V-1- PgjBfJfJflTFMi- - -- r $Itc gaity gtsforiim. ASTORIA. OREGON: FRIDAY- . .. APRIL 18, 1690 City start County Oflicial Paper. Oregon and Washington exchanges chronicle "with surprise the appearance of snotr so late as April 10. Sucli a Grange sipht has not lxnm "-vitucsseil since April, 1SS9. The tolograph says that ex-President Cleveland is fattening at the rate of hrenty-five pounds a month. This is probably a mistake. Doubt less twenty-fire ounces is meant. ScirwErsFunTH, the blasphemous self-styled Christ, -who is running a little harem near Rockford, Ills., doesn't like newspaper reporters. Ho says: They are the damnablest black guards of hell, and the hour of their retribution is at hand. At a moment when they -wot not the mouth of an everlasting perdition will open, into the yaraing abyss of wliich they -u ill be plunged to gnash their teeth and send up to the unheeding ears of an outraged Iord their wails of anguish throughout all eternity. The reporters have been giving him away: hence these wails. Kpocli. The transition from long, lingering a! painful sickness to robust health liutrksan epoch in the life of the imli v4ual. Such a reiuaikable event is trured in the memory anil the agenc v wkcreuy the good health has been at tained is gratefully blessed. Hence it is that so much is heard in praise of Elec tric Hitters. So many leel they owe their restoration to health to the use of the Great Alterative and Tonic. 1 f vou are troubled -with any disease of "the Kidneys, Lheror Stomach, of longoi vhort standinsAon will surelv find re lief by use of tleetne Hitter Sold at Mc. and Si per bottle at J, W. Conn's Drag store. "WciiiliartlV. licor. And Free Lunch at the Teletihone Sa lon, o cents. Tc'cphencl.oitins; House. Iks Ieds in town. 1 looms per night 50 and r. cis cr v. eek S1JH). N ew and clean. Private entrance. XEWTO-DAY House to Rent. "JTKXr noon TO BAPTIST Cllt'KCH--H ai rrasonaWe rates. Inquire of .lames W. Hare. Salesman. A X KXElMJETir MAX WAXTKD TO JjL jmsli our manufactures on iliKioimd. One of our aceuts earned V-W m ''. Ad dress, I. O. Ho 1.m1, Xcu oik. bene a Aflttitou Lois in this llonutiful Addition for sale at SOB cacli : 5) down, balance S10 per month, rials and copv or ab stract furnished free. Astoria Suburbs I Five Acre Tracts a.t of AMona :md jifv one and one-half mile from Cohunbi.i KUer at S each ; 100 cash. Imlancv $Thj per month. Jl JEL. JMjYSELL, Ep1 Estate ItroLcr. ASTOKIA, Oil. C. R. F. P. Union Notice. nroiEHE will r.E a special meitt- JL inj of Columbia Ki er lVhertneiiN Pro tccttve Union held at Liberty hall. Tiicsdav, April 22 J. ISM. at 7 TO v. m. FP.AXK JIcGUEfiO!:. Prot. FRED WRIGHT, Secy. NOTICE. Block 1495 Shively's Astoria. All parties are notified not to trespass upon the premies in front and noitii of Block !, Shively's AMona, as said premises belong to nit P. PAKKKi:. Democratic Convention. A DEMOCRATIC COrXlY COXVEX tion for Clatsop county, Oregon, is hereby called to meet at Astoria, Fnoav, April istlu ISO. to select s.een delegates to the Democratic State Comeution, and to transact such other business as may come before the Convention. The Convention vill consist of si.ty-om-delepatcs apjotiioned union;: the several precincts as loilews: belli:: one delegate at larpe and one delegate additional for each xwraty votes and traction thereof cast for Hon .lohn SI Gcann for congressman at the ccacral election in l&S. John Das .. ......... 'j. Bear Creek a Knanna , Clilton Westiori cgper Hsu Hawk Mlshatraka . Younjfs River. .. Lewis & Clarke Seaside Clatsop Astoria ITccincU...... :;i u Onntv Committee. P.y G EOKG E XOLAXJ). Acting Chairman. The Boston Store ! Hmmiiiiiii MNHIIIlii E::ssrsisiEcssBBi OPENING ANNOUNCEMENT J. H. MANSELL iHESai2s::a2Sc; The master motive of buying and selling is money. Not because men love lucre, but be cause money stands for the commodities and nec essaries of life. "We are engaged in business to make mone, not to accumulate, but to enable us to live. You buy where you can make money by saving it, for a dollar saved is a dollar earned. In presenting our claim for your patronage, be fore saying a word about the excellence or va riety of our New Stock of Dry Goods, we want to appeal to this master motive. If we can save you money on your purchases; if it will jmt money in your pocket to trade Avith us, we know that, other things being equal, we have a strong presumption that we can win your patronage and hold it. And it just on this basis that we solicit your trade. - real estate broker, H Great Slaughter Sale NOTARY PUBLIC FOR STATE OF OREGON. City Lots and Acre Property, Ranches, Timber Lands, and Water Frontage for Sale. Correspondence Solicited. 1. O. Box SCS, Established 1SK". IN VESTMENTS MADE FOU OUTSIDE TAKTIES. Next W. U. Telegraph Ofiice. Third St. Astoria, Oregon. "Mikado" CANDY FACTORY AT TEE Mirk IwtoSln i .. i OF '" So Wb Enter toe Field wltta Flying Colors. A Fine, Fair and Elegant Stock of DRY GOODS! NOTIONS FANCY GOODS! Men's Furnishing Goods, Etc, Awaits You To-Day. :CZSEECEBIIiEEIISE8 I SHANAHM BROS., Corner Benton and Second Sts., Opp. the Postoffice, Astoria, Or. o ROSS' o OPERA HOUSE ! One Eiglit Only. Friflay, April 18. W. S. CLEVELAND'S Magnificent Consolidated MINSTRELS ! Chiistendonfs Champion Conquerors. Forty Sk Heroes of Two Hemisphere's, led by the King of Minstrels, THE INIMITABLE AND ONLY WILLIS P. SWEATNAM! And lat and Funny BILLY RIOE X LenSomers, Crawford liros, Hanley&Jar- Is. Harry McKisson, W. 32. NankivlUe, Frazei & Bunnell. Eddie Fox. ltay mond Shaw. J. P. O'Keele, 1L J. Howard. Sumptuous Spectacular Scenic First Tart, The Most Gorgeous and Elaborate ever pro duced. Venetian Kipltts! The Orig inal Oriental Patrol M...ch. The Egyp tian IMialanx! Amazing Antipodean Annex. The Ja! F.ur Little All Rights. Grand I'ar-tu f :h.a powerful or g :ulzution at ll :4.r. . v.., on the day ol per lormauce. Sc:ile . , nci : HESEBVED SEATS S1.00 Family Circle ........ 75 ct.s. Gallery C0 cts. Hcserved Seats mav be .secured at New York Novelty Store, Wednesday. April lCtli. at :t a. m. E. P. N00WAN & CO., (Successors to) J. P. HYNES, DEALEItS IN- Groceries Produce. Water Street. Astoiia, Oregon. TELEPHONE XO. 7. - P. O. BOX 3M Assessment Notice. nnilE CITY ASSESSMENT KOLL FOU JL 18to will soon be completed. Parties In terested will please make returns of their t.ivahle propert f at once as no allowance will be madtr for Indebtedness unless such leturnsaie made within the time .siccified bylaw. ED.WKIGtIT, City Assessor. Notice. H OIICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT there arc funds in the citv treasurv lo pay all w? mints endorsed pnor to Jnlv istlt 1S). J. (J. HUSTLEK, AsiHiia, April S, l&W. City Treasurer. S For Rent. TOltE BUILDING, COllNER CASS AND I'ouri ii streets. VAN DUSEN & CO., Agents. in hi ttjjAjj. awjum. ASTORIA Coming to Astoria, Monday, April 21st, Dr. Franklin Jones ! The Reliable Old California Specialist, late of San Francisco, Head Physician and Chief Surgeon St. Louis Medical and Surgical DN- peusary, Portland, Or., WILL BE AT THE PARKER HOUSE FOE 10 DAYS. Consultation and Examination Free to All. Professional Hours : 9 to 12, 2 to 5 and 7 to 10. Ohronic, Nervous and Private Diseases a Specialty, Including Pemale Diseases. The Leading Tailors. Fiedler : & : McDonald. Call and See Our Nobby Stock of Spring Goods Just Arrived. It comprises the latest goods in the market, and we offer them at prices never before heard of in Astoria, and guarantee the best and most comfortable fitting suits in the city. To-DayFine Ice Cream Soda-To-Day Also Handle None but the Finest Key West and Imported CIGARS. Please Call and Give me a Trial. THIRD STREET, Next W. U. Telegraph Office mWWrmmm Ja&tliiul. j fii A THE -- Largest : Stock I THE Lowest : Prices ! Immense Stock of Furniture Stationery, Musical Goods and Notions, for the Next Sixty Days. iniE im raniKft a unr fasp ip js, JwiLiyiii Flavel's Brick Building, Opp. Occident Hotel. T. B. LOUGHERT, DK.VI.EK IK Cigars, : Tobaccos, : and : Cigarettes ! CONFECTIONERY, ETC. KOHE BUT TI1E BEST BRANDS HANDLED. THIRD STREET, ----- ASTORIA, OREGOX Opposite Hahn's Hoot and Shoe Store. The Oregon Land Co. J. .L. OOOK, Manager, GHAS, HEIIiBORRT. Two Car J. oads received: More on the way. You arc; invited to see the Finest Display of Furniture, Carpets, etc., in the City. Prices reasonable. THE OLD STAND, ASTORIA, OREGON NATURAL m DISCOVERED AT ffARRENTON! Now is the time to buy a lot at WAUUENTOX or WEST WARREN'TOX before the price is raised. For sale by W. L. Uhlenhart, Real Estate Broker, Oilice on Third St., Opp. Odd Fellow's Temple. I O. liox 811, ASTORIA, OREGON. SILVERMAN & THOENBURG, Next to C. H. Cooper's Astoria, Oregon. C. R. SORENSON. C. S. GUNDERSON. Sorenson & Co., Real Estate Agents! City and Suburban Property, Choice Acreage Suitable for Platting, Also Farms for Sale. Agents for 'NEW ASTORIA." DEAI.KRS IX General Merchandise A SPECIALTY MADE OF COUNTRY PRODUCE. We pay the highest cash price for country product', ami guarantee square dealing. Wb ill receive orders f jr potatoes, butter ami egxs at lowest market rates. Orders from any quarter will receive prompt attention. SKAMOKAWA, WASHINGTON FR.ED SAIZ Saddles and Harness A LARGE STOCK TO SELECT FROM. GOODS AT SAN FRANCISCO PRICES. I make a specialty of good woik and guarantee .satisfaction. At the Old Stand, Wes hide Olney Street. Near AVHson & Fisher's. Correspondence Solicited. P. O. Box 1G3. Office on Olney Street. Between Second and Third. KEEP YOUR EYE ON NEW ASTORIA! LOTS FOlt SALE BY Fitzgerald & Carney, ASTORIA, OREGON. Lots in Case's Astoria Are Now on Sale AT THE OFFICE OF THE Astoria Real Estate Co. PRICES FROM 8150 TO $250 EACH. TEB5IS--One-Half Cash; the Balance in Six and Twelve Months. E. J. FORO & CO., Agents. HEW NEW ASTORIA has the best deep water frontage and anchorage of anj town on the Pacific Coast and is the point where the Astoria and South Coast Railway Company- and the Albany and Astoria R. R. Company have selected locations for their terminal shipping docks. A lot bought in NEW ASTORIA to-day will net the buyer a fortune in the near future. The chance to get in at the present low prices will hold good for nly a short time. ASTORIA XTEW HAS AN ASTORIA OFFICE S. W. COR. THIRD AND OLNEY STREETS, Buy and Sell Property on Commission. We Deal in Real Estate and are Successful in Our Business. BUY YOUR LOTS IN Sunny Mead Addition! TO ASTORIA. This fine property has heen put on the market bv Mrs. Owens Adair, M. I)., and is situated near the Astoria and South Coast Railroad. PRICES, S50 AND S60. FOU SALE BY McGOWAN BROS. & TUTTLE, Third St., East of Olney. H" WHOLESALE AND KETAIL DEALER IN Groceries, Provisions and Mill Feed. o Crockery, Glass Plated Ware. o The Largest and finest assortment of Fresh. Fruits and Vegetables. Received fresh every Steamer. "Vv THE REAVEY PATENT CANT DOG. HJLBICHOB.ST eft COITJL1TT, Successors to KIRK SIIELDON. HEADaiTAETEBS FOR LOGGERS' SUPPLIES. Agency for ATKINS' CELEBRATED SAWS. LANDER'S LOGGING JACKS. GENERAL HARDWARE. 151 Front Street, PORTLAND, OR. M m ASTORIA NEW ASTORIA is laid out upon a high, dry and level location Its surroundings are splendid and it is a Natural Place for a City. Large lots, wide streets, broad avenues, grand boulevards. Every lot bought in NEW ASTORIA at the present low figures will bring its owner a fortune. The sale has begun. NOW BUY. E. J. FORO & CO., Agents. . J. FORD &C0., Agents. E. J. FORD & CO., Agents.