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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (April 10, 1890)
C3V-'- bc gaits toran. REPUBLICANCONVEHTION. ASTORIA, OREGON: THURSDAY. .APKIL 10. 1690 ISSUED EVERY MORNING. (Monday excepted.) J. F. HALLORAN & COMPANY. Pultllshersand Proprietors. A8TORIAN' BUILDING. Cams Stkkkt. Trnat of Subscription. Serred by Carrier, per week . in els Seal by Mall, per month . Cocts Sent by Mail, one year . $7.00 Free of postage to subscribers, Thk Astoriax guarantees to its adver tisers the largest circulation ol any newspa per published on the Columbia river. CITY AND COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER. The -will of the late Closes Rogers -was admitted to probate yesterday. The street car company put on their summer cars yesterday the first time thk year. Chief Engineer Stockton was yesterday putting the fire alarm graph in trim. The new steamer which has built in the rear of the Astoria bnsv tele- been Iron works will be launched this afternoon. at i o'clock Yesierdav's weather raised hone in th heart; nf 1 linen rlm f hint- if about time to be making a garden and fixing up a flower plot. The Republican county central com mittee, chosen at the opera house last evening had a meeting after the con vention adjourned, and elected Robert Carrothers chairman. A branch of the American party was organized in this city on Tuesday evening, and the organization com pleted yesterday afternoon. There are twentv-two members. Seven Delegates Elected to Next Wednesday's (Mention, itKsojjUTioys AnovTim, etc. At ten minutes after two o'clock yesterday afternoon. Y.r. L. Robb, chairman of the Republican county committee, stepped upon the platform and called the meeting lo order. He read the regular cal! :is published in Tun Astokiax. and then called for i nominations for a temporary chair i man. "W. T. Iugalls, of Lewis and Clarke, nominated C. A. McGuire of Clatsop, and there being iio other nomination he was elected unanimously. Mr. McGuire came upon the plat form and was introduced by Mr. Robb who then retired. The chairman stated that the convention was to se lect seven delegates to the state con vention, and lie considered a com mittee on credentials as first in order. Frank Patton was nominated as temporary secretary; H. F, Prael was also nominated, but declined, and Frank Patton w;is elected unani mously. W. L. Robb moved that a committee of five, on credentials, be appointed by the chair, thi3 was carried without a dissenting voice. The chair announced the committee as follews: J. F. Halloran and B. S. Worsley, Asteria: li W. Tompkins, West port; J. AV. Crow, Knappa, .T. P. Austin, Seaside. It was mo veil that a recess Iks taken for half an hour in order to give the committee on credentials tune to pre Dare their report, and the vote to take a recess was carried at 2:20 v. at. It took the committee till -i o'clock to get their reiKirt prepared, there being considerable discussion among its members regarding the two sets of credentials handed in from the Astoria i precinct The meeting of the W. C. T. U. will j On Saturday, March 29, at a meet be held at 2 r. m. to-day in the Y. M. ing at Ross' opera house, thirty-eight C. A. hall. All the members are ' delegates were selected by a majority especially requested to be present :is of those present; those so selected were there is very important business to as follews: come before the union. John Enberg, Enoch Peterson, Geo. A. Nelson, W. F. McGregor, Peter Billy Arlington, wife and little , Brach, J. "W. Conn, L. Larsen, V. L. daughter went to Portland last even-1 McCroskey, James W. Welch, Robt ingon the Thompson. Mr. Arling- Carnithers, M. Foard, W. A. Slier ton is getting up an entertainment for man, B. S. Worsley, N. Clinton, J. H. the combined lodges of the K. of P. ' D. Gray, S. A. Miller, W. V. Parker, of Portland. Albina and East Port- 1 E. W. Wright, P. A. Roes, U. K Bun for state treasurer; and Mm onoT. f n linnr thpre were a I and indorse I. . Gaso as m . 1 ? .! ...r1 jilvmTiert I senes oi remarKs logicm uhu uiuti -, the chief point of difference being that one side wanted to hava the outside delegations vote on which of the Asto- deleuations should Deaomineo, candidate that tho dele- yon, u. J. uurtis, samuei Araut, a. kj. Fisher, Win. Ryan, Adolf Johnson, A. D. Bowen, G. V. Lounsbcrry, J. W. Hare, H. F. Prael, A. C. Carlson, Fred Wickmaun, T. S. Jewett, August Dauielsou. A. Montgomery, C. Chris- land. His grace the Reverend Archbishop j Gross will deliver an interesting ami instructive lecture, entitled, "A Visit to France and Rome." at the opera hoKsencxt Tuesdav evening, for theitensen, F. W. Newell, J. F. Halloran. benefit of the lonug Men's Institute On Monday, March Jlst, at the Re No. 106. ! publican primaries held at "the five different polling places in Astoria pre X. J. Levinson. representing the cinct, 38 delegates wens elected as American District Telegraph company, i follews: was in the city yesterday afternoon. J. F. Halloran, A. V. Allen, Theo. He proposes, in case the council grants Bracker, n. G. Smith, P. Schistard, A. him a franchise, to put in the wires S. Reed, Fred Webber, E. W. Wright, and boxes and institute a service of M C. Crosby, H. B. Parker. J. F. Fer tile eompanv in this citv, incorporating ! chen, T. O. Trullinger, Ed. O'Connor, with a stock of 20,000. (Phil. Carrol, C. E, Runyon, W. D. ! Baker, Jas. Redmond, Chas. Larson, Papers were filed yesterday in the j D. M. Mooer, Frank Patton, Fred circuit court in a suit of replevin to re- Grosbauer, R. N. Camahan, C. P. cover possession by the Park & Lacy ' Upshur, R. R. Marion, John Halm, T. manufacturing company, of 27,oil ' B. Loughery, Carl Ossimaa, B. S. railroad, ties which are held by sheriff Worsley, C. J. Curtis, L. G. Carpen Smith under an execution issued i ter, J. C. Dement, W. H. Barker, agaiast tlie Pacific Construction com- James Dalgity, G. A. Nelson, 1. O. pony on an attachment and suit Reed, Louis Agren, J. O. Hanthorn, brought by Thompson & Ross. The John Hay. Park fc Lacy compauy claim the lies . The question came before the com as their, property and so seek to re- mittee on credentials yesterday after plevhlfealreaLjlte slicruX jnoon as to which set of delegates - - - j would be recommended to be ad- PEItSOXAl.s. j mitted to participate in the delibera- J tions of the convention. a S. bright and famil v arc visiting ' . 9", lh5s 1nestion thc committee di- ... -ni-.i viueu. 1U XVIIUOUU. W. E. Warren, Mark Warren and E. W. Wright returned from Portland yesterday. EL J. Minthorn, B. S. Cook and R. J. Spcscer, members of the Oregon Lamd' company were in the city on basiBess yesterday. v , u. .ucvauc cimu over lroiu xi- j ustju proxv coma vestcrdav and was busy shaking i " ' When the secretary of the commit tee, B. S. Worsley, read thc main re port which was signed by all five of tho committee it was found that the outside precincts were represented as follews: SEASIDE rilECTNCT. J. P. Austin, F. Beerman by J. P. hands with his many friends. He re turned in the evening. Master Claude Hanthorn, who has been spending his Easter vacation with his parents, returned last night to re sume his studies at the Bishop Scott military academy. Mr. Johnson, representing Hoffman Jc bmith, railroad contractors, came iown yesterday morning from Port land, and after a conference with the railroad directors, went back, intend ing to return here to-morrow. Farewell Party. KNAWA PKECINCT. W. H. Twilight; F. J. Shiednagel, by J. W. Crow, prexy: .T. W. Crow; C. W. Loughery, bv J. W. Crow, proxy; J. F. Warren. WESTPOKT rRECIXCT. Jno. West, by J. O. Spencer, proxy; S. B. Plimpton, by J. O. Spencer, proxy; 11. W. Tompkins. MEAi: CHEEK I'KECINCT. A. B. Hill, bv Jas. W. Welch, prexy: H.F.Fisher. CLIFTON PRECIXCT. J. O. Spencer, G. A. Austiu, by J. O. Spencer, proxy, J. W. McLean, by C. W. Fulton, proxy. LEWIS AKD CLARKE S. .Last evening a farewell party was libertv Hall, the 'occasion being ' his T H. S. McConnick, W. J. Ingalls, D. departure for Alaska next Saturday. IngJills. Toe following invited guests were i young's river i'recixct. present: a W. Holt aud wife, A. G. i h. Camahan, A. Normaud, Enoch Allan and wife.Mesdames John Rogers Peterson bv J. H. D. Grav, proxy. ana li. .nonieitn, .uisses ivaie xiirau. while the other side insisted on having the committee's report disposed of. Several speeches were mado and a good deal of warmth displayed, which rose to fever heat when one delegate tir ing of the wrangle moved "the previous question." After considerable further had been said, the chair said that he would havo the convention take a vote on the question of adopting the minority report, aud that the vote would have to be by yeas aud nays. In this vote 93 of those present answered to their names, 51 voting "yes," and 12 uno," This was interpreted to mean that the delegates selected by the meeting at the opera house on March 31st were recognized by some of the precincts outside of Astoria. The result was received with con siderable applause by those who re mained after the vote on the propo sition had been announced, the hilar ity of the Democratic contingent of spectators on the back seats being suppressed, bnt none the less satisfac tory to them. SUBSEQUENT PROCEEDINGS. After the result of the vote was an nounced, adopting the minority re port of the committee on credentials the victors were hilariously happy, manifesting their applause by clap ping their hands, stamping their feet and then by cheering, during which time Secretary Patton and all the others who had voted against the re ception of the minority report, went ont of the hall, and the victors were left in possession of the convention. They seemed undecided at this move, and surprised at the departure, but soon rallied and business was commenced by a motion thatB S. Worsley bo chosen as temporary sec retary' which was carried unani mously, and he took his seat. J. W. Welch moved to proceed to the election, by a rising vote, of seven delegates to tho state convention, which was carried without opposition. Each was nominated and voted for until the five following were chesen: Jav Tattle, a A. McGuire, Martin Foard, J. II. D. Gray and J. W. Welch. Then it seemed as if things were getting mixed, and there were numer ous inquiries propounded, and several spoke as to whether they were pro ceeding in the regular way, until W. A. Sherman moved to reconsider the vote by which five delegates had been elected, and proceed to elect seven on one ticket, by ballot, after nominations had been made. This motion pre vailed. Robert Carnithers and W. H. Twi light were appointed tellers, and the following twelve men were placed in nomination for delegates. J. W. Welch, B. S. Worsley, C. A. McGuire, J. W. Hare, JayTuttle, J. O. Spencer, W. J. Ingalls, E. W. Wright, C. J. Curtis, Martin Foard, J. H. D. Gray and C. IL Stockton. A ballot was taken, each member of the convention writing on a ticket seven out of the above whom he pre ferred for delegates. When the votes were about to be counted it was discovered that the permanent organization was not yet effected, and after remarks by several, C. J. Curtis moved that a committee of three on permanent organization aud order of business be appointed by the chair, which was carried, and the following were appeinted: .brank Ward, C. J. Curtis and Dr. Jay Tuttlo. After a short conference the com mittee reported the followihg recom recem recom mendateons: First That tho temporary officers bo made tho permanent officers of the con vention. Second That wo proceed to tho elec tion of seven delegates to represent this county in tho Republican stnto conven tion at Portland. Third That a county central commit tee bo chosen, consisting of three mem bers from Astoria, and one from each other precinct in tho county. On motion, the report was adopted. The ballot for delegates to the state convention, which had previously been taken was counted, anil resulted as follews: Dr. Jay Tuttle, 5G votes; C. A. McGuire, 51; J. W. Welch, 13; J. W. Hare, 43; Martin Foard. 34; J. O. Spencer, 31; Frank AVard, 25; B. S. Worsley, 25; C. J. Curtis, 20; R. Car nithers, 20;E.W. Wright, 15; J. H. D. Grav, 14. B. S. Worsley and Frank Ward having received the same number of votes each, the former declined in favor of Mr. Ward, thus leaviug elected the seven highest as follews: Tuttle, McGuire, Welch, Hnre, Foard, Spencer aud Ward. Dr. Tattle moved that the county central committee consists of three members from Astoria, two from Up per Astoria, and one from each other precinct in the county, and that the delegates hero present from each precinct designate the names of the men they desire to be on the com mittee. The motion prevailed. On motion of J. H. D. Gray the con vention at 6:03 p. m. voted to take a re cess until 750 p.m. gates to tho state convention are hereby instructed to urge his uamo for that position. Iicsolrcd, That we hereby endorse tho action of tho last legislature in appropri ating money for needed county roads in Clatsop county. We, your committeo recommend tho adoption of tho foregoing resolutions. C.J.Cmms. J. H. D. Ghat. J. W. Conn. C X. Carxaiian. F.W.Nhwuli REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. ATRIL 9. As Filed in Thc Count Recorder's Office Ye.stcnlay. C. W. Fulton staled that while he was grateful for tbe honor tendered him, that as he was not a candidate ' for congress, or indeed for any office, he could not, in justice to himself allow his name to be used iu the reso lution, aud therefore wished it might be dropped. Dr. Jay Tuttle hoped that Mr. Ful ton's name would remain in the reso lution, and that in the coming contest or election the Republican party would stand solid and achieve a glorious victory. J. W. Welch was also of the same hopeful opinion. J. H. D.Gray also wished Mr. Ful ton's name to remain, and sincerely hoped that the party in this county would remain thoronghly united and thus be eminentlv successful. He said he was not a candidate for any office and should soon resign the ap pointment of postmaster, aud hoped a good nomination would be made, for the position. The resolutions as re;ortcd by tho committee were then adopted. It was moved by Mr. Ingalls that when tho convention adjourn, it be to meet at the court house two weeks from date, viz; Wednesday, April 23d, at 2 p. m. The motion prevailed. On motion of W. J. Ingalls the thanks of the convention were ten dered to the chairman and secretary, and also to the reiorlersof the Astoria press. On motion or Dr. Jay Tuttle the convention adjourned at 8:33 v. m. COMPANY "H". Geo. L. Blackman and wife to D. R. N. Blackburn and G.W.Wright, lot 12, blk 23, Columbia 2nd additions Geo. L. Blackman and wife to Geo. E. Chamberlain, lot 11, blk 23, Columbia 2nd addition C. H. Page and wife to O. I. Peterson, X. 50 feet, lots 7 and S, blk 53. Shively's Astoria August Scherueckan and wife to Theo Bracker, lots lOand 11, blk 115, Shively's Astoria J. H. Manscli to Geo. Mc Clnskev 1G acres, sec 1G, TSN,RSW Maxwell Young and wife to Watson J. Binder lot 3, blk 12, Young's addn to Alder brook Geo. B. McEwan and wife to Sarah W. S. Johnson and James Sullivan loss 1, 2 and 3, and fractional lot 4, blk D, McEwan's addn to Ocean Grove Previouslv reported this year.... 1,1G8,374 150 150 1.40J 0,000 1,2S0 SO 300 Immense Importations OP1- R.imiuet to tli- 3Ii'uilers By Ujc Officers. Total lo date Sl,177,734 31 i RISE NEWS AND NOTES. at 10 make Don m Wn h m Received During the Past Two Weeks at the Leading House of Astoria. Novelties in Dress Goods in the Latest Fabrics-Fashionable, Shades Last evening tho newly elected of ficers of Company II, First regiment. O. N. G., gave a banquet to the mem bers at Backer's restaurant. Twentv- live wearers of the blue sat down to ' the table. The Astoiuax representa tive was present as a guest. Excel lent salad, oysters, chicken and other good things were provided and heart ily partaken of. After the feast, Cr. W. Backer made a few remarks, thanking the 1kvs for the honor conferred upon him in dining at his table and then called on the captain for a speech. Captain H. J. Wherity responded briefly, and said that he was not much of a speech maker, but that as newspaper men were always ready to talk, he would call on his friend, Major E. A. Weed, of Tin: Astoiuax. lajor Weed referred to the time when in April, 1SG1, many such com panies of young men as this now pres ent, responded to the call of the chief magistrate of the nation, left their homes and marched away, leaving large numbers of their comrades on hard fought battle fields, who never returned home. Some people speak lightly of the militia, but he hoped every member of Co. H. would wear the uniform proudly and never dis consider it a badge of The (ten. Cauby will leave o'clock this morning and will bnt one trip to-day. The sleamer Alliance came in yes terdav from towns on Grav's harbor and went up to Portland. The steamer Dolphin arrived yes terday from Shoalwater bay, and after making a short stop here, passed up the river for Portland. The steamer Polar Hear arrived yesterday from Shoalwater bay with a cargo and some passengers for Port ami, and started up the river. The steamer JJanzanita yesterday went to Tillamook rock, where Capt. W. W. Rhoades inspected tho light house on that lono and rocky isle. Keeper Cook, lampistMcClueand two boiler makers were brought away. The Mamanila starts to-day for De struction inland and a visit to tho lighthouses on the Sound, which will be inspected by Capt Rhoades. That tired feeling, so subtle and yet so entirely overcome bj' Hood's Sarsaparilkt, which tones anil strengthens the system and gives a good appetite. Desureto get Hood's Sarsa- parilla. "100 Doses One Dollar" is true only of this peculiar medicine. Fine Tabic Wiuc Delivered at GO cents a gallon, to any part of the city. A line line of pare California wines at low prices, at A. W. rtzingt-r's Cosmoiiolitau saloon. HiC, H. COOPER Third Street. MORGAN & CO.Jhe Leading Shoe Mouse WE ARES SUCCESSFUL. FOR A GOOD SHOE FOR LADIES' OR GENTS' WEAR GO TO MORGAN & CO., Mansell's New Building, Water Street, Astoria, Or BO TOO WEAR CLOTHES? IF SO REMEMBER THAT FAIL A. STOKES & CO., CToaLt; Door -to Foard cto JStolSLOs, Kciiiombcr the Austin house at the Seaside is open the year 'round. rki.-i . r.uMCKi; CAltl. A. If ANSOK nson HITCKSSOIW TO C. L. PARKER, UKAI.KIIS IN ,New Gaods Arriving Every Steame T1WS WKEK. Dross - Groods. The Old Sttts.l - Astoria Orecon. Thompson & Eoss Cairy :i Full Lir.t of grace it, but consider it a honor, and hoped that no such occa- GENERAL MERCHANDISE sion would ever arise as would call ! them to war, but if it should, that they would be true to the state and nation and the flag of their conutry. Lieut L. E. Gillet was called for, but disclaimed any merit as a speaker, though he cordially endorsed the re marks just made. Lieut Ed Hallock was called up, but had no remarks to make, only he was glad to bo present, and moved a vote of thanks to Major "Weed for his speecli, which was put by Capt. Wher-! lty and earned unanimously. G. "W. Ruckor as chairman of the committee for the reception of thc grand lodge A. O. U. "W. in July, in vited company H. to join with that order iu thc parade on the Slh of July. The compauy then formed in lineon the street, resumed their arms, which had been stacked outside, and inarched to the armoiy. There the following order was read: Hi:ad Qns. H Co., 1st l'.egt., (). N. G. i Astoei.v, Oregon, April , 1SUD. The following non-commissioned of ficers have been npiointed in Co. II, First ltegiuiftit, O. N. G., aud an to rank ns snch from this date: F. J. Carney, first sergeant; Geo. Good-1 ell, second sergeant; V. XI. Green, quar- ! termaster sergeiuit; Charles Johnson, j lirst corporal; L. X. Jiniley, second cor poral; Gost. llildebraiul, third corporal; D. Campbell, fourth corporal. ' By Order of Capt. II. J. Wiinmry. F. J. Cauxet, First Sergeant. Choice Stapie and Fancy Groceries. Give Us a Call and Be Convinced. HAVE A Large Stock of Mens and Boy's Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Underwear, Etc. That will suit you In size and price. We cannot be undersold. PHIL. A. STOKES & CO., Water Street, Astoria, Or EAST ffABRENTON In consequence of the demand for those beautiful level lots, Mr. r. C. Warren has been Induced to plat ninety-six lots Adjoining Warrenton on the East. Which will be known and sold as East Warrenton 1 THE RAILROAD runs through the plat, which is only 200 yards from the Warrenton depot. For further Information call at once on the ASTORIA REAL ESTATE CO. Alderbrook ! Lots 50x100 Wiithin Three Blocks of the River. TO LARSON & HILLBACK -ron- GROCERIES AIC1 FKESn FRUITS. Orders Delivered Free of Charge. Country Orders Solicited. Third street. next to rioneer office. Lot 7, block 3) SjOO 00 Lot8, block 30 ., 450 00 Lot9,bl0Ck30 450 00 0t7,bl0ck29 450 00 ot4.block29 400 00 t Lot 5, block 29. ffOOOO Lot8,block29 400 00 Lot 9, block 29 '400 00 Lotll,block28 530 00 Lotl2,block28 GOO 00 wnifmfe m Bim Real 3state Odd Fellows' Building, ASTORIA, OR. C;SZ:rSEIFS!SB28S3S&ZH3m9!8I- JosksBrvee Minnie Sherman, Nellie and Lottie Levinjrs, Alice and Asgie ' Stockton, Daisy Goodell, Annie Hart-, wig, Annie Pope, Mary Mouleitb, ' Minnie Brodie, Nellie Carnabaii, Grace j and Zoe Carruthers, Nannie Eee d, Lucy Littlefield, of Port Townsend, ' Georffie Badolett, jUaegie JJurns; Messrs. D.M. Moar, Will aud .Tobu Trallinger, AY. A. Sherman, F. Buck er, V. W. Bidehalgh, A. Dnubar, E. Q. Prael, F. S. Tuttle, O. B. Prael, H. CrWvE.Bed,E.Z.Fergusen, F- P. I'cMB. X D. McGowan, F. Holt, AteeaFox,H.D.Tlnnp. A. Kickards, A. J. Smith and L. A. Granger. CLATSOP rKECINCT. C. A. McGuire, R. A. Abbott, C. V. Camahan, F. H. Ward. JOnK DATS rRECIXCT. BobL Louden by B. S. Worsley, proxy, Howell Lewis. MISHAWAKA rilEOIXCT. A. L. Parker by A. Montgomery, proxy, C. A. Taylor, by A. Montgom ery, proxy. riSHHAWK PRECINCT. .T. N. Foster, bv F. H. Ward, proxy; W. H. Lewis, bv F. H. Ward, proxy. Begarding the Astoria precinct del Passengers to Portland. The following is the list of pas sesRers who went up thc river last nifrht on the steamer ILR.Thompson : Wm. Arlington and wife, C. E. Ben nett, J. Bradbury, C. H. Ivans, P. Bonlou, Wm. Loeb, Dr. Alf. Kinney, D. Morgan. E. T. Johnson, H. B. Thielson, Mrs. B. Cook, H. M. Thatcher, J. Henston, Miss Maggie Grant, W. G. Smith and wife, J. Har rington, Herman Wise, Mrs. Sibson, J. O. Hanthorn, Claude Hanthorn, C. H. Bain, J. Davchute, J. W. Cook, H. Ml Nelson, L. L. Bush, WT. L. McCabe, F. FerrelL J. H. .Tones. J. Blair. J. L. Stevens, T. J. Olsen.S. M. Reed, L. B. I egatcs having credentials signed by Yeraon and wife and N. J. Levinson. I Worsley, president, and H. F. Prael, The latest style of Gents' Boots and Shoes at P. J. Goodman's. Keticc. All parties holding outstanding war rants against Astoria Engine company No. 1, must present the same to Wm. Bock for payment within ten days, and ay one holding bills against the com jsv are requested to present the same te the secretary. By order of the com pany. D. R. Blount, President. James Scott, Secretarj. Xeals CMkeft t mrtr. Private rooms for ladies and families: a Central Restaurant, next to Foard & Stoke'. j egation, three of the committee made the following MAJORITY REPORT. We, members of the committeo on cre dentials of tho Republican county con vention findnnd report that the delegates having credentials signed by "V. L. Robb, W. D. Baker and W. J. Barry are the del egates to represent Astoria precinct in this convention, and none others. J. F. Haixoban, J. "W. Cnow, R. W. Tompkins. Regarding the same precinct dele gation, two of the committee made the following minority repert: We, the members of tho committee on credentials of the Republican county convention, find and report that the del- a. a. sec retary of the Republican mass-meeting held in Astoria precinct, be and are the regularly elected delegates of Astoria precinct, and that they bo entitled to seats, and none others, in the conven tion. B. S. Worsley. J. P. Austin. At the conclusion of the reading of the report of the committee on creden tials, W. H. Barker moved that the majority report be adopted; the motion was seconded; another delegate moved to amend by adopting the minority re port; a third delegate suggested mat tbe 33 delegates oteide the city, and the six on both the Astoria lists be ad mitted to seats, and that the other 64 be given half a vote each. An animated debate ensued, and for EVENING SESSION. At 7:30 p. m. Chairman McGuire called the convention to order. J. H. D. Gray offered some resolu tions and moved their adoption, which was seconded. They were then read by the secretary, and J. H. D. Gray moved that they be referred to a com mittee of five for revision, to report at this meeting. The motion prevailed and the chair appointed as the com mittee Messrs. Curtis, Gray, Conu, Newell and Camahan. The committee retired for consulta tion and J. W. Welch moved that the country delegates hand in one name from each precinct for a member of the county central committee. It was carried, and on the roll of the pre cincts being called by the secretary, the following names were presented: Bear Creek, Henry Fisher; Knappa, J. F. Warren; Westport, David Welch; Seaside, Fred Beerman; Clifton, J. O. Spencer; Clatsop, D. E. Pease; John Day, Carl Lewis; Young's Biver, Chris. Peterson; Fishhawk, L N. Foster; Lewis and Clark, D. J. Ingalls; Mish awaka, Lincoln Parker; Vesper, G. D. Foster. On motion of J. W. WTelch, it was voted that the delegates from Astoria elect by ballot their five members for the county committee. Frank Surpre- nant and it. L. Abbott were appointed tellers, and the following were elected: Robert Carruthers, John Fox, F. W. NewelLWf. F. McGregor and Enoch Peterson. SOME RESOLUTIONS. The committee on resolutions pre sented the follewing: Resolved, By the Republican county convention of Clataop county, that we endorse the action of Hon. J. H. Mitch ell, Hon. J. W. Dolpb, senators, and Hon. Binger Herman, representative, in their efforts in behalf of the state of Oregon and Clatsop county in securing needed appropriation for internal improvements. tiesoivea, unac tne delegates to tne state convention be and they are hereby instructed to present the name of Hon. 0. W. Fulton for congress, and if he is not nominated, to vote for Binger Herman. ' .C . Resolved, That we highly recomitaend ADVICE TO XOTHIIKo. Mi:. i-i.nvV SoumiMt tvi:i r should alvvat he iix'd lr t-hitiiri-n teething. It mmj11h,s the child, m lens the gums, allays all pain, mm wind cholicaudis the best remedy fordiar-rhrea-Twenty-five cents a bottle. ! W1 Actually Closing Out!- oods Sold Regardless of Cost ! To the LiHlics. Mrs. Bowman has secured the ser vices of a competent dress maker from the east, and has reopened her dress making parlors. Mie invites her old friends and the public generally to call at her establishment on Third street, near Main. All work done with neat ness and dispatch and at prices within the. reach of all. For Finn Photographs, Go to Misses Carruthers' photograph gallery: Third street, opposite Mor gan & Sherman's. Mrs. My & Mrs. McKenzie MILLINERY! Dressmaking. Masonic DuIldlnK. - Cor. Thlnl and Main. -TIIE- DIAMOND PALACE GUSTAY HANSEN, Prop'r. A Large and Well Selected Stock or Fine Diamonds i Jewelry At Estremely l.ow Prices. AH (loods Bought at This Establishment Warranted Genuine. Watch and Clock Repairing A SPECIALTY. Corner Cass and Sauemoqua Streets. Will You take Advantage of This Great Oiler? Hill m -FOR- Men m Boys -WILL BE- Slauffhterefl PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY! There Is no occasion for the most fastidi ous of our citizens to send to Portland or San Francisco for Custom Made Clothes As they can get Belter Fits. Better Work manship, auu for less Money. By Leaviug tbelr Orders wltn HEXKY. New Goods bv Every Steamer. Call and see him aud satisfy yourself. '!J. Meany. Merchant Tailor. -AT- Herman Wise. Haw ConcMei Negotiations for the lease of a fine brick building now in course of erection in the city of Portland, it becomes necessary for me to close out my business here, and in order to accomplish this speedily I offer my enormous, well selected and superior stock of goods, Regardless of Cost ! To all who have befriended me during my almost uninter upted stay of ten years, I will always have the kindest o feel i gs, and an ASTORIAN shall always find me "AT HOME" in my new field that is to be and it shall always be a pleasure to me, to be able to do an Astorian any favor within my power. Hats! Furnishing Goods ! Ms aM Valises. Boots ana hs! Everything Will Be Sacri ficed, and no Humbug Either, at Herman Wise. Herman wise, Reliable Clothier and Hatter ' r ... .r j. :i,y ; . r . - l f E - -. '-( -V.1- '. c, :vrl -,J; ZTtt ty'"ir- '-Mr 21 A