-, ---, t--s t c -r ) t&f ga SMtw ASTORIA. OREGON: THURSDAY... . MARCH 27, 1890 Wonderful City CenHtr OMcIal Paper. It was well enough while the weather was bad and snow lay on the ground to amuse ourselves with propositions and suggestions, but the tiaae for talk is passed. Business is baefcess, the completion of the road to the seaside is a neccessary factor in Astoria's prosperity, and the road sboald be in running order and equipped in time for this season's sea side travel. There are 1,000 men in Clatsop county, unjustly taxed because of that odious law that allows "indebtedness" to be deducted. Each one of the 1,000 has a big North American vote. The interesting question arises will these thousand votes be cast to per petuate the present swindle, or will they be swung solid for men to go to Salem, and there to aid in making an assessment law that will weigh equally on rich and poor alike. TKzTexemption of indebtedness as practiced, makes every poor man in the state annually pay taxes that the rich men evade and escape. The next legislature can equalize all that and do justice by the repeal of that infam oaslaw. It is for the people to send smd to Salem that are pledged to do that This is the vital issue of the cosing campaign, so far as the legis lature is concerned, apart from any question of succession to the U. S fea&te. Seralts often follow the use of Hood's Saraaparilla. Severe cases of scrofula, upon which other prep arations have been powerless, yield to the peculiar curative powers of thli medicine. Distressing cases of dyspepsia, excruciat ing complaints of the kidneys and liver, agonizing itch sssa i M and pain of salt KGSU & rheum, disagree- ZmSSm2H able cases of catarrh, and aches and pains ot rheumatism, are cured by Hood's Sar saparilla. It purines the blood, and at the same time tones tho stomach, creates an appetite, and gives strength to every func tion ot the body. Give It a trial. General Debility "Por four years my wife suffered with large tumor bunches on the glands under the arms, and general debility of the whols system. She became so poor In health that wo were on the verge of despair regarding her recovery. Physicians did not seem to understand her case; at all events she never derived any benefit front their treatment. She finally concluded U try Hood's Sarsaparilla. The Immediate effect was so marked and satisfactory that she continued to take it, and this is tho result: She has gained in weight From 84 to III Pounds and is stronger and in better health than she has been for years. The bunches under her arms havo diminished, and we believe Hood's Sarsaparilla will be too much for them in time." J. J. Nokcboss, 226 Com mcrcial Street, Boston, Mass. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by druggists, ft; six for 5. Prepared by C. X. HOOD A CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. IOO Doses One Dollar CASE'S ASTORIA! KNOWN AS THE OLD MILL PROPERTY. Prop erty on the Market To-Bay I NEW TO-DAY. Ross Opera House What a mighty government ma- cJuee the party in power would liavo is Senator Stanford's proposed scheme o issue government loans to owners of real estate at 1 or 2 per cent inter est! The borrower at 2 per cent. cosld lend money in turn at G per ceat, and the borrowers at that figure cosld let out the money at any higher i rate they could get from the needy! debtors. But the center of this aughty system of borrowing and lend ing would be in the treasury at Wash- iagton. Tkere are men in Clatsop county who, by industry and frugality, and hard toil and self-denial, have accumu lated 12,000 or 3,000 in property. On this they pay big taxes. Men who have twenty times as much escape. Why? By reason ot the clause that exempts indebtedness." You who pay oBorous and unnecessary taxes have the power in your own hands to get lattice. How? By sending men to Sated pledged to repeal the "indebt edsess" exemption clause. Your vote is as big and counts as much as any other one vote. How are you going to we it? Ocr Democratic brethren are go rsg to nominate N. It. Butler for con gress. He is a pleasant gentleman. Parely as a business proposition, how ever; purely as a matter of self-interest the people of the state will keep Bin der Hermann where he is. True poli tics, above and beyond all party con sideration, demands that the man who has been tried, who has proved eqssl to the test and who is devoting his best energies to the advancement ot the commonwealth, should be re tained. For this reason, Binger Her m&nn should be renominated and reelected. Thursday, March 27th, Under the auspices of the FIRST M. E. CHURCH, Which congregation has the pleasure to an nounce the engagement, under lis aus pices, of the world-famed Jubilee v Singers ! From FIsk Unherslty, NasIlle, Tenn. for one op Their Inimitable Concerts! THIS IS THE ORIGINAL COMPANY ThatdevotedoerS150t000of Its earning to the building of FIsk University, that made two wonderfully successful tours abroad, tho guests of Kings and queens and prime minis ters, and that sung by special invitation for presidents Granr, Hayes, Garfield aud Arthur. "I never so enjoyed music" Kev. Charles H Spurgeon. "That music touches It takes hold." Tho Crown Prince of Germany. "Their songs open the fountain of tears." Rev. Theo. 1. Cuyler, D. D. Reserved seats, 75 cents ; general admis sion. 50 cents. Tickets for sale at the New York Novelty Store. The Law and Abstract Office OF C. R. THOMSON One Door east of Dkmksts dbug stoke A complete set of Abstract Books for the entire County always kept posted to date. Special attention given to practice in the U. s. Land Office, and the examination of laud titles. C. R. F. P. Union Notice. THE REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING of the Columbia River Fishermen's Pro tective Union will be held at Liberty hall, Tuesday, April 1, 1890, at 7 :30 p. m. FRANK MCGREGOR, Prest. FRED WRIGHT, Secy. a case ik ponrr. forefathers' dya, pimples ircro aV to diseased blood. But modem i bM dOBonatraied that rich food Bot create eruptions by fouling the bat retards digestion, which nakci ch torpid, and tho circulation ana in turn causes an enfeebled i of Um pores which congest or become Tfee modem theory therefore ii not ; the blood, but the stomach and liver, I X fa maaer this new idea, that Joy's Vego- itaesserillawaa cenccivcd. It is wlp- ew M blood disease " idea out of ex- A csm in peint: " I havo bad for sBs of iadifeetioa and dyspepsia and 'everything. Finally I took one 1 tm lesilsy arsaparillas. It caused pim ftM to steal out on ray face, irsich I sraaerta smesad by the potash. Hearing set Jera TefStable Sarsaparilla did not con- , I sect for It Tho pimples dL- . ass. I hare had no return ot the Hit a. cure for Indigestion and i ad the atteadaat face eruptions." . CD.STU.UtT, Ua Mission street. S.g. Thompson & Boss Carry a Full Line of Choice Staple and Fancy Groceries. Give Us a Call and Be Convinced. J.H.MANSELL, REAL ESTATE BROKER. 1 NOTABY PUBLIC FOlt STATE OF OREGON. City Lots and Acre Property, Ranches, Timber Lands, and Water Frontage for Sale. Correspondence Solicited. r.O.Box3G3. Established 1SS3. INVESTMENTS .MADE FOR OUTSIDE TART1ES. Xext W. U. Telegraph Office. Third St. Astoria, Oregon. Tiie likado Candy Factory Manufactures Daily the Finest of Peanut taffy. Molasses Chewing Peppermints, Vanilla and Straw berry Chunks. e Only Ttoe Forts of a I tie i P. i R Soiiili Of! Dock This splendid Business and Residence Property lies on the south side of the hill, sloping downward from the cemetery, and has a deep water frontage on Young's Bay. It will be traversed by a cable or motor line within six months. Clear, level lots in this magnificent tract are now for sale on easy terms, at prices wlych will rapidly advance. For Particulars Inquire of Warren & Wright Also Handle None but the Finest Key West and Imported OIQARS, PIea.se Call ami Gic me a Trial. T1II1ID STREET. Ne.t W. U. Telegraph onice MJ&erc WUM1A No Time Like the Present. Seal D. H. WELCH & CO., U En General Brokers NOTAKY PUBLIC FOR OKEGON. We have Property in the original townsite from $225 lip wards. Good Business and Residence Property always on our list. Investments made for non-residents. Correspondence solicited. Call and see us. Office on "Water Street, near Union Pacific Vharf and Depot. Great Slaughter Sale -JLT TH2E- Mow If M OF- LOTS JOINING TI1K CITY I .mil 5 IN BERRY'S ASTORIAanHANTHORI'S ASTORIA Cheaper to-day than at any future time. This proi?rty is advancing Terms e.isy. LOTS IN Extension : to : Railway : Addition THESE ARE THE BEST BUYS OX TIIE MARKET. CALL OK WHITE W. L. T7HLE2THART, Real Estate Broker, $25 fwyi Buys One-Half Business Block, UUU centrally located. 1 CftA Buys a Nice Business Lot on ,fn9 second Street. , RfWI Buvs a Kice Business on the cor j wu net oiney and Fourth Streets. Kfln Will buy a Block in Adair's As- -w tWlAOf VUb UlUblV 11VUI WUiTti 1U. line, and cleared. i Cff Buys a Nice Residence and a ,AU corner Lot in McClure's Astoria. Buys Choice Lots in Hustler & Ai ken's Astoria. $7 $5 $5 line, $3 $225 $1 RATI Bujs a House and Lot in Mc- ,w cim Clure'i Astoria, only two blocks from schoolhouse. Cl 9flfi Will buy a Fine Residence Lot In 9 1 ,tUU McClure's Astoria. Fine view. $1 $2 courthouse. Oflfl Will buy Three Fine Lots in Al jfcUU dcrbrook. Lots are BOxlOO each. nnn Buys Lot 4, Block SO. McClure's ,wwv Astoria,oniy ' two blocks from the $800 Lot 1, Block 10S, ilcClure's Astoria, two blocks from schoolhouse. Lots in the Principal Outside Additions to Astoria. Also some Fine Acreage suitable for Flattinc:. OFFICE ON THIRD ST.. 0pp. Odd Fellow's Building GO TO LARSON & HILLBACK FOR GROCERIES ATVI FRESH FRUITS. Look at the Bargains. Tie Astoria Real Estate and Trnst Co., (INCORPORATED.) CAPITAL, $50,000. President. L. P. W. QUIMBY. Vce-Presidenf, C. W. WILLIAMS. Secretary, W. H. EDWARDS. Room 16, N. E. Cor. First and Alder, Portland, Or. ROBB & PARKER, Apb, - Astoria, Onp. Stationery, Musical Goods and Notions, for the Next Sixty Days. navel's Brick Building, 0pp. Occident Hotel. block ao Hustler & Aiken's Addition Has been subdivided and is now on the market. VAN DUSEN CO. C. K. SOREN'SOX. (.'. S. liUXIiEKSOK. m bO Sorenson Real Estate Agents! City and Suburban Property, Choice Acreage Suitable for Platting, Also Farms for Sale. -Agents for 'NEW ASTORIA." Correspondence Solicited. snonu P.O. BOX1G3. Office on Oiney Street, Detv.'cen Second and Third. $1 1 nnfl Will buy 4 Lots on Streetcar! s )wu line and a age, near U. P. Wharf. 00 feet Water Front- $3,500 Will buy good Business Corner on Street Car line, 50x150. $3,000 Good Business Corner on Street Car line, 50x150. $3,000 Good Business Lot on Street Car line, 50x125. $2,000 Will buy a Bock In Williams-port. $2,000 Business Lot, One-Half Block from Street Car, 50x150. $2,100 Will buy 250 Acres of Land with bouse. Cl Eifin "VVIU buy a Good Residence Lot, I ,IUU 50x150 feet. $1 1 fWi Will buy 1G0 Acres of Land, One , I W Quarter Mile from Columbia KIv. Cl nnn Will Buy 90 Acres of Tide Land, T """ with house. Cliffi Will buy SO Acres of Tide Land ; good location. 24.7 R W'iU buy Reed Corner Lot in Oiney 's Y.w Ai Astoria, 50x100. C99K to $230 will buy Lois In Block So. 7G, Suively's Astoria. Cl7i Will buy 29 Acres of ROodTideLana, good location. Orders Delivered Free of Charge. Country Orders Solicited. Third Street, next to Pioneer office. T. B. Loughery. DEALER IX Cigars, Tobacco, Cigarettes, Confectionery,' Etc. ONE BUT THE BEST BRA!iDS HANDLED. TIIIUD STREET, Opposite Hahn's Boot and Shoe Store, ASTORIA NEW ASTORIA has the best deep water frontage ad anchorage of any town on the Pacific Coast and is the point where the Astoria and South Coast Railway Com pany aad the Albany and Astoria R. R. Company have letted locations for their terminal shipping docks. For Particulars Call at the Office of D. S. WELCH dCO, KEEP YOUR EYE OH NEW ASTORIA! LOTS FOR SALE BY Fitzgerald & Carney, City B! A FINE STOCK Children's : Carriages JT7ST RECEIVED. PRICES LOWER THAN EVER. Biffin m IliL THIS DESIRABLE BLOCK is entirely clear. Is situated on the proposed Cable Koad route between Genevieve and Main streets, and within one street of Taylor's proposed Motor route. The Oregon Land Co. T. Am ACaxi&sox , HAS A1ST ASTORIA OFFICE S. W. G0R. THIRD AND 0LNEY STREETS, Buy and Sell Property on Commission. We Deal in Real Estate and are Successful in Our Business. BUY YOUR LOTS IN This Property is now on the market and can be bought from either of our local ag'ts on equal terms. 2. J. TOTCD eft GO.) General Agents. A lot bought in NEW ASTORIA to-day will net the buyer a fortune in the near future. The chance to get ia at tire present low prices will hold good for only a few WITOATE & STONE, Agts. K ' jf - " Yl IU4 m immmmut r BBSm mm mmi m fim. 6 " umr 1? I'iU1h l w Sunny Mead Addition! TO ASTORIA. This fine property has been put on the market by Ha. Owens Adair, M. I)., and Is situated near the Astoria and South Coast Railroad. PRICES, S50 AND S60. FOR SALE RY McGOWAN BROS. & TUTTLE, Third St., East of Olnty. L. A. 6 It ANGER. W. L. IlAIXOXQUIST GRANGER & HALLONQUIST, Civil : Engineers : and : Surveyors Accuracy Guaranteed at Standard Rates. Ofllce with ItfcGowan Bros. & Tuttle, Hansen's New Building. F.O.BOXT2!. ASTORIA, - OREGON ASTORIA NEW ASTORIA is laid out upon a high, dry and level location It? surroundings are splendid and it is a Natural Place for a City. Large lots, wide streets, broad, avenues, grand boulevards. Every lot bought in NEW ASTORIA at the present low figures will bring its owner a fortune. The sale begins to-day. NOW BUY. SEEN & COOK, Agent. Nlt .--,-' --1.; - a5- jrst-