The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, May 04, 1890, Image 5

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Zht gaittj gtftoriMU
. MAY 4, 1620
Monday excepted.)
Publishers and Proprietors.
Tfrw of Snbscrirtlon.
Scnrd by Carrier, jcr week..........
Sent ty Mall, per nionlb....... ...
Sent liy Mall, one j ear ..... .... ..
Kne of iW:u:e l MilcrHn'n.
Article 3, section 17, of the constitu
tion of Oregon says, "All qualified
electors shall vote in the election pre
cinct in the county -where they may
reside for county officers, and in any
county in the state for state officers,
or in any county of a congressional
district in which such electors may re
side for members of congress."
"Before we take up the collection
this morning," remarked the good pas-
Cass Stkkkt. wl ub t u iUUKe4 iuuuiy over rue con
gregation, "x wisu to say mat we nave
in the church treasury- already two
ir cts j quarts of nickels that appear to have
's-jCtS been punched through and plugged
"" '' witli lead. These coins. I am informed
1hk Avtokia. ?i:ir.i'.l s to Its ndver
UsoMi!ieiar?i-t rinult i.Jii of am n wii
lr pubhshtnl u tite Co.utiitu i nvi-r.
Republican clubs
being reorganized.
in this city are
Printing in copying ink is a specialty
at Tnn AsToniAN job office.
Considerable activity is reported in
building cottages at the heasule.
There will be gospel services for
men at the Y. M. C. A. rooms this
afternoon at three o'clock.
Services in Grace church to-day as
usual: 11 a. xr. and 7:30 r. m. Snndav
school at 12:30. The Kev. Mr. .Tohii
son of Portland will officiate.
The hour of evening service in the
churches hereafter, beginning with
to-day, will be eight o'clock, instead
of half past seven as heretofore.
The week closed yesterday with a
decided improvement in real estate
transfers, the amount for the day be
ing Sl-L.'.riT, and for the week S35,0T7.
A imlition was yesterday tiled with
the county clerk for a road from
Knappa to Bear creek, signed by
nearly all the residents in that locality.
On Friday evening the additions to
the Y. M. C. A. were four active mem
bers and three associate members,
nd one conversion is reported for the
month of April.
This evening at the Congregational
church, there will be a praise service
of song, consisting of solos, duetts
and chorusses, b the best local talent,
assisted by Mrs..T. B. Wyatl.
Thehtcamer Gen. Canby will make
an exenrsion to the forts and Ilwaco
to dnv, leaving here at nine a.
returning will leave Ilwaco at
Fare for the round trip fifty
M-, ami
4 r. m.
The men at Fort Stevens, working
on the government jetty were j'ebter
day made happy, for William C. Ste
vens, Major llandbury's chief clerk,
was present with coin enough to pay
them all.
The machinery for the Chilkal, the
new steamer recently built at the foot
of Lafayette street, has not arrived,
though daily expected, consequently
the time of launching has not yet
been decided upon.
Reserved seate at the New York
novelty store forliowauda's gift en tor
ment at Ross' opera house to-morrow
night The entertainment is well
spoken of by the press and public
wherever exhibited.
Many of the merchauts have acted
upon the suggestion recently made in
these columns, by driving down the
tribes in the planks on the sidewalks,
and others would please the public by
following the example.
In the case of the two men charged
with stealing a rifle from the Jicss-ie
Rutler, and who were brought down
the river by sheriff Smith, proper
restitution has l)cen made, damages
paid, and the matter is settled.
The picnic of the "W. R. C. at Kin
dred Park yesterday was attended by
a large iKirty, some going on the morn
ing l)oat and the balance at 1:30 p. m.
The time was spent in games, swing
ing, rambling on the beach and in the
adjoining timber or grove.
Before the comity clerk yesterday
C O. Nelson made final proof for a
Itomestead claim on the south half and
northwest quarter of the southwest
quarter and southwest quarter of the
northwest quarter or section thirteen,
township six north, range six west.
On the 24th inst, around the globe,
will be celebrated the anniversary of
the birth of Qneen Victoria, May 24th,
lbia. xne event win be duly com
memorated in this city on the night of
the 23rd. A committee of arrange
ments now has charge of the matter.
Geo. "Weidler says that twenty years
ago Captain Couch offered him ten
double blocks in Portland (the size of
the one on which stands the
residence of C H. Lewis), contain
ing sixteen lots to the block, for $400
a block, which ten blocks are now
worth $600,000.
It has often been wondered why
that species of salmon called the red
fish onlv frequent certain streams in
order to spawn. Investigations have
been made from Alaska to the Sacra
mento and have proved that this
species will not enter a river which
does not arise from a lake, and only
abound iu snow fed streams.
In the police court yesterday after
noon, before Judge Jewett, there were
three cases, two of the men being pre
sent T. Perry and Owen Sullivan
were charged with drunkenness, each
plead guilty and were fined the lowest
limit, two dollars. William Murphy,
also accused of having been drunk,
was not present and his deposit of two
dollars was declared forfeited.
There was a large attendance at the
regular meeting of Seaside Lodge,
No. 12, A. O. TJ. W., last evening. E.
M. Reading of California, supreme
representative from the grand lodge
of the state, and secretary of the
Workmen Guarantee fund, was pres
ent, and delivered an interesting ad
dress, showing clearly the benefits of
the order, and giving a graphic sketch
of its extent and progress.
will not buy stamps, groceries or fuel.
' and conductors on street-cars refuse to
i take them. The choir will please sing
O. Land of Rest, for Thee I Sigh.' "
I At the opera house last evening the
jv. oi ir. -uramatic association crave
their second rendition of Damon and
Pythias, and in many respects it was
an improvement on the former presen
tation. The audience was hardly as
large as on Monday night The mem
bers of the association deserve great
crodit for their earnest efforts, and
may congratulate themselves on hav
ing succeeded so well. TJtzinger's or
chestra also did well.
The rise of water in the Columbia
river has interfered with work at the
quarry where rock is being taken out
for the government jetty. Gravel and
small stones had been piled up near
the bank and on this a derrick had
been placed for loading rock on the
scows. The high water had under
mined this pile and allowed the der
rick to fall over, consequently the
work has been hindered, and the Cas
cades made but two trips with rock
laden scows last week.
The Puget sound board of pilot
commissioners have decided that alien
pilots should be prohibited from pilot
ing vessels on Puget sound waters, as
provided by section 8 of the pilot law.
This section provides that all pilots
must be American citizens and legal
voters of the slate of Washington. It
also provides that no person, except
he be licensed by the commissioners,
shall pilot vessels in or out of the bays
or!harbors of Puget sound, or to or from
the Pacific ocean, under a penalty of
S300. :is provided bv section 18 of the
The largest order for printing ever
given in the world was a requisition
made upon the public printer by the
census bureau in February last for
20,000.000 enumerating blanks, and it
has been filled. The paper required
to print these blanks amounted to
11,1jS reams, of 480 sheets to the ream,
and its total weight is over 229 tons.
The government printing office at
Washington, D. C, which is the largest
institution of its kind in the world,
and the only one iu which the order
could have been filled, began work
March 3, and has just delivered the
last of the sheets to the census bnreau.
New Citizens
Admitted and
The county coutt ivas in session
The applications for citizenship of
Lars C. Hansen, a native of Denmark,
Adolph Frohnert and Aug. H. Fricke,
both natives of Germany, were con
sidered, and after duo examination
of them and their witnesses, they
were declared admitted as citizens of
the United States.
The application of the Astoria
Street Railway company for franchise
to extend their lines on Second street,
which had been laid over, came up for
a hearing. Fulton Bros, represented
the property owners and J. Q. A.
Bowlby appeared for the company.
The case was ordered dismissed for
want of jurisdiction.
C. .T. Lindell was appointed county
assessor to fill vacancy, and required
to furnish bonds in the sum of $5,000.
In the matter of constable and
sheriff's fees iu the justice court, as
the same is now under consideration
by the judge of the circuit court, the
matter is postioned until his decision
is rendered.
The bill of Chief of Police Barry for
expenses incurred recently iu making
an arrest, it was ordered that the sum
of S20 be allowed.
C. J. Lindell presented his bond as
assessor, with .7. W. "Welch and R.
Carrutliers as sureties. The sureties
presented themselves and duly quali
fied, and the bond of the assessor was
No further business appearing, the
court adjourned until 10 o'clock, a. m.,
Wednesday, May 14th.
SIcGInty Heard From.
Inrivned Mail
Stoamer And
Cant. Whitcomb. of the steamer
Cascades, has quite a natural curios
ity which he found at Fort Stevens on
the beach. To all appearance it looks
at first sight like a rudely formed pipe,
but on close examination it proves to
be a natural curiosity formed in the
It is a riile cartridge, central fire, or
rather the brass shell of one, and at
the open end i3 all closed up by a hard
formation, evidently an iron sand
which has hardened or petrified until
it is as hard as a rock. This forma
tion, in addition to covering one end
of the shell, clings well up the side
and slopes upward in a stem about
a quarter of an inch in diameter at
the end.
How long this cartridge has been in
the water, or the peculiar combination
of salt water, sand and the brassy sur
face of the shell, by which this has
gradually been formed is a matter for
scientists to conjecture.
Capt Whitcomb claims it as Mc
Ginty's pipe, and thinks perhaps some
of the "best suit of clothes" may yet
be found, which wercsupposedtohave
been with the famous Mac when he
went "to the bottom of the sea."
After Man v Iavs.
Commencing at six o'clock to-mur-row
morning, aud continuing for one
week, or until six o'clock on Monday
morning of next week, all the mail
which leaves here will be weighed aud
reported to the department Based
upon this, the office will be rated, and
if it reaches the required standard,
the free delivery system will be es
tablished here.
The efforts of congressman Her
mann to increase the mail facilities be
tween this city and Portland have
been unremitting, aud aro to be
crowned with success, for on Friday he
had a consultation with the superin
tendent of the railway mail service
and with the second assistant iost
master general :is to the increased
mail facilities between the two cities,
and on that night an order went outto
each of the postmasters of those cities
to deliver the mails to the night boats,
the servico of which is soon to be ex
tended to six times a week, at which
time, Mr. Hermann litis the assurance,
the mails shall go the same number of
times. This gives the two cilias mails
twice a day.
Thus gradually and surely the
claims of Astoria are being recognized,
and now the Union Pacific company
will undoubtedly increase the steamer
service, so that there will bo one night
and one morning boat daily from
Portland and from this city.
The next step in the march of im
provement will be the railroad, and
this will come as surely "as the night
follows the day," retarded by nothing
unless it be the penuriousness of our
citizens, and of that Tun Astoiiian
has no fear, consequently the advent
of the iron horse is merely a question
of time, and short at that
Miss Gussie Gray is still prolonging
her visit in Portland.
Capt Olsen of the sealing schooner
Bessie llutter expects to resume his
cruise to-morrow.
D. G. Williams, a Frankfort con
tractor, came over yesterday to spend
the Sabbath in this city.
Al. Beard goes up the river to-night
to bring down the steamer Edith
which goes on the beach to be re
paired. "William C. Stevens and wife came
down on the steamer Cascades yester
day morning, and will return on the
same tuis evening. Mr. otevens is
chief clerk of Mayor Handbnry, of the
United States Engineers and came
down to pay off the men at the jetty.
Change of Candidates.
AsToniA, May 3, 1890.
To the Democratic County Com Cem
mittee: Gentlemen; Owing to circum
stances over which I have no control,
I have the honor to herewith tender to
you my resgnation as the nominnee of
the democratic party for the office of
auditor, and I hereby thank the demo
cratic party for the honor conferred
upon me, and regret my inability to
run for said office, for reasons solely of
a private nature. Your obedient ser
vant, William A. Poiil.
The committee met yesterday, and
unanimously decided to put the name
of Mr. J. E. Higgins on the ticket in
County clerk Treuchard was a for
tunate man yesterday, for he recovered
that which he had considered as lost
for ever. Over a month ago he was
paid 10 in four ten dollar bills. He
was very busy at the time, and with
the bills in his hand, stepped into the
vault to get some papers, laying the
bills, as he supposed, on top of a tin
box. Returning soon after, the
money could not be found, and he
was puzzled to account for its disap
pcareuce. Time rolled on, day after
day passed and he gave it up as an
unsolved mystery, considering that he
was forty dollars out.
Yesterday he had occasion to make
out a bond for office and took one out
of the vault, which was there on file,
for a guide to fill out a new one by.
Judge of his astonishment when on
opening the paper out dropped the
four lost bills. Ho now remembers
having had that bond in his hand the
day the money was lost, and in his
haste had evidently folded the bills in
the paper.
The bteamer iS. O. Heed brought
down a large number of passengers
last evening, also several hundred
salmon. All is quiet up the river
among the fishermen.
The steam schooner Louis Olsen
came down from Portland yesterday,
aud took on board the largo boiler
referred to yesterday in these columns,
which belongs to the steamer General
Garfield, aud is to be taken to Yaquiua
Bay .
The steamship Michigan, Captain
C. H. Lewis from Port Townsend for
Portland arrived yesterday morning,
and after leaving 100 mats of rice and
some miscellaneous freight proceeded
up the river with the balance of her
Rwanda's Gift Show.
The largest audience ever assembled
in the opera house greeted Lowanda's
Gift Show last night Fully one
thousand people were in the hall and
three or four hundred people were
turned away who could not get even
standing room. The show was a great
success. Prof. Lowanua is a clever
magician and kept the audience inter
ested in his tricks for over an hour.
A very laughable afterpiece by the
company was introduced, after which
the presents were distributed. Daily
Key, Key West.
dthlamet Gazette.
John Harriugton of Pillar Rock says
he was offered S4.S0 per case, for this
season's pack. He don't belie vv he
will take it
Bruce Polworth of Waterford, went
to Astoria, Monday, to enter the law
office of John II. Smith, where he in
tends to complete his law studies.
Monday about ono o'clock in the
afternoon flames were seen issuing'
from Indian Dick's house on the
Elokomin. Before assistance arrived
the house and barn were burned to
the ground. The fire was caused by a
defective stove pipe. Dick managed
to save his blankets, shot gun and
stove. Everything else was consumed .
The statement that F. M. Warren
has sold his 1889 pack for S1.25 per
dozen, to Armsby & Co., of Chicago, is
without foundation. In an interview
with a Gazette man Tuesday, he said:
"I have had no transactions with Arm
sby & Co, or any other buyers
regarding this season's pack. Deny
the report as eutirelv without founda
tion." A fisherman writing to us on the
strike says: "A disagreement in this
industry 'differs greatly from others.
The season only lasts four months and
by losing ono single day it has an ef
fect on the season's output Every
branch of business is directly affected
by the season's work on the lower
river. Should fishing not commence
soon it will work great hardship on
those who are directly dependent up
on the fishing industry. In former
vears there were employed in the va
rious canneries some 7,000 men of all
kinds, many manners have but two or
three men on the premises."
Last Saturday evening about six
o'clock, a dozen or more boats, con
taining nearly one hundred men, sailed
past Cathlamet, bound up the river.
Their object was to see if the fishing
on this part of the river conld not be
stopped, peacefully or otherwise, till
the price is settled. Each boat was
supposed to be well armed. They
found Wm. DeLashmet with his net
out, belonging to Wm. Hume's can
nery. They asked him to pick it up.
He demurred. Upon this reluctance
being shown, they cut his net in two,
pulled one half of the net into their
boat and bore down for Wallaces
Island. The next overt act that was
committed was to knock two holes in
the bottom of Charley Larsen's fishing
boat, which was lying moored at Hap
good's cannery, Sunday. The boat was
capsized. The gear lost and the boat
turned adrift It was picked up
abreast of T. K. Johnson's seining
ground, on Monday morning. The
damage to Larsen's property, was the
result of a case of mistaken identity in
boats. Nothing of the kind was in
tended. Larsen is a staunch union
man. Albert tiassen was the man the
vigliantes were after. He had been
fishing for tbe markets, after being
told to stop. Early Sunday evening
his boat had been spotted lying at
Hapgood's cannery. Larsen's boat
was lyiug next to it, with just a spile
between them. Later in the night
Lassen concluded from information he
had got, that his boat was not in a safo
place. Ho moved it The result was
Larsen's lxat was damaged. Also a
skiff of his.
As Filed in Tiic J'onnty Recorder"
11:1 j
R. aud 11. Carrnthers to 1.
McTavish, undivided half
of lot 9, blk i;i.MuClure's.S
D. AV.Bush to Alice M. Bush,
lot 23, blk 41, Upper As
toria 1
David Smith et al. to Viola
Gmnpert, lots 19 and 20,
blk Uracil, Chelsea
E. R Li lien thai and wife to
J. Q. A. Bowlbv, lots J. T,
G, 7, 8. and 9, blk 149,
Shiveleys 10.000
United States to John A.
Ware, SE"-4'ofNWif and
lots 3, 4 aud 5, sec G T4N, -R5W,179
M. J. Kinney and wife to
Man- P. Thompson, lot 9
and EJ of lot 8, blk 22,
Shiveley's 2,300
W. Tarraht et al. to James
Brownell, lots 7, S aud 9,
blk 2, Warrenton 250
J. J. Dement and wife to T.
L Richards, lot 10, blk 2G,
Dement's G5
Previonslv reported this
year 1.2G1,503
mm ml
Total to date.
N Eipht Hours for Them.
It may be remarked casually that
the eight-hour heaven which is about
to open to a portion of the world's
toilers will not include farmers nor
the women who do their own house
worlc These two classes will work
19 hours a day, as heretofore. The
slaves who get out the morning news
papers will do the same.--Indianapolis
White Goods.
Plaid Sashes.
and Buttons.
Third Street.
The Leading Dry Goods and Clothing House of Astoria.
I S2.95
For Ladies !
A fine unfurnished house for rent, be
longing to Mrs. U. W. Koss. For par
ticulars apply to Fit7gerald & Carney
iiooiiis "With Rnarcl.
At the ilolden House, corner Fouith
and Main streets.
Originator !
the use of Hood's Sarsaparilla. Severe
cases of scrofula, upon which other prep
arations have been powerless, yield to tLc
peculiar curative powers of this medicine.
Distressing cases of dyspepsia, excruciat
ing complaints of the kidneys and liver.
agonizing itch
and pain of salt
rheum, disagree
able cases of catarrh, and aches and pains
of rheumatism, aro cured by Hood's Sar
saparilla. It purifies the blood, aud at the
same time tones the stomach, creates an
appetite, and ghes strength to every f mic
tion of the body. (Jive it a trial.
General Debility
"For four years my "wife suffered with
large tumor bunches on the glands under
the arms, and general debility of the w hole
system. She became so poor in health
that we were on the verge of despair
regarding her recover-. Physicians did
not seem to understand her case; at all
events she never derived any benefit froi4
their treatment. She finally concluded te
try Hood's Sarsaparilla. The immediate
effect was so marked and satisfactory that
she continued to take it, and this is tho
result: She has gained in weight
From 84 to III Pounds
and is stronger and in better health than
she has been for years. The bunches under
her arms have diminished, and wc believe
nood's Sarsaparilla will be too much for
them in time." J. J. Xoncitoss, liM Conif
mcrcial Street, Hoston, Mass.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Sold by drnggisU. j?l; slsforS'i. Prepared 1J
C. I. HOOD & CO., AjxtthecurlcJ, Lowell, JIasii
IOO Doses One Dollar
The "French Process!
HANI) SEWED, POUULE SEAM SHOE. It never rips. It never squeaks.
flexible than a hand turn.
aeitfs AitM.
It requires no breaking in. More
Astoria, Oregon.
Sunflay Excursion !
I.ds iii lids lcautifnl Addition for sale at
5) p..cli : S'JO down, balance S10 per
mouth. 1'la s and copy of ab
stract furnished iree.
Astoria Suburbs !
Five Acre Traets east of Astoria and only
one and one-half mile from Columbia
Itiver at $300 each ; 100 cash,
balance S50 per month.
Itrnl Estate UroVcr,
in consequence of the demand for those
beautiful level lots. Mr. 1. C. Warren has
been induced to plat ntnety-sixlots
Adjoining War ronton on the East.
Which will be known and sold as
East Warrenton I
The New Model Range
Agent. Call and Examine It ; You Wiil be Pleased. E.R. ITawes Is also Agent for the
Buck Patent Cooking Stove,
Furnace Work, Steam Fittings, Etc.. a Specialty. A Full Stock on Hand.
Alderbrook !
At the Bescne club last night tho
entertainment was fully equal to the
qmrl standard and well received by
tke large and attentive audience pres
ent. There was a recitation by Miss
Bow FenBell, readings by Mr. Irving
a&d O. Stewart, instrumental solo by
JCr. John Wirt and singing by Mr.
HrnWf the Misses Levings and Miss
IjoKfe Bennett rue program com-
ittee for next Saturday are Mrs.
Barry, Miss Annie Hartwig, John
Will Be Here To-morrow Evcnins.
The largest crowd of the season
greeted Prof. Lowanda's entertain
ment at tho opera house last night
There were some very clever feats of
legerdemain which amused and inter
ested the audience deeply, but the
greatest attraction of the evening was
the distribution of presents at tho con
clusion of the performance. There
was some nleasant music and the
audience were hiebly delighted with
what they saw and heard. As a whole
the entertainment was attractive and
pleasant, and the company proved
themselves worthy of generous patron
age. Daily Review, Wilmington,
It Is now known that a pin
ply Ktla is not th result oi
blood disease, bat Is caused by
Impaired digestion, for which
they now glvo vegetable cor.
rectlvcs instead of minerals.
Two short testimonials are gir
en to contrast tho action of the p tash sarsa-
parillas and Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla.
Mrs. CD. Stuart of 1221Miasionstreet, S.F.,
writes that she took ono of the leading sarsa
parillas for iadigestion and dyspepsia. Its
only cfibct was to cause pimples to appear on
her face Upon talcing Joy's Vegetable Sarsa
rrilla the first effect was tho disappearance
of tho pimples and sho was subsequently re
lieved of tho Indigestion and dyspepsia.
Robert Stewart also writes
from rcta. .m, CaL, that be
ing troubled with, bolls ho
found that ono of the leading
sarsaparillas actually increased
tho eruptions, which respond
ed at onco to Joy's Vegetable
EoreaparUla amd disappeared immediately
There Arc Seme Nice Reems.
Overtlie'Mikado candy store, suitable
for offices, for rent Apply to Alex
No matter what trade or
profession you choose you
will easily detect the men of
original ideas; the men who
push themselves and the town
they live in ahead; men who
are a credit to their profession
and the community they live
in: but you arc sure to find
the imitators, those who arc
at the rear end of the proces
sion, men who never have an
original, bright thought or do
an original, bright act. If let
alone they will exist on what
liberal, unsuspecting people
permit themselves to be rob
bed of; but no sooner does
the original, enterprising man
make a move, and the imitat
ing tail-ender tries to benefit
by his superior's genius.
Note the weak attempts of
the old-styled shops to imitate
my Saturday Surprise Sales.
It's enough to make a horse
The Steamer Cen. Canby,
I'.irhiT. Master. Leases Astoria
Sunday, May 4th,
At 0 oVloek . M. sharp
For T.iuzy Point, Kindred Park, New
Astoria, Port Stevens, Port
Canby and Ilwaco.
Tlic Astoria, KoitCnubyatitl Ilwaco Ilase
Ball Clubs will play a match jr.inic at Fort
Caby . On rvliirnlii; the .xteaincr will leave
Ilwaco ami Canity at 4 r :.i.
Fare for round trip. AOc ; one wny.STiC.
Boss Opera Bouse
THF. ItAlLKOAD rims through the plat,
which is only 200 yards Irom the Warrenton
depot. For further information call at
once on the
Wm. V.. Wiikkkv,
S.A. Viu:kkv.
'!CHAKI ll.uir.v,
Civil Knineer.
Wherry & Harry,
Real Estate
Lots 50x100 Within Three Blocks of the River.
Lot 7, block 3D 300 00
Lot8,block30 4"i0 00
Lot9,block30 Io0 00
Lot7, block 2J -ioO 00
Lot4. block 29 400 00
Lot 5, block 29 $400 00
Lot8,block29 400 00
Lot 9, block 29 400 00
Lot 11, block 28 K0 00
Lotl2,block28 600 00
Wi ii a t c m iotie,
Real Estate Broilers,
I Odd Fellows' Building,
City anil Suburban Property Solil on Com
mission. Investments Maile Tor
Outtiile Parties.
I. V
Monday. May 5tli, 1890.
Lowanaa s Wonflers
Given Away Nightly. LowamLi gives away
a Ladies Cold Watch valued at :K ; il
in Cold, sacks of Flour. Hams. Tea,
Coffee, Silk Dress Patterns,
Silverware, etc.. etc.
Tlie Great aM Only Prof. LowaMa !
MM Reaier !
Mai LowaMa Kii
The Best Show of the Season, or
Money Refunded.
Gallery 33 ets. Children 25 cts
Now on sale at the Xew York Novelty store.
Every gentleman pur'hasinn a ro cent ticket
for the first evening's performance, u ill be
presented with a lady's ticket tree.
., Hanker. .Imlge C. II. Page.
Office on Thirst Street,
Near Court limine.
Parker & Hanson
Lois in Case's Astoria Are low on Sale
Astoria Real Estate Co.
P1UCES FEOM $150 TO $250 EACH.
TJBRMS One-Half Cash ; the Balance in Six and Twelve Months.
House to Rent.
at reasonable rate? Inquire of .lames
W. Hare.
Meeting Notice.
stockholder of the Jensen Can Filling
Company will be held at the office of the As
toria Iron Works, at 2 r. n on Monday,
May 12th. 1630.
M. JENSEN, President.
Cottage Fer Beat.
The new cottage lately built by Mrs.
Iloss, is for rent this morning. Apply
to John II. Smith.
Cofleo and cake.
Central Restaurant
rn ynLs, at the
Fine Table Wise
Delivered at CO cenLs a gallon, to any
gartofthe city. A line line of pure
alifornla wines at low prices, at A.
Y. tytzinger's Cosmopolitan saloon.
For New Goods, Original
Styles and Low Prices
Look to
The Live Clothier and Hatter,
TclepkencliOdxiu House.
Best Beds in town. Booms per night
50 and 25 cts., per week SIJ50. Mew and
clean. Private entrance.
Meals Cooked to Order.
Private rooms for ladies and families:
at Central Restaurant, nest to Foard &
should always bo used for children
teething. It soothea the child, softens
the gums, allays all pain, cures wind
cholic, and is the best remedy for diar
rhceaf wenty-five cents a bottle.
New Goods Arriving Every Steame
Dress - Goods,
The Old Stand - Astoria Orecon.
Thompson & Ross
Carry, a Full Iine or
Choice Staple and Fancy
Give Us a Call and Be Convinced.
E cry thing in Season.
3?orcaL Perrell
Barber Shop in the Rear I
Next to Central Hotel,- Astoria, Oregon .
In the Occident Hotel Bl'd'g.
The Iloffinan House Cigar.
The La Paloina cigar and other fine
brands of cigars; the finest in the city,
at Charley Olson's, next to C. II. Cooper.
For Sale.
A furnished house, suitable for either
a boarding or lodging house in a good
location. Inquire at this office.
It is tbe object to make the Ulalson Dore
the best restaurant on the coast uhere the
finest French meal can be hail. Second St..
East of Benton.
C. FBAXCISCOYieil, Proprietor.
Partnership Notice.
lugalls with me as a partner in the pro
prietorship of tbe Roadway Market. The
new Arm name will be 0'Hara& Insalls. All
bills due the Market up to date will be col
lected by me. I will also pay all debts con
tracted by the market to this date.
Astoria, Or.. May 1st, 1S90.
Fiedler : & : McDonald.
Call and See. Our Nobby Stock of Spring Goods
.Tust Arrived.
It comprises the latest goods in the market, and we offer them at prices never
before heard of in Astoria, and guarantee the best and most
comfortable fitting suits in the city.
Next to C. H. Cooper's
Astoria, Oregon.
C. P. Upshur,
Shipping and Commission Merchant
main St. Wharf, Astoria. Oregon.
Cannery Supplies
Barbour's Salmon Net Twines.
NEPTUNE Brand Salmon Twine.
WOODBERRY Cotton Lines and Twines
OfallDascription Furnished at
Factory Prices.
Effected m First Class Companies,
Representing 313,000,000
Hartford, Conn
New York,
Agencj Pacific Express and Wells. Fargo A Co.
The Oregon Bakery
A. A. CLEVELAND, Proir-r.
601A Bread, Cake and Pastry
None but the Best Material; Used.
Satisfaction Guaranteed Customers
Bread delivered In any part of the city.
Morgan & Sherman
And Dealers in
Special Attention Given to Filling
Of Orders.
And Supplies furnished at Satis
factory Terms.
Purchases delivered In any part of the city
Office and Warehouse
In Hume's New Building on Water Street.
P. O. Box 153. Telephone No, 37.
Practical : Watchmaker,
A line line of Gold and Silver Watches.
Solid Gold and Plated Jewelry, Clocks, etc?
at reasonable prices. Repairing PromDtlv
Done. Opposite Crow's Gallery.
Mrs. Charlotte Forsberg,
portant business, owing to the decease
of near realatlves and for the improvement
of her health, she will sell or rentier sSea
did residence property ; also house art lot
on Court street, for particulars inquire at
her residence. H