TngifimiT'Mrp - t" ' ' ' ."$fi'K3? f -!3ff?-,,,fc fcr.a ) She gaity gtstorau. ASTORIA, OREGON WEDNESDAY, APi:iL9. lboo ' ISSUED EVERY MORNING. (Monday cx.ceted.) J. F. HAL.L.ORAN & COMPANY, Publishers and Proprietors. ASTORXAX UiriUtlMS. - Cass Stkkbi . T trail of Subscription. st. ed by Carrier, jwr w eek .... ... ir, cts Sent by Mail. icr inonth............ V)ct Sent by Mall, one ear ... $7.00 Free ol jotase fo subscribers, TnK ATOitiAN ctiarantces to its adver U5ersihe larret circulation of any ncwsjia pez published on the Columbia 1 1 vr. CITY AND COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER A silk nmbrella found at the opera boose, awaits ownership at thfc ollicc. The ladies' relief corps held their monthly meeting yesterday and elected two members. A delegate who came in to attend the convention to-day reports the snow nearly two feet deep near Jewell. Hon. Ii. A- Seaborg. has purchased the interest of Petit Bros, in the new I steamer Stiomi and now is the sole ! There are several holes m the planks on Third street which should be re paired at once, or some horse will have a broken leg lx'fore long. A small engine and screw propeller is at the V. 1. dock for 13. W. llobon, of Knappton, evidently to be used in a small boat or launch. llainlriU Olseu the three year old daughter of Axil and Olena Olson. died yesterday of brain fever. The funeral will be thi afternoon. Quito a new section of hidewalk is leing put in on the north side of Third Mreot, near the Columbia foundry, to replace that which was worn very thin. doMjph McLoy, who was nnv-stcd early yesterday morning for drunken ness, came before .nidge .Jewel t. yes- U-nhiy afternoon in the imuicc court, i and wis fined five dollars. , , ,. L . . case of Mrs. Baker came up for trial, i 111 llll." JMIIHX- 1'OllH XL'MCKlii. 4IU- m plead nut guilty to the charge or Mliciting. but was ried. found guilty and lined a big American double eagle. Mr. Johnson, representing the linn of Hoffman t Smith, will be down this morning from Portland to have a conference with the board of directors or the Astoria and South Coa.l Bail way Company. Daring the late rain and wind storm. "Win. Tailors pile-driver, lying at anchor in Baker's bay, went adrift and capsized: also one of McGowan's at Chinook which drifted ashore and went to pieces. The a K. F. P. U.. at their meeting last evening decided to maintain their demand for $1.25 a fish: and to hold weekly meetings hereafter. The mat ter or proposed reduction of the num ber of boats was not brought up. I believe," said a man yesterday, that that is the first wooden Iudian ever in Astoria," as he looked at the brave who keeps guard at Tom Iioughcry's door. And he was right. It is the first, and isn't he a big fellow? The books for signature for junior members of the Astoria Athletic asso ciation will be open at the New York Novelty store till the 11th inst.. after which no more charier members in the junior membership will be al lowed. A chimney on tire at the residence of Mrs. Lawrence on Third street, last evening, caused quite an excite ment on the street. Assistant en gineer Surprcuant w:is, however on hand as usual and saved an alarm being turned in. Two drunken individuals on the corner of First and Benton stieets at li3Q yesterday afternoon, tried to have a fight, but made poor headw.iy at it, though one did manage Jo hit the other a severe blow on the nose, and then departed before any ollieer ar rived. Yestcrday a former subject of the! king of Sweden, named Edward An-i derson. decided that henceforth he ' will be one of the valiant band of free men who are citizens of the broad land which stretches from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and which ere many de cades roll by, will cmhrn'v the whole of North America. Early yesterda morning an Italian at Skipanon. named li. Marosio. was badly cut on the head in two places by an ax in the bauds of a fellow countryman named Joseph Gratnnet, ! who was auirry and apparently in- tended to kill mm. A warrant was issued and the offender will be ar rested. The charge is, assault with a deadly weapon. The iusieclors of hull and boilers require all passenger boats on the Sound running night and day to carry; wo pdols. At present .the majority of . uicumiscan-j uub uuu miui, aim uu is osnallv me captain, lne law re- quires that there shall be a pilot in the . pffirffi HS UffiTt pOot house during all of the time a , lh d, lcs (o the E epublicau ty JffSr'wS!!? m,a?f: conventfonelectedin Astoria on March 5 ?& JS breaking the same a , mh im eIect?a . h Interesfc fi5Cf5Mp?tnhn T fr,-M f James W. Welch for state senator, S"i0irffl:Ily deny it and state that I a e ! - " v....ituwv imi "'"-- ! lentlis of the steamers on the Sound are ranning twenty out of every twenty-four hours, and to be constant ly on watch is too much to expect from any man. The Linp Working A.iin. The telegraph line got into active operation again yesterday afternoon and bv 9 r. m., the accumulated dis- patches had been sent, and the press report begun on. The worst break of the season had been repaired. The lightning that lit the heavens with flame last Sunday nhrht plaved pranks with the tele- crapb. At iihnd blougli, near K&appa, is a cable that was put down taun:,uu uii;uh.t;u iiuumtu uuu uiti so lew. Tue iignnung penneateu ; that, and a new cable had to be put there. The -work of keeping the lino in re pair between here and Hunter's Point as a tough job. The line is liable to rroarKl at anv minute, and if it goes ": . .. - . , down in tue evening nouiing can ue close in the -wav of repairs till the fol- knrifig day, -when the repairers, who are always on the alert, do all they can to establish speedy communication. CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. The Mayor'.. Veto Was Sustained. All six couueiknen answered to their names when mayor Cro&bv called the , council to order at 7:45 last evening. ljiquor licenses were granted J. liiep nn. A. n. f!.nrlsmi A,ifr rn;ni. -.i Win. Lindberg. The petition of Mrs. J Sarah Johnson for a license at the !Coach and Hordes." was refused, ! Bergman, Fox and Parker voting for 'it: Welch, Viehaana and Elbo.n against it. A petition from residents in the 1 upper part of town, :isking for an electric light near the Columbia can 1 uery, was, on motion, granted, and the i street committee instructed to put up , the light A commtmicxitiun fr:u propert i owners in the vicinity of Arch and West Seventh, asking that the cross- ing be postponed till after it was sur veyed, was referred to the street com mittee, the city surveyor and the city attorney. A communication was read from Mayor Crosby, vetoing the ordinance abolishing j?team boilers in certain city limits. On the question, shall the ordinance pass? -nohvithstanding the mayor's veto the vote stood five yeas, Councilman Fox voting no. Councilman Bergman said he sup posed he wa-? voting to sustain the mayor's veto. Councilman Parker moved that the vote be reconsidered, which was done. The ordinance was then defeated by a vote of four to two, Coiincilmen Welch and Wiekman voting for the ordinance. The auditor and police judge's re port for February was reported cor rect. The street superintendent's re port for March was referred. On motion or Councilman Welch, A. Stone wis paid $32.20 for 322 yards of earth removed at Cedar and West Sixth streets. An amended ordinance, adding Mc Clure street, and providing for the numbering of the buildings in the 1 city, was read second time. I The following claims were ordered paid: Sundrv persons, SO; Carnahan t Co., 7o cents; Astoria Gaslight Co., S3C20: J. F. If alloran & Co., S19.70; Carruthers & Co., S17.70; Clatsop Mill Co., $72.80; Foard & Stokes, S7.S0. S'J.Oj, $3.10; sundrv persons, sr-JU.'.K); Tnos. ueaiey, $iu: A,ir;.. fi.,i;i,f n miiii. tth.Hrin hd Co 272.25; Sunset Telephone 'Co.. $J; L. Martins, $12.50; Astor 11.,,. S'' (57 Auditor Jewett amid much hilarity read a claim against the-citv from the Portland Gaslight Co., for $21.60, for canncl coal which the city never got. The auditor was instructed to so no tify the Portland parties. Adjourned. HE L ESTATE TRANSFERS. APRIL 8. As Filed in The Comity Recorder's Oflire Yesterday. L. N. Bailev to Oregon Land Co., lots 5, 8, 9 and 12, in blk 3, Long Branch $ 350 Previouslv reported this year. . .. $1,168,37-1 Total to date Sl,168,724 PERSONALS. C. W. Loughcry,. came down from Knappa last evening. C. II. McGnire and wife came np from Skipanon yesterday. E. W. Tallant and wife returned from California overland yesterday. .1. N. Hughes comes down from Salem this morning to spend his va cation. M. I'oard returned from a business trip to San Francisco on the Oregon yesterday. J. P. L. Ferrill and T. Demouss were passengers to San Francisco yes terday by steamer. John Blinu, who has been here for two months on -a visit to his son who is delivery clerk at the TJ. P. dock, started for his eastern home yester day, going by steamer to San Fran cisco. County Court Proceeding. In the county court yesterday the petition for a county road in Warren ton was read and allowed. W.C. Fulton is to furnish names of viewers, and N. D. Itaymond was appointed surveyor, and is to name the date of meeting. The report of the viewers and sur veyor on the proposed county road from the Lewis and Clarke river to Clatsop plains was read . the second time, the road allowed and ordered rc- corded. Geo. Nolandistomakc entrv. The balance of outstanding county bonds -$10.000 was ordered paid, and the treasurer so instructed Tho petition of B. Burke for a reduc tion of $15.10 overtaxed, was allowed, and the clerk was instructed to credit the same on a bill of provisions here tofore furnished him, and to send him a bill for the balance due the county, and request settlement. The commissioners' court then ad journed until Saturday, April 19th, at 10 o'clock A. M. IX PROBATE. In the matter of the estate of D. J. Harrington, deceased, L Bergman filed his final account as administrator, and the same is set for final hearing at 2 o'clock, i. ar., Thursday, May 8, 1890. A Communication From Jas. W. Welch. Ifc h h industriously re- rfed tl uout the countv by irre- , cnnnc:MOT,nrf,V0nln;m;nfrtn linTfonnlv. licans, but who never voted a straight '(UtiWtMlV J MWh -MUU.kU, v w .--.2-m.w not asking for any office nor has any one solicited any office for me from them or from anyone. Mv interest and share in this con- I test is to bust the ring and give each ! and every Bepnblican who wishes it a sav in all matters concenng tho party welfare and then stand up and work for tho whole ticket from top to bottom when nominated. j Jas. "W. Welch. Attention Co. -n." All members of this company will as semble for drill at their armory, in full uniform, this Wednesday evening, April flth, at853 i m.; and all ex-members will deliver to the quartermaster serircant their uniforms and any other i ,.".,,.. rrtnnrfv :.. ti1P-r niinn J ami take recipts for same. By order of I nil; uiiliuiiii. x'. . vau.ii. j , First Sergeant .oticc. All unities 1inldinr outstanding war- . rants against Astoria Engine company i No. 1, must present the- same to Wm. Bock for payment within ten days, and i nv mm linlilinir lnlc fureinct: too cnm. anv one holdintr bills acainst the com pans are reanested to present the same to the secretary. J3y order of the com pany. D. 11. Blount, President James Scott, Secretary. TROUBLES OF STEAMBOAT 3IFN. Engineers Make Charges Agaiut Captains. Last Saturday Warren V. Sackett, engineer of the steamer Wallaski, presented himself at the office of Messrs. .bdwards it Mouermott tue bailed States local inspectors, and preferred charges against the captain of the craft of which he is engineer. He made an affidavit to the effect that the captain, Geo. F. Blake, violated the rules governing the Wallu&ki, by earning ninety passengers on an ex cursion, last Fourth of July, from Newport to Toledo. The charge is a rather serious one and the master of the steamer if found guilty, will be subjected to a heavy fine. " The certificate of inspection of the Walluski, permits her to carry only thirty passengers. Shortly be fore the excursion last July the in spectors received a letter from Blake, asking for a special passenger permit, but the inspectors did not think the steamer safe with so many lives on lward, and they were also under the impression that the boat's sea worthi ness was a little over estimated and that she was allowed to carry too many regular passengers anyway. The "result of such an unsatisfactory reply was, so Sackett, the engineer avers, that the captain became intox icated, filled his l)oat with passengers, and put out, so mnch under the influ ence of drink that he could not man age the steamer and she was run into the dock. In cases of this nature, the law provides that the erring mas ter shall be fined $10 for even pas senger carried above the regular num ber allowed and also the price of the fare will bo remitted. The engineer is a two-thirds owner of the Walluski. Monday morning he again showed up at the inspector's office, and altatched his signature to another affidavit Ho charged Blake with allowing one of the crew, Jack Robinson, an unlicensed pilot, to Like the steamer on the day of the excursion between the points mentioned in his former charge. He also swears the captain gave orders that Bobinson at all limes, when he (Blake) was not aboard, should take charge of and run the steamer as though he was a regu lar pilot The engineer cites instances, dating for six months back, where the boat has, by incompetent men at tho wheel, been run aground and damaged. He also says that since May last Blake has been more or less under the in fluence of liquor, and by going to sleep while at the wheel the steamer has been several times run ashore and on snags. The inspectors will leave for New port Wednesday morning to investi gate the charges. If found guilty on the latter charges the captain will be compelled to pay a fino of $100 for every trip the boat has made without a licensed officer at the wheel, and for his other actions his license may be revoked. The charges made by Jasper M. Heckard, of tho U. W. Rich, against the master and owner, C. W. Rich, are of a different nature, though quite as serious as those made against Captain Blake. Captain Bich is said to have carried passengers on his steamer, whereas ho is not allowed by his license to do so, and also that tho life-boat, which the inspector ordered placed on the upper deck of the steamer, is not there; and the captain is quoted with having said that he never intended supplying his boat with any. Heckard alleges that when leaving Astoria the captain would make tem porary accommodations for a great many passengers in small boats, which he would low behind tho Jiiclt until out of the town, when the passengers would all be taken aboard. Some times there were so many that they would bo crowded down into the engine room, and tho chief of that de partment says it was with difficulty that the furnace could be fed. Many minor instances showing the captain's utter disregard for tho inspector's orders were cited by the complainant The collector of customs at Astoria will bo notified concerning the affair. Oregon fan, 8. State Sf erets. Washington, April 0. The state department is liko a clam. It is prac tically closed up. Tho officials who are easy of access aro not at liberty to say anything for publication and Secretary Blaine, who is, is not to bo seen. All efforts to find out anything about the recent or pending negoti ations about tho fisheries question, or the seal fishery question in Behring sea, or reciprocity negotiations with South American republics have been futile. Sfailo department officials will never admit that such negotiations aro in progress. They have even gone so far as to refuse to affirm that Charles Tupper was in Washington, when he could be seen any day at tho Arlington hotel from which he has made frequent visits to the lesideuce of Secretary Blaine, halt a square distant. In fact but little or no information of public interest is given out from the state de partment and Secretary Blaine, since tho death of Walker Blaine, who was the medium of communication be tween the public and the secretary. has lost in tho estimation of his warmest friends much reputation by his secretiveness about affairs of which the public had a right to bo informed. Dj-spepsia, indigestion, sick headache and that tired feeling are cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla, which tones the stomach, promotes healthy digestion, creates an appetite, cures sick headache and builds up the whole system. Sold by all druggists. 100 Doses One Dollar. ADVICE TO MOTHERS. illtS. WlNSLOW'S SOOTIHNQ STKUP should always be used for children teething. It soothes the child, sotteus the gums, allays all rain, cures wind cholic,andls the best remedy fordiar-rhoea.Twenty-five cents a bottle. The latest style of Geuts' Boots and Shoes at P. J. Goodman's. To the .Ladies. Mrs. Bowman lias secured the ser vices of a competent dress maker from the east, and has reopened her dress making parlors. She Invites her old friends and the public generally to call at her establishment on Third street, near Main. All work done with neat ness and dispatch and at prices within the. reach of all. 'Wanted. A girl to do light housework. Apply at the New York Novelty store or the residence of J. Strauss. For Fiae Photographs, Go to Misses Carruthers' nhototrranh gallery: Third street, opposite Mor gan it anermans. McatH.Ceeltea to Order. Private rooms for ladies and families: at Central Restaurant, next to Foard A Stokes'. Kemeniher tho Austin house at the Seaside is open the year 'round. He Ten Like a G Clear? Call at Charley Olsen's, east of C. II. Cooper's. He will -suttyou. A Cfi&e stock of cigars to select rem. '- JL PLAIX TRUTH. One troth 'twere well that all should know In public places high and low, A truth to which tho brightest mind May be occasionally blind: Above all theory and practice This solid and controlling fact Is Xo man is bigger than his parly. Vain praise may swell tho stoutest head, The stubborn mule is often led: Our best intentions go astray When fogs or mists obscure tho waj-, And men who find themselves mistake n At last to this great truth :;wak":: Xo ;un is bigger Ihun his uir!y. This fact is sure wheu all w do:u Many aro wiser far than one; Our friends, as everybody knows. Give safer counsel thnu our foes. And he who fails, his friends disduiu'ug. Will find at last this truth remaining: Xo man is bigger than his party. No stream, however freelv fed, Can riso above tho fountain head. Nor will its flow continue long Unless tho source is full and strong; And therefore every coming June Should bid us all to mind this time: Xo man is bigger than his jiarty. Thomnn who rends, tho man who votes, And ways of men in office notes. Knows how and why his vote was cast, Holding his own convictions fast, And home to him at each election Is apt to corao tho cool reflectien: .Vr Mian is bigger than his party. 3URINE NEWS ANI NOTES. Tho steamer Lakme came down from Portland yesterday morning, and left for Pnget sound jwrls. The three-masted schooner Esther Jiuhne, with a load of lumber from Knappton, sailed yesterday for San Francisco. The steamer Mirhiynii, C.ipt C. II. Lewis, arrived from Port Townsend yesterday morning, with 200 tons of coal, 1,500 barrels of lime and a few other articles for Portland. The steamship State of California, Capt IL S. Ackley, came down from Portland yesterday morning, and then sailed for San Francisco, taking from here 2,563 bundles of shooks, 59 sacks of oysters and three tons of miscellan eous freight The British ship liirir Falhci, Capt Davidson, came down from Portland yesterday, towed by the steamer Ocklaltam'a. She is an iron ship of 1,5C3 tons register, and built by Russell A: Co., of Greenock and Port Glasgow, is partially loaded with wheat and will complete her cargo here. The sealing schooner Jlcssit Iluttrr, Capt Henry Olson, cleared at the custom house yesterday for Sand Point, Alaska. Sue carries for use in hunting seals four breech-loading shotguns and four Winchester rifles, and gave a bond in the sum of $900 Jto protect the United States regarding any violation of laws governing trade with Alaska. The steamship Oregon, Capt E. Polemaun, arrived from San Francisco yesterday morning. She brought to this port 375 bars of iron for the gov ernment jetty, 2S6 sacks of salt for Thompson & Boss, 81 packages of gro ceries for Wilson & Fisher, 11-i pack ages of groceries for Foard & Stokes, and 562 packages of miscellaneous freight The balance of her cargo and a large number of passengers she took to Portland, leaving here at U p. si. 3TO tONCEIt A TERROR. Modern Treatment that Cnrofl Constipation. According to tho San Francisco dailies a remedy has been discovered that with almost sauring certainty overcomes constipation. It Is tho new laxative principle in Joy's Vege table Sarsaparilla. Tho papers aro full or re sent occurrences confirming its efficacy, and we givophico to their last sensation, a card from San Francisco's well known lady mani cure. Sho cays: " I am wUUng to relate tho following experience. I have for years had a weak stomach attended with constipation, and never found but one preparation that helped xnc and that soon wore out aud lost its effect, and I was again a sufferer till I tried Joy's Vcgctablo Sarsaparilla. It ha3 thoroughly reorganized me. I had one o f tho most sensitive of stomachs and was in con tinual distress, but caa with tho aid of Joy's Vcgctablo Sarsaparilla now cat any and every thing with my old accustomed freedom. I am both, surprised and delighted, and gladly recommend It" Clxiia SIelvin, Manicure, v 123 Kearney street, S.r. tim 'i'abit" Wiitr Delivered al 2 c-nts a gallon. In a y part i-f tin ci . A fit if line of pun California wine at low i rices, at A. V. l'tzinger"j Cosmo olitan saloon. CUltaCryftrPMer'sCasloria Morgan & Sherman GKOUEKS Vii.l I)v.';vki in ft Special Attention Given to Filling Of Orders. A FULL LINE CARRIED And Supplies furnished at Satis factory Terms. Purchase delivered In any part of the city Office and Warehouse In Hume's New Iluildlng ou Water Street 1. O. Hox 153. Telephone No 37. ANTOItlA. ORKiSOX. J. B. Wyatt, DEALEU; IN Hardware and Ship Chandlery, Pure Oil, Bright VamMi. Rmacle Oil, Cotton Canvas, Hemp Sail Twine, I-ardOd. Wrought Iron Spike, Galvanized CutNaih. Agricultural Implements) Sewing Machines, Paints, Oils, Groceries, :E2to AUOTIOX AND COMMISSION HOUSE. , MARTIN OLSEN, Successor to E. C .Tlolden. The oiaest established Commission House in Oregon. Goods of all kinds sold on com mission. Auction Sales Every Saturday. General Repairing, Jobbing and Uphol stering done. Fine stock of Furniture on hand. When you want Rargalns in Household Goods go to Mr. My.&Irs. McKeEzie MILLINER Yl Dressmaking. lUsesleBBildlng, - Cor. Third and Main. Cannery 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M V I UUUIJIxUIj Scratched 28 Years Jlotly covered with scales. Itching terri lile. Suffering enitless. Xo relief. Joc tors and medicines failed. Siiecdily cured by Cuttcura at a cost of . Cured by Cuticura If I hail known of the Cuticcka Reme dies twenty eiylit veais ago it would have saved me $!tf0 j (two hundred dollars) and an immense amount of suffering. My dis ease (;a-oii isM iit'iiinvuceil on rny in a 5iot u t lam 1 linn aevnt. it snnail nin- idly all mvr inj b h an t : t uinW my nail, 'llif-ea -s o"i drop on in . i! tin hue. and Mi mi i- r was n 1 t-s nn 1 1 wi it .ui n-1 ef. 'iic h I'vitnl .ioti. r r. ill 1 . uoi it nijii :ne to lu.- . di- ovtr aai'i 1 jni -i p or iu.i , nn feel r.eti to be relicv-d s me of ihr ibx-tors .id w l prt-y, s r.n worm, pMtii.iM, ele. I u k :u d ...... SaihaparilloM over on? ear una a h df. but no cure I went to two or three doctor-, and no cure. I eannot praise i he Ccth l'ra Remedied too much. They have made my .skin a elear and tree from scales as a baby's. All I used of them were three boes of Oiticuiia, and three bottles of CuticuiTa Resolvent, anil two cakes of Citiccka So.w. If you hud beeii here and said j on would have cured me for $200.00. you would have had the money. I looked like the picture in your book of psoriasis (pie: ure number two. How to Cure Skin DL?case"). but now I am as clear as any K'ron ever was. Through force of habit I rub my hands over my arms ami legs to scratch once in awhile, but to no purpose. I am all we'd. I scratched twenty-eight year, and it got to he a kind of second na ltre in me. I thank vou a thousand times. URNS' DOWNING. "Vaterbury, Vt. Cuticura Resolvent, Tlie n -wTdond and Skin purifier and purest and best of hum r remedi-". Internally, aud Cirnrri: . the gnjat Skin Cure, and Cirri cci: o r.un eipikite Skin lieautiflcr, ex-t-rnally. perdily, aud iwrmaiiently cure ev ei .spivi Mif itching, burning, scaly, enisled, plinply, scr. fii!ous, and hercd.tary dieaes aud liunio of the skin. M-alp, and blood, w th los of lia.r, from pitnph-s .o scrofula. Sold everywhere. 1'iiee, ('nricuKA.tOe; So r,j"c : I'isoi.ven r. i. l'reparedby Ihe I'OTTMt Dlll'U AND ( IICMU'AL COUrOKA TION. llOMOII. r.eScnd for "How to Cure Skin Diseases," r.l p ie-, r0 illustrations and 100 testimonials. rjlR'i'I.KS, black heads, chapped and oily rilil hkin prevented by CuricuitA Med icated Soai. Free From Rheumatism. p Mf In one minute the Cnticnra I jpM A Anti-Pain 1'Iastrr relieves rheu- Jtm-itic, yci.itie, hip.khlney.chest f Jr ami muscular pains and weak nesses. The first and only pain-killing Your Moiefs Worth is wi'.vr Yot :i:r .x Foard & Stokes Groceries and Provisions. Everything in a First-class Store and at Extremely Low Figures. Goods Delivered all over Town. TiieHighost Price I'ald for Junk. FOARD & STOKES oklo . i.i:kki: CAM. A. IIANSOX Parker & Hanson Sl'CCESSOIW TO C. L. PARKER, DKALKUS IN CENERAL MERCHANDISE New GjoUs Arriving Every Steame THIS WKEK. IDdfosfjs - G-oods, The Old Stau.i Astoria. Oregon. Thompson & Boss Carry lull I.'ne .' Choice Stapis and Fancy Groceries. Give Us a Call and Be Convinced. :ecE::2:::3:::5i3;Kr::5Z55 Will You take Advantage of This Great Oiler? -FOR- -WILL BE- SlaiHeM -AT- Hermaxi Wise. ClOMM Hen ail Boys Herman Wise, tSSZIttHHMIimniHllII Occident Hotel Bld'g. - UHiimnnunwnwm Dm$l and (top Dry m Received During the Past Two Weeks mt the Leading House of Astoria. Novelties in Dress Goods in the Latest Fabrics Pythian Bniliii MORGAN & CO.Jhe Leading Shoe House WE ARE SUCCESSFUL. FOR A GOOD SHOE FOR LADIES OR GENTS' WEAR GO TO MORGAN & CO., Mansell's New Building, - Water Street, Astoria, Or DO YOU MB CLOTHES? KToad; Door to Foard cfe HAVE A Large Stock of Mens and Boy's Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots That will suit you In size and price. We cannot be PHIL. A. STOKES & In consequence of the demand for those beautiful level lots. Mr. P. C. Warren has been induced to plat nloety-slx lots Adjoining Warrcnton on the East. Which will be known and sold as East Warrentonl THE KATLROAD runs through the plat, which is only 200 yards from the Warrenton depot. For further information call at once on tho ASTORIA REAL ESTATE CO. 0 TO LARSON & HILLBAGK KOU GROCERIES A7S1i FRESH FRUITS. Orders Delivered Free of Charge. Country Orders Solicited. Third street, next to rioneer ofllce. EAST MNTON Actually Closing Out! - s Sold Regardless Haw ConcluM Negotiations for the lease of a fine brick building now in course of erection in the city of Portland, it becomes necessary for me to close out my business here, and in order to accomplish this speedily I offer my enormous, well selected and superior stock of goods, BeguTuteofCost! To all who have befriended me during my almost uninter upted stay of ten years, I will always have the kindest of feel i gs, and an ASTORIAN shall always find me "AT HOME" in my new field that is to be and it shall always be a pleasure to me, to be able to do an Astorian any favor within my power. Reliable Clothier and Hatter Immense Importations OP. . II C00PER.MM IF SO REMEMBER THAT CO., Crisp $0,250 House and Lot on First Street, Business Property. Cheap. $373 to $325 Lots in Block 2a, Hustler & Aiken's Astoria. Very detirabto. 800 Corner Lot in XcCIure's Astoria. Beautiful residence Lot $375 to $300 Lots in Alderbrook, on water front. $2,000 Eighty Acres on Klaskanine. Nice home. $120 Per Acre Ninety Acres, near town, suitable for platting. If You Don't See Your Particular Snap, Call and Ste Us. mrSl-S fiift v jf?W fH. Real Estate Brolcerm, Odd Fellows' Building, - - ASTORIA, OR. Astoria, Oregon, - Fashionable Shades PHIL. A. STOKES W., Stoicea, and Shoes, Underwear, Etc., undersold. Water Street, Astoria, Or Snaps. famm of Cost ! Hats! Ms and Valises. Everything Will Be Sacri ficed, and no Humbug Either, at Herman Wise. IMHMHM mm Goods Book and Shoes V: