The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, May 03, 1890, Image 3

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    - --x tirr'
' "JSF"" J
14 .
She gatttj toriatu
SATURDAY- . MAY 3. 1890
(Moiulay excepted.)
lublK!urs and Proprietors.
Terra of Sntcrijitin.
Served bv Oarrlor. per week .. . in cts
Sent ly Mall, per month.................. CqcIs
Snt by Mall, one vir ........ ... $7.00
Fr" f wc:ur' tn iilirnl p:.
mt tkin spt ! n i.i i, :i!.t
i.t 'Ur larr 5 in mi nt am u ipi-
;--c tauxit-.t -hi ilir iiv i.
Picnic at Kindred park to-day.
Is your hnkct pnekod Tor the picnic
l'olk street is lwing graded between
First and Second streets.
Two drunken men were arrested at
two o'clock tins morning by officer
. ,, " .". document to commit matrimony. It
Cmv n wurlliv :mt, tiw ivmr.iiii:n-:.i n i .-... - "
... r - ""
liirauitmiiii. your presence at tlie
tiionter to-night,
Wull: i-;itio stNiu ti Miirirest that
AisfikrtH Itnv.k ?i f-iifiiiir Iwitvfllt P IttK- i
cvlclirnlion this war?
Kosorasl seats at t lie New York
Novelty store for the "Damon and
PythitiN play this evening.
ThtsGooley Bros, will shortly start the
Columbia bakery in the new" building
corner Went Ninth and Water streets.
A large invoice of .stamps has just j
leon received at the poslollice, so that j
mi wno uesire mem can be supplied.
In the Mikado candy factory last
evening, a clerk let a showcase lid fall
tmi hcnvily. and the glass was broken.
The painting of J). K. Warren's
hon-e and buildings at Skipanon has
just Ihvii completed, and they present
a tine apjearance.
Theft. will le an ice cream festival
at liocne hall next Thursday, the 8th
mst., under the auspices of the ladies
of the Jlaptist church.
Services in Grace church Sunday as
usual: 11 a. m. and TtfO p. i. Sundav
school at 12SJ0. The Kev. sir. .Toha
son of Portland will officiate.
On First street below Washington si
one-story building with two stores is
leing constructed, and just opposite
a two-story building is going up.
On Flavel's wharf is a large boiler
which has been repaired here and is to
be sent down to Tillamook bay, where i
it Injlongs in the steamer General
Tiic WkhkijY Astoiuax, the largest
newspajer in the state is published this
morning. It has a complete synopsis
of the news of the week, home and
At a meeting of the stockholders of
the Astoria Iron Works yesterday .lohn
Fox was re-elected president. A. li.
Fox vice president, and .1. G. Ilusller
secretary and treasurer.
A legal advertisement in the adver
tisement column gives notice of a suit
for divorce, brought by Emily Iland
lem to dissolve the matrimonial lie
which binds her to Joseph Hnudlcm.
Ever one who signed that request
to the amateur association to repeat
the play of "Damon and Pythias" will,
or course, take two tickets to the en
tertainment which comes ofT to-night.
The steamer Gen. Canity will make
an excursion to the forts and Uwaco
to morrow, leaving here at nine a.
m., and returning will leave llwaco at
A p. j. Fare for the round trip fifty
The old dohuson boat house, oppo
site the Astoria Iron Works, on the lot
recently bought for 5.000 by the city,
is being torn down, preparatory to the
transfer, to that site, of Astoria No.
One's engine house,
The W. C. T. U. at their last meet
ing, on Thursday, elected the follow
ing delegates and alternates to the
state convention, which meets in Port
laud the '20th or May: Delegates,
Mrs. Geo. Grannis, Mrs. M. A. Brown,
.Mrs. MeCormac, Alternates, Mrs.
D. K. Warren. Mrs. Marv Fox, Mrs.
S, C. Gibson.
Captain II. Olsen, of the sealing
sclMxuier Jtvssii Ruttcr, returned yes
terday. The United Stales grand jury
at Portland promptly dismissed the
complaint and released him. While it
was an unfortunate affair, yet public
opinion justifies the course the captain
pursued as the only one possible un
der the circumstances.
Usually actors and actresses on the
stage are strangers to the audience.
Not the least among the attractive
features in to-night's entertainment
at the theater is the fact that those
who participate are all of our
own citizens and the knowledge of
this always makes the play more in
teresting (o the audience.
The basket picnic at Kindred Park,
to-day givcu by the woman's
llelief Corps, will Ik an enjoyable af
fair. The Gen. Canby will make two
ronnd trips; she will leave Flavel's
dock atSiJOA. M., and 1 r. M. Re
turning, she will leave Kindred park
at 4 and 5 r. m. Get your baskets
ready and take the children.
Sheriff Smith returned last evening
on the Telephone bringing Henry and
Thomas Helgeson, who had been ar
rested as stated in yesterday's As
toriax, for stealing a rifle from the
sealing schooner Bessie liulter.
Their examination is set for ten o'clock
this morning, before Judge May, and
meanwhile they will remain in jail.
In conversation with D. K. Warren
yesterday, he stated that the well be
side the shop of Harrison & Thielsen
k now down a depth of 2S0 feet, that
the drill is passing through soft sand
stone and that some gas comes up,
but not in a very large quantity. The
boring will still continue. The drill
broke yesterday, entailing a little
In the police court yesterday be
fore Judre Jewett, the two men ar
rested for fighting, the evening pre
vious, as menuonea in inese columns,
failed to appear, consequently the ten
dollars each, had deposited was de
dared forfeited, and August Olsen
aatd Nek Benton now realize that
tfeeir little fight cost them ten dollars
The Mercantile Register for 1890 is
being delivered to its Astoria sub
scribers. It is a "fake," is incomplete,
unreliable and of little value, and is as
worthless for reliable and present in
formation as last year's almanac.
The Port Tmnnspml,1o oo,.o
!.. ni-,; ;. -"- ;
I mui uuuecior xjrausnaw received on
j the steamer Michigan yesterday two
uuiw - i- ouuji ciams, ana will
endeavor to plant that variety in the
bound waters. The clams were dug
at Gray's harbor by Chief Engineer
Harry C. Lord, of the light-house
tender Manzanita, and they are the
first elains of this variety ever brought
to the Sound.
.Every stateroom w:i? fnlmn bvbpv
berth occupied, and over forty passen
gers had no sleeninir nlnee n, tli ,
li. Thompson last night, for she
carried one of the largest loads of
passengers wnicn nave been taken
since last summer. A few such loads
and the U.P. company would soon
increjise the service between this cilv
and Portland. Travel has been steadil V
increasing of late.
"Two souls with but a siniM
thought, two hearts which beat as
one," yesterday entered the countv
clerk's office and the official agent of
Cupid "ranted them the lipnrorcnrv
t n i-iiucmiy hul uie nrst experience oi
either in that line, as the ladv has a
bright little girl who cafis her
"mamma." so thev alrendv linvn n
commencement in business, " whatever
Uie future may bring forth. The
happy couple are registered as W. D.
Wheeler and Mrs. Etta McKinlpv. but
after this, as they register, the 'latter
name will probably be laid aside.
John F. McGovern is in the citv, en
route to the East.
Hon. C. W. Fulton returned from
Portland yesterday.
John C. Jirvce arrives from Porflnml
to-morrow morning, on a visit to his
Dr. II. A. Smith returned yesterday
from a month's sojourn in'sonthern
Henry Doyle came up from San
Francisco yesterday, on a brief visit
to this vicinity.
Prof. Jt. K. Warren, who has been
visiting here for the past week, re
turned to Portland last evening.
Dr. W. P. Gibbon came up on the
steamer Oreyon from California. He
will remaiu here for two months.
Mrs. John Minlo, of Clatsop plains,
enjoys the distinction of being the first
lady ever married in this county.
Sheriff Smith went to Portland last
night on the steamer, where he is sum
moned as a witness before the United
States grand jury.
Dr. Balch, wife and son, A. Gilbert
and W.J. Shanahan were passengers on
the State of California, yesterday
from here to San Francisco.
Yesterday noon Surprenant's under
taking parlors were crowded with
mourners in attendance upon the
funeral services over the remains of
John Hayman and Nicholas Andrew,
the two fisherman who were killed
near Rainier on Tuesday morning.
The sidewalks and street were
thronged with men, mostly members
or the C.R.F.P. Union, while many
ladies were also on the sidewalk,
unable to get in the rooms.
A procession was formed headed by
the brass baud of the Scandinavian
Temperance society. Over 500 men
and 100 women were in line and to a
death dirge by the band moved slowly
to the wharf, the two coffins being
carried by six men each and closely
followed by the weeping relatives and
sorrowstricken friends.
The steamers Ilrc??oaaud Electric
and a large barge towed by the latter,
were inadequate to accommodate the
many who desired to embark, but
currying as many as possible, they
started for Clatsop where the inter
ment look place. The tide had fallen
so low that the steamers could not
return until evening, but sail was
made on the scow, and as she drew
less water w;is enabled to return after
the burial, bringing part, of the com
pany. Tho Fire Bell.
At 1:15 i. m., yesterday an alarm of
fire was sounded and theiiremen res
ponded promptly, many a man leaving
an unfinished meal. The fire was but
slight, and a stream of water from No.
1 soon extinguished the incipient con
flagration. It was the roof of a small ImnsA nn
Second street, near Washington, owned
uy unaries liolir and occupied by
Charles Houirii and familv. Mrs.
Hough stated to The Astouiax re
porter mat mere Had been no lire m
her stove since 12 o'clock, and slin
could not imagine how it originated.
iier nrst knowledge ot tho lire was
wnen, coming into the kitchen from
the vard. she saw coals n?id snnrL-a
dropping on the ground. Looking up
in surprise, sue discovered tnattlieroor
w;is on lire Only a small hole, some
two feet souare. was bnrned in flir
shingles, thanks to the prompt action
of the fire department, for in a few
minutes mere would nave been consid
erable damage, as there are other
houses on each side but a few feet
from this.
A Narrow E-rape.
The little son of Mrs. Merie Davis,
about five years ot age, fell into the
river last evening, soon after the arri
val of the Telephone, while playing at
the dock, near the steamer. A deck
hand, named WTilliam Murphy,
promptly jumped overboard and catch
ing the boy as he was going under the
third time, brough him safely out of
the river. It was a brave act. for th
water is very deep, and the tide was
running rapidly.
Unfortunately, later m the evening,
the same man became intoxicated, was
abusive to the mate of the steamer,
arrested and locked up in the city
prison on a charge of drunkenness.
In consideration of his brave and
mauly act, it seems as if punishment
might be suspended.
Passengers to Portland.
The following is the list of passen
gers who went up the river last night
on the steamer li. R. Thompsen:
C. B. Peterson, H. Christenson, C. D.
Chambers, J. R. Foley. G. Renebaum,
Rev. W. S. Short C. James, H. S.
Sinister, V. Cook, T. J. Conroy, W. T.
Chutter, C. J. Curtis, F. M. Warren,
H. Clarke, Mrs. Perrie, Miss Gronnels,
Miss Wilson, H. Southworth, T. G.
Taylor, J. A. Cook, A. Claybonm, Maj.
Canby, S. B. Saley, J. H. Woodron,
iuiss omitn, x. n. xmaaie, w. Jt;.
Warren, F. Fallow, D. Leahy, M.Dan
nabaum,W. H. Lewis, L. Borchers,
R. K. Warren, F. O. Burchland, J. W.
Gearhart, M. L. Pratt, L. F. Thatcher.
Coffee and cake, ten cents, at the
Central Restaurant
The steam launch Occident is being
overhauled and repaired at the foot of
Lafayette street
The barkentine Eureka sailed yes
terday for San Francisco with a load
of lumber from St Helens.
The steamer Dolphin came down
from Portland yesterday, and leaves
this morning for Shoalwater bay.
Tho Volga is running ou the Fort
Canby route in place of the Suomi,
which is laid up a few days for repairs.
The steamer Ocklahama went up
the river yesterday towing the barken
tines Laura May and Marion, bound
for Portland.
The barkentine Marion. Capt W.
Jorgensen, arrived vesterdav from
Eureka, California, with 255,278 feet
oi redwood lumber and 1,219 bnnches
of shingles for Portland.
The steamship Stale of California,
Capt H. S. Ackley, came down from
Portland j'esterday morning, taking
from here 100 sacks of oysters, 1,300
bundles of shooks and some miscel
laneous freight, and five passengers,
then sailed for San Francisco.
The steamship Oregon, Capt E.
Polemauu, arrived yesterday morning
from San Francisco, bringing to this
port 130 boxes of soap for Pfirker &
Hanson, 1GS packages of groceries for
Aberdeen Packing compauv, GO pigs of
tin for C. P. Upshur, 149 "bundles of
iron for Wilson & Fisher and 1,184
packages of miscellaneous freight for
sundry parties. After unloading the
above the vessel proceeded up the
river for Portland.
An I'navoulalile Delay.
Yesterday morning the British ship
Vanduara was all ready to be towed
up the river to Portland, and the
steamer Ocklahama was about to
connect for that purpose, but the de
parture was postponed. It seems that
7G3 boxes of tin which was to be left
here and on which Capt Skinner had
paid duty were down in the hold and
could not be taken out without first
removing a large part of the cargo,
and to save this delay and expense,
the captain wished to take it to Port
land, and when he returns bring it
back with liim. Tliii the collector of
the port could not allow without
authority from Washington.
A telegram was sent to tho secretary
of the treasury and last evening a
reply was returned granting the de
sired permit Collector Taylor at
once notified Capt Skinner and agent
Noyes telegraphed for a tug which
will be here this morning, and take
the ship up the river. Capt Skinner
is grateful to collector Taylor for his
kindness in wiring the department
and gaining the permission for him to
The Paid "Specials"' Didn't Work.
Last week the renorfor for the Np.inx
paid a short visit to Anacortes. Reports
had been in circulation for some time
that tho boom had collapsed, which
was found to bo trne Peonle are
leaving the terminus on every boat,
and at tho present writing there is a
population, aside from railroad labor
ers, of about 500. This is certninlv n
great drop from 3,000, which was
claimed at one time for the citv. But
what does this exodus signify? Sim
nlv nolhinir. as it is comnosed in n
great measure of people who had only
Siuu or SlWU when they went there and
spent it all in making the first payment
on a lot or building a shack on a
leased lot and when the reaction etme,
which was plainly foreseen from the
start, they were forced to leave.
iSKayu A'ews, April 26.
Tirod of 3Iatriniony.
A suit for divorce was vosfenlnv
brought by Alice Atchison who desires
to be lecallv severed from Samuel
Atchison, to whom she was married in
December. 1883. at AVillshnrer in tins
state She has resided here over a
year but claims that Samuel lias bpen
very naughty, for he has cruelly
assaulted her, called her foul iiamc3
and last June struck her with his fist,
Knocking lier out of a chair and inflict
ing severe and pain fnl wounds. The
unhanny counle have one child, n
daughter three years of age, and this
uie motner wants, as well as S100 to
defray expenses of the suit for divorce.
oamuei nas not yet been heard from,
and his reply to the above is yet to be
made. Evidently both of them will
vote that "marriage is a failure."
A Singular Case.
Over a vear aero Rev. Will mm T.
Franklin started for Portland, and
since then has not been heard from.
Ho was lughly esteemed by all, and
his disannearance is slirnmlefl in mm.
lery. He left considerable property,
and tnougb very reluctant to take such a
course, Ins sorrowing wife has to apply
for a divorce iu order that some pro-'
vision may be made for her support,
as under the present circumstances
the property could not be disposed of
by any one The legal summons ap
pears in our advertising columns. It
is a very pecnliar case, the like of
which seldom occurs.
A Whole Orrliextra.
Rudolnh Barth has solil liis Int-tro
orchestra to Val. Bilduer, of Baker
It was manufactured in Villinrrn
Black Forest Germany, by Shoep
stein Bros., and wjis purchased from
tueir aan Jtrancisco agents, bv Mr.
Barth for S4,500. It is fourteen feet
high, seven feet long, and five feet
wide and weighs three tons. It con
tains twelve rollers and 300 pipes,
each pipe representing a different
musical instrument It plays sixty
different pieces and is a whole brass
band. It has been boxed and ready
for shipment
Change of Candidates.
Astoria, Or., April 28, '90.
County Central Committee,
Sirs: I desire respectfully to de
cline the nomination for school supre
intendent which the convention has
so generously tendered me
Fully appreciating the respect
shown. I remain yours,
J. Q. A. BowiiBr.
The committee yesterday placed
the name of C. W. Shively on the
ticket for the position made vacant by
Judge Bowlby's resignation.
Reams Wllk Beard.
At the Uolden House, corner Fourth
and Main streets.
Tkcrc Arc Seme Nice Reams.
Over the Mikado candy store, suitable
for offices, for rent. Apply to Alex
Cottage Fer Beat.
The new cottage lately built by Mrs.
Ross, is for rent this morning. Apply
to John II. Smith.
Fine Table Wiae
Delivered at CO cents a gallon, to any
Eartofthe city. A fine line of pure
allfornia wines at low prices, at A.
W. Utzinger's Cosmopolitan saloon.
An FHf d in The County Recorder's Oflire
State of Oregon to RosaB.
Balteu, W J. of S E '. sec
13 and N E If of N W 4,
sec 24, T 7 N, R 1) W, 120
acres S 150
State of Oregon to Frank K.
Lovell, S W H, sec 13, T 7
N, R G W, 160 acres 200
Geo. Noland et als to Ella M.
Sackett lot G, blk 4, Skip
anon 100
Leinenweber and Good
enough, to J. B. Coughle,
lot 45, blk 8, Power's add . GO
M. J. Kinnev et al to William
Porter, lot 10, blk 30 and
lot3blk26 333
S. R. Jessup and wife to J. J.
Shaw. 15 acres in sec 21, T
8N.K9W 1
J. J. Shaw to S. R. Jessup, 15
acres in sec 21, T 8 N, R 9
W 1
Leinenweber and Good
enough to Alex Albright
lot 19, blk 8, Powers'
add GO
Alexander Albright to Otto
Schlett, lot 19, blk S,
Power's add GO
Previouslv rejiortetl this
year ..". S1,2G0,540
Total to dale ,S1,2G1,505
Griffin, formerly of Oysterville, sold
his tract at South Bend for SS0.000.
The John Johausen property at the
mouth of "Willapa river, sold for $14,
700. There were 147 acres.
The Dolphin took the boilers and
engine for the new mill at South Bend.
They have four million feet of logs on
Parties have made an offer for the
Columbia mills at Knappton. They
are supposed to be connected with the
North Pacific R. R.
A fine of $20 was imposed on the
steamer Tom Morris, by the insect
ing department for not having on the
stem, the name or the port where
There are over twentv militant feph
of logs out on Nasel river, with but
one saw mill at Sunshine, to cut them
up. its capacity is about sixteen
million feet annually on full nin,
hence there is mora than a vnnr's
snpply out, which will cause many of
l. i : 1. L i At
iuc luyyuiK wuups io sunt down IU13
season, thereby making dull times
local ly. ji a ta nee.
Iowanda's Gift Show.
The larrrest audience ivr ncfm1ilo1
in the opera house greefed Lowanda's
Gift Show last night. Fully one
thousand neonle were in the hall and
three or four hnndred people were
turned away who could not get even
standing room. The show was a great
success. Prof. Lowanda is a clever
magician and kept the audience inter
ested iu his tricks for over an hour.
A very laughable afterpiece by the
comnanv was introduced, after which
the presents were distributed. Daily
Key, Key west.
Will Aid Portland as Well as Astoria.
It is imagined that Portland is in
stinctively hostile to the construction
of any road to Astoria Wo beg to
inform our friends at Astoria that if
any such notion is entertained there it
is not entertained here, nor even
thought of for a moment. A railroad
to Astoria will undoubtedly build
Astoria up, but will not pnll Portland
down. On the contrary, it will help
Portland relatively about as much as
it will help Astoria. Orcgoman, 2.
It is now known that a plia
ply tla Is not th result ol
blood disease, bat Is caused yj
Impaired digestion, forvrhlch
they now glvo vegetable cor.
rcctlfcs Instead of mineral.
Two short testimonials aro giv
en to contrast tho action of tho p tash Eorsa
parillas and Joy's Vegetable SarsapariUa.
Mrs. CD. Stuart of 1221 Mission street, S.F.,
writes that sho took ono of tho leading jnrsa
parillas for indigestion and dyspepsia. Its
only effect was to cause pimples to appear on
her face. Upon taking Joy's YegeUble Sarsa
jyilla the first effect was tho disappearance
of tho pimples and sho was subsequently re
lieved of tho Indigestion and dyspepsia.
Eobcrt Stewart also writes
from Pcta.jma, CaL, that be
ln troubled with boils ho
found that ono of the leading
sarsaparillas actually Increased
tho eruptions, which, respond
ed at once to Joy's Vegetable
Earraparllla and disappeared immediately
Two Fish Commissioners.
State Fish Commissioner F. (1. Reed
and James Crawford, who holds a
similar position for the new state of
vasnington, were discussing the fish
ing situation at tho St Charles yester
day afternoon. Neither anticipated
any further trouble between tho nnion
and non-union fishermen, and as far as
nsning with wheels is concerned the
law is rigidly enforced. Oregonian,2.
A good appetite is essential to good
health, and loss of appetite, indicates
something wrong. Hood's SarsapariUa
creates ami sharpens the apuetite, as
sists the digestive organs and'regulatcs
the kidneys and liver. Take Hood's
SarsapariUa this season. Sold by all
Saturday Surprise Sale
A Corker !
S5 Suits, which are good
value at $12, $15 and $1S,
for Saturday only $9.75.
The Reliable Clothier and natter.
In Occident Hotel Building.
Competent woman wanted to tike full
charge of an infant four months of age.
Apply at this office
TeleDheacLedifiuir flense
Best Beds in town, lioomsper night
50 and 25 cts., per week $1.50. New and
clean. Private entrance.
Meals Ceeite te Order.
1'rivate rooms for ladies and families:
at Central Kestaurant next to Foard &
A fine unfurnished house for rent, be
longing to Mrs. G. W. Boss. For par
ticulars apply to Fitzgerald & Carney
Not a Pimple on Baby.
Iltnhft our year old. Hml trith JJrzemn.
J fair all Cem: Scalp eoecretl trith
I t-ruptlons. Ctirrtt hy Vuticura. Hair
.ilrt;tliil mill not a jii hi pic on liim.
Cured by Guticura
l Ciiunotsav enough in praise oi the Cct
icuka itEMi:niK. 3Iy liov when vih yenr
of ape was so bad with erzeiu i that he lost
all of his lnir. His scalp was covered Willi
erui.tlons. which the doctors said was scall
head. and that his har would nver grow
a-ZHiii. Dpspaiiing of a cure from phyMciuns,
1 !"jan the iisc t i uticcka Keukdies.
and, I am happv to sav. with the most per
fect success. His hair is now .splendid, and
there Is not a pimple on him. I recommend
the CuTicoitA Kkmkdies to mothers as the
most speedy, economical and sure cure for
all skin diseases of infants and children. and
feel that every mother wno has an afflicted
child will ihankir.e for so doin;.
iMns. M. E. WOODSUM. Norway, .Me.
Fever Sore Eight Years
I must extend to you the thanks of one of
my customers, who has been cured by using
the Cuticuua Kkmemks. of an old sore,
caused by a long spell of sickness or fever
eieht years ago. He was so bad he was fear
ful he would have to have his leg amputat
ed, but is happy to say he Is now entirely
well. sound as a dollar. He requests me to
use his name, which is II. H. Casox, mer
chant. JOHN V. aIIXOK.
Druggist, (Jainesboro. Tonn.
We have been selling vour Cuticuua
Kkmkiuks for years, and have the first
complaint yet to receive from a purchaser.
One of the worst cases of scrofula 1 ever saw
was cured bv them.
TAYI. K&TAYI.OU Frankfort. Kan.
Cuticura Resolvent,
The new Blood and Skin purifier and purest
and best of Humor Itcmedies. Internal! v.aml
Cirriri'ttA. the gn?at Skin Cure, and Cuti
cuua SOAian exquisite Skin Beautifler, ex
ternaUy, specdily.permancntly and econom
icallcurc every disease and humor of the
skin, scalp and blood, with loss or hair,
whether Itching, burning, scaly, pimply,
scrofulous or liereditarv, when all other
remedies fail.
Sold everywhere. Trice, CcnrunA.SOc;
Soap, ilc: Uesoi.vknt.S1. Prepared by t lie
Pgttki: Dituu and CumicAi. cokporv
tio.v, Boston.
ilJTSend for "How to Cure SMn Diseases,"
CI pagcSOillustnit ions and lit) testimonials.
RADV'C s,cm am sC:l'i preserved and
OHDI 0 beauiifled by Citicura Soap.
Absolutely pure.
Sharp Aches. Du'.l Pains. Strains.
and Weaknesses rclIeTed In one
minute bv the Cnticura Anti-1'aln
Plaster. Hie first and onlv instantaneous
pain-killing strengthening plaster. 25 cents.
In consequence of the demand for those
beautiful level lots. Mr. P. C. Warren has
been Induced to plat nlnety-slxlots
Adjoining Warrcnton on the East.
Which will be known and sold as
East Warrenton I
THE HAILUOA1) runs through the plat,
which is only oo yards from the Warrenton
depot. For further information call at
once ou the
Wil. V. WlIKlMIV.
Civil Engineer.
Wherry & Harry,
Real Estate
City and Suburban Property Sold on Com
mission. Investments Made fur
OuLsile Parties.
I. W. Case, Banker. Judge C. II. Page.
Office on Third Street,
Near Court House.
as ret: I A. OK.
Tke Oregon Bakery
A. a. CLKYKLAM), Prop'r.
M Brcaii, Cale anS Pastry
No:ie tint (lie Best Materials Used.
Satisfaction Guaranteed Customers
JSreal delivered in my part oi the city.
"Wo can't afford to lose you." Keen l
it Cook. :
"Stay where you are."' Sheriff II. A.
"xk'tter remain and help us boom the :
town. City Assessor Wriijht, j
"Herman, you have built up a fine ;
business here; don't leave now.'' Jmhje. ;
Al Cleveland. :
"You had better go, and leave us !
alone.'' My opponents. j
"Belter accept the S"XX)youarcollered :
for your Portland lease and stick to As- '
toria, because Astorians will stick to I
you." August Danielson. I
"We need just such men as you."
lJr. W. Wherry. '
a Thousand Others in
the Same Strain.
Herman Wise,
Occident Hotel Bld'g.
The Leading
HAND-SEWED, DOUBLE SEAM SHOE, it never rips. It never squeaks.
flexible than a hand turn.
Lots iu this Beautiful Addition for sale at
$C0 each : 5:20 down, balance $10 per
month. Phi's and copy of ab
stract furnished free.
Astoria Suburbs I
Five Acre Tracts east or Astoria and only
one and one-half mile from Columbia
River at $300 each ; $100 cash,
balance $so per month.
Real Estate Uroker,
Parker & Hanson
New Goods Arriving Every Steame
Dress - Goods,
The Old Stand - Astoria Oresou.
Thompson & Ross
Carry a l'liit Line or
Choice Staple and Fancy
Give Us a Call and Be Convinced.
It's No Use
Sole s AJUiH
Won't Let
I never knew how many frieDds I had until I made preparations
to move. They Hock in and try and persnade me out ef: it Well, I
don't think I could like any other town as well anyhow, and I know I
wonld not have any warmer friends anywhere.
1 IT'S A BO !
That is, I'll consider the motion of my friends carried, and try in
the future, as in the past, to merit the support of my fellow townsmen.
Yours Anxious
Reliable Clothier and Hatter
Dry Goods and Clothing House of Astoria.
For Ladies !
The New Model Range
Agent. Call and Examine It ; You Will be Pleased. E.R. Hawes Is also Agent for the
Buck Patent Cooking Stove,
Furnace Work, Steam Fittings, Etc.,-a Specialty. A Full Stock on Hand.
Alderbrook !
Lots 50x100 Within Three Blocks of the River.
Lot 7, block .10 S."G0 00
Lot 8, block .' 420 00
Lot 9, block ::o -ISO 00
Lot 7, block 29 AT,Q 00
Lot l.hlock 29 t00 00
j iiira ( e
Real JESstcttG
Odd Fellows' Bnilding, -
of Talking
S .
to Please,
White Goods.
Plaid Sashes.
and Buttons.
Third Street.
It requires no breaking in. More
h -o
Astoria, Oregon.
Lot o, block 29 $400 00
Lots, block29 400 00
Lot9,block29 400 00
Lot II, block 28 K0 00
Lot 12, block 2S 600 00
k' itoixe
Me !
"And what would the newspapers and
Fourth of July contribution committees
say if you go." Dr. O. B. Estes.
"Friend Herman, you have by hard
work established what 1 consider the
best clothing business in Astoria. Tour
town is right on the improve, and I
think Astoria will be of great import-
ance in the near future." Letter from
Theo. Mansfield.
"Well, I think you ought not leave us,
for then clothing would surely go up-
Stay and keep the prices down." K.
"The boys won't have it. We will
make you stay. Ex-Mayor Hume.
a Thousand Others in
the Same Strain. '
o nil
Astoria, Oregon,
- -yBB