x - m Mt gailtj totiatt ASTORIA, OKEGON: 8UNDAY. .MAKCII 23. 1690 ISSUED EVERY MORNING. (Mond.iy excepted.) J. F. HALLORAN & COMPANY. Tubllsliers and Projirk'tois. ASTORIAN BUILDING. Cass Stkkkt. Terns of Subscription Served bv Carrier, per cek .. . !" cts Sent by Stall, per month . ends Sent by Stall, one year -. $7.00 Free of postage 10 subscriber-, Thk Astokiav Kiiamutet s to its adver tisers the largest circnlatloii of am u- wpa jkt publWird on the Columbia, river. CITY AW COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER. Last evening P. J. Meany was ar rested for assault on L L Flynn on Thursday evening:. Tho equinoctial stonn has ap Iarently forgotten the date so far as this vicinity is concerned. A diamond earring was picked tip on the street yesterday, nfld awaits ownership at this office." The Astoria drum corps have been photographed in their new uniforms, and make a handsome group. Bev. G. C. Hall will give a plain talk on Sour Grapes" to men only, at 3 o'clock, at Y. M. C. A. hall, this after noon. Some sturgeon fishermen near Cath l&met made 51,500 apiece this winter. Others did't make enough to pay for their hooks. Rev. Dr. Campbell discusses the Question at the Presbyterian church this evening, "What is the Bible more than any Other Book?" A dispatch from D. "W. Cummiugs in Portland states that his wife yes terday presented him with a ten pound boy. That's business. Tho Astoria Abstract Title and Trust company are fitting up and will shortly occupy handsome offices on Third street, between Main aud Ben ton. Tho Pacific Express is reported to have suspended. This is not the Pa cific Express company, but a paper till recently published tinder prohibition auspices. "What to Bead and How to Bead It" is the theme of tho third lecture in the self-culture series at the Congre gational church this evening at 7:30. You are invited. Eastern Oregon papers are pub lishing the cards of those who thus announce themselves as candidates be fore the coming conventions for the different counties. News reached here yesterday of the death of Captain Drysdale, formerly master of the British ship City of Delhi, which took place in distant waters a few weeks ago. Yesterday there was filed in the county clerk's office, papers in a suit wherein C H Ison claims of Henry Jackson S349.03 for labor performed and services rendered, also costs of of the suit In the police court yesterday James Harris forfeited $10 "bail on a charge of vagrancy. John Harrington had put up $10 ballon a similar charge and demanded a trial. Hj got it, was con victed, and fined 10. Seaside lodge, No. 12, A. O. U. "V., had another good meeting last night Six candidates were initiated, and there were eight propositions for mem bership. The lodge voted $30 for the relief of sufferers in North Dakota. The salmon pack of tho coast for '89 was 1,650,000 cases: The shipments to the 13th onst, aggregated 1,344.330, which would leave about 300,000 cases nominally on hand, which is about 50,000 cases in excess of the amount carried over. About a vcar ago James Copeland, of Lewis river, had a large barn full of hay, the hay being valued at S2,400. It was burned, and blame fell on a boy in his employ. Last week the boy's father paid Copeland $1,200 in partial restitution of his loss. To-morrow night is the regular meeting night of the board of dele gates, Astoria fire department These meetings should be attended, as it is essential that department business be transacted. Tho time is 730; be on hand to-morrow night At a meeting of the Astoria Abstract and Trust company, yesterday, J. E. Hoggins was elected president; E. J. Ferguson, secretary; L W. Case, treas urer; J. Thornburn Boss, E. Z. Fergu 8on, C. J. Trenchard, L W. Case and J. T. Boss were elected directors. A petition was in circulation 3'ester day. and signed by about a hundred cataiens, praying the council to cause tho smelter recently erected on the George Hume property to be removed from its present location, by reason of the increased fire risk its presence is alkged to occasion. "Wkiloat Salem in attendance upon the Democratic meeting, C. J. Tren chard learned of a new and ingenious method used in the "Willamette valley far catching fish. As the design may be patented it would not be right to give it publicity in the columns of Txc Astorux, but on calling at the county clorks effice Mr. Trenchard will explain the system to his friends. "I would have this shelving up aooaer, bat I had to wait and get some lumber from Portland," said a saerehant yesterday. It sounds fsmsy in thk wooden country to hear of having to send to Portland for lum ber, bat such is the case. There are eTeral people who would build here this season if they were not detained by the difficulty of getting dry lumber. The lark came up to meet the sun sad carol forth his lay; the farmer's bo& took down his gun and at him blftrl away. The busy bee arose at ire and hummed the meadows o'er; ike farmer's wife went for his hive and robbed him off his store. The little s&t lose early, too, his labors to begin; the greedy sparrow that way flew and tookhkauntshipin. O birds and bees sad aunts be wise, in proverbs take no stock; like men, refuse from bed to rise till half-past eight o'clock. The Winlock Pilot presents a i aphis allegory with a local sppUca- Mlt js saw mat in oiaen tunes a leo-ftsJtSMtedto death was f as- . to a corpse, Tus forehead to fore- mA isoitfi to mouth of the arijm tansaj-aeeio wan- dsrahs-st wrtil death should merci- fully relieve him. So there are men who are fastened to towns who are dead, without energy, business push or enterprise, and who will do nothing or permit others to do anytliing to ad vance the town and put life into it" A DISTRESSING ACCIDENT. Drowning of a Teamster at Cray's River. L Bergman return ed last Friday from his ranch at Grav's Biver, "Wash." Jno. Schroeder, a man employed there drove him over to the lauding, the water at the ford being about up to the bed of the wagon. Mr. Bergman came over on the boat, and yes terday was horrified at the receipt of the news that Schroeder was drowned while returning from the landing to the ranch. He cannot understand how the accident could have occurred, as the water was hourly falling, aud was of less depth when the team was re turning in the afternoon, than when they had crossed coming to the land ing in the morning. It is thought that Schroeder may have gone out on the pole of the wagon to fix the harness, and was thrown between the hor-es and ho drowned. The drowned man leaves a wife and seven children, the youngest being but a few days old. The funeral will take place to-day. The team of horses, valued at 250, were also drowued- (Jo And Sec the Charter Oak Ilano! With wire gauze oven door, now in operation in this city. Everybody welcome to witness the perfection of cooking, broiling, and roasting of meats, baking bread and roasting eggs by this new discovery, showing a saving of nearly half in roasting meats. Loss in the shrinkage of meats But few have an idea of the enor mous shrinkage of meats when roasted in a close oven. It is full' one half, or a large portion of their juices and flavor; the fibers do not separate, and the meat becomes tough. The wire gauze oven door, while it does not cool the oven, it thoroughly purifies it, adding a constant supply of fresh air to the oven, resulting in a perfect chemical change, producing bread far superior to tho brick oven. The bread, when baked, is light, porous, healthy, easily digested, and never moulds; the size is increased one quarter; the loss in weight decreased fifteen per cent Do not fail to see this new dis covery in cookiug atE. 1L Hawes' store, corner of 2nd and Genevieve streets, to-morrow, Monday, March 24th, fiom 10 o'clock a. m. to 5 o'clock Incoming Pas-cnceiN. The steamer Slate of Califor nia is due from San Fran cisco this morning with the fol lowing passengers: Miss Emma Hen ley, Mrs. A.B. Blogett, Miss M. A. Meek, J. H Miller, J. L. Hopenstall, C. F. Weber, E. T. dishing, S. Ellis ton. Mrs. A. Daton, J. B. Thompson, G. W. Shindell, J. B. Green, M. C. Hasey, V. M. Nettleton, Miss Griffin, Mrs. C. Brown, Mrs. Wins, D.S.Ed wards, J. J. Gibbons, Mrs. Peach, Mrs. F. Flynn and boy, F.N. Pedleton, F. H. Shulze, P.P.Kline, L. Linden, C. A. Shaffer, J. G. Hunter, J. J. Chapell, B. B. Bridge, L. Vance, J. Boscnthall, Mrs. Bagdale and child, Mrs. F. Eggert, M. X. Davis, W. If. Lawton, J. H. Butler, W. H. McGueu, A.L. Whitnov, J. Marshall, J. A. Mc Gilleudy, W. A. Fitzgerald, C. A. Smith, S. Harris, F. B-Shauahan, W. B. Macinas, G. E. Ellison and wife, H. Spencer, W. H Clume, P. M. Gal lager and wife, W. Murphy, G. H. Holbrook. The Rescue Club. Every seat in Bescue hall was occu pied last evening and many were standing, the rain evidently having no effect in keeping people away. After the usual opening exercises and business meeting of the club, a very interesting literary' program was rendered, interspersed with several songs by a quartette, composed of Mr. and Mrs. Boss, Miss Johnson and Sid ney Campbell, who gave great satis faction. There was an address by Bev. S. M. Campbell, and recitations by Miss Emma Hamilton, Prof. Bew ley and Major E. A. Weed. In his closing remarks, the chair man, Dr. Estes, stated that over 1,800 persons had signed the pledge during the existence of the club. Miss Bertie Winton, W. Hampton Smith and Miss Johnson were appointed a committee to arrange a program for the meeting next Saturday night. Astoria Athletic Association. The Astoria Athletic association board of directors held a meeting last Friday evening and appointed various sub-committees. A. J. Megler was elected treasurer. The club now has 112 members. Any one wishing to become a charter mem ber can have tho opportunity to do so by signing at the Hew lork Novelty store up to 8 o'clock to-morrow even ing, after which the list closes and fu ture members must be balloted for. The board of directors have leased tho George Hume cannery building, and workmen will begin putting it in trim to-morrow. Juvenile Party. There was a surprise party to Lois Jennings at tho residence of Mrs. Tho3. Bussell last Friday evening, and the little folks had a first rate time. There were present Maud Stockton, Maud Spedden, Jennie Douglas, Ellen Brown, Annie McLean, Connie Stockton, Meta Davies, Dot Davies, Frankie Holden, Irene John son, Alma Johnsen: Alfred Douglas, Harry May, George May, Archie Mc Lean, Frank Whitcomb, Frank Cody, Eddie Parker, Fred Brown, master Charlie Stockton, and Thos. Bussell. Nearly everbody needs a goodmedi- cine at i thls season, to purify the blood and build up the system. Hood's Sarsa- uarilla is the most popular and success fill spring medicine and blood purifier. It cures scrofula, all huniors, dyspepsia, sick headache, mat urea leenng, Was) ted. For a position of trust; an industri ous boy of 15 to 18 years of age; must be quick at figures, write a good hand and be able to give security. Address 'Cashier," in care of Thk Astoriax office. The value of Pleasant View property is becoming apparent. Pleasant View is good property to uuy, eiincr ior resi dence or investment The latest style of Gents' Boots and Shoes at P. J. Goodman's. Xca'tt C'oekc4 te Order. Private room for ladies and families: at Central Kestauraut, next to Foard & Stokes'. CUllmCrTfoFMerCisliria BILL NYE'S AUTOBIOGRAPHY. Brief Remarks Regarding Ills Career. Edgar Wilson Nye was born in Maine in 1850, August 25, but at two vears of age ho took his parents by the hand, and telling them that Pis cataquis county was no place for them, he boldlv struck out for St Croix countj, Wisconsin, where the hardy young pioneer soon made a home for his parents. The urst year ne arove the Indians out of the St Croix val ley, and suggested to the Northwest ern railroad that it would be a good idea to build to St Paul as soon as the company could get a grant which would pav them two or three tunes the cost of construction. The follow ing year ne aaopteu trousers ana made $175 from the sale of wolf scalps. He also cleared twenty-seven acres of land and raised some water melons. In 1834 ho established and endowed a district school in Pleasant Yaliey. It was at this time that he began to turn his attention to the abolition of slavery iu the south and to write articles for the press signed ''Veritas," in which he advo cated the war of 1SG0, or as soon as the government could get around to it In 18iw he graduated from the farm aud began the study of the law. He did not advance very rapidly in this profession, failing several times in his examination and giving bonds for his examination at the next term of court. He was, however, a close student of political economy, and studied per sonal economy at the same time, till he found that he could live on 10 cents a day and his relatives easily. Mr. Nye now began to look about him for a country to build up and foster, and as Wisconsin had grown to be so thickly settled in the northwest ern part of the state that neighbors were frequently found a s near as five miles apart, he broke loose from all restraint and took emigrant rates for Cheyenne, Wyo. Here he engaged board at the Inter-Ocean hotel and be gan to look about him for a position in a bank. Not succeeding in this, ho tried the law and journalism. He did not succeed in getting a job for some time, but fin all hired as associate ed itor and janitor of the Laramie Senti nel. The salary was small, but his latitude great and he was permitted to write anything that he thought would please people, whether it was j news or not By and by he had won every heart by his gentle, patient poverty, and his delightfnl parsimony with regard to facts. With a hectic imagination and an order on a restaurant which advertised in the paper, he scarcely cared through tho livelong day whether school kept or not Thus he rose to justice of the peace, and finally to an income which is re ported very large to everybody bnt the assessor. He is the father of several very beautiful children by his first wife, who is still living. She is a Chicago girl, and loves her husband far more than he deserves, ne is pleasant to the outside world, but a perfect brute at home. He early learned that in order to win the love of his wife he should be erratic and kick the stove over on the children when he came home. He therefore asserts himself in his way, and the family love aud respect him being awed by his great ness and gentle barbarism. He eats plain food with both hands, convers ing all the time pleasantly with any one who may be visiting at the house. If his children do not behave, he kicks them from beneath the table till they roar with pain, as he chats on with his guests with a bright and over flowing stream of bon mots, which please and delight those who visit him to that degree that they almost forget that they have had hardly anything to eat In conclusion, Mr. Nye is in every respect a lovely character. Ho feared that injustice might be done him, how ever, in this biographical sketch, and so he has written it himself. Centennial of the Discovery Columbia. of the On May 11, 1792, Captain Robert Gray entered the Columbia river in the ship Columbia, of Boston, aud gave the name of his ship to tho "mighty Oregon." In 1S92 a century will have elapsed and by that time, two years hence, the states of Oregon and Washington should celebrate the event in a manner befitting two power ful commonwealths which owe to Captain Gray, the first discoverer of Gray's harbor and the Columbia river, the honor of making us members of the United States of America. It is not too soon for our legislature to begin to take some action in this mailer. Two year's timo is little enough for Oregon and Washington to get up a grand centennial celebra tion aud we hope some of our patriotic legislators will think of this matter and take some action. Hon. Elwood Evans, of Pierce, is especially qualified to call the attention of the house to this matter, as he has been so long identified with the history of the Co lumbia river and the states of Oregon and Washington, and knows just the right suggestions to make. If Mr. Evans will start the ball he will find plenty ready to take a hand in making this centennial a grand suc cess. Let us look forward to tho 11th day of May, 1892, for a celebration that will make the name of the great discoverer as famous as that of Christo pher Columbus, whose four hundredth anniversary is to be celebrated at Chicago by the whole nation. Columbus made his discover' of America in 1492 and Gray discovered and entered the Columbia river in 1792. A hundred years is a long time to wait to give a man justice but now that honors are to be paid to Colum bus let us honor Robert Grav. the discoverer of the Columbia river. The Jiornuifj Leader asks tho en tire pres? of Washington and Oregon to take up this matter and urge the advisabdily of a grand centennial cel ebration in May, 1892, to commem orate tho discovery of the Columbia by Captain Robert Gray. Port Town send Leader. A New Departure. The --Charter Oak Stove Works" are to have Monday, March 24th, prac tical demonstrations of the advantage in cooking with the wire gauze oven door. They will exhibit at the store of Mr. E. R. Hawes, corner of Second and Genieve streets between 10 a. m and 5 p. ar. to-morrow. It will pay all to attend these experiments, especially ladies who can gain many new ideas in baking, broiling etc. One day only. Be You tike a Geed Cigar? ' of C.H. A fine Call at Charley Olsen's, east Cooper's. Ho will suit you. stock of cigars to select lrom. Telephone IiOiT:t- JIohsc. Best Beds in town. Booms per night 50 and 23 cts per week Si.50. Hew and clean. Private entrance. Fr Time Pketes-raphs, Go to Misses Carruthers' photoeranh gallery: Third street, opposite Mof gan & Sherman's. A GEOLOGICAL REPORT Or the Coal And Oil Fields of Clatsop County. Astoria, March 22, 1890. "Rnrrnn Astotitav? Filled with n desire to know the true condition of the John Day coal and oil fields I started out with long legged gum boots over the most questionable road ever constructed in a civilized com munity. Clatsop county is full of apologies for roads that have cost the county thousands of dollars, that are impassable when done. Is it not time to "look a little outr' I found Mr. Davis and others in a sharp, steep ravine, with the simplest form of appliances, trying to solve the mysteries of the invisible depths of earth. They are at present using gas pipe with drill on the end, and a springpole, by which means they have gone 115 feet with a 2-inch hole. The formation is mostly"an unstrati fied sandstone, rotten, and not very hard, with occasional strata of shale. The same may be seen on Young's river, near the old mill. It is destitute of fossils, so far as I have been able to discover, which is somewhat singu lar, as it must have been deposited when lire was very abundant on the earth. It belongs either to the cre taceous or lower tertian'. It is a granite sand containing a good deal of clay, so much so that some of it is almost plastic when worked between the fingers. The first 25 feet of the boring was dug. At that depth they came suddenly upon a strong body of water which shot some feet above the ground when their tools were removed, and has continued flowing ever since out of the top. The water is strongly impregnated with iron. At various depths small seams of coal have been struck, and they are now almost constantly striking these small seams. At a depth of 100 feet oil was struck, and they say that now pockets are being tapped as they go down. There can be no question as to its being oiL 1 watched the hole and saw the small drops of oil come to tho surface and spread out in pre cisely the same way that any oil would. What kind of oil it is I am not pre pared to say but am inclined to the opinion that it belongs to tho petrol eum family. The prospects for coal oil and gas are I think good. They will do well if they strike coal under GOO feet I do not think they will get any coal to speak of in thepresent formation. That coal will be found in paying quantities under the greater part of Clatsop county, I have not the slightest doubt I would suggest that a company be formed with sufficient money to go down 1,000 or 1,500 feet in good shape. Nothing could be of greater import ance to Astoria than to strike good coal and oil in the immediate vicinity. The railroad problems would all be solved. After eating a splendid home-cooked country dinner, prepared by Mrs. Davfc, and wishing hotel cooked grub in Halifax, I toiled up and down, up and down, through the grand old forest to old Astoria, look ing out upon one of the most spotless and beantifnl bays to be found in any country. W. Hampton Smith. CAIN'S WIFE. Where did ho get her? Who was hor brother? Had she a sister? Ilad she a mother? Was sho pre-Adanric Horn before history With her identity Shrouded in mystery? Maid of Phoenicia, Egypt Arabia. Africa, India, Or sun-kissed Suabia? Who was her father? Cruising about Just to his liking. Out of tho Whencoups, Over tho water, Into tho Whurc Bringing his daughter? Native of Norway, Denmark or Sweden? Lured by tho charms Of the garden of Eden? Blonde or Brunette'.' Bounded or slender? Fiery or frigid? Ilangu'ty or tender? Why aro her graces Unknown to fame? Where did Cain meet her? What was her uniuo? Whisper it softly Sav. can it bo The lady we seek Was B. Uasg.ird's "Sho"? Tell ine, ye sages. Students of Life, Answer my question Who was Cain's wife? A cast: IN POINT. Ia our forefathers !nys, i!niplcs were at tributed to diseased blood. But modern medicine has demonstrated that rich food docs not create eruption? by fouling tba blood, but retards digestion, which makes the stomach torpid, and tho circulation sluggish, on 1 in turn causes na enfeebled action of the pores which congest orbecoms pimply. The modern theory therefore is not to treat tho blood, but tho stomach and liver, and itis under this now idea, that Joy's Vege table Sarsapariila was conceived. It is wip ing the old " blood disease " idea out of ex istence. A caso in peint: " I have had for years spells of indlgostlon and dyspepsia and tried nearly everything Finally I took one of the leading sorsaparlllas. It caused pin pies to break out on my face, which I was told was caused by the potash . II earing that Joy's Vesctable Sarsaparilla did not con tain mineral, I Rent for It. Tho pimples dis appeared and I havo had no return of the rid spells. Jt is a cure for indigestion and lyspepsla and the attendant face eruptions." ilrts. C. D. Stuaj-t, 1221 Mission street. S. F. MATtIXE NEWS AND NOTES. The steamer George W. Elder sailed for Alaska yesterday with a large lot of cannery supplies. The British ship Charles Cotes worth yesterday dropped down the river to" Tanzy point, where she will anchor for awhile, previous to depart ing for England. The steamer 21anzanita returned last evening to the dock, foot of Ben ton street, the copper sheathing on her bottom having been found in good order. It is reported to The Astorian that the powerful tug Corliss will shortly come over from the sound, with Sam Bandall and Lois Staples aboard, to run in opposition as a tug-boat on the Columbia river bar. Tkc First Step. Perhaps you are run down, can't an't sleep, can't think, can't do a. eat. cant sleep, cant tiunK, cancuo any thing to your satisfaction, and you wonder what ails you. lou snouiu I heed the warning, ou a .'first step into Nervou I You need a Nerve Toni are taking the ous iTOStraiton. Tonic and in Elec tric Bitters you will find the exact rem edv for restoring your nervous system to its normal, healthy condition, sur prising results follow the use of this great -Nerve Tonic and Alterative. Your appetite returns, good digestion is restored, and the Liver and Kidneys resume healthy action. Try a bottle. Price 50c. at J. W. Conn's drug store. ltcmember the Austin house at the Seaside is open tho year -round. . REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. XARCH 22. As Filed ia The County Recorder's Ofice Yesterday. Wm. and Annie Beidt to An tonio Jerome blk 68, and lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, G, 7 and 8, blk43,Bosedale $ 270 A. L. Fulton and wife to A. B. Edee an undivided part of the DLC of Ira McKean and wifo 2,500 B. C. Kindred and wife to C. B. Allen lot 21, blk 28, New Astoria 170 W. G. Howell to Mathew Bussell lot 8, blk 1, Brad bury's addition to Ocean Grove 100 C. J. Hall and wife to A. S. Fleet lot 4, blk 19, Colum bia addn 65 J. W. Stoneman to Mathew Bussell lots 10 and 11, blk 6, Merriwether Downs addn 150 A. G. Chutter et aL to B. M. Londen, strip off E side lot 10, sec 24, on Jno. Day riv er 4 acres ................ 1 C. A. Gar ondK RGar to J. S. Pardon, lots 32 and 33, tract 1, Case's sub, blk 23. 300 I. W. Case to C. A. Gove, same 225 Previouslv reported this year $1,125,922 Total to dale SL129.703 PERSONAL MENTION. Capt J. G. Hustler is reported im proving in health. Mrs. Jennie Campbell is confined to the house by serious illness. C. P. Upshur goes to California on a flying visit on to-day's steamer. Capt A. H. Merrill, 1st Art, is granted a month's leave of absence. Mr. J. B. Emery, after a brief vaca tion, the first in four years, has re sumed his duties as mail agent on the Astoria-Portland route, and feels much better in health. Mr. Jno. Barrett, late city editor of Tire 3tfonxixa Astokiak returned from a trip to Gray's harbor and tho Sound. He has accepted tho position of city editor of the Tacoma Ledger, and will assume the duties of his new position iu a few days. Have Some SITITILIE About You ! Ever so many years ago when bustles were still an unknown quantity, and the dudes of that day knew naught of cigarettes and making love, there was no such a thing as style, or what style there was one could easily condense into a bandana hand kerchief, consequently thestore keepers of that day had an easy lime of it. A few dozens of san dals and some fig leaves was thi'ir only stock in trade, and they iievir bothered their an cient" heads about advertising the latest styles of fig leaves. However, things are different now. The most successful mer chant of to-day is the one who knows how to advertise and how to secure the handsomest goods, backed up by reasonable prices, all samec 1IEIUIAX WlbE, :he Reliable Clothier and Hatter in Occident Hotel Building, who has just opened THE GRANDEST MOST MAGNIFICENT ASSORTMENT OF NOVELTIES ! THE CREAM OP THE MARKET, Which he guarantees to sell at Bottom Figures. And as it is with the iivo, en ergetic man of business, so it is with the live, well dressed man of affairs, who knows how to dress well on moderate means by trading with a rustling, push ing and reliable dealer liko HERMAN WISE -THE- Old RelialClothier and Hatter Occident Hotel Building. M m Mp Dry m Received During the Past Two Weeks at the Leading House of Astoria. Novelties in Dress Goods in the Latest Fabrics mmv. II. COOPER,: MORGAN & CO.Jlie Leading Shoe House WE ARE SUCCESSFUL. FOR A GOOD SHOE Mansell's New Building, DO YOD MAE CLOTHES? :NT3Ct Door to Poard cfe Large Stock of Mens and Boy's Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots That will suit you in size and price. We cannot bo PHIL. A. STOKES & CO., EAT I. In consequence of the demand for those beautiful lerel lots, Mr. P. C. Warren has been induced to plat nlncty-six lots Adjoining Warrenton on the East. Which will be known and sold as East Warrenton I THE RAILKOAD runs through tho plat, tvhlch is only 200 yards from the Warrenton depot. For further information call at once on the ASTORIA REAL ESTATE CO. FOR SALE. The SW 1-4 of Block No. 22, Shively's Astoria. Consisting of three lots each 50x150. mak ins a splenuld corner site 150 feet square for a fine residence, and In the best part of the city, with magnificent views of river and bar. Good housos all around and service water within ten feet. Price 5.000. J. H. Mansell, Real Estate Broker. Marshall & Co., Salmon it Twines MANUFACTURED Br GEO. A. CLARK & BROS., NEW JERSEY. For Sale by . SMITII, Agent, Olllce at Wherry & Co's. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY! There is no occasion for the most fastidi ous of our citizens to send to Portland or San Francisco for Custom Made Clothes As they can get Better Fits. Better Work manship, and for less Money. By Leaving their Orders with MEANY. New Goods by Every' Steamer. Call and see him and satisfy yourself. P. J. Meany. Merchant Tailor. OKLO V. PABKER. CAUL. A. HAKnON Parker & Hanson SUCCESSORS TO C. L. PARKER, DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE New Goods Arriving ryery Steamc Tmsw .k. Dress - Joods The Old Stand - Astoria Orezon. loir Money's ffoi IS WHAT YOU GET AT Foard & Stokes IN- and Groceries Provisions. Everything In a First-class Store and at Extremely Low Figures. Goods Delivered all over Town. The HlghMt Prlo Paid foe Junk. FOARD ft STOKES ABBE NTOH Immense Importations OP- FOR LADIES' OR GENTS' WEAR GO TO MORGAN. & CO., IF SO REMEMBER THAT HAVE A.- Crisp $0.350 House and Lot on First Street, Business Property. Cheap. $275 to $25 Lots in Block 20, Hustler & Aiken's Astoria. Very desirable. $80O Comer Lot in McClure's Astoria. Beautiful residence Lot. $375 to $500 Lots in Alderbrook, on water front. $2,000 Eighty Acres on Klaskanine. Nice home. $120 Per Acre Ninety Acres, near town, suitable for platting. If You Don't See Your Particular Snap, Call and See Us. niraie Heal E3sttto Broliers, Odd Fellows' Buildiiii Wholesale Wine House. Fine Wines, Choice Brands. I have cornploted arrangements for supplying any brand of Wine in any quantity at lowest cash figures. The Trade Supplied, Families Supplied. ALL ORDERS DELIVERED FREE IN ASTORIA. Your patronage in City or Country solioited. A. W. UTZINGER. Cosmopolitan Saloon. I. W. Case. BANKER. Transacts a General Banking Business. Drafts drawn available In any part of the 0. S. and Europe, and ou Hong Kong, China Ofkick Ilomts : 10 a. ar. to 3 p. i. Odd Fellows Build ing, Astoria. Oregon. Lots in Case's Astoria Are Now on Sale AT TIIE OFFICE OF THE Astoria Beal Estate Co. PRICES FROM $150 TO $250 EACH. TERMS One-Half Cash ; tlie Balance in Six and Twelve Months. Stockton AND EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. City, Suburban and Acreage Property For Sale. MAIN ST ASTORIA, OR., V. 0. Box 511. FLYNN, KEE?S m Finest Woolen Goods for Suitings. All the Latest Styh He bny? for Cash at Eastern Prices. ',He Guarantees the Best Workmanship or a Garments. Call and see for yourself. Barth Block, ASTORIA, OR. - Fashionable Shades TM Street. Water Street, Astoria, Or PE. A. STOKES & CO., JS-toJs.es, and Shoes, Underwear, Etc., undersold. Water Street, Astoria, Or Snaps. ASTORIA, OR. E. P. N00NAN & CO., (Successors to) J. P. HYNES, DEALERS IN- G-roceries Produce. "Water Street, Astoria, Oregon. TELEPHONE NO. 7. P. O. BOX SW & Welch, No curbstone brokers employed here The Tailor, STOCK THE- ; ' " D - "lv m w