l- - - J" O) Site Qti$ gforian. T 2ilA.ORhGOK: TUESDAY A Villi. 8. 18W ISSUED EV43RY MORNING. (MomUy cilU J. F. HAL.LORAN & COMPANY. iw tr: A-ij -TtfKJ r-rmiVf t ju- . r .-.. ... . :5- --n$ Man. for j )! 1'we of Miutgc ulen' r. Tn f. Atoiu a v v irantf ; : Us adver tisers Hie l:irj;f :Umii of anv nvai i ; r ihiMMm.! ;hr J" !ili;.t nv.-r. ?HY AD C1UNTY OFflCIAL PAPER A lirauch r tin American parly is nlxKit to bp organized in this eiiy. There ms no quorum and no meel iup or Uie chamlMir of commerce hist evening. The Republican county will meet at Ross opera in convention win meet at Koss opera Iioupo at two o'clock to-xnorrow afternoon. On Sunday lat W. JS. Worsley while working ou .he Klusknnine. rolled a heavy pile over his right foot, bruising it considerably. Disbop Gross will deliver a lecture n Tuesday evening, April ICilh, at the opera 1ioum for the henelit of Hie Youner Men's institute. Clinton V Son have been awarded the contract for driving piles Tor a wharf, to Ik' built at Frankfort, for the Frankfort Laud company. lien. Casev. the chief of engineers has instructed Major Thos. II. Hand bury to take steps for the rcmovtU of j matter m their own handsand, accord the wreck of the Sglria Ih Uratr. t ing to a complaint which has been filed The Mongolian pheasants at Olney are reiortel doing well. They are taking up with the domestic chickens there, and arc on hand whenever rations are tcrved. Senator 15. A. Seaborg is about to lGin the erection of a larire wharf at Sealand. He has also contracted for. She building of a newjjtoamer to run i oa S!wMlwnlr lwi. i - j A sniKxl baas weighing thirty five ikuim1- was captured last Fridav in the straits at Rcnici.i. Gal. This is the large siccimen f the Itiisd ever caiight on the coat. Yesterday morning a man named Pront while out hunting near Sea- new. had two of the lingers on his left j hand shot off by the bursting of his gun. He was brought up on the ('; i Ca7tlf for medical attendance. There has been a general adwinco of Iasscngcr and freight rales by all tiie steamboat companies doing business on Pngct sound. Freight nites are advanced :J0 per cent, while the in crease or passenger rates ,is Troiii 30 io IK) percent. The lines went down yesterday and no amount of gilded persuasion could get a word of press dispatches last evening. Great stacks of S20 pieces were proffered manager Henderson, but he smiled sadly and yiid "w:s no use: hence Ihes-e steers. The mite societv. composed r the I bl11 s lJa '"n116 lmiC 4" several Sabbath school scholars or Grace ' occasions the bill was sent to the pur church, contributed S171 on Sundav . diascr; but no response wis elicited, last as their offering. The contribu-! "nl3 f,al,-v the, dcaler V1'1'110'1 m 1er tion taken up in the church at the I soil to ,e purchaser, who seemed sur nuirniiK m-vW m,o,l in S1S1 . prised that the bill was not paid, and making a total from adults and ,.i,:i' drcn of S:JT2. A gipsy band came down on the TeJejihone last evening, and will camp for a while, telling fortunes, trading horses, and otherwise gulling the confiding. They have three men. two women, nearly a dozen children, three wagons six horses, two mules and two carts. About one o'clock this morning Joseph McLoy had indulged in so much "tanglefoot whisky" that he was indeed a poor navigator. He gwas taken charge of by Oilicer Kirby and conducted to Chief Barry's hotel on Genevieve street to recuperate his scattered senses. Yesterday one man was dropped from the roll of the subjects of the czar ot Russia, when John J. .Touasson decided that henceforth lie will be a citizen or the laud where even.' man is a ruler, and where for the exercising of the right of free speech, no man is ever banished, as we have here no Siberia. A boat has been invented for the ue of duck hunter.s in which the oar is thrust through the middle and bottom in a contrivance not unlike a centerboard. The leverage obtained is enormous, aud the inventor claims that a small boy, through the uc of his device, can beat a professional oars man in a shell. Ethinu 15. Ko wan, daughter of Ada and John Rowan, died at the parents' residence on Young's river last Sun dav, ot brain fever: aged two years. one monui anil The funeral will be al Ibis afternoon from F. nant's funeral parlors, meat will be at Clatsop. da vs. two o'clock 1L Surpre- The inter- The work is being pushed on the motor hue around the point. A con - siderable amount of trestlework has been constructed from a short distance below the electric light works in Uhiontowu. Men are lilting timbers to continue the Ires'tle, and bevond 4i.-i i -;.., ,.r n. ...ik,i :c already graded and men arc at work on the'tingradcd )ortion. digging from the bank and filling in where neees - Homer Brown, whose disappearance from Seattle has excited so much in terest, is with his brother, H. 3). Brown, at Albert Lea. Miun., where he arrived I last week of his own accord. He was I under no restraint and says that he was glad to get away from Seattle and John 1 airchild, the lawyer, who had iaterested himself in the case. Homer Brown has been insane for years, and was at one tune confined in a lunatic asvlnm in New York. The Northern Pacific railroad and Paget sound and Alaska steamship officials feel greatly chagrined over the defeat ot their pet steamer, tho new City of Kingston, from the Hudson river last "Wednesday, by the Union Pa cific steamer Olympian. They claim now that the Kingston was not racing, that ballast had been removed to such SB extent as to raise her over a foot too high in the water, mid that they trill yet show the Olympian what the best time is between Tacoma and Sc uttle. Lest. Oh Friday, March 28l!i, a gold chain bracelet, lcavc at tlus office and re ceive reward. i:atii of an old iiesident. Demise of Captain 3Foses Hosers. I Captain closes Rogers died at bis ! residence on Court street Sunday morning in the 73rd year of Lis age. i He was a native ot Newbnryport, , Itfass., ivhcre be was born June 15th, 1 1S17. He came to tbc coast in 1&I7, , and to Astoria in 1S19. where be. Cap i tain Hustler, Captain Crosby and one or tw.) more were for many years Col- luii'ja river b::r pilots. w w.-s-; i.r :nanv ve:rs active) v en- g.ie.l in bu.incxj pursuits, but for a l.jng liny had been confined to his ' house by severe illness. He leaves a i wife and four children, Min. V. S.Sib , K.111, Mrs John L Roger. Mrs. P. L. 1 ("ij.Trj. Miss Ijou and Eben G. The funeral took pkee from his late resi dence at 1:30 yesterday afternoon The . pall-bearers were G. "Viugate,G. Reed, j IS. Lt. Ward, Rrenham VanDusen, "W. T. Chutfer and E. Z. Ferguson. The interment was at Clatsop cemetery and was largely attended by many of the old pioneers, whose ranks are year ly decreasing as the life's shadows ex tend farther and farther toward the East TJIE STEAM Kit "WALLUSKI" riinrsrjl With Carrying Tuo Many I'.i-eii-j:ors July -5. The little steamer Wulluski, run ning between Toledo and Yaquina bay, is in a peck or trouble, which is likely to assume the size of a bushel before the warm season sets in. Last June the owners, J. G. Blake and War ren V. Sackett, made application to the United .States local inspectors for a permit to carrv 100 passengers. Her ! regular license allowed her to handle J but thirty passengers, so the inspectors declined to grant the petition. On the lth of last July, however, they took the Willi the United btates district court, thev carried on that particular day ninetv-threc passengers at one trip. The matter will be investigated at once by the authorities. Tehyram, o. EXECUTION TO ISSUE. l:osirtlI- ot Any I'ntlialtlc Appeal. Editor Asteriax: In the case or the Astoria & South Coal Railway vs. Geo. Hill, counsel for defendant have caused to be pub- lished a statement to the effect that Mr. Hill will appcttl to the supreme court and thereby prevent payment being enforced against him for about two years. As this statement may caui-e other delinquent stockholders to delay payment. 1 desire to say that while- Mr. Hill may appeal, he will not escape immediate payment, as tiie comjiany v.iil give the necessary bond and cause execution to issue at once. J wish to further state that I am in structed io institute action at once against all delinquent subscribers, and will be compelled to do so unless pavment is promptly made. C. V. Fcltox. Uh paralleled rhwfc. A kind hearted gentleman of this citv was appealed to a few months I since, by a man with a large family ' who desired credit for furnituro. The I gentleman went with the applicant to j a dealer and credit was extended at his request, he agreeing Jo see that the said, "Vhv, 1 thought my friend, Mr. paid inai long ago. no suouki have paid it, and T am surprised that he has not" The dealer went to the gentleman and related the result of the interview, and the latter h;s not yet decided whether to be angry with tho pur chaser or to admire t lie unmitigated gall and adamantine check which he has displayed. Of course, ho will pay the dcaler the bill, but it will probably be a long time before he ever endorses a stranger. To add to the sublimity of cheek dis played, is the fact that all this tune the gentleman has been employing the man on various occasions and pay ing him cash for his services. Kailr.ud W'oil;. A telegram from Mr. Smith of the firm of Hoffman & Smith, bridge contractors, says that either he or Ir. Johnson will be down forthwith to ratify the agreement with the di rectors or the Astoria and South Coast railway compauy; the 10 miles to Byrds, and miles from there to Grimes', to be completed as soon as possible. A young girl just entering her seven teenth year was taken from a house of ill fame in Eugene last week and taken by an officer to Portland to be placed in a home established for wo men. She only remained thero one day when she gave the matron the slip and went to Washington where she married someone who consented, for a consideration it is said, to be come her husband. Having thus placed herself beyond the reach of the authorities, she returned to Eugene, and again became an inmate ot the house from which she was taken. She is determined not to reform and will I pursue the vocation despite tuc re- j monstrances of friends. 1 J ;oi:ig 4o Pordamt. j will le a surprise to many of the readers of Tin: Astokiam to learn that i Herman Wise lias decided to move Ins extensive I usineat to Portland; but ! wherev. r lie goes the best wishes of i this community will go with him. Herman Wise is a rustler and his suc pfts in ihi hir-'pr fi d lie nronoses lo 1 enter is assured. Until the new build ing lie is to occupy is compiereu, people here will have a chance to buy goods chfap, as Mr. Wise says that he will not pack his big stock, if good goods at cost will sell thfin quickly. F.oratod in Astoria. Dr. h. P. Mullinix, late of the east, 1 having located in Astoria for the pur- J pose of practicing medicine and surgery timilpi-3 his Hrnfcssional services to the citizens of Astoria and surrounding country. The doctor has been continuously in the practice for o0 years, having filled various honorable positions in the pro fession ; he is ripe in experience in the treatment of all classes of disease, both acute and chronic, and will give special attention to diseases of women, urinary organs and icctal diseases. His ofllce is on Fourth street, between Main and Cass streets-, where he can be found ex cent when professionally engaged. Office hours, y to 11 a. m., and 2 to 5 an-! 7 to! l. i. Xoticc All parlies holding outstanding war rants against Astoria Engine company No. 1, must present the same to Wni. Bock for payment within ten days, and any one holding hills against the com pany are reauestcd to present the same to the secretary. By order of the com pau'. I). R. Blount, President. James Scott, Secretary. A NEGLIGENT POSTMASTER. Mr. Steel Should Attend to His Business. Tire Astobian has long since ceased to complain of the negligent manner in which mail matters are adminis tered, for it is useless, but occasionally unusual idiocy crops out During the last three weeks The Astoriax has been surprised at re ceiving notification from the Portland postoilice signed "Geo, A. Steel, P. M " nolitelv statins that So & So didn't want The DAr&r Astoriax, had refused it and wouldn't have it As these were old and valued sub scribers, annually remitting their sub scriptions, it aroused surprise ana m answer to letters from this office stat ing that if they wanted to discontinue their subscriptions they needn't notify the postmaster at Portland, but could let The Astoriax know direct, and the paper would be promptly discontinued, come letters of sur prise and statements that they had no intention of stopping their subscriptions to The Astoriax, as they wanted Astoria news, but that there had been a paper called the Columbine or Columbian, coming unasked and unsought; that they had no use for it, and wouldn't pay for it, and had so notified Mr. Steel. If Mr. Steel would pay less atten. tion to politics and more to his busi ness he would do better. It is silly on his part to direct notices of discon tinuance to this paper, when the idea of those notifying him is to escape the odium of having the Columbian shoved on to him unasked and unwel- COPNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS. P. E. Habersham's Petition Disallowed. In the county court yesterday, in the matter of the estate of D. J. Har rington, deceased, a. iiergman ap peared in answer to citation and the cause set for hearing at 3 r. ji., April 8, 1890. The application of Peter Brach & Co. for a liquor license was granted. In the matter of the dedication of a county road from Lewis and Clarke's to Young's river; dedication read and ordered to present map. The petition ot J3. Rurko for return of taxes was laid over for examination. In the matter of the estate ot J. S. Church, deceased; final account filed and set for hearing. Andrew Lindle was admitted to citi zenship. The resignation of F. L. Parker as county assessor was read and accepted. 1. N. Mitchell appeared on behalf of petitioners for couuty road at Knappa: allowed to take papers out of court. The application of J. P. Austin for liquor license at Seaside was granted. The petition of G. P. TJrower et al. for a county road was read; report of viewers read; laid over for second reading. Chas. Nygatc admitted to citizen ship. Tho office of county assessor was tendered to A. Knapp, and declined with thanks. In the matter of tho application of F. E. Habersham arguments were made. C. "W. Fulton appeared for the peti tioner, and C. J. Curtis for the re moustrators. Numerous affidavits were submitted, remonstrating against allowing the petition. The judge took the matter under advisement, and sub sequently the judge and the two com missioners voted, unanimously, against allowing tho petition. Sundry bills of jurors and witnesses were allowed, and the court adjourned to 10 o'clock to-day. PEILSONAL MENTION. Councilman John Fox has returned from Portland. Dr. Alfred Kinney and family re turned from Drain, Oregou, on Sun day. Otto Prael is down from Eugene, spending his vacation with his par ents. Mrs. F. Sherman, and daughter Rozetta, started for California, over land, on Sunday. Mrs. Rhoades, wife of Capt W. W. Rhoades, will accompany him on the Manzanila, as he goes to inspect tho lighthouses of the Thirteenth district, of which he is inspector. Y. M. ('. A. Anuivrivary. On Sunday evening there was a good audience assembled in tho opera house ho attend the tenth anniversary. The choir and many members of the association occupied the stage, and C. A. Hanson presided. The secretary's report was read, showing a present membership of 125, a gain of 42 during the year. Rev. G. W. Grannis delivered a very eloquent address which was followed by the in stallation of tho new officers A col lection and subscription was taken up, and the handsome sum of S138.f3 was realized. llcmarkabltt ltascuc. Mrs. Michael Curtain. Plainiield,!!!., makes the statement that she caught cold which settled on her lungs; she was treated a month by her family phy sician, but grew worse. He told her she was a hopeless victim of consumption and that no medicine could cure Iter. Her druggist suggested Dr. King's New Discovery tor Consumption : she boucht a bottle and to herdeliglit found herself benemcu from first dose, ."she contin ued its use, and after taking ten bottles loiinu nerseit sound and well, now does her housework and is as well as she ever was. Free trial bottles of this great Discovery at J. W. Conn's Drug Store, large b-.ttles, 50e. and 1. The latest style of Gents' Boots and Shoes at 1. .1. Goodman's. To the JLadics. Mrs. Bowman has secured the ser vices of a competent dt ess maker from the east, and has reopened her dress making parlors. She Invites her old friends and the public generally to call at her establishment on Third street, near Main. All work done with neat ness and dispatch and at prices within the reach of all. Wanted. A girl to do light housework. Apply at the New York Novelty store or the residence of J. Strauss. For Fine 1ketorrapks, Go to Misses Carruthers' photograph gallery: Third street, opposite Mor gan & Sherman's. 31 eats Ceeke te Order. Private rooms for ladies and families: at Central Restaurant, next to Foard & Stokes'. At the Bazaar, a full line of the latest dross Roods. Sateens a specialty. Mrs. A. Kappi.eyea. & Co. Wanted. Aqoodstrom? girl to run a sewing machine. Apply at this office. Kememoer the Austin house at the Seaside is open tho year 'round. FiBO Tabic Wime Delivered at GO cents a gallon, to any gartofthe city. A JinejJine,Qfrpure alifornia wines atvloW'prices,--at'A." W. Utzinger's Cosmopolitan saloon. INCREASED TELEGRAPHIC SERVICE. Xew Instruments to Be Placed Here. Next to the Oregonian,'nsyioiis vsa Astoriax pays more money for as sociated press dispatches than any other newspaper in Oregon. The intention is to tike still more, but it has been very difficult to secure the receipt of dispatches on account of the lack of proper telegraphic facilities between here and Portland. Tliis, Tiie Asto riax has been laboring to overcome, and is glad to announce that the trouble will be done away with as soon j as men and money can accomplish the j desired result. j Tiie Astoriax is now informed bv Mr. Jaynes, the superintendent of the Western Union Telegraph Co. at San Francisco, that recognizing that the only way to secure better transmission is to double the capacity of the wire between Portland and Astoria, the company will do so. The necessary instruments and appliances are now on the way from the east, and Mr. Jaynes assures The Astoriax that as soon as they arrive the company will be able to handle the dispatches for this paper with much more prompt ness and mutual satisfaction. The Astoria office will then be thoroughly equipped, and will be able to handle not only press report but the public business generally with far more facility than heretofore. AX ENGLISH OPINION Regarding the Foreign Salmon Situa::ia. The litigation recorded in our las issue over some 20,000 cases of Alaska salmon of irregular and light weights may well draw attention to a feature ot the market that requires the most careful attention of the trade. We refer to tho very large amount of inferior salmon now in this country, and particularly at Liverpool. These vary in quality from hardly wholesome fish to something approaching ordi nary, and a3 far as we can gather, the largo pack of 18S9 has in far too many instances been characterized by a sad want of care in prescrviu'', canners' only object seeming to be to put up as large a quantity as ios sible, regardless of quality. The full results of such a policy have yet to be felt, but they canuot fail to be very serious, and in the long run we anticipate that pack ers will be the heaviest sufferers from it For these reasons the amount of really fine fish does not appear to be excessive, and that holders appreciate this fact is shown by the very wide range of prices now current Business has been done to a very considerable extent in good ordinary fish and at prices which should lend to free con sumption. The danger of the position consists m the quantities of inferior goods which sooner or later will, we suppose, be forced off at some price or other, and the quality of these is not likely to popularize tinned sal mon with consumers in fact, the con trary result is to be feared. Alaska fish, we have noticed, has leeu very largely packed in tins or less than the usual diameter, hence light weights are to lie very generally expected. The trade therefore will do well to exercise increased aire in selecting their stocks, and not to rely too much on the brand, as unfortunately the quality of even old and reputed packs has in many instances materially de preciated. London Grocers Ofhelte, March 15. M VRINE NEWS AND NOTES. The Mute of California sails for San Francisco to-day. The Oregon is due from San Fran cisco this morning with freight and passengers. The British ba-k Ultnbercie, Capt. T. F. Groundwater, left Victoria, B. C, on the 4lh insL, and arrived here on the evening of the (lth. She is in ballast and goes to Portland for a cargo of wheat and Hour. The steamer Telephone came down last eveniug and will for tho present run as formerly, leaving Portland every Monday, Wednesday and Fri day morning, and this city the follow ing mornings. She has been over haided and painted and looks remark ably fine. The steamer Puritan has been pur chased by the Clulcat Packing com pany for ilsc at the cannery- at Clulcat, Alaska. She will be delivered during this week to F. II. Poindexter, who will have her put in thorough order and take her north as soon as she is ready for service. The Puritan has the reputation ot being one of the fastest propellers on the river. A good appst te is essential to good hedth, and loss of appetite isul.catcs something . rong. ito,dsS.ir.a'ariMa creates and sharpens the ajipe ite, as sists the diotive organs andregnlatfs the kiduexs and liver. Take Hood's araparilla ti.i scaon. .Soil by all druggists. Ilcwnrc of the Framl. If a grey haired woman of fifty, in moderately respectable attire, is put off the cars at your towu, says the Day ton Herald, because she cannot pay her way further; if she almost im mediately receives a telegram urging her to come home on the next train because her husband is dying and she tearfully and desperately annonnces that she is going to walk a hundred miles, you let her walk. She and her confederate who sends tho telegram have worked the dying husband racket in a dozen towns in an adjoining state at an averago net profit of fifteen dol lars a day. IIxppj IIonuurN. Win. Timmons, postmaster of Ida vine. Ind., writes: "Electric Bitters has dons more for me than all other medicines combined, for that bnd feel ing arising from Kidney and Liver trouble." John Leslie, farmer and stockman of same place, says: "Find Electric Bitters to be the best Kidney and Liver medicine; made me feel like a new man." J. W. Gardner, hardware merchant, same town, says: Electric Bitters is lust the thing for a man uho is all run down and don't care whether he lives or dies; he found new strength, good appetite and felt just like he had a new lease on life. Only 50c. a bottle, at J. W. Conn's Drug Store. Collee and cake, ten rints. at the Central Kestaurant. Ludlow's Ladies' SUM Fine Shoes; also flexible hand-turned French Kids, at P. J. Goodman's. TeleptteBeLodKiae Hoase. Best Beds in town. Booms per night 50 and 23 cts per week Sl.50. New and clean. Private entrance. Do You tike a Geod Cigar? Call at Charley Olsen's, east of C. H. Cooper's. JIc will suit you. A line stock of cigars to select lrom. WeiMkarcTs Beer. And Free Lnnch at the Telenhono Sa loon, 5 cents. CkUlmCrykPitcier'sCasUria REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. APRIL 7. As Filed in The County Recorder's Office Yesterday. C. V. and Amelia Holt to John McCormick, lot S, blk 160. also lot 4, blk 14S, inMcClure's extension to Olney's addition S John McCormick and wife to Jonathan Moar, lot 8 blk 1G0, Olney's extension of McClure's addition Martin Foard and wife to Margaret ?ilso;i. lot Ml, blk 2, Foard' Astori.1 .... State of Oregon to Jas. P. Carson, lots 1, 2. 1 aud 8, 3.'ofXYl, and SK of Xt. of section 23, T 9N, R 7 W, containing 2S1.31 acres State of Oregon to Willis E. Potter, lots 5, 6 and7, YK of SEif, and E of SWJ of section 28, and lots 1.2 and 3, of section 33, T 9 N, R 7 V, 312.14 acres Willis E. Potter to J. P. Carson, lots 5, G and 7, WK, of SE4', and EK of SWltf of section 28, "aud lots 1, 2 and 3, of section 33,T9Xfli 7 V, 312.14 acres Maxwell Young and wife to O. I. Peterson, lots 43 and 41, blk 2, Young's addition to Alderbrook Previously reported this year 248 312 350 1G0 1,166.954 Total tod; .Sl,168,374 The County Tu Kwll or ISSJI. To the county court yesterdav Sher iff Smith submitted the condition of the conntv tax roll for 18S9 as follows Amounts as per roll Amount assessed by sheriff. . .$SC,127 3T . 1,04G 2S S7,1?3 C3 Collected as per receipts of treasurer $70,23.1 75 Doubly and erroneonsly assessed 777 00 Dc-Huqnent as per roll 1G,14S 88 87,173 G3 Having received the roll at Ihe late date of January 21st, 1890 and a large number of the delinquents are non residents of this state, I therefore re spectfully ask your honorable body for twelve days further time to comploto the delinquent roll. II. A. Sjirrn, Astoria, April 7, 1890. Sheriff. The request was granted by the court. The Finn of Iittnicy, Itarin &. Draper. The efficiency of the Oregon City Arm of Unrney Sz TJariu, attorneys-at-law, who make a specialty of land office business, has been still further increased bv the admission of Mr. J, "NV. Draper, the new firm being TJur nev. Barm & Draper. The two former have had twelve years' experience a3 registers of the land office in Oregon City, and during Air. Buruey's incum bency Mr. Draper was his chief clerk, all three being thoroughly conversant with the business of the ollice. 3?o roxGcn a terror. Modern Treatment tliat Cnrofl Constipation. According to tho Sr.a Francisco dailies a remedy has been discovered that with almost aaerrmjj certainty overcomes constipation. It Is the new laxative principle in Joy's Vege table Sarsaparilla. Tho papers are full of re sent occurrences confirming its efficacy, and weglvo place to their last sensation, a card from SaaTrancisco'n well known lady mani cure. Eho says: " I am willing to relate tho following experience. I have for years had a rcaic stomach attended with constipation, and never found but one preparation that helped mc and that soon wore out and lost Its effect, and I was again a sufferer till I tried Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla. It has thoroughly reorganized me. I had one ot tho most sensitive of stomachs end was in con tinual distress, hut can with tho aid of Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla now cat any and every thing witli my old accustomed freedom. I am both surprised aud delighted, and gladly recommend it" Claea Melvis, Manicure, 12G Kearney street, S. I". ccs2z:s;si2e:c:::53s:3xaic33!ca Will You take Advantage of This Great Oiler? doing OR- -WILL BE- SlauffMerea -AT- Herman Wise. 150 Good Men ail Boys Herman (zaaiiiKinmiimiiiiiii Occident Hotel HtKKIllMCI Received During the Past Two Weeks at the Leading House of Astoria. Novelties in Dress Goods in the Latest Fabrics mm. H. COOPER MORGAN & CO.Jhe Leading Shoe House WE ARES SUCCESSFUL. FOR A GOOD SHOE FOR LADIES' OR GENTS' WEAR GO TO Mansell's New Building, DO YOU WEAR CLOTHES? Next "Door to Foard cfe Large Stock of Mens and Boy's Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots That will suit j'ou in size and price. We cannot be PHIL. A. STOKES & In consequence of the demand for those beautiful level lots, Mr. P. C. Warren has been induced to plat nloety-slx lots Adjoining Warrenton on the East. Which will be known and sold as East Warrenton I THE ItAILHOAD runs through the plat, which Is only 200 yards from the Warrenton depot. For further Information call at once on the ASTORIA REAL ESTATE CO. no to LARSON & HILLBACK -Fon- GROCERIES AXD FRESn FRUITS. Orders Delivered Free of Charge. Country Orders Solicited. Third street. next to Pioneer ofllce. EAST MNTON Actually Closing Out s Sold Rogardloss Having Concluded Negotiations for the lease of a fine brick building now in course of erection in tho city of Portland, it becomes necessary for me to close out my business here, and in order to accomplish this speedily I offer ray enormous, well selected and superior stock of goods, BegarteofCost! To all who have befriended me during my almost uninter upted stay of ten years, I will always have the kindest of feel i gs, and an ASTORIAN shall always find me "AT HOME" in my new field that is to be and it shall always be a pleasure to me, to be able to do an Astorian any favor within my power. Reliable Clothier and Hatter Immense Importations OP- MORGAN & CO., IF SO REMEMBER THAT HAVE A CO., Crisp $0.250 House and Lot on First Street, Business Property. Cheap. $275 to $325 Lots in Block 26, Hustler & Aiken's Astoria. Very desirable. $80O Comer Lot in McClure's Astoria. Beautiful residence Lot $375 to $500 Lots in Alderbrook, on water front. $2,000 Eighty Acres on Klaskanine. Nice home. $120 Per Acre Ninety Acres, near town, suitable for platting. If You Don't See Your Particular Snap, Call and See Us. Winira te i!$ti Real IEJt,t Odd Fellows' Building, wise, - Fashionable Shades Third Street. i i e Water Street, Astoria, Or FE. A. STIES & CO., Stol.e and Shoes, Underwear, Etc. undersold. Water Street, Astoria, Op Snaps. :rols.eriiiv ASTORIA, OR. !- of Cost ! Trunks id Valises. Everything Will Be Sacri ficed, and no Humbug Either, at Herman Wise. IIIIIIIIIIIWW I Hats! FnrmslMg Goods ! Boots and Shoes! Astoria, Oregon, '-