CM VOL. XXXLV, NO 71. ASTORTA, OREGON, TUESDAY, MARCH 25. 1890. PRICE FIVE CENTS r-r lm 3C KINNEY'S LESS THAN ONE MILE FROM THE O. R. & N. DOCK, AND Beautifully Situated. :1s : i Prices Low and KEEN & COOK, AGENTS. SOMETHING NEW. Kenney's Addition! Beautifully situated on the banks of the Columbia, ad joining proposed Public Park and near the newlv discovered coal beds. Only $:f per Lot for a tew days. Get in now and secure tirat -class Lots. FRANK SPITTLE, Agent. FRED Saddles and Harness A LARGE STOCK TO SELECT FROM. GOODS AT SAN FRANCISCO PRICES. I makeawlaHvf j;oh1 woik and xttnr.uitcc satNfat-linn. At 1li '1I Si..i.d. Vs Stili Olnpy StioH, Near WiKon & I-Vlier"'. ASTORIA. Irish Flax HAVE NO RBRBRBBa5aVavraaa9?asBSBBaBj'raaBaaa tin RasBSBSBS'pBSSaajiiiii aVaalaaaW$IRaaaBr"i VaaaaaaaaaB9Jaar!4?sE:J i9Hi9SESESKa CKANl) PItlX I'AUIS 1S78, AND KUAN D CROSS OF THE LEGION D'HOXXKUIL The rci'lvtfil the ONLY GOLD MEDAL For FLAX Til HEADS at the Xiondon Fisheries Eaehibition 1883. Ami have been awarded II Id HER i'RIZES at the various INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITIONS, Than the goods of any other thread liK-a.pjxyFwflk-aTXJEjaa 1NT THE WORLD, Quality Can Always "too Depended on. Experififlcei Fishennen HENRY DOYLE & CO.. 517 and 519 Market Street. SAN FRANCISCO. AGENTS FOR PACIFIC COAST. WOODBERRY SEINE TWINE, ROPE and NET TING Constantly on Hand. SEINES, FOUNDS and TRAPS Furnished to order at Lowest Factory Prices. $125 AND $150 PER LOT BOBB & PAKKER, General Ag'ts, Astoria. ASTORIA! Terms Reasonable. Astoria, Or. 8A.IZ OREGON. Threads no inner. EQUAL ! Use HANTHORN'S ASTORIA! APBESIMTIALPROCLAMATION. Warning Seal Catebers From Poacb- ing m Alasteiii Waters, I'ETITIOSS BEFORE COXGRESS. Special by California A ssociatf.d I'iikss Washington, March 2-L Section three of the act, entitled An act to provide for the protection of the sal mon fisheries of Alaska,' approved March 2, 18S9, provides that section 15G of the revised statutes of the United States is hereby declared to include and apply to all the dominion of the United States in the waters of Behring soa and it shall be the duty of the president at a timely season in each year, to issue a proclamation and cause the same to be published for one month, at least, in one newspaper, "if any such there be," published at a United States port of entry on the Pacific coast, warning all persons against euieriug such waters for the provisions of said section and he shall cause one or more vessels of the United States to diligently cruise said waters, to arrest all persons and seize the vessels found to be or have been engaged in any violation of the laws of the United States therein. Now, therefore, T, Benjamin Har rison, president of the United States, pursuant to the above re cited statutes, do hereby warn all persons against entering Behring sea within the dominion of the United States for the purpose of viola ting the provisions of said section 930, of the revised statutes, and I hereby proclaim that all persons found to be, or to have been engaged in any vio lation of the laws of the United States in said waters will Ikj arrested and punished as above prescribed, and that all ves sels so employed, their tackle, apparel, furniture and cargoes, will be seized and forfeited. In testimony where of I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal or the United States to be affixed. Done at the city or Washington this fifteenth day of March, 1890, and or the independence of the United State the one hundred and fourteenth. Benjamin IIarmson. By the president '.Tames G. Blaine, Secretary or State. The following provisions of the laws of the United Slates are hereby published for the information of all concerned. Section 1,9."G of the revised statutes, chapter 3, title 22, enacts that no person shall kill any otter, mink, martin, sable or fur seal, or other fur bearing animal within the limits of Alaska territory or in the waters thereof, and every person guilty thereof shall for each offense be lined, not less than $200, nor more than $1,000, or imprisoned not more than six months or lioth, and all ves sels, their tackle, apparel, furniture and cargo, found engaged in the violation of this section shall be forfeited; but the secretary of the treasury shall have the power to au thorize the killing of any such mink, marten, sable or other fur-bearing ani mal, except fur seals, under such regu lations as he may preserilM?, and it shall be the duty of the secretary to prevent the killing and taking fur seals, and provide for the execu tion of the provisions of this section until otherwise provided by law, nor shall he grant any special privileges under this section. Tariff Rill Rilus furefaily ont.Iiltrei!. j SpuWal t. Tin: astokian j Washington, March 2L The com mittee on ways and means as a whole will probably not get through with the tariff bill before the latter part, or the week. Tho Republican members are still working on the bill and there are several items yet over which there is a good deal ot pulling and hauling from the outside. They are giving proper consideration to the various petitions and protests that come to their attention, which, of course, involves much labor and takes up time. They do not pro pose to act hastily on any question and when any good reasons for the consideration of any matter, are given they have passed "upon, the matter is carefully weighed. They hope to get the bill through lhe whole committee and into the house by about the first proximo. When the measure finally gets to the house it is not proposed to waste time in tho de bate but to go as soon as ixssible into consideration under the minute rule. I The Montana Contesting Senators. Special to Tmc Astorian. Washington, March 24.--In the senate to-day the committee on elec tions reported back the contested elec tion case of senators from Montana, with a recommendation that Saunders and Powers be seated. A minority of the committee reported that Clark and Maginnis were entitled to seats. The report will be considered on Thursday. A Presidential Frounnciainento. Special to Tub Astorian. Washington, March 21. The presi dent to-day issued his annual procla mation, warning illegal seal fishers out of Alaskan waters. The procla mation does not differ Tram previous ones. Call Early and Take Your ! Argentiferous Legislation. Special to The Astorian.1 "Washington, March 24. By a vote 1 5 to 1, the house committee on coin age weights and measures to-day au thorized chairman Conger to report the Windom silver bill to the house with a number of amendments. Petitions Introduced. Special to Tjik Astorian. Washington, March 24. In the senate to-day numerous petitions' were introduced, including many protesting against the ratification of the extra dition treaty with Russia. litchell presented a petition from citizens of Oregon, protesting against the passage of a railroad funding bill, while Fryc presented numerous petitions of about 1,000 citizens or Idaho and Montana favoring the passage of that same bill. Trice or U Risin?. Special 1 1 Tin: Asroin N. New York, March 21. There was a lively market in the wheat produce exchange to-day. Reports that crops are damaged in the west carried the price of May wheat up toSS3j ccnte. The Sterle Case. Special to Tin: Astorian. Chicago, March 2L -The testimony in the Steele court-martial case was concluded to-day. and the matler is now in the hands or the court for de cision. A Coniilirnt(i C-e iu Court. Special tt Tub Astoki an New York, March 21. -The sen tence of sheriir Flack and son and rereree Meeks, who -were round guilty of conspiracy last Saturday in an in famous divorce case, went over that the court might consider the case of contempt of court of a reporter who concealed him self in a jury room and published what was said there. Both matters will come tin Friday. Sheriff Flack was tins afternoon served with papers by a representative of Governor Hill, notifying him to show causo why he shouldnot be removed from office. "till tar) Opinion on Merle's Case. J-perial toTHK Astoiiian 1 Chicago, March 24. The general opinion among military officers re garding the result of Steele's court martial is that the lieutenant will re ceive a light sentence, probably sus pension for six months. l'ur'Ml of (leneral I'raol in Jlarjland. Special to Til k Astokian. Oakland, Md., March 21. The re mains of General Crook arrived here at 10 o'clock this morning. The pro cession was formed and inarched to the cemetery, where the .services at tending the burial were carried out according to the programme. Cj clone in Oklahoma Special IoTiik Astokian. Guthrie, L T., March 21. -There was a cyclone throughout Oklahoma last night. A house was destroyed by wind anil lire. Rube Johnson, wife and child were killed and incinerated. Fntul Roller I'xploiioa Special to Tm: Astoki N.l Cairo. 111., March 2L-AI Wick- I liffe. Ky.. the boiler in Beadle's saw mills exploded, killing three men mt ' right ami fright rnllv injuring three 'other.-. No tmui? should he without it to ar ret (Uxiriiers pnmplly. winch, if not taken in m. son. often ilcu'lnp into se nnits disease.. I lev. .Iami:- M. l-.i-.tnr M. K. Church. S., Fairfield, Va. writes: haw Simmons Liver Ileiiul.iio fur many ye .rs, having inaili'ii uiyonly fauiiiy medicine My mother before me was very partial to it. It i a safe, good and leliahle inedi eine for any disiudi-r id the system and I u.Ned in time i a gp at preventive i. sickness. IJurWleii.-. arnica Sntit. i'HK iliisr in the world for Cui, l!rui.-e, bnres, llrer.-. Salt Khe ti in. Fever .-tir. s, letter. Chapped ilatuN. t. liiihl.iiiiN, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Tiles, or no pay requ red. It is guaranteed to give perf'eet satisfaction, or money re funded. riee2.i cents per box. For s.iie bv .1. W. Conn. Oil seems to wear out by long con- I tinned use, and to lose to some ex tent its lubricating qualities. It litis leeii suggested as a reason for this that the minute spherical globules of which the oil is conceived to be made up become flattened by the wear aud pressure, and so do not slide and roll over each other as easily as before. We'll Snpiiose a Case. You are nervous ami tlyspeii'ic. your ap etltu tla-zs, j our Mainour's broken or dis turbed by uneasy dreams, or you court the sleepy koiI in vain. What shall you do? Try an alcoholic excitant to .stimulate appclit, deaden t lie nerves at bed time with :i nar cotic? Neither f these Try Hotetter"s stomach Hitters. It will, believe in, be more th.inn trial. You will continue to use this justly renowned neive invigoraiipaiul stom achic. It i-t In the exigency supposed jus: what is wanted. Itisalteartful tuitiiliu to appetite and digestion, does not excite, but quiets the brain and nerves, is an excellent diuretic and a speedy reformer of a disor dered condition of the liver and bowels. It counteracts a tendency to rheumatism, nul lifies the prostrating effects of overwork, mitigates the iuilrmitios of age. aud hastens convalescence, l'ersons exrosed to roiii-h weather should use it as a ineventive, as should also tired students and business men. CATAIIKII CUHED, health and sweet brcatn secured by Shiloh's Ca tarrh Remedy. Priee, 50 cents. Nasal Injector free. .1. C. Dement. HHIIIIIIIIIIUIIUI FLOODS IN CINCINNATI. More Developments Iu tie Ludlow Street Jail Scandal. j'JtouiniTiox -voir ix iowa. Special by Tho California Associated Press. Cincinnati, March 24. All the rail roads except the Chesapeake & Ohio and Kentucky Central have been com pelled to abandon the Central Union depots at Covington and Newport, which are cut off from the city, so far as street-car traffic is concerned. Ferries are obliged to stop because they cannot find landing points. The casualty list began to be made up yesterday when two men and a boy were drowned back of Covington by the capsizing of a skiff. Newport suffers more than the other suburbs by floods. Quite a large district is already flooded and the residents are compelled to vacate their homes. Half the railroads entering the city are now under water. One hundred business men on the river front suffer great damage. The reports from the river towns show great suffering and losses, and a steady rise for 250 miles above, and still raining. The Prohibition (Jarstlon In lonra. Spjci .1 ! Tub Avtorian. Dss Moines, In., March 21. -The first step in the movement for present ing the prohibitory question was taken to-day. Representative Head introduced a joint resolution for the resubmission of the prohibitory amendment to the constitution. It is similar to tho amend ment which was adopted in 18S2, but afterward declared invalid for some technical error in its passage the legislature. This proposed amend ment introduced to-day provided for tho manufacture as will as sale of liquor for certain proper purposes, such as medicinal and mechanical. The manufacture and sale as a bev erage is prohibited. There is a strong sentiment in favor of re-submission. Many of the Republican leaders say it is the only thing they can do. More Kuteallty in Lndlovr Street Jail. Special to Tub Astokian. New York, March 21. Auother sensation was occasioned to-day in the Ludlow jail investigation by the tes timony of auctioneer Tapping, who conducts the sheriff's sales. Tapping testified that he divided fees with sheriff (now mayor) Graut, also with sheriff Flack. He was aware that the charges were not strictly legal. Grant's winnings from this source were one-hair of 33J per cent on sales amounting to $1,337,505. Sheriff Flack has received one half of 2l per cent commission on sales reaching 8530,939. Auctioneer Tapping also added that ho was com pelled by sheriff (now mayor) Grant to take in Win. P. Kirke, who as school trustee has since been indicted as a silent partner, this appoint ment being dictated bv Tammany Hall. The New Torpedo Roat a Success. to Tin: Astoki n.1 New York. March 21. The torpedo loat (Uishinifs speed was tested to day. She averaged over 22 knots for three successive hours. Tin. Rdirinir Sea OMPtftnn Special to Tub Astokian.! Ottawa, March 21. Tupper, minis ter of marine and fisheries, returned to-day from Washington. He said his misson had not been diplomatic; he visited Washington to give Sir .Tulius Pauncefate information which the Canadian department possessed with referenco to the Behring sea mailer. That question done had been considered during the last fort night and negotiations were not yet completed. The Atlantic fisheries question had not been taken up. A Lumber Firm Assigns. Special to The Astorian. Qdebec, March 24. Murphy & Co., lumber dealers, have assigned, with liabilities at $220,000 and nominal assets of S150,000. The heat does not increase as we rise above the earth nearer to the sun, but decrejises rapidly until, beyond the regions of the atmosphere, in void, it is estimated that the cold is about seventy degrees below zero. The line of perpetual frost at the Equator is 15,000 feet altitude; 13,000 feet between the tropics; and 9,000 to 4,000 between the latitudes of 40 aud 49'. All the patent medicines advertiseu in this paper, together with the choicest perfumery, and toilet articles etc.. can be bought at the lowest prices at J. W. Conn's drug store, opposite Occident hotel, Astoria. WHY WILL YOU cough when Shi loh's Cure will give immediate relief. Price, 10 cis., T.0 cts. and Si, at J. C. De ment's. At a depth ot 45 feet under ground, the temperature of tho earth is uni form throughout the year. The latest style of Gents' Boots and Shoes at P. J. Goodman's. Coffee and cake, tn '.nts. at tho Central Restaurant Astoria Real Estate & A SENSATIONAL TRAGEDY. Railroad Commnflication Between Or eEon ani California, MOXTAXJLSIOCKXES TROUBLED. Special by California A3ociatd Pbess. Redbands, Cat, March 24. A sen sational tragedy occurred here early this morning. The facts thus far Earned aro that R D. O. Gresham, connected with the Citragraph, a weekly paper, was shot and killed by P. C. McConkey, proprietor of the Windsor, in the room of the lat ter and that McConkey then committed suicide. Only two reports of a gun were heard, and nothing is known of what passed between them, as both were dead when found From letters found on Gresham it is believed he was inti mate with Mrs. McConkey. Both stood high in society, and the affair has created great excitement Particulars or the Kedlaadi Traftdy. Special to The Astorian. San Bernardino, Cat, March 24. The McConkey-Gresham tragedy at Redlands, has assumed a very sensa tional development, as usual, a woman being nt the bottom of the affair, caus ing the murder of a prominent citizen and suicide of a despondent husband McConkey, the murderer was badly de pressed over money matters; his lease of the Windsor hotel had almost ex pired and ho had no hope of renewing the same. Added to this his discov ery of his wife's infidelity rendered him almost frantic. Last night he did not sleep, and coming down stairs this morning with a loaded Winches ter rifle, ho waited for Gresham. The latter arrived about 7 o'clock for breakfast and then started towards Mrs. McConkey's study. McConkey then stepped from behind his desk and raising the gun fired, killing Gresham. McConkey then placed the rifle against his left breast and leaning over pulled the trigger, the bullet passing through his heart and entering the ceiling above. Let ters taken from the bodies of McCon key and Gresham explained the oause of tho tragedy. Portlaad aad 'Frisco If ala Ceiaected. Special to The Astobian. San Francisco. March 24. The Southern Pacific has announced that the road between here and Portland, which has been bloekaded by snow and landslides lor more than two months, is now open. The first train left to-day for Portland, and the first train from the north leaves Portland to-morrow. Jokm ager'a Will. Special to Tuk astorian. San Francisco, March 24. The will of tho late John Hager was filed for probate this afternoon. He leaves an estate valued at $30,000 to his widow and two daughters, Alice and Uthel. earth Paclle Whallat- Fleet. Special to Tuk Astobian. San Francisco, March 24. The whaling fleet in the north Pacific this year will consist of forty-eight vessels from this city and.abont half a dozen from New Bedford, all but two from this city. Skecpatea aad Cattleatea at Tarlaace. Special to The Astoiuax. Helena, Mont, March 24. The Crow Indian chiefs recently held a meeting and decided to lease the graz ing privileges of the reservation only to certain owners, selecting about a third of those heretofore granted privileges. The cattlemen remain, but the Indians declare that all sheep must be removed at once. This dis tinction and inexecrable attitude of the Indians is creating a bitter feeling between the sheepmen and cattlemen. The former will make an effort to have the matter reconsidered, and govern ment assistance will be asked in win ning the Indians to the basis where fa vorswillbe distributed without dis criminating. A Chili lecfieatlr Killed. Special to Tub Astokian, Salem, March 24. At the home of E.J. McKillap, between Wheatland and Lincoln, near Salem, last evening jesse, nis iour yearoia son, Killed, nim self by discharging a load of a self cocking'revolver, in his breast Death was instantaneous. The father was milking in the barn, where the child found the revolver. The mother is in the hospital for the insane here. The shock is terrible to the father. Proatlaeat Cltisns Tara Bobbers. Special to Tnx Astobian. j Helena, Mont, March 24. The sheriff left this evening for "Rmirtflrd. Minn., with Paine and Searles, who are charged with robbing the Northern Pacific Express company at that point last winter. Both men were promi nent citizens of Brainerd and one of them was an alderman. lafprOTeateats la the Celaatbla. Special to The Astokian.J Vancouver, "Wash., March 24. Let ters received here from Senator Wil son show that he is actively pushing the matter of appropriations for the removal of the sand bar in the Colum bia near Vancouver. Choice ! Saffocated la a File of Bark. Special to The Astorian. Bentct Cal Mnroh 9J. T Pnmi, an employe of Stewart & Cos tan nery, wnne going into a pile of spent tan-bark for drv hart fnr fnnl won caved in on and suffocated. His age was 50 years and he was a native of Sweden. Fire at The DaUes. Special to The Astorian. The Dalles, Ore., March 24. A fire broke out at 230 o'clock this morning damaging a building occu pied as a restaurant and lodging House by Win. Snyder. The loss is $1,500 and the insurance is unknown. The fire is supposed to be the work of an incendiary. If the wind had been blowing, the city would have been doomed. Palonse City Flooded. Special to The Astorian. Spokane Falls, March 14. The Palouse river is the highest ever known. Part of Palouse City is under water, including a portion of the busi ness district The water is still rising. and the people are greatly alarmed. Ah Amy Ofleer's Promotion. Special to TnE Astobian.1 Vancouner, Wash., March 24. Lieutenant E. J. McKernard, of the Second Cavalry, aid de camp on Gen eral Gibbon's staff, to-day received promotion to a captaincy. This re lieves him from the staff, and the Sec ond Cavalry being ordered to Arizona, takes him out of the department PHILOSOPHICAL EACTS. Lightning can be seen by reflection at the distance of 200 miles. During the conversion of ice into water 140 of heat are absorbed. Air is about eight hundred and fif teen times lighter than water. Water, when converted into steam, raoreases in bulk l,oU0 tunes. The greatest height a-which visible cloulds ever exists does not exceed ten miles. Tho barometer falls one-tenth of an inch every seventy-eight feet ot eleva tion. The explosive force of closely con fined gunpowder is six and a half tons to the square inch. In summer time the season of ripen ing moves northward at the rate of about ten miles a day. Strange as it may appear, a ball of a ton weight and another of the same material of an ounco weight, falling from any height, will reach the ground at tho same time. The violence of the expansion of water when freezing is sufficient to cleave a globe of copper of such thick ness as to require a force of 27,000 pounds, to produce the samo effect The pressure of the atmosphere upon every square foot of the earth amounts to 2,160 ponuds. An ordin ary sized man, supposing his surface to bo fourteen square feet, sustains the enormous pressure ot 30,240 pounds. Sound travels at the rate of 1,142 feet per second about thirteen miles in a minute. So that if we hear a clap of thunder halt a minute after the flash, we may calculate that the dis charge of electricity is six and a half miles off. The human ear is so extremely sen sitive that it can hear a sound that lasts only the twenty-four-thousandth part of a second Deaf persons have sometimes conversed together throngh rods of wood held between their teeth, or held to their throat or breast In one second of time in one beat of the pendulum of a clock light trav els 200,000 miles. Were a cannon-ball shot toward the sun, and were it to maintain full speed, itwould be twenty years in reaching it; and yet light travels through this space in seven or eight minutes. The seedless raisin is produced by simply arresting one of tho processes of nature. When the grape is about one-half ripe the end of the vino is bent down and buried in the ground This prevents the formation of seed and the full development of the fruit, but it ripens all the same and has a delicious flavor. THE REV. GEO. 11. THAYER, of Bourbon, lnd., says: "Both myself and wife owe our lives to Shiloh's Consump tion Cure will givo immediate relief. Price. 10 cts.. 50 cts. and SI, at J. C. De ments. S JACOBS OR CURES PERMANENTLY RHEUMATISM. Suffered for Nourly 30 Years. 1S7 N. Chester St.. Baltimore, Md. For nearly SO years I suffered with rheuma tism in arm and bhouldcr; could not lift mi arm. Less than two bottles of St. Jacobs Oil cured me. W. H. HEESON. Of Many Years Standing. Gadsden, Crockett Co., Tenn. My case was rheumatism of many years landing, contracted during the war; tried most everything without relief. St. Jacobs Oil finally curca me. FRED. BOGGE. At Druggists and Dealers. THE CHARLES A. V0GELER CO., Baltimore. Ill LIDDICOAT & CRIBB. Carpenters and Builders. Holt & McCurtrie's old stand, have over 2C0 plates and drawings of all kinds and styles oi aweiung-nouses, ranging irom $900 to 9i ,?uu. uau ana see mem. Trust Co., Portland Ag'i A FRENCH PROTEST. Danisli Minister of far fill Not Employ Socialist forta. DOCK ZAJBOBERS STRIKE AGAJOT. Special by the California Associated Puss, Paris, March 24. A deputation from the chamber of commerce waited upon the minister of foreign affairs to day and formally protested against the provisions of the McKrnley bill If the measure passed, the American state deputation said the French man ufacturers would find it impossible to export into the United States. Bibot, in replying, said he would consult the representatives ot tne Jiiuropean powers affected equally with France by the bflL He believed their common nnHnTt wnnii have more chance of success than if France stood alone to protest A number of representatives of the chamber syndicate des nertinres vm- missionaires also protested. The ToHBg Enperor'a Telegraa. Special to The Astorian. Berlin, March 24. The Wei marcJie Zeitung says the emperor sent the following telegram to his in timate friend on Saturday: "Many thanks for your friendly letter. My party is as sorrowful as if I had again lost my grandfather, but it is so ap pointed me, and has to be borne, although I should fall under the burden. The post of officer of the watch, on the ship of state has fallen to my lot Her course remains the same, so now under full steam we must go ahead. Opposed to Socialist Workaiea. Special to The Astorian. Copenhagen, March 24. The min ister of war has announced in the Folkthing that socialist workmen would not be employed in the state workshops. This decision is based upon the ground to sub ject foreign influence. Count Lidyeborg, a radical, offered a motion expressing disapproval of the course of the state in exerting pressure upon the political opinions of work men. The motion was adopted by a vote of 61 to 69. Imperial Appolatets. Special to The Astorian.j Berlin, March 24. Emperor Will iam has appointed the Count of Eu lenburg, the new governor of Hesse Nassau, Prussian minister of the in terior. Dr. Miguel, one of the lead ers of the national liberal party, has been appointed minister of finance. Baron Heune is now minister ot agri culture, and General Von Goltz min ister of public works. A LIrerpool Dock Strike. Special to The astorian. Liverpool, March 24. Dock labor ers here again struck to-day. The employes decline to negotiate. A deadlock resulted and the position is serious. U. S. Railroad Boads la Eaglaad. Special to The Astobian. London, March 24. The stock ex change has listed Northern Pacific and Montana railway S5,631,000 first mort gage 6-per cent gold bonds. A New Member of the Reichstag. Special to The Astobian . Berlin, March 24. Mayer, a pro gressist has been elected to the reich stag for the first district ot Berlin. Land Parchase Bill Deaoaaced. Special to The Astoria n.1 London, March 24. Parnell char acterizes the land purchase bill as a bu reaucratic affair, unjust to Ireland, and will oppose it strenuously. Dav itt says it is an insidious proposal to secure landlords 40 per cent more for their land than they could get in open market Possible Iateraatioaal Treble. Special to The Astoria. j London, March 24. The Portugese at Mozambique, by the Governor's orders have boycotted a British man-of-war, and refused to furnish the ship with supplies. THAT HACKING COUGH can be so quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. W e guarantee it. J. C. Dement. ARE YOU MADE miserable by in digestion, Dizziness. Loss of Appetite Yellow Skin ? Shiloh's Vitalizer is a positive cure. At J. C. Dement's. Valuable Acreage for Sale SlxJ.XAXi.'OXi.. The 55-Acre Tract of Hiram Gray with im provements thereon, valued at $2,000, at S250 per acre. Apply to E. C. LEWIS, or W. B. ADAIR, Abstracts of Title. C. R. THOMSON Keeps a full set of Abstract Books and will examine the Title to any Real Es tate In the comity and furnish an Abstrac of Title to the same. Terms reasonable. Work guaranteed. TERMS EASY! & t - f X .