0) 4 ASTORIA, OR EG 01Y7 THURSDAY, APRIL 10. 1890. PRICE FIVE CENTS VOL.XXX1V, NO H5. mJL1 1 1 iL. I III III I .M,.:;MmmmJt 13 IJLIJVIlllllJlll TINKERIM WITH THE TARIFF. hob PreinceJ ly Convict Lalor To Be ExcMel SAX. RASliALL VERY SICK. Special by California Associated Pre. Washington, April 9. The acting judge advocate general of the army to day concluded bis review of the papers in the case of Lieut Steele and has re ported his conclusions to jVIaj. Gen. Schofield, who has jurisdiction over the case. The finding of the court is not yet mado public, but the general impression is that Steele will be rep rimanded. Serloas Illness of Sam Randall. SpeoUl to The astorian Washington. Anril 9. Mr. Ran dall's friends believe that he has but a few davs more to live. A Republican Caucus. Special to Tne Astorian. Washington, April 9. The Repub licans of the house will hold a caucus to-morrow evening to consider the order of business for the session. Tariff, silver, and the pension ques tions will probably be considered. An Arm Chaplain. Special to Tin; Astorian. Washington, April 9. The presi dent appointed .Tames C. Kerr of Del aware, chaplain in the army. Heading off the Chinese. Sjeclal to Tii K A vroni an. Washington, April 9. The secre tary of the treasury has authorized the collector of customs at San Diego, Calx, to employ additional force to assist him in preventing the smuggling of Chinese across the Mexican border. This action is based upon telegraphic reports from the collector that lie had captured thirteen Chinese who entered the country in that way and that there are over seventy more of them on Mex ican territory trying to force their way across the bonier. Senatorial Legislation. Special to Tbk Asroiii n. Washington, April 9. The .senate to-day took up the Chinese enumera tion net. Senator Mitchell of Oregon took the lloor in favor of his amend ment to the committee report and amended the bill, which hill to the form general! passed the hoiw. restores the in which it The Heathen I'Mniw Sjeial to The Asroni N J Washington, April 9. In ate to-dav a letter was read the sen-1 fro'll I'C cretary of the treasury, transmitting a telegram from the collector of eus totas at San Diego, Cal., announcing thc"capturg of thirteen Chinese who had endeavored to escape the exclu sion act Senator Evarls presented petitions from Methodists and Presbyterians of New York, protesting against the bill for enumerating the Chinese. T Cover the Mlcott It-rleat!ou. Special to Tiik astorian.j Washington, April 9. In the sen ate to-day, Hale, from the appropria tion committee, reported back without amendment the bill to refund funds stolen by the late Cashier Silcolt, and moved its immediate consideration. The bill was passed without objection or debate. CevKUderCoEhlaB"! own Statement. Special to The Asiokian. Washington, April 9. The follow ing appears in to-day's Post : Mditor Pest: -In your issue of March 2Sth, which has just reached isc, you state that Commander Joseph B, Coghlan, of the Navy, was recently ordered before a conrt martial, for trial on a charge of conduct unbecom Ips an officer and a gentleman, in hav ing written newspaper articles, crit icising and ridiculing the administra tion of naval affairs. This is a great mistake. I was tried on two charges, as follews: Charge 1,- Conduct to the prejudice of good order and na val discipline. Charge 2, Violation of a lawful regulation issued by the navy. As you will see, there is a very great difference between the charge M given in your paper, and that upon wkkh I was tried and acquitted. I jsk :hat in fairness to me, you will give this correction as great promin ence as you did the erroneous charge, andl do this because ever since this affair came up, newspaper people at Washington have been sending out all manner of false statements regard ing myself, my conduct aud the charges upon which I was tried. These false statements have all been ven much to my prejudice, and been to persistently indulged in, that it seems as though there has been a aaethod in their falseness, and that it arose from the concerted action of persons, determined to do me an in jury, lfr foul, as they could not by tsirxatans. (Signed.) J. B. Coonx n. Commander TJ. S. N., Mare Island, Cal., April 2. jfajgfBf'M lUmMBstMatjICCBiWtCaCTB Hanthorns Astoria, East Tlia TARIFF HILL. Some of the I'rotl.iob a:..l it Affects. Special to The A io:i.N. Washington', Apiil 9. The ways and means committee called a meet ing this morning, at which the tariff bill, with changes that have been made since it was reported to the full committee. was submitted to the minority, and an under standing was reached that at the regular meeting to-morrow, the bill shall be acted upon, the minority to have an opportunity of proposing .such amendments as they may desire. It is probable, fiom the disposition exhibited by the minority, that no ob stacle will be presented to reporting the bill to the lioue to-morrow. No decision has been reached as to when the house will be asked to lake the bill up for consideration, nor has Hny allusion been made, as to the duration of thegeneral debate. Tt is believed, however, that the general debate will not extend beyond four or five days. An examination of the bill shows that the items transferred to the free list, yielded last year m duties, over six million dollars. The estimate of the duties under the pro- posed bill on the basts of last , year's importations, is 234,000,000 collected hist year. Tho duties under the new bill would increase the revenues from various schedules, as follews: Tobacco, about 8,000,000; agricultural products, $11, 000,000; llax, jute and hemp. S3.000, 000; wool audits manufacture, $15, 000,000; and sundries, $3,000,000. The reduction on sugar would be $27,000, 000. This is tho only schedule which shows any 1 eduction worth no ticing. A paragraph will be added to the bill before it is reported, providing that all goods, wares and merchan dise, the product of convict labor in foreigu countries, shall be excluded from enlrv into any ports of the United States. The "Charleston" to He InspsctcJ. Special mThk Aroi:iA I Washington, April 9. Orders have been issued for the final inspection of the cruiser Chat lesion now at Mare Island navy yard, preparatory to her going into active service as a war ship or the Pacific squadron. The inspec tion will probably be made this week and the vessel will soon after start on her cruise along the Pacific coast, go ing as far south as Valparaiso. liie Vindrrliiltfc Rumored R. R. Mov Spi'ti.il Jolll!'. .M IMAN.I New York, April 9. 11 is rumored that the Vanderbilts have secured control of the Union Pacific This is snpiKv.e.1 to account for the notice able strength of that stock today. The Tact that the Vanderbilts have 1 long desired to obtain a western con j neelion for the New York Central and r..,i..v cm,.,,.. ri-ii is iiJfr.ii in Iw I rt ,,.0-lnl,lrt Vmii.lrilif-m ffip 1 lir ru ! mor. Tin oiceistis nere are non-com ititt:d regarding the alleged deal. Call Torn la I'nv-ilK: to Re Honored in RrooVljn S'- u' to'l 11:: Astokian 1 Xr.w York, April 9. Pugilist Jim Corbett of California, will be tendered a monster benefit at the Fifth Avenue Casino in Biooklyn, next Monday night. Many local professionals will appear. Dominic McCaffrey has con sented to wind up the entei tainment in a four round contest with Corbett for .scientific joint.s. Ciniej Wants to Fight MeAullffe. Spci.il to Tiik Astoui VN.l New York, April 9. Jemmie Car ney is anxious for a go with McAulifle before the California club, with two ounce gloves. Carney wants to light for a purse of 85,000, the contest to take place within four or six months from the signiug of the articles, or Carnev will fight in England for S5,000 or S10",000 a .side, and allow 750 for expenses. If the fight takes place in England he will deposit 5,000, which he will forfeit if the American does not receive fair play. A telegram has been sent to McAulifle and Fulda Mori l'aj or Strike Will Follow Special to Tint Astokian. New York, April 9. -A mass meet ing of carpenters to-night decided to demand $3.50 for eight hours work, on and after May 1st, or strike if refused. W heat Crop Short In India. Special to Tiik AroniAN New York, April 9. London cable gram to E. L. Oppenheim & Co. from their London house, officially esti mates the India wheat crop as only 75 per cent average. SIher Ore la South Dakota. . Special to Tim.WroitiAv.l Mitchelti, S. D., April 9. Silver ore has been discovered on a farm, ten miles southwest of Mitchell, at a depth of 100 feet. It has also been found in the same strata, on adjoining farms. The assaj'er in Chicago pronounces it genuine. The parties owning the land have already received high cash offers. Winliurl' llwr. And Free Lunch at the IVlephono Sa loon, 5 cents. Coflee ami cake. Central Restaurant. tM PiMits. at the All Subject FIVE HUNDRED FARMERS Lose Their Lanis anfl Hard Earned Homes in Iowa. EXI'ECT TO CISCIl SI'RECKELS. Special by The California Assochtfu Press. New York, April 9. Dow, Joues & Co.'s Financial Neirs sas that the sugar trust is expected to get permis sion from the court in a month to start an American refinery in San Francisco. As Spreckcls has a large quantity of high cost sugar on hand, the trust is likely to deal him a heavy blow. An Extensive Corporation. Spcci ll to The Astoiu N J Springfield, Ills., April 9. The secretary of state to day issued final papers incorporating the world's ex position for 1892. The complete list of stockholders represent 500,000 shares aml $3 ooo.OOO capital stock, The Boktei X ret To-Pay. Special to The astokian J Chicago, April 9. -Tho status of tho carpenters' strike here remains un changed; no settlement is likely to be reached until the bosses meeting on Thursday. Can Thin be Sot Special t.lTllE Astori in. New York, April 9. A private cablegram says the czar and czarina are in a very, nervous state. The latter cries almost incessantly. Recent de velopments are strengthening their fears of violent death. Tho Children Ruined to Death. Spt-ei.il to The A stow an.1 Little Rock, April 9. At Jersey, a little village in the interior of Brad ley county. John McCoy's residence caught fire List night during the ab sence of himself and wife, and two children perished in the flames. I Woman Shoots Her Father. Special to The Astorian.j Omaim, April 9. Geo. Nicholson, of South Omaha, was shot and probably falally wounded by his daughter, Mrs. Mamie Brubaker. Nicholson had been arrested on his daughter's com plaint for an assault with intent to kill. He was released on bail. The two met on the street to-night and the quarrel was renewed, resulting in the shoot iug. Mrs. Brubaker is under arrest. Riltuu Capital Failed oa American Reer. Spcl tl to The Asi ori an. Detroit, Mich., April 9. Laat spring four Detroit breweries were sold to an English syndicate for $750, 000. British beer was not popular, and could not make a cent. To day local capitalists, Ralph Phelps, Joseph B. Moore, Win. B. Morau and August Goebel, raked in all for a mere song. Clear Maker Alarmed. Special toTim Astoiu an.1 Detroit, April 9. Cigar makers here say that the passage of the Mc Kinley bill will ruin cigar making, and they will hold a remonstrance meet ing on Saturday. I Rloodj I'rlre Fieht. Sped il to Tiik Ar ui:an.1 Elrv, Ind., April 9. Abo Congle andJimmie Dahoney, two Chicago pugilists fought fifty-four bloody rounds near here this morning. At the call of time for the fifty-fifth round both men were completely ex hausted and the referee declared the fight a draw. Tho fight, which was one of the best contested ever seen in the vicinity of Chicago for tho same time, was for $500 a side, the winner to take 75 per cent of the gate receipts. The ring became slippery from blood in the last round and tlie men could scarcely keep their footing. F.lectrlcal Kxeculloa Special to The Astori x Des Moines, Ia , April 9. The sen ate to-day considered a bill providing for tho execution of murderers by electricity instead of hanging. Tho bill was indefinitely postponed. Another Cashier and a Rad Woman. Special to Tiik Astoman. Fertile, Minn., April 9. -Word was received here this evening, from the villago of Fosston, thirty-five miles from northwest of here, that R. G. Tweeton, cashier of the Fosston National bank, has skipped to Canada with a valise full of the bank's f tfnds. Tweeton was aocompaniedby a woman of bad repute, named Ellerton, and they are supposed to have gone to British Columbia It is believed that the amount of his peculations will reach S50.000, which his bondsmen will make good. Detroit Will HaTe a Craad Boalerard. Special to The astorian.j Detroit, April 9 The city council has voted S100.000 to purchase the bal ance of a right of way for 12 miles of boulevard around the city. ROBB & Astoria, Powell's Addition ! to Inspection. DISPUTED LIND TITLES. Man- Settlers to Lose Their Homes Sp-cultoTHE Aroi:tAN.l Fort Dodge, Iowa, April 9. In 1838 the state of Iowa deeded to the Des Moines River Navigation com pany even alternate section of land in the state within six miles of the Des Moiue3 river. Abont the same time many settlers located on the same lands and reeeived patents from the United States. For years the matter has ruu, aud several cases were brought direct against the company by the settlers who were evicted, but the settlers were defeated. Then when hundreds of farmers were being evicted from their farms all through Hamilton, Doone and Webster comities, congress ordered the attorney general to commence a suit against the River Land company in the name of the government, which was set for trial at the June term in this city. This decision is considered final here aud will deprive fully 500 farmers in the counties named of lands on which thev have lived for years and spent hundreds of thousands of dol lars m improving. 1- iillv 1.)U,UIXI acres 01 tne oesi lanus 111 11113 vicinity is affected bv the decision, and is worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. Trouble and evictions will be neces sary to obtain possession of the lands. Edwin T. Litchfield, tne princi pal claimant and holder of the River lands bv a title from the Des Moines River Navigation company, joined in their petition to the U. S. Court to enjoin collection of $20,000 taxes, in the counties named. The case has just been heard at Council Bluffs and an opinion iriveu by Judtres Shiras aud Love, refusing to grant the in junction on the "ground that lands taxed or to be taxed belong to the complainant. The court thinks that tho danger which the plaintiff seeks to avoid is uncertain, contingent and im aginary. The conrt further says we can see nothing to warrant us in the conclusion than any irreparable in jury or any injury whatever, will ul timately arise to Uie complainant for the payment of taxes." fatal r J Return From the Cherokee Strip Sp. clal to Tiik astokian Guthrie, L T., April 9. -Company G, Fifth cavalry, Capt. Hays com manding, arrived here to-day on its return from the Cherokee strip, where it was sent to expel the boomers. Only a few settlers were fonnd, the major portion having been forewarned. Those who were found were ignorant of the fact that they had n ri.jlit on the land. The captain styl-y t lie in vasion of the strip as an effort to find if the government would interfere if settlement were attempted, and fur ther states that no military pof- ..vill be established on tin strip, as at lir.-t contemplated. - - Fatal C) clone In Virginia. Sp-cial to Tiik vttoiman Roinoke, Va., April 9. Ac;. clone struck this citv tins afternoon. The blast house or the Crosier furnace was blown down, killing Fred Phillips, NeKon Johnson and Henry Case. J.mies Turner, John Houston, Robert Watkms, Toulane Stewart, Doc Jteed and John Astor vere wounded, The damage was $25,000. Thej Want Mjre Wane . Special to Tiik Asr-mi .v i Chicago, April 9. -O.ie hu.ilred non-union cigar makers employed at the Columbia factory .struck to-day for higher pay. A Rllllar.l Came. Special to Tiik Asroni N. CmcAGo.Aprii 9. -Cation and Heiser played a game in the billiard tourna ment, each playing 250 points. Cation won the score. Catton, 250: average 9 7-27. Heiser. 109; average li .. A Very Old Jlalne I.atr. A correspondent recalls the fact that in olden Portland, when six distiller ies were in full blast there and every other store sold rum, it was custom ary for tho people to drink at stated times. One of these was fixed at 11 o'clock in the forenoon. In order to inform all when the time arrived, it was ordered bv the town that the bell should be rung at that hour. No sooner had its peals gone forth than the carpenter laid down his saw and plane, the mason his trowel, and, to a large extent, the clerk his ledger. All busi ness was suspended in order that cm ployers might take their grog. What would be thought of a proposition to rintr the town bell to call people to their toddv now? It is hard to be lieve that such a thing was ever done in this temperance state. Portland Transcript. V. O. Toggle. LaGrange, Ga., writing about Darbys !'rphylatic Fluid. ays: "It is a priceless jewel as a disinfectant and deodorizer. .My wif. st:u- for the benefit of young mothers 'hat it is a valuable adjunct to the nursery.' It is equally so to parents travelling with children. Not only is the llui I invalu able as a deodorizer, but a few drops added to the water in bathing will re move all eruptions from the kin. chaf ing, etc., and greatly refresh and soothe. Ludlow's Ladies' S&00 Fine Shees: also flexible hand-turned French Kids, at f . J. Goodmans. A GREAT BILLIARD GAME. ScMer Hates liie Uupreceienled Run of 200 Milts. CATHOLIC CIIVRCII CYCLOSEIK Special by Tho California Awivted Press. HioiiiiVND Park, Ills., April 9. A cvclone swept over this place this morning, aud damaged property heavily. One ierson was severely in jured, and many narrowly escaped with their lives. The Catholic churcli, n large structure, was completely wrecked; other buildings were un roofed and blown down. K in '.as City Kleetionn. Siie!al : Tiik Asto::ian.J Ivans vs Citv, April 0. Official re turns of the elections are received showing that in a majority of cases the Democrats won, yesterday. Holmes (Rep.) was elected mayor by a majority of 100. Peak (Dem.) has a majority of 7iS Tor treasurer; Bishop (llep.) is elected auditor by 1,620 ma jority. Cannon (Rep,) was elected speaker of the upper house by 31 ma jority. Fourteen hundred voters will, under the law, have to pay a poll tax of $2.50 each for not voting. Four 3Inrderers Execute 1 Special IoThi:Astokia. Pittsburg, Pa., April 9. Fonr men were hanged in thisstato to-day. Wm. Bartholomew, who murdered Aaron W. Dilliard, as the result of a con spiracy Willi JJiiiiams wile, was hanged at jJaston. Charles Carter, colored, was hanged at Edensbnrg, for the murder of John .Matthew, also colored, in a quarrel over Emma Dnun, a white girl of bad reputation. Alfred Andrews, who murdered Clara Price, aged 17, sifter an assault upou her, was Iianged at Bcllefonte. Zecfianah Tavlor, who murdered William Mc- Causland with the purpose of robbery, was hanged at Waynesburg. riltOiar:: P.imnr' UraYilj- lif a Storm. Special to fie: AsTOKUN. Pittsburg, April 9. Thero has been a heavy rain storm in western Pennsylvania. This city's damage. principally in sewers and street im provement:?. Is estimated at fullv $1,000,000. There were several nar row escapes, but no lives were lost. VFFI.ICrKI) JOHNSTtf'tV.V. It It Avaia Print; liimaseJ lt a Flood. Sjii- i.il to TltK ASTOKIAV. .loiissrrortN, Pa., April 9. -Heavy initio have caused the rivers to rise higher than at any lime since the Hood. To-night the Conemaugh is a raging torrent. Wetmore, twelve miles up the Conemaugh, is entirely under water, Woodvale. partly under water. Much damage is heing done to Proieu steel's tannery, and water is flowing over second ward cellars, the large ollice of the Cambria Iron Company and Gau'ier steel department and the Western union oflice are filled, also the large store of Wood, Merrill & Co. Tho Cambria work- are Hooded and work has stopped. The Gauticr works are partly Hooded. On Iron street tho water is live feet deep aud still rising. All traffic bv wagons to the lower end of the city is stopped. The Woodvale and Cambria bridges have been car ried away, and probably two more will lie destroyed. Word was received that the St. Clair reservoir, two miles above Morrellville, was in danger of breaking. People left their homes to seek higher ground. If this should give way, the destruction of property, and probably life, will be great. While this reservoir is not large, yet the water would rush down a steep piece of country. So far no lives have been lost, but the danger 13 not passed. Terrible Storm nud Tornado in Ohio. Sec.:il to Tn . Astouia:?. Cleveland, O., April 9. One of the most terrible storms ever known in this section of the country swept over parts of Medina and Summit counties last night, doing a vast amount of damage to property, killing one per son, fatally injuring two, aud injuring others. The storm was a genuine tor nado, and although only a quarter of a mile wide, it left devastation in its path. Ktlensivo I.itIptioi Orer Insurance. Social to The astorian.1 Helena, Mont., April 9. Suit was entered to-dav bv 17 insurance com panies against Bonner & Co., of Butte, iu the TJ. S. circuit court, involving $00,000, the result of tho fire at Butte on Sept. 3. The companies ask that the award of the appraisers be set aside, claiming it was not made in accordance with the policy. It is an out growth of tho continuous but futile efforts of the companys to effect an ami cable settlement The adjusters agreed that the actual loss was less than $3,090, but offered $13,000 to avoid litigation. This offer was re fused, and an appraisal ensued, which resulted in $60,000 award, but which wes not made in regular form. The case will be bitterly contested. PARKER In Thirty Bays 2,000 Men go to Work on the Astoria and South Coast Railway. Buy Now, as all Prop erty will then Advance. THE billiard match. A Wonderful (jane and Iameose Bans. Special to The astokian.J Chicago, April 9. The most re markable game of billiards ever played on a 14-inch balk line was at the tour nament this evening, Schaffer and Ives being the contestants, Schaffer playing 500 to Ives 275. In the eighth inning Schaffer got the balls into good shape and rapidly applied his soft stroke. As he reached the one hundredth button the applause was great, but he stilT went on, and as he past his highest run of the tournament, tho applause was re peated. He finally sat down after counting 130 points. In the 11th innings, Schaeffer, after a few shots, commenced his rapid work again. As he passed the 135 mark, the highest run in the tourna ment, made by Slosson, the audience went wild. He paused till the noise had subsided, aud then continued in good shape. At 150 and also at 175 lie was loudly cheered, but when ho reached 200 he had to stop, tho noise was so great He then missed on a simple cushion carom, making the greatest run in a public match ever made in a four-inch game. He lacked 27 points of ending the game, which he made in the next two innings, mak ing the highest average scored in the game. The following is the scere: Ives, 72, average 4. Schaeffer, 500, average 38 6-13. Highest runs, 200, 130, 51. Famous Stock Raiser Dies. Special toTnu Astori ix Philadelphia, April 9. Aristedes Welch, widely known as a breeder of fine horses, and owner of "Erden heim," a famous stock farm, died to day, aged 79. Singular Electioa In Little Rhodj-. Special to The Astorian:. Providence, April 9. At West Greenwich, yesterday after the polls closed with no election, tho Demo crats organized and at a meeting elected Fish, senator, and Rathburn representative. The town clerk will refuse to issue election certificates. FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE. Extensiye Stores of Gram iu Russia Masticated ly Mice. C.iyA.IKVS rROTECTIt'E I'OLICY. Special by California Associated Press. Ottawa, April 9. During a dis cussion of tariff changes in the com mons, the government disclaimed in tention in raising certain duties on beef and live stock, of retaliating against tho United States. The tariff was increased solely for the purpose of fostering the struggling industries of Canada. Strike of Llrerpool Dock Laborers. Special to TlIE ASTOItlAN. Liverpool, April 9. The dock la borers on the Cnnard dock have struck. Denies That He Was Massacre. Special to TnE Astoriax. Berlin. April 9. A letter received from-Dr. Peters, the African explorer, says that he was well on January 16th last. This contradicts tho story of his massacre. Ruined by Mice. Chafkon, Russia, April 9. MiUions of mice, have ruined the cultivated fields of southern Russia. They have gutted the granaries and wheat stocks and they are now passing northward. Canadian Politics Special to The Astorian. Ottawa, April 9. The debato in parliament on tho budget ended to day. Cartwright's amendment was voted down, 93 to GO. All the liberals voted for unrestricted reciprocity. Cartwright's amendment practically is, in a wide measure, free trade and called upou tho house to address itself to abolishing or reducing the taxes now imposed. Real Names of Indians The Indians have a neat way of fix ing it This Rain-in-the-Face, Spotted Trail, Man-Afraid-of-His-Horses, is good enough to palm off on the whites, but each Indian has another name the whites never hear. First he is named after his mother's gens or family. There are only half a dozen each. Snake, Wolf, Turtle, Bear, Eagle and so on. You remember how, in "The Last of the Mohicans," the young Del aware chief was found to have a tor toise tattooed on his breast, that gave his family. He was a Turtle, just as tho bulk of the Scotch are divided into a few clans, the Stewart3, Camp bells, Camerons, McGregors and others. To tho Indian's family name is attached another, but it would be bad medicine to have it spoken out side the family circle, and give some of his enemies a chance to work spells and hoodoo him. The spotted Tail business 3 a nom de chasse, de guerre, or do toot, wmen gets nitclieu on in later me. SANDY OLDS WILL HANG. Unless the Supreme Court fill Again Interfere. A. BIG RAILROAD SCHEME. Special by the California Associated Press. Portland, April 9. Supplementary articles of incorporation were filed in the secretary of state's office at Olym pia to-day by the Portland Railway Extension company, empowering them to build 3,000 miles of new roads in the Northwest. The company is supposed to be working in the interest of the Union Pacific railway. A road will be built from Portland to Puget sound, crossing the river at Vancouver. Henry Failing, of Portland, ia presi dent of the company. Airala Sentenced to Hair. Special to The Astoria Portland, April 9. "Sandy" Olds has been sentenced for the third time to hang for the murder of Emil Weber, and the date for the execution is fixed for May 16. The case will be appealed again, Lane Coantr Republicans. Special to The Astorian. Eugene, Or., April 6. The Lane county Republican convention com posed of one hundred and forty-eight delegates assembled in Eugene to-day. Chairman, S. H. Friendly, secretary, J. H. McClang, S. M. Yoran nominated for state senator, for representatives Jasper Wilkins, A. C. Jennings and Allen Bend, for county clerk W. R. Walker, for sheriff W. S. Chrisman, county commissioner John Ingram, treasurer J. S. Luckey, assessor Barney Paine, school supenn ten dent R. G. Collison, surveyor C. M. Collier, coroner Dr. T. W. Harris, delegates to state convention S. B. Eakin, Geo. H. Thurston, A. G. Hovay, Darwin Pres ton, B. F. Alley, S. M, Yoran, C. Humphrey, S. H. Friondlv, M. Wilkins, J. M. Hodson. Doubtful ir It Was a Robbery. Special to The AstOrux. Butte, Mont., April 9. J. M. Don aldson, who came here a few weeks ago from Minneapolis, reported late last Saturday evening that he had been robbed of $10,000 worth of watches and jewelry. The robbery was so peculiar that everyone believed it an advertising fake to attract notice. The robbery was reported as having been done " during the half hour he was absent from his store, with both front and back"doors locked. The goods are said to have been kept in a trunk in the rear room. Donaldson asserted that the thieves must have had false keys to the store and been watching his movements for several days. The police could find no clue to tho perpetrators, nor could Donaldson give anything but vague surmise, which strengthens the belief that the whole business is a fake. Escape ofa Probable Marderer. Special to The Astorian. Seattle, April 9. Barkeeper James Johnson, who stabbed Wm. Ray at Ballard station last Tuesday, escaped from the jail at that place this morn ing. Ray is lying at the point of death, and will undoubtedly 'die from the stabbing. Johnson, fearing the consequences of his murderous deed, planned his escape, breaking the door of tho jail, which is a temporary wooden strncture. Xerada Growing Virtuous. Special to The Astokian. Virginia, Nev. April 9. J. M. Campbell, lessee of the Territorial Enterprise, was arrested to-day on a charge of violation of a section of the Nevada statutes prohibiting the pub lication of lottery advertisements. Campbell gavo bonds in the sum of S230. Tho penalty is a line of $300, or six months imprisonment. An Unprofitable Xiao. Special to The astorian. Victoria, B. C, April 9. Messrs. Venator and Bernhardt, two German mining experts, arrived here to-day from Alaska, where they have been examining the Bear's Nest mine. It is understood that the mine is almost acompleto failure and that about a million and half dollars invested in it are considered as a dead loss. The dnko of Sutherland is heavily inter ested in it, and his agent has made an investigation with a similiar result. The mine will probably not be aban dond, but a more extensive survey will be made to ascertain if some por tion of tho investment cannot be re covered. Central Pacific Officers Re-EIeeted. Special to TtiE Astorian.j San Francisco, April 9. Tho di rectors of the Central Pacific Railroad company to-day elected the following efficers: Leland Stanford, president: C. P. Huntington, first vice president: C. F. Crocker, second vice president; A. N. Towne, third vice president; Timothy Hopkins, treasurer; E. H. Aimer. Jr.. secretary ana controller. iHHiuiiiiiiMPiiiiiiiniiiii LKCTIO!f OF 1AIL10AB MMCWI. Important Ckaan lx ta FntMoMT. Special to Tax Astorian. San Francisco. April 9. At a mart- mg of the stockholders of the South ern Pacific Railway Company, which emDracea tne uentrai facinc Kailway and Southern Pacific Railway and their branches, the following directors were elected to-day: C. P. Hunting ton, Leland Stanford, Charles F. Crocker, Thomas E. Stallman, Thomas H. Hubbard, A. N. Towne, J. a Stubbs, R H. Miller, Jr., S.T. Gage, W.V.Huntington and W.E. Brown. Subsequently the directors'elacted the following efficers: Collis P. Hunt ington, president; C. F. Crocker, first vice president; A. N. Towne, second viae president; J. C. Stubbe, third vice presiaent xne Doara also created an executive committee of which Leland Stanford was elected chairman. An important feature of the meeting was in the change of the presidency from Stanford to Huntington. In the course of his address to the board the president said: The best possible results cannot be brought about unless every officer of the company gives his best attention to the care of the company's interests which can be best done by not inter fering in political affairs. The cor porations should not be used to ad vance the interest of this party or that, or to raise up any one man or pall down another, and this corporation will not be used henceforth for any sucn purpose 11 11s presiaent can prevent it The iratlmillst' CtfaftaUM Split. Special to The Astorian. San Francisco, April 9. The only feature of interest at the state nation alists convention this afternoon, was the bolt of abont forty delegates, led by F. T. Calor, arising from a dis agreement over the recognition of proxies. The names of the bolters were stricken from the roll, 'on mo tion. Caliroral Frohlbltieidits. Special to The Astorian.1 San Francisco, April 9. The state prohibition convention begasL its ses sion to-day. Gen. John Bidwell,of Chico, was elected chairman and A. J. Waterhouse, of Stockton, secretary: Call feral Iauatttnua Uaita. Special to The Astorian. San Francisco, April 9. The retail lumber dealers of California effected an organization to-day and elected A. Starbird president andH. Righs secre tary. The object of the organization is to prevent wholesale dealers selling direct to customers. The convention distinctly states that no effort will be made by the organization to effect a combination for the purpose of ad vancing prices. TH!' SEW t'HUlSES. - Trials aad Ttsts for tfc "CfcarlMtoa." Special to The Astoria., San Francisco, April 9. The cruiser Charleston, truly equipped, arrived here from Mare island this evening. She will remain until morn ing, when she will proceed outside the Heads and have a run of six hours for a trial of her engines for the benefit of the inspection board. Thursday night she will return to San Francisco and remain until Saturday morning, so as to enable the inspection board to com plete their labors. She will then leave on a trip to Santa Barbara, remaining away a week or ten days, during which her batteries will be tested. She will then return to San Francisco and lay in the stream until May 5th. No vis itors will be received until the cruiser returns from Santa Barbara, but Capt Remey states that all persons at that time be given ample opportunity to go aboard. Federal Coirts la Meataaa. Special to The Astorian. Helena, Mont, April 9. Judge Knowles opened the U. S. district and circuit courts for Montana, for busi ness this morning. A large number of suits are filed. Catcalls; Saiggle Cklaaaaaa. Special to The Astorian. San Diego, CaL, April 9. Customs inspector Eldridge has captured ten more Chinamen, who were being smuggled in last night from Lower California in fishing smacks. This makes thirty-three smuggled Chinese now in custody here. Remarkable Beseae. Mrs. Michael Curtain. Plainfleld, 111., makes the statement that she caught cold which settled on her lungs; she was treated a month by her family phy sician, but grew worse. He told her she was a hopeless victim of consumption and that no medicine could cure her. Her druggist suggested Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption ; she bought a bottle and to her delight-found herself benefited from first dose. She contin ued its use, and after taking ten bottles found herself sound and well, now does her housework and Is as well as she ever was. Free trial bottles of this great Discovery at J. W. Conn's Drug Store, large bottles, 50c. and $1. TelepheaeliOfla'iB . Best Beds in town. Rooms ner nlzht 60 and 25 cts., per week 81.50. New and clean. Private entrance. mmi ASTORIA, OREGON. V- iif."-- 4- '-. - r" ,'"":