(2) Hhc gattjf Jptoran. ASTOBIA. OREGON: FRIDAY .AntlL 4. 1890 Citj h Ceimt j- Official Paper. IY BEHHIXGTS SEA. The full text of President Harrison's proclamation, as published in TnE Mormko Astoriak of March 23th, re garding American claims in Bearing's sea, recalls the matter and begs the question. The matter of dominion in northwestern Pacific waters should be settled, and nothing is ever settled un til it is settled right. If the sea is incapable of dominion, it matters not that Kussia was the first civilized power to hold the shores of Behring sea. Eights incapable of be ing acquired can not be transferred. If Behring sea had been what it was not, a gulf entirely inclosed by Itussiau ter ritory, with an entrance which could have been defended from the shores, its status as a closed sea could possibly have been transferred to the United States, although its shores after such transfer would be held by different nations. Butt on the north, Behring sea is connected with the Arctic ocean by Behring strait, which is thirty-six miles wide, and through which commerce has been carried on by the United States for half a century. On the south there art flip inTTnTriprfllVlfl nrmsns llirniirrlt tlii AlfMit inn isTjitiiIr nlrnnsf- pnnnl 111 1 width to Behring steait. Between these islands and the Commander group, on the shores of Asia, there is a gap of water where half the navies of the world might ride abreast, and be out of sight of land and of each other. That the seal fisheries are in danger of destruction by numerous maraud ers, reckless of the future, is no justi fication for the revival of the claim of mare clausum. That it is the duty of the government to do all in its power to prevent the indiscriminate destruction of the fur seals is ad mitted; but this should be done by in ternational arrangement The prop osition seems to have met with the general approval of the nations most interested, and it is to be hoped that it will be persisted in until Behring sea is patroled by a police of the nations. In order to justify the seizure of the Black Diamond, the United States government must advocate rules of in ternational law inconsistent with those urged in connection with the north eastern fishery dispute, and opposed to the position assumed by it in every case which has arisen in the last hun dred years. On the east shore it is justly and honestly urging a liberal and enlightened policy in consonance with the spirit of the asre. It can not afford to support an illiberal policy of restriction on the northwest shore. Our difficulties with Canada should be treated as a whole, and in a liberal and enlightened spirit. The com mercial and personal relations between the two countries are too intimate, their present and future interests are too closely entwined, to admit of a narrow and intolerant policy. Ques tions of commercial policy and inter est should not be permitted to blind a people to those principles of univer sal right and justice which are acqui esced in by all civilized nations, sim ply because they are right Commer cial relations, tariffs, and re ciprocity treaties are for states mem, to be disposed of as the present interests of the whole country dictate. Questions of interna tional law should be for jurists and courts, and selfish interests should not enter into their decision. The failure to appreciate this distinction is one of the causes of these dangerous conten tions growing out of the conflicting views of fishery rights. If these ques tions of law were once solved, negotia tions could proceed with some pros pect of a reasonably satisfactory issue. But so long as the negotiators start with directly contrary views of the aw of the case, there is no chance of an issue which one party will not consider an absolute surrender. It would be an easy matter for the United States and Great Britain to agree upon a case in which the issues otlaw involved in the northeastern and northwestern fishery disputes could be stated. It is reasonable to suppose that the nations which could submit to arbitration such burning questions as the Alabama claims and the fishery trouble in 1871 could agree to submit these purely legal questions to an international tribunal, composed of three or five of the great judges of the world; for instance, the chief justice of the United States, the lord chief justice of England, and a third, equally eminent and learned. The decision of such a tribunal, pro nounced after a full hearing, would be received with respect and acqui escence. "With these questions settled, there would be something tangible, some point of departure for negoti ations. It is not to the credit of the two great English-speaking nations of the world, that these irritating dis putes have extended over almost the entire history of the United States. Many questions of greater or less im portence have been disposed of, but these fishery disputes still remain as fruitful sources of irritation nnd bitterness. W. L. UHLENHART, Real Estate Broker, I have been a resident in Astoria since 1872, and handle only snch properties as will bear recommendation. OFFICE ON THIRD ST.. 0pp. Odd Fellow's Building Look at the Bargains. A Sale Investment. Is one which is guaranteed to bring you satisfactory results, or in case of failure a return of purchase price. On this safe plan you can buy from our advertised druggist a bottle of Dr. Kinn's New Discovery for consumption. It is guaranteed to bring relief in every case, when used for any affection of Throat, Lungs or Chest, such as Con sumption, Inflammation of Lungs, Bronchitis, Asthma, "Whooping Cough, Croup, etc., etc. It is pleasant and agreeable to taste, perfectly safe, and can always be depended upon. Trial bottles free at J. "W. Conn's drugstore. SEW TO-DAY. ROSS Opera House MONDAY EV'G, APRIL 7. Benefit ensiling Post No. 14. G.A.II, and Woman's Relief Corps No. 3. Craud Entertainment, Billy - Arlington ! The Minstrel. Virgie Bunell ! The Handsome Soubrette. "BABY" ARLINGTON ! The Wonderful Child Elocutionist. Assisted by the Best Home Talent. Will buy 4 Lots on Street Car CI Eflfl AVill buy aOood Residence Lot. water front- n j"w ooxisoieer. 11 nnn " jvuu ime ajjd so feet agernear U. I. Wharf. CQ RAD Will buy good Business Corner 0,yJJU on Sweet Car line, 50x150. &Q ntVX Good Business Comer on Street y)uw Car line, 50x150. (1 1 Oft Will buy ltfO Acres or Land, vj,uu Quarter Mile from Columbia One Kiv. $1,000SK Buy !K) Acres of Tide Lani. use. $3 nnn Good Business Lot on Street Car jwvrvr line, 50x125. $2 000 wm buy a Bock ln W illiams- C9 Hon Business Lot, OneHalf Block ijCjUUU from street Car, 50x150. CO inn Will buy 250 Acres of Land with V w 11C house. Ginfl Will buy 80 Acres of Tide 1-nnd V ivw 01 ;ood location. C4.7C Will buy good Corner Lot In OIncs J w 1 toria, 50x100. J. H.MANSELL, REAL ESTATE BROKER, - XOTA11Y PUBLIC FOlt STATE OF OREGON. City Lots and Acre Property. Ranches, Timber Lands, and Water Frontage for Sale. Correspondence Solicited. I'. O. Box ZG3. Established !&:. INVESTMENTS MADE FOB OUTSIDE PARTIES. Next V. Telegraph Offlco. Third St. Astoria, Oregon. 0OOC to $2."0 will bay Lois in Block No. y--w 7Cf , Sliively s Astoria. 017c "Will buy IDAcrcs of good Tide Lunu, good location. For Particulars Call at the Office of D. H. WELCH & CO, KEEl YOUR 13 YK OS NEW ASTORIA! LOTS I'OK SALE BY Fitzgerald & Carney, Lois in Case's Astoria Are In on Sale AT THE OFFICE OF THE Astoria Eeal Estate Co. PRICES FROM $150 TO $250 EACH. TERMS' One-Half Cash; the Dalance in Six and Twelve Months. FUN ! FUN ! A carload of refined funny fun. Our mammoth programme will com prise operatic selections, vocal and instni mental solos, minstrel jokes, banjo sours, readings, recitations, ballads, violin, comet and piano solos, makun; two hours of solid enjoyment. llESKKVEI) SEATS 7-r cLs Gallery .. - 50 cts On sale at the New York Novelty store and by the committee. Mrs. Derby & Mrs. Mctaie MILLINERY! Dressmaking. Masonic Buildini Cor. Third and Main. Democratic Convention. ADEMOCKATIC COUNTY CONVEN tion for Clatsop county, Oregon, is hereby called to meet at Astoria, Friday, April 18th, 1890. to select seven delegates to the Dcmocnitis State Convention, and to transact such other business as may come before the Convention. The Convention will consist of sixty-one delegates, apportioned among the several precincts as follews: bcimronu delegate at large and one delegate additional for cadi twenty votes and traction thereof cast for Hon. .fohn Al.Ucarin for congressman at the general election in 16SS. John Day's 2 Bear Creek 3 Kuappa .. '2 Clifton 2 WestporL. 2 Vesper . .... 2 Fish Hawk... 2 Mishawaka . 2 Young's Hirer. ..... ........... ........ 4 Lewis & Clarke .. 2 Seaside- . 2 Clatsop 2 Astoria Precinct............... 34 Thcpiimarles In the above named pre cincts are called for April 12th. County Committee. By G EOKG E NO LAND. 14 Acting Chairman. Thompson & Ross Carry a Full Line of Choice Staple and Fancy Groceries. Give Us a Call and Be Convinced. IT m H3K ASTORIA NEW ASTOIfrA has the best deep water frontage and anchorage of any town on the Pacific Coast and is the point where the Astoria and South Coast Railway Com pany and the Albany and Astoria R. R. Company have selected locations for their terminal shipping docks. A lot bought in NEW ASTORIA to-day will net the buyer a fortune in the near future. The chance to.get in at the present low prices will hold good for only a few days. Stockton & Welch, Real Mikado" ssssCAHDY FACTORY To-Day-Fine Ice Cream Soda-To-Day Also Handle None but the Finest Key West and Imported Please Call and Give me a Trial. THIRD STREET, Next V. U. Tclesranh Ofliee No Tim LeS xl ie Present. D. H. "WELCH & CO., Real Estate TnsmrancR Bern Brokers , anvuMwvj XOTAlir PUBLIC FOR OliEGOX. We have Property in the original townsite from $225 up wards. Good Business and Residence Property always on our list. Investments made for non-residents. Correspondence solicited. Call and see us. Office on Water Street, near Union Pacific Wliarf and Depot. reat Slaughter Sale - JLT THE- OF- Stationery, Musical Goods' and Notions, for the Next Sixty Days. AND EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. City, Suburban and Acreage Property For Sale. MAIN ST., ASTORIA, OK., V. 0. Box 511. No curbstone brokers employed here SILVERMAN & THORNBTJRG, DEALERS IX General Merchandise A SPECIALTY MADE OF COUNTRY PRODUCE. We pay the highest cash price for country produce, and guarantee square dealing. win receive oraers ior noiuioes, uuiier ana eixs : lowest iuarKci rates, We Orders from any quarter will receive prompt attention. SKAMOKAWA, - - - WASHINGTON FEED SAIZ and A LAKGE STOCK TO SELECT FROM. GOODS AT SAN FRANCISCO PRICES. I make a specialty of good work and guarantee satisfaction. At the Old Stand, Wes Side Olney Street, Near Wilson & Fisher's. ASTORIA, OREGON. SEALAN0. The terminus of the Ihvaeo and Shoahvnter JJav ltailroad. THE GREAT EST SUMMER RESORT ON THE NORTHWEST COAST. Lies at the head of the Raj-, at deep water, and only twelve miles from the bar. The coming County Seat and Commercial Metropolis of Faciiic county. Now laid out. Lots on the market from 50, and upwards. Kor particulars and full information, call on or address B. A. SEABORG, Il-waco, Wash. LOTd JOINING THE CITY MMI IN BERRY'S ASTOREAAHANTlIORN'ri ASTORIA Cheaper to-day than at any future time. This properly is advancing Terms easy. LOTS IN Extension : to : Railway : Addition THESE ARE THE REST JJUYS OX THE MARKET. CALL OK WHITE- Tie Astoria Real Estate and Trust Co., (INCORPORATED.) CAPITAL, 850,000. President, L. P. W. QUIMBY. Vice-President, C. W. WILLIAMS. Secretary. W. H. EDWARDS. Room 1G,N. E. Cor. First and Aider, Portland, Or. aOBB & PARKER, Agents, - - Astoria, Onp. C. It. SOREXSOX. O. S. C.rXDERSON. 0nmn.-.ir, P. Pa uuiipiiduifi m UU., Real Estate Agents! City and Suburban Property, Choice Acreage Suitable for Platting, Also Farms for Sale. Agents tor '-NEW ASTORIA." Ravel's Brick Building, 0pp. Occident Hotel. BLOCS 20 Hustler & Aiken's Addition Has been subdivided and Is now on the market. VAN DUSEN A CO. THIS DESIKA1ILE BLOCK is entirely clear. Is situated on the proposed Cable Jisad route between Genevieve and Main streets, and within one street of. Taylor's proposed Motor route. The Oregon Land Co. Correspondence Solicited. r.O.BoxlKJ. Office on Olney Street, 15etveen Second and Third. FLYNN, The Tailor, KEEPS I.N STOCK TIIE- Finest Woolen Goods for Suitings. All the Latest Styles He buys for Cash at Eastern Trices. ,He Guarantees the Best Vfrrkinanship on a Garments. Call and see for yourself. Barth Block, ASTOUI A , OB. Wholesale Wine House. Fine Wines, Choice Brands. I bavo completed arrangements for supplying any brand of Wino in any quantity nt lowest cash figures. The Trade Supplied, Families Supplied. ALL OllDEKS DELIVERED FKEE IN AST01tL. Your patronngo in City or Country solicited. A. W. UTZINGER. Cosmopolitan Saloon. The Xaeading Tail&rs. Fielder : & McDonald. Call and See Our Nobby Stock of Spring Goods .lust Arrived. It comprises the latest goods in the market, and we offer them at prices never before heard of in Astoria, and guarantee the best and most comfortable fitting suits in flic city. Next to C. H. Cooper's Astoria, Oregon. JBAKER'sf p WASHINGTON. Ssm l J. A. . Manager, HAS AN ASTORIA OFFICE S. W. COR. THIRD AND OLNEY STREETS, Buy and Sell Property on Commission. We Deal in Real Estate and are Successful in Our Business. BUY YOUR LOTS IN Sunny Mead Addition! TO ASTORIA. This fine property has been put on tho market by Mrs. Owens Adair, M. 1)., and is situated near the Astoria and South Coast Railroad. PRICES, S50 AND S60. FOK SALE BY McGOWAN BROS. & TUTTLE, Third St., East of Olmy. L. A. G KAXGER. W. L. HALLONQUI8T GRANGER & HALLONQUIST, Civil : Engineers :.and : Surveyors Accuracy Guaranteed at Standard Rates. Office with McGowan Bros. & Tuttle, Mansell's New Building. P.O. Box 721. ASTORIA, - OREGON ASTOEIA NEW ASTORIA is laid out upon a high, dry and level location Its surroundings are splendid and it is a Natural Place for a City. Large lots, wide. streets, broad avenues, grand boulevards. Every lot bought in NEW ASTORIA at the present low figures will briDg its owner a fortune. The sale begins to-day. NOW BUY. E. J. FORD & CO., Agents. laeGBlBMtBrLNP E, J. F0BD & CO., Agents. -3i - Att- IE- f- wrraj.-lij- vvSiwriStj