t " cip, (1) She gaits gfwfcm. ASTORIA, OREGON: FK1DAY ATJIIL 18, 1890 TIDE TABLE .FOE ASTORIA. HIGH WATE1L LOW WATER. FirL Secood. I First. Second. U. in. h. m. .5 h. m. .m h. i. 5 41 G2S 7 11 T.r3 S3C 0 20 10 05 10 S3 0 K 0 2 -0 3 0 4 -0 4 -0 3 0 1 05 G 01 0 43 7 21 7 57 8 31 9 07 D 4S 10 31 12 31 1 1G 200 2 44 3 23 4 IT 5 13 Thc nours between midnight and noon are tvhnuited by a (a. m.). those between noon uil midnight by j (p. St.). Oh. OOm.a denotes MUlnlcht, oA. oim. p denotes noon. Thc height is reckoned from t" level of a erase lower low waters to which thesound tnes are iven on Uie Coast Survey charts. BUSINESS CARDS. J I, KAV3IOXI). CIVIL ENGINEER. County Surveyor of Clatsop County. ORice: Boom No. 7. Kinney's Brick, Asto ria, Oregon. '. V. PULTON. O. C FULTON Fl?rTOX U BOTHERS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. oms5aud G. Odd Fellows Building. A A. CLEVELAND, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Oillce FlavePs new brick building, comer second and Cass streets ; up stairs. r j. cuiitis, Attornpy-nl-Law: 'otary 1'ubllc. Commissioner of Deeds for Washington Territory. Office in Flavors new brick iHiMding, Cor. Second and Cass streets. SO SIX K. S3IITIE. f ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office on Cass street, 2 doors back of Odd F4!ows Building, Astoria, Oregon. rKK3I KAXAA, A x. ATTOllXEY AT LAW. )Stce over White House Cor., Astoria, Or. j tfc. A. KOIVLBY, t. i:torncy ami Counsellor tit Lan' tie on Chenaraus Street, Astoria, Oregon T II. MA.VKELL, REAL 15TATE BROKER AND NOTARY PUBLIC. Established 18S3. Tliird Street, next to W, U. Telegraph Of fice, Astoria, Or. rK. J. K. LA 'OUC., DENTIST. itooms ll ana 12 Odd Fellows Building. ASTORIA, - - - OREGON, T P. MULUN1X, M. D., PHYSICIAN' AND SL'IMJEON. Office on Fourth Street , bet. Main and Cass. Sjecial attention given to private diseases. ORioc hours 9 to 11 a. m 2 to 5 r. r.i. JAY TUTTLE, Wl. P. Physician, Surgeon and Accouclieur. Office, Room G, Pythian Building. Office hours : lo to 12 and 2 to 5. Residence, south side of Cedar St., next block west of the Hospital. B. E. MI Iilil.lt. M. I. Graduate of Cleveland Hoiwi'opnthic Hos pital College, and Post-Graduate of New York City Polyclinic Scliool of Medicine snd Surgery. First and Main streets, Portland. Ilte-scn oriVomcn a Specialty. D KS. A. I. ASt) J. A, FULTON. Cass street, between 3rd and 4th. Special attention to Diseases of Women and Children, by Dr. A, I. Fulton. Special attention to Surgery, by Dr. .1. A. Fulton, Office hours from 10 to 12 A. M and 1 to 4 I) C R.O.It.ESTES. PHYSICIAN AND .SURGEON. Special attention to Diseases f Women md Surgery. rnoK:" Opjwsilc Telegraph Ollice, up Stairs, Astoria, nvgon. I"K. I A. KEtCH, DENTIST. lNvims 7 and ?, FlavePs new Brick Build ing. LLA A. KH1TS1. DENTIST. Rooms l and 2 Pythian Building oves U. II. Cooper's Store. tv. t. iiunxnv. u t. r..i:ix. .t. iv. ii:apki:. Burney. Barin & Draper. Attorneys Oregon City, Oregon. Twelve years experience as Register of the U.S. Land Office here, recommends us In our specialty of Mining and all other bus iness before the Laud OIllco or the Courts, and Involving the practice in the General L&ad Office. H. W. Strickler, M. D. DEALER IN Pure Drugs, Toilet Articles, Etc Prescription Clerk speaks Four different General practice of Medicine attended to fey the Doctor. Second Street, near Postofllcc. As an investment, lots in KINDRED PARK offer rare inducements to purchasers. The inevitable ad vance will double and treble their value within the next six months. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS CUIUS. EVENSOJf. F. COOK THfc central Hotel i EVENSON & COOK. On the European Plan. LARGE CLEAN ROOMS, A FIRST-CLASS RESTAURANT Board by the Day, Week or Month Private Rooms for Families, Etc. Transient Custom Solicited. Oysters, Fish. Meats, Etc., Cooked to Order, WATKK Ht., Opp. Keard Htekes A FIRST CLASS SALOON Run in connection with the Premises. The Best of WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. Good Billiard Tables and Private Card Rooms. THE VIENNA Bestanrant aDi Clop House. C. W. Fisher & Co., Prop's. Game. Fish, Oysters, Etc., COOKED TO ORDER- Vm: Private lEooms. Everything Irst Class. Genevieve Street, rear of Griflln & Reed's. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED i'ci Enlarged :md Refitted to Meet the Popular Demand, FINEST RESTAURANT IX CITY ! Shoalwater Bay and Eastern Oysters, Private Rooms for Dinner Parties, etc. Meals Coooked to Order. THIRD STREET. - ASTORIA. OR. INSURANCE. INSURANCE Fire and Marine and Life VAN DUSEN & CO., Ag'ts, ASTORIA, OR., Of the Following Reliable Foreign and Home Companies : Liverpool and London and Globe, North British and Mercantile. Scottish Union and National, Hartford of Connecticut, Commer cial of California. Ixmdon and Lancashire of Liverpool, Commercial Union of London. Guardian of London. Northwest of Portland, Mutual Life of New York. Prompt,Libcral Adjustments Guaranteed I. W. CASE Insurance Agent. REPRES'JVTING California Marns I"?. Co., S. F. Columbia Firs .ni i. arine Ins. Co., Portland. Home Mutual Insutance Co., S. F. Phoenix of London. Imperial of London. Robb & Parker, AGENCY OF Fire and Marine Insurance, Willi an Aggregate Capital of $70,000,000- IMPERIAL, of London. CALIFORNIA, of California. CONNECTICUT, or Hartford. OAKLAND HOME, of Oakland LION, of London. FI REM AN'S FUND, of California. QUEEN, of liondon. Marshall & Co., Salmon lit Twines MANUrACTL'RKIl UV GEO. A. CLARK & BROS., NEW .JERSEY, For Snlc by I. SJIITII, Agcut, Office at Wherry & Co's. A NEW ENTERPRISE. City Express Transfer Company. H. D. Thing and C. E. Miller, PROPRIETORS. Headquarters at Main Street wharf. TELEPHONE NO. 43. A General Express and Delivery Business transacted. Your patronage Is solicited. BOOTS AND SHOES! Of Best Quality, and at LOWEST PRICES, AT THE SICK OF THEJOLDEN SHOE. JOHW TTATTIff Kites Restaurant Hughes & Co Wholesale and Retail LIQUOR DEALERS. Importers of All Brands of Foreign and Do mestic Wines, Liquors and Cigars. J. H. Cutter Whiskies a specialty. Yal Blatz Bottled Beer. Finest brands of Key West and Domestic Cigars. Liquors for Medicinal Purposes. Family Trade Solicited. All orders from the City and Country promptly filled. Squemoqua Street, - - - Astoria, Oregou. North Pacific RREWERY, JOHNKOPP. - - - Proprietor. Patronize Home Industry! We supply as GOOD A QUALITY OF BEER As Any In the Market, AT AS REASONABLE A PKK'i:. The North Pacific Brewery Beer la Pare and Unadulterated. It gives general Satisfaction and Is Furn ished In Quantities to Suit. Leave orders With A, W. Utzinger next to Bergman & Co.'s, or Fred Cooke, next to Foard & Stokes. Dally Delivery in Any Part of the tray. AUG. DAMELSON, Sample Rooms. Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agent for the GUION Steamship Line and theTHINGVALLA Steamship Line, direct. Also, agent for "Svenska Tribunen" and Svenska Amerikanaren." Corner of Water and West Ninth Streets Astoria. Oregon. Resort Billiard Parlor, GROSBAUER & BRACH, Prop's. L. FECRER'S CELEBRATED Gambrinus Beer ! ON DRAUGHT. Gambrinus Bottled Beer. J. n. Cutter Wfcislty, Domestic and Key West Cigars, Constantly on hand. Third Street, four doors west of Telegraph Office, formerly Telephone Restauraut, ASTORIA, OREGON. GERMANIA BEER HALL The Celebrated WEINHARD LAGER BEER, On Draught On Ice, and Drawn from the Wood. Five Cents a Class. WJtt. BOCK, Proprietor. Hill's Palace Tarieties. Open Every Night. GEO. HILL, - - Sole Proprietor. NEW PEOPLE WEEKLY. Aim to Please Even-body. The only Free Show in Astoria. Wines. Liquors and Ci gars. Ice Cela Seer. The Gem Saloon. The Popular Resort for Astorians. or the Finest of Wines and Liquors Go to THE GEM SALOON. ALKX. CAMPBELL, - - PROPRIETOB The Globe Saloon Under New Management. Christian WVJch, Proprietor. (Formerly Bartender at the "Resort," Bestof Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Corner Main and First Streets. LOEB & CO.. fines, Lipors and Cigars. A Iirge Stock of First-Class Goods. The Trade Supplied at Lowest Market Rates. All orders filled promptly and Accurately. Agents for First Class Foreign and Domestic Brands. Main street Opp. Parker House. THE PEERLESS. Thos. Craves, Propr. A new and first-class saloon. fashiouaMy fitted. All the modern conveniences. Mtj Aim is to Please My Patrons. SECOND STREET, - ASTORIA, OR. Opposite FlavePs Brick Building. Standard - Saloon. R. BARTn'S OLD STAND. The Celebrated North Pacific Brewery Beer on Draught. Also the Finest Kinds of Wines, Li quors and Cigars. And last, but not least The Grand Orchestra, and a Free Lunch. H. CRUBE, Propr. ASTORIA. OREGON. "TICS" SALOON! Next to Altoona Restaurant. 77c licrgmati, - - Proprietor. GRAND OPENING, Tuesday, April 15th, when Vic expects to see his friends. Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Traveling Men Smoke and Recommend :: II ii ss& These SEINES are made true taper andj from au actual scale, and will hang true and draw when hung in to lines, and from the Gold Modal 1-2 Patent Twine. RIGHT AND LEFT HAND LAID PATENT ROPE, 9 thread and lnrger, soft and free from kinking. SALMON TRAP NETS knit from the Gold Medal 1-2 Patent Twine, superior to the medium laid, stronger, more durable and Holds Tar Longer. Letters or Telegraph shall have our Prompt and Careful Attention American Net & Twine Co Established 1S42. Boston, N. B. We havo the largest Netting and Twine plant. New and costly ranchinery has lately been added for knitting heavy Traps for tho Columbia river, and Seines for the Alaska Salmon Fisheries, and the most skillful help employed. nighest awards atBoston. 1PC9. Philadelphia. 1&7C London Fisheries Exposition. 1SS3. The New Model Range CAN BE HAD IN ASTORIA, ONLY OF E. R. HA WES, AgenL Call and Examine It ; You Will be Pleased. E.R. Hawesls also Agent for the Buck Patent Cooking Stove, AND OTHER FIRST CLASS STOVES. Furnace Work, Steam Fittings, Etc., a Specialty. A Full Stock on Hand. I. R. &N. Co. FROM ASTORIA TO Tanzy Pt., Ft. Stevens, Ft. Canby and llwaco. Connecting by Railroad and Steamboats NAHCOTTA, Oysterville, Montesano and Olympia STEAMER iBk "GEN. CANBY, Tnos. Pahkek. Master. Will leave Astoria dally (Sundays excepted for Tanzy Ft. Ft. Stevens. Ft. Canby and llwaco, at 8 A. M., (Tide permitting.) With Oysterville Malls and Express datly and Through Mails to points beyond, and Montesauo, W.T., on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. WFor Tickets, Towage or Charter ap ply at the company's office, FlavePs wharf. New Stealer Line! ASTORIA! TO Tanzy Point, Ft. Stevens, Ft. Canby and llwaco. The Fine New Steamer Suomi HERBERT PETIT, Master. Will leave Astoria dally at 8 A. M. ; Sun days at U A. M. ; Wednesdays and Fridays maKingtwo trips, leaving Astoria on her second trip at 2$n P.M. from Hustler.; dock, foot of Main street. For Tickets. Freight or Passage, Charter, etc., apply to Capt. Petit, Main St, wharf. The Str. Telephone Portland and Astoria. Time Tabic Leaves Asteria: Tuesday, Thuriday and Saturday at C a. m. leaves lertlanl: Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 7 a. m. Portland and Coast S. S. Co. GRAYS HARBOR. STR. ALLIANCE. Sails from Port land every Thursday at 7 p. M. ; and from Astoria thc following morning. I -muling at Hoquiam, Aberdeen, Cosmopolis and Montesano. SHOALWATER BAY. STR. DOLPHIN. Halls from Portland on 1st and 15th of each month, landing at North Cove, South Bend, Willapaand Bay Center. F. It. KTKOA'f;, President. C. P. UPSHUR, Agent Astoria. AUCTION AND COMMISSION HOUSE. MARTIN OLSEN, Successor to E. C .Holden. The oldest established Commission House In Oregon. Goods of all kinds sold on coini mission. Auction Sale Every Saturday. Ce-ieral Repairing, Jobbing and Uphol stering done. Fine stock of Furniture on hand. When you want Bargains in Household Goods go to MKTI. OLSEN Kindred Park Adjoining "New Astoria" on the East! BELL & i'"sJ5SES Masi. Capital, S-1.'0,000. fate's Golden Female Pills I For Female Irreg ularities; nothing lik them on the market. Ncrcrfall. Successfully used , uy prominent iaaics monthly. Guaran- iccu to relieve Mis pressed menstrua tion. Sure! Safe! Certain! Don't he humbug ged. Save time and health and money ; take no other. Sent to uiv si!- V dress, secure by . mall on receipt of price, 2, Address, THE APHRO MEDICINE COMPANY, Western Branch. Box 27, PORTLAND. OR. Sold by J. C. Dement, sole agent, Astoria. F.H.SURPRENANT&CO., County Coroner. First Class TJnd ex taking ESTABLISHMENT. New Styles, Caskets and funeral iu.i!cr::i Next to Astokiax oftice. WilsonJ& Fisher Ship Chandlers, HEAVY AND SKELF HARDWARE FARM IMPLEMENTS, Paints, Oils, and arnish. LOGGERS1 SUPPLIES. PROVISIONS MILLFEED AGENTS FOU SALEM PATENT ROLLER MILLS Portland Roller Mills, FAIRBANKS' SCALES. ASTORIA. OKKGON. Morgan & Sherman GROOBKS And Dealers in n Special Attention Glvento Filling Of Orders. A FULL LINE CARRIED And Supplies furnished at Satis factory Terms. Purchases delivered In any part of the city Office and Warehouse In Hume's New Building on Water Street. P. O. Box 153. Telephone No 37. ASToitiA, onr.aox. -THE- DIAMOND PALACE GUSTAT HANSEN, Troir. A Large and Well Selected Stock or Fine Diaiois i Jewelry At Extremely Low Prices. All (foods Ron plil at This EilaMMinirnt Warranted Gcnuiue. Watoli ami CIoclc K;jairii: A SPECIALTY. Comer Cass and Squemoqua Street?. 600DELL P MWMm T?Sfc&& IsTJCIsssCbIssmssisIsSmm Ti ifir-" --,- Cannery Hlies! AfltorU, Or. The Juror Was Scratched. Judge "William Louis Kelly, of the district court, is acquiring a reputa tion for wit on the bench. A young lawyer in the German-American bank buil ding tells the follewing: Various jurors were waiting before the judge, as the custom is at every term of court, to be excused from ser vice. A meek-looking man came up j in his turn anda3ked that he might be I let or. ! 'Yon can't get off without a good excuse,' said the judge. I "I have a good reason."' 'Yon must tell it or serve," said the ; judge. i uJ3nt, your honor, I don t believe the other jurors would care to have me serve." ''Whv not? What's your excise";" Well I " (hesitatiug). "What is if:" "I've got the itch," "Mr. Clerk," said Judge Kelly, quickly, "scratch that man out." &7. Paul Pioneer-Press. No Jlore Pew Rent. The Calfornia papers have begun discussing the sex of angels. The heft of the argument appears to lie on the side of the male sex. From our youth up we have been wedded to the idea that the angels of heaven were a collection of lovely females clothed in diaphonous garments that only half conceal the beautiful forms beneatlu The news that the angelic band consists only of men upsets all our previous ideas of the heavenly home, and makes us feel that our exemplary life during the past forty years has been led under a mighty delusion. We have con cluded, to give up our pew in the church. Carson, iVei?., Appeal, BiifUIen's Arnica Salve. Tin: Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Hruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Jlhe uni, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money re funded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by .1. W. Conn. Recently, at ATuckelrat, Pennsyl vania, it was proposed to raise the American flag over a public school house. The coal miners objected and threatened to tear down the flag. Finally outsiders, Americans, had to be marched in to protect the people who raised the flag! Personal. I)E.vn Duo. Meekei:, Ed. The Central Methodist, Catleltsuurg, Ky: t see in the last Central that j-ou want a sick headache remedy. I suffered from sick headache, almost from infancy, and tried every remedy I could get, but never found anything to do me good until I used Simmons Liver llegulator. I feel for anyone that suffers with that terrible disease, and I hope you will give it a trial. C. S. aTokkis, Browns ville, YV Va. ALLEN & SIMPSON, DEALERS in Wall Paper and Oil Paintings SPECIALTY. Sign Writer. Grainer and Ornamental Painter. Cor. Cass and Jefferson Sis.. Astoria, PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY! There Is no occasion for tlis most fastidi ous or our citizens to send to Portland or San Fraueisco for Custom Made Clothes As they can ijet Better Fits. Better Work manship, ami for less Money. By Leaving their Orders with MEANY. New Coeds by Every Steamer. Call and Fee him and satisfy yourself. P. J. Meany. Merchant Tailor. Stockholders7 Meeting. rilllE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE ASTO JL ria Building and Loan Association are hereby notified that thp annual meeting of saitl association will he held at their ofllce on Tuesday. May t3th. 1890. Tor the i.urpose of electing nine directors Tor the ensuing year and to transact any other business that may come before the meeting. The election of directors will be by ballot from 2 o'clock v. M, until s o'clock r. si. By order or the president. Attest : V. L. ROBB. Secretary. EAST MNTON In consequence or the demand for thoso beautirtil level lots. Mr. P. C. Warren lias been Induced to plat ntnety-slx lots Adjoining Warrenton on the East. Which will be known and sold a East Warrenton ! THE RAILROAD runs through the plat, which Is only coo yards from the Warrenton depot. For further information call at once on the ASTORIA REAL ESTATE CO. Notice to Bidders. SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE KE ceived until April 2titli for the material and workmanship on a wharf 50x100 feet with approach about 2Cx3oO feet, to be erected at New Astoria. For further infor mation aoply at the ofllce of the under signed, where plans ami specifications can be seen. The right Is reserved to furnish any or all material and to reject any or all bids. THIELSEN, LESTER & ANDERSEN, Engineers, Boom 9, FlavePs Building. I prescribe and fully endorse Big- CJ as the only specific for the cer tain cure of this disease. V.fi- INOKAIIAU.M.D. Amsterdam, X. Y. Cart t a 'I 70 5DAT8.1 3urmstMd Dot Ml ttsaeatrletsre. VrdenlybyUi We "nave sold Big G for many years, and It has iCUzlalCa. CiactnnatlJ civen me ds; ?i satis faction. Osdo. 1. 11. Dycitx St Co.. Calcago, HI. Tru!ii!irLV!$I. Sold by Druggists. Sold by J. W. Conn, Aitcrta, Oregon. : s 23 23 KEEN AND COOK, COMMISSION nsurance and leal Estate Agents MONEY 0NG00D Astoria, cut- A FINE Children's JXTST XUBC2EX7ED. PRICES LOWER THAN EVER. L. A. Granger. GRANGER & HALLONQTJIST, Civil : Engineers : and : Surveyors Accuracy Guaranteed: Standard Rates. Ofllce with McGowan Bros. & Tuttle, Mansell's New Building. SEALANO. The terminus of the llwaco and Shoalwater Hay Kailroad. THE GREAT EST SUMMER RESORT ON THE NORTHWEST COAST. Lies at the head of the Ray, at deen water, and only twelve miles from the bar. The coming County Seat and Commercial Metropolis of Pacific county. Now laid out Lota on the market from S50, and upwards. For particulars and fuli information, call on or address B. A. SEABORC, Ilwaco, "X7S7Q,mTcLm Wholesale Wine House. Fine Wines, Choice Brands. I have completed arrangements for supplying any brand of Wine in any quantity at lowest cash figures. The Trade Supplied, Families Supplied. ALL ORDERS DELIVERED FREE IN ASTORIA. Yonr patronago in City or Country solioited. A. W. UTZINGER. Cosmopolitan Saloon. S.AKNDT&EERCHEN ASTORIA, - OREGON. The Pioneer Machine Shop m auk-smith -QeKfc-Biifc? . SHOP Boiler Shop All kinds of ENGINE, CANNERY. AND STEAMBOAT WORK Promptly attended to. Aspeclalty made of repairing CANNERY DIES, FOOT OF LAFAYETTE STREET. John G. Dement. DRUGGIST. Successor to W. E. Dement & Co. Carries Complete Stocks of Drugs and Druggists' Sundries. Prescriptions Carefully Couiponaded. Agent for Mexican Salve and Norwegian File Cure LIDDICOAT & CBIBB. Carpenters ami Builders. Holt & McCurtrie's old stand, have over 200 plates and drawings of all kinds and styles of dwellinK-houses, ranging from 900 to S12.000. Call and see them. The Land is almost entirely cleared and lies per fectly level, just slope enougli to afford a good drainage. Best water frontage on the River. MERCHANTS. TO LOAN ! SECURITY. Oregon. STOCK : Carriages W. L. Hallonouist P.O. Box 721. ASTORIA, - OREGON The Celebrated H Core. Warranted " ADUDnniTlUC" or money to cure refunded. is SOLD OS A POSITIVE Guarantee to euro any form of ner vous disease or any dis order of tho generative organs of nithnr sat " BEFORE whether ar- AFTER isingfrom the excessive use of Stimnlants.To bacco or Opium, or through youthful indiscre tion, over indulgence, Ac. such as Loss of Brain rower. Wakefulness, Bearing down I'ains in tho Back, Seminal Weakness, Hys teria, Nervous Prostration, Nocturnal Emis sions, Leucorrhoea, Dizziness, Weak Memory, Loss of Power and Im potency, which if ne glected otten lead to premature old ago and insanity. Price 31 a box, 6 boxes for $5. Sent by mail on receipt of price. A WRITTEN GUARANTEE for every $5 or der, to refund tho money if a Permueat cure is not effected. Thousands of testimonials from old and young, of both sexes, perma nently cured by Apuhoditiuk. Circular free. Address. THE APHRO MEDICINE CO. Box 27. Westers Braitch. Portland, Or. For sale by J. C. DEMENT. The Oregon Bakery A. A. CLEVELAND, Propr. M Bread, Caie aM Pastry None but the Best Materials Used. Satisfaction Guaranteed Customers Bread delivered in any part of the city. H. EKSTBOH. Practical : Watchmaker, ASTORIA, OB. A fine line of Gold and Silver Watches, Solid Gold and Plated Jewelry, Clocks, etc., at reasonable prices. Repairing Promptly Done. Opposite Crow's Gallery. yM 77