The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, April 12, 1890, Image 1

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    a j
he Dai I
G. P. Upshur,
Shipping tnd Commission Merchant
yian St. Wharf. Astoria. Oregon.
Cannery Supplies
BarlwuT's Salmon Net Twines.
X EFT (7X1 Brand Salman Twine,
WOODBERRY Cotton Lines and Twines
Or all Description Furnished at
Factory Prices.
ICected in First Class Companies.
Representing 813,000,000
Ilartford, Conn
,..ev oric.
A-rt&ej- Pacific Express and WelU. Fargo A Co.
Civil Engineer and
. P. O. Box 6C3.
OSee with .1. H. Matisril. nest V. V.
Tfli-sraph Office.
Thir! Str.-rl.
Atttori:, 0.
TMslsen Later & ABderssn,
Surveyors and Architects.
Office, Konn v, Fi.avki.'s Iii.n'o
t. O. llux 813. AVTOUIA, on.
I. W Case,
Transacts a General Bankins" Business-
lHHti-i lno!i .tVAilal'k-In .m p.irt of ilie
i -n. '! K"iiw. and mi s.iiMj: Kimis. China
-X.'K llM': ill A. M. tt I. M.
Uauiakan '& J;o.'
-aCl.'Olt-' .' V -
IlOlTt'i' AN! UHOLKjAl I. ..!'
r Clirtutiimi and CuSblieis.
JL-n .: a - - - - !tEGOK
Wall Paper andOif Paintings
SifK Writer, GraineraMl
Ornamental Painter.
Cor. Cms and Jefferson Sts.. Astoria,
Astoria linforb.
Ooacomly St., Foot ot Jackson. Aitona. oi
Miirt Mer Mate.
Land and Marine Engines
boii.kk WORK.
Steamboat Work and Cannery IVoth
Castings of all Descriptions Made
to Order at Short Notice.
.I'lCbliit'lU Jtlld HIS t
,.......Vire Piolden
.........Sec. ami Treas
c;rsT w.ii w:, Pi.v.
A I-xKTf JVild WhI.V'Oi lvl Mori- Hi l'"l!l-
s- IqwoIfu
I r.tniiiri -m iTlces.
M ''nod lloocht at 1hif llal.Iisi:r:i'nl
Warranted jScuuine.
rtHtch aM4t CI oik Rc-tnfrlii;:
Cora-r ("& and Squemoqua Streets.
rocket Match-safe Free to Smokers of
Hanthorn s Astoria, East Astoria, Powell's Addition !
All Subject to Inspection.
IncMni the Central American
States in Bonfls ofUniou.
Special by California As-.cci.vrKD Pke-s.
Washikgtok, April 11. In the sen
ate to-day numerous petitions were
presented favoring free coinage of
silver, and tbo Fryo bill for funding
the Pacific road debts and against the
passago of the act for the enumeration
of Chinese.
Disgrace of an Army Officer.
Special to Thk astouian.
"Washington, April 11. First Lieut
Paddock, of the Fifth cavalry, will, it
is understood, be dismissed from the
services of the United States for dup
licating Ms pay account. Findings of
the court martial which tried him at
Fort Leavenworth are now in the
hands of General Schofield. The ver
dict of the court is dismissal. The
case will go to the president for action
as ho has the power of dismissal.
Hail to the New Republic.
Special toTHR AtTOKA-J
Washington, April 11. Informa
tion has been received by the dele
gates to the International American
congress that the union of the Central
American republics is complete with
the exception of Nicaragua which is ex
pected to ratify the articles of union
at its next meeting of Congress. The
union is only provisional, having in
view within the next ten years the
adoption of a federal constitution sim
ilar to that of the United States,
should it bo the popular will. The
president is to hold office one year.
The name of the union is to bo the
Republic of Central America. The
new republic will be inaugurated at
the capitol of Honduras on tho 15th of
September next.
Reimbursing IJic Coiirrcnieii.
Special to'IiiK astoiua.v
Washington, April 11. The presi
dent to-day approved the act making
an appropriation to supply tho defi
ciency occasioned by the defalcation
in the office of Silcolt, tho late ser
geant at arms of tho house of represen
tatives. Randall Venrly Ilrnd.
Special to Tim Astokiw.
"Washington, April 11. -Congressman
RandallV condition continues
critical and his dissolution is not far
off. His physician slated at 11 o'clock
to-nightrthat the patient is very low
and death is liable to occur at any
moment. He probably might last un
tyjgoraing. The relajojjjJh;iebecn
summoiie"(lliereTann nearly all arrived
on the night train. Many senators
and members called at the house to
night to make inquiries.
Kidtlng Him Down Iay.
Special to Tun Astokian.1
"Washington, April 11. -Gen. Scho
field to-day issued a formal order ap
proving the finding of the court mar
tial in the case of Lieut. Steele, of the
Eighth cavalry, U. S. A., for striking
Private Wild. The reprimand pro
vided for in the verdict of the court is
not couched in severe language, bnt
takes rather the form of fatherly ad
vice to young officers about the neces
sity of controlling their tempers, aud
depreciates tho bad taste shown by
Steele in occupying the double posi
tion of prosecuting -witness and judge
advocate in the trial of "Wild for
Swivel Service Reform.
Special to Tun astouian.
Washington, April 11. Postmasters
have been changed as follews: Ore
gon 0. Debaul, at Alda, Umatilla
county, vice H. E. Beckers, resigned;
Sumstead, at Halsey, Linn county,
vice S. W. Davison, resigned; H. H.
Graves, at Sheridan, Yamhill county,
vice Coleman, resigned.
Pension to an Oregon Iflaii.
Special toTiiK AsTonuN."'
Washington, April 11. Pensions
have been granted, issue of March 29,
1890: Oregon original, Harney Gal
loway, Portland.
A Washington Appointment.
Spccia teTm: Astouia..
Washington, April 11. The com
missioner of pensions has appointed
G. W. Black pension-examining sur
geon at Pomoroy, Washington.
Gen. Fremont Is 'ot Very 111. to r tK Astouian.
NkwYokic, April 11. The report
that Generut Fremont is seriously ill,
is without foundation. He has been
ill for a week with la grippe, but it
did not developc anything serious, and
ho will be about as usual in a few
Who Will Win It
Spec al KiThk At uian
New Yokk, April 11. Another con
test of fast telegraphing is probable, as
some telegraphers claim that the only
way superiority can be demonstrated
is by handling press copy. A sweep
stake of S300 is being arranged, open
to tho world for the fast sending of
10,000 words, regular press matter,
which must be copied by the receiver
on a typewriter.
Ilefflnnlaff to Assume Shape.
Special to The astouian.
Washtngton, April 11. The cen
tennial senate committee met to-day
and ordered the World's fair bill re
ported with amendments, one which
is Daniel's proposition is in somewhat
an emasculated form. The committee
at tho suggestion of senator Grey
modified the proposition with the re
port of the president being satisfied of
thebonafide charaoter of the Chicago
subscription by making it read he shall
bo fully satisfied of the responsible
characterof tho subscriptions before in
viting foreign nations to participate.
The Daniels amendment was modi
fied so as to provide that sometime in
the spring, the date not particularized,
before the time for tho opening of the
exposition there shall be an inter
national naval display in New York
harbor and Hampton Roads and a
civil celebration in Washington at tho
time of the dedication of the
statue proposed to Columbus.
There is no appropriation made
in tho bill for celebratiens:
this is for congress to provide, some
time in the future. Chicago men
agreed to these amendments in the
hope that it would facilitate the bill's
passage, but had them so modified as
not to interfere or detract from the
opening at Chicago. The sub-committee,
consisting of senators Hiscock,
HawJey, and Daniels, was appointed
to make tho bill conform to the ex
pression of the wishes of the commit
tee and to draw up a report in com
pliance therewith.
Steam Uoilcr Explosion.
Sped il to Tub Astokux.
Habrisbueg, Ark.. April IL On
the night of the 9th inst tho Cherry
Valley Stove company, owned and
operated by tho Lincoln, Nebraska,
companv, lost by fire a commodious
dry-house, valued at 6,000. This
morning tho fireman got up steam,
and, owing to some error, the pressure
became too great and three boilers
blew up. killing the fireman, named
Tucker, instantly, and tearing the
entire building to atoms. The loss is
The Earth Trembled.
Special to Thk Ast ikian.1
Dovek, Me., April 11. An earth
quake was felt hero this morning;
there was a noise like an explosion;
then the earth trembled for several
seconds; clocks stopped and small
articles were thrown from the shelves.
A Lively Prize Fight.
Special to Thk Astomv.!
KnoxvitjLe, Tenn.. April 11. In a
13-round fistic encounter north of here
last night; for 225, Tony Butcher of
Louisville, and Wm. Ituie of Terre
Haute, lnd., fought for two hours. It
resulted in Bule bxeakjnji Butcher's
nose, in the presence of 150 spectators.
Everything Is Serene.
Sieiial toTns Astouian.
New Yonic, April 11. -The Ecen
hxu Post prints a rumor that minister
Adams was recalled from Brazil be
cause of free criticism ot the provLsi
nal government It says that it is im
probable that he will bo permitted to
return to Brazil.
Philadelphia, April 11. B. E. Ad
dams, minister to Brazil, denies tho
storv of trouble between liimself and
Brazil. He says his stay here will be
short, as ho will return to Brazil in a
few weeks.
Favoring the Employes.
Special to Thk a.vtoki vn.
Boston, April 11. Tho nine-hour
bill for state municipal work passed
the house without division to-day.
Peel Game in Brooklyn.
Special to Tub AbTOBi n.1
New Yoke, April 11. Deoro again
defeated Manning in continuous pool
game at Brooklyn to-night, 200 to
107 points.
An Underground Railway.
Special to Thk Astoki .n.j
Ogdensbukg, N. IT., April 11. An
underground railway for transporting
Chinamen into the United States has
been discovered here by the United
States special custom officer finding
two Clunamen who had been smuggled
across tho border and returned to
Temporary Embarrassment.
Special to Thk Astouian.
Kansas Citv, April 11. Great ex
citement was occasioned among spec
ulative circles to-day by the announce
ment that Myers Bros., grain aud
commission dealers, had closed their
doors. Mr. H. J. Myers was
seen to night and said the
firm was short three million dollars,
two-thirds of which amount was due
to Col. Jack Haverly. Haverly says
he is satified that all will be made
good. The failure of creditors to ex
tend obligations caused the suspen
sion. The firm announces that it will
resumo business on Mondav.
W. O. Toggle. Latirange, G:u, writing
about l)arby. !-riphylatic Fluid, says:
"It is a priceless jewel as a disinfectant
aud deodorizer. .My vif state-, for the
benefit of young mothers that it is a
valuable adjunct to the nursery." It .is
equally so to parents travelling with
children. Not only is the fluid invalu
able as a deodorizer, but a few drops
added to the water in bathing will re
move all eruptions from the skin, chaf
ing, etc., and greatly refresh and soothe.
Securing Laborers to Fast Die fort
Of Construction.
Special by California asociati:d Puess
New Yobk, April H J. T. Ford,
of tho Nicaragua canal company,
sailed for Jamaica where ho will se
cure five hundred laborers to push tho
canal construction work.
Dulls and Rears of Wall Street.
Special to Thk Astouux.
New York, April 11. There is
great excitement in wheat to-day. By
1 o'clock there was extraordinary bus
iness, 20,000.000 bushels having been
sold in options. Traders were feverish
and all anxious to cover contracts;
many outside speculators were at
tracted by the possibilities of big
profits in tho rapid changes in prices.
Wall street and western and foreign
houses toel: up large blocks of May,
June aud July options at a radical
change in prices, while December
options jumped up 2 as covering
The whole position was effected by
the government crop report. It is
estimated that it is much under the
calculations ot the extreme bulls.
Margins aro being called for, but there
is no sign of any trouble in a financial
Labor Troubles in Xciv York.
Special to Thk Astouian.
New Yoke, April 11. This after
noon the committee of tho labor
union ordered a strike of men cm
ployed by tho building trades of the
city belonging to the order. Over
15,000 men threw tho tools down and
left work, including carpenters, tin
sraitlis, stairbuilders and laborers.
The trouble was caused by the em
ployment of a non union man by
Paulsen & Engers, of tho Hechi iron
works at Greenpoint. Men employed
on the new world building were the
first called out
Good News for Consumptives.
Special to Thk Astoria:.
New Your, April 11. Dunlap's
Cablo agency sends out the following
with a Berlin date:
A remarkable operation for con
sumption has taken placa hsforo the
surgical congress hero. The interior
of the chest wall, tho lower wing of an
affected lung, be ng rem vod. The
heart could be seen baatitigm the cav
ity of the chest. The patient is now
doing well. The congress declare. that
consumption is now curable
Convict cihl for Z.iberty.
S ii i il to rule ti)k. iv J
New Yo::k, April 11. -Ci.ivict
Kelly and Michael Feehey overpow
ered Keeper Lo a:id knocked him
down with a h iiuniur. The blow par
tially .stunned him. but he recovered,
ami a desperato struggle c wiied,
but finally he sank to tho ilo-ir, -ha
listed and sensele. The eo.iviets
dressed in citizens clothes, obtainei
in another keeper's room and escaped
to the street through a side do jr.
They were recaptured in tho woods at
tho muzzle of carbines.
Kliraiu Don't i.ike Carbon.
Special to Thk Astokiav.j
New Youk, April 11. -Kilrain in a
letter to Stevenson says he is sorry he
cauot arrange a match with Corbalt
He characterizes Corbett as artful and
sneaking, afraid to make a match, and
takes advantage of the situation to
mako capital. He prophesies Corbett
will bo bested bv the first good nnn
he meets
Anxious for :i 'i-;lil.
Sp-cialto I'n k Astouian.
New lror.K, April 11. Joe McAu
liffe, the pugilist, arrived to-night, and
say he will issue a challenge to-morrow
or Monday, to meet any heavy
weight now in the e;ist for a fight to a
finish. He is especially anxious to
meet Corbett. The proprietors of the
club of Gleasonvillc aro negotiating
with McAuliffe.
Cornell IVot lnv:im.
Special t'i F 1 1 k A n m i a v.
New York, April 11. -It is denied
that Ex-Governor Cornell is insane on
the authority of his son. It is ac
knowledged that he is financially em
barrassed, bnt it is said that the em
barrassment is only temporary.
Gcmral Fremont. Illitcn.
Special t Thk astoki vn.1
New York, April 11. Some anxiety
is felt concerning the condition of
general J. C. Fremont, who has been
confined to his bed nearly two weeks
by order of his physician.
Too much to Let (T'ct Away.
Special to fHB AST01X.J
New York, April 11. David Daws
left his entire fortune of over 20,000,
000 to bo kept within his own family.
Tho will was filed yesterday; it sub
stantially gives one-eighth of tho es
tate to his wifo and to each of his
seven children.
The Fight Doesn't Go.
Special to fnK astouian 1
New York, April 11. Norton
Myer fight declared off by Puritan
The Impostor's Dupe-. Deny Him
Special to Tin: Vsdiiian
Minneapolis, April 11. J. S. Mor
gan, a backslider from the faith of
Schweinfurth, the latter day christ,
has made some sensations concerning
the Rockford heaven. He says that
he was at the heaven for two years,
and began to doubt this new christ
when he heard him declare in tho pul
pit, ''I am God, and besides me
there is no other.' His doubt
turned to absolute disbelief when he
saw how 'God' grasped at all the
money in sight and how ho be
haved toward women. One of these,
Mrs. Tuttle, who left her hnsband and
four children and went to live with
Schweinfurth has since borne ciiildren
by order of the new Christ. She says
his confession of faith is to first ac
knowledge him as the only Savior; the
second, one must promiso absolute
obedieneo: the third, deny yourself.
IIiglit Utivc 13 st n Worse.
Si to Fii:: Ar is:i w
MvvsriELo. Ohio, April 11. A
freight collision occurred on tho Balti
more .fc Ohio road near here this morn
ing. i:vo engines, seven emigrant
coaches and ten freight cars were de
molished. The debris piled a3 high
as tho telegraph peles: loss $30,000.
Ciliiartl nails Still Rattle.
C:iiao.j. April 11. -At the evening
ganio or tho billiard tournament the
gam w,.s between Schaeffer, who
pla cd ." ) ). and Catton, who was given
250. Schaeffer won tlw bank, but
during the firot 11 innings, appeared
to bt a'lcep. making only "39 points.
Cation h.ivinr? ttl to his credit.
Jako v.oke up at thi -mint and gave
au exhibition ot billiard playing. In
tho 22nd inuiug he applied his skill
aud only quit after he had added 131
buttons to his string. In the next in
ning he ran out the game. The score
stoed: Schaeffer 500. average 21 7-23.
High ruus, 131 and 73. Catton, 134;
nverago G 1-11. High runs, 21 and 17.
TIxcvCiic"i;jo Tournament.
SiK-eiapo 1'hb Astouian.
Chicago, April 11. This afternoon's
match game was between Slosson who
played 500 and Heiser who played
230. Slosson won by the following
scere: Slosoon 500, average 17 7-29;
Heiser 112, average 3 229: high
runs. Slosson 178.
The Carpcnlcri Trying to Hur
iuonizc ITfnttcrs.
Spjcial 1 1 Tin: Asroui.vv
Chicago, April 11. At a meeting of
the smaller bosses, who represent 1,600
of the employing carpenters ot the
city, it was ueciue.i to organizo a
union, which was done. They passed
ro.-olutions saying tha- the demands of
the striking carpenters were just
and appointed a committee to
confer with the strikeri, to make ar
rangements for the men to go barirfcn-
work Thcro are only about 150 of
the larger bosses who were not pros
cat at the meeting.
The United Garjientera' council held
a prolonged ssion this evening, at
which a rcpl was drawn up to the
statement agreed upon by tho Carpen
ters" and B l.ldero' association yester
day, in whijh they sti'e that tho
United council is not rcsp jusible for
the strike and that the demands of tho
men aro just, and suggest arbitration
to so,'le tha dispute.
I?Xit Anivr to the t'liar-.'cs.
Speelnl Jo Thk At-j::i vn.
DunG'-cr-, Iowa, April 11. Tho
United States grand jury has indicted
President K. E. Graves and Cashier R.
S. Hairis, of tho Commercial National
Bank of this city, which failed two
years ago, with liabilities of 550,090.
Graves is accused of falsifying tho
bank statement and overdrawing his
personal account and Harris of compli
city. Graves is now running a bank in
Arizona and Harris is a Dank casnier
at Pueblo, Colorado.
Wealthy Steck: .Tlnn Killed.
Special to Tin: Astokian.j
San Antonio, Toxas, April 11.
James Speed, ono of the wealthiest
cattle men of Sonthwest Texas, was
killed this evening by John Tomerlin,
at Moore's station, three miles south
of this city. Speed was a cousin of
President Lincoln's attorney general.
I,et Them Keep Coming.
Spfci ti to l he asiouian.
Kansas Cirr, April 11. All tho local
railror-ds met the Alton's cnt of S1.50
to St. Louis to-day, and many roads
sold tickets over their counters for SI
quietly. Th-y are quarrelling among
themselves aud each road accuses it's
competitors of secret manipulations.
A deeper cut i-. almost certain, and
the rumor that the Burlington is sell
ing to Denver at ono dollar is gener
ally believed, and a cut on Colorado
rates is expected.
Some eastern newspapers are amus
ing themselves bj springing this prob
lem oii tho peeple: Olo Olson has a
cow for which ho paid $32. lie sells
the cow to John Brown for 35.
Brown became sick of his bargain aud
sells her back to Olson the same day
for S30. How much has Olson made
by the transaction?
Hours ol Closing.
The barber shops of this city will
close on Sundays at noon, Saturday
evenings at 10 o'clock, other evenings at
8 o'clock commencing Mmdav, April
In Thirty Days 2,000 Men go to Work on the Astoria and
South Coast Railway. Buy Now, as all Prop
erty will then Advance.
Will Not Rnn the Roai for Politics
or Religion.
Special by tha California Assoc vted Puess.
San Fkancisco, April 11. The tak
ing of testimony in the Blythe estate
which has been on trial in the probate
court since last October was con
cluded to-day; the arguments willbe
commenced on Monday. The amount
involved is over four million dollars.
Want a Dollar a Day I"Iorc.
Special to The Astoiuax.
San Francisco, April 11. It is re
ported that the lathers of this city in
tend to strike unless they are paid
four dollars a day for nine hours
work. They are now paid by the
thousand and earn about 3.00 per
day of nine hours.
Several Survive.
special to Thk Astokiax.
Portland, April 11. Shin Toy, a
Chinese Cook during a fit to-day
jumped into the river aud was drowned,
The bodv was recovered.
Earthquake in California.
Special to Thk Atoki vn.
Ukiaii, Cal., April 11. There was
an eartennako shock ucre to-dav at
1130 o'clock. The vibrations were
from southeast to northwest.
Will Run the Railroad and IVot
Church or Politics.
Special to The Astouian.
San Francisco, April 11. C. P.
Huntington, the recently elected pres
ident of tho Southern Pacific railroad
company, in an interview to-day said:
"The company is not a political organ
ization, and will no longer be used to
farther tho interests of politicians.
We aro a transportation companv. I
do not believe a man can be a good
legislator and railroad man at the
same tune. I am not running for
office nor do I intend to. I am trvinjr
to run a railroad successfullv, and am
satisfied to let such matters as church
and state alone."
He finished by saying that every
thing in the operating department "is
satisfactory; there will be no reorgan
ization of clerks, a3 all are competent.
Only the outside men who do little on
fat salaries must go. Creed Hay
mond, recent chief of the law depart
ment of tho road, speaking of Hunt
ington, said: "He may talk of
keeping out ot politics, but ho is a
pretty good politician himself."
, , O u 1 1 aw Xcw JTIcxico.
Special to TiiKAsroniA N.l
Albuquerque, April 11. Yesterday
a sheriff's posse located the hiding
placo ot-Porforio Trujillos' gang of
outlaws, who have been terrorizing
the inhabitants of San Miguel county
for tho last six months. A running
fight took place and one of
tho outlaws named Zamora
was shot and killed. The balance of
the gang escaped to the mountains.
The posse were not able to dislodgo
thorn at last accounts. There i3 a
standing reward for the capture of
Trujillos, dead or alive.
His Uondimcii Should Re Itladc
Spect tl to The Ahtouian.1
Tucson, Arizona, April 11. The case
of Ex-Eeceiver Smith will be called
next week and as tho timo approaches
and no Smith materializes, specula
tion as to whether he will be here is
renewed. No reward has been offered
for his arrest, and none will be until
tho officers report on the case. It is
now understood that the government
will stand between tho depositors and
Smith, making the bondsmen stand
the loss. If this is the case, it will be
of vast benefit to a large class of poor
men, who mortgaged their possessions
to make this deposit and in many cases
had to pay two and three times
already as in many cases Smith claims
ho did not get the money, compelling
him to make another deposit. There
are several well known authenti
cated cases of this kind.
Switchmen Turning Robbers.
Special to'liiK AsroniAN.J
Pueblo, Col., April 11. An exten
sive robbery of silks and other valu
able freight on the Denver Sc Bio
Grande cars, is discovered to have
been perpetrated at Salida, Col. It is
said to be the work of two former
switchmen, and their wive3 who keep
boarding houses at Pueblo are im
plicated on the charge of receiving
stolen goods.
A 815,000 Fire in Aspen.
Special to Thk Astoria.-.
Denver, CoL, April 11. A fire
broke out at Aspen, in the rear of the
Nugget saloon at an early hour this
morning and spread with great rapid
ity to other portions of the block. The
damage is S15.000, partially insured.
James Finnegan, a fireman, was badly
injured by a fall from a ladder.
The census enumerators want it un
derstood that ladies refusing to tell
ages are liable to a fine of $30.
Fashionable Social Given
Terpiclioreau Club.
by The
Last night, in Pythian castle, there
was assembled a fine party at the first
of a series of socials given by the
above named club. Tho floor was in
splendid condition and there was de
lightful music, furnished by the West
ern amateur orchestra, composed of
eight pieces, including two violins, two
cornets, clarionet, trombone, harp and
bass viol.
Lieut. AY. A. Sherman was floor
manager, ablv aided by Albert Dun
bar, H. D. Tiling aud AV. W. Bide
halgh. Tho reception committee were O. F.
Heilborn, E. Z. Ferguson, and H. F.
Sixteen dances were on tho program
and many of them wero encored, so
that the merry feet of the gay throng
were busy until after ono o'clock this
Many of the gentlemen were arrayed
in full evening dress, und though tho
ladies all were well dressed, and cer
tainly in beauty of face and form
would average better than in many
cities, a few toilettes were so attractive
and elegant as to merit special men
tion. Miss Minnie Sherman was attired
iu cream colored satin, with lace
Miss Nora Nickerson, of Seattle,
lemon colored satin, neatly trimmed
with lace.
Miss Alice Stockton, white satin,
with cream colored ostrich plumes at
the neck.
Miss Olga Heilborn, pale pink nun's
veiling, trimmed with black velvet on
waist and front of skirt.
Miss Lucy Littlefield, of Tacoma,
lavender suit, low cut, trimmed with
pearl satin.
Mrs. Merio Davis, heavy, rich black
satin suit; ornaments, diamonds.
Mrs. A. G. Allen, cream colored
satin, with black velvet trimmiug on
waist, aud Queen Elizabeth collar.
Misses Grace and Zoe Carruthers
rtud several other young ladies looked
charming in pure white, with ribbon
It was in every particular a fashion
able gathering, highly enjoyable, and,
indeed, it could not well be otherwise,
mi iiiimiauuiu Junius, cuarmingiy at
tired, gallant gentlemen, brilliant in
spotless . linen, satin ties and
conventional black suits, floor
smooth a3 the surface of polished
marble, and music of most melodious
The club can well bo congratulated
on their brilliant success. Among
those present, the following were ob eb
served: AV. J. Barry and wife, A. V. Allen
and wife, A. G. Allen and
wife, O. F. Heilborn and wife, H.
F. Prael and wife, F. I. Dunbar and
wife, P. A. Bees and wife, B. S. AVors
ley and vjjfp. P. A. Stokes-and, wife,
(j. w. tjauuorn and wife.
Mrs. Merie Davis, Mrs. C. AAr. Holt,
Mrs. lUolvcnzic of Oakland, Cal.
Misses Olga and Laura Heilborn,
Grace and Zoe Carruthers, AVinnie
and Eliza McKeau, Alice
and Aggie Stockton, Nellie Monteith,
Annio Callcnder, of Knappten: Geer
gia Badollet, Josio Bryce, Belle Doug
las, Katie Thrall, Pearl Holden, Annie
Hartwig, Josie Dealy, Zetta Smith, of
San Francisco, Nellie and Lottie Lev
ings, Minnie Sherman, Minnio Sovey,
Alina Bierbauber, of Minnesota; An
nie Seaborg. of Ilwaco; Lucy Little
field, of Tacoma; Nora Nickerson, of
Seattle; Katie Grant, Myra Stevens.
Messrs. Dell Moor, B. Ifanna, H. D.
Thing, AV. A. Sherman, F. Gunn, A.
Dunbar, O. B. Prael, C. H. Cullender,
L. A. Granger, AV. L. Hollouquist, B.
F. Monteith, Capt. Chas. Richard
son, A. Bicknrds, E. Z. Fergu
son, J. P. Hvnes, J. Morgan,
C. Morgan, F. P. Young, J. B. A. Ben
nett, B. C. H. Astburv. F. Bncker,
Thad Trullinger, AVm." Trullinger, J.
M. Tavlor, C. 11. Griffeth, F. Curran,
W. AV.'Eidehalgh, J. Carruthers, C. P.
Upshur, F. Holt, J. E. Ferguson and
E. A. AArccd.
Sprins; Styles of I)rcsip-i
Parisian decrees arc for skirts with
out the slightest bustle. Foundation
skirts arc yery narrow, often with
only four breadths, and, when the cos
tume is of heavy material, are sup
ported by a couple of reeds or steels.
Goods of a lighter weight are permit
ted to fall without support. Evening
dresses are held out by a skillful ad
justmentof petticoats, flounced, ruffled,
puffed and shirred to suit the peculiar
needs of the particular dress. For
Avalking suits, tho English skirt, with
full gathered back, plain, or almost
plain, with slight fullness at tho sides,
usually laid in with plaits, will con
tinue through the spring the favorite
it has been duriug the winter. It is
admirably suited to the cloth dresses.
For stout women these skirts are cut
with.the front breadths an inch or two
longer than the back.
All the patent medicines advertiseu
iu this paper, together with the choicest
m-rfnmi-ry, and toilet artichs etc. can
he bought at the lowest prices at J. W.
Cimi's drug store, opposite Occident
hotel, Astoria.
Mia. Wixslow's Soothing Syrup
should always be used for children
teething. It soothes the child, sottens
the gums, allays all pain, cures wind
cholic, and is the best remedy for diar-rhoea.Tventy-five
cents a bottle.
A Catholic Cimrcli Burnet Wiile
CelelAz lass.
Special by Tho California Associated Puss,
Ottawa, April 11. The Canadian
parliament lias agreed to raise the
penalty of polygamy from two. to fire
years imprisonment
A Iflest Destructive Fire.
Special to TnE Astoriak.
London. April IL Baron Faiy-
nand James DeKothschild's manaion
at Aylesbury burned to-dav. Manv
valuable tapestries were destroyed
also pictures valued at 550,000.
Honors Paid, to StaHley.
Special to The AstoriaxJ
BOMTL Allril Tl. SfATilflT- nrnnii
here to-day greeted by cheers by large
crowds, viteiiesone, tnopnest of the
Italian Geographical society, welcomed
nun uuu presemeu nun wren s massive
gold medal.
Objectionable to Canada.
Special to The Astoriax.
Ottawa, April 11. It is understood
that negotiations are going on at
Washington regarding the Behring
sea imbroglio, which will result in the
adoption of a close season. The
American government wants the com
pany enjoying the monopoly to be
partially exempted from, tha restric
tion. The close season, it is proposed,
shall extend from Jane to September.
This, if adopted, would practically
have the effect of iriiningthe Canadian
industry, as the Victoria sealers can
only operate successfully during these
The Spanish Riots.
Special to The Astobian.
Valencia, April 11. After midnight
the anta-Carhst rioters dispersed. The
most of the troop3 returned to their
barracks, but pickets patrol the streets.
Military guards are stationed at each
club house, the Jesuite church and
college, all of which are damaged.
Matatcsc's Kingdom.
Special to The Astoriax.
Sidnet, N. S. AV., April 11. The
steamship Lubeck reports all quiet at
To Conquer the ITaoais.
Special to The Astoriax.
Mexico, April 11. General Carrillo
opens the campaign against the Yaqma '
on the 15th inst. '
AVhy the Steamer was Disabled.
Special to The Astoriax.
LrvERPooii, April 11. The true
cause of the accident to the steamer
City of Paris was learned to-day.
The steamer is in the drydook at
Birkenhead, where the water is gradu
ally being run off. As she was raised,
the starboard propeller dropped .
off, showing that the shaft was broken
close to the blade of the propeller.
The sudden relapse of the strain this
occasioned, caused a collapse of the
starboard engine.
Catholic Church Barned.
Special toTiiKASTORiAX.l
London, April 11. During- the cel
ebration of mass at the Catholic
church at Bronischewitz, Hungary,
tho edific caught fire and was burned.
The congregation were panic stricken
and checked the exit, so that large
numbers of persons must
have lost their lives, but for the pres
ence of mind of the villagers, who
rushed to the assistance and set a
stream in motion. Two persons were
killed, and several injured.
English Locomotive Works. .
Special to The Astoriax.
London, April 11. A syndicate of
English capitalists has been formed to
establish an immense shop for the'
manufacture of locomotives at Syd
ney. A number of engineers and
skilled machinists have been sent to
Sydney to begin operations.
Horse and Cattle Diseases.
For General Use.
The Anna' Palace and S tock Car Co.,
Toledo, Ohio, Jane, 1881.
Wo cheerfully recommend St Jacobs Oil at
the best for general usci on stock.
Cold, Swelled Liiou, InJatnmatloB.
Neponset, I1L, STuv 21, 1888.
My mare caught cold; result: swelled
limbs, lump between fore-legs and lnflnirsH
tion. Cured her with St. Jacobs Oil.
At Druggists and Dkalsxs.
There Is no occasion for the most-' fastidi
ous of our citizens to send to Portland or
San Francisco for
Custom Made Clothes
As they can get Better Fits. Better Work
manship, and for less Money.
By Leaving their Orders with MEANT.
Now Goods bv Every Steamer.
Call and see him and satisfy yourself.
P. J- Meany. Merchant Tailor.
--- -.'- S -afcSM,