The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, April 03, 1890, Image 1

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    4, , f ''j
THE O. R. & N. DOCK,
feeautiniliv Situated. j j
- , , -
i'l'Scfcss How and Terms Reasonable. jj
ni'M.ri: iv
Cigars, : Tobaccos, : and : Cigarettes !
rtOK BUT 'Villi lll'Jti'1" BKASi)!' II tSBS-!-J.
Opposite I!ah;i - rii and Mmc More.
I cttv Book Staff
j GhMren's
cm ft ib
" i
Irish Fin Threads
BBalBBf3Ba9cj!!S5fi9&BS9BHBBBB(ls fBTeEJ"i
.B9aBaBi59eBlHQV5n '(BaViS n-' TTaSBB&c
Tlu'3 leu'ived the
London Fisheries Exhibition 1883,
And lunc been awarded II 10 II EK 1'IUZES at the various
Than the goods of any other
Quality Can Always be Depended on.
ExjemceS Fliiifllse no Otter.
517 and 519 Market Street. SAN FRANCISCO.
TING Constantly on Hand. SEINES, POUNDS and
TRAPS Furnished to order at Lowest Factory Prices.
$125 AND $150 PER LOT
ROBB & PARKER, General Ag'te, Astoria.
s Carriages
& Reed
Oppose the PeniinE Anti-CMnese
Special by Tho California Associated Pbiss.
Washington, April 2. The presi
dent has nominated George F. Turfitt
of Nevada to bo suveyor-goneral of
Itlen Gold Ledge Found In evad.i.
Speci ll ti Til E Astokian.
Cakson, Nev., April 2. A report
from the tcene of the gold strike at
Wellington. Douglas count-, says that
James Gardiner, a wholesale merchant
and canitalist. has struck a ledge seven
feet wide, assavine SGOO to the ton. It
is said to equal the famous Comstock
lode, and there is great excitement
Gardiner's title is perfect
IUIIna) Otllelnls Iu Sctslon in Chleigo.
Special to Tn p. A from .J
Chicago, April 2. A meeting of
high railway officials of all the roads
between Canada and the Gulf, Chi
cago and the Eocky mountains, was
held here to-day, for the purpose of
reorganization of the interstate rail
way association. Fnir progress was
made and it is believed that a new
association wiil be formed aud the
rates maintained.
Six Boys Killed In Texas.
Specul Jo Tin: AstokiaN.!
Vemcok, Tex., April 2. Threo sons
or K B. Barker, aged 15. 13 and 11
years, and three boys of K. B. Wora
mack, aged 15, 13 and 12, were buried
to-day by the caving in of a sand bank
where they were playing. All were
dead when removed.
The Swollen Mltiilsslpjil.
Special to l hbAstokiaN.1
Helexa, Ark., April 2. The river
here has fallen an inch, owing to a
break in the Austin, Mississippi, levee.
The rain has fallen heavily and another
break is expected. All stock saved
from the Hood are suffering terribly
and many are dying.
Welcome cns to Loulslanlan.
Special toTHK Ahtokiak.J
WAsraxGTOK, April 2. Tho signal
service office has issued a special bul
letin in which it says that notwith
standing the recent heavy rains there
is no likelihood that the Mississippi
river will again bo as high at New Or
leans as it has been this season owing
to the relief given by crevasses above
that point.
Unacquainted With the Facta.
Special to The Astokiax.1
Newark, N. J., April 2. The con
ference of Methodists has adopted a
protest addressed to the United States
senate against the passage of the anti
Chinese bill of March 17th on the
ground that it is unjust, anti-Christian
and provocative of retaliatory meas
ures on the part of Chinese against
merchants and missionaries in China.
Opposed to the Anti-Chinese BUI.
Special to The Astokian.
New York, April 2. The Methodist
Episcopal New York east confer
ence adopted this afternoon in Brook
ln a paper addressed to tho United
States senate which recited that the
New York east conference composed
of 270 ministers aud over 55,000 mem
bers protest against the passage of
the anti-Cbihese bill which passed the
house March 17th. The paper char
acterized the bill as unjust and fraught
with danger to American missionaries
m Cliina.
Interualloail Monetary ConyenUon
Special to The Astokian.
Washington, April 2. The Pan
American conference to day adopted
the amended report of the committee
on a monetary convention.
Proposing to MaLe Idibo a State. IoThe ASTOItIAN.1
"Washington, April 2. The house
spent tho entire day in the considera
tion of tho bill for the admission or
Idaho as a state.
Sadden Death In Montana. to Thr AsTOniAX.1
Helena, Mont, April 2. Nathaniel
Dyson, a gambler, fell dead to-night
in a resiaurant, from heart disease.
His history is rather romantic He
was the son of a Methodist minister
at Plattville, Mo., and had not seen
any of his relatives for 20 jears. He
was well known among the sporting
fraternity of the northwest. His re
mains will probably be taken to the
house of his father.
Duty Desired on Lead Ore Imported.
Special to Thk Astokian.
Helena, Mont, April 2. The board
of trade of this city has passed a set of
strong resolutions, asking congress to
place a duty on all lead ore imported
from Mexico and other foreign coun
tries. Besnlt of the Kaatai Election.
Special to The Astokian.
Topeka, Kan., April 2. Late re
turns from every city in Kansas in
dicate that though the women regis
tered their full strength, they took
but little interest in tho election. At'
Hutchinson, Severance was elected
mayor; the women's vote was large;
at Kingfisher, Oklahoma, the elec
tion passed off quietly. Hon. J. D.
Mills was elected mayor. The name
of Lisbon was changed to Kingfisher
by the council at its last night's meeting.
Call Early and Take Your
A Claim Allowed an IndHn Aceat.
Special to The Astokiax
Washixgtox, April 2. A favorable
report was made to the house to-day,
on the senate bill, appropriating
$5,000 for a steam vessel for the use
of the civil government in Alaska.
A favorable report was also made
on a bill to settle tho claim of A. B.
Sinnot, lato agent at the Grand
Konde Indian agency, Oregon,
against the government, in the amount
of S2.146.
An Inefffrtu il Effort.
Special toTnu Astoiuan.1
Chicago, April 2 The recent action
of the board of trade in suppressing
the graiu and other board of trade
quotations does not seem to le hav
ing the desired cflect, m bncket
shops here are running to day and
receiving quotations as freely as be
fore, through board of trade run
ners Disastrous Kxp)olon. to Tiik Astoisi S.
Wilksuuire, Penn , April 2. Four
miners killed and four badly injured
by an explosion iu the Nanticoke
mine to-day.
A Vendetta Jlcrder.
Special IoTiik Ast i::an.1
Whixlixg, W. Va., April 2.
mation received from Logan
house savs that on Monday
court night
Jerry Hatfield and M. C. Lee, an ad
herent of the McCoy faction and Hat-field-McCoy
vendetta, met in a house
of ill-repute. Both Le,?an shooting
and Hatfield was thot dead. Lee cs
caiMvl into Kentucky. Hatfield w;u a
cousin of "Devil Anse.'
Iccnted Lxtires Uohben Icipiiiled.
special ti Tin: Asruui :..l
Bkainerd, Minn., April 2. -The
express robbery examination ended
to-day with a decision in favor or
Searls and Paine, accusal, who were
discharged. The crowd in the court
room cheered lu-stily. They will sne
tho Northern Pacific for prosecution,
each claiming $100,000 damages
Tlio Returns Delayed.
Special to The AsToitr k.J
Providen'ce, April 2. The Austra
lian system will cause delay in the
returns of the stite election. At
present, 140 towns, eight districts and
no cities, givcLadd,Bepublican, 2,720;
Davis, Democrat, 2,105. Last car
they gave Ladd 1,553, Davis 2,532.
Returns from this city will be very
late. The Republicans gain two as
semblymen in Tiverton. The outlook
now is that nothing definite will be
known until to-morrow morning. An
unusually heavy vote has been polled.
The election passed oft without dis
order of any kind. From all parts of
the state the report entire satisfac
tion with the new voting system.i
Several commissioners from other
states were here to inspect working..
The ballots were printed on big sheets
of paper with the names or all the
candidates arranged in four columns.
It reqnire3 ballot boxes the bizeof
large dry goods caes to contain them.
Had Ro i:cil In r.ililns Ien: Hiuuzli.
Sunday morning a little dried-up
old man in a wide-brimmed sombrero,
buckskin shirt and carrying a bundle
tied up in a gunny sack hustled into
the ticket office in the headquarters
'Kin I git a steamship ticket here
fer 'FribeyV" he inquired or ihc agent.
"Yes, sir, the Walla Walla aite this
"Well, the.i, gimme one,' said the
old man, as he went feeling for his
pocketbook. -Binnosin' round in the
mines fer the 1 is' twenty yoars an' I'm
now goin' down tcr 'Frisco ter see my
darter. Hain't seen her fer seventeen
l'Do you want first or scejud class
passage';" broke in the agenL
"How do you want io g-i -cabin or
"Steerage," replied the old man
promptly. "Money's no object to me.
l'vo roosted in cabins for twenty years,
but I've made my pile an' I propose to
see a little Iux'ry arore I die." Ta
enmn Lrdyer.
A Ueiueily in Kidney AiTrrlinn.
"Mi kidneys weie mi affected I li.ive
been compelled to get up a much as ten
times in one night. I had pain iu my
side, back and left shoulder, and when
down could hardly rise. I was unable
to bend mv liodv pain. I
tried Simmons Liver Itcgulator and my
condition ha improved so much that 1
hardly ever feel any of my old trouble."
"V. .Icihii-oii, Express Agent, Macon,
A prominent society lady of New
York has just returned from Europe
with a beantiful pair of cut-glass one
pound dumb-bells in her trunlc This
is said to be tho latest whim of aris
tocratic athletic English women. They
are made in sizes from four ounces to
two pounds and nre as clear as Jap
anese crystal.
fSurklcn't Arnica Salrc.
The Best Salve in the world for
Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt lthe
um, Fever Sores, 'letter. Chapped
Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin
Eruptions, and positively cures Piles,
or no pay required. It is guaranteed to
give perfect satisfaction, or money re
funded, i rice 23 cents per bo. For
sale by .1. V. Conn.
Mrs. Wixslow's Soothing Syrup
should always be u.sed for children
teething. Il smoothes the child, softens
the gums, allays all pain, cures wind
cholic, and is the best remedy for diar-
rhcea.Twenty-uve cents a bottle.
Against the Oregon Pacific Rail
road Company.
Special by California Asocr ted Priss.
S xFiuxcrsco, April 2. Judge Finn
rendered judgment to-day in favor of
Simeon B. Tobey and against the
Oregon Pacific railroad company for
$93,000. Tho action was brought on
promissory notes and to foreclose
a mortgage on the steamer Eastern
Oreyoh, formerly the ('ityof Pulatka
made by defendants to secure notes
which were given as the purchase
price of tiit? steamer. The original
transaction v.13 between the Floreta
steamship eompanv, the owner of the
vessel anil the Oregon Pacuic railroad
eompanv, but before the maturity of
the notes they were all assigned to the
plaintiff. The defendant resisted pay
ment on the ground that they had
been defrauded in the purchase of the
Siichl or Way lVanled.
Sj tidi.iTiiK Aroici YJf.l
Snvrriiii April 2. The attorneys
for the Northern Pacific, Oregon Im
provement and the Great Northern ap
peared before the city council this
evening in reference to a right of way
into tho city. No action was taken in
the matter.
not.!), inn r.nstr.Ku
Uj1J I'ji a bJxfje aud Its.imi?J Iaea!;cr.
Sji.ti.11 to T;ii -roi:i w
Svn Diego. April 2. -This morning
news was received fromEnsenada that
the stage was held up on Monday by
highwaymen five miles from Eusen
ad;u There were nine men in the
stage, "with a gun aud pistol under the
front seat. The robber stood on a
bluff above, in the brush, and covered
them with a rifle, ordering them to
throw out the International company's
bullion, which was not in the stage,
but there was bullion and gold dust
belonging to the others, valued at $10,-
000, aboard.
The robber then ordered the passen
gers to throw out what they had and
obtained SIS, after which he ordered
them to drive on. They did so, but
stopped after proceeding abont a hnu-
drcd and iiftv vauls, took out their
weapons and went in pursuit of the
probber. The latter, however, ran into
the brush and disappeared
The International company cleaned
up 25,030 the day beforo, but was not
ready to forward it. It is believed
that the fellow is from Alamo aud was
watching a chance to rob tho com
pany's strong-ljox on its travels.
Xeu oes Prom Karens
Special to Tin: Astoisi vk.1
Ehgexe, Or.. April 2. The dry
goods store of Eastland & "Wilson on
Ninth street, was robbed last night.
Thieves broke open the rear door, and
two suits of meu's old clothes were
left, the robbers taking new suits and
a small amount of other clothing.
Republican primaries will be held in
thh town and county next Saturday.
Active wiro pulling is now goiug on to
secure the support of delegates by the
different candidates for district attor
ney, sheriff and county clerk. The
governor and congressmen are lost
sight of in the scramble to get other
NjiuxvneN Hanlclpil KIrciion.
S,eet tl toTiiK vsrni:i.x.
Spokxe Paws, Wash.. April 2.
C. P. Clough is elected mayor by a
majority of nearly 1,003. Ills election
is a triumph for the gamblers and
saloon keepers. His opponent, F. E.
Curtis was supported by the law and
order league, aud tho labor vote,
foiiey was spent freely for Clough.
Cirbctt 3!ay Jtoet John I.
Special to I he sroniAX.
S vx PitANXisco, April 2. Vice Pres
ident Hammond, of the Olympia clnb,
states that Corbett is at liberty to
meet Sullivan in a four-round con
test and make his own terms.
I'nlon Drpot Desired in I1 Angeles.
Special teTiu: AsTOisiAN.1
Los AxgeiiEs, April 2. The citi
zens have been raising a subscription,
with a view to purchasing grounds to
donate to the local railway companies
for the erection of a union depot. It
is not known as et if the companies
will accept tho donation when offered,
as thev are well pleaded with their
present location of separate depots. It
is said that it Avill be difficult to in
duce tho Southern Pacific and Santa
Fe to affiliate.
Strike Tlireateafil forJIajr First.
Special to Thk astokiax.J
Svx FitANcisco, April 2. The
plumbers and gas fitters in this citv
have decided to strike for a reduction
in hours for work, on the first of next
Counterfeiters Arrested la 'I'risco.
Special to Thk Astoiuan.
Sax Fkvnctsco, April 2. James
Cary and James Bermingham were
arrested this afternoon, for uttering
counterfeit com, somoof which they
had on their iicrsons when searched.
They are supposed to be the head of
a large gang.
All the patent medicines advertiseu
in this paper, together with the choicest
Eerfumery, and toilet articks etc.. can
c bought at the lowest prices at J. W.
Conn's drug store, opposite Occident
hotel, Astoria.
Astoria Real Estate &
WM Westward, Presl From Its
Eastern Source
Speci u by California Associated Pkes
Tlllard Pays tho Claimants 8110 Per Share.
PnrxiADEiiPinA, April 3, 2 Jo a. jr.
Tho old suit of Spencer Erwin, Jay
Cook, jr., Charles 1). Barnes and others
against Henry Villard, growing out of
the formation of the Oregon Kailway
and Navigation company has just
been compromised. Villard paying
the claimants S110 per share for their
stock. The case is now pending in tho
United States supreme court on Yil
lard's appeal from the judgment of the
lower court
Will Probably FIjfht on Virginia Soil.
Special to Tns Astoiuax.
Biciimoxd, Va., April 3. 2:10 a. m.
It is probable that Sullivan and Jack
son will be invited to light before the
Norfolk Athletic Sporting club, under
a bill passed by the general assembly,
permitting fighting on their ground.
The nsjtcrience of an Eleien-ycar-oM Se
attle Lad as a Trara;.
'Tin awful tired, an' I don't mean to
be a tramp all my life, so I don't.
How I do wish I was back in Seattle
with my pa an' ma'
It was a bit of a waif, an 11-year-old
boy, Avho spoke thus to a Council
Bluffs, la, Nonpareil reporter a few
dajs ago. He was freckle-faced and
wore an old blue knit cap. His shoes
were worn through at tho toes and his
clothes were threadbare and torn here
and there. His dirty aud wan face,
shrunken blue eyes and attenuated
body proved that he had not been liv
ing on tho fat of the land.
Hi3 name is James Thompson Egan,
and his father is J. B. Egan, city editor
of the Seattle, Wash.. Daily Frew.
He ran away in July last and since
then his father, nearly distracted with
grief, has been searching everywhere
for him, writing hosts of letters to
chiefs of police, advertising in news
papers and employing detectives.
Several thousand dollars were thus
expended in vain. Last Saturday the
prodigal son wrote his father stating
that ho was in Chicago and ready and
anxious to return home. The parent
telegraphed money to the general
passenger agent of tho Northwestern
there and also telegraphed the lad to
call there for his ticket.
"Pve had enough of it an plenty to
spare," said the lad. 'Tve been goin'
with George Haulan ho got sent up
afterwards for bnrglary an' he an'
his gang said there was nuthin' like
trampin' around an' seein' the world.
"That was at Portland. So when.
pa moved to Ssattlo I hooked five
cents belongin' to my little
brother an' had five cents of
my own. I got hold of a boot
black's kit an' stowed away in the
hold of a steamer bound for Tacoma.
Then I went to Spokane Palls an'
Helena. When I got to Glendirel
thro wed my kit away an' made 50
pickin' agates on the shores of the
Yellowstono river. I've been to St.
Paul, Milwaukee an' all around. At
last I fetched up in Chicago, where
Pve been for four months. I slept at
the Newsboys homo an' took my
meals where I conld get theni.
'I can travel anywhere without
money. I worked tho conductors by
tellin' 'em 1 was a poor orphan, with
out a cent, goin' to my aunt, who was
too poor to pav my expenses. When
that game didn't work, I 'seated it'
got down under the seats and
stayed until the conductor found me
and put me off. l'vo done all sorts or
things to make a livin'; blacked boots,
sold papers, peddled agates, was a pop
corn and chewin'-gum peddler, and
made money sellin' tips for 10 cents
apiece at races.
"Hanlan, my pard, gave men bad
advice," continued the sage of ten, a
runaway at nine. "It's no good beiu'
a tramp. I've been hungry many a
time and had to beg something to eat.
That was when I was travelin', be
causo I knowd 'twas no use to beg in
cities. Then I was arrested once at
the Newsboys' home because they
thought I had burglarized somethin'.
I was scared that time. But they didn't
lock me up. because I was inuercent.
I had a fight in Milwaukee and was
hauled up before the police judge but
he turned me loose.
UI was tired of it long ago, but I
was ashamed to writo home, but I've
come to it at last. I left Chicago last
night an' will be at home Saturday.
Ifjou ever take a notion to tramp
take my advice prompted by experi
ence and don't do it"
Then the train pulled out and the
youthful vagabond sped on toward
the setting sun.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria
RThen Baby wa3 sick, wo gave her Castoria.
SVhen she xrns a Child, she cried for Castoria,
JVhen she became Miss, she clung to Castoria,
iVhen she had Children, she gave them Castoria
ARE YOU HADE miserable by in
digestion, Dizziness. Loss, of Appetite,
Yellow Skin? Shiloh's Vitalizer is a
positive cure. At J. C. Dement's.
Choice !
Tie Reportei Illness of lie Czar
Slates Financial Circles.
Special by Tho California As3oci.ted Pbkss.
London-, April 2. Tlio latest con
spiracy against the czar has been re
vealed, by the letter of a dying naval
officer who suicided. It is thought to
have led to the czar's illness reported
to-day, which disquieted every market
in Europe. This letter, it is said, dis
closes the fact that the plot was not
against the life of the czar alone, but
threatened the lives o his daughter,
Princess Sofie, his uncle, the Grand
Duke Constantine, and Elizabeth, wife
of the grand duke.
Horrible Treatment or a Priest. to Tiik AsroKiAjr,
Quebec, April 2. Rev. Corrivault,
parish priest of Disraeli, was attacked
in his presbytery last night by bur
glars, who robbed him of his money
and shockingly ill-treated him. They
threw him down stairs, and tho lamp
which he held burst, setting fire
to his night-clothes. To extinguish
the fire, they dragged him out of the
house, rolled him in the snow and
left him. Reviving afterward, he
managed to get back to his bedroom,
where he was found this morning, un
conscious, and bathed in blood." His
recovery is considered very doubtful.
Political RnDtnre in 31-inltons.
p"itl to Tun AsroKHA J
Win-xtpeg, Man., April 2. Tho
breach between members of the pro
vincial government has caused a panic
among the liberals throughout the
province, and strong efforts are being
made by the party to retain the con
trol of affairs by throwing overboard
both premier Greenway and attorney
general Martin, who aspires to be
premier. Should Greenway and Mar
tin be shelved, it seems absolutely
certain that provincial treasurer Mc
Millan will be requested to form a
cabinet, that shall not include in its
membership anyone under control of
either Greenway or Martin.
The Czar Is ot Sick It All.
Sp cial to I he rouiAN.1
St. Petersburg, April 2. It is
learned from reliable sources that the
report that the czar had been attacked
with sudden illness is incorrect, as he
is iu perfect health.'
l Treat) of Peace Conclnded.
Special to Thk Avroiti
Zanzibar, April 2. Bwana Heri,
chief of the insurgents, has concluded
a treaty of peace with tho Germans,
and at tho request of tho latter he will
return to So.idani.
flected by the Jft its.
Special to Thi- Amoiciax.
Loxdox, April 2. Exchange hero
and on the Paris Bourse is affected by.
tne news that the czar is ill.
Wedded to Ifrlca.
Special t The ivtokiaxI
Zzib vr. April 2. Emm Pasha has
agreed to enter the German-African I
service and w ill not visit Europe but
will start for Victoria Nyanza with a
large caravan in the middle of April
JIaklnsr Up the German Cabinet.
Sp-'cial to The bT kix
Berlin, April 2. Baron Bieborstein
has. been appointed secretary of state
for foreign affairs.
To Extend tho OMtc Bnnch
Specia toTHE vstoisiaj.j
Paris, April 2. A report is in cir
culation here, that Emperor William
will propose a b.isis for settlement of
the difference between Germany and
France to the French government.
Accident U Vn l-nclhh Horse Race. n II b sioki X.
London, April 2 During the races
at Fowey in Cornwall, a portion of the
grandstand, thirty feet long, collapsed,
precipitating two hundred persons to
the ground. Mam were injured, some
Illness of the Czar.
Special to Tin: avtokiax.j
Bermx, April 2. The Kreuz
Zeituny sas the ezar is suffering
from fainting fits.
A Friro Doctor Arrested for Harder.
Special to Thk AironiAx.j
Sx Fraxcisco, April 2. Dr.
Sweeney was arrested to-night,
charged with murder. His victim w as
a young woman named Baker, upon
whom it is alleged he o i
abortion. She died to ..
The V it Portuguese Cab uU
Special to The astokian
Ltsbox, Portugal, April 2. The
cabinet has been reconstructed.
Senor Pimental is prime minister of
war; Senor Arroyo, marine; and jus
tice Senor Lopovaz, interior; Senor
Villhenaw, colonies; Senor Branco,
finance; Senor Aronca, public works
and Senor Ribero, foreign affairs.
The last threo held the same positions
in the preceding.
ConserTatives Victorious In Windsor.
Special to The AstoiuaA".
London, April 2. The parliament
ary election at Windsor resulted in a
conservative victor' by a largo majority.
Trust Co., Portland Ag'ts.
A XIsslBff Heir to ax EarH.
Special to Thk Astobiax.
Lokdok. Ann! 2. Hon. Henry
Boyle started to-day for Canada in
search of his elder brother, viaconnt
Boyle, who through his father's death
has become the earl of Shannon.
Seven years ago -viscount Boyle re
signed his commission in the army,
and with his brother purchased a
ranch in western Canada. The un
dertaking failed and the latter returned
to England, but viscount Boyle has
not since been heard of. He was once
a member of the Canadian parliament.
More Tromble fer tfca Csar.
Special to The Astoriax.j
Londox, April 2. The Daily Tele
graph's St. Petersburg correspondent
says: Peasants are rising in Bazian.
Blood has already been shed and the
agitation is spreading to Finland and
Poland. Gendarmes and cossacka
have been sent to quell the disorder.
The excitement is intense and eyery-
Doay sympathizes witn tne students.
The Pope's Dechlo Coacenlm Brazil.
Special to Thk Astoiuax.1
Rome, April 2, The Pope has
finally decided what shall be the po
sition of the Vatican respecting Bra
zil. A nuncio sploverini has in
structed Bishop Celery, of Brazil to
reorganize the republic on condition
that the rights of the church are re
spected. Bishop Costa, of Paris, is
ordered to proclaim this by special
public act
Another Victim of a Sharper.
Special to The Astokian.
St. Thojcas, Ont., April 2. A young
Englishman named Jas. Potter, ar
rived en route to Walker's station tf
become a pupil of a farmer. He aajW
he is a victim of a fraudulent London
agent who secured 50 in return for a
position on a farm. Potter had Burch
ell's advertisement and intended to
correspond with him, but made other
arrangements. Four or live others
are on the way out.
Serria and Bulgaria at Variance.
Special to The Astobiax.
London, April 2. -The Servian
agent, in compliance with his govern
ment's instructions, will leave Sofia
to-morrow. A rupture between Servia
and Bulgaria is imminent. The
trouble is said to have been fomented
by Russia
WILL YOU SUFFER with Dyspep-
siaand Liver Complaint?
Shiloh's Vi-
talizT is guaranteed to cure you.
J. C.
able by that terrible cough. Shiloh's
Cure is the remedy for you. J. C. De
wi Mlfc fTifi)c
For Nine Tears.
Unrtlilnntnn Tnil TnW l
I had pains in the oack of my head Jbr all
years, which were finally cared by the use of
St. Jacobs Oil, and tho cure has remained
permanent. ED. QUAKENBUSH.
At Druggists and Dealxm.
Livery Stables.
Conveyances of any kind, on short notice.
TnasferrinR Baggage, etc, a specialty.
Telephone Ho, 12.
City Express Transfer Company.
H. D. Thing and C. E. Miliar,
Headquarter at M.iln street wharf.
A General Express and Delivery Business
Your patronage Is solicited.
There ta no occasion for the most fastidi
ous of our citizens to send to Portland or
San Francisco for
Custom Made Clothes
As they cau get Better Fits. Better Work
manship, and for less Money.
By Leaviug their Orders with MEANY.
New Goods bv Every Steamer.
Call and see him and satisfy yourself.
P. J. Meany. Merchant Tailor.
pioneer Machine Shop
Boiler Shop
All kinds of
Promptly attended to.
Aspeclalty made of repairing