:tc.-?v'-z : t , . iR -'. J. ' V". 5-CJU.v VI J-e t IDaii' ASTORTA, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRJL -24. 1890. PRICE FIVE CENTS VOL.XXX1V, NO 1)7 " " a--t CO r l TI"WSffiil&9 ia 1 Did 101 John lloberson, Pro. A. T. Brake. Jfflr. Notary Public. The Pacific Real Estate Co. Incorporated March 20, iwn). Keal : and : Pergonal : Property Bought and Sold on Commission. Office on Tlnni St., near the Central Hotel. Corresondence Solicited. Avteria. - Oregon F. E. WILLSON, Civil Engineer and Surveyor. DRAUGHTING : AXI) : MAPPING 1. (). Ki SG.5. Ultle. with .1. H. M:um'H. next W. I. leli-KraptiOtnre. Third Street. Astoria. Or. TMeta. later & Anteiseo, CIVIL ENGINEERS, Surveyors ami Architects. opfu'k, IttHiM t. Ki.avi:i.'5 r.i.nV. SECOND STREET 1 O. I 'mis SIX ASTORIA, OK. UKt I. l'ABKFJl. CAKI A. IIANMIN Parker & Hanson SlTCKSSOItS TO O. L. PARKER, DKAI.KUS IN QENERAL MERCHANDISE New Goods Arriving Every Stcamc THIS WEEK, Dross Groods, The Old Suml - AMun.i On-soii. ;o T- - LARSON S HILIBACK GROCERIES xn fkesii Ficrrrs. Oiders HvIimtciI Free r Charge. Country Orders Solicited. Third Mrect. Ufl to Pioneer oUice. C. P. Upshur, Shipping and Commission Merchant .-i:ihi St. Wharf. AMona. On-em. SPECIALTIES: Cannery Supplies Barbour's Salmon Net Twines. NEPTUNE Itrand Salmon Twine. V.'OOUr.EEUY Cotton Lines and Tw lues SEINES and NETTING Ofa'l !J'scripJon Furnished at Factory Prices. FIRE INSURANCE Effected in First Class Companies, Keprescntlng 8S3.OO0,O00 I'IKKMX,. HOME, Uartford, Conn . New York, Accbcj raclflc Express and WelK. Fargo A Co. four Money's fori IS 'WHAT YOU GET AT Foard JJtokes Groceries and Provisions. Kverj thing in a First-class Store and at Extremely Low Figures. Cito.ts IH'Hiir il sill ivtT own Tlie Highest tlrl. h ' Jimli. FOARD & STOKE- . tv r r- f ii. yv. r.s::. rtwrJ'"w '" vTii.i.'M. i .. STljiiii BlEHCKAUBiSt. . rJ"!n I! iini'- hi ' 4.N .rv -wj . 1 1. .H. N LIDDICOAT & GRIBB. nr(kOit( r- :ttil rJn;!;-t.. . tin I .t McCurtiieS old Maud, luxe over 2 0 plates and drawings of all Kinds and stlr.s .r dwelllng-houso, mnglng from 000 lo S12.(KX) Call and m-c them. House to Rent. TWTEXr DOOU TO baitist cnuircii H at reasonable rates. Inquire of .lames V. Hare. nHHHHiimEStmnemwHHHa Hanthorn s Astoria, East Lots in Case's Astoria Are New on Sale AT TIIE OFFICE OF THE Astoria Real Estate Co. PRICES PROM SI 50 TO $250 EACH. ' t'iK.lI One-Half Cash ; the Balance in Six and Twelve Months. rati. GA DISCOVERED AT Nun is ilii time to buy a lot at WARRENTOX or WEST WARRENTOX before the price Is raised. For sale by W. L. Uhlenhart, t Mlice on Thiid M , Opn. Odd Fellow's Temple. I. O. Box 841 ASTORIA. OREGON. SILVERMAN & THORNBURG, DKAI.EKS IX General Merchandise A SPECIALTY MADE OF COUNTRY PRODUCE. ci.iv the highest cash pilce for country jiroduce. and Kiiarantee .sciuaro dealing We " will iecele orders f.ir potatoes, butter and ecs at lowest market rates. Orders from anv quarter will receive prompt attention. SKAMOKAWA, - - "WASHIKGTON Sctaco Aflditioii 1its hi this Ueautiful Addition for sale at SJ eaih ; $"J0 down, balance $10 per monl h. i'la s and copy or ali- Mract furnished tree. ALSO Astoria Suburbs ! Five Acre Trails east of AMotia and jiily one anil one half unit from C-o'iimbia Itixer at Sao each ; Sltfi tu-li. Iml.iMce ?"io prr mouth. J. m JIMNSELL, Real Estate Ilroier, - ASTORIA, OR. T1a7&N. co. KBOM ASTOHIA TO Tanzy Pt., Ft. Stevens. Ft. Canby and llwaco. Connecting by Railroad and Steamboats NAHCOTTA, Oystcrville, Montesano and Olympic .STEAMER &ti2fe "GEM. CANBY, Tlios. I'AUKRtt. Master. ' ill Icive Abtoria dally (Sundays exempted for Tansy Pt. Ft- Stevens, Ft. Canby and llwaco. at 8 A. M.. (Tide permitting.) Wmi ostervllle Malls and Express dally and Tniough Mails to points beyond, and Montesano, W.T., on Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays- HTFor Tickets, Towage or Charter ap y at the company's onlce.Flavers wharf. ply New Stealer Lto ! ri:oM Tanzy Point, Ft. Stevens, Ft. Canby and llwaco. The Fine Ni-w Steamer Suomi 1IEHUERT PETIT, M.iMr. Willleaxe AMri.t d.iil ai s M.:Sun daj s at ! A. M. : Wi'diit'Ml i and l-ralajs matting two trip. e.iing vuri i her second trip at 'Jai P. M. fr.un IIimIitV ilock. U id of Mam .Hffi. Fill Tli nil-. Fi eig'.i or :i. g. luitiT. i'l.i,:i'.i!u-"'.t : ivm. .M.im St whaif. ortiand nd Coast 3. S. Co GP-AYS HARB0K. STR. ALLhNCE. :'i from Port mid ren 'li.il"'1:! ! 7 I. M.: and from Asroria Hie f lowing iumiil g. l-uid-uignl ll.'ipii in. vlierilwii. o;Ui lN:ind SHOALWATER BAY. STR. DOLPHIN :d!s f'iii Pur: laud .hi 1st :i'nl tr.Ui i.f each n:iih. I.iinling at Noith fine. ou h Rend. ill.wa and Kn f- uier V. ;:. vrnuM". 'i7.iil nt. i . r. l r- ll. ,.ei.i n.i mil' s tiii: 'riwi:: ROSS&WIKT Aie readv to rji' and n:oe hou-.es. Wearctliebov at bul'ding street., slde wa ks and bulkheads, .shingling houses a specialty. Jack screw ,M eking, rollers and cribs for rent. Shop on Fourth St., bet. Cass and Genevieve. AH Subject VABTON Real Estate Broker, Wilson & Fisher Ship Chandlers, HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE FARM IMPLEMENTS, Paints. Oils, and Varnish. LOGGERS' SUPPLIES. I'KO V iSI ONS MILLFEED AtiKXTsi KOK SALEM PATENT ROLLER MILLS Portland Roller Mills. FAIRBANKS' SCALES. -.roKiA.)uw;) ASTORIA TRANSFER CO. AND Livery Stables. . oiivfvaiicrsot any kind, on short imMee, l nnsfcrrlng Haggage, ete., a .spt-chiltj . Telephone No, Pi II. W. SI1EKMAN At CO. Magnus C. Crosby Dealer In HARDWARE, IB9S, STEEL. Iron Pipe and Fittings, Slocs, Tin ware, and HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS Sheet Lead. Strip Lead. Sheet Iron. 1 in and Copper. F.H.SURPRENANT&CO., County Coroner. First Class Undertaking KSrAlll.ISII.MKNT. New St) lea. Cash cis. md funeral materia' Next to AM-OIIIAN oll'ce WAH S'NG & CO , Merchant Tailors! And De.i"ers In -G-fit's FurnnJiinu tUoJs of AH Kinds. soils Made ! Or lor at S'oit Nulice, at litwe t pri'i-s. Alvi)s kiei m-w goojs on h.ijid. Is 1 1-le.tii-iii: :n d repaliiug. 'ater Street, Astoria, Or. AUCTION Hv CoMMiSSI-N HOUSf. MAKTIN 0LSEN. -H.-. mI tu K. I .lloldt-ll. li .ii.U'-i .l:iltli-lii-.t t'liiniiisttoii lliiuvt .i -i -t:i ImmhUhI a-l Kiiiilssold mi -mii- ilSlKlt. u-"ii n.ilc t!t-r. Satunl.iv. .! i-ntl !:-Minug. .lolitdiit! Mini Cpliol leiii.g itiMu-. Fuif -tiN-k ul Kuniilnn-iiii liaml. Win ii von mi Hhrgiiiiii in ilusfho1d .Mils , . n ItTI Ol.-K,X H. EKSTR0M, FraoticHl : Watch maker. IsTOKl.t, OK. A line line of tlold and Silwr Watches, Solid Hold and Pla'ed Jewelry, Clocks, etc., at reasonable prices, llepalnug l'romptly Done. Opposite Crow's Gallery. ROBB & Astoria, Powell's Addition ! to Inspection. OKLAHOMA TERRITORY. Tlie People Jnliilaiit Oyer Their Ter ritorial Standing. VXOMOTMOX FOR V. S. MIXISTERS Special by Tho California AsiocL.T:D 1'bess. WashtlXctox, April 23. The senate committee on foreign relations lias de cided to urge congress to place onr ministers on an equal footing, in respect of rank, with the representa tives of other coitntries.v Senator Sherman to-day reported an amend ment to the diplomatic appropriation bill, giving the title of ambassador, to oar ministers to Great Britain, France, Germany and llnssia, the salary to remain unchanged. The salary of the Turkish minister is increased two thousand five hundred dollars. Den mark, the same, and Greece, R-mmania and Servia missions are increased one thousand dollars. Senate AprevcN the QUI. Special to Tub Ast k:ax. Wasjuxotox, April 23. -The bill creating the Oklahama territory has passed the senate: yeas iirty, nays five. The Sentence Revoked. Seclal to Tuk ASToniAX.j Wasiiixgtox, April 23. The presi dent has revoked the sentence of dis missal from the army, in the case of Lieut Paddock, who was convicted of duplication of pay account. KEPCBLICAN CAUCUS. The Silver Queatieu And Other Matters. Special to Tu AaToniA.x.l Wasiumjton, April 23. Republican members of the house held a caucus to-night, and heard the report of the sub-committee on the silver question. Conger, of Iowa, reported that an agreement had been reached by the sub-committee, and reported a bill covering all the amendments agreed to. The bill provides for the purchase of four and a half million ounces of silver bullion per month; that bullion certificates be redeemable in lawful certificates of theXJ. S., but no greater or lesser amount of notes shall be out standing at any time than the cost of the silver bullion in the treasury; pro-. vided that tho secretary of the treasury, in his discretion may ex change for such note3 an ntmmnt of sdver which shall be equal in value, at market prices on the day qf the exchange of the notes. The bill allows the secretary to purchase both foreign and domestic bullion, also repeals the provisions of the pres ent law, which requires a coinage of not less than two millions each mouth. The bill as reported was discussed for an hour or more and finallyngrced to, with only six dissenting votes. Morrell pension service bill was also endorsed by the caucus. Lodge's national law was also dis cussed and endorsement urged by its author, but without action on this, the caucus adjourned to meat next Tuesday. Senator Teller was the only one to dissent from the bill agreed upon by the sub-caucus committee. He says ho will not support any bill which gives to the secretary of the treasury the option of redeeming certificates in bullion. He will, when the bill conies to the senate, make a determined effort lo secure free coinage of Mlver, and work hard to hive certilicites made legal teuder. Flrt Claim in Oklahoma Special to Tiik Asrom v 1 GrriuuK. L T., April 23. Peter liT Mason was the first to prove up a claim in Oklahoma, and a government deed was granted him to-day, for a valuable claim. Oklahoma People Arc llany. SpeH.il to Tiik .romN I Guthrie, L T-, April Si The peo ple of Guthrie are wild with joy over the final passage of the Oklahoma bill. Another I'ligliNlt Syndicate. S Hs-i.tl lo Tuk stoiu N 1 Pirrsnuiro, April 23. A. T. Toaih end. the Laiulon barrister who tried to buy a glas factory of L. II. Smith, at Alton, Illinois, lias offere I lo buy options from alt the Hint glasshouses in this vicinit.. It ii claimed that Towiibcnd represents an Etliih syndicate with a caoital of Siin.iH) ),- 000. which has been formed for the purpose of buying and operating all the Hint glass houses ii this conn' ry, as one concern. A Trust AbvorbN a DiKtiUpry. Spec! il to Tiik VsrouiA 1 St. Paul, April Z. The St Paul distillery has finally been absorbed by the whiskey trust. Messrs. Woalner and Hennessy, of Peoria, Ills., repre senting the trust, came here to-day, and after looking over the plant, pur chased a controlling interest of the St Paul stockholders, consisting of $10, 000 in stock and S19:),000 in bonds, at a heavy premium, and took possession of the plant The trust binds itself to keep the distillery running at two thirds capacity for two vears, after which it will be closed. THAT HACKING COUGH can be so quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We guarantee it. J. C. Dement. NORTHERN PACIFIC U.K. Important Undertakings Pro posed. Special to The Astoriax.j PhtxiADELPIiia, April 23. Chas. B. Wright, of the NorthernPacific, starts for Tacoaia to-day. He will assist in locating the new half-million dollar hotel, to be built by the Tacoma land company. He will also consider the extension of the Northern Pacific to the national boundary and the Pacific Ocean. A DUtructivc fc'ire. Speci.il to TiiK Astoki x.l Jag-kox, Miss., April 23. Iuforma tioa has been received that a fire des troyed the entire business portion of Greenwood, Miss., last night. Thirty two houses were destroyed and twa lives were lost. Trylujr to Corner ('rain. Special to Tiik Astoiciax.1 New YoitK, April 23. A 'special Loudon cablegram to the Mall-and Express says there are rumors in ship ping circles" to the effect that an at tempt is being made to create a corner ingrain. It is alleged that a well known merchant bought up sixty floating cargoes. An unusually large Atlantic grain freight season is ex pected this summer, so that even if these unconfirmed rumors have any fonndation, the result is not apt to amount to much. ni'HNED TO DEATH. Toe Urnnk To Leayi" a Runiing: Ruildini?. Special to Tiik astouian 1 Greenwood, Miss., April 21 Smouldering ruins are all that re mains of a large portion of the busi ness part of Greenwood. From Front street soqth to Market, and from How ard street east to Main, there is not a single house standing where before was a solid block. East side of Main street, from Front to Market is also in ruins, inclndiug the hand some residence of Colonel Gid Mont joy. Tho fire originated in the kitchen of the Allen house, lenown as the Greenwood hotel, and kept bv Harry Lee. The fire was discovered about half past 11 o'clock last night, in the Greenwood hotel, where two men were under the influence of liquor. They were dragged .out of bed, but they were so stupified, by drink that they made no attempt to save themselves, but instead, crawled in bed again. Their remains were found this morning among the ashes of the house. The losses aggregated $124,000, with only about $37,000 in surance. mere Conjecture Only. Special to Tiik Astoia Xew York, April 23. The Jfei'ahl says: "So far as can be learned, the name of the new director to be elected at the niiunal meeting of the Union Pacific on the 30th, is not decided. An opinion scorns to be, that the son of David Dow will succeed his father in the Union Pacific as in the Rock Island." Fatal Accident in a foundry. Special to Tiik Astorian.1 MiDDiiTrrowx, Pa., April' 2'3.- -The bottom of thi cupola in the fonudry of the Susqnchnnna iron works fell out. and the molten mass of iron exploded. The streams of liquid lire leaped in all directions. George Matthias and Win. Strock, moulders, were caught in one or the streams, and bunted to death. miners and Colters AVill Strike. Sjiccul to Tin: AsroutAN.i PiTTsurufi, April 23. To-inonow morning uiue hundred miners and cokors in thu Smithton district, will strike. The men demand sevenly-live cents for running coke where they now receive sixty-one. The operators sav this snm cannot be iucreased. tiii: niTKMxe hii.vf.. It Is Uctii? Scaled Up Completely. Siec.al to Tiik AstOUias.1 Cueyenne, AVyo., April 23. No fur ther loss of life is reported from Bock Springs. All the available men are engaged on the work of sealing the mine entrances for purposes of smoth ering the flames. It will be four or five montlis before the result of this treatment will be known. If it fails, the mine will be filled with water. It is known that a number of China men are still below. Dave Thomas and Ed Evans, two of the injured men, are likely to diex but the others will recover. The fire may necessi tate closing down the smelters at Ana conda, Montana. Railroad .tleii Dissatisricd. .Special 1 1 Tiik Asroi:iA. Denver, April 23. Trouble is brew ing among thesemploves of the Union Pacific system, nnd a general strike may result, involving all em ployes. The matter has been kept very quiet, bnt the fact is, the con ference whiJh is now going on at Cheyenne, will either amicably settle the question, or a strike will follow. Vice President Holcomb, Supt Choate and other big officials of the road are there. The men demand an increase of pay, a uniform schedule of wages for the entire system, and longer lay over hours. On these propositions they are very determined. It is judged by the mysterious manner in which the officials are acting, that the sitna- ' tion is grave, not to say critical. PARKER In Thirty Days 2,000 Men go to Work on the Astoria and South Coast Railway. Buy Now, as all Prop erty will then Advance. EIGHT HOURS OR STOP. forMiipien Threaten to Paralyze Business if Refasei. TACOMA AS" TRjriXrS Xb. ii. Special by Tho California Associvted Press. Chicago, April 22. The strike of the brickmakers has resulted in a com plete stoppage of business. The har nessmakers demanded fifteen per cent, advence in wages, and without a favor able answer they will quit work. Gas fitters go out on a strike next Monday, to enforce a demand for eight hours per day, and 15,000 men employed in the stockvards are preparing for the great eight-hour movement. Should the men's demand for eight hours be refused every packing house will be shnt down in the city. liradcrs and Teamsters Arc Out Special to TnE AsxonrAX. Omaha, April 23. The graders and teamsters employed by the East Omaha Land company, near Gut Off island, struck to-day for an increase of wages, from S1.50 to S1.75 per day. Two hundred men are out. Fine Game in Boston. Special to The Astorun-.I Boston, 23. -The Boston and Brook lyn National League teams played a fine game to-day. It was one of the cleanest games ever put up in this city. Scere: Boston .fi, Brooklyn 2. Darkness Overtook Them. Special to Tm: Astouian. Pittsburg, April 23. Tho League game here to-day between the Pitts burg mid Cleveland, was probably tho most fearful specimen of ball playing presented here within recent years. After playing two hours and thirty minutes, the game had to be called off on account of darkness, during the ninth inning. Score, Pittsburg, 20; Cleveland 12. Brilliant Points- Made. Special to Tin: Astoriax.1 Boston, April 22,At Brotherhoqd park to-day the features of the game were the phenomenal catching of Mor gan Murphy, the great field work of Baner at second and Nash at third base. Score - Boston 10, Brooklyn 7. Chicago League Players liosc. Special to TiTE Astouian. Cikctknati, April 23. Over 1,200 persons saw the play between the Chicago and Cincinnati League teams to-day. Chicago opened furiously on Dnryea, but after an uphill fight, the Beds passed their Illinois rivals, and won the game. Score 9 to 6. Pittsburgh Win on a Close Game. Special to Tu B AstokiaxJ Pittsburg, April 23. Another good crowd was present at the game to-day between 1he Pittsburg and Chicago Plavere' League clubs. Galvin pitched well, and Dwyer was hit hard and eften: Score Pittsburg 4, Chi cago 3. Brotherhood Game in IYcw York. Special to The Astouiax.1 New York, April 23. The game to-day between the New York and Philadelphia Brotherhood Clubs, re sulted in a second victory for the local players. O'Day did superb work. Score, 8to 1. Ii'cauc Gaiuc in IVcav York. Special to The Astorian.1 New York, April 23. To-day's game between New York and Phila delphia League clubs, was a pretty coutest, but unfortunate errors at critical momenta by Glasscock and Horning, gave the game to Philadel phia. Score3 to 1. Haiti Prevents Any Game. Special to Tub Avronr.N.J Buffalo, N. Y., April 23. All quiet among the players. Thero is no game, on account of a severe rain. They Cannot Agree. Special to Thk AsroRiAX.i Pittsburg, April 22. All negotia tions between Grand Master "Wilkin son, of the Bailroad Federation, and the several railways m this city was declared off to-night. The railways refused to accede to tho terms of tho men, and tho men positively refused to accept the partial concessions offered by the roads. Non-union men are daily joining the ranks of tho federation, and to-night one hundred non union men from the Pennsylvania B.1L decided to stick with thefedera tion. This break in tho negotiation, leaves the entire matter with the executive council of federation. That body 13 expected here to-morrow to examine the grounds, and eitlier calW affairs off or order a strike. Women in Council. Special to The Astoihan.I New York, April 23. A convention of representatives of societies, com prising the general federation of wo men's clubs, embracing about 90 delegates, met here this morning. Many famous clubs were represented, among the number being the Olym pia club of Washington. Mrs. Ella Dietz Clymer, who presided, made an address explaining the purpose of the convention to be, the bringing about of better conditions for women, all over the world. CHINA AND TACOMA. more Talk of the New Steamer Line. Special to The Astorian. New York, April 23. A director of the Northern Pacific said this morning, 'the proposed line between China and Tacoma by the Pacific Mail and Northern Pacific, will undoubtedly be carried out If it should fail, some other plan of the same general results will be considered by the railroad. Direct connection with China is now a necessity. If not obtained one way, it will be "another. The company pre fers to have the shipping business in tho hands of an organized steamship company, and not to get into the steamship business itself. Hunting ton's objections ought not to be an in surmountable obstacle." One of the most influential directors of the Pacific Mail confirmed this statement, and said "Huntington can not stop the proposed deal, if the board believes it to be for the best in terest of the steamship company to carry it through. In fact, the idea of a new line partly grew from the fact that Huntington had used the Pacific Mail largely for liis own ends, and it was to put a stop to unfairness and breaches of faith, that the proposition was first made. The Pacific Mail has no inten tion of discontinuing San Francisco as a terminus, but merely proposes to secure Tacoma as a second terminus." RUSSIA ROBBED BY SPIES, Plans of Proposed Frontier Defense Are Stolen. TIIK CORK VORTKRS' STRIKE. Special by California Associated Press. BertjCT, April 23. Queen Victoria has arrived at Darmstadt She was received by a guard of honor from tho municipal authorities, and a col lection of dignitaries. The Dahomians Losc Heavily. Special to The Astorian.1 Paris, April 23. Advices from La gos state that the French garrison at Porto Novo, having been wnrned that tho Dahomians were advancing upon tho place, advanced to meet the en emy and a battle which lasted for two hours took place. Five hundred Dahominans were killed and fifty Frenchmen were wounded. Should Not Take the Furs. Special to The astouiav.1 Ottawa, April 23. Thespecial com mittee appointed to investigate the charges made concerning the furs taken by General Middleton from Chas-Bremner at "Battleford; a halt breed during tho Bail revolution, pre sented their report this afternoon. The committee considers that while the general acted under a misconception, the appropriation of the furs for his own purposes was highly improper. A Dinner to Stanley. Special to The Astoriax.1 Brussels, April 23. This evening a dinner in honor of Stanley was given at the American legation, by minister Terrell. Nearly all Itcsunic Work. Special to The Astoisi vN. Vienna, April 23. All the striking workmen in the Ostrian and Karwin districts, with exception of 1.500 have resumed work. Who Stole the Plans? Special to Tiik A.sroiti an.j St. Petersburg, April 23. -Documents embodying plans for the mobili zation of Bttssian troops on the Ger man and Austrian frontiers, in event of a war, have been stoleu from the war office. Kailivay Porters Strike. Special to The Astorian. Cork, April 22. The railway por ters' strike is rapidly speading and as suming a serious aspect. Traffic is hampered in all directions. S-'upensy. This is what you ought to haw, in fact, ymtiimisl have it, to fully enjoy life, Th'iusands are searching for it 'daily, anil mourning because they find it nut. Tltousanus upon iiiousanus or dollars are spent annually by our peo ple in the hope that they may attain this boon. And yet it may be had bj all. We guarantee that Electric Bitters, if used according to directions and the u.se persisted in, will bring you Good Digestion and oust the demon dyspep sia and instead Eupep.y. We recom mend Electric Bitters for Dyspepsia and all diseases of Liver, Stomach and Kidneys. Sold at r0c. and Sl.00 per bot tle by J. W. Conn, Druggist. All the patent medicines advertise!, in this paper, together with the choicest nerfumery, and toilet articles etc can be bought at the lowest prices at J. W. Conn's drug store, opposite Occident hotel, Astoria. THE KEV. GEO. II. THAYER, of Bourbon, lmU says: "Both myself and wife owe our lives toShiloh's Consump tion Cure will give immediate relief. Price, 10 cts., 50 cts. and SI, at .1. C. De men t's. CATARRH CURED, health and sweet breatn secured by Shilolfs Ca tarrh Remedy. Price, 50 cents. Nasal Injector free J. C. Dement. liaiSilllllHIIIIHIIHIIHHIIiCHIHiaillHMiailCCIl SALMON TERT LOW. Remaris of a Prominent earner Oi The Present MarM. VORTLAXD lAItOJt SITUATIOX. Special by the California Associated Fskss. San Francisco, April 23. John T. Cutting, of the well known canning firm, bearing his name, said to-day regarding the salmon market : ''Can ned salmon is very low in this market, owing to the heavy stock of last year's pack in sight Sales have been made a3 low as 85 cents for a dozen cans, which is below any figure ever touched before in this market. It would be better if not a can of new salmon was packed during the season of 1890." Bids Finally CemiHfr la. Special to The Astouian-.i Sax Francisco. April 23. Three bids were received to-day by the com mission to select a site for the new postoffice. The strictest secrecy is observed by the commissioners as to the sites named in the bids. The meeting of the commissioners will be continued during the week. Bound for Alaska. Special to The Astoriax. San- Francisco, April 23. The North American Commercial company has engaged the steamer Argo to act as a tender to the. Seal island estab lishment, which has passed under its control. The steamer leaves for the north in tho course of a month, with a lull cargo or supplies, and on board will be a board of- arbitration of three members, who will appraise the prop erty owned there by the Alaska Com mercial company, and arrange terms of the transfer to the North American company. BOTH SIDES FIRM. Labor Question Still Unsettled. Special to TnE Astorian. PoRTiiAND, Or., April 23. So seri ous has the labor situation become, that tho board of trade to-day met to take measures tcward assisting a settlement of the differences between the employers' union and mechanics and laborers. Both sides are standing with equal firmness, upon platforms which they ndopted at the beginning. The builders declaro they will not grant eight hours, and workingmen, with a determination probably more earnest, assert their intention of stick ing it out during the entire season. California Republican State Convention. Special to The Astorian. San Francisco, April 22. Tho Ke publican state central committe to-day fixed August 12 as the date and Sacra mento as the place for holding the next Kepublican state convention, and fixed the basis of representation at one delegate for each county, one for every 200 votes cast for Harrison, and one for every fraction of 200 votes over 100. Tho convention will thus consist of 677 delegates. The delegates will also act as delegates to tho district conventions. The committee then adjourned. Slight Accident to a Steamer. Special to The Astorian". Sax Francisco, April 22. The steamer Wilmington, which left here Saturday for Port Townsend, returned into port this morning on account of an accident which happened, when 250 miles out, to one of her circulating pumps. Head winds were encountered and it was deemed advisable to return. Bepairs were effected and the steamer sailed again for her destination thi3 evening. The Thief is Captured. Special to The Astorivx. Butte, Mont, April 23. J. M. Don aldson, the Park street jeweler, whose place was entered and robbed of $6,000 or S7,000 worth of jewelry three weeks ago, receivpl a telegram from Chief of Police Metcalf, of Ogden, yesterday, announcing the capture of Salmon, one of the suspected parties, in that city, and the recovery of watches, thirty chains, twelve watch charms and a number of diamond rings, com prising about half of the jewelry stolen. The latest style of Gents' Boots and Shoos at P. J. Goodmax's. SHILOirS CATARRH REMEDY a positive cure for Catarrh, Diphtheria and Canker Mouth. At J. C. Dement's Ciirps? nMrTLYAHrnf'ERrtuVfeKrtlr; WlTrUHTPrvETUriN DFJSIN. - fXD!llGG!ST5 ANDlDEAlEfsBERywHDr The Chas-A-Vdgeler CaBAiin'MD telSw KZJ &$&&'- OREGON. - k t. ?, i , ,. -' W ,, , - s ,aftu-.iM '.- - "" "vr " i5 ASTOBIA,