w f) l)c Dai S ittOtOL ASTORIA, OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY 3. IS90. PRICE FIVE CENTS VOL. XXXI V, NO 105. '5- :Rgg:l KEEN and COOK, COMMISSION MEROHiKTS. Insurance and Real Estate Agents IVIOlXrHY TO LOAN ! OX ()01) SECURITY. Astoria, - Oregon. I City Boofc Stop A FINE STOCK Children's : Carriages JUST RECEIVED. PRICES LOWER THAN EVER. Mf f fa ft Beed. fttU-WSf F-w"? P. -w- i .nvrnvOXfJ I KMJ "WW i ,Rf b KIM1 v BEIMOBS rUV0RlH6 EXTRACTS NMUttLFRUITFUnilS A MERITORIOUS MEASURE To Encourage Amerlcau SUilniH ing anfl Commerce Foreisn. AMEmcAXsnii's for r. s.mails Special by the California Associated Pbess. Washington, May 2. The special committee to investigate the alleged diverting of commerce from the rail roads of the United States to those of Canada, and the alleged discrimination of Canadian canals against American vessels, presented their report to-day. It recommends that as by an order in council, Canada charges entrance and clearauco fees of 50 cents, for each and every time an American vessel visits Canadian ports, and as a rebate of 18 ccuts per ton is made on United States products passing through tue weiiana f!nnnl bound to the Canadian norts. a similar discrimination should be levied in American lake norts and on the "Soo" canal against Canadian vessels. Concerning the trathcot Uanauian roads in competition with American roads, the committee recommends that either such a license system shall be established as will be applicable to Canadian roads doing business in the United States, or that some other plan not injurious to the general trade and commerco of the country, be adopted, which shall secure to the American railroads an equal chance in competition with the Canadian rail roads. ffo Copyright Wanted. Special toTnp. astoihan.1 "Washington-, May 2. The house to-dav rejected the copyright bill by a vote bf 288 to 10G. A Temporary Government. Special to Thk Astouian.J Washington, May 2. The president has approved the act for the tempor ary government in Oklahoma. The Pension Bill. Special to Thk Astoiuan.1 Washington, May 2. -The service pension bill came back to the senate from the house with amendments, and was referred to the committee on pensions. .11 ex i can War Pensioner. Special to Thk Astoria. Washington, May 2. Oregon ten sions granted to Mexican survivors; .Tas. E. Barclay, Monroe. FOR AMERICAN VESSELS. AMERICAN IYTAII. STEAMERS VmiI v the lnit' 1 Statt s (JovemnuMit. Endorsed bv the heads of the Great Univer sities ami Public Van 1 Aualvsts, as the Strougot, Purest and most Healthful. Dr. Trice's Prcam Il.tkinr Towdcrdoes not contain Ammonia, I.ime or Alum. Dr. Price's Delicious Ftavorin Kxtrarts. Vanilla. Imon. Orange. Almond, Ifose, etc , do r.nt contain Poison ous OiN r rin'micjils PRICE BAKING POWDER CO., New York. Chicago. San Francisco Thfse aEIXES nro uisde true taper andj from an actual scale, and will hang true and draw when hung in to lines, and from the Gold Medal 1-2 Patent Twine. RIGHT AND LEFT HAND LAID PATENT ROPE, 11 thread and larger, soft and frco from kinking. SALMON TRAP NETS knit from the Gold Medal 1-2 Patent Twine, superior to the medium laid, stronger, more durable and Holds Tar Longer. Letters or Telegraph shall have our Prompt and Careful Attention American Net & Twine Co lUt.lMisl 1-542. Boston, Mass. L'aplUl, 350,000. N. 11. We have the largest Netting and Twine plant. New and costly machinery has lately been added for knitting heavy Traps for the Columbia river, and Seines for the Alaska Salmon Fisheries, and the most skillful help employed. nihest nwanls atloton.ttfi.o.-Philadelphia. 1B7R. London Fisheries I&poMlion. 1883. Some Inducement to Iluili! und Operate Them. Special to Thk Astouian. Washington, Mav 2. Senator Frye, from the committee on com merce, to-day favorably reported the following bill: The United States treasury shall pay any vessel of more than 500 tons gross register, -whether sail or steam, constructed and owned by United States citizens, and plying between the United States and foreign ports, the sum of 15 cents per gross registered ton, for first 500 miles or fraction thereof, sailing outward or inward; the same amount for the -second 500 miles outward or inward; and 30 cents per ton for euch 1,000 miles thereafter, and pro rata for the distance less than 1,000 miles sailed thereafter; provided a foreign port shall be more than seventy-live miles seaward. Payment at the rate of thirty cpnts per mile for each thousand miles sailed, shall continue ten years, and thereafter for nine years at a reduc tion of three cents per mile on each ton. No vessel shall be entitled to the benefits of this act, unless it have freight aboard in tons or measurment of at least 25 per centum of the net registered tonnage. Two Sew PoMtafficeh in Oregon. Special to TilK Astouian.J "Washington, May 2. Anew post- olhce has been established at Glade, Douglass county, Oregon, with Vir ginia C. Laird as postmaster, and one at Tioga, Douglass county, with John Ij. "Williams as poatraaster. To Prevent Chinese nciiiff Smug gled Into This Country. Special to Thk Astouian 1 Washington, May 2. In the senate to-day, Dolph called up his resolution, authorizing the president to negotiate a treaty with Great iSntain and JUeX' ico, relative to preventing the Chinese from coming into the United States over those countries. The resolution was agreed to unanimously. Postal Change at Ashland. Special to The astouian. "Washington, May 2. In the senate to-day, the appointment of A. Jr. Ham mond to be postmaster at Ashland, Uregon, was conhrmed. Fishing Schooner Seized. Special to Thk Astoria... Gloucester, Mass., May 2. It is reported that the Gloucester schooner Howard Jiolbrook, engaged at the banks in codfishing lias been seized by the New Foundland authorities for violation of the bait act Should Always Carry Uncle Sam's Mail. Special to The Astouian. Washington, May 2. Senator Frye, from the committee on commerce, to day reported favorably the Farqnhar bill, authorizing the postmaster gen eral to enter into contracts for a term of not less than five nor more than ten years, with American citizens, for car rying mails on American steamships between the United states and foreign points, Canada excepted. The con tracts are to be made with the lowest responsible bidder. The postmaster-general to give public notice and when the proposed service is to bo on the Pacific Ocean, notice shall be given in ban Francisco, Tacoma and Portland newspapers. The vessels are to bo American built, and a certain proportion of the crew i shall be United States citizens. They shall be divided into four classes. The first class shall be iron or steel screw with a speed of twenty knots per hour and a gross registered tonnage of not less than 8,000 tons. The second class shall be iron or steel steamships, capable of maintain ing 16 knots per honr and a tonnage of not less than 5,000 tons. The third class shall be iron or steel steamships, with a speed of fourteen knots per hour and not less than a tonnage of 2,500. The fourth class shall be iron, steel or wooden steamships, of twelve knots speed and not less than a tonnage of 1,500. The stipulation shall be that ships may carry passengers and baggage. Ships of the first, second and third class, employed as above shall be con structed according to plans and speci fications agreed upon, between the owners and the secretary of the navy, of sufficient strength to sustain the working and operation of at least four effective rifle cannon, of a calibre not "less than six inches. And vessels shall be subject to inspection by a competent naval officer detailed for that service by the secretary of the navy. The rate of compensation for ser vice, to be for first-class ships, not exceeding six dollars per mile; for second class, three dollars per mile; for third class, one dollar and a half: for fourth class, one dollar per mile. Fines and penalties may bo imposed for delays and irregularities, but no steamships so employed shall receive any other bounty or subsidy from the United States. Upon each vessel the United States is to have transported, free of charge, a mail messenger with suitable accommodations, etc. United States navy officers may vol unteer forjservice on said mail vessels, and when accepted by the coutractor may be assigned to such duty by the secretary of the navy. While in such service they shall receive furlough pay from the government, and such other pay from the mail contractor as may be agreed upon by the United 'States. The Coal Miners arc Uneasy. Special to Thk atoui w Indianapolis, May 2. There is great uncertainty in Indiana coal mining circles. Green county miners demand 75 cents, yearly rate, and operators will otter but 70, and the employers of the Inland city mines are all out Block and Bituminous miners, in Clay county are all out, but will be governed by the result of the Chicago conference. Coal Miners Want More Pay. Special to Thk AhTi.m :.j Elmiha, May 2. -Five hundred miners in the Blossburg coal company mines at Arriot, Pennsylvania, struck to-day for higher wages. There was no disturbance. STRIKERS AND BASEBALL Famish the Priucipal Tonics Of Eastern News, CHICAGO f.KAlS IX STRIKES. Special by The California A?socivtkd Press. Philadelphia; May 2. The brick layers have come to the aid of the strikers by refusing to set windows or frames for bosses who refuse to grant the strikers demands of the carpenters. In some cases the bricklayers have stopped work on this account, and all will obey the order. Forty-eight out of three hundred master carpenters in this city have already conceded the advance. A thousand employees or the Wells k French Car Co. struck this morning, without notice, for eight hours. A Wife Murilcr for Insurance. Special to The Astouian. St. Louis, May 2. -C. Y.'Smithell,u colored hostler, has been arrested at Mineral Springs. He made a state ment charging that in a conspiracy with Charles F. Vail he had discussed plans for murdering Mrs. Vail, who was recently shot at St. Paul, Mo. It is snpposed it wsis done by her hus band to secure 520,000 insurance monev. CHICAGO LABORERS STRIKING Will Include Nearly All Mechanics. Special to The Astokian. Chicago, May 2. Every man, boy and girl at work in the Malleable Iron works struck this morning, numbering 1,200, without stating their grievances. Fifty core girls also joined the strikers. This will be followed by all the coopers in town; 2,000 at Ryan's shop quit this morning. The men at Wells and French foundry, numbering 1,000, struck at noon. Everything is quiet, the men have simply stopped work. The police have nothing to do so far. The board of arbitration appointed to settle the carpenter's strike be tween the men, the bosses association and the strikers, commeneed their lobors to-day, wiih Judge Tuley pre siding. It is thought that matters will soon be arranged and the men go to work. The striking moulders having been granted some concessions by the bosses they will return to work in the morning. The basis of settle ment, is kept secret, but it is believed that the men get the hours of labor reduced from fourteen to ten. A GREAT OPPORTUNITY. The Pacific Coast Sbonld Be Prom inently Represented X.V THE GREAT WORTH'S FAIR, Special by The California Associated Press. Sax Francisco, May 2. At noon to-day about 400 sash workers and bench carpenters went on a strike for eight-hour systems. The millmen, who are members of the protective union, anticipated a strike, but were amazed at its suddenness, the men not having given warning. At a meeting this afternoon of millmen, it was de cided not to reduce the hours of labor. This is the inauguration of what may prove a stubborn fight, as the work men are firm. THE WORLD'S FAIR. t liiiNiiiiition lncurnltlc? IJead tin follewing: Mr. ('. II. Morris, Newark, Ark., says: "Was down Willi Abscess of Lungs, and friends ami phv sifians pronounced me an Incurable Consumptive. licguu taking Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, am now on my third bottle, anil able to ovi rsei the work on my farm. It is the Illicit nietliciui ever made.'' .Jesse Mitldlowart, Decatur, Ohio, says: "If ail it not been foi Dr. King's New DLscoverv for Consumption ' I would have died of Lung Troubles. Was ui ven up by dm-lors. Am now in best of bealtli.''" Try it. Sample bottles free at .1. V. Conn's Drug Stoie. Nn Cause fora Strike. Special t Tin: Astoki in. Milwaukee, May 2. -The strike for eight hours did not take place this morning, many carpenters having been granted eight hours. Ballot Reform in IVcw York. Special to Thk Astokia.n.'! AtiDAXY, X. Y., May 2. Governor Hill has signed the ballot reform bill. die Carpenters in Kentucky. Special to Thk Astouian' LouisviiiTE, May 2.- About a thousand carpenters went out on a strike here this morning for eight hours. Twenty bosses conceded the demand and the others will fight. How They Do It in Russia. An engine-driver on the Central Asian railway who sustained concus sion of the brain in a serious accident on General AnnenkofTs line some time ago, has just sued the railway officials for damages in a court at Samarcand, and obtained very satis factory and somewhat original com pensation. The court decided that he should bo paid 7,000 rubles down at once, and in addition should receive 30 rubles, or 3, a month, with an extra 10 roubles for every' child which might be born to him. Wcinlianl's Bcr. And Free Lnni-h at the Telephone Sa loon, 5 cents. Ludlow's Ladies' $3.00 Fine Shoes; also flexible hand-turned Froneh Kids, at P. .1. Goodman's. For Sale. A furnished house, suitable for either a hoarding or lodging house in a good location. Inquire at this office. Little Change in Detroit. Special to Thk astokiax. Detroit, May 2. -The carpenter's strike here to-day is unchanged, save that a few small contractors have con ceded the demands for eight hours, and certain scaled wages. Politicians in Trimble. Special to Thk Astokiax. St. Paul, Minn., May 2.- -Warrants have been issued by the prosecuting attorney for the arrest of five promi nent politicians, who signed affidavits of alleged illegal registration in sev eral wards of this city. A Safe Deposit Company Fails. Special to Thk Astokiax.1 Camden, X. ,T.,May2.- -The Fidelity Surety Trust and Safe Deposit com pany has suspended. It was carried down by the suspension of the Gloucester national bank yesterday. ISoston Alteatl ol' Philadelphia. Spci.il ioTiik Astoki vs.i PmriADKOPHiA, May 2. In the Players game to-day, the home team was badly worsted by the Bostonians, who succeeded in bunching the ball in tho second inning and scoring five. The attendance was good. Score Philadelphia 4, Boston u An Ignominious Defeat. Special to Tiik Atik:ax. Pittsbukg, May 2. The player's game today resulted in the ignominious defeat of the local team, whose only run was scored in the last inning. Score Pittsburg 1, Buffalo 4. Saved by a Scratch. Special to Thk astokiax.i PhiiiADEIjPhia, May 2. There was u large attendance at tho grounds to day, to witness the National local and New York teams strive for supremacy. The homo team was saved by a scratch iu the seventh inning. Score Phila delphia 7, New York 0. The Bean Haters Win. Special to Tiik Asroniv.v. Brooklyn, N. Y., May 2. The na tional game lietwccn the home team and the bean eaters, was tho most in teresting yet. The Bostons beat by bunching in the third inning. Score Brooklyn 7, Boston 11. liistlcs anil I'uiutcrcsling. Special to Tiik Astouian. J Clevelaxd, O., May 2. Tho third game of the Cleveland aud Chicago series was played here to-day. The game, as ontho previous day, was list less and uninteresting. Baldwin was invincible; his principal features were his pitching and home run. Scoro Cleveland 4, Chicago 1. Sonic Interesting Features. Special to The Astokiax. Clevelaxd, May 2. The Cincin natis of the nationals played their last game here to-day, a much better game than the day previous, and had several interesting features, the main ones being tho catch of a terrific liner by Smalley, and tho pitching of Rhines. Joo Summer was released to-night by the league team; he played left field. Score Cleveland 1, Cincinnati C. Numerous Strikes in Chicago. Special to Thk Astouiax.j Chicago, Mav 2. All the emploves in the planing mill, southwest side of the track, are moving for eight hours. The planing mill men uumber from 20.000 to 30,000 and will be out on a strike before to-night. It is reported that 500 men iu the sash, door and blind factory of the Palmer it Fuller Company are out on a strike, also 300 men at Hinzet & Loss' factory. All the molders at the McCormick reaper worlcs are on a strike this morning. It is believed that the balance of the employes, over 2,000 will go out. At the Deering reaper works at Bowmen and Richardson and at Griffin's sons foundry all the molders are on a strike. The strikers demand 8-hours. The Fairbank's canning company refused 8-hours a day, and 500 employes will go out on Monday. Tho employes of eight firms of coopers struck this morning. Etrooklyn Aheatl of New York. Special to The Astouiax Brooklyn, May 2. The local players showed up good in to-day's contest with New York, though New York had the advantage in tho second inning and fell. Score Brooklvn 0, New York 3. Knocked Out of the Box. special to The astokiax. Chicago, May 2. At the game to day at the League park, a slugging match was seen. The Chicag03 played a strong uphill game. The Pitts burgs in the second iuning knocked Eitlborg out of the box. Scoro Chi cago 7, Pittsburg 9. FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE. Special by California Associated Press. Paris, May 2. A despatch from Tnrcoing this evening, says that 20,000 strikers aro parading streets and committing every species of excesses. The cavalry charged upon them, dis persed a number of groups and made twenty arreste. AX IRRIGATING CANAL. Of ta the Immense Benefit Section. Special to The Astobiax. Marysville, Cal., May 2. A con tract for the construction of a canal 26 miles long, in the Brown's valley irrigation district, Yuba county, has been let for 69,546. Work on tho canal will begin immediately. Bonds have been sold and the money is ready for the cost of the work. This canal will be of immense benefit to the foothill region. The water is to be taken from the Yuba river. About 45,000 acres are contained in this district. Imprisonment for Life. Special to The Astoriax, San Fraxoisco, May 2. Frank Williams, a convicted stage robber, was sentenced to life imprisonment to-day by United States District Judge Hoffman. Sale of the Eastern Oregon. A Great Opportunity for This Coast. Special to The Astorun Sax Fraxcisco, May 2. Speaking of the great World s Fair, to be held at Chicago, the Bulletin this evening says: "Tho next world's fair will be nearer to us than any ever held before and, it may be, than any that will be held thereafter in tho succeeding half cen tury. If this state had had the choice of locations it could not, on the whole, have chosen one more favorable to her interests. It is one opportunity for the city aud state and coast for such an industrial display as was never made before. It will require time, effort and money and more of each than have ever been expended to bring the industries and other resources of tins coast into prominence. There ought to be in this city a permanent world's fair organization with auxiliaries in all other cities and large towns in the state. "The Pacific coast has become an empire in itself. It is reaching out after power, influence and commercial supremacy. The opportunity long needed has at last been presented. The world's fair has been brought home to the community. "What is now needed is organization and con current effort rising to the height of the occasion." At the Merchants' Exchange yester day afternoon S. L. Jones, the auc tioneer, sold the iron steamer East em Oregon. Bids were started by Captain Carroll at $50,000 and rapidly rose un til 880,000 was reached. Tins was raised $10, then $10 more, and finally, after some hesitation, John Bosenfeld raised another $10, and the vessel was knocked down to him for the sum of $80,030. Bosenfeld was bidding for John D. Howard, of the Oregon Im provement Company, who intends to run her on the coast. The Eastern Oregon was built in 1S83 and origin ally coast $120,000. For two years past she has been lying in Oakland creek, but has been kept in excellent condition by the chief officer and chief engineer, who have been by her con stantly. She was sold under an order of the superior court to satisfy the claim of S. B. Tobey against the Ore gon Pacific railroad. She is 833 tons register. S, F. Alta, April 27. Attempted ITIurdcr and Suicide. Special to The Astoriax. Moscow, Idaho, May 2. This morn ing John Teare, aged Jsixty, shot his wife twice in the head and then shot himself. Mrs. Teare is in a critical condition. The cause is domestic trouble. The Church of England. Special to The Astoriax. London, May 2.- - In the house of commons this evening, Mr. Cameron moved the disestablishment anddis eudowment of tho church of England. Gladstone supported the motion. It was rejected by a vote of 256 to 218. Police Officer Itlurdcrcd. Spfdal to TnE astoihax. Sofia, Turkey, May 2. A Russian Jew, whose house was being searched for seditious documents, killed tho commissary of police while he was con ducting the search. Violent Strikers in Spain. Special to Tin: Astori n. Barcelona, Spain, May 2. A mob of strikers set fire to a tool hut. The guard charged the mob and two strikers were injured, and several shots fired. Another group of strikers attacked a printing offico in which a siege proclamation was being printed, and put a stop to the work. The authorities were obliged to have the proclamation printed else where under military protection. Rouluui;cr Again on Hantl. Special to The Astokiax. Paris, May 2. The republican newspaper La France says that Bou langer will return to France on Sun day and demand another trial. He will notify President Caniot where he intends to land. Ocean Steamers Collide. Special to Thk Astoki vx London, May 2.--Tho British steamer Olicet sunk is a collision with tho steamship SaltemwicJ: at Gib raltar. Riotous Laborers iu France. Special to The Astoriax.1 Paris, May 2. Employes at twentv six mills at Tourcing, struck this morning. A riot followed in which 5,000 strikers from Roubaix partici pated. The officers were compelled to summon military to re-enforco them and snppress the rioters. Capt Olsen Acquitted. Special to The Astoriax. PortiiAXd, May 2. The United States grand jury ignored the charge of murder against Capt. Henry Olsen, who shot Wm. Stevens last Sunday while aboard the sealing schooner Bessie liutter, 120 miles off the month of tho Columbia river. Logs Floating Aivuy. Special to The Astoriax. Vancouver, Wn.. May 2. The rapid rising of the Columbia owing to the prevailing warm weather caused the breaking of a boom of logs to-day at Washougal belonging to Price & Co. who leased the Lucia mill here. The sum of $3,000 worth of logs came drifting down the Columbia this after noon and efforts are being made to secure them before drifting too far past Vancouver. Shipping- Business for April. Special to The Astoriax. Portlaxd, Business at the cus tom house has been exceedingly good during tho month just closed. The. total value of exports reached $357, 388; duties collected, $68,258.77; dur ing the thirty days 102 dutiable en tries were made, the largest number ever made during any previous month in the history of the office. The number of vessels to enter at port was twenty-four, while tho num ber of clearances was twenty-five. ITlilitary Changes. Special to Tiik Astoriax. Vancouver, Wash., Mav 2. Lieut. H. C. Cobell, 14th Infantry, has been appointed aide-de-camp on the staff of Gen. Gibbon, commanding tho de partment of the Columbia, in place of Capt. E. J. McClemand. 2d Cavalry, recently promoted. Captain Mc Clemand leaves here to-morrow for Fort Lowell, Arizoua Territory, the future station of his troop. Electric Hitters. This remedy is becoming so wel known and mj popular as to need no special mention. All who have used Llectric IJitters sing the same song of praise. A purer medicine does not ex ist and it is guaranteed to do all that is claimed. Electric Bitters will cure all diseases of the Liver and Kidneys, will remove Pimples, Boils, Salt Kheuni and other affections caused hi impure blood. Will drive Malaria from the system and prevent as well as cure Malarial fe vers. For cure of Headache, Constipa tion and Indigestion try Electric Bit ters Entire satisfaction guaranteed, or money refunded. Price oO cts. and 51.00 per bottle at .J. W. Conn's. Children Hry for Pitcher's Castoria (Vhen Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. (Vhen she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, (Then she became Hiss, she clans' to Castoria, Then she had Children, she gave them Castor! A Keynolds, Ga., woman has a baby six days old, perfectly formed, in good health and in peace with all its sur roundings, whose face can be covered by a silver dollar and which will bare ly turn tho scale at one and one-half pounds. ADTICE TO MOTHERS. . Mrs. Wixslow's Soothixo Strup should always be used for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind cholic, and is the best remedy fordiar-rhcc:i.Twenty-five cents a bottle. The Hoffman House Cigar. The La Paloma cigar and other fine brands of cigars; the finest in the city, at Charley Olsen's, next to C. H. Cooper. The latest style of Gents' Boots and Shoes at P. J. Goodman's. SLEEPLESS NIGHTS, made miser able by that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is the remedy for you. J. C. De ment. THE KEV. GEO. H. THAYER, of Bourbon, lnd., says: "Both myself and wife owe our lives to Shiloh's Consump tion Cure will give immediate relief. Price, 10 cts., 50 cts. and SI, at J. C. De-ment's. The laboring population fh and and around Milan is in still greater distress than it was last year. Thousands of laborers out of work march through the streets of Milan, accompanied by their wives and chil dren, and clamoring for bread. 9mi 5Wi "v sk ffROYAL-Jt?aJ r lCghSa Bemember the Austin house at the Seaside is open the j-ear 'round. POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never vanes, A marvel of purity, strength and wholesorneness. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and can not be sold In competition with the multi tude of low test, short weight, alum or phos phate powders. Sold only in cans. EovAii Baking PownEit Co. los V'all-st.. N. Y. Lewis M. Joiinson & Co., Agents, Port land, Oregon. As an investment, lot. in KINDRED PARK oiler rare inducements to purchasers. The inevitahle .ad vance will double and treble their value within the next six months. Kindred Park. Adjoining "New Astoria" on the East! zM HOWELL & BOODELL P ! ! : i: The Land is almost entirely cleared and lies per fectly level, just slope enough to aitord a good drainage. Best water frontage on the River. Astoria, Or. 1 1 r . t . , .. v ,... - -i- - ; - s