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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (April 9, 1890)
' tfTsrirP w- t&e gatttj gtstomn. ASTORIA. OREGON: WEDNESDAY. .ArKIL. 1890 Cttjra Chb(j OMcIal Paper. IS IT FICTION? Imraciwc Wealth Supposed To Be Bnried on Hez Caples' Farm. There is considerable consolation a contemplating the state of affairs ia this country, especially to the resi dents of the Pacific coast, as illus trated by a telegram on the first page oaeeraing the decrease in our Chi e population. In the last seven ai a half years the arrivals of Chinese have been 79,881 asd the departures 94,213, so that we aavo lost 14,332. This is indeed grati fying, as all here know full well how detrimental to our industries and isjurious to our population is the presence of the "Mongoli aae. Yet our friends beyond the Rockies think we are cruel to oppose Chinese immigration. Of late, how ever, John is not quite so 'eftjonie to iteem as formerly, for they are begin ning to understand the evil, as the aaoon-eyod heathen increase among tbem. A tariff for revenue only is free trade. No one understands that free trade means essentially that no duty at all be levied on any imports. That for convenience is called extreme free trade or absolute free trade. But free trade against which protectionists contend is a tariff that is not protec tive. It is not correct to sav that a manufacturer enjoys "some protec tion' if the tariff is so low as to give the foreign com petitor an advantage. For instance, if an article costs ten cents to manu facture it in England and bring it to our market, and the same article costs twenty cents to manufacture and put on the market here, a tariff of five cents on that article affords no protec tion whatever it is free trade to all in tents and purposes, so fnr as the issue between free trade and protection is concerned. In the case supposed it would require a tariff of ten cents to enable the home manufacturer to compete with the foreigner on the merits of his coods, and he would still have to share the market with him unless ho could reduce the wages of his employes or otherwise lower the cost of his goods ao as to undersell the foreign compet itor. These simple and plain truths are ignored or thrust out of sight by the advocates of the Mills bill, who talk about the "protection1' it leaves in the tariff. A WEAKNESS OF MANY 3IEN. Tradition says that in the year 1841 a Spanish bark was riding at anchor opposite the present townsito of Col umbia City and near the farm now owned by Hez Caples. There was a large amount of treasure aboard the vessel, and the crew conspired to ob tain possession of it They mutinied, assassinated the captain, and buried the gold and silver in the vicinity of Caples' farm, so at least is the report The inconsistent shade of this tra dition, however, is the burial of the treasure when the mtirineers had un swayed control of the bark. But as the story is told a Telegram reporter, some of the Spaniards subsequently returned, endeavoring to recover the money, yet without success. Others who became acquainted with the fact that a great fortune had been buried on or near Caples' farm made unsuccessful efforts to find it, but always with serious consequences to one or more of the searching parties. At a spiritualistic meeting in this city some five or six years ago a spir itualist claimed to have had a revela tion as to the identical spot where the Spaniards had covered up their ill gotten wealth which never gave them a moment's happiness or enjoyment Several of the spiritualists, reposing confidence in revalation, visited Ca ples' farm, and, after -arching sev eral days, they discovered a large de posit of small rocks at a depth of a foot in the soil, and supposed the money to be buried beneath it While they were at work removing the rocks one of the men dronneil dead. This created such consternation among the j rest that the p:irty abandoned their 1 labors. 2Sb fnrther efforts to secure the hid den treasure were put forth till last week, when another party went on this evident wild goose chase. Among them was one William Matthews, who succeeded in locating the rock depost While delving underneath it, in the expectancy of unearthing a huge for tune, he struck a mass of human bones. During the few minutes consumed in examining them, Matthews was trans formed into a raving maniac. After that his associates also abandoned the work Matthews was brought to this city on the steamer Alarm, last Friday and is now under the care of his friends, who will cause his removal to the in sane asylum should he not soon re cover his reason Portland Tele gram, 7. Happy Hoosicrs. Win. Timmons, postmaster of Ida villc. Ind., writes: "Electric Bitters has done more for me than all other medicines combined, for that bad feel ing arising from Kidney and Liver trouble.' John Leslie, fanner and stockman of same place, says: "Find Electric .Bitters to be the best Kidney and Liver medicine; made me feel like a now man. J. W. Gardner, hardware merchant, same town, says: Electric Bitters is lust the thing for a man who is all run down and don't care whether he lives or dies; he found new strength, good appetite and felt just like lie had a new lease on life. Only 50c. a bottle, at J. W. Conn's Drug Store. W. L. UHLENHART, Real Estate Broker, I have been a resident in Astoria since 1872, and handle only such properties as will bear recommendation. OFFICE ON THIRD ST.. 0pp. Odd Fellow's Building Look at the Bargains. J.H. MANSELL, REAL ESTATE BROKER, NOTARY PUBLIC FOB STATE OF OREGON. City Lots and Acre Property, Ranches, Timber Lands, and Water Frontage for Sale. Cora'spoudcnce Solicited. 1. O. Box 3G3. Established 1SS3. INVESTMENTS MADE FOIt OUTSIDE PARTIES. Next "A. U. Telegraph Office. Third St. Astoria, Oregon. Cfi Will buy 4 Lois on Street Car tA Kflfl Will buy a Cowl Ketideuce uir. water tront- yr w ouximj u-. ii nnn " )Vvu Hne ana 50 feet age, near U. I. Wharf. Pple who Like to Sec Their Name The Newspapers. In CQ (inf) "Will buy good Business Corner po,AU on street Car line. 50x150. CQ Onn Good Business Corner on Street 93,WU Car line, 50x150. CQ nnn Good Business Lot on Street Car u,uuw line, 50x125. C9 AM Will buy a Bock in WHliams- vp.,vrw pc port. C9 nnn Business Lot, One-Half Block jVW from street Car, 50x150. C9 inn Will buy 250 Acres of Laud with ?, I UU house. (1 I (U Will buy ICO Acres of Land, Oni $1 , 1 UU Quarter Mile from Columbia Klv fcl finn "Wilt Buy SO Acres of Tide Lan J, 9 1 jlAAJ wua house. &A(t Will buy SO Acres of Tide Land ; good location. 0A.7E Will buy sood Comer Lot in Olnej's Tl O Astoria, 50x100. 699K $25 W!" buy I'ot,i hi Block No. yCCO -G, Shlvely s Astoria. Qf 7C Will buy ro Acres of ood Tide I.ana, good location. For Particulars Call at the Office of D. H. WELCH & CO. KTEEP YOUR KVK OX NEW ASTORIA! LOTS FOK SALE BY NEW TO-DAY The editorial pnff, says the Puux- wtawney Spi ri f,is the gentlest, breez- Mt thing about a newspaper. It en eoftrees many n man who is contem v4atsnff suicide to brace up and respect himself, and Lurries others into un tkacly graves. There are various kinds" of puffs. Some resemble the sephyr, that make the lily bow its head like the modest girl; some are like the breezes, perfumed with apple bks6oms, that sway the hollyhocks; others like the wind, that sweeps cross the fields of grain and causes gentle billows to arise and fall like ocean waves; and still others like the tempest that rives the knotty oak and lashes the angry waves against the beetling rocks. Modest people like the mild variety. Busi ness men the medium grade, and actors and politicians the furious kind filled with picturesque adjectives and esperlatives. Before the advent of MwEpapers, the knights and squires of those queer old times must have led a very unsatisfactory life. Think of a man wearing out his old frame and waiting around during all the weary years of his profitless existence without ever seeing liis "namo in the paper." It must have been excruci ating. Most peoplo sav they do not, but nevertheless many people do like to see their names in print A friend of ours from Locust Lane canic in the other day and said: I thought "you would have my same in the paper last week." Oa what grounds?" we inquired. "Because," he replied, "I was thrown oat of a buggy and fractured my clav icle." "Ah, ah," we answered, "that was unfortunate for you, but the accident was scarcely serious enough to merit newspaper mention.' M Whatf exclaimed our friend in as toaiahment, "does a man have to break his neck before ho can get his in the paper r" Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT there are funds In tlio city treasury to pay all warrants endorsed prior to July 18th 18Si). J. G. nUSTLElt, Astoria, Apul S, 1800, City Treasurer. Fitzgerald & Carney, Lots in Case's Astoria Are Now on Sale AT THE OFFICE OF THE Astoria Eeal Estate Co. PRICES PROM $150 TO 8250 EACH. TERMS-One-Half Cash; the Balance in Six and Twelve Months. Mikado" Great Slaughter Sale AT T23S- CANDY FACTORY To-Day-Fine Ice Cream Soda-To-Day Also Handle None but the Finest Key West und Imported CIGARS. lIeae Cnll and Give me a Trial. THIRD STKF.ET. Next V. V. Telegraph Ofllce No Time Like the Present. OF- Stationery, Musical Goods and. Notions, for the Next Sixty Days. Ravel's Brick Building, 0pp. Occident Hotel. LOTS JOINING THE CITY LIMITS IN BERRY'S ASTORrAANnHANTHORN'S ASTORIA Cheaper to-d:iy than at any future time. This property is advancing Terms easy. LOTS IN Stockton & Welch, Estate AND EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. Extension : to : Railway : Addition THESE ARE THE I1EST BUYS OX THE MARKET. CALL OK WHITE n Aslona Real Estate and Trast Co (INCORPORATED.) CAPITAL, $50,000. President, L. P. W. QU1MBY. Vice-President. C. W. WILLIAMS. Secretary, W. H. EDWARDS. BLOCS 20 Hustlei & Aiken's Addition Has been subdivided and U uovr on the market. VAN DUSEN CO. THIS DESIRABLE BLOCK Is entirely clear. Is situated, on the propose Cable oad route between Genevieve and Alain streets, and within oaa street of. Taylor's proposed Motor route. The Oregon Land Go. Room 16, N. E. Cor. First and Alder, Portland, Or. ROBB & PARKER, Agents, - - Astoria, Orepi C. R. SORENSOX. C. S. ('UXDERSON. City, Suburban and Acreage Property For Sale. MAIN ST., ASTORIA, OR.. P. 0. Box 511. No curbstone brokers employed here SILVERMAN & THORNBURG, Stockholders' Meeting. THE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE ASTO ria Building and Loan Association are hereby notified that the annual meeting ol said association will be held at their office on Tuesday, May 13th. 1S30, for the purpose ot electing nine dliectors for the ensuing year and to transact any other business that may come before the meeting. The election of directors will be by ballot f rom 2 o'clork r. m, until 8 o'clock r. m. By order of the president. Attest : V. L. ROBB, Secretary. Special No. 2. SECOND SATURDAY SURPRISE SALE at Herman Wise's will be 100 dozen woolen .socks at FIVE CENTS A PAIR. This price good for Saturday only. HERMAN "WISE. Notice to Builders. BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED UNTIL April 14. lK), at, two o'clock r. M.f for the erection of a bulldingon Third street, fiOxPOfeet. Plans and specifications can be seen at P.J. (loodman's store. Privilege re son ed to reject any and all bids. Address bids to bo' 91, Astoria, or leave at P. J. Goodman's store. DEALERS IX General Merchandise A SPECIALTY MADE OF COUNTRY PRODUCE. "Wc pay the highest cash price for country produce, and guarantee square dealin Will receive oracrs ur potatoes, ouiier sum ugiw at ioneat imirKvi raies We Orders from any quarter will receive prompt attention SKAMOKAWA, - - - WASHINGTON FEED SAIZ Saddles and Harness A LARGE STOCK TO SELECT FROM. GOODS AT SAN FRANCISCO PRICES. I make a specialty of good work and guarantee satisfaction. At the Old Stand, Wes Side Oluey Street, Near Wilson & Fisher's. ASTORIA, OREGON. Note Lost. ALL PERSONS ARE HEREBY CAU tioned against bujing apromlssory note for $50, by Is. A.Eberman, m favor of the undersigned, said note having been lost on the steamer Ronita" on March 3lst. 1890. C. A. McGUIHE. Notice. L MEETING OF THE STOCK- 4 NNU xJL holders ot Progressive Land and Build ing a,-soc'at!on for t!ie election of onicers will beheld in tliNollv at the house of Job Ro-s, on TiteMlay, April ictli, 1890. at 7 o'clock i. m V. Ji. ROSS. Attiest : President. F. L. PARKER. Secretary. Republican County Convention. milE REPUBLICAN COUNTY CONVEN JL t ion heretofore called to meet at Asto ria. Oregon, on Wednesday, April 9th, 1890. will meet at the Ross opera house at 2 o'eloeic v. M. of said clav. V. L. ROBB, Chairman Republican County Com. Kt f TEiS El Ml m ASTORIA NEW ASTORIA has the best deep water frontage and anchorage of any town on the Pacific Coast and is the point -where the Astoria and South Coast Railway Com pany and the Albany and Astoria R. R. Company have selected locations for their terminal shipping docks. A lot bought in NEW ASTORIA to-day will net the buyer a fortune in the near future. The chance to get in at the present low prices will hold good for only a short time. SEALAND. The terminus of the Ihvaco anil Shoahvater Hav ttailroad. THE GHEAT EST SUMMER RESORT OX THE NORTHWEST COAST. Lies at the head of the Ray, at deen water, and only twelve miles from the bar. The coming County Seat and Commercial Metropolis of Pacific county. Now laid out. Lots on the market from $50, and upwards. For particulars and full information, call on or address B. A. SEABORC, Ilwaoo, Wasli. Sorenson & Co., Real Estate Agents! City and Suburban Property, Choice Acreage Suitable for Platting, Also Earms for Sale. Agents for '-NEW ASTORIA' Office on Olnuy Street, Between Second and Third. Correspondence Solicited. spond P.O. BoxlKJ. Wholesale Wine House. Fine Wines, Choice Brands. I havo completed arrangements for supplying any brand of Wino in any quantity at lowest cash figures. The Trade Supplied, Families Supplied. ALL ORDERS DELIVERED FBEE IN ASTORIA. Yonr patronage in City or Country solicited. A. W. UTZINGER. Cosmopolitan Saloon. J. A. HAS AN ASTORIA OFFICE S. W. COR. THIRD AND 0LNEY STREETS, Buy and Sell Property on Commission, We Deal in Real Estate and are Successful in Our Business. -s BUY YOUR LOTS IN s- Sunny Mead Addition! TO ASTORIA. This Hne property has been put on the market by Mrs. Owens Adair, M. 1)., and is situated near the Astoria and South Coast Ballroad. PRICES, S50 AND S60. FOR SALE BY McGOWAN BROS. & TUTTLE, Third St., East of Olnty. FLYNN, The Tailor, KEEl'S LN STOCK THE Finest Woolen Goods for Suitings. All the Latest Styles He buys for Cash at Eastern Prices. Uq Guarantees the 1'cat 'VorkinaiiMhlp on a Garments. Call and sec lor yourscir.&l).uUi Block, ASTOH1 A, OR. "The Xieading Tailors. Fiedler : & : McDonald. Call and Sec Our Nobby Stock of Spring Goods Just Arrived. It comprises the latest goods in the market, and we offer theru at prices never before heard of in Astoria, and guarantee the best and most comfortable fitting suits in the eit3 Next to C. H. Cooper's Astoria, Oregon. fl&gf BAY f $&,,, ;6&81&F&& Jr3 a a Zbr : aLKO fsr l;"'feSW 7. CRINMK gS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER TN Groceries, Provisions and Mill Feed. Crockery, Glass Plated Ware. o The Largest and finest aaaortawnt of Frosh. Fruitc and TTf mMBB. Received fresh errerv Steamer. Ii. A. Gn anoeh. W. L. IIaixosquibt GKANGEK & HALLONQUIST, Civil : Engineers : and : Surveyors Accuracy Guaranteed at Standard Rata. Oftlce with McGowan Bros. & Tuttle, Hansen's New Building. P.O. BOX 731. A3TOEIA, - OREGON ASTORIA NEW ASTORIA is laid out upon a high, dry and level location It? surroundings are splendid and it is ft Natural Place for a City. Large lots, wide streets, broad avenues, grand boulevards. Every lot bought in NEW ASTORIA atth preaen low figures -will bring its owner a fortune. The sale has begun. NOW BUY. E. J. FORD & CO., Agents. E, J. FORD & CO., Agents.