C) ht gaittj stotimt. ASTORIA. OREGON: WEDNESDAY. MAltCH 20.1890 City aad. CeHBtj- Ottcial Paper. A VITAL ISSUE. Atabt from party work or partisan effort, The MoBxnra Astortax ex presses the belief that it would ben good thing if the three men that Clat sop county sends to the next legisla ture would be men who are pledged to work and vote, for the repeal of that ally law which exempts indebt edness. Such exemption places pre mium on fraud, hinders theprogress o the state and is a blot upon the es cutcheon of the commonwealth. Let it be clearly understood, and an issue in the contest, that the state senator and the two representatives that Clat sop sends to Salem shall be pledged to use effort and argument against the further continuance of such an cient mistake. This paper has strenuously advo cated such repeal, and now takes the practical ground that if the people of this state want to have that exemption of indebtedness clause repealed, they can do it The way to do it is to make up the next legislature of men who will see that it is done. This is the people's opportunity; it is the opportunity of all of us of small means who are paying the taxes of the state, while those who ought to pay heir share go free though well able to stand their quota. If the voters of Clatsop county are awake to the issues of the day they will ask the man or men who asks them for their votes, "are you in favor of repeal ing the indebtedness clause?' This is the one vital issue before the voters of Oregon, so far as the legislature is concern ed. ' THE MASCOT COIN. The Latest Caper of Giddy Damsels. COUNTY POLITICS. The Mascot coin is an innovation of a genuine romantic sort. I met a young man who carries one of them day and night, and he declares that all the wealth of the Yanderbilts could notbuyitfromhim. It is only a $5 gold piece, but it is a coin of magic value in fact a protection from all ills, a magnet of fortune, and above all, a signet of endless love, for the one : who wears it And when it is consid ered what a very strange journey this little gold piece has taken any man but a scoffer at sentiment would be ready to admit that its qualities indeed must be rare ones. In the first place, to have a Mascot coin one must have a sweetheart. The lovlier this sweet heart the more potent the charms of coin. Sweetheart makes a present of the coin to her lover but before it passes irrevocably into his posses sion it has an exciting time of it In the thrilling half lights of the back drawing-room the coin is passed from the hand of the girl to that of the man. Then the lat ter carefully, gently and with the ut most respect for the ceremony, drops it down the neck of the girl, taking es pecial care that it descends under even the last delicate film of clothing. The girl immediately becomes the active agent at this juncture, and by moving about, and perhaps hopping up and down a little, manages to sift the coin down on the floor. If, by some rare chance, the gold lodges in the top of the stocking, then it must be worked down to the heel, from whence it is cut out by the young man. This latter result clothes the coin with an added power, though the shorter trip is quite sufficient to invest it with all the magic that the average young man requires in his daily life. The story of this new in vention was told at a club dinner a few days ago, and the effect was elec trical. " Within a month no love affair will be complete with out its Mascot coin. One intensely lovely girl, on hearing about it, said it reminded her of the "drop-a-nickle-in-tho-slot" machines. "Still," she observed, 'if Charlie wants to risk losing his coin I have no objection to letting it take a trip over me." - Ex. There is a little stir in county poll tics, the approach of the Republican j primaries nwaKcning interest in anusc quent proceedings. Already are an nounced "slates," some of them, prob ably, to be badly cracked if not broken before June. The principal interest centers round the county clerk's office, for, though it is to be divided after June 30 and con siderable of the fees diverted to the newly-created office of recorder; yet it will remain the best-paying office in the county and one of the best in the state. The office of sheriff is a poor one, financially; no one ever got rich as sheriff of Clatsop county, and from present appearances no one will right away. There is but one county commis sioner to be elected. "When J. G. Numburg, and F. W. Smith, were elected in June '88, they drew straws for the long and short term. As the result, the former holds over, and a successor to Mr. Smith is to be elected. The successful nominee will hold office for four years, the same as the county judge and in '92 another commissioner will be elected, to servo four years, and so on. The office of county judge is second to none in importance in the county, as upon the administration of that office depends largely the financial as pect of county affairs. The RcwlMacov'cry. You have heard your friends and neigh bors talking about it. You may your self be one of the many who know from personal experience just how good a thing it is. If you have ever tried it, you are ono of its staunch friends, because the wonderful thing about it is, that when once given trial, Dr. King's New Discovery ever after holds a place in tfcc house. If you have never used it and should be afllicted with a cough, cold or any Throat, hung or Chest tremble, secure a bottle at once and give it a fair trial. It is guaranteed every time, or money refunded. Trial Bottles Free at J. YV. Conn's Drugstore. Kemcmber the Austin house at the Seaside is open the year 'round. NEW TUrDAY. The Law and Abstract Office 01' C. R. THOMSON One Door east ok Demeht's dbuq stoke A complete set of Abstract Books for the entire County always kept posted to date. Special attention given to practice in the U. S. taud Ofllce. and the examination of land titles. Office Up stairs, opposite Telegraph Office. C. R. F. P. Union Notice. THE ItEGULAlt MONTHLY MEETING of the Columbia River Fishermen's Pro tective Union will be held at Liberty hall. Tuesday, April l, 1890, at 7 :30 P. m. FRANK MCGREGOR, PreSt. FRED WRIGHT. Secy. Ross Opera House NEW TO-DAY. Beadauarters Department of the Columbia. ottce of Chief tuartermaster, Vancouer Baeracks, Wash.. March 2G, 1690. Sealed yreposals in triplicate will be received here wrtll 11 o'clock A. M.. April 25. 1890. and Mms opened, for transportation of Military Supplies on Routes Nos. 1, 2 and 3, during Kseal j ear ommencing July 1.1890. ThcU. E. reserves the richt to reject any or all fapoaals. All information will be fur tohed en appl (cation here. Envelopes con -tilnlnr proposals should be marked : "Pro ves! for Transportation on Route No. ." ami addressed to the undersigned here. J. G.G.LKX, Major and Chief Quartermaster. Thursday, March 27th, Under the auspices of the FIRST M. e. cncRcn, "Which congregation has the pleasure to an nounce me engagement, unaer its aus pices, of the world-famed Jubilee v Singers ! From Fisk University, Nasville, Tenn. FOR 0'K of Their Inimitable Concerts! - CASE'S ASTORIA! KNOWN AS THE OLD MILL PROPERTY. The Finest Inside Prop erty on the Market To-Day ! Oily Ttae Fo nrths of a Mi South of! Arc 0. P. R R. Dock Thii splendid Business and Residence Property lies on the south side of the hill, sloping downward from the cemetery, and has a deep water frontage on Yonng's Bay. It will be traversed by a cable or motor line within six months. Clear, level lots in this magnificent tract arc now for sale on easy terms, at prices which will rapidly advance. J.H. MANSELL, REAL ESTATE BROKER. - lJ NOTARY PUBLIC FOR STATE OF OREGON. City Lots and Acre Property, Ranches, Timber Lands, and Water Frontage for Sale. Correspondence Solicited. P. o. Box 3C3. Established 1SS3. INVESTMENTS .MADE FOR OUTSIDE PARTIES. Next W. U. Telegraph Office. Third St. Astoria, Oregon. I SIP HI I ilu Ifl ikado Sandy Factory Manufactures Daily the Finest of Peanut Taffy, Molasses Chewing Peppermints. Vanilla and Straw berry Chunks. Also Handle None but the Finest Key West and Imported CIGARS. ricass Call and Give me a Trial. T1IIKD STREET. Next W. U. Telecraph Offlce D. H. WELCH & CO., Real Estate, Insurance, General Brokers NOTARY TUIJLIC FOR OREGON. We have Property in the original townsite from $225 up wards. Good Business and Residence Property always on our list. Investment made for non-rc3!dcnts. Correspondence- solicited. Call and see us. Ofllce on Water Street, near Union PaclMe Wharf and Depot. For Particulars Inquire of Waeken & Weight W. L. UHLENHART, Real Estate Broker, C9R l)nt Buys One-Half Business Block, fitljVUU centrally located. C7 An Buys a Nice Business Lot on f 9UU second Street. CR RAA Buys a Nice Business on the cor 9J,nn ner oiney and Fourth Streets. $5 E)t Will buy a Block In Adair's As- JVWW tnrto nn Mrmlr tr-nm hAwa ai t J IVIIOi Vlll ViVVA AlUttl HVtOb V0L line, and cleared. C4 51)0 Buys a .Nice Residence and a QtWU corner Lot in McClure's Astoria. Buys Choice Lots in Hustler & Ai ken's Astoria. $225 O Rflfl Bitjs a House and p I jJUU ciure's Astoria, only from schoolhouse. Lot in Mc two blocks Oft Will buy a Fine Kesldence Lot in j McClure's . i Astoria. Fine view. onn Will buy Three Fine Lots in Al jtw derbrook. iAtts are 50100 each. $1 $1 to ftflfl Buys Lot 4, Block SO. McClure's 9CfJW Astoria,only two blocks from the courthouse. $800 Lot 1. Block 103, McClure's Astoria, two mocks irom scnooinousc. THIS IS THE ORIGINAL COMPANY ThatdevotcdoverSi50,000of its earning to the building of Fisk University, that made two wonderfully successful tours abroad, the guests of Kings and queens and prime minis ters, and that sung by special invitation for presidents Grant, Hayes, Garfield and Arthur. "I never so enjoyed music" Rev. Charles D Spurgeon. "That music touches it takes hold." The Crown Prince of Germany Rev. Theo. L. Cuylcr. D. D. "Their songs open the fountain of tears." ce sion. 50 cents. Tickets for sale at the New Lots in the Principal Outside Additions to Astoria. Also some Fine Acreage suitable for Platting. OFFICE ON THIRD ST.. 0pp. Odd Fellow's Building Look at the Bargains. No Time Like the Present. LOTS JOINING THE CITY LI MI 5.S IN BERRY'S ASTORIA am II ANT HORN'S ASTORIA Cheaper to-day than at any future timi-. Tlas property is jidvanring IVrins easy. Great Slaughter Sale i IwYnMre OF- Stationery, Musical Goods and Notions, for the Next Sixty Days. Fiavei's Brick Building, 0pp. Occident Hotel. LOTS IN Extension : to : Eailway : Addition THESK A HE THE BEST TiVYS ON THE MARKET. CALL QIC "WHITE The Astoria Seal Estate aM Trust Co., (INCORPORATED.) CAPITAL, $50,000. President, L. P. W. QU1MBY. Vjcc-Presidenf, C. W. WILLIAMS. Secretary. W. H. EDWARDS. Room 16, N. E. Cor. First and Alder, Portland, Or. ROBB & PARKER, Apiits, - - Astoria, Onp. C. K. SOKEXSOX. C. S. CUXDEKSON. Sorenson & So., Real Estate Agents! City and Suburban Property, Choice Acreage Suitable for Platting, Also Farms for Sale. Agents for 'NEW ASTORIA." Correspondence Solicited, r. O. Box 103. Ofllce on Oiney Street, Between Second and Third. $1 1 nnil wm bu? 4 Lots on Street Car jwww line and 50 feet Water Front age, near U. P. Wnarf. $3,500 "Will buy cood Business Corner on Street Car line, 00x150. $3,000 Good Business Corner on Street Car line, 50x150. $3,000 Good Business Lot on Street Car line, 50x125. $2,000 Will buy a Bock in "Williams-port. Resen ed seats, 75 cents ; York Novelty Store. :eneral admis- Carnahan & Go. SUCCESSORS TO I. W. CASE, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE AND HKTAIL DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Corner Chenamus and Cass streets. A8TCKIA OREGON ij im ASTORIA $2,000 Business Lot, One-Half Block from Street Car, 50x150. $2,100 Will buy 250 Acres of Land with bouse. Cl Rflfl Will buy a ? I ,9UU 50x150 feet. Good Kesldence Lot. Cl 1 HO Will buy 1G0 Acres of Land, One I , I UU Quarter Mile from Columbia Riv. 41 nfin Will Buy 90 Acres of Tide Land, I jlWU wjth bouse. CJnh Will buy SO Acres of Tide Land ; ;ood location. $J.7C Will buy Reed Corner Lot in Olnej's Astoria, 50x100. 609E to $250 l buy Lois hi Block No. ytaW 7G, fi , Shivcly's Astoria. $175 Will buyso Acres of good Tide Land, good location. For Particulars Call at the Office of D. H. WELCH & CO, KEEP YOUR EYE ON NEW ASTORIA! LOIS FOR SALE BY Fitzgerald &. Carney, I WWW m& -A FINE STOCK Children's : Carriages JUST HECEIT7ED. PRICES LOWER THAN EVER. frltfln A Ba BLOCK 20 Hustler & Aiken's Addition Has been subdivided and Is now on tbe market. VAN DUSEN & CO. THIS DESIRABLE BLOCK Is entirely clear. Is situated on tbe proposed Cable Koad route between Genevieve and Main streets, and within one street of Taylor's proposed Motor route. The Oregon Land Co, r. a.. TL&xxctm HAS AN ASTORIA OFFICE S. W. COR. THIRD AND 0LNEY STREETS, Buy and Sell Property on Commission. We Deal in Real Estate and are Successful in Our Business. BUY YOUR LOTS IN This Property is now on the market and can be bought from either of our local ag'ts on equal terms. S. J. 70HD & CO., General Agents. 1S& ifo (f NEW ASTORIA has the best deep water frontage and anchorage of any town on the Pacific Coast and is the point where the Astoria and South Coast Railway Com pany and the Albany and Astoria R. R. Company have selected locations for their terminal shipping docks. A lot bought in NEW ASTORIA to-day will net the buyer a fortune in the near future. The chance to get in at the present low prices will hold good for only a few days. ITT? XV. (jUf make Vr m msFfNGToiv. A & air ofe imwm-m&f a Pi , m EliS. '::.VC-V; i W A 40 -CHINOOK PfSV iVEv cgo ..t - wgS N WSraSlVlsESSSH A5TDRIA VEAST Sunny Mead Addition! TO ASTORIA. Tills fine property has been put on the market by Mrs. Owens Adair, M. 1)., and Is situated near the Astoria and South Coast Bailroad. PRICES, S50 AND S60. FOU SALE BY McGOWAN BROS. & TUTTLE, Third St., East of Olnty. L.A.GJIAXGEK. W. L. HAIXOSQmST GRANGER & HALLONQUIST, Civil : Engineers : and : Surveyors Accuracy Guaranteed at Standard Rates. Ofllce itli iMcGowan Bros. & Tuttle, Mansell's New Building. P.O. Box 721. ASTOBIA, - OREGON w ASTORIA NEW ASTORIA is laid out upon a Jiigh,.dryt and level location Its surroundings are splendid and itis a Natural Place for a City. Large lots, wide streets, .broad avenues, grand boulevards. Every lot bought in NEW ASTORIA at the present low figures will bring its owner a fortune. The sale begins to-day. NOW BUY. . WINGATE & STONEKAgta KEEN & G00E, Agents;