The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, May 09, 1890, Image 1

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- i .M. i
Insurance and Real Estate Agents
If F Boole Si w
Children's : Carriages
PUR& -2
" u.ri-wy t
Used Ijv the United States Covcrmnrnt. Endorsed by the heads of the Great Univer
sities and lublic Food Analysts, as the Strongest, rarest and niobt Healthful. Dr. Price's
Oreani lUkinz Towder does "not contain Ammonia, Lime or Alum. Dr. Price's Delicious
Flavoring Ktracts. Vaiull:i. I-cmon, Orange, Almond, Hose, etc., do not contain Poison
ous Oils or Chemicals.
PRICE BAKING POWDER CO., New York, Chicago, San Francisco
There ii m occasion for the most fastldt
is d our citizens lo Mnd to Portland or
u Francisco for
Custom Made Clothes
.v they can c-t Hetter Fits, lletter Work
manship, and for less Money.
Hr IeaMnp their Orders with M EANY.
Now Coods bv Every Steamer.
Call and -ee him and salisfj yourself.
P. J Meany. Merchant Tailor.
John i:.dersoj:, J'rci A. T., Myr.
Notary Public
ThB Pacilc Real Estate Co. "
lncorjionited March "JO, IRK)
Kcnl : aud : I'rrfceual : Property
RougM and Sold on Commission.
Offier on Third SL, near tin Central Hotel.
Corresiondence Solicited,
.torla, ... Oregon
J. B. Wyatt,
Hardware and Ship Chandlery,
Inre Oil. Bright Varnish, llinaclc Oil,
Cotton Canvas, Hemp Sail Twine.
1-mlOil. Wrought Iron Spike,
Galvanized Cut Nails.
Arricsltsral iwplements, Sewing
Xacklacs Paints, Oils,
Kindred Park.
THIS Fine Tract of Land adjoining New Astoria, is by far the most beautiful
site that hasbecn placed on the market. The lots are large, the streets
wide, and grand, broad avenues run through the entire tract. If you are
seeking a home vJhere health and beauty are combined, come and buy yourself
.7 mrc ;amm-mn
m JMunr!! K
Our Standard Bearer,
State Treasurer Webb !
Will address the citizens of Astoria, at Koss'
Opera House, at 7 :30 o'clock, on TUESDAY,
MAY isth. 1890, on the Political Issues of
tne uay. I'.vrrybociy is invited. Kcforveu
seats for ladies.
Arc ready to raise and move houses.
We are l he boss at building streets, skle
wa'ks and bulttheads. Shingling houses a
specialty. Jack screw., hi eking, rollers and
cribs for rent. Shop on Fourth St., bet. Cass
and Genevieve.
Dfiicratlc Rally
Anotlier National Bank Will le Es
talsM in Astoria.
Special by Tho CaIi!ornU As3oriiTn 1'ecss.
Washington', JIay 8.- f n tho United
States senate to-day, Senator Mitchell
presented a petition relative to
Oregon's Indian depredation claims,
and made a short speech, calling atten
tion to the fact that the committee
having charge of these claims had as
yet made no report on any of them.
He urged them to do so.
Consideration of the silver bill, by
unanimous consent, was postponed
until Monday, when it could be taken
up, not to "bo laid aside until final
action can be had.
Territorial bills will go over until
after deGnite action on tho silver bill.
JVcvadn Versus Texits.
Special to Thk
Washington, ATay 8. In the senate
to-day Stewart, from the committee oT
irrigation of arid lands, presented a
majority report. Regan presented si
minority report. Ho introduced a bill
as a substitute for the majoritv report
Deliberations in tlic Iloutc.
Special to Thk Astouian.j
"Washington, Hay 8. The house
met at 11 o'clock. JJockery, of Mis
souri, took the lioor and proceeded to
address the committee of the whole on
the tariff bill. He spoke for one hour.
tJiu.tmgh, of Michigan, then took the
Pacific Const Postmaster..
Special to "I iik AsrouiAX.
"Wasiiixgtox, May 8. -The president
to-day nominated Samuel "W. liackns
to 1k postmaster at Sau Francisco;
John W. Green, at Los Angelas;
Charles 11. Weathcnvax, at Placer
ville; Isaac S. Miller, Ontario; Mrs.
Clara D'Arcy, Fuyallup, Wash.
Change iii Postmasters.
Special to The astohian.
Wasiiixgtox, May 8. The follow
ing changes have been made in post
masters of Oregen: Allie Carey, at
Dolph, Tillamook countv, vice Carrie
E. Hill, resigned; C. E. Koss, at Hunt
ington, Baker county, vice E. B. Boss,
resigned; F. E. Hatch, at Sandy,
Clackamas county, vice b. 15. Hatch,
deceased; A. H. Diven, at Woldport
county, vice J. D. Spencer, resigned.
Chairman Decline to Report.
Spec'al to Thk Astohi an.
Washington, May 8. The house
committee on Pacific roads to-day
postponed final action, Chairman Dal
zell declining lo reiort the senate bill
as instructed, he insisting that the
Union and Central Pacific should be
on even terms as to interest Bur
roughs then made some remarks.
When Burrouglis finished McMillan
arose and proceeded to address the
committee from a Democratic stand
point of view.
An Enterprise Involving niany
Special to Thk Astoiuan
Wasiuxgtox, May 8. The depart
ment of slate is officially informed
that the province of Buenos Ayres has
rejected the bid of 35,000,000 made
by Samuel B. Sale & Co., for the
Great Westrern railway and has ex
tended tho time for further bids till
August the 11th next.
The line runs from Buenos Ayres
9G1 kilometers in a northwesterly di
rection through the most populous
and fertile part of the republic The
official inventory fixes the valuo of its
lines aud lauds at 27,970,027.58 and of
its rolling stock, otc, at $7,917,202.75.
Ten percent on this amount is added
by way of right of working, making
the total valuation of S16,G13,-i77.
Tenders are lo bo accompanied by a
certificate of deposit of Sl,200,000 in
a provincial bank, and the lines will
not be delivered till 50 per cent of the
price is paid. On the part of tho gov
ernment, it is agreed that there shall
bo no competition against the lines for
fifteen years and that exemption from
taxation and importation due3 shall bo
granted them.
Oklahoma Officials.
Special to TnE Astohiav.
WAsinxoTox, May 8. The presi
dent sent the following nominations
to the senate to-day for the territory
of Oklahema: Geo. W. Steele of In
diana, governor; Bobt Martin of Okla
homa, secretary; supreme court of
ficials, Edward B. Green of Illinois,
Chief justice; Abraham J. Seay, of
Wis., and John G. Clark, of Wis., as
sociate justices; Warren S. Lurby of
Virginia, United States marshal;
Horace Speed of Oklahoma, TJ. S.
Application for Anetker National
Bank at Aaterla.
Special to Thk Astokiax.J
WASirxxGTox, May 8. E. B. Edeo
of Pawnee City, Nebraska, and associ
ates have applied to the comptroller
of the enrrency for authority to organ
ize a national bank at Astoria, Oregon.
: i
A Caiicufc of the Republican
Sp2clal to Thk Astoria.n.
Wasiiixgtox, May 8. The Re
publican senatorial caucus this morn
ing was largely attended. The silver
question was" agaiu the subject of
discussion and again no agreement
was reached. The silvermen refuse to
accept and support a bill containing
the clause which will permit tho re
demption of purchase rates on bullion
under any condition.
Senator .Tones who had been ex
pected lo open the debate on the bill
- . ' . -. I
iew lork. lie was telegrapnea lo a""-" ........... .. .. iU1,.i.u
yesterday by his colleague, senator Hon twenty days after the cnumera-
Slewart,"of Nevada. In answer sena- Hon is made.
tor Jones did not fix anv lime for his - - - -
return and stated that he would make . uy.yam rrr. IN J!ic v.o.
his speech when he came back. Sen-;
ator Vest will ofier a substitute for 5 ttclllIt to Assassinate a lolirc
tho pending bill. , officer.
An Important Amendment. JSpeclallo Jm: Aroi:xx.l
Special to Thk Astorux.1 ' Chicago, May 8. -Inspector Eber-
Washixgtox, Mav 8. Tho senate sol(1- r tl,e Chicago police depart
inter -state commerce committee ""'. narrowly escaped death from
favorably reported the bill to amend 10 explosion oi a torpedo which was
section five of the inter-state commerce thrown at hiiii last night. A similar
act, making international railroads attempt to kill him was made, presum
subject to provisions of the inter-state ably by the same parties, a few days
law. .
Worsted (Joes as Woolen.
Special to Thk Ast ki v.v.i
W.vsinxoTON', M"ay 8. -The senate '
to-day passed the Xiiirley house bill .
to classtfv all worsted cloth as woolen. !
An Important Order.
Special to TiikA'Tiikian.1
Wasiiixgtox. May 8. The Mlow-.
ing order was issuetl to-day by genend
superintendent or the railway mail
service bill:
General order No. 313 all oniccs and
R. P.O. Hues handling foreign mail for
dispatch for San Francisco, Cal., Arill
make up the same in packages pro-1
iwriv lnlinlo.1 iriinii flirn rn qJv nr .
more letters for foreign dispatch ; when '.
there are less than six letters they J
should be included with the California !
state mail. The present practice of.
including this foreign matter with San
Francisco city mail must bediseon-'
tinned at once. !
Federal Election ESill.
Si-eeial toTilK ASTOltiAX J
AVashixgtox, May 8. Chairman
Rowell, who was authorized by the
Republican caucus to draft a federal
election bill, to-day rcjiorled a bill
which provides for federal supervisors
of elections and proposes to extend to
all congressional districts, the provision
of law by which federal supervisors
of elections are now appointed
for large cities. The circuit judge
appoints supervisors, who nominate
deputies, who shall see that no unfair
means arc used. Supervisors shall
record rejected voles for future refer
ence in case of a contest.
To Prevent Chinese Coining.
Special to Thk Asroui.vx.l
Wasiiixgtox, May 8. - Dolph's
senate resolution requesting the pre
sident to negotiato with Great Britain
aud Mexico, with the purpose of
securing a treaty of stipulation
for the prevention of the entry of
Chinese into this country, con-!
trary law, to-day reported favorably ! der water,
to the house by Morrow, from foreign - . .
affairs. It will bo called up in the A Itailroad Agreement.
house at an early day. Morrow alo ! Spec.:! i :: Astohi ixl
presented a substitute for Vandover':; j Ciiit'UJO, May, 8. Nineteen lines
resolution, providing for an inter-( cast and west of the Missouri river to
national commission to settle the Mex- ' dav airreed unon and adopted the new
ican bouudary, and oilier questions j
between the two countries.
senator m:c;'s bjtxi:iea:.
by Distinguished
Special to Thk Asto ua.v.J
Lexixgtox, Ky., May 8. The fu
neral of senator Beck "took place at
the first Presbyterian church which j
was niieu wun an amuence oi persons
lir?finmiilinl iiIitiinl nnd rvnui! 1
UBUigmauu. iu jnmuuai uu. NW..I
life in Kentucky. Up to tho bonr or
the funeral, thn hrwlv l.-iv in rnrn in
the church and was viewed by thou-
sands of citizens. Business gen-
erally suspended during the time the
services were in progress. The Tmb. i
I nc ouuuings are urapeti in mourning.
Five hundred people attended the
funeral of senator Beck, all the state,
county and city authorities. Several
companies of stale militia escorted
the remains after a brief and simple
service at the First Prespyterian
church, to their last resting place.
Union Pacific Branch.
Special to Tun astoriax 1
New Youk, May 8. Tho contract
for the Uniou Pacific short line from
O'Neil, Neb., to Salt Lake City, a dis
tance of 830 miles, has been signed.
Ioel Clinmpion Games.
Special to Tub AsrOKiix.l
NEwYonK,May 8. The pool cham
pionship between Deoro and Alfred
Powers began here to-night; three
games or 200 poiuts each.
Deoro won, 200 to 173.
The Governor's Funeral.
Special to TnK Astoriax.1
Chicago, May 8. The funeral
services of the late Governor Shuman
took place at the family residence in
Everston, la, this afternoon a large
number of friends were present and
the body was placed in a lot at Rose-hill.
Kindred Park.
If you are seeking an investment whereby you can double and treble your money in a short time, do
not fail to buy in Kindred Park. Call early, examine this Property and buy a few lots before the prices
advance. Lots at present are only $125 ani $150- Terms: Half cash, and balance in three months.
Officers ani Inmates of a Lunatic
Asylum Roasted in Flames.
j,ai:oi: sittatiox jx chicav.o.
Special by Tho California Associated Press.
New York, May 8. -Robert P.
Porter, superintendent of the eleventh
federal census, being interviewed to
day, said: Everything is progressing
admirably. He will give out the re-
ciilf r ( !ia ntififiinrnf inn rf i Trntiln
lioijt to tlic Springs.
Sp.'fi il t r ik As:-i:i vx.i
Mixnieai'omj, M"ay 8. .lohn S.
Crt).-a, at the firm of Cord t Cros3, or
this iity. Ins been miuini; for over a
we'k. llisshorl$iS.il0i). priueipallv
' on raned forg.'d checks bearing the
signature of W. C. Paire- a wealthy
,1,l:,,pr '" "'ve slock,
" journalist Snes itlillionairc.
. jee..t:i T.n: ArouiAN l
,T ,- -,r J ,, T ,
1TO ,loi:!:' 1,a' ', felSflS0
"'J!"" ,,a eou x f"r fi00 in
-'bbel suit brought by Gniliam, the
citv editor of the World. Graham is
" " -HJ arrcsittl Oil JIIIIOII a CtHll-
l,la,nt for criminal libel.
.. SJ51). won ;
'"' "
smolu-d n lipe Witii '6'erriMu
Nonwicu, N. Y., May S.- The Chen
ango county alms house was destroyed
by lire last night. The lire started in
the insane ward, where fifty lunatics
were confined, and the horrors of the
Montreal fire, on a smaller scale, how
ever, were repealed. It is reported
that twenty-five persons perished in
the tlames, tevcral officials being
among the number. Many insane and
other paupers were severely injured.
About forty persons arc not yet ac
counted for, but it is supposed that all
are dead.
The bodies or nine paupers, all wo
men, have been recovered. The
flames originated from a pipe which
an idiot woman was smoking. The
woman who caused the lire was burned
to a erisp.
aiigli Water in Louisville.
Speelal to Thk Astokiav.
NnwOnmiYXs, May S. The Red
river at bhreveport is one and three-
tenths feet higher than ever before,
and several plantations below are nit
passenger agreement of the Western
Passenger association. The onlv
road which refused to sign was the
Wisconsin Central. Nothing of im
portance was done at the reorganiza
tion of the meeting of the Inter-state
Commerce Railway association, ex
cept the appointments of committees
lo draw up some agreements and re
port to-morrow.
Fire and SjOss of Life.
il to Thk Astohiav.J
s cfcll lo TlIE Asto..ia,.j
VrTu-rrlf V V
""" ?; " XCTrft
l9a5 fir0 th.e .Ghen? count
v,..,., vr v -r . o t..
lSZZ? ?mffi 3
b"V " W a11 7men a.n(1
J?10! lvefePer oiinerj' believes, the
re is due to spontaneous combustion.
Badly Defeated.
Sp?ci:il toTiiE AKTORIAX.l
C&TivnLAXD, May S. The Medicine
men met the local team on the Players
grounds to-day, and were badly de
feated bj heavy hitting. Score -Cleveland
1-4, Btiilalo 5.
Entirely too ITInch Itnin.
Special t.i The astoriax.
BrookijYX, May S. Tho game be
tween the National League teams of
Brooklyn and New York was post
poned on account of ram.
Every Inning a Triumph.
Special to The Astoriax.
PiirLADEijriiiA, May S. The local
team of players carried away the
honors to-day, from the New York
team. Every inning was a triumph
aud the attendance which was large,
applauded to the echo, Score Phil
adelphia 14, New York 5.
Steady Playing Wins.
Special to The astoriax.
BrookiiYX, May 8. The local team
made 7 rnns in flin first inninrr lmrn
' tn-ilnv lmf. wnro ilnfn.nfn1 liv cfnnK-
i playing by the Boston team. Score
I Brooklyn 10, Boston 11.
Annual Meeting of Stockholders
and. Directors.
Special to The Astoriax.1
TorEKA, May 8. The annual meet
ing of stockholders of the Atchison,
Topeka & Santa Fe road was held at
the general office of the company, in
this city, to-day. There were 540,000
shares of stock represented, a total of
54,440,000 out of STS.OOO.OOO. The
directors elected for the ensuing year
were: G. C. Magouu, A. Manvell, B.
P. Cheney. O. W. Peabody, Alden
Speare, Thos. Baring, Wm. Lobbey, J.
J. McCooke,H. Abbott, C. K. Halliday,
E. B. Pirrcell. L, Sever-, and Levi C.
Wade. The only change in the direc
tory was the substitution of Levi C.
Wade for one of the Peabody brothers.
A change was also made in the time of
holding the annual meeting of the
stockholders and directers: at the
special request of tho interstate com
mission, it was changed to the last
Thursday in October.
The annual meeting of board of di
rectors was called to order immedi
ately after the adjournment of the
stockholders meeting, and was
organized by the election of the fol
lowing efficers: Chairman Geo. C.
Magoun, president; Allen Manvell,
first vice-president; J. W. Reinhart,
second vice-president; A. A. Robin
son, third vice-president: J. F. God
dard, secretary and treasurer; E. "Wild
er, assistant treasurer; G. S. Goodwin,
assistant secretary; A. S. Tuckerman,
general counsel; .1. J. McCook, general
soliciter: Geo. R. Peck, auditor; IL C.
Clements, comptroller; ,T. P. White
head and the Boston Safe Deposit
and Trust Co. were chosen as transfer
Carpenters Begin Work and
Waiters Leave Off.
Special lo The astoriax.
Chicago, May 8. All building oper
ations were resumed to-day on a basis
similar to that which existed before
the carpenters' strike. About three
thousand men took up their tools
which Avere laid down a month ago
to-day and went to work. The de
mands of the committee upon the pro
prietors of Kinsley's restaurant this
afternoon were refused. The waiters
in a body then marched out leaving
several hnndred customers at the
tables greatly astonished at the quiet
and unexpected proceedings.
An C'nsatisfactory Combat.
Special to The astoriax.
Providexce, May 8. Patsy CardiiF,
the Peoria giant, fought George God
frev, the Boston negro heavy weight,
at the Gladstone club, for a purse of
$1,250, to go to tho winner. With
tickets costing $10 each, the big hall,
seating a thousand, was crowded with
sports, calling from all parts oE tho
eastern states. Billy Mahony was
referee. Tho men entered tho ring at
10 o'clock, both in fine condition.
The fighting was a dissapointment,
for Cardiff funked from the first, and
Godfrey did Jill the leading, getting
both first blood and first knock down.
Cardiff was badly done up about the
face, but at the end of tho 16th round,
when he threw up the sponge, he was
as sound rdiysically as before tho
fight began. The crowd was intensely
disgusted, and were of tho opinion
that either Cardiff is an unmitigated
coward, or that the game was fixed
from the first
The Plumbers Object.
Special to The Astoriax.
Pittsburg, Pa., May 8. About 300
plumbers struck to-day because ap
prentices were doing master plumbers'
Back at the Old Bate.
fc'peml to The Asroimx.l
Pittsuurg, Pa., May 8. Tho Irwin
miners have returned to work at tho
old rates of GO cents per ton, and will
sign a vearlv contract.
Heavy Hatting by Chicago.
Special to The Astoriax.
Chicago, May 8. Tho features of
tho game at the Brotherhood park,
was tho heavy hitting of Chicago.
Both nines played listlessly in the
field. Score Chicago 20, Pittsburg 5.
Not ITlucH of Interest.
Special to Tun Asrom v.
Pim.ADEXiPUTA, May S. The local
team had for contestants to-day the
doughty Bean Eatera. Both teams
were in good order, but played listless
at first. In the sixth inning, the
Philadelpliias woke up and scored
four runs by bunching tho balls. The
attendance was not what might have
been expected, owing to tho Players
game. Score Philadelphia 5, Bos
ton 'L
Hotly Contested tJanie.
Special to The Astoriax.
Clevelaxd, May 8. The game to
day at the National grounds, between
the Pittsburg and Cliicago teams, was
one of the hottest contested games
seen here. The locals won bv hard hit
ting in tho first threo rounds, while
the visitors were scoring errors. Summary--Cleveland
nine, Pittsburg
fihastly memorials.
Special to The Astoriax.J
Pittsburg, May 8. Five more
bodies have been found at Johnstown.
Two were mother and children clasped
in each others arms.
A Prominent Church Member
Turns- Burglar.
Special to The Astoriax.
St. Louis, May 8. This morning
two burglars attempted to effect an
entrance into the carpenter shop
owned by Geo. Staltkamp. One was
Henry Kunolt. Staltkamp saw the
intruders and called out and both ran.
Staltkamp fired with a shotgun and
Kunolt fell dead in his tracks. The
body was taken to tho morgue.
An identification to day revealed a
singular story of a double life. He
was about 30 years of age and in pros
perous circumstances, owning and
conducting a profitable harness busi
ness on a moderate scale. Staltkamp
owed him some monev and paid him
yesterday. In doing so, ho revealed
quite a sum, which it is supposed
Kunolt was after.
Kunolt had been married but about
five months, and always bore a good
reputation among his friends and
associates. He was a prominent
member of St Mathew's church.
president of a singing society and a
director of the Y. M. C. A., was con
nected with tho church and led the
choir. When ho left homo last even
ing, he told his wife that ho would
have to be down town at tho saddlery
shop the greater part of the night
Killed by His- Sweetheart.
Special to The Astoriax.
Wixterfort, Me., May 8. Lida
Mason, a pretty young grass widow,
to-night murdered Percy Rich, her
lover, to prevent his marrying another
woman. Rich was aged 30. a flour
manufacturer and quito wealthy.
magnificent Playing.
Special to TnE Astoriax.
Chicago, May 8. Tho game at the
League park to-day, was a most noted
one for Chicago. At tho half of the
sixth innings, the score stood 8 to 4:
against them. In that inning 17 men
went to tho bat, making 12 hits and
12 runs. Every ono-of Chicago's runs
was earned by Hutchison, O'Brien
and Earl, making home runs.
Chicago 18, Cincinnati, 8.
He Marries His Honseieeper Ani
Deserts the (tecl.
Special bv California Associated Fiikss.
Moxtreatj, May 8. Rev. J. Lewis
Martin, who while a Catholic priest,
fell in lovo with his housekeeper,
is missing. our years ago, lie re
nounced Catholicism, married his
housekeeper and entered tho Metho
dist ministry. Sinco then he has vio
lently assaulted papacy. His friends
declare that the Catholic church
authorities abducted him on Mondav.
All Quiet in France.
Special to The Astoriax.
Pakis, Mav 8. Twentv thousand
strikers at Ronbaix resumed work to
day. The strike is practically ended.
So Water to Drink.
Special toTiieAsToaiAX.
Mexico, May 8. A heavy gale has
blown down nvo arcnes or. tno aque
duct, leaving the city without any
drinking water.
Isaac "Whealdon sold his ranch on
tho "Willapa, to P. J. McGowan, for
The Hans Hansen place near the
forks of the "Willapa river, was sold
for $11,000.
Deputy iish commissioner Houchen,
has optioned his farm on Bear river
for S-1,000.
Messrs. "Walch & Brophy made the
extraordinary sale for Griffin of 80
acres for 80,000, at South Bend last
Old revolvers are taken as legal ten
der at Judgo Rodway's bar in Oyster
ville. Guess ho wants them to shoot
A Mr. Morgan, who is cashier of the
Belhngbam Bay .National bank, will
start a bank at South Bend, with a
S5U,UU0 capital.
H. A. Lawton is the name of the
new mail contractor, who has the let
ting of the route from Astoria to Sea
land. He is said to bo a resident of
Atchison, Kan.
H. A. Jones, civil engineer came
over last week bound for South Bend,
where he sold his investment and will
re-invest on tho Colnmbia, at Frank
fort. As an experienced railroad
engineer, he see3 where tho key will be.
Messrs. Allord and Hall of tho
Frakfort Real Estate Co. called last
Friday, reported matters booming at
that place. This company is com
posed of Mr. E. "W. Allbee, a capitalist
from the east, F. B. Allord of Tacoma
and Harry B. Hall of Vancouver, B. C.
Bourbon, lnd., says: "Both myself and
wife owe our lives toShiloh's Consump
tion Cure will give immediate relief.
Price, 10 cts., 50 cts. and SI, at J. C. De
kEING- the Future Terminus of a Great
ing a fine Deep Water Frontage and good anchorage, is destined to be
come a Great City. Quite a number of houses are being built and other
improvements are under way now, while
this summer.
An Eastern Oregon TransjortaBw
Company to Ojerate.
Special by California Associated Psxsa.
The DaiiKs, Oregon, May 8. Arti
cles in triplicate were signed by prom
inent citizens to-day in The Dalles
and eastern Oregon Transportation
company and The Dalles, Goldendal
and Southern railroad company; the
object is to build and operate a rail
road to Goldendale and vicinity,
broad guage. The capital stock is
S250,000. The Transportation com
pany will construct and run boats on
the Columbia river between The
Dalles and the Cascades, Portland and
Astoria; capital stock SoO.OOO. Thi in
corporators have sufficient to carry on
both schemes in successful operation.
Tho preliminary survey of the railroad
will begin in a few days. The Dalles
will be the principal place of business
for both companies.
jriurdcr and Riot.
Special to The astoriajt.1
Los, Cal., May 8. A riot
occurred in Chinatown in this oity
to-night, resulting in the shooting of
three men, one fatally, the other two
severely. At midnight all is quiet,
and a squad of twenty police are
patrolling Chinatown. This is the
second murder in this city to-day,
Munuce Velargo having been stabbed
and instantly killed, about one o clock
this morning, in a drunken row.
Who Stole the Funds
for Charity.
Special to The Astoriax.J
Seattle, May 8. A third charge of
forgery was preferred this evening
against ex-Secretary McCoombs of the
relief committee. Bail was fixed at
Sl,300 for this case, which, being un
able Jo furnish, he went to jail. Inves
tigation of his books, as far as conduc
ted, shows that he has defrauded the
funds in fully 400 cases, the amount in
each one averaging S20.
A Domestic Tragedy.
Special to Thk Astorian.
LosAxgeles, Cal., May 8. News
has been received from San Jacinto,
a small town in the northwestern part
of San Diego county, to the effect that
Francisco Gonzales, a well known
rancher and an old resident, had been
arrested on a charge of murdering the
illegitimate offsprings of his daughter.
The mother herself makes the accusa
tion. She states that about eighteen
months ago she gave birth to twins,
and 'that her father strangled tEem
shortly after their birth.
, Portland Badly Beaten
Special to The Astoriax.
Spokaxe Fails, Wash.j May 8. In
the northwestern game this afternoon
the score stoed: Spokane 11, Port
land 0.
Successful Seattle Strike.
Special to TnE Astoriax.
SeattiiE, May 8. The cornioa
makers' strike situation remains un
changed. Tho difficulties between
the painters and employers are about
all settled, tho latter having conceded
the 8-hours a day: The bosses have
also conceded the demands by the
Tired of Life.
Special to Tuh Astoria.!
Mexdocixo, Cal., May 8. C. O.
Rivers, a blacksmith at Caspar, five
miles north of this place, committed
suicide this morning. Despondency
owing to sickness is supposed to have
been the cause.
The Just Verdict of a San Fraa
cisco Jury.
Special to The A.storiax.J
Sax Fbaxctsco, May 8. The jury
in the case of George C. Pratt, charged
with assault to murder L. L. Brom
well, to-day returned a verdict of not
guilty. The case which has been on
trial several days has attracted great
attention owing to the prominence of
both parties. The testimony showed
that Pratt's wife had confessed that
she had been unduly intimate with
Bromwell who was Pratt's employe
and that the shooting resulted when
Pratt learned of the true state of
The defense was made on the
grounds of temporary insanity but the
verdict was simply not guilty.
Tho Dirigo club met last night and
reorganized by the election of the fol
lowing efficers: President, Albert
Dunbar; vice-president, O. F. Heil
born; secretary, F. J. Carney; trea
surer, J. H. Johannsen, and adjourned
to meet at the call of the president.
Interesting News on Fourth Page.
sia and Liver Complaint ? Shiloh's vi-
talizer is guaranteed to cure you.
J. C.
CATARRH CURED, health and
sweet breatn secured by Shiloh's Ca
tarrh Remedy. Price, 50 cents. Nasal
Injector free. J. C. Dement
Transcontinental Railroad, and bar
a great many contemplate building
Astoria, Or.
.. A'
, V
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