The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, March 26, 1890, Image 1

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IliseSgt jnl QMi i Hi iI m 111
I I -tifmMmMm L? xL ajI I, LI HL L LI Lit L
- -33ZZI
THE O. R. & N. DOCK,
Prices Low and
Kenney's Addition!
Beautifully situated on the banks of the Columbia, ad
joining proposed Public Park and near the
newlv discovered coal beds.
Only $:; per Lot for a tew days. Get in now and secure
first-class Lots.
Saddles and Harness
1 make a specialty or iiooil woik ami guarantee satisfaction. At Hie Old, Wis
Side Olncy Street. Near Wilson & Fisher's.
Situate at Moii
Future Terminus of
western and
Daattnod to be the SMpping Center
of the Great ZTortliwost.
LOTS $100 AMD $125
Buy Now and Secure Choice Lots !
Prices Will be Advanced to $150 and
$200 April 1st.
Cor. Jmrtk anil Genevieve Sts., Astoria, Orepn.
$125 AND $150 PER LOT
BOBB & PAEKEB, General Ag'fe, Astoria.
Terms Reasonable.
Astoria. Or.
of Colniia M
the Chicago & North
S. P. Railroads,
Fixing Tab Date For Opening Tie
World's Fair.
Special by Tho California Associvtkd Press.
Atchisox, It?., March 25. A dis
patch from the Missouri Pacific coun
try in the northwestern part of the
state, says that the prairie fires have
leen stopped, but a heavy wind still
prevails. At Stockton the town wan
saved only by the most extraordinary
So far as can be learned, no lives
were lost. The burnt district covers
an area of uiauy miles square, and
the lovs, which includes houses,
barns, granaries, feed and stock can
only be guessed at. Near Marvin, on
thenorth branch of the Missouri Pa
cific thirty or forty miles due north of
Stockton," there was a destructive
fire Saturday night and Sunday. A
gentleman who followed its
track for a distance of twenty
miles, says the conntry is a
blackened waste. As far as he could
see, houses, fences and everything vas
swept away. Occasionally there is a
green field of wheat to relieve the
black monotony.
Non Lt-t tlie Work Resin
Special IiiTiik ASTOitr.x.j
Washington, March 25. The
house to-day adopted the amondment
to the -world's fair bill providing that
the fair buildings be dedicated on Oc
tober 12. 1892,' and that the exposi
tiou be opened not later than May 1st
1893, and closed not later than Oc
tober 30th 1893. The bill finally
passed by a vote of 202 yeas and -19
The Xenr Extradition Treaty.
Special to The Astorian.
Washington, March 25. The ex
tradition treaty between the United
States and Great Britain which was
ratified March 11th was proclaimed
to day. Among the offenses made ex
traditable are manslaughter, counter
feiting, embezzlement, larceny, receiv
ing stolen goods or embezzled prop
erty, criminal fraud, perjury, suborna
tion of perjury, rape, abduc
tion, burglary, piracy mutiny,
destroying vessel at sea, offenses
against laws for suppression of slavery
and slave-trading. No person extra
dited under this treaty shall bo tried
or punished for any political offense or
for any crime other than the offense
for which he was extradited.
One ATuead for tho Republicans.
Special to Thk Astokian.
Washington, March 25. The hoitse
committee on elections to-day dis
posed of two contested election cases,
namely, Tosey vs. Parret. from the
iirst Indiana dist net, and Bowers vs.
Buchanan, in the Ninth Virginia dis
trict In both cases the committee
will recommend that the sitting mem
ber be allowed to retain his seat
In seven election cases passed uikmi
up to the present time the committee
has favored four Republicans and
three "Democrats.
Mill Increasing the List.
Special to The Astokian.2
Washington, March 25. The house
commit teejon invalid pensions has au
thorized a favorable report on the bill
introduced which provides for disa
bility pensions and service pensions to
all soldiers who have reached the age
of sixty-two years.
It Should He (.'ranted.
Special to The Astoiiian.1
Washington, March 25. Senator
rarwell this afternoon introduced a
bill granting a pension of 2,000 per
annum to Mary, the widow of the late
ueneral Crook.
A Catholic Oflliial Proniulc.l. to The Astokian.
PhieiADETiI'hia, March 25. Rev
Nicholas Cantwell, vicar general of
tho archdiocese of Philadelphia, has
been invested with the raukofmon
signor or the first rank, to which dig
nity he was recently elected by the
MorsetThlppcd by a Woman.
Special to The Astokian.
Chicago, March 25. Simson W.
King, U. S. Commissioner of deeds,
was assaulted and horsewhipped, in
front of the national bank building
this morning by Mrs. Frank Kent, a
former client, who claims that King
has circulated damaging reports con
cerning her character. Blood flowed
from several cuts on King's face made
by Mrs. Kent's rawhide, before an of
ficer appeared upon the scene and ar
rested the lady.
Drowned While Hunting.
Special to The Astokian.
Omaha, Neb., March 25. Two sons
of a well-to-do farmer named Shipley,
accomnanied bv two ntlipr hnvV
names unknown, were out hunting "in
a boat on the Missouri about six miles
north of here on Sunday when the
boat capsized nnd nil were drowned.
The empty boat was found this morn
ing, xne Domes nave not yet been
Call Early and Take Your
Sparring Match in Chicago.
Special to The Astoria:.-.
Chicago. March 25. A large num
ber of local sports visited Battery B,
to-night to witness a sparring match
between Peter Jackson and Jack Ash
ton. Several minor pugilists pre
ceded the main contest in three
round matches. In the Jackson-
Altou contest both men showed up
well and some lively sparring was
indulged in. Jackson says he is
anxions to meet Sullivan in n fight
to the finish.
Stole a S'cw BnsheK of Wheat
Special to Tun Astouian.1
Buffalo, March 25. Stephen F.
Sherman, a prominent member or the
board of trade, has been convicted
of grand larceny. The offense con
sisted of taking and appropriating to
his own use SOO.000 tmshels or wheat
from an elevator.
Fin in His-iia-cL.
Spt-cial .eTiii: AsroiMXN I
Bismakcsm X. D., March 25. Willi
the wind blowing at 80 miles an hour
this morning Bismarck narrowly es
caped being swept away by a fire.
Several buildings were destroyed and
the total loss is about $23,000.
Attempt tt Abduct a Yonns 1-iily.
Special to The Amouian.
Detroit, March 25. -A bold nl-!"'"?. , K 'll
tempt was made hist night at Oscoda, j ,, , ' Ji "
to abduct Florence Nightingale. !"n,rv tnc WCf
eighteen vears old. Three men trietl!b1nsil:SA. WQ3
ightceu j
to force her into
a rarrii0- lint slim
broke away, ran to Mrs. Black's and
opened the door, when the men lied.
xnc gin nact ucen uonnu ana gagged,
one remained unconscious until toHi.iv.
She has received threatening letters!
ior two years, xne uiree men were
arrested, named Andrew and Gill Be
noit and Win. Flynn, and taken to
prison to prevent lynching.
Villard Carries His Point.
Special to Tm: Astokian.
Nnw Yokk, March 25.- The Oregon
Transcontinental has completed ar
rangements for thc retirement of $10,
000,000 of bonds on May 1st This re
leases the Northern Pacific from its
The Sheriff's Office Corrupt. to Tin: Astokian
Nnw Yokk March 25. The grand
jury reported a strong indictment
against the sheriffs oftice. It found
that for twenty years the office has
been conducted with a total disregard
to law and that a svstem of blackmail
and extortion has obtained, bv which
the sheriffs were able to pocket fiftv
thousand dollars in fees annually,
above their expenses. The emplov-
ment of honest deputy sheriffs has
been impossible under the system.
The officers for a long time have been
corrupt and the sheriff ha3 had a
knowledege generally of the infamous
practices which have existed.
Another Prize Fhrht Arratis'l
Cmcvao, March 25. Barney Gal
lagher and Harrv Gilmore, "light
weights, to-day signed articles to fight
to a finish, London rules, for $300 a
side and S50 forfeit.
F. O. Canniiiihani Dies in Italy.
.;itrcial to The Astokian
New Yokk, March 25. News was
received to-dav of the death, on Mon
day, at Nice, of Francis G. Cunning
ham, age WJ. lo was Ixrn in Aew
York, and after engaging in business
m this citv went to California, where his
father and subsequently thc ton had
large interests. He retired from busi
ness some vears ago. He was a
brother-in law of Mrs. Niels.
ItailroaJ iUrfleul'irs All Settled. to The A.vroaiAN.J
Chicago, March 25. President
Brevfogle of the Monon railroad to
day officially renewed amicable rela
tions with the Louisville and Nash
ville and the Pennsylvania companies.
It was alo officially stated that neither
road had any pecuniary interest in
the Monon. the revolt I)cing entirely
with the stockholders.
Don't (.'o Off Ileforr You Aro Heady,
Iiit cu'arlv on :v lew: journey. Ite fully pie
prepared. Yon cannot be. itrrmit as to s.iy,
unless yu art accompanied with the travel
ers anil tourist ' vatfe nieciiui. Iiobtetter's
Stomach Hitter, most, or appetizers,
acclimatizes ami promoter of liiKC-rtion.
Against seasickness, malaria, cramps and
colics, begotten of badly cooked or unwhole
some food ami brack Mi water, nen oumicss.
Increased by travel, chronic biliousness and
const patiou, the ISitters is a sovereign pre
ventive. It imparls a relish for food not al
together to your t :ste, and prevents it from
disigreeim: with you. .ever was there
such a capital thitu fr the unfortunate dys
peptic who stauds in dread of the best
cooked meal. Stomacli'c trouble caused by
ill-prepared iauds aboard ship, on steam
boats, and rations hastily boiled at railway
restaurants, is soon remedied by the Hitters,
which gives a quietus also to rheumatism,
Kidney i roubles and insomnia.
Sol Abrams, of Roseburg, has sold
all his laud from Tnnnel 9 to Myrtle
creek, including his saw mills, to C. A.
Roberts, of Salem, for S100,000, re
serving the Glendale townsite.
Hiiflilcn'.H Arnica. Sulrc.
Tin: Best Sai,ve in the world for
Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rhe
um, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped
Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin
Eruptions, and positively cures Piles,
or no pay required. It is guaranteed to
give perfect satisfaction, or money re
funded, i rice 25 cents per box. For
sale by .1- W. Conn.
Eastern Floods Cause Great Damage
an! Suffering.
Special by Tho California Associated Tress.
New York, March 25. A conference
of the Trunk Tune association was
held this afternoon in tho office of
commissioner Fink. Representatives
were present from the Trunk Line
association of the Lake lines, North
western lines, Canadian Pacific and
Western Freight association, and New
England Trunk line routes. North
west of Chicago, the lines take the
Superior ports and Daluth, Green
bay and Gladstone. The topic of
conference was the rates to the north
west by rail and by lake. An attempt
was made to equalize freight rates by
all routes to Minneapolis. Rates from
New York to St Paul through Chi
cago were made 10 cents higher on
first-class matter, and 3 cents on
second-class matter, than by Lake
Superior routes. It was the sense of
the conference that rates were too
high by the Chicago and Milwaukee
I line. The Lake Superior line
concede lower rates.
cslern bound freight
considered. This
im:ivitivii if lit muw iifir. iTif'iinii. niiiiiinp
cement, salt, iron or coal.
saiiiran Wiiiia? to Fight the M??er.
gp .1 to Hie Astouian 1
Boston, March 25. John L. Sul-
i,vn c..v . fi.nt ti, att-c,-;;
a - - ' t " , - Ai-AjitMtiut
trouble is disposed of he is free to
fight Jackson, and further, that "If
the California Athletic club, or anj
other club will put up a purse of $20,
000 for a fight between Jackson nnd
myself I will meet him in battle for
the championship. I don't care what
the gloves are so they come -within the
restrictions of the law. I shall de
mand at least $20,000 and shall stick
to it. I am now willing to negotiate
with the California Athletic club. I
conldn't do anything about a match
while sentence of the law was hanging
over me. I think that that is now set
tled and if the club officers want
me to fight Jackson in their
rooms I should like to
hear from them. If a match is ar
ranged I shall train as never before as
I am satisfied that Jackson is no mean
opponent and I must be in in first
class condition to win."
Disastrous Floods.
Special to The Astokian.
Cincinnati, March 25. The Ohio
river is rising here this morning. In
tense suffering among families in the
low lands has been reported nnd tho
damage will lc great
The Forks or the Ohio.
Special to The Astokian.
Pittsburgh, March 25. Heavy rain
to-day caused much damage in the
Alleghany and Monongahela rivers,
which are rising eleven and one half
inches an hour. The lower part of
the city is flooded and several houses
have been carried away with their con
tents. The railroads entering here
are under water. Tho mills are
closed nnd thousands of employes are
licvee Hroken.
Special to Tin: Ai-TOKi in.
Akkans.vs Crrr, March 25. Tho
Laconia circle levee broko by the
heavy prcsure of water on Friday at
11 o'clock at Green Grove front laud
ing, three miles below Heudrick, Ark.
The break is now 75 or 100 feet wide.
The eople in the circle are nearly
drowned out They have taken refuge
in cabins and houses and built stomps
for their cattle. Several houses have
l)een washed awav, but no lives were
The Itehrlng Sea Seal Fisheries.
Special to The Astokian.
Ottawa'. Ont. March 25. Captain
Warne, of Vancouver, is in this city
on business with the minister of ma
rine fisheries. In an interview, Cap
tain Warne said he had come down
armed with powers of attorney, repre
senting $300,000, claims of several
owners, for losses in the Behr
ing sea seal fisheries. For several
years, in fact, since 1887, "Bohring
sea never was a private sea," said the
"When Russia owned the country,
the United States protested against
their claim that it was a private sea
and were joined by Great Britain. In
1827 Russia seized a sealer belonging
to tho United States and had to restore
it, paying all costs and claims for
Of conrsc we do not admit now that
the United States owns it, or that they
can make it a private sea to suit their
own convenience. We certainly ex
pect to receive recompense for our
losses. One of my boats was seized
last year with about $1,000 worth of
furs on board. I have three
boam which cost some of them
$16,000. A sealer is very heavily
manned. Five men would be suffi
cient to sail the schooner, but for
sealing, they have to carry about
eight seamen." Hon. C. H. Tupper,
minister of fisheries, arrived here to
day from Washington, and was in
terviewed by Capt Warne.
Astoria Real Estate &
Favorable News of the Ohio Flood.
Special to The Astorian.1
Cvsassuaz, March. 25. There torn
been only one-tenth of an inch of rain
fall in this valley, for the past thirty
six hours, bat it has been principally
in the Scioto aad Mtukingtun ralleys.
The upper rivers are falling. The
Ohio k now fifty-nine feet and two
inches, and will not exceed
sixty feet Most of the people here
are prepared for a greater stage of
water. The railroads expect to be in
full operation by Saturday, when nav
igation on the Ohio will open.
Resigaatioa aad Appoiatmeat.
Special to The Astokian.
Jacksonville, Fla., March 25. Attorney-General
Trowbridge resigned
to-day and the governor appointed
Benj. W. Houston, of Tuscola, as his
ApgrebensiTe Ttat His Time Of
Serrtce fill lie Brief.
X.lilOK TROVRI.ES is milax.
Special by California Associated Press.
Berlin, March 25. After the
British ambassadors' banquet last
night, Count Herbert Bismarck had a
discussion with tho emperor, and
again asked permission to retire. His
resignation was accepted and Her Yon
Alvensteben was appointed to succeed
him as imperial secretary for foreign
SUglTlaga of Caprlfl.
Special to The Astor:an.I
Berlin, March 25, The new minis
ter, Caprivi, on entering the abandoned
residence of Prince Bismarck, is re
ported to have said: "I shall not
probably remain long here. It will be
impossible to sacrifice my honest opin
ions to the caprice of the crown."
Extradltloa Treaty.
London, March 25. The new ex
tradition treaty between Great Bri
tain and the United States, was of
ficially published this evening. The
treaty goes into effect April 4th.
DUtreaaed Latorm.
Milan, March 25. There is dis
tress among the laboring population.
thousands of idle men are parading
the streets with red flags and Dands of
music accompanied by their wives
and children.
Uegalatioas For Geraaa CkiMrea.
Special to The Astokian.
Berlin, March 25. The labor con
ference has decided to prohibit the
employment of children under twelve
years of age, and to permit those be
tween twelve and fourteen to labor
six hours, and between fourteen and
sixteen, ten hours per day.
A policeman in New York, when
first appointed, is paid 9800 a year.
Minneapolis street laborers get
S1.G5 a day. Under the contract sys
tem they got $1 and $125.
Denver horseshoers work ten hours
and nine on Saturday. They get from
$18 to $24 a week. No man can work
for less than 93 a day.
A Pittsburg tailor sued a man who
would not pay for a misfit suit The
judge had the man put on the suit
and decided against the tailor.
Tho total value of the sugars im
ported for the fiscal year ending June
80th last was $88,500,000, the duties
on which amounted to $70,800,000.
Moro than 2,000 shirtmakers in New
York are on a strike. Their bosoms
are filled with resentment against their
long hours of labor.
It is said that the natural gas in In
diana has been the means of bringing
into that state more than $20,000,000
of capital and fully 10,000 mechanics.
The costliest cigar smoked in New
York is said to be a Havana called
"Henry Clay," which is sold wrapped
in gold or silver foil, and costs $1.25
apiece at retail.
Marshall Field, dry goods merchant
of Chicago, last year sold $32,000,000
worth of goods. He does the largest
business of any dry goods house in the
In one week there were fifty-seven
new ice-houses and as many more ice
stacks built on Lake Champlain. From
800,000 to 1,000,000 tons of ice have
been secured there.
No home should be without it to ar
rest disorders promptly, which, if not
taken in season, often develop into se
rious diseases. Rev. James M. Rol
lins, Pastor M. E. Church, S., Fairfield,
Va., writes: "1 have used Simmons
Liver Regulator for many years, having
made it my only family medicine. My
mother before me was very partial to
it. It is a safe, good and reliable medi
cino for any disorder of tho system
and if used in time is a great preventive
of sickness."
She came into the theater
And down she proudly aat!
Then tooted forth the erchestra:
"Where did you get that hat?"
All the patent medicines advertised
in this paper, together with the choicest
Eerfumery, and toilet articles etc can
e bought at the lowest prices at J.W.
Conn's drug store, opposite Occident
hotel, Astoria.
A line to Be Built From RoselM
To Coos Bay.
Special by The California Associated Pris3,
Berkeley, CaL, March 25. This
morning as a teamster named John
Brown was crossing the railroad track
at University avenue with a heavy
wagon in which were three boys,.
August and "Baby" Passat and Char
ley Brown, to which three horses
were attached, the outfit was struck
by a train from Stockton for San
Francisco. Charley Brown was
killed and the other boys were badly
injured. It is believed that August
Passat will not recover. Two of the
horses were so badly hurt that they
had to be shot
Brown attempted to cross tho track
immediately after the freight train
had passed and in his haste failed to
see the passenger train which was
approaching from the direction taken
by tke freight train.
The Member Frost Spokane Falls.
Special to TnE Astokian.
Oltmpia, March 25. A personal af
fray occurred to-day between Hon. J.
S. Brown, member of the house from
Spokane Falls, and Robert Ehrman,
assistant sergeant-at-arms from Seat
tle. Brown, entering the legislative
hall at an improper time, rudely
pushed Ehrman aside. For this he
was reprimanded by tho speaker of the
house. After the adjournment Brown
boastingly taunted Ehrman about a
small loan and attempted an assault,
which was lk by the latter, who gave
a blow from Ins right hand which
broke Brown's nose. Mutual friends
separated the men, or it is question
able what might have been the result.
Aaother Fatal Railroad Accident.
Special to The Astokian.
Helena, Mont, March 25. The
east-bound Northern Pacific train due
at Helena to-night went through a cul
vert two miles west of Heron this
morning. All the cars except the diner
and two sleepers were wrecked Rx
press Messenger Mills was instantly
killed. The injured aro A. Crockett,
mail clerk; Mrs. S. H. Cox, of North
Yakima; Mrs. Lfilie Davis and daugh
ter, of Seattle; J. W. Weedom, of Day
ton, Wash.; J. H. Sahn, of Mount Ver
non, Wash.; J. S. Richards, of Ron
dell, S. D.
A Schooaer Capsized.
Special to The Astorian.
San Fbanctsoo, March 25. The
schooner C. F. Olston, which sailed
from this port Saturday with a cargo
for Lake Charles, was capsized by a
squall when off High island. Cap
tain Collins and his sailing
mate were rescued, after clinging to
the rigging for some time, by the
schooner TV. H.Eclleman and brought
to this port The schooner and her
cargo will probably prove a total
loss, though an effort will be made to
rjght the vessel.
Fatal Railroad Accident.
Special to Tne Astokian.
Missoula, Mont, March 25. The
east bound express on the Northern
Pacific went through a culvert two
miles east of Heron at an early hour
this morning. Tho baggage, express,
mail, two emigrants and a first class
coach tipped over and took fire, being
completely burned. The express mes
senger was killed and four passengers
were injured.
Big Fire In Japan.
Special to The Astokian.
San Francisco, March 25. Advices
from Japan received to-day report a
disastrous conflagration in Asakusa,
Tokio, on February 20, by which more
than 1,400 houses were destroyed. The
fire raged nearly six hours. One per
son was burned to death and fifteen
firemen killed.
Fire in San Francisco.
8pecial to The Astorian.1
San Francisco, March 25. A fire
this evening destroyed Scott & Mc
Cord's and Summer & Healy's hay
barns, corner Stewart and Folsom
streets, nnd damaged the adjoining
buildings. The loss was $25,000.
An Unfounded Report.
Special to The Astorian.j
Palouse, Wash., March 25. Thero
is no foundation for the report that
this city is in serious danger from,
flood by the rising of the Palouse
Another Railroad in Oregon.
Special to The astokian.
Roseburg, Or., March 25. A com
pany of surveyors are running a pre
liminary line for a railroad from hero
ot Coos bay, and the right of way is
being secured. This road will be
ninety miles from point to point,
through a fertile tract of land to
Camas valley thirty miles. The bal
ance will be through timber ancLfarm
lands, and will make an outlet to the
sea at Empire City, Coos county. New
York capitalists are back of the enter
prise, and the people are jubilant
Trust Co., Portland Ag'ts
A Lambermaa Moriered.
Special to The Astorian.j
Seattle, March 25. Fred Freeman,
a lumberman of Port Blakely, was
murdered by J. C. Williams at a saw
mill vesterdav afternoon. Tri lntn.
ber was coming down a chute in a
way which did not suit Freeman, and
iio iiuucu wiu tniempieu. 10 give Will
iams instructions, when the latter
turnea witn an oatn and struck hTrq
over the head with an iron bar,
fracturing his skull and causing
death at 4 o'clock this morning.
it unguis wua urresrea. xreeman was
a man fifty-four years of age and
leaves no farnilv. WflliaTna is n
young man twenty-five years of age,
ana nas always oorne a good reputa
tion until now. It is said that had
blood had existed between the men"
for some time.
Stron? Efiorts to Secure a Pardoa.
Special to The Astokian.
Sacramento, Mar. 25. Letters and
petitions continue to roll in upon the
governor nleadinsr for the rjardon of
Arthur D. January, now serving a term
or. iu years in tue aan yuentin, for
embezzlement of the funds of the
state treasury. The prisoner
is slowly dying of con
sumption and his aged parents are
weighed down with-grief over his fate
and have been impoverished in inef
fectual efforts to save him from prison.
Among the petitioners are Attorney
General Johnson, Judgo Van Fleet,
who tried the case, Prison Directors
Devlin and Luttrell, and a great many
Young Lady Drowsed.
Special to The Astokian.
The Dalles, March 25. Miss Will
iams, the 18-year-old daughter of P.
Williams, clerk of Warm Springs
agency, was drowned last Saturday
while crossing the Warm Springs
river as a passenger of the stage. The
stream beinc hicrh. the starre was nvflr-
turned by the swift current. All of
tne occupants or tne stage except Miss
Williams were rescued.
A Millionaire's Wife Dead.
Special to TnE Astokian.
Grass Valley, Cat, March 25.
Mrs. Edwin Coleman, wife of the
millionaire mine-owner of this city
died last night, after an illness of three
WHr WILL YOU cough when Shi
loh's Cure will give immediate relief.
Price, 10 els., 50 cts. and Si, at J. C. De
ment's. TUE KEV. GEO. II. THAYER, of
Bourbon, lnd says: "Both myself and
wife owe our lives toShiIohs Consump
tion Cure will give immediate relief.
Price, 10 cts., 50 cts, and Si, at J. C. De
men t's.
Washington Irving, who was a good
writer and used good grammar all the
time, in drawing off pieces for the
paper, made a fluke on the prairie dog,
I think. Yon can see in a moment, if
you are any judge of physiognomy,
that a prairie dog does not know any
thing. His thought waves all origin
ate in the pit of his stomach, and
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