bare cold fact, that Astoria will have
a railroad within a year. He states
that the contract has been signed with
the Southern Pacific, and if one road
is built two others will follow suit
The mayor is somewhat conservative
in his ideas, but is filled up to the
chin, that some day Astoria will be
the Queen City of the Columbia.
WiUapallejmblican, li.
The Modern Midas.
.. . , 1 . Mi. . v.vs.iw.
lortne unmooring ot nouses in uic,r1lli. i,n: fn; n,n hnoinnca
city of Astoria, the committee re- in ch of Mr. John Schmeer,
ported recommending that he ordi- J nml tberc nromises lo be use for tuem
nance be amended so as to have Ihe ; at an earlv artc.-Bcmovrat ,9.
houses number fifty to the block m
McUlure s Astoria, and one hundred
in Shively's; the report was adopted
and the ordinance passed to second ?
reading. j
An ordinance providing for the im
provement of a part of Third street,
was passed under suspension of the
Ordinance providing for the im
provement of Polk Jackson and Madi
son streets were passed.
The following claims were ordered '
paid: S. H. Willet. $1.2o; Astoria I
Iron works, $2.80; M. C. Crosbv, 81.25; J
Liddicoat & Crib, $28: Chas. Heilborn,
$133.10; Manchester Locomoiive
works, $1.55; Astor House, S21.-1S:
Astoria Gas .Light company, S17.90; :
West Shore nulls, $381.;0; Sunset
Telephone Co., S3; West Shore Mills,
7:20; Clalsop Mill Co., S10.5G; Car-
ruthers & Co., $10.25; snndrv persons,
Sia20; $52.80; Foard .t Stokes $G..)5;
M C. Crosbv, S3 L05;Carrnthers & Co..
$3.50; H." B. Thielsen, $312;
street improvement funds: 11. Stone,
SH9.10; Ross & Wirt, S191; IL Stone,
S265; Jas. Taylor, S2SL20.
A resolution authorizing the com
mittee on public property to receive
proposals for the erection of an engine
house in the second ward, was adopted.
Tho committee on fire and water
were further authorized by resolution
to correspond with manufacturers of
Gre apparatus, with a view to ascer
taining the cost ot au engine for tho
second ward. Adjourned.
Postmaster Jas. Y. Hare.
ILs in this Beautiful Addition for sale at
SCO each ; $'.M down, balance $10 per
month, rials aud copy of ab
stract furnished Iree.
Astoria Suburbs !
Five Acre Tracts east of Astoria and only
one and one-half mile from Columbia
River at $300 each ; $100 cash,
balance $50 per month.
The New Model Range
Aj?ent. Call aud Examine It ; Yon Will be Tl eased. E.R. Ilawes Is also Agent for the
Buck Patent Cooking Stove,
Furnace Work, Steam Fittings, Etc., a Specialty. A Full Stock on Hand.
Heal F.itato RroLer,
la consequence of the demand for those
beautiful level lots. Mr. 1. C. Warren has
been induced to plat ntuety-six lots
Adjoining Warrenton on the East.
Which will be known and sold as
East Warrenton !
THE KAILKOAD runs through the plat,
which is only 200 yards from the Warrenton
depot. For further information call at
once on the
A Snap in Real Estate.
11 1-2 Acres, Close to River and Street
Car Line, Only $500 Per Acre,
for a few Days Only.
S. A. WlIKltllV.
Civil Engineer.
Wherry & Harry,
Real Estate
$5,000 Can be Made on this Property Within 3 Months.
wnif to m Bim
Heal Sstate Broltors,
Odd Fellows' Building,
Mr. Huntington has the magic of
Midas who turned to gold every
thing ho touched. It is worth
thousands of dollars to have him
merely look at a town as he did at
Astoria. Salem Journal.
Knows How to Do a Good Thing.
Astoria knows how to do a good
thing for itself right promptly. The
people there raised a bonus of S200,
000 in twenty-four hours to secure the
railroad promised by Huntington.
East Uregonian,10.
This Is the best time of the whole
year to purif y your blood, because now
you are more susceptible to benefit from
medicine than at any other season.
Hood's isarsaparilla is the best medicine
to lake, and it is the most economical.
100 Doses One Dollar.
was reviewed ana uiewisu uuerea
that thev micrht be more evenly levied
upon the wealth, as ho claimed the
burden of taxation rested more heavily
on the poor than on the rich. After
getting several more shots at bis corn-
It Cob and Should.
A private letter from "Washington,
D. C, states that the Oregon congres
sional delegation have agreed upon
the name of Jas. W. Hare to be re
commended to President Harrison for
postmaster of this city. He received
the unanimous endorsement of the
delegates to the recent Republican
county convention, and will, doubt
less, receive the appointment, and be
promptly conflrmed by the senate.
Next in order will be his commission
and the filing of his official bonds, and
then Postmaster Hare will take charge
of the Astoria postoffice.
Merit Wins.
We desire lo say to our citizens that
for years we have been scllim: Dr.
Kinu's New Discovery for Consumption,
Dr. King's New Life Pills, Bukleirs Ar
nica Salve and Electric Bitters, and
have never handled remedies that sell
as well, or that have given such univer
sal satisfaction. We do not hesitate to
guarantee them every time, and we
stand ready to refund the purchase
firice, if satisfactory results do not fol
ow their use. These remedies have
won their great popularity purely on
their merits. .1. W. Coxy. Druggist.
TelepheaeLiedjciHc Heasc.
Best Beds in town. Rooms per night
50 and 25 cts, per week S1.50. New and
clean. Private entrance.
If Astoria can raise 200,000 in one
day for a railroad to the Willamette
valley, why can't Salem raise half that
sum for a Tailroad to deep water?
Salem Statesman, 11.
A Safe lBYCstmeat.
Is one which is guaranteed to bring
you satisfactory results, or in case of
faiiure a return of purchase price. On
this safe plan you can buy from our
advertised druggist a bottle of Dr.
King's New Discovery for consumption.
It is guaranteed to bring relief in every
case, when used for any affection of
Throat, Lungs or Chest, such as Con
sumption, Inflammation of Lungs,
Croup, etc., etc. It is pleasant and
agreeable to taste, perfectly "safe, and
can always be depended upon. Trial
bottles free at J. W. Conn's drugstore.
Coffee and cake, ten wnts. at the
uenirai itestanrant.
Remember the Austin house at the
Seaside is open tho 3ear.round.
Mns. Winslow's SooTrnxa Syrup
should always be used for children
teething. It soothes the child, softens
the gums, allays all pain, cures wind
chohc and is the. brat romodv fordiar-
rlicea.Twenty-five, cents a bottle.
Meals Ceekcd to Order.
PrivateTooms for ladies and families:
at Central Restaurant, next to Foard Sr.
No matter what trade or
profession you choose you
will easily detect the men of
original ideas; the men who
push themselves and the town
the' live :n ahead; men who
are a credit to their profession
and the community the live
in: hut you are also sure to find
the imitators, those who are
at the rear end of the proces
sion, men who never have an
original, bright thought or do
an original, bright act. If let
alone they will exist on what
liberal, unsuspecting people
permit themselves to be rob
bed of; but no sooner does
the original, enterprising man
make a move, and the imitat
ing tail-endcr tries to benefit
by hts superior's genius.
Note the weak attempts of
the old-styled shops to imitate
ni Saturday Surprise Sales.
It's enough to make a horse
City and Suhurb:iu Property Sold on Com
mission. Investments Made for
Outside Parties.
I. W. Case, Banker. .Iud;;e C. II. Page.
Office on Third Street,
Near Court Houe,
Rest Quality. Lowest Prices.
Magnus C. Crosby
Dealer In
Iron Pipe and FitthiKS, Stoves, Tin
ware, and
Sheet Lead. Strip Lead, Sheet Iron.
Tin and Copper.
Lots in Case's Astoria Are Now on Sale
Astoria Real Estate Co.
TERMS One-Half Cash ; the Balance in Six and Twelve Months.
The Leading Tailors.
Net Raco For Rent
The conveniently loaded and commodious
net racks known as the West Coast Packing
Co.'s, can be rented on very reasonable
terms. For further particulars apply to
Cabinets 83 per dozen, to-day, at G. L.
Eastuian'sy Third St- Astoria.
The latest stylo of Gents Hoots and
Shoes at p. j. Goodman's.
Ckilirei Cry fwPitcker's Castoria
For New Goods, Original
Styles and Low Prices
Look to
The Live Clothier and Hatter.
In the Occident Hotel Bl'd'g.
Thompson & Ross
Carry a Full Line or
Choice Staple and Fancy
Give Us a Call and Be Convinced.
Hustler & Aiken's
Fiedler : & : McDonald.
Call and See Onr Nobby Stock of Spring Goods
Just Arrived.
It comprises the latest goods in the market, and we offer them at prices never
before heard of in Astoria, and guarantee the best and most
comfortable fitting suits in the city.
Next to C. H. Cooper's
Astoria, Oregon.
C. P. Upshur,
Shipping and Commission Merchant
luain St. Wharf, Astoria, Oregon.
Cannery Supplies
Block 26 is Now on Sale.
Lots 50x100. All clear and Level.
Price will soon be advanced.
Buy now
don't wait.
Odd Fellow's Building.
' FIhc Tabic Wise
Delivered at GO cents a gallon, to any
part of the city. A line line of pure
California wines at low prices, at A.
T. Utzinger's Cosmopolitan saloon.
Barbour's Salmon Net Twines.
NEPTUNE Brand Salmon Twine.
WOODBERRY Cotton Lines and Twines
Of all Description Furnished at
Factory Prices,
Effected in First Class Companies.
Representing 813,000,000
Hartford, Conn
. New York,
Agency Pacific Express and Well. Fargo 4 Co.
Morgan & Sherman
And Dealers In
Special Attention Clvento Filling
Of Orders.
And Supplies furnished at Satis
factory Terms.
Purchases delivered In any part of the dry
Office and Warehouse
In Hume's New Building on Water Street.
P. O. Box 153. Telephone No. 8T.
The Oregon Bakery
A. A. CLEVELAND, Prop'r.
M Bread, Cake and Pastry
None but the Best Materials Osed.
Satisfaction Guaranteed Customers
Bread delivered In any part of the city.
J. B. Wyatt,
Hardware and Ship Ckaidltry,
Pure Oil, Bright Varnish. Binacle Oil
rvrrrtn 1'nnvio iiAmv unit rn a "
Lard Oil, Wrought Iron Spikes.
Agricultural Implements, Sewtec
Machiaes, Paints, oils, .
Groceries, Bto.
" - -rr-tte"- "-.