The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, March 27, 1890, Image 1

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    " C
f Skil
THE O. R. & N. DOCK,
: Prices Low and
Kenney's Addition!
Beautifully situated on the banks of the Columbia, ad
joining proposed Public Park and near the
newly discovered coal beds.
Only $::" per Lot for a lew days. dYt in now and secure
lir.-t-class Lots.
Saddles and Harness
1 umkc a MMltv I ood wotk raid inaninUv satisfaction. At the fihl S!:n.d, W.s
Sltlo Olncy StU'i't, Near Wilson & Fisher's.
Irish Flax
Sjaw.SH JJfsWW 1 1 I W fji ....
5ipVB9mmnmnmmvsv-K&r4mmmfil" Ku&s''&p&r
HBHuHHH.rj L . i urn
mmmmmmmKEmmmmmmm.mmmmmmmmLLz-KmmmmmE; "
BJBVii1, . vLmmmmWmmmlB?2ammmmmmE
BTHBrB,illl M-ulllmmmmmmmE
,Wlmm92mmmmm9MAKW-SiSjmmOUmmmm9K"--??.t attSs.!-'
jSfEW V HOUSE FOUNDED.' 1784- JP .f3
nit and ci:oy of the legion ivjionneuu.
TIipj received Hit'
Ziondon Fisheries Exhibition 1883.
And haw been awarded HIGHER 1'ItlZES at the various
Than the goods of any other
Quality Can. Always be Depended on.
517 and 519 Market Street. SAN FRANCISCO.
TING Constantly on Hand. SEINES, FOUNDS and
TRAPS Famished to order at Lowest Factory Prices.
$125 AND $150 PER LOT
BOBB & PAEKEB, General Ag'ts, Astoria.
Terms Reasonable.
Astoria, Or.
8 AIZ s
no umer.
Ail Interesting Qpiuiou From As
sistant Secretary Ticlenor.
the n'.iiins of the satios.
Special by The California Assocutkd Tress.
Washington, March 26. The Re
publicans of the ways and means com
mittee are still struggling with their
bill to-day. They have restored hides
and raw silk to the free list, but no
change has been made in sugar or
wool. The great fight is now over the
sugar question, thongh there are a
hundred and one other little items io
annoy them. It is believed that there
will have io be some change in the
sugar schedule from that first an
nounced. The sugar men are growing
confident and express the opinion that
the cut will not be below 2."5 per cent.
The committee will probably go back
to the specific form or duty whether
or not thev make any changes.
Asked li) a Chlnamin in XebratVa.
Special toTHK Astokiak.1
WASinxaTOX, March 2G. Assistant
secretary Tichnor has written the fol
lowing emphatic letter to Quong Lee
at Plattsmoulh, Nebraska:
Sii:: The department is in receipt
of your letter of the 10th inst
Further in relation to the question
submitted in your letter of the 17th
ult whether yon can send to China
for your wife and children. You state
that yon intend to become a citizen
of the United States, and have made
declaration of such intention, and you
intimate that yon are wealthy, but you
fail to answer the question proposed
to yon in the department's letter of
the "1st inst, as to the nature of yonr
occupation in this country. From the
endorsement of the district judge
S. M. Chapman on your letter, it ap
pears that you are engaged in the
laundry business, but such occupation
does not exclude you from the class or
laborers nor can you claim immunity
for your relatives from the Chinese re
striction acts by reason of any inten
tion to become a citizen of the
United States, since the law,
act of May G, 18S2 prohibits the ad
mission of any Chinese persons to cit
izenship. As your wife and children do
not appear to have resided in the
United States, they cannot be ad
mitted to entry other than upon the
production of a certificate from the
Chinese government declaring them
to be persons other than laborers, the
certificate being under law sole evi
dence permissible to establish the
right of entry into the United States.
The Wards or the Nation.
Special toTiiR ASTORTAX.l
Wasiuxotox, March 2G. The house
committee on territories to-day decided
to postpone all consideration of bills
for the admission of New Mexico and
Arizona as states and appoint a sub
committee of five to examine the con
stitution of New Mexico and report to
the committee upon thequestion of the
admission r the two territories. The
Democrats regard this action as indefi
nite postponement of the admission of
these territories. The Republicans
say, on the contrary, that the chances
of New Mexico securing statehood nre
greatly incro:iscd. Arizona, they say,
will probably have to present :i consti
tution for the consideration of con
gress before her case will lit acted
An Oreqoa Mail Uoute Ktcmlci1.
Sp -fial to Tint Asm. tax 1
Wasiuxotox, March 26. The post
master general has issued orders ex
tending mail route o7,295, from Salem
to Lewisburg, Or., so :is to embrace
Argonti, io take effect July 1, proximo.
A Sew Collector orCustoms.
Special IoTiik Asiokiax.
"Wasiuxotox, March 2G. The sec
retary of the treasury has approved
the lond of Frank A. Stewart, as col
lector of customs at Empire City, Or
egon, and his commission has" been
forwarded to him at Elleusburg, at the
request of Senator Mitchell.
An Increase of Tension.
Special to The Astouiax.
"Wasiuxotox, March 2G. Oregon
pensions issued: increase, Edmund
Nichols, Coqnille.
Wouldn't Talk Politic
Special to The astouiax.
New York, March 2G. -Whilelaw
Reid, minister to France, arrived this
morning on the stcamsliip La Cham
pagne. He declined to discuss Euro
pean politics.
Maine' Daughter to be Married.
Special to The astokiax.
Baltimore, March 2G. Miss
Margaret Blaine, the eldest daughter
of the secretary of state will be mar
ried to "Walter Damrosch, April 17th.
Death ol Archbishop Ilelss.
Speclat to The Astoriax.
La Crosse, Wis., March 26. After
a lingering illness. Archbishon Heiss
died at 8 o'clock this evening, and was
conscious to the last His remains
will be taken to Milwaukee for burial.
Call Early and Take Your
An Aproprlatloa Will He Necessary.
Special to The astoriax 1
"Washtxgtox, March 2G. In the
matter of the application of senator
.Tno. Mitchell, referriug the petition
of the board of trade of Corvallis to
the secretary of war and requesting
that the engineer and officers in charge
of the improvements in that district
be directed to furnish estimates of the
amount necessary to finish the work
of improving the "Willamette river
above Corvallis. The secretary to-day
responded by forwarding to Mr.
Mitchell a copy of the report of Major
Thos. H. Handbury, of the corps of
engineers, dated the 10th inat, in
which it is stated that before any ad
ditional money could be expended in
the locality referred to a careful
survey of the river above and below
Corvallis should be made to ascertain
what is the extent of the change that'
has taken place within recent years,
and what are the probabilities of a
cutoff and what would ba its prob
able effect should one take place.
Major Handbury further states that
to make silfch survev would cost about
$1,000. He slates that there are no
funds available from the old appropri
ation with which this survey could be
made. The Oregon delegation will
make an effort to secure the necessary
Sheriff rite' Keslsai;.
Special to Tiik Astouiax
New York, March 26. -Sheriff Flack
lately convicted of conspiracy to ob
tain a fraudulent divorce from his wife,
to-night sent his resignation to Gov
ernor IlilL He says he is guilty of no
crime, and predicts an ultimate vin
dication. l'mjit Sound by Way of 1'ortlaml.
Special to Tiik Astokiax.
New York, March 2G. -The pas
senger committee or the trunk lines
to-day granted the Union Pacific per
mission to sell tickets all the way to
Puget sound poiuls, via Portland, Or.
Maintained Their Position.
Social to r.nt Astouiax. J
Chicago. March 2G. The board of
trade won in its motion to be allowed
j to go out of the business of furnishing
' quotations of market prices. Judges
I'i'nley, Harton and Collins delivered
! an opinion deciding that they had a
, right to give up the bnsinoss.
A Ituniarcd Ktr.I-nation.
Special to Tiik Astoriax.
j Baltimore, March 26. The Sun
j has authority for saying that assistant
post master general Clarkson will re
sign shortly.
Many a child has gone astray, not
lecausb there is a want of home, but
simply because home lacks sunshine.
A child needs smiles as mnch as plants
need sunbeams. Children look little
beyond the present moment If a
thing pleases they are ant to seek it;
if it displeases they are apt to avoid it
If homo is a place where faces are
sour, and words harsh, and fault find
ing is ever on the ascendent, they will
spend as many hours as possible else
where. A newspaper is a window through
' which men look out uion the world.
, Without a newspaper a man is shut
up in a small room and knows little
or nothing of what is happening out
side or himself. In our tiny the news
paper will keep a sensible man in sym
pathy with ih' world's current "his
tory, tt is :tu unfolding eutyclop:odin,
an uulKUKid book forewr iwuing and
, never finished.
Live for something. Do good and
leave behind you a monument of vir-
tue which the storms of time can never
, destroy. Write your name in kind
ness, love and mercy on the hearts of
, thousands you come in contact with,
year by year. You will never be for
gotten. No. your name, your deeds
. will be as legible on the hearts you
. leave behind, as the stars of heaven.
, No hoiiit; should lie without it lo ar-
nM. disorders promptly, which, if not
i t.ikt'ii in sea-soii, often 'develop into se
rious disuaso. I lev. .Iamk M. Uor.
i i.ixs, l'astor M K. Church. S., Fairfield,
I Ya., writes: : haw us-d Simmons
! Liver Regulator formany yo.irs, having
' made it my only family 'medicine My
i mother before me w:is very partial to
i it it is a safe, good ami reliable medi
cine for any disorder of the sy.tcm
and if used in lime is a gn at preventive
I of sickness."
Above all other earthly gifts a good
mother stands pre-eminent; she is
worth her weight in gold more than
an army of acquaintances. Those
who have played round the same door
step; basked in the samo mother's
smile; in whose veins the same blood
Hows; are bound by a sacred lie that
can never be broken.
able by that terrible cough. Shiloh's
Cure is therenuiiy for you. l. C. I)e
CATAUKI1 CURED, health and
sweet breatn secured by Shiloh's Ca
tarrh Remedy. Price, .r0 cents. Nasal
Injector free. .. C. Dement
All the patent medicines advert iscu
in this paper, together with the choicest
perfumery, and toilet artichs etc.. ran
he bought at the lowest prices at .1. W.
Conn's drug store, opposite Occident
hotel, Astoria.
Fnrtlier Damage ani Distress By
Soothe Floods.
Special by California Associated Press,
GREEXVUiLE, Miss., March 26.
At Skipwith, Mississippi, this morning
the levee broke and the water poured
into the town through a crevasse 150
feet wide. People were awakened
by the roar of the water
and it was with difficulty
that any escaped. Two lives were
lost! T 'idd to the horror of the
scene the warehouse and contents
were totally destroyed by fire,
resulting from the water coming
in contact with unslacked lime. The
warehouse contained an immenso
ainonnt of freight The damage is
unknown aud there was no insurance.
An immense quantity of stock has
been drowned. The Hood will inun
date some of the finest plantations in
Isaqnenta comity.
Railroad Agents Still In Council.
Special to The Astoriax.j
New York, March 2G. The Trunk
Line executive committee and repre
sentatives of other associations and
railroads, tnis aiternoon adopted a
resolution, advancing freight rate on
all lines 10 cents on every i00 pounds.
The resolution will be submitted to
the meeting of the trunk line com
mittee Tuesday. Rsprsentntives of
the northwestern lines will call a meet
ing to discuss the resolution next
The trunk line passenger committee
this afternoon took no action in regard
to the appointment of a successor to
chairman Tnttle, who had resigned.
It was agreed that three agents be
employed to represent the TmnkLine
association at the steamboat dock.
An Important Scheme By VMIard.
Special toTiiEAsroRiAx.l
New York, March 26. The Her
ald's Boston special says it is the in
tention of Henry Yillard to transform
the Oregon Transcontinental into a
gigantic banking corporation. It is
declared here that to this end he
has secured a charter granted
from the state of Washington
for a new company, which will have
all the valuable rights and franchises
of the present Oregon transcontinental.
Villard is much impressed with the
great possibilities of electricity and one
of the prime objects of the now company
will be furnishing money to the Edi
son company and other electrical en
terprises in which Villard and his
friends are interested. The new com
pany will still retain their interests in
the Northern Pacific and act as a
banker for that concern and dependent
corporations. It is possible that a
recousolidatiou of the electric manu
facturing interests ofEdison,'Sprague,
Westinghouse and Thompson-Houston
Co., will bo attempted by the com
pany controlling the transcontinental.
.Another Steamship I.ino Probable.
Sp rial to THE Atouiax.1
Bostox, March 25. It is possible
that tho Atchison directors, now on
the way to the Pacific coast will make
arrangements with tho Poninsnlar
and Oriental Steamship company in
which Baring brothers are largely
interested, for traus Pacific service
from San Diego.
They Want Fort) Centi an Hour,
special to Tiik Astoriax.j
Chicago, March 26. Carpenters
emjiloyed on Rand and McNally's new
building this morning struck for an
increase to -10 cents an hour. The de
maud was refused and tho
quit work and reported to
carpenter's council. It
is not unlikely war will be declared.
The secretary of the carpenters coun
cil is constantly receiving letters from
all parts of the United States and
Canada, offering financial aid in the
coming struggle for eight hours work
and -10 cents an hour.
A Railroad Lore Feast.
Special to The Astori ix.
Chicago, March 26. To-day's meet
ing of the Chicago west-bound roads
was a love feast. All the roads ex
pressed a wish to re-establish tho old
rates of the "Western Passenger associ
ation, and the meeting decided to es
tablish an association taking in the
former territory; also the Alliance,
Mo., country. A, committee was ap
pointed to reorganizo the old associ
ation. The Ohio Flood Is Falling.
Special to The Astoriax.
CixaxxATi, March 26. Tho river at
6 o'clock this morning stood nt 59 feet
and 2 inches, and has commenced to
fall. A cheerful feeling prevails, al
though all danger has not yet passed.
Keller for Flood Sufferers.
Special to The astoriax.j
Arkaxsas Crrr, Ks., March 26.
Captain Leach, of the U. S. engineers,
is fitting out a boat to go to the re
lief of the sufferers at Laconia Circle,
below here. Great devastation is re
ported there. Houses are surrounded
and the occupants are on the roofs or
in the top stones, without provisions.
A large amonnt of live stock has been
Astoria Eeal Estate &
Joe CuoynsHKno&is Billy Wilson
Ont in Two Honils.
Special by The California Assocutkd Press.
Sax Fbaxcisco, March 26. Joe
Choynski, who made such a deter
mined stand in the fight with Jim
Corbett last summer, and Billy Wil
son, a colored heavy weight from St
Paul, met at the Golden Gate club
this evening for a finish fight for a
$1,500 purse of which $250 went
to the loser. Wilson came
with an unbroken record, and was ex
pected to make a hot battle with
Choynski, who is game and a clever
fighter. Wilson weighed 183 and was
in good condition. Choynski was in
perfect trim at 169. Mike Lucie was
the referee. In the first Wilson
showed himself remarkably quick, and
started to force Joe. The latter
would either retreat or duck and
suddenly turning drove his heavy
right on Wilson's nose which started
it to bleeding. He repeated this a
few times when Wilson settled down
a bit and was badly jabbed.
and towards the end of the round
was knocked down with a heavy one
on his mouth and went to his corner
in bad shape.
Kound 'z Wilson came up spry
again but was very cautious. Choynski
was the first to lead, when Wilson
ducked and throwing out his right
shoulder threw Joe heavily. He
was up in a moment and kept jabbing
away on Wilson's bleeding nose.
Wilson seemed to lose heart at the
poor showing ho was making, being
almost unable to touch Choynski.
Joe finally got in a heavy smash on
Wilson's mouth, which took him off
his feet, his head rebounding from
the floor, where he lay until counted
More Railroads fr Seattle.
Special to The Astoriax.
Seattle, March 26. The general
manager of the Union Pacific will ar
rive in this city to-morrow and will
ask the common council for a fran
chise for the right of way for that
road. It has long been known that of
ficials of the Union Pacific have looked
favorably upon Seattle and believed it
would be a good point for railroad
business, but this move was unex
pected by the citizens here. Active
operation will soon be commenced on
tho construction of the Seattle & Mon
tana A deal for the terminal and
depot grounds is practically con
cluded and most of the deeds have
been placed on record. For the past
ten days two surveying parties "nave
been working west from Spokane
Falls, locating the line, and next week
a party will be sent out from this city.
Trouble at the State Normal School.
Special to The Astoriax.
Independence, Or. March. 26,
The charges against the president of
the state normal school for being in
timate with a lady teacher, were fully
investigated by the board of directors,
and the accused honorably acquitted
yesterday. The charges were preferred
by two students, who agreed to keep
still for $300, which, being refused,
they circulated the story. Young has
been expelled from tho school. The
president, in order to keep harmony in
tho school, resigned. His successor
will bo selected at the June meeting of
the directors. All is moving along
smoothly now under the management
of tho fnll faculty.
Xeatloa of Xarkham'a Xame.
Special to The Astoriax.
Los Anoeles, March 26. At the
banquet of tho Union League club
last night, which was largely attended
by prominent Republicans, Colonel
H. H. Markham was mentioned as a
candidate for governor in the coming
Judge Meeler Die Suddenly.
Special to Thk Astoriax.j
Rosebdro, Or., March 26. Judge
L. S. Mosier, a pioneer and prominent
citizen of Douglas county, died at 4:30
p. si. to-day, aged 66.
Fire la Arlioaa.
Special to Thk Astoriax.
Presoott, Ariz., March 26. The
Standard quartz nulls, six miles south
of Prescot were destroyed by fire to
day. The loss is about $10,000.
A Saa Fraaelsee Becltloa.
Special to The Astoriax.
San Francisco, March 26. Judge
Fenn to-day rendered a decision in
the case of the city of San Francisco
against the Western Union Telegraph
Company, to recover the city tax
amounting in all to about 93,500. The
judgment was in favor of the plaintiff.
The court held that the defendant was
not exempt from taxation as the city
had the right to collect taxes on fran
chises of foreign corporations trans
acting business within the city.
All Ahear the Cable Care.
Special to The Astoriax.
Seattle, March 26. This morning
the cable was laid on the Madison
street road, and the first car will be
run on Friday.
Choice !
Hydraallc Mlalag la Baja California.
Special to The Astoriax.
San Diego, March 26. Special to
the Union from Eeal del Castillo,
Lower California, says: The hy
draulic works constructed by the
Lower California Mining com
pany, working under the Masac
concession, were inaugurated this
morning under government auspices.
The water was turned on amid great
Boy Drowied la the Willamette.
Special to The Astoriax.
Portland, March 26. Albert, the
five-year-old son of Alex. Campbell,
U. S. ganger, was drowned this even
ing, and his body has been recovered.
Pretty Hearlly Attached.
Special to The Astobiax.
Portland, March 26. Several ad
ditional attachments were to-day
placed on the dry goods and clothing
house of J. Selling & Co. The attach
ment suits already amount to 50,000.
Sudden Death Xear Seattle.
Special to The Astoriax.
Seattle, March 26. Fred Hansen,
ex-member of the legislature and a
prominent man in this county,
dropped dead yesterday on his ranch
at New Castle.
Are Single Folks Happiest?
Is a single person more likely to be
happy than a double one? Are bach
elors and maids happier than married
folk? It is a big question, and per
haps will find as many voices in the
negative as in uie ainrmauve. xne
single person cannot be as unhappy as
tne uouoie one, and aitnougn tne oiiss
of married iife, such as I at first de
scribed, is great; so is, also, the mis
ery of an ill-assorted or disastrous
marriage. The lonelines of a loving
heart is hard to bear, and the
longing for protecting and sympathetic
companionshp is verv sorrowful and
depressing, but the burden of en
forced companionship with a husband
who has become on object of aversion
and terror, is a great deal harder to
bear, and the slavery of dependence
upon an unwilling and grudging
master is far more bitter and unen
durable. It is, after all, a good deal
like gambling. You stake your dol
lar, and you may win five, or you may
lose all. Probably the wisest plan,
certainly tho most obvious advice is:
Don't put up your dollar! Mrs.
Frank Leslie, widow.
The Latest Petticoat.
The latest petticoat is straight from
Paris and is untrimmed. It is simply
a well-shaped skirt that looks as if it
were made of leopard skins, but it is
in reality a brocade silk representing
the skin of the wild beast It is pleas
antly warm to wear, and has a bar
baric look delightful to the smart
girl who likes to imagine that she can
have a sweetheart brave enough to go
out and kill wild animals, the skins of
which she may use to keep her pretty
self warm. Women to-day ore just as
fond of thinking that men are brave
and capable of manly sports as they
used to be sure of it before the dude,
the monocld and the absinthe cock
tail were in vogue.
A Stnpid Pennsylvania!!.
A Pittsburg man has been sentenced
to three years in the penitentiary for
the larceny of on umbrella It served
him, exactly right He should have
organized a syndicate and gobbled up
all the umbrellas in the state of Penn
sylvania, and then ho would have had
a better standing in tho courts.
WasJiington Post.
Judge Williams, of St. Paul, has
rendered a decision defining a news
paper, in which he says that a paper
that publishes no telegraph Jnews, no
commercial news, no political news
except in times of local political con
tests, in not a newspaper.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria
SVhen Baby vroa aide, wo gave her Castoria.
(Then sho was a Child, she cried for Castoria,
iVhen she became SUas, she clung to Castoria,
Then she had Children, she gave them Caatorii
The Indiana couple who were mar
ried by telephone the other day, "just
for the fun of tho thing," are in a
position to fully recognize the meaning
of the word progress, as applied to the
age in which we live.
Two Cmree Oae Bottle.
Middle Amana, la.. An. 15, 1888.
I turned my lee with scalding water an
naa prainea ankle at same time: promptl
lied both with one bottle of St Jacobs Oil.
Oma Application Cored.
M Pilot Grove, Mo., Aug. M.188S.
I wis cured promptly by one application of fit.
jacooa uu. mks. NANCY ARMSTRONG.
At Dbcgoisti and dialxbs.
Trust Co., Portland Ag'ts.
Oxford Wins in Twenty-two Miintes
Ani Tbree Saconls.
Special by the California Associated Pikss.
London, March 26. The race was
over the usual course from Putney
to Mortlake, a distance of four miles
and a quarter. The crowd was un
precedented, both banks of the river
being lined.
Cambridge was a decided favorite
in betting, but as soon as the men took
water, it was seen that the Oxford's
swing was better than the Cambridge
and their slide almost as good. Ox
ford was first away, but Cambridge
pulled a faster stroke, overtook Ox
ford, and led at Clasper's, but by the
time Cranenstep's, six furlongs from
the start was reached, Oxford
had gone to the front again.
At Hammersmith bridoe Cam
bridge had a lead of half a length.
When Devonshire Meadows, three
miles from the starting point, were
readied, tne crews were pulling on
even terms. Oxford Ipd nfc Karnes
bridge, four furlongs further on, by
naii a lengtn. uxrortt tnen rorgea
ahead and won by a length. Time, 22
minutes and 3 seconds.
An Oration aad a Farewell.
Special to The Astorian.1
Berltn, March 26. The farewell
audience between Emperor William
and Prince Bismarck was held this
morning. It lasted three-quarters of
an hour. Bismarck- was heartily
cheered on his way to the palace by
crowds along the route. Ladies threw
him bouquets and kissed their hands
to him. Bismarck was affected to
Wants Unrestricted Reciprocity.
Special to The Astorian.1
Ottawa, March 26. Notice has been
filed in the house of commons of a
motion praying the dominion legis
lature to take steps to bring about un
restricted reciprocity between the U.
S. and Canada
X FlaaHdal Reeommeadatlaa.
Special to The Astoriax.!
Ottawa, March 26. Foster will de
liver a speech, to-morrow, and will
suggest on amendment to the tariff
and recommend that the Chinese poll
tax be kept at the present figure, $50.
Will Follow Bismarck's Example.
Special to The Astoriax.
London, March 26. The St James
Gazette reports that Kalnoky is about
to retire from the Austrian premier
ship. OBelal Recognition of New Ofleers.
Special to The Astoriax. I
Berlin, March 26. In the lower
house of the Prussian diet, Von Ca
privi has ready the emperor's accept
ance of Bismarck's resignation of tne
office of imperial foreign minister and
the appointment of himself, Caprivi,
to succeed him.
The Ualrerslty Boat Race.
Special to The Astorian.1
London, March 26. The great
university boat race between Oxford
and Cambridge was won by Oxford.
He Boa't Waat the 0ce.
Special to The astoriax.j
Berlin, March 26. Count Venste
ben declines the office of minister of
foreign affairs.
Oueea Victoria oa her Trarels.
Special to The Astoriax.
Arx Les Bains, March 26. Queen
Victoria arrived here to-day.
The Doek Laborers' Strike Is Settled.
Spcelal to The Astoriax.j
London, March 26. The dock la
borers' strike has ended, a compromise
between the men and employers hav
ing been effected.
'-perors Harmonize.
Special to The Astoriax'.I
Vienna, March 26. Emperor
Francis Joseph has received positive
assurasnee that Emperor William will
adhere to the triple alliance.
A Conspirator Arrested.
Special to The astoriax,
Sofia, March 26. Major Panitza
has been arrested for conspiring
against Prince Ferdinand. He made
a confession and saysthe objectof the
plotters was. to reconcile Bulgaria and
Earthquake la Austria.
Special to The Astoriax.
Trieste, Austria, March 26. There
was a violent earthquake in this city
and vicinity to-day.
Bucklcn's Aralca Salve.
The Best Salve in the world for
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