Wkt Smtij gteforiim. ASTORIA. OREGON: FKIDJLY. .ArniL li, i89o Citya County OWcIal Paper. Tar Port Totvnseud Leader advises some of the dealers of. town lots in that city to plan I them irith potatoes. Theke was a battle recently in the Congo country at a place called Ubingdus, a very appropriate title for a battlefield. Jonx BrDwixii has been nominated for governor of California. It is just fifteen years since he was last nomi nated for governor of California. He will be beaten worse this time than he was Lx 1875. Mb. H. "W. Scott of the Oregonian, who was elected a lultnomah county delegate to the coming Republican state convention, declines the honor, as ho is not a seeker after political kooors of any description. If he keeps on declining nominations and proffers of that sort for a dozen years longer people who don't understand that kind of man will begin to think that he means just what he says, and couldn't be coaxed or bullied or sneered into accepting a nomination or election. The Boston Store ! iiHiniiiiiiuiiiiiiiuiHiiiiiiiiiiiniuiiiiiiiinmiiHiii CKSS3IIIIEHIKCSI OPENING ANNOUN f fiOi i S w M3iEtz:zss::.: The master motive of buying and selling is money. Not because men love lucre, but be cause money stands for the commodities and nec essaries of life. We are engaged in business to make money, not to accumulate, but to enable us to live. You bur where you can make money by saving it, for a dollar saved is a dollar earned. In presenting our claim for your patronage, be fore saying a word about the excellence or va riety of our New Stock of Dry Goods, we want to appeal to this master motive. If we can save 3ou money on 3 our purchases; if it will put money in your pocket to trade with us, we know that, other things being equal, we have a strong presumption that we can win your patronage and hold it. And it just on this basis that we solicit vour trade. So We Enter tie Field lift Flying Colors. A Fine, Fair and Elegant Stock of A iiADr contributor to the Oregon-' fan complains of the prevalent Port land custom of men there wearing" lush silk hats and sack coats. Such 1 costume, is, indeed, incongruous. When a man wears a silk hat a high sDk hat he should pay due regard to the social amenities. The careless grace imparted by a flannel shirt, loose as to collar, and no coat at all, is the proper caper for all wearers of high silk hats. A neglige arrange ment of the nether trousers as regards their stuffing inside of the boots is also a neat part of the tout ensemble. The lady is right no gentleman will wear a sack coat and a high silk hat atthe same time. Waxia Walia must be a poky kind of a place. About the time the telegraph "syndicate'' was formed, which let in the Salem and Albany paper, a Pendleton paper, and an alleged "newspaper" here, the Union of Walla Walla, concluded to buy $200 worth, and started in with a few dis patches, the idea being to try it But a month proved enough for the Union and though an old established paper, it had to let go after a brief period and go back to the old way. Editor Johnson has hard work these many years getting out a even column paper in a three column town and deserves to have his lot cast in a more enterprising and apprecia tive community. "We sometimes think the experi ences of a country editor arc often pe culiar, to say the least," plaintively says theXontesano Videtlc. "In the matter of newsgathering he is supposed to be sot only vigilant in findiug out every thing that takes place or is contem plated, but he must exercise the very bast judgment in the use of expres sions. His readers are his neighbors or acquaintances. If Jones is more frequently mentioned than Brown, then Brown finds that the paper is ot of much account If every birth is not chronicled, every marriage noted, every time White come3 to town is not mentioned, then the editor don't possess much en terprise in gathering news. But if xi disgraceful fightoccurs, don't mention it If one neighbor brings suit against another, don't say anything about it Of course everybody knows all about it, but that don't make any dif ference, In all these things the coun try and city newspapers differ widely. The latter go into all the details of every occurrence no matter of what nature. The county paper must use the greatest discrimination, or find itself in a constant turmoil." I DRY GOODS ! Men's NOTIONS FANCY GOODS! I Awaits You To-Day. liniHiiirinuu SHANAHAN BROS., niHiiiuiiHsiEaa Comer Benton anil Second Sis., Opp. the Postofflce, Astoria, Or. NEW TO-DAY Democratic Primary. DEMOCRATS TAKE NOTICE THAT the primary for Astoria precinc (which includes uppper Astoria) -will be held In Liberty hall on Saturday. April 12th, 1S90. at 7 !30 o'clock i. M.. for tiic purpose of se lecting 31 delegates to attend the Democrat ic County Conentlon of Clatsop countv, Or egon. GEO. NOLANb, Acting Chairman Committee. Boss Opera House Tuesday Evening, April 15. INTERESTING LECTURE. liy His Grace, The Rev. Archbishop Gross, Of Portland, Entitled, "A Visit to France aufl. Rome." Tor the Benefit of Young Men's Institute, No. 106. TICKETS OK ADMISSION 7) Cents Tor sale at the New York No elty Store, OnflIn& Reed's, or of any of the members). For Rent. STORE BUIMUNC, CORNER CASS AND Fourth streets. VAN DUSEN & CO., Agents Notice. OTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN THAT lhoM firn flltutc In till l1 v trnnciitr. in pav all warrants endorsed prior to .lulv l8th ISsSt. .1. G. HUSTLE Astaria. Api il S, 1830. City Treasurer. N Special No. 2. SECOND SATURDAY SURPRISE SALE at Herman IVise's will be 100 dozen woolen socks at FIVE CENTS A PAIR. Tins price good for Saturday only. HERMAN WISE. Nearly everbody needs a good medi cine at this season, to purify the blood and build up the system. Hood's Sarsa parilla is the most popular and success ful spring medicine and blood purifier. It cures scrofula, all humors, dyspepsia sick headache, that tired feeling. Ludlow's Ladies' $3.00 Fine Shoes; also flexible hand-turned .French Kids, at P. J. Goodman's. Notice to Builders. BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED UNTIL April . -M, a' tuo o'clock r. m.. for the erection of :i buildingonThird.street. 50x80 feet. Plans and specifications can bo seen at P. J. Goodman's store. Privilege re- . served to reject any and all bids. Address 1 bids to box Dl, A.stona, or leae at P.J. CoodmauV store. Notice. A NNU L MEETING OF THE STOCK ijL holders of Progressive Land and Build- ing avoc'ation for the election of officers I will be held in thW city at the house of Job l Ro-s on Tuoday, April 15th, 1890. at 7 ' o'clock V. si. XV. B. ROSS. , Attto-st : President. F. L. PARKER. Secretary. is? mm iMI M " tm i ASTOEIA NEW ASTORIA has the best deep water frontage and anchorage of any town on tbe Pacific Coast and is the point where the Astoria and South Coast Railway Com pany and the Albany and "Astoria R. R. Company have seltcted locations for their terminal shipping docks. A lot bought in NEW ASTORIA to-day will net tbe buyer a fortune in the near future. The chance to get in at the present low prices will hold good for only a short time. W. L. UHLENHART, Real Estale Broker, 1 have been a resident in Astoria since 1872, and handle only such properties as will bear recommendation. OFFICE ON THIRD ST, Opp. Odd Fellows' Building Look at the Bargains Cl 1 fmfl Will buy 4 Lots on Street Car! Cl Kfifl Will buy a flood Residence 1.01. p I I ,UUU nne ana 50 feet Water Front- v jW soslM feet- age, near U. r. Wharf. CQ EtflTI Will Dl' Reed Business Corner giJW on Street Car line, 50xlM. CQ finn fiood Business Comer on Street q0UUU Car line, 50x150. QQ OATI Good Business Lot on Street Car vw)uww line, 50x125. $2 000 w,u buy a Ilock In w,,1,ams- f9 ftflfl Business Lot, One-Half Block vtjUUU from Street Car, 50150. $2 100 wniby2:i0 Acres of Land with 1 1 iVI Will buy 1C0 Acres or Land, One ? I . I UU QUartcr Mile from Columbia Klv. 1 ftflfl Will Buy 00 ; ? jwu with house. cres of Tide Land, C&ftH Will buy SO Acres or Tide Land ; v" Reed location. O4.7C Will buy Reed CornerLot in Olnej's T " w A Astoria, MxlOO. Q92E. to S250 will bay Lc QCCO 7c, Sliheiys Astorl ots in Block So. iu 1 7C Will buy CO Acres of Reed Tide Land, r - goo good location. For Particulars Call at the Office of D. H. WELCH & CO. KEEP YOUR EYE OJS NEW ASTORIA! LOTS FOB SALE BY Fitzgerald & Carney, J.H.MANSELL, SEAL ESTATE BROKER. NOTARY PUBLIC FOK STATE OF OREGON. City Lots and Acre Property, Ranches, Timber Lands, and Water Frontage for Sale. Correspondence Solicited. P. O. Box as. Established 1SS5. INVESTMENTS MADE FOB Ol'TSmE PARTIES. Next W. U. Telegraph Oflice. Third St. Astoria, Oregon. m Great Slaughter Sale ikado" Work hripn CANDY FACTORY: To-Day-Fine Ice Cream SodaTo-Day Also Hamli None but the Finest Key West and Imported Plcaso Call and f?ie mc a Trial. T1IIBD STKEET. Next W. U. Telesranh Ouico jK9$tmMwii Stationery, Musical Goods and Notions, for the Next Sixty Days. No Tim resent. I OTS .lOININd THE CITY MMIIS IN BERRY'S ASTORIA ANonANTIlORN'S ASTORIA Cheaper to-day than at any future time. Thi property h advancing Terms easy. LOTS IN Extension : to : Railway : Addition THESE AUE THE BEST 3UYS OX THE MARKET. CALL 01C WHITE- Tie Astoria Real Estate and Trust Co., (INCORPORATED.) CAPITAL, 850,000. President. L. P. W. QUIMBY. V.cc-Presidenf, G. W. WILLIAMS. Secretary. W. H. EDWARDS. Room 10, N.E. Cor. First and Alder, Portland, Or. SOBB & PARKER, Apb, - - Astoria, (tap. C. It. SOUEXSOX. C. S. GUXDERSON. Sorensoo Real Estate Agents! City Jind Suburban Property. Choice Acreage Suitable for Platting, Also Farms for Sale. Agents for 'NEW ASTORIA." Correspondence Solieiu d. 1 O. Box 1K5. Oilice on OIney Street, Uetween i-'econd and Third. Wholesale W ne House. Fine Wines, Choice Brands. I Imvo-coraploted nrrnnijoments for supplying nny brand of Wino in any quantity at lowest casli figures- The Trade Supplied, Families Supplied. ALL OllDEKS DELIVERED EUEE IN ASTORIA. Yonr palronago in City or Country solicited. A. W. UTZINGER. Cosmopolitan Saloon. Lots in Case's Astoria Are Sow on Sale AT THE OFFICE OF THE Astoria Eeal Estate Co. PRICES FROM Si 50 TO $250 EACH. TERMS -One-Half Cash; the Balance in Six and Twelve Months. The laeadlng Tailors. Fiedler Flavel's Brick Building, Opp. Occident Hotel. T. B. LOUGHERY, DKALER IN Cigars, : Tobaccos, : and : Gigarettw ! CONFECTIONERY, ETC. XOXE DVT THE BEST BRA1tf8 IEIDXE. THIRD STREET. ASTORIA, ORIGOX Opposite Halm's Root and Shoe Store. The Oregon Land Co. 3. A. Manager HAS AN ASTORIA OFFICE S. W. G0R. THIRD AND 0LNEY STREETS, Buy and Sell Property on Commission. We Deal in Real Estate and are Successful in Our Business. BUY YOUR LOTS IN Sunny Mead Addition! TO ASTORIA. This line property lias been put on the market by Mn.Owcas Adair, M. 1)., and is situated near the Astoria and South Coast Railroad. PRICES, S50 AND. S60. FOR SALE BY McGOWAN BROS. & TUTTLE, Third St., East of Olniy. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER Df Groceries, Provisions and Mill Fted. 0 Crockery, Glass Plated Ware. McDonald. I Call ami Sec Our Xobby Stock of Spring Goods Just Arrived. It comprises the latest goods in the market, ami we offer them at prices never before heard of in Astoria, and guarantee the best and most comfortable fitting suits in the city. The Largest and finest assortment of Frosh. Fruits and Received fresh ever? Steamer. . Next to C. H. Cooper's Astoria, Oregon. E. J. F0R0 & CO., Agents X 1TECT ASTORIA XTECT THE REAVEY PATENT CANT DOB. EULBZGSOHST & COITJLITT, Successors to KIRK SHELDON. HEADQUARTERS FOE LOGGERS' SVPPLIE8. Agency for ATKINS' CELEBRATED SAWS. LANDER'S LOGGING JACKS. GENERAL HARDWARE. 151 Front Street, PORTLAND, OR. S ASTOEIA NEW ASTORIA is laid out upon a high, dry tad level location Its surroundings are splendid and it it a Natural Place for a City. Large lots, wide street, broad avenues, grand boulevards. Every lot bought in NEW ASTORIAthAwejMm' low figures -will bring its owner a fortune. "" " '' The sale has bdfeun. NOW BUY. E. J. FORO & CO., Agents. E. J. FORD & CO., Agents. E, J. FORD & CO., Agents.