The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, April 22, 1890, Image 3

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    -tvf -
She gaily gtsfovmu.
Al'J'IL 22. 1600
(Monday cxc?jted.)
J. F.
rMih-r-. nud Proprietor.
V3niA Hrn.n:
Trras of Sii!nffIiHai!.
Sttrustf ty Carrier, ;-r we
Scut ly Mail, per nxtntli
cScjit lir Mall, one year $7
Frvc of ptWnsc u Milcriter,
15o a
The Am-okian cu:iranles to its advor
M;rs tin lan;it -iiriilaMoii f any nev.-p i
l-r published on tin Oo' river.
airy a d county official paper
" lions are daily seen in the river j
s far up a QninnV.
Company "li", will give a ball
Koss" opera lmue on the JJOtli inst.
At ttic rooms of the Astoria Athletic
club, Ijnrry Sullivan is daily practicing
punching tlie swinging bag.
lfetfcnvine Astoria's example .Seattle
bus orgniiiScvl :u athletic association,
wrtk n capital s"fc of $i.0!)0. divided
into citttl ntwrr-i.
Gonfmi A- Eaer have l.-L the con-
tracL for Ike lnmbrr in be used on
the railroad to Grimes', U. ln Clatsop i
mill couipnuy. '
ApnrtiiiMits on Second street in the
Telephone building are being fitted
up for Jail s restaurant, whicn will re-1
a tiiere next month.
Ford Ferrell ha a stock of fruits, '
cigars, smoker"-? articles, etc, on I
Water street near Central hotel. He I
ha: 1-h fitted up a neat barber .shop I
w $m rear of the store. !
A gttuie or baseball was played ou J
Sunday afternoon at Fort Canby, be- j
tween the llwaco club, of Ilwaco, and .
the Fort Canby club, resulting in a .
viciorv for the Fort Canbv's bv a wore '
r into ii. I
A prisoner in the county jail named i
James Conroy, chargetl with stealing
salmon awhile since, aud who has been
boh! voral weeks, was yesterday
rohsew. on $2()3 bail, to appear be-1
Here u iev tonn ot the graau jury.
Alas. McLean, first assistant of the
On Hancock life saving station, has
received hi apiointment from the
secretary of the treasury as keeper of
the now life saving station at Point
Adams, and is to lake charge imme
diately. Yesterday Sheriff Smith sold at
auction 150 acres of timber laud in
section IS, township 5 north, range
( west, to satisfy an execution in the
case of W. II. "Warren versus George
Howe. The land brought $9 12.75, and
is said to be well limbered.
Tho board of directors of the Ore
gon Pioneer association have selected
1'ortlnnd as the place or holding the
annual meeting next June, Hon. II.
V. Scott, editor of the Oreyonian,
has liccii cho-en to deliver the annual
address and Hon. Bufus Mallory, the
ccasionnl address.
Yesterday, in the circuit court, II.
Olvorson applies for a divorce from
his wife Anna, whom he claims de
serted him April, 1SS9. They were
married in this city in August, 1S74,
and have one child. Gustava, now ten
years of age, and for the care of this
daughter the father also makes appli
cation. A new edition of "W. Ij. Marcy's
map of Astoria and vicinity is received.
This is the best map ot this city ex
tant: it is drawn with correctness and
accuracy, is well got up, and deserves
a place on the wall of every business
office in the citv. The price of the
map is very low -only one dollar, and j
the map is worth thrice that amount.
Two cases in the police court yes
terday before Judge Jewett, both
Iwing individuals who had indulged
too freely in the cup that inebriates.
John Leak admitted that he had been
guilty as charged, and was fined five
dollars, while William Cummings was
aliscut, but his deposit of five dollars
remained, and he will never behold it
Charles E. Bennett has returned
to Portland.
Miss Xellio Morau, of Portland is
visiting friends in the city.
Dr. Alfred Kinney and family re
turned from Walla Walla Sunday".
Mrs. Mcrie Davis went to Portland
yesterday morning, on the steamer.
Mrs, F. A. Fisher and son returned
from a visit to San Jose Cal., on the
Oregon Sunday.
Capt Thos. Latham will lake the
steamer Puritan to Alaska for the
Chilcat packing company. She will
probably sail next Sunday.
H. L. Wyatt was one ot the pas
sengers on the Orcrjon. on his way
from Los Angeles to Seattle, he is
a contractor, aud has just com
pleted Bedoudo Beach hotel near Los
Angeles, which cost $110,000.
G. B. Hegardt, TJ. S. assistant en
gineer, in charge ot work at the gov
ernment jetty, returned from Port
land last evening accompanied by his
wife, whohas been east and came back
with an infant cliild born while there.
It is needless to add that the mother
and child received a cordial welcome
from the loving husband aud happy
The Kate and Anna will shortly
leave on a sealing voyage.
Tho British bark Archer sailed for
Cork for orders yesterday loaded with
a cargo of grain.
The steamer Michigan arrived from
Seattle and other sound ports yester
day bringing 400 tons coal and 500 bbls
lime. After cuterintr at tho custom
l.rn eil 4nl-,rtr f n T-lllrhf cll cmll3 '
on up to Portland.
"Vext Saturtlay EtitcrtaiuuicHt
For the musical and literary enter
tainment at Kcscuc Club hall, next
Saturday evening, the committee of ar
rangements report an excellent nro
gramwe in course of rehearsal. The
club needs books, scats, etc, and the
proceeds ot the entertainment go to
procure the necessary articles, tjomo
ot Ihe most talented ladies and gentle
ca of the city arc kindly lending their
add. The public will, assuredly, greet
them -with a generous patronage.
Dr. Franklin Jones, the old reliable
California specialist, of the St. Louis
lisnpnsarv. is now at theTarkcr House.
He wakes a specialty of chronic, ner- j
vsand private atseases aim lemaie
complaints. Consultation -and exami
nation free Call and see this great
doctor. He will guarautee you a perrna-awtcarc
of Questions
Affcctins the i
" I Foremost in tlie files of time stand
lucre was a small attendance at the , deeds of charitv and benevolence, and
Chamber of Commerce last evening. . while the wave'of-oblivion sweeps oft
Sundry bills including one of $157.50, times over the record of the warrior,
for secretary's salary and expenses, the kindlv light of generous deeds
rrom January 1, 18S9, were paid. . shines brightly forth, illuminating the
George & Barker were elected mem-, dim records of the loner aero. Charitv
beis. "tt. C. Crosby, from the commit
tee oa sailor matters, rejwrted that the
committee had communicated with the
committee appointed on the same sub
ject by the Portland Board of Trade,
but liad i eceived no answer; committee (
discharged. J
i secretary Molden reported that since
the last regular meeting he had col- 1
liv.ed $21L2; that there wasdue from
v.-jii.'U-. members outstanding indebt
edness u the amount of $159.75.
?.I. J. Kinney, from the committee
on fishery statistics, reported asking
further time: granted.
The resignations of Jho. A. Devlin
and J. B. AYyatt were received and ac
cepted. A letter was read from congressman
Herman to Messrs. Gray and Thompson
committee on increased mail facilities,
saying that his personal attention was
directed to an effort to have the daily
mail schedule between hereand Port
land shorlened to nine honrs and ad
equate night service to insure prompt
er transmission of eastern mail.
An individual signing himself John
S. Gulsher, and hailing from Clair-
field. Minnesota, sent a letter offering
rr a valuable consideration of lota
from real estate agents to explain the
advantages of Astoria in four langu-
ages to Minnesotans.
A letter from Sam'l. Colbyer, of Ta-
coma, President of the Pacific Coast
chamber of commerce, . regarding the
increase of utility of that organization,
was read.
A communication was received from
St Lonis, Mo., asking the chamber to
endorse the passage by congress of
the Torrey bankrupt law, which was
A request from New York city that
I the chamber endorse the proposed
I postal telegraph scheme, was on mo
, tion, laid on the table.
The secretary said that the Portland
board of trade had acquiesced in the
' action of the chamber endorsing the
j proposed transfer ot revenue cutters
I to the navy department
, A discussion on the proposed iu
1 cre:ise of duty on tiuplale, resulted in
j the president appointing a committee
i consisting of M. J. Kinney, G. IL
George, "W. H. Barker and D. Morgan
to make report thereon.
There being a fire alarm, a motion
io adjourn was carried by a rising
Iia-t Evening's Fire.
The fire bell rang at nine last even
ing and the department was quickly in
motion. The lire was in Mrs. W. G.
Boss's large frame dwelling house at
the south end of Cass street and burst
in llames through the root The fire
men had considerable difficuly in get
ting to the spot, and there was great
delay in securing water, the hose
Imrstinir repeatedlv. At last a stream
was secured and the fire soon got un-1
der control. The fire originated in
the upper story and is supposed to
have caught from a defective stove
that allowed the coals to commun
icate with the iloor.
The house is occupied by the
families of Messrs. Carpenter and
Wallihan, who sustain some damage
in spoiled carpets aud broken furni
ture. The damage to the premises was
$100 : uninsnred.
The value that a chemical engine
would be to the department, was well
illustrated last evening.
From the time the fire broke out
till water came was 21 minutes. The
fire burned very slowly, but under
ordinary circumstances would have
enveloped the entire premises in that
time. A chemical engine would have
saved its cost last night, aud is a
needed adjunct to the department.
A Complicated Cav.
Papers were yesterday filed for a
suit in the circuit court wherein Na
than O. Hardy et al's. arc plain lifts,
and J. Q. A. Bowlby et al's. are de
fendants, a large number of parties
boincr concerned. The property is
part ot the Olney estate and embraces
tho following lots in Ulueys suu-ilivi-sion
of McClure's, Asteria:
Lot 7, block 102; lotl, block 100 ; lot
1, block 118; lots 3, 4, 5, G, 7 aud 8,
block 120 ; lot 7 and 8, block 123 ; lots
3, 4, 5 and G, block 137 ; lots 1 and 2,
block 133 ; lots 3, 4, 5 and G, blocks
139 ; lot 3, block 142 ; lots 5 and 7,
block 14G; lot 5, block 147; lot 2,
block 148 ; lot 3, block 150 ; lots 1 and
7, block 151; lot 3, block 150; lotl,
block 159 ; and lot 2, block 1G0.
Iu addition to tho numerous per
sons concerned as plaintiffs or defend
ants, many more are interested in the
matter, asquito a number of the lots
have been sold for taxes, and are now
so held by purchers.
The plaintiffs make three distinct
claims, and asks for the following;
First for a partition of the prop
erty to the several tenants in common,
as their interests may appear.
Second that C. R'. Thomson, one of
the plaintiffs, have a lien on tho prop
erty for taxes paid by him.
Third that the plaintiffs have and
recover costs.
To Close Stores ou Sunday.
Herman Wise was circulating a
petition yesterday Avhich received
numerous signatures, nearly every
busiuess man in town signing it It
is an agreement by the store keepers
aud merchants to close their stores on
Sunday. It is a good idea and will
give clerks and employes, as well as
proprietors a chance to get out on
Sunday, and have one day in tho
Over a Week Behind, as Usnal.
On Friday, April 11th, The Mokk
rsa Astoriax, had among its Associ
ated Press dispatches a four hundred
word special from San Francisco,
giving tho opinion of Frank Johnson
regarding the salmon outlook. On
Sundae, April 20th, nine days after,
the Columbian published it with a
big four head display, over a week
behind The Astobiax, as usual.
Do You Like a Geed Ciffar?
Call at Charley Olsen's, east of C. 11.
Cooper's. He will suit you. A fine
stock of cigars to select trom.
TclepkeBcIiGrtjctug House.
Dest Beds in town. Rooms per night
50 and 23 cts., per week S1.50. New and
clean. Private entrance.
All seasonable kinds of fruits and
vegetables by every steamer at Thomp
son & Koss'.
Fihc Tabic Wintc
Delivered at fiO cents a gallon, to any
part of the citj-. A fine line of pure
California wines at low prices, at A.
W. Utzlnger's Cosmopolitan saloon.
To be Presented on Next Monday Evening.
has been extolled in all ages, and as
health is the virtue of the body, so
charity is the virtue of the soul.
In the name of charity, in the name
of the widow and the orphan, the
local lodges of Knights of Pvtkias
invite the citizens next Monday 'night
in tlm ilipjitor t o rpa nmilprml tbo nl.iv
of "Damon and Pythias." Astor and
Pacific lodges have often given enter
, tainments, costly and successful, and
have thrown wide their doors, gener
ously inviting all.
For the first time in their history,
they now charge admission, the pro
ceeds to be devoted to charity, the
maintenance of the widow and orphan,
and in thisjbehalf invoke generous and
substantial patronage. The sale of
reserved seats begins to-day at the
New York Novelty Store.
Change Cars at the Junction for Ililltboro
and War Statloai.
A sub-contract was yesterday let by
J. H. Smith, through Mr. Johnson, his
foreman, to Messrs. Gordon and
Eeger, and work begins at once on tho
road to Grimes. A force of men com
mence laying track immediately upon
the arrival of the rails from Albina.
Mr. Smith says 125 men will be put
to work as soon as practicable, and
that the calculation is to have the cars
running to the seaside by June 1st.
Those who had made the dusty foil
some trip through successive summers
will appreciate the improvement
Tliey Investigate the Charges Preferred
Against the Captain of the Wallaski."
Captain E. S. Edwards, and Mr. F.
McDermott, the United States local
inspectors, have returned from their
business jaunt to Yaquina bay. They
went to Newport to investigate the
charges ot "non-compliance with rules
and negligence through drunkenness,"
which were preferred by an engineer
named Sackett, against Captain Blake,
of the steamer Walluski.
A dozen or fifteen witnesses were ex
amined, and the testimony submitted
made a bundle of manuscript of such
proportions that tho transportation
companies came very near making tho
inspectors pay freight charges to bring
it to Portland.
Captain Edwards said that the re
sult of the investigation proved con
clusively that not only had the captain
of the Wallwikl violated the rules, as
charged, but that the complainant,
Sackett, who is half owner of the
Walluski, was also guilt' of great in
discretions. The inspectors considered
the case to be six ot one nud half a
dozen ot the other. They will suspend
the license of both the captain and the
engineer for sixty days, and will im
pose a fine of S2,800 on the steamer.
The Walluski, which is worth about
$1,500, is in charge of the collector of
customs, who, on tho 17th of the
present month, tied the steamer up
aud placed a watchman on board. The
boat will not be allowed to be taken
away until the fine is liquidated. Con
sidering the largo snm necessary to
secure her release, which is $1,300
more than the value placed upon the
boat it is very likely that the Walluski
will be allowed to rot against the piles
before the owners tako any action in
the matter. Oreyonian.
K?Iort'.'(! Sal of Property la Pacific County.
Under date of tho 21st our llwaco
correspondent writes that Stout's hotel
and the adjacent property was sold for
$-10,000 to representatives of the North
ern Pacific Kailroad Company; he also
gives credence to a prevalent rumor
I that the same parties have bought the
llwaco railroad and .all the contermin
ous property. It is understood that it
is the intention to make extensive im
provements in that direction and give
an impetus to matters generally across
the river.
(Join;; to AIa.ka.
Sax Fhancisco, April 20. The
schooner Will W. Cane, of the Arctic
Packing company, will sail to-day for
Alaska. She has on board sixty white
men and one hundred Chinese, who
will bo employed in salmon fishing
and packing in the canerics, Sadie
F. Caller, of the Chignak bay combi
nation, will also sail to-morrow. She
has fifty-six white men and one hun
dred and twenty-three Chinese. The
Electra and Newsboy expect to start
for the fishing grounds to-morrow.
This will complere the fishing fleet,
wliich is composed of fifteen vessels.
About 1,200 Chinese have been taken
to Alaska for the season.
A Terse and Truthful Statement.
No journalist who has respect for
the reputation of his journal or for his
own good name can afford to lend his
influence or his name to any scheme
for wildcat speculation to lure unsus
pectmg people into mischance and
misfortune. Port Townsend Leader.
This is what you ought to have, in
lace, you muse nave it, to luuy enjoy
life. Thousands are searching for it
daily, and mourning because they find
it not. Thousands upon thousands of
dollars are spent annually by our peo
ple in me nope mat mey may attain
this boon. And yet it niav be had bv
all. We guarantee that Electric Bitters,
if used according to directions and the
use persisted in, will bring you Good
ingestion anu oust tnc demon uyspep
siaand instead Eupepsy. We recom
mend Electric Bitters for Dyspepsia
and all diseases of Liver, Stomach and
Kidneys. Sold at 50c. and SL00 per bot
tle by .). w.conn. Druggist.
Three rooms to rent for housekeenins,
Inquire at Mrs. TJlene Davis millinery
Elegant assortment ot Daoy carriage
from $7.50 up at New
Fer Sale.
A furnished house, suitable for either
a boarding or lodging house in a good
location. Inquire at this office.
Fer Rest,
Four nice large rooms.
Thompson & Koss.
Inquire of
Meals CefkeA f Order.
Private rooms for ladies and families:
at Central Kestaurant, next to Foard &
Coffee and cake, tn
Central Restaurant.
rants, at the
For a first-class article of coffee buy
"Purity,5 a bleadd roast, jf-fava and
Meciia: justreeeiyeu ionsan4Iplic;anajs.1t:bQ best remedy fordlar-
sum ujiij vj j.quBJJ3vu iv mu33.
A Communication Kcanling the Outlook
For the Pack.
Editor San Francisco Commercial
Ncics Sir: The stock of salmon in
Great Britain has been considerably
exaggerated, though larger than usual,
and the clipping from the Oregon pa
per in your issue of to-dav would lead
the public still further astray were
they to take the report and thefigures
stated therin, as being correct
As.a matter of iact the stock of good
marketable salmon is not excessive
either here or on the other side, and
is gradually being reduced bv the
steady and persistent demand for
a fish of line quality and pack. The
stock of bad and inferior salmon is, of
course, very large and likely to remain
so, as dealers have found by bitter
experience that it is useless to try to
dispose of it. A considerable quantity
of this may be looked upon as abso
lutely unsaleable, and consequently
must not be taken into consideration,
when estimating the stocks or arriving
at any opinion of the future of the
salmon market.
It will be a salutary lesson to can-
nere to pack only good fish and to
teach them that their responsibility
does not end directly the salmon leaves
tho cannery. If packers will see that
tnly really good fish is put up and
ohat proper care is used in packing it,
there will be no difiicnlty m disposing
of it, and it will tend towards restor
ing a liealtny tone to the market,
which it has lost mainlv throngh
the packing of snch qualities
of worthless and unmerchanta
ble fish, mostly outside river canners.
Prices will, of course, not be equal to
last season's, but there will be suf
ficient margin for profit to satisfy
canners, until the m.irket re-asserts
itself. How long this will be is a mat
ter that rests with themselves, as all
depends on their policy and the judg
ment they exercise in the quality and
quantity of the pack.
Wo estimate that the probable pack of
tho coming season will be:
Columbia river 150,000
British Columbia 150,000
Alaska 500,000
Outside rivers 1...000
Sacramento river 35,000
Total cmO.OGO,
As all in the trade know over 50,000
cases of cheap salmon have been sold
at all the way from C5c to UOc per
dozen for Eastern markets which
refutes one of Mr. Johnson's assertions
that there is enough fish in the markets
of the world to lastuntil the advent of
the 1891 pack. We will venture to
say that 50,000 cases more could be
disposed of at the same figure, and
would quickly go into consumption.
as it is the cheapest foo.l that is put
into tins. Wc very much doubt if a
single case of this cheap salmon i.e.
fall pack and Alaska, will be left
here when tho new fish arrives, and
we presume the low prices iu
England will also stimnlatc consump
tion there. If Englaud is capahle of
taking 500,000 cases salmon with a
population of 33,000,000, the United
btates is certainly capable of taking
twice as ranch with a population of 70,-
000,000 and we predict that good red
Alaska salmon at 1.00 per dozen will
not go begging on this market. We
have always advocated that fall
packed salmon, immaterial where it is
packed, is a curse to the trade and we
fnn3ii1nr Hulk nti Mil nf nrmr Knlmnn
will do more harm than twenty cases
of good.
AVe think the diminished packing i
will be in Columbia river and fall
nacked salmon, nlsn vliifn Alaska
salmon; this should make a difference !
of at least 400,000 cases in the pack of
lS'JO. Yours tnilv,
IL Hughes & Co. '
San Fkaxcisco, April 10, 1890. i
A f'nrinn Invention.
automatic card shufiler is the
work of an English inventor, Mr.
Booth. It works thus: A sharp turn
to the right of either of the two han
dles places tho machine in working
order. Tho cards arc then dropped
iuto the slot The machine works by t
itself, and the cards gradnally dis
appear. When the whole have passed
into the machine the handle is turned
again in the same direction, and the ;
cards will be brought hack to the sur
face of the table. Another pack
should then be placed in the slot, and !
tho shuffling process repeats itself i
while the players are dealing and '
playing pack No. 1. When the hand j
has been played out, a turn of the iiau-'
die brings pack No. 2 ready shuffled, j
and tho used pack No. 1 is then j
placed in the slot in place of pack No. j
2. This process may be repealed in-1
definitely. By this arrangement j
every card changes its position, pass- j
ingthrougli the machine in twenty!
seconds. j
A Kerop ofPoprr Stircs alw S.ifc
It was just an ordinary scrap of wrap
ping paper, but it saved her life. She
was in the last stages of consumption,
told by physicians that she was incura
ble and could live only a short time;
she weighed les than seventy pounds.
On a piece of wrapping paper sue read
of Dr. King's New Discovery, and got a
sample bottle; it helped her, sh- bought
a larger bottle, it helped her more,
bought another and grew better fast,
continued its use and is now strong,
healthy, rosj', plump, weighing 140
pounds. For fuller particulars send
stamp to W. 11. Cole, Druggist, Fort
Smith. Trial Dottles of this wonderful
Discovery Free at .1. W. Conns Drug
store. Silks, embroider
ery, knitting, rope anu
all the latest shades.
wash silks, in
Nice line of sateens.
Mns. A. Kappleyka & Co
That tired feeling, so subtle and yet
so overpowering,is entirely overcome by
Hood's Sarsaparilla, which tones and
strengthens the system and gives a good
appetite. Be sure to get Hood's Sarsa
parilla. "100 Doses One Dollar' is true
only of this peculiar medicine.
Ludlow's Ladies' S3.00 Fine Shoes;
also flexible hand-turned French Kids,
at P. J. Goodman's.
To the atlies.
Mrs. Bowman has secured the ser
vices of a competent dress maker from
the east, and has reopened her dress
making parlors. She invites her old
friends and the public generally to call
at her establishment on Third street,
near Main. All work done with neat
ness nud dispatch and at prices within
the reach of all.
Two choice lots in the Columbia First
Addition for sale very cheap, as owner
is going away. Inquire at this office.
Try Star Whiltakersugar cured hams
and bacon, and pure kettle-remlercd
lard, sold by Thompson & Ross.
Eastern cream cheese, best Oregon
dairv and California fresh roll butter at
Thompson & Ross'.
Wciahard's Beer.
And Free Lunch at tho Telephone Sa
loon, 5 cents.
Mns. Wikslow's SooTHixa Syrup
should always be used for children
teethinc. It soothes tho child, softens
4he. gums, allays all pain, cures wind
I rm
'wenty-five cents a bottle.
As Filed in The County Recorder's Office
Wm. Beidt and wife to Bice
Jones, lots 15 and 16, blk
89, Bosedale $
Oregon Land Co. to Martin
Nelson, lots 21, 22, 23 and
24, blk 56, North Pacific,
Previously reported this year 1,215,971
Total to dale.
JOS. liniE V.s KX'MTHIJ.
That's Why He Rid S12.0C0 In fxts.
Joseph Hume, the purchaser of the
Florence house, was next permitted to
tako the witness stand. He stated
that he had bid $82,000 for the prop
erty, and thnt amount he thought to
be about S12,000 in excess of its real
value. Ho was willing to have the
sale canceled if he were allowed 7 per
cent, interest for the use of his money
from February 28th last
In response to a question from the
court, Hume stated that ho was pos
sessed of considerable wealth which
he had made catching salmon on the
Columbia river. The fact that he had
paid $12,000 more for the property
than he thought it worth he explained
by stating that he was very much ex
cited on the day of the sale. The wit
ness further stated that he had found
the rumors about Mrs. French mak
ing S1,000 a month out of the property
had been circulated to boom the
property, while her real profits were
not more than S300 a month. This
amoiuit Mr. Hume considered very
small, considering that there is $10,000
worth of furniture in the house. He
did not think that his investment
would return a net income of more
than 3 per cent, on $82,000. S. F.
Chronicle, 11.
A.3rerchanr"WIfo thollono of Contend
tion A Ecutinclat n.
A well known merchant who has been
greatly benefitted by Joy's Vejctablo Sarsa-
rarilla, desired to givo It to his wife, who
was very delicate, but out of caution first
' consulted his physician. Dr. IV. H. Griswohl
of 850 Marict street. Tho doctor, who is ono
of our leading practitioners objected, saytnz
' ho had never seen a sanaparllla that did not
contain potash, which thinned tho blood;
that hi3 patient did not have any vitality to
lose, and that what delicate people need is
not decreased vitality, bat noro blood, no
however consented when assured that Joy's
I Cffctablo Sanaparilla was opposed to tho
blood thinning idea of other sarsaparillas,
and that on tho contrary by specific vegeta
ble alteratives it promoted digestion, and re
paired nutrition, hence created new blood
j ind was tho very thlnp for feeble people.
rho abovo explains tho many cases in which
gcd, delicate and run down people, have
1 been buiu up by Joy's Vcgetablo Sarsaparilla
iftcr the potash sarsaparillas failed. Its cf
, fects are creating a Ecnsation. 5. F. Examiner
Stockton & Welch,
Real Hsfate Brokers,
City, Suburban and Acreage Property For Sale. "
MAIN ST., ASTOKIA, OK., 1. 0. Box 511.
FLYNJi, The Tailor,
Fine.-t Woolen Goods f t Suitings. All the Laiest Styles
!K bays fur Cash at Kasti'rn Prices. JHe Guarantees the Best Workman.hlp on a
Garments Call an 1 se-.' for yourself. Barth Block, ASTORIA, OK.
Tiic Law and Abstract Office
Onk Dome or Dkmfst's dklt, stoke
complete set ot Abstract Books fur the
ri:tirc('iiiu:y always kept pitted to date.
prc:l attention given to practice In the
T.ii '.alee, and the examination of
"We can't afford to lose vou." Keen
cC Coek:
Stay where vou are. Sheriff II. A.
".Setter remain and help us boom the
town. City Assessor Wright.
"Herman, you have built up a lino
business here; don't leave now.' Judge
Al Cleveland.
"You had better go, and leave us
alone." My opponents.
"Better accept the $300 you are ollered
for your Portland lease and stick to As
toria, because Astorians will stick to
you." August Daniclson.
"Wo need just such men as you.""
IF. W. Wherry.
a Thousand Others in
the Same Strain.
What Some of Them
Herman Wise,
Occident Hotel BId'g.
mm m Wp Dr? U
Received During the Past Two Weeks at
the Leading House of Astoria.
Novelties in Dress Goods in the Latest Fabrics
Pythian Bnfllini
m & CO.Jhe Leading Shoe House
Mansell's New Buildino-,
3SiG2E.t Door to Foard cfc
Men's and Boys' Clothing, Hats, Caps,
So curbstone brokers employed here
In Berly jyta. McKeuzie
tasonlc Bnildinp
Cor. Third and Main.
It's No Use
Won't Let
I never knew how many friends I had until I made preparations
to move. They flock in and try and persuade me out of it. "Well, I
don't think I could like any other town as well anyhow, and I know I
would not have any warmer friends anywhere.
That is, m consider the motiou of my friends carried, and try in
tho fnture", as in the past, to merit tho support of my fellow towns
Yours Anxious to Please,
Reliable Clothier and Hatter
imiiense Importations
Alilerlirook !
Lots 50x100 Within Three Blocks of the River.
Lot 7, block 3) $oC0 00
LotS.blockCO -JoO 00
Lot9,hlock30 4S0 00
Lot 7, block 29 430 00
Lot4.hlock29 400 00
wtoiiai m mwmmm
Heal 3E2sti-to
Odd Fellows' Buildin;
of Talking
A GO !
- Fashionable Shades
TIM Street.
Water Street, Astoria, Or
Boots and Shoes !
Water Street, Astoria, Or
Lot 5, block 29 400 00
LotS,bIock29 400 00
Lot9,hlock29 400 00
Lot 11, block 28 K 00
Lot 12, block 28 600 00
"And what would the newspapers and
Fourth of July contribution'committees
say if you go." Dr. O. B. Estes.
"Friend Herman, you have by hard
work established what 1 consider the
best clothing business in Astoria. Your
town is right on the improve, and L
think Astoria will be of great import
ance in the near future." Letter from
Theo. ZTansJlctd.
"Well, I think you ought not leave us,
for then clothing would surely go up.
Stay and keep the prices down." if.
"The boys won't have it. We will
make you stay. Ex-Mayor Hume.
a Thousand Others
the Same Strain.
of Tnern