The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, March 23, 1890, Image 1

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it I 111 flx j I HI il I 11 iljfes3fe. ril 1 I 111 I I 111 I I
THE O. R. & N. DOCK,
Prices Low and Terms Reasonable.
Kenney's Addition!
Beautifully situated on the banks of the Columbia, ad
joining proposed Public Park and near the
newly discovered coal beds.
Only $35 per Lot for a tew days. Get in now and secure
first-class Lots.
Saddles and Harness
I stake a specialty of good work and guarantee satisfaction. At the
Side Olney Street, Near Wilson & FMier's.
Shite at Moii
Future Terminus of the Chicago & North
western and S. P. Railroads,
Dtstind to bo the
of the Great
LOTS $100 AND $125
Buy Now and Secure Choice Lots !
Prices Will be Advanced to $150 and
$200 April 1st.
Cor. Foirtk anil Genevieve
$125 AND $150 PER LOT
BOBB & PARKER, General Ag'te, Astoria.
Astoria, Or.
Old Stard, Ws
of Columbia finer.
Shipping Center
sts., - Astoria, Oregon.
Prefect Kiug Rnius Sereral YoBtbs
In Asylum for tie BUM.
Special by California Associated Press
Philadelphia, March 22. Shock
ing stories were told before the chari
ties investigatingcoimnitteeon alleged
abuses in the blind asylum. Sev
eral inmates testified that the
food was iusuflicieut. meat, tainted
and bread mildewed. Most of the
story was of prefect King's practices.
Frank "Williams said:
"I had only been in the asylum a
short time," said David Wykoff, "when
King sent for me to come to his room.
"When I went there he frightened me
and told me if I ever said anything I
wonld be terribly punished."
The saddest stories are those
of Joshua McClintock and Joseph
Ganes. He wjis thirteen years old
and had been in the asylum but a
year when King made a victim of him.
For three years he has been a suf
ferer. Jos. Ganes is a physical wreck,
and his" mind is beginning to totter,
and his nervous system seems almost
completely unstrung. If he dies King
will be responsible for his death, for
he was a strong healthy boy when he
first came to the asylum.
King has been arrested. President
Battles testified to-day, and made a
vain attempt to explain nway the
charges. It is expected that his ar
rest will follow.
'King used to try and make the boys
curry favor with liira. Some of the
boys were punished because they
would not lounge about King's room.
Oh! the suffering of some of those
poor victims. King ruined them men
tall', morally and physically."
"Eleven boys were the victims of
this man. There is evidence that the
greatest sufferers were Joshua Mc
Clintock, Joseph Ostrander, Welling
ton Crassin, Howard W. Wykoff and
Joseph W. Ganes. The boys range
from 13 to 18 years of age."
-More Duty on Tmplate 'oi Desired.
Special to The Astorian.
"Washington, March 22. A number
of canned goods deiders made an argu
ment before the ways and means com
mittee in opposition to the proposition
in the tariff" bill to increase by -3 of a
cent per pound the duty on tinplatc.
Dinner Party by Senator 3JIteli.lI.
Special to TnF. Astoriax.
"Washington, March 22. A hand
some dinner was given to-night by
senator a'id Mrs. Mitchell. The
guests were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Carter,
judge and Mrs. Davis, Mrs. Handy,
Mr.Herbert, Mr.Ed wards, Miss Ogston,
the Misses Pauncefote, Baron and
Baroness Bakhemeteff, Count Sala,
Mr. John Sanford, Miss Folsom, Mr.
Remscn, Mrs. Speed. American beau
ty roses were used for the table dec
orations and corsage boquets. Miss
Mitchell wore a gown of white satin
and blue velvet
Hore Pension Granted.
Special to TnF. Astoriax.1
"Washington, March 22. Pensions
granted: Oregon Original invalid,
John A. Van Loan, Greenville.
Washington Increase, John Lucas,
Chehalis; Ludwig Thicrgart, Quil
cone. The Educational Itlll Again In tho Senate.
Special to The Astorian.
Washington, March 22. Blair to
day re-introduced his educational bill
in tho senate.
Timber Culture Law Repealed.
Special to The Astoriax.
Washington, March 22. In the
house to-day the bill passed repealing
the timber culture law.
Numerous Deaths In Cleveland.
Special to The Astoriax.
Cleveland, O., March 22. The
death rate for the past week shows 181
deaths, the largest ever known in the
history of the city.
Witnesses RellcYcd.
Special to The Astoriax.J
Ottowa, March 22. The order sum
moning the Battleford witnesses in the
fur-looting case was cancelled. Gen
eral Middleton gives his testimony on
next Mondav.
Cyclone in Sontli Caroliua.
Special to The Astokiax.1
Charleston, S. C, March 22. A
cyclone struck the upper part of the
state this afternoon, and considerable
damage was done. No details have
been received. At Sumter one per
son was killed and three injured by a
falling house, and a church and sever
al stores were unroofed.
Tirelre Victims In All Thus Far.
Special to The Astokiax.
Indianapolis, Ind., March 22.
William F. Jones, the twelfth fire
man to meet his fate in the Bowen
Morrill fire, died this morning.
A Hardware Firm Assign.
Special to The Astobian.
Toledo, O., March 22. The oxten
sive hardware firm" of Whitaker & Co.
made an assignment to-day for the
benefit of their creditors. The liabili
ties aro $50,000, and the assets 875.-000.
Call Early and Take Your
Floods in Pennsylvania.
Special to Tnn Astoriax.
Pittsburg, Pa., March 22. Reports
from the head waters of the Allegheny
and Monongahela rivers give the
alarming news of a sudden rise. At
some places rain has been falling
thirty-six hours, and the head
waters of the Monongahela
are higher than ever known, while
the river is rising at the rate of from
five to eleven inches per honr. Great
distress is experienced by several
farmers along the river as the low
lands are flooded in several places.
At Johnstown on the Conemangh,
Poplar and Iron streets are flooded in
portions and the Cambria Iron works
have been obliged to shut down. In
this city but little anxiety i3 felt as
all the "coal barges and boats have
been well secured. The steady rain
has given ample warning, and goods
are beiug moved from cellars along
Water street as they are being Hooded,
with back water. The Monon
gahela here was 11 feet at
noon, nineteen at 9 o'clock. At the
present rate it will reach tho danger
line, as advices from the hoad-wators
iudicate twenty-six to twenty-nine feet
bv to-morrow night.
Roul or the Cro iL. Funeral Procession.
Special to Tint Astori ix.
Chicago, March 22. Tho order of
the funeral procession of the late Gen.
Crook will be as follews: Battalion
of olice,lst rcgimentinfantryLN.G.,
Catafalque, family and staffof general,
nrmv officers, 2nd regiment infantrv
L N. G., 4th D Battery, loyn'l
legion, Grand Army of the Republic.
Services at 1 p. ji. to-morrow. The
line of march will move east on Jack
son street to Michigan avenue, then
north to the Baltimore and Ohio de
pot. The interment will take place
at Oakland, Maryland, to which place
tho officers of the General's stall" wilt
accompany the remains.
Arrangements for Gen. Crook' RurUl.
Special to Tun astokiax.j
Chicago, March 22. The arrange
ments for General Crook's funeral
were completed this morning. The
services will be held at tho hotel at 1
p. M. to-morrow.
Destructive Storm in Rentacar.
Special to The Astoriax
Suaissa, Ky., March 22. A terrific
storm here to-day destroyed two
churches and a number of other build-
Regulators In Ohio.
Special to The Astoria 1
Portsmouth, O., March 22. The
lodge regulators near here in tho hills
whipped two men for dmnkenness and
others are threatened. A counter-organization
is to be formed to drivo
them ont
Crooked Oflklah in Cincinnati
Special to The astoiuax.
Cincinnati, O, March 22. Wm.
Ampt has filed charges against tho
work house directors, alleging that
they havo illegally discharged one
hundred prisoners in the past year, of
which no record has been made. in Wrst Virginia.
Special t T:u: AsroniAX.
Wheeling, W. Ya., March 22. The
river is rising seven inches per hour,
and the people are uneasy. Some who
arc on low ground are moving out.
Reports from the interior say all tho
streams are swollen idinost beyond
precedent. Some daraago was done
and serious loss is inevitable.
Fire in Minnesota. to The Astoiuax.
Wavf.rlv, Minn., March 22. A fire
to-day destroyed the post office and
sloroblock of J. IC Cullcn, and half a
dozen smaller business buildings.
The loss was 30,000, on wlu'ch there
Is an insurance of SG.OOO.
Hallway Rumors Denied.
Special to Tn a As roiuAX.J
St. Paul, Minn., March 22. Presi
dent Lowry of the Soo road denies tho
report that he Is going to retire from
tho presidenc- of the road. Ho also
denies that Henry Yillard will pur
chase the railway.
Not Satisfied with the Amount.
Special to The Astoiuax.
Brainerd, Minn.,- Marcli 22. In a
damage suit for $50,000, brought by
Tom Heffron against the Northern
Pacific Bailway Co. for the loss of his
eyes, the jury to-day gave tho boy
$7,000. The case will be carried to
the supreme court.
Convirted of Ccnpiracj
Special to The Astoiuax.I
New York, March 22. Sheriff Jas.
A Flack, his son William L. Flack,
and refcreo Joseph Woekes have been
convicted of entering into a conspir
acy to obtain a fraudulent divorco from
Mr3. Flack. Intense excitement pre
vails. In the new court house, prior to the
deliberations of the jury, Dilworth
Choate a reporter for the World was
discovered concealed behind a curtain
in the jury room ready to take notes
of the proceedings.
He was brought before judge
Barret, repremanded, and released
there being no law to cover the offense.
Preparations for General Crooi's
Pnneral on loniay.
S, ccial by tho California Associated Pees3
New York, March 22. Cha3. L.
Colby, who retired from the presi
dency of the Wisconsin Central, says
there is no truth in tho report that he
will become president of the
Northern Pacific. He retired
to take charge of the mining interests
of the Wisconsin Central. It is hardly
proper, while chairman of the com
mittee of managers of the Northern
Pacific, which has leased the Wiscon
sin Central, that he should remain
president of tho Wisconsin Central.
Official Announcement by War Department.
Washington March 22. Secretary
Proctor to-day issued an order to the
army, announcing the death of Gen
eral Crook in Chicago yesterday. The
order recites tho gallant services of
General Crook, and expresses an ap
preciation of the great loss sustained
by She crm. The remains will be
taken from Chicogo to-morrow, es
corted by a detail of officers and sol
diers from the post there, together
wiili General Crook's staff. Tho f u
neral will take place at Oakland, near
Cumberland, Maryland, at 10 o'clock
a. m. Monday, and will be attended by
a number of officers from this citv.
Officers to Attend the Funeral.
Special to TnE Astokian.J
Columbus, O., March 22. Assistant
Ad jutant General Dill and Governor
Campbell's staff will leave for Chicago
to-night to attend the funeral of Gen.
Store Coercion in Ludlow-Street Jail.
Special to The Astorian.
New York, March 22. A sensation
has been caused by tho statement oi
Henry S. Ives before an investigation
committee to-day, that he had been
compelled to pay $10,000 for special
accommodations and privileges in tho
Ludlow-street jail.
Kllrain Taken to Columbia Jail.
Special to The Astoiuax
Pcrvis. Mis3., March 22. Jake
Kilrain was token to Columbia to-day
to serve out his sentence of two months
in the county jail.
Cardinal Gibbons Faxors High License.
Special to The Astoiuax.1
Annapolis, Md., March 22. Cardi
nal Gibbons has authorized the state
ment that he favors high license for the
regulation of the liquor traffic
Fatal Accident in Indiana.
Special to The Astoria;.
Winchester, Ind., March 22. Thi3
inoraing Al Barr started with a load of
nitro glycerine for Cambed. When
four miles north of hero the glycerine
exploded and Barr was blown to at
om, only ono hand and foot being
Fatal Shooting. to The Astokian.
New York, March 22. William
Tnnibnll, a ticket speculator who plies
liis vocation in front of the Fourteenth
street theatre, was fatally shot in tho
abdomen by James 1. Hyde, another
ticket speculator with whom he had a
dispute on the sidewalk near tho the
ater. Turubulldied a few moments
later. The parties had been enemies
for years and both were well known to
the theatrical profession.
ioro Flood.
Special to The Astorian.
Johnstown, Pa., March 22. The
rivers here are booming and although
they had receded over three feet dur
ing tho day they are now higher than
last night and aro still rising fast
Grave fears are entertained for tho
safely of all bridges. The people are
thoroughly alarmed.
West Virginia Floods.
Spiral to The AsrORiAN.l
Parkersboro, W. V., March 22.
For thirty-six hours it has been rain
ing here in torrents with no indica
tion of ceasing. Both the Little Kan
awha'and the Ohio rivers aro rising
rapidly. Tho Ohio has risen ten feet
to-day and is now at the thirty-feet
mark, and rising at the rate of ono
foot an hour. The Kanawha measures
twenty-nine feet and at the head water
is still rising three feet per hour.
Tho gravest fears prevail of a flood
equal to tho memorable one in 1884.
Great damage is done to farms, fenc
ing and growing crops. People have
been moving out of their
houses for three hours.
Merchants are carrying their goods to
higher stores. Tho Creek, ono of the
largest streams, is over its banks and
carrying everything before it The
rainfall extended over tho entire state
from Little Kanawha to the moun
tains. Schujlkill Rirer Riiln?
Special to The Astoriax.1
Reading, Pa., N March 22. Tho
Schuylkill river at this point has risen
nearly five feet since last night and is
still rising.
Astoria Real Estate &
Officials of San Diep County. CaL,
Under Arrest.
Special by Tho California Associated Pres3-
San Francisco, March 22. The
committee having in charge the work
of relieving tho distresses of the un
employed have thus far collected S27,
500, of which there still remains un
used about $14,000, and additional
amounts continue to be' received. In
view of these facts tho
committee decided to return
to Seattle tho check for $5,000
recently forwarded from that city in
aid of the unemployed. A message
was sent to Mayor Moran of Seattle,
expressing thanks for the kind offer and
stating that the emergency requiring
aid from outside sources does not now
Mayor Pond was instructed to send
the following dispatch to mayorMoran
oieeattie: "iuany tnanus lor your
noble and kind consideration. We
are assured that should San Fran
cisco need assistance from abroad,
Seattle would bo the first to
respond. But such emergency does
not exist, therefore, by instructions of
the executive committee for the relief
of the unemployed, pleaso allow mo to
return your generous offering.
The Bclloc Fallare Is Looking Badly.
Special to The Astoiuax.
San Francisco, March 22. Tho re
port of tho experts who examined the
books of BellocFrere3 shows liabilities
amounting to $485,600, and assets of
The Wheat Market Quotations.
Special to The Astoriax.
San Francisco, March 22. Wheat
Quiet; buyer season, L31J; buyer,
Startling Detelopmeats ia Saa Diego.
Special to The Astorian.
San Diego, CaL, March 22. The
grand jury of this county has indicted
nine prominent county officials.
Among these was John R. Aitken,
judge of tho supremo court on a
charge of felony, and D. H. Home,
foreman of the last grand jury, on
two charges of penury. The indict
ment against judge Aitken charges
him with having mutilated and falsi
fied the judgment roll in the caso of
tho people vs. Wellington. our ar
rests have already been made.
Competition ky Ocean Steamers.
Special to The Astoriax.1
Tacoma. Wash., March 22.--Ifc is
reported that a rate war has been in
augurated in tho freight business be
tween Tacoma and San Francisco by
the Pacific Coast Steamship Co. and
tho Barnard Freight line. Tho rates
of tho Pacific Coast Steamship Co.
aro governed by the western classifica
tion of tho Transcontinental associa
tion, while tho Barnard lino, as near as
can be ascertained, has no regular
freight tariff, but makes special rates
according to the size of tho shipments.
Tho company has no agent in Tacoma,
the freight brought up by its vessels
being consigned to the Northern Pa
cific railroad company. It i3 reported
that a small cut had been made in the
passenger rates of steerage and cabin,
but this could not be confirmed here.
SerloBS Charge Against a Captain.
Special to Tns Astorian.
Victoria, B. O., March 22. Captain
Dan McLean, of tho sealing schooner
Mary .Uen, has been summoned to
answer to tho charge of feloniously as
saulting Dan Maroney, a sailor, with
intent to kill, and for attempting to
drown him. Tho charge will be heard
on Thursday.
An Oregon Xan Dies In Michigan.
Special to The Astoriax.
Eugene, Or., March 23. News has
just been received of the death of O
R.Bean, at Acme, Michigan aged 60
years. His death was caused by fall
ing down stairs hi a sawmill: Ho
was the father of judge R. S. Bean and
has long been a prominent man in this
part of Oregon.
Murder Case Reopead.
Special to The Astorian.
Spokane FALLSjlWash. March, 22.
Harry Baer, who in January shot and
killed "Big Mac" (McCrossen) a des
perado and well known gambler, was
to-day indicted by the grand jury
of murder in tho second
degree. The murder occurred in front
of Dutch Jake's saloon, which was
owned by Goeth & Baer. At tho
time, the coroner's jury rendered a
verdict of justifiable homicide, but
citizens took the case up and tho ver
diet was reopened with the above re
sult Baer was held to await tho ac
tion of the grand jury. It is possible
no indictment for murder
could have been secured
but for the peculiar circumstances.
When the case came before the cor
oner the second time, attorney Graves
was asked to draw up the verdict of
tho jury. He did so and held him for
murder in the second degree. It after
ward transpired that Graves was
Baer's attorney, but the grand jury
could not go back of the record.
Choice !
An American Tor Fined.
Special to The astokiax.j
Victoria, B. C, March 22. The
American tug Mongul has been
libeled by the Canadian customs for
towing in Canadian waters. She was
fined four hundred dollars.
Fine Horses for California.
Special to The Astorian.
Sacramento, CaL. March 23. John
Mackey, superintendent of the Rancho
del Paso, arrived from the east to
night with a carload of horses, most
of which are consigned to the
Pleasanton stock farm. Mackay
brought f6r Haggin a half-sister to
Winters, Marion, dam El Bio.
Key and other noted flyers,
which ho found hi Canada. . Ho also
brought the Hambletonian stallion
Special to TnK Astoriax.
Butte, Mont., March 22. The
St. Lawrence mine shaft was opened
this morning, and miners were lowered
to the 500-foot level in safety. No gas
or smoke wa3 observable". A large
quantity of water has been pumped
into the Anaconda mine, which will
now have to be pumped out, consum
ing a month of more.
Fine French Staemer.
Special to The
Parts, March 22. The largest ves
sel ever built in France, named La
Taurine, was, launched last Friday
at St. Nazarie. Sho "belongs to a trans
atlantic company, and will carry be
tween Havre and New York. Her
engines are 12,000 horsepower. Her
length is 164 metres, width of
beaml meters, and depth of hold 7
Accident at Sea.
Special to The Astorian.
London, March 22. The steamer
Illinois, from Antwerp for Now York,
put into Plymouth with her stem
badly twisted and tho forward com
partment filled with water, the result
of a collision with an unknown steamer
offEddystone. The latter vessel was
only slightly damaged.
Lance in British Cavalry.
Special to The Astorian.
London, March 22. Tho older
British cavalry officers aro aghast
at tho probable introduction
of the lance as a general
weapon of the mounted service.
To be compelled to learn the
new drill at a time of lifo when inno
vations aro so disagreeable or
elso display their ignorance
before subordinates will cause
many of them to go upon
tho retired list in disgust, or mourn
over the decay of tho service. Some
juniors, particularly thoso in India,
who are familiar -with the use of tho
"pig sticker" anticipate a welcomo
lift by its adoption and aro naturally
enthusiastic in its praise.
No home should bo without it to ar
rest disorders promptly, which, if not
taken in season, often develop into se
rious diseases. Iiev. .James il. Rol
lins, Pastor M. E. Church, S., Fairfield,
Va., writes: "i have used Simmons
LivT Regulator for manj years, having
made it my only family medicine My
mother before me was very partial to
it. It is a safe, good and reliable medi
cine for any disorder of the system
and if used in time is a great preventive
of sicknebs."
"Bob," said a wise old West Vir
ginian to his improvident but gener
erous brother, "you'll always bo a poor
man. If the whole world was a globe
of gold and you owned it all and had
hell to melt it'in you'd bo poor."
We'll Suppose a Case.
You are nervous and dyspeptic, your ap
petite flags, your slumber's broken or dis
turbed by uueasy dreams, or jou court the
sleepy cod in vain. What shall you do? Try
an alcoholic excitant to stimulate appctit?,
deaden the nerves at bed time with a nar
cotic? Neither or theic. Try Hostetter's
Stomach Bitters. It will, believe iw, be more
thin a trial. You will continue to use this
justly renowned nerve Invigorant and stom
achic. It Is in the exigency supposed Just
what is wanted. It is a heart fnl stimulus to
aunetitc and digestion, does not excite, but
quiets the brain and nerves, is an excellent
diuretic and a speedy reformer of a disor
dered condition of the liver and bowels. It
counteracts a tendency to rheumatism, nul
lifies the prostrating etlects of overwork,
mitigates ttie infirmities of age, and hastens
convalescence. Persons excused to rough
weather should use it as a preventive, as
should also tired students and Diisiness mer.
Bo3tou girl typewriters get $10 a
All tiio patent medicines advertiser
in this paper, together with the choicest
perfumery, and toilet articlis etc can
be bought at the lowest prices at J. W.
Conn's drug store, opposite Occident
hotel, Astoria.
In Holland each
own blacksmith.
farmer has his
Biirlilcus Arnica Salrc.
TnE Best Salve in the world for
Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rhe
um, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped
Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin
Eruptions, and positively enres Piles,
or no pay required. It is guaranteed to
give perfect satisfaction, or money re
funded. Trice 25 cents per box. For
sale by .1. W. Conn.
WHY WILL YOU cough wiien Shi
loh's Cure will give immediate relief.
Price, 10 cts., 50 cts. and Si, at ,J. C. De
ment's. CATARRH CURED, health and
sweet breatu secured by Shiloh's Ca
tarrh Remedy. Price, 50 cents. Nasal
Injector free. J. C. Dement.
Trust Co., Portland Ag'te.
Newspaper Gossip Reprtini Bis-
marci's late Resignation.
Special by California Associated Press.
JKojte, Italy, March 22. The an
pointment is announced of Gen. Von
Goltz, who visited the United States
in 1875, and Herr Von Maybiok &s
directors of the imperial railways.
A powder manufactory near Span-
don blew up and was completely de
stroyed. Two employes were killed
and five injured.
Heaw. Inner fwnfrirnn1 TOi-na Tinva
been falling throughout Italy, causing
floods in all tliR nrnvfnnpfj. Tn "Rvmv
the water is seen on a level with the
Pantheon. In Sardinia an inundation
caused a damage of nmnerfcv. psti-
mated at 3,000,000 lire.
Opinions of Germaa Newspapers.
Special to The Astoriax.
Berlin, March 22. Tho Post says
Bismarck advised tho emperor to
appoint Caprivi as his successor. The
National Zeitung states that the em
peror conferred the title of duke upon
Bismarck without consulting the lat
ter. A report is in circulation that
Bismarck declined to accept the duke
dom and the appointment of colonel
general. The report causes great sen
sation in Berlin. It is also reported
that Count Bismarck is presenting his
resignation of tho office of imperial
foreign minister.
British Steamer Abandoned at Se.
Special to The Astoriax.
London, March 22. Tho British
steamer Virent from Salinn. "Rnn-
mania, for London, has been aban
doned, at sea witn ner shaft broken.
The captain and eight of her crew
were landed at Ferral and fourteen
other men belonging to the steamer
were lost.
The English Lloa Aroased.
Special to The Astoriax.J
Constantinople, March 22. The
Turkish fort Fas on the Persian gulf,
fired upon an English sloop while
landing officers on a visit to the fort.
White, tho British ambassador, in
sists that the commandant be de
graded and the fort demolished.
A Russian Paper on Bismarck.
Special to The Astoriax.J
St. Petersburg', March 22. The
GraJidinin says: "Bismarck's resig
nation inaugurates an era of new ideas
and expected events that will cause
everybody to be on the alert'"
Prussian Officer Punished for Craelty.
Special to The Astoriax.1
Berlin, March 22. Lieut. Kluge
of the Brockenheim hussars, has been
degraded and sentenced to three years
imprisonment for inhumanity to sol
diers. Steamer Founders ofl tho Scotch Coast.
Special to The Astoriax.
Dundee, March 22. The coasting
steamer Ethel Gwendoline foundered
off Rathay head, county Aberdeen,
yesterday and seven of the crew were
Middleton Will Be Compelled to Kealga.
Special to TnE Astorian.
Ottawa, March 22. It is expected
the result of the Middleton fur scandal
will be that Middleton will be com
pelled to resign and return to England.
Gladstone Is Not to Resign.
Special to TnE Astorian.
London, March 22. Gladstone de
nies tho report of tho intended resig
nation of his seat in tho commons.
Mechanics' Strike la Berlin.
Special to The Astorian.
Berlin, March 22. Workmen em
ployed on tho palace of the reichstag
havo struck for a reduction of time to
nine hours daily.
The Chief or the Staff Wishes to Betlre.
Special to TnE Astoriax.
Berlin, Marcli 22. General Von
Waldersee has asked to be relieved as
chief general of staff.
Proposed English Redaction of Tea Duty.
Special to The Astoriax.
London, March 22. The house of
commons will adjourn for Easter holi
pays from the 1st to the 10th of next
month. Probably Goschen, chancel
lor of the exchequer, will deliver
tho budget speech April 14th.
Tho politicians had concluded from
the speeches made that no part of the
surplus of the year would be applied
to free or assisted education, but the
remarks of Salisbury at the Carlton
club meeting on the subject of assisted
education have changed their
opinion, Gant will no doubt introduce
tho bill at the earliest possible oppor
tunity. Goschen has looked very
carefully into the tea duty
and i3 not disposed to reduce
or repeal it More advisers of the
treasury have recommended a reduc
tion of tea duty, the question regarding
which is regarded as simply that of retention.
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