The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, May 04, 1890, Image 3

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Site gaitjj gtstoran.
.31 AY 4,1800
T&c Vast Difference Ilcnvern :
smi MorhM IVcliii; of ThN
The sensitive plant, that shrinks
from the touch, is rightly regarded as
occupying a Irish place in the vegeta
ble ro rid. When its delicate leaves
nn from contact with
tV Super we might fancy it gifted with
j -ori f c mciouiu . bv -windi it
can . onl.. feel, an 1 perhaps Miller,
lii alt vwblj attempt to withdraw
from suiTering. Tt is an interesting ob
ici tit notice, whatever may be our
speculations in regard t it, and wo
nntunnlh have strong interest in a
plant so curiously endowed.
Some men and women in our inoit
civilised communities .seem to be verv
much akin to this little shrub. Their
one distinguirhing characteristic ia
enjUiveiis. They are easily hurt,
oisily irritated, easily offend? 1. They
translate every touch, however inno
cent or friendb. into an intent to
trouble or annoy them: they are con
stantly fancying plights, suspecting
insult, imagining ridicule, dreading
centre. Of course they have their
fair share of reil grievances to deplore.
ami when to these are aided the
CHmile-is innginirv one? which a
morbid fancy suggests, we can not
wonder that they are in continual dis
tress, and if we can not nccoid them
onrrespect, we should not refuse them
mr sympathy.
It eai5 somewhat strange, how
ever, that anjone should plume him
self up-in it uncomfortable a dispo dispe dispo
siteon: yotMtch is often the fact. People
who tuns miner attribute it to no mor
bid or Mipicious temprement, but to
au acnt sensitiveness, of which they
are rather proud than otherwise. They
conceive themselves to be of liner grain
than their mure cufterful and trusting
neighbors; the are quicker to notice,
keener feel, and therefore exposed
to sufferings that coarser or duller
natures will never he troubled with.
Da this account they claim more con cen con
siderateon: they think people should
be especially careful not to wound or
v them, because tho are so sensitive.
Whit would be only ordinary behavior
t most persons they esteem cruelty
to them because of their delicate
Is MMisittvenevs, then, so fatal a girt
that we should prefer to be dull of
comprehension ? No faculty is ever
better for bnmg dull. Uul when it is
onh sharpened by .selfishness its mis
sion remains unperformed. It is then
only a means of phonal gain, whereas
its true tmrnjsc is a wid and ireneral
diffusion of happiness. This purpose,
however, can not be fulfilled unless wc
interpret trnl its messages. A healthy
sensitiveness accepts the pain uhicii
it must lear as a wholesome medi
cine, not dwelling upon its bitter
taste, not upbraiding those who
hand it not regarding it as a perma
nent evil, but simph using it for self
improvement At the same time it
gladly welcomes all the pleasant tidings
which are thus brought to knowledge.
It is as keen to reel the good as the
evil, and finds it in much larger pro
l trtion J t is a poor, one sided sensi
tiveness thit feels only the cold winds
o! neglect o.- critcism or displeasure,
and is dead to the sunny intluence of
kindness, esteem, sympathy and love.
If the same sensibility "that now
qnivers under the on bebut quicken
ed to receive the other, life will have
far happier days in store than it Ins
yet disclosed.
Above all, acute sensibilities are in
tended as a direct means of inspiring
geiuwus impulses and cultivating a
iKMunvdent character. They are no
longer a torment, bnl a blessing, to
him who is always sensitive for others
as well as himclr. The pleasure and
pain he feels, and the sources to which
he trace each, are his continual guides
to show him how to diffuse the one and
to mitigate theother in
with mankind. Nothing is more self
ish than a narrow, one-sided, sclf-pity-ing
sensitiveness; nothing more enno
bling than a sensitive spirit, keenlv
alive to all good influences and delight
ing to use them for th welfare and
happiness of mankind.
A Brutal Murderer Tells His Own
now in: TA.KExcA.vnrj:.
Strange Way in Which a Shocking
Hatchery Was Ilrouht to Light.
At 3 o'clock one morning twenty
years ago I was ou a railroad train
goi'ig from Portage. Wis , to Milwau
kee. C had b;eji out on some private j
detective work for pirtie in the lat
ter city, and had succeeded so well
that I was both happy aud sleepless.
This was the reason E was not in a
sleeping-car, fast h Id in the arms of
slumber, instead of occupying a seat
in the common coach, with my eye3
very wide open aud my wits all about
Ihad no idea to what ho referred;
but seeing that he was ready to talk,
and being anxious to take advantage
of the moment, I asked:
"Do you think he is dead?"
"Dead as a herring, and the old
woman with him. However, they
can't punish me any more for two
than for one. I was" after my own.
and when they wouldn't givo it to
me, I determined to take nil."
"What weapon did you use?"
"Got the ax from the back yard.'
"And when you had finished off
the old couple yon robbed the honse,
"Well, I took what I wanted, and
if I hadn't been the biggest fool on
earth von wouldn't have nabbed me."
"Why, boarding the train at that
little station. It was the act of a
luuatic, but nfter I left the farmhouse
I got frightened. I ran across the
fields, fell down, imagined that I was
pursued, aud bore off to the station
and hoisted the signal myself for the
train to stop. I suppose Rider gave
you the tip and pnt you onto me?"
"Woll, I'll kill him on sight. That
is, (with a little laugh) I will if I get
the chance."
I knew Rider to be a Millwankee
1 may say, without egotism, that I
am au observing man. There are
others in nlentv. lint the rrnfir half
of humanity go through life with nambler and a hard case, but was
their eyes half shut. My father was I completely in the dark as to what
a suenll for many vears, and, as a crime my prisoner uau comumieu.
boy, he taught mo to observe aud re- Lt was probably a murder, and near
member, if I went down town or out
for a walk, I had to tell him when I
got home who and what I had
the station where he got on and from
his statements 1 inferred it was an
old couple. He had pumped him-
(In nno nnfnainti foilmr. r,mt- self and it was certain I had made
a loose horse I had seen ia the road U'S catch. When we reached the
I got a sound thrashing; and again, ' station, howover, ray troubles began.
for failing to report a street fight, my
uuerty was taken away tor four days.
I can thus truthfully say to you that
I had the habit of observation licked
into me. while nature had kindly fur
nished me with a very retentive mem
ory. I5y aud by I began to study
human character as a profession, and
I liked it I learned to read men's
characteristics bv their face3. and
their thoughts by their actions; aud
There is always an ill feeling between
police and private detectives. Ine
feeling comes almost entirely from
the police. They look upon the pri
vate detective as a sort of guerrilla,
ready to break up the happiest homes
or to sell out to the highest bidder.
This, unfortunately, is true in many
cases, but not m all. As I entered
with the prisoner the captain in
charge roughly demanded by what
ht I had made an arrest
ou two occasions this facultv nf nor. right 1 had made an i
centiou nreveuted iait deliver!. , "The right which any man has to
I was wide awake, as I have told
you, when the train stopped at a
country station on signal. It barely
came to a standstill, and only one
passenger got aboard. The -car was
pretty well filled, and such of the
passengers as had seats alone were
strotched out iu sleep. 1 had sized
up every one near me, and had
counted up two houest old farmers,
a drover, two milliners, a mechanic
aud family, aud a house painter who
was evidently going to the city for
work. No one seemed to notice the
entrance of tho new passeuger. It
arrest a murderer." I replied.
"A murderer? Bosh! Where did
von got him?"
"At tho depot."
"Well, I shan't lock him up. Let's
see (to the man), but your face is fa
miliar to mo.''
"I am Charle3' Short, bartender in
Harrigan's saloon."
"Ah! so yon are. Well, what story
is this about a murder?
"All nonsense, sir;" replied Short,
who saw how things were drifting
aud sought to take advantage. "I
was ou a spree last night and this
to sleep and steal what I could lay
hands ou. I did go in about 11
o'clock, gaining access by a kitchen
window. I took the ax in with me to
intimidate them iu case I was dis
covered. While my uncle was over
60 years old, ho was a vigorons, hearty
man, aud capable of making n strong
fight. I don't know whether ho sus
pected I might come back, but I had
notyetreached the bedroom when
some s'ight uoiso I made roused him
out of bed, aud ho struck a light aud
discovered me.
I waut it to staud iu court that he
was the agressor. When he saw me
ho yelled out to know what I was do
ing there. I told him I was bound to
have SSOO, aud that if he would count
it out I would go away aud never
trouble him for another dollar. He
had a big club at the head of his bed
aud instead of stoppiug to argne
with mo ho seized tho weapon and
rushed at me. I had to use the ax.
He would have killed me i' I hadn't
struck him down. Then my aunt
came out screamiug for help, and she
wa3 about to escape from the house
when I hit her. After I had made
sure they wore both dead I went at it
to robb Hie house, and the pluuder I
got you found in tho satchel. That
is the whole story, sir, and if the law
yers think they can make anything
else of it, let 'em."
It seemed such a straight case that
there could be no loophole of escape;
but within three days after Short had
confessed to me he had engaged two
lawyers, recauted all he had said, and
wneu put ou trial pleaded insanity.
His friends, as was afterwards known,
raised $200 for each lawyer, and the
lawyers moved heaven aud earth to
earn their money. One of the in
stances of Short's alleged insanity
was a clear case of bribery and per
jur3 A man was brought forward to
swear that he sat behind the two of
us that morniug on the train, and
that ho had heard Short tell mo that
he had killed seventeen people and
was then on his way to heaven to tell
God about it. Tho person iu the
seat behind us was a womau, while
tho seat ahead was" occupied by two
women. This liar's testimony had
great weight, or enough to call for a
commission of doctors to examine
aud pass upon the question, and be
fore the case was finished Short died
in his prison bed of heart disease.
ifew York Sun.
Freaks or a Cattleman Who Fonml Him
self Rich and Didn't Know
What to Do.
mxnv was calm.
was in October aud he had on a fall j bloke saw mo at thedopot and wanted
overcoat, ne ctrried a heavv valise to I)lav 8tnnrt."
iu one hand, and ho came down thei "Well, you can make it cost him
aisle, looking from right to left until ' tlear ir yu will."
ho reached my seat I moved to the ! " proposo to. Here, take these
window as a hint that I w.m remlv o . irons off ray wrists."
Tho satchel was on the Iloor at ray
feet. Lifting it up I said to the Cap-
Thc Stolen Riij;.
Atno g the famous collection of
iewelry iu the green vault at Dresden,
which uow-a-days every traveler goes
to hcs, arc to b? found tlie splendid
treasures of the goldsmith's art in the
middle ages, secured in wrought-iron
frames with plate-glass covers, are
never allowed to be taken off before
visitors no matter how high their rank
Thus was n it the case eighty years
ago, when, it is true, the vault was
onlj visited by persons of distiuchou,
with a special permission from the
sovereign, and attended by the curator.
On day. by order of the king, a small
select party of the highest nobility was
being shown over the collection by
th? old custodian, when his quick
cyo detected, tj his no small terror,
that a young countess had (dipped on
her finger a magnificent diamond ring
of priceless vaine. However, the
experienced official appeared to take
no notice of the circumstance, but
when about to quit the apartment ho
requested their lordships and lady
ships to have a moment's patience, as
tfeey still had a slight formality to
xndergo. Ho then left the visitors in
small cabinet into which ho had
shown them aud immediately returned
with a dish filled with bran, in which
he asked each of the ladies to wash
Ueir hands, This is an old regula
tion, ha remarked apologetically,
axing his eyes on tho countess.
0ce upon a lime a parly of noble
l&dies came here to inspect the jewels,
and on that occasion oao of
&ea fell in love with a valuable ring
sad slipped it on her finger. The then
curator had observed the thert, but,
ot wishing to expose the countess,
hit tapoa the notion of a bran wash,
which he declared to be an old-estab-lisfeed
custom. The young lady took
the hint, quietly dropped the ring into
the bran while washing her hands, and
Ue curator thus saved the ring, the
lady's honor, and his position, which
he otherwise would have forfeited."
The compauy laughed and washed
their hands, the young countess being
tfee last On receiving the basin from
tbe kaads of the worthy mau she gave
his Kuperceived by tho others, a look
of iatease gratitude. The old custo
ilkn found the diamond in the bran,
bat since that day tho treasures in
the green vault at Drosden have
beea kept securely confined in their
glass cises, whence they are not
allowed to b? taken on any pretext
share it with him, but he hesitated
for a long minute, aud looked at me
sharply three or four times before he
finally sat down. Tho satchel he
placed between his feet. He had not
uttered a word, and after sitting
dowu ho seemed to forget all alnat
"Hello! but I have found a two
legged hog," I said to myself after a
bit. "I offered him half my seat of
my own free will, aud he seems to be
"An old couple living about forty
miles from the city were murdered
by this mau after midnight last night
Examine this satchel if you want
"There's nothing in there but laun
dry work,'' boldly roplied Short. I
set out with it in my hand last night
aud didn't get drunk euough to lose
mad hecau39 I did not surrender it il- 'Open her up and let tho captain
all. Old fellow, you are an H. O. G , j see"
aud no mistake. IW me look von j "Take the irons off this nnn," com
manded the captain, as he waved the
satchel down. If he doesn't capias
you before dintier he's uot tlio man I
j take him to be."
"Aye, he shall piy for putting the
! irons on me. Why don't ou take
over a bit.
I leaned back aguiust tin window
pretended to shut my eyes and re
sutnc my unp, and then inventoried
the fellow, lie had a hard, cruet face
on him aud 1 felt sure he was a mm
with little mercy in his heart I had I em
uot been looking at him over two! Was 1 dreamiug? Had I made a
minutes when T suw that he was t-ik fool of my self? Had this man con
ing shy glances at me. and that h fessed a murder to me? I was stag-
was unite anxious about tne M.itnlinl ' gered for the moment Then I tore
How He Acted When Itahy Hal tin Croup.
In the course ot hva minutes he
turned aroutid aud gave uii a thor
ough looking over, aud I read in the
gesture of his hand and the toss of
his head that hesiid to hiun-lf:
"Bah! Why should I be afraid or
His dress was that of a barkeeper
lather lhshy. The jewelry he
wore gave him away as woll. if lie
was not a barkeeper he was at least
the owner of a saloon, and from his
build I judged him to bts a pugilist of
more or less local fame. After ouo
general look at his dres3, 1 began at
his collar to make a closer inspectiou.
His shirt collar kept working up to
annoy him, aud I said to myslf that
tho button was. gone and he had
fastened it with a pin. In his twist
ing around he pulled his overcoat
back and I saw that the top button
on his undercoat had been pulled
out by a violent jerk, leaving a hole
in the cloth. The coat was uew aud
it would take a hearty wrench to pull
tho button out that way. I followed
his arm down to his right hand
and across tho back of it was a
a loag scratch. It was a fresh scratch,
for tho mark3 of blood still lingered.
My eyes dropped to the stranger's
right leg, and I saw that his kneo
was damp aud soilod. He had cer
tainly fallen ou the ground. I might
have reasoned that he had met with
a very common accident, but I didn't.
I said to mj'self:
"Old fellow, you have locked horns
with Eomebody to get mussed up this
waj. It is a scrape you don't want
known, for yon keep throwing anx
ious glances at me. If it was only nn
accident you'd get up and fix that
collar, growl a little over the sdoI on
your knee, and cuss tho railroad com
pany for having a depot platform un
protected at the ends. Wouder what
youv'e got iu that satchel? A trav
eler with a few clothes in a satchel
does not have to keep his foot on it
wnuo every body around him is asleep,
You are no cucumber, old follow, and
Tit e Safest Medicine
T have about the house at all times is
Simmons Idver Regulator. It will harm
m one. It will benefit all who may
have attacks or Biliousness. Dyspepsia,
Hefctlftcfcc, Constipation, or other ail-
resulting from a disordered Liver
r Stomach. Keen it alwaj's in the
MMk,ad you will have a family physi
oiMMtr who will save you many uol-
aa4 ach suffering.
3'onv'o got soraethiug in there worth
watching. I'll try a little trick on
I had my right hand in my pocket.
I carefully worked my knifo out, nnd
as it fell to the floor I gave a little
start, woke up and bent down to
look for it As I moved my hand
toward his feet he quickly beut down
and moved the satchel into the aisle.
Then I was satisfied that my sur
mises were rinht. Was ho n hiirnrlnr
and cfid tho satchel coutain the kit?
It was more probable that he was
just returning from au expedition to
the country, and that the satchel was
full of plunder. I was perfectly sat
isfied as to my man and I made up
my mind to have him arrested as a
suspicious character as soon as we
reached tho oity. That was what did
take place, only as there were no
officers about the depot as wo arrived,
I had to take tho fellow myself. I
let him reach the door ot the depot,
and then put my hand on his shonl
der. He dropped the satchel and
J made a bolt, bat fortunately he ran
1'iump ugumai. a uacEman wno was
entering and both were upset. Be
fore he could get up I had him
nipped. On the way to tho station
house, and speaking for tho first
time, ho asked:
"How did you know it was me?"
"Oh, easy enough," Iauswered.
"Woll, d a him, ho didn't act
square with me, or it would never
have come to this."
at the satchel and burs ted olf the
poor old lock, and as t'.ie receptacle
tlew open 1 emptied its conteuts on
the lloor. Gold, greenbacks, silver,
bonds and jewelry!
"Curse yon!" growled tho prisoner,
as he turned away.
The captain turned as pale as death.
There were the proofs, aud he stared
i at them for a full minute before he
1 could sav:
j "Wellthis isr a go. I shall lock
'3'ou up Short."
The man was registered and taken
down stairs, and then we couuted up
tho coutents of tho satchel and mado
ont a value of over $12,000. When
this had been completed I went out
after Rider, aud inside of au hour he
was behind the bars, ne went all to
pieces as soon as I charged him with
having put up the job for Short to
carry out, but denied it in tho most
vigorous mauner.
"Short has been telling for a year,"
ho said, "what his nicle out in the
country wa3 going to do for him. A
few weeks ago the old man found out
what a bad pill his nophew was, and
since then Short has been up a tree.
He told mo a week ago that ho'd have
some of their money one way or the
other, and when he talked about kill
ing and robbing I did ray best to put
the idea out of his head. He softened
up a bit and I supposed ho had given
over. If Charley Short says I ever
advised him to murder and rob, or
that I have had eyes ou him for a
week past, he's the biggest liar on
Well, curiously enough, we had a
murderer ou hand without a murder,
that is, no crime had yet been reported.
I had secured the murderer without a
hunt It was not so easy to find the
murder. A telegram was sent to the
agent at the station where Short had
boarded tho train, and ho replied that
ne uau neara ot no crime, it was 4
o'clock in the afternoon before he sent
a dispatch, saying that au old couple
living about three miles away had been
found in their house with their heads
chopped to pieces with an ax. That
was the crime ot which Short was
guilty and for which he was tried.
When he knew that he was in for it
he turned boaster and felt himself a
hero. He was delighted to give me
all the particulars. He said:
"I lived with uncle and aunt Des
bro until I was-of ago. Indeed, I was
an adopted son, both my own parents
being dead. I came into the city nino
years ago as a dry goods clerk. After
a time I got in with some bad fellows,
lost my place and rather went to the
dogs. For the last three years I have
been a gambler, boxer, bartender and
confidence man. Uncle went back on
me a good while ago, refusing to give
me a dollar. Ho had iu his hands
.money which honestly belonged to
me.for I had worked hard for him for
thirteen years. I went ont there the
other day, to see if he would not give
me $800 to buy an interest iu the sa
loon. Aunt Mary was for -giving it
to me, but the old mau was as ugly as
a Turk. We got into a wranglo at
the snpper table and ho ordered mo
outot the house.
"I went," said Short after a pause,
"and it was only after that that I got
the idea of robbing the house. The
old man never banked a dollar, but
kept everything in a bureau iu his
bedroom. I sat down in a fene cor
ner on the highway, and thought it
all over. I made upmy - mind that I
would enter the honse after they got
One of the Bixby children was seized
with a fit of croup the other night
Bixby heard tho little fellow's labored
breathing, and bounding clear over the
footboard of the bed, yelled "Cronp!"
in about tho same voice that the es
caped idiot yells "Fire!" at the theater.
Then he tried to put his trousers on
over his head, but finally got them on
wrong side out, aud tore into his shirt
with it wrong side in front
".Jumpf he screamed to his wife,
"there isn't a second to lose! Get tho
syrup of squills! Put on a tub of hot
water! Give him something to drink!
Get hot flannels on his chest instantly!
Hurry! hurry! Don't lie there doing
nothing while the child is choking to
death! Fly around!"
Mrs. Bixby is one of tho meek but
eminently sensible .and practical little
women who never get a tenth part of
the credit for the good they do in this
world. While Bixby was racing up
and down stairs, declaring thai nobody
was doing auylhing but himself, Mrs.
Bixby quietly to Ai the little sufferer
in hand.
"Do something quick!" sjreeched
Bixby, as he upset a pan of hot water
on tho bed an 1 turned a saucer of
melted lard over on tho dressing e:ise.
"Here, somebody quick f he yelled.
"Can't anylxidy do a thing but me?
Run for the doctor, s nne of on. Give
the child some more squills. Is th.'re
anything hot at his feel? Givo him
aconite. He ought to Inw a spoonful of
oil. If he don't get relict instantly
he'll die, and here there's nobodv try
ing to do a thing but me! Bring him
some warm water with a little soda in
it. He ought to have been put in a
hot bath an hour ago. Heat up the
bathroom! What's on his chest? Great
heavens! has tho child got to die
because no one will do a thing for
Mrs. Bixby quietly, and unaided,
brings tho child around all riirht and
sits with him until daylight, after she
has quieted Bixby down and got him
to bed.
And next morning he h us tho call to
say at tho effice: "One of my little
chaps nearly died with the croup last
night, and I had mighty hard work
bringing him around all right, but I
did, after working like a Trojan all
night It's a terrible disease, aud
scares women nearly to death. They
fly all to pieces, right off. A person
wants their wits abont them. Yon
want to keep perfectly cool aud not
fool away a second iu hysterics That's
where a man has the advantage over
a woman in managing a case of croup.
It's mighty lucky I wa3 at home to
take my little chap in baud."
During the seventies a man of tho
name of Eli Hawkins arrived at Los
Angeles, Cai., for the purpose of set
tling down on a farm and enjoying
me m tue land of "sunshine and the
tomale." He was a cattleman from
Montnua, and had a "barrel of money,"
as tho natives expressed it. He
bought a tract of about 400 acres on
the San Gabriel river, somo twelve
miles from the city, and began opera
tions in a mauner that astonished the
easy-going residents of tho valley.
He was so free with his money that
many extravagant stories were "afloat
regarding the extent of his riches.
Somo said he had money in bank in
every city from Helena, Mont, to Los
Angeles, while others told exaggerated
stuncb ol uis income irom nis iuontana
herds. Hawkins was of slovenlv
appearance, and resembled a tramp
more than a capitalist, and he looked
as though he never had S3 in his life.
His unkept look and quiet way made
mm tne cause ot many ridiculous
scenes, and it was liis delight to pass
himself as a vagabond, and try his
credit among business men and finish
by showing them one ot his bank
books, when, ot course, he received
ever attention, and nothing was too
good for him. A man of no education,
ho had become rich scarcely knowing
it, and selling his cattle range he found
himself iu possession of more money
than he had ever dreamed of having.
There wore no improvements on
the tract ho bought, and he began op
erations by fencing it Every idle man
in the neighborhood was lured and the
transformation began. Farmers who
had teams were employed, and the nro-
cession of loaded wagons from the sta
tion to Hawkins' land was a sight to
behold. In a few days he had a hun
dred men at work, all of whom were
better dressed than their employor.
The large force sooa completed "the
fencing, which wa3 the most substan
tial ot any iu the vallev. Then he sot
f linm in wn l.t. n.n1., -,lt 1 tl411 sut- Is
f, iVr "T"V ;iu. .:'""1l lien she is on her feet
?, v. vun,iU;iU,SuTuWU , rm .
Eyebrow brushes are for the fas
tidious. The new bnitonless bodice sets off
the bust
Flower bonnets will be more than
over in vogue the coming season.
Imported, walking sticks are verv
modest and considerably smaller.
For a walking costume soutane cloth
of military blue is very stylish.
Dress skirts continue to be longer in
all cases than they were last winter.
A black fan of turkey feathers is
considered chic with the most delicate
evening toilet.
Mo3tof the fresh and novel art
dresses are appropriate only for the
few and not the majority.
Among French untrimmed bonnets
tho models in lace straw are particu
larly light and attractive.
A jeweled pompon in a woman's
hair give3 her a queenly appearance.
Thoy are worn only with full dress.
Linen traveling dresses are cominc
back. They will be trimmed with
dark green or heliotrope velvet collars
and culls.
A "tender peach color" is mentioned
as one of the new shades for evening
gloves. A "peach that's got the mel
lers" is theHosea Bogelow way of dis
cribing the shade.
Many of the stylish wool gpwns
have loose waists of folded silk, belted
and worn with Kendal coats that havo
open fronts, cut without darts, and
jersey-fitting backs.
There is no fixed rule iu millinery
or guidance for choice. Provided the
head covering is becoming and not
altogether outre a womau may wear
just what pleases her best.
Large picturesque lace collars ac
company many of the new handsome
demi-train toilets and tea-gowns
which term now definitely inclndes a
particular stylo of dinnernlress.
It is unreasonable for a woman to
expect her walking jacket or long
cloak to fit when she sits down. Tho
garment i3 a regular standing affair,
and she is in great luck if it holds
Insurance and Real Estate Agents
H v K m k Stop
landscape gardener, erected a larcre
conservatory and filled it with beau
tiful plants. The grounds were taste
fully laid out with winding drives aud
walks arbors, fountains aud little grot
toes. To look at the man. who was '
not comely in person cr dress and who! Wlrifo fnifefc km'u i, ; ,. i.;.
was generally intoxicated, and whose summer; green is unquestionably la
uiuuu; orown is ine poets color, nnd
There is a crazv effort on the nart of
dressmakers to elongate their cus
tomers. Since the banishment of tho
bustle there is no waist lino, and hips
nnd belt meet in many of tho ultra
walking suits.
Children's : Carriages
wife wa3 a fit match for him. and then
note the excellent taste in the arrange
ment of his beautiful home, one could
not help marveling.
He bought an invoice of statuary
at Los Angeles and distributed the
figures around his park. One day he
came home with more drink than us
ual, and as it had been raining he
concluded that tho undo figures
needed some kind of covering. He
procured some colored paint, and put
a black india-rubber coat on the Cu
pids. Next he fixed Apollo with a
flaming red shirt and green stockings.
Mercury was enveloped in blue tights
and a bright red nose. Venus was
rigged out with bhek stockings and
a yellow gown, thn other figures
also coming in for a share of decora
tion. Ho built a cosy cottage in his park,
and during his many drunken esca
pades made things interesting for his
neigiitura. The writi
sided about inlf a iniie from the
1 I
the yellow tints, particularly baize,
primrose, apricot and cameo are on the
top wave of popularity.
A faint whisper has developed into
a loud rumor, that strong efforts aro
being made to revive tho all-round
crinoline. This is, of course, a bitter
protest against tho uglv innovation
from all sides.
Bound French waists without darts
or side bodies and shirred at the neck
and waist line, front and back, aro
first choice for summer fabrics and
slight figures. Full leg-o'-mutton and
bishop sleeves go with these bodices
very nicclv.
Irish Flax Threads
Findlay, Ohio, has sixteen glass
.The latest Jlat-irou is iieativl
Pennsylvania miners will build read
ing halls.
A Burlington, Iowa, man is catching
hong birds for English milliners.
The Rochester stone-cullers wero
granted SJ and $3.50 and nine hours.
Tn New York uuiou brewers get 15
to SIS a week ; non-union, $10 to $12.
The Detroit Steel and Spring Com-
kms farm, and has positive knowl
edge of the incidents narrated. One
night during one of their sprees
Hawkins and wife took an axe and
cuoppcu ineir uirimuro to piece.?,
threw it out of the window and I
burned it The next day thev j
went to town to buy a new lot. '
They looked aa though they had!
escaned from tht howsn nf inrrAfini I
They went to the nrineinal fiirniLimi I Pny has suspended : liabilities S300.-
ho:ie. They were shown the cheapest j Up
sets, and even then the clerk thought ; Twenty-five thousand workmen con
he was wasting his lime on them. But nected with building trades in Chicago
nothing was good enough for Haw-J are idl e. -
nd Niiri!.. J? i I1' 1KVr The National Association of tho
fin,,, !?LlherireftIy"Iookl11?, 1,a,r o I canneil goods trade will meet in Balti
thcmselves. lhe manager then came more, Mav 7.
in and asked them to jm fo fhi fnn
floor where he would show them I . Un.cIo b'1m 1S. ?a.ul to purchase
something better. He showed them ' twenty-live tons ot tobacco every year
sets worth all the wav up from S250.
The Wear and Tear of C.iupd
by Stopping u Train.
Sitting in the Hoffman house, re-
Skn4-1 T 1. am ,1 "l "t X . ? 1 -1
v,cuti.,j. uuum kj. j. j.amwater, ais
cussing the question of railroad man
agement. "Did vou ever consider."
said he, "what is the actual cost of
stopping a train? I have been in the
railroad business since I wa3 a boy,
and the question never seriously oc
curred to me until tho other day in a
lawsuit at St Louis, when tho question
came up. John C. Garrett, general
manager of the Wabash, testified on
the stand that the co3t of stopping an
ordinary passenger train at a way
station was soventy cents.
"Being cross-examined, he admitted
that a certain train running between
East St Louis and Toledo was paying
uie company aooutsi per mile, and,
being further questioned as to the
number of stops made on the road, it
was established that if it cost 70 cents
for each stop this paying train, as Mr.
Garrett called it, lost money to the
extent of twice its operating expenses.
The decision of tho jury in the case
was based on the conclusion that it
cost about 50 cents in wear and tear
and time to stop an ordinary passenger
train at a way station, and 1 believe
they are about right"
Here is a chance for dentists. Dr.
Chester, a medical missionary and a
brother-in-law of Bishop Whittaker of
Peiladelphia, says: "There is a big
chance in Madras and Bombay for a
number of bright skilled American
dentists. Madras is a city of 300,000
population and has not a single Amer
ican dentist there. I know people
who travel from there to Bombay,
nearly 1,000 miles, in order to have a
tooth filled. There is only one good
dentist in Bombay, and he refuses to
fill teeth with gold, using a sort of
cement that is not lasting. He charges
$7.50 for pulling a tooth. A few good
American dentists could go over there
now and at once step into a big
when Hawkins asked him it that was
the best He was then shown tho
finest, $1,500. "I'll take that; that's my
style. Send it to my room," he said.
When the manager announced to the
orowd of clerks that he had sold a $1,500
set there was a loud guffaw, which
Hawkins took in, and then lie pro
ceeded to take them down a ncir bv
inviting some ono to accompany him
to the bank. Then they thought they
had a lunatic to deal with, but one of
the proprietors whispered to a
clerk to accompany Hawkins, as
they had carried the" joke so far ho
had a curiosity to see what tho poor
devil would do next On reaching the
bank the man was astonished to see
Mr. Hellman come nronnd and grasp
Hawkins by the hand. Hawkins asked
him if liis check was good for $1,500.
"Yes," said Hellman, good for $200,-000."
By this time the clerk was out in tho
fresh air trying to get his breath.
Hawkins had a mania when on the
road of trying to run over people, and
had succeeded in injuring several.
One man who had his leg broken by
being knocked from lu3 horse, re
covered SG,000 damages.
Hawkins and wife were both good
shots and used tho statuary as targets.
Before the works of art had been set
up three months many noses and
arms were missing, "and the col
lection looked as if it had been
out with McGinty. One day the old
mau proceeded to his new brick
reservoir to take a swim before the
walls were dry. His wife warned him
that she would shoot him if he under
took it Hawkins plunged in, when
bang went Airs. Hawkins' Winchester.
He hid behind the tank-house, and
every time he showed his head a
bullet whizzled past His playful
wife kept him shivering there the" en
tire afternoon. His reservoir, which
cost several thousand dollars, was
ruined by his haste to use it before it
was dry, but money was no object
with Hawkins. Fun, he said, was
what he lived for but few could see
where tho enjoyment was in leading
such a wretched life, which terminated
in the death of himself and his wife by
delirium tremens.
The Cost of Tyinj Shoestrings.
One of the managers of a big East
ern knitting mill has made a calcula
tion that the shoestriugs of a working
girl will come untied on an average
three times per diem, and that a girl
will lose about fifty seconds every
time she stoops to retie them. Most
of the employes have two feet, so this
entails a loss of 300 seconds every day
for each girl. There are about four
hundred girls employed in this factory,
and therefore the gentleman finds that
43,800,000 seconds arc wasted in the
course of a year, which time, at the
averago rato of wages, is worth $013.
17. Orders have accordingly been
issued that girls must wear only
buttoned shoes or congress gaiters,
under penalty of discharge.
for the itse ot the navv.
The New Yorkcigarniakcrs aro back
to work. They will get $15 a week
and work ten hours.
A Boston woman is having a silk
dress made from silk spun by her own
silkworms in her own sitting-room.
Thoy say -10,000 pauper laborers
have arrived at Castle Garden in a
year, despiie the contract-labor law.
Dull times in the mining region
aroimd Scranton have disheartened
the miners, and many are emigrating.
A Turkish working day lasts from
sunrise to sunset, with certain inter
vals for refreshment and repose.
Major Lewi3 Ginter, of Bichmoud,
Va., is reported to have made a for
tune of $7,000,000 by sales of cigarettes.
Isaac Shivers, of Perkassia. Bucks
county, Peun., sent to Richmond, Vn.,
for 200 colored laborera to work in
F. N. Merrill writes to a Milwaukee
paper that in many localities in the
Southern states a ton of Bessemer pig
iron can be produced for S8.50.
It the present strike continues for
ouo mouth the loss in money to tho
laborers and their families will be
over $1,000,000. Chicago Times.
Ajnil 20.
St Louis union tailors aro kicking
because the fine of S12,000 imposed on
a boss for importing twelve tailors
in violation of the contract labor law
was reduced to $2,000.
Tho largest sawmill in the world is
located at Clinton, Iowa. It cost
S2G0.000, has ten saws and two bat
teries of ten boilera each. It will
saw 450,000 feet of lumber in eight
Official figures show that the log cut
this year in the pineries of Wisconsin
and Minnesota wa3 tho largest ever
known. The cut, altogether with old
logs, amounted to 1,150,000,000 feet.
The Boston Jouriialsavs tho Louis
iana lottery takes in S25.UOO.000. Davs
out $8,000,000 for expenses, $8,000,000
for prizes, and retains $8,000,000 for
profits. This seems to be a very profit
able business.
China is losing its tea trade at an
exceedingly rapid rate. In 1864, 97
per cent of the tea consumed in tho
world was grown in China, and 3 per
cent in India. In 18S8, China's con
tribution to the world's consumDtion
was 43 per cent, while 57 per cent was
grown in India. Boston Herald.
The Oliio commissioner of labor
statistics gives a depressing account of
the condition of women wage-earners
in the factories and shops of that
state. He also finds them underpaid,
and tho means also of reducing tho
wages of men, and he advocates the
heroic remedy of their withdrawal
from factory employments.
.-w..,yci rwvx 'VWV?vT !" MX?tmm.
They rocelvcd the
London Fisneries Exhibition 1883.
And have been awarded HIGHER PRIZES at the various
Than the goods of any other"
Quality Can Always be Depended on.
Experiencefl Rstann Use no Ota
5 1 7 and 5 1 9 Market Street, SAN FRANCISCO.
Constantly on Hand. SEINES, POUNDS and
TRAPS Furnished to order at Lowest Factory Prices.
Groceries, Provisions add Mill Feed.
Crockery, Glass" Plated Ware.
The Largest and finest assortment of
Fresh. Fruits and Vegetables.
Received fresh everv Steamer.
Sorenson A Co.,
Real Estate Agents!
Correspondence Solicited.
P. O. Box 16
Office on Olney Street,
Between Second and Third.
There are sixteen colored jockeys
in this country who receive from 82,
500 to S8,000 a year. There is not a
colored minister in the country, bishop
or pastor, who receives as much as
tho least expert of those jockeys.
Wc have Property in the original townsite from $225 ud-
waras. Good Business and Residence Propertv
always on onr list.
Investments made for non-residents. Correspondence solicited
Call and see us.
Office on Water Street, Near Union Pacific AVkarf aud. Bpt,
x.f "--- ,.