-SS- ; (sfs- 5hc gattt gttforimt. ASTORIA, OREGON: THCliSDAY. MAKC:i 20, 1B90 ISSUED EVERY MORNING. (Moml.ij excepted.) J. F. HAL.L.ORAN & COMPANY, lulriishcM and I'roprletois. AKmniAV ltlTMIINU. - ('ASSSritKKT. TftiBi of Subscription. Tftl ly Carrier. per week is eta Setby Mall, per inuntli . oocts ent ty Mall, one ear $7.00 Free or postage to subscriber. The Astokian ptamnleis to its adver tisers Tne larret chculntiou of anv newspa Icr pfertstecd on the Columbia river. CITY AND COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER Repairs arebeiujrmada iatheplauk 10? at the foot of Cass street. Tito rlrst straw hat of Hie season was vvn on the street te&terdn v. crehve animal,who presently, lifting a lid, would extend a long thin arm in search of prey. The cliff on which it stands, seamed by 100 fissures, yawns near the verge to reveal a black abyss, where frothy lines of surf como steal ing or swirling in, according'to the lumper or me sea. Considerable lumber and Mil! float in;: down to the ea. logs is E. J. Ford t Co., will put Astoria on the market to-dav. New The only unmarried lawyer in town talks of going to Columbia countv. J. Leis has leeu admitted as a part ner 111 flmfirtn nf'P.lincfni.nn (V l - - -j.... i'igvutu.ii3Lil IV JJ. company -H" O. N. G., will meet Tor inspection and muster, Fridav, the 2th inst, at 7:30 P. M. Tha case of R. Ij. Humphrey vs. the Chik&t Canning company will be ap pealed to the supremo court. The coal shaft on J. C. Davis's place is now down 140 feet Yesterday after noon another vein of coal of excellent quality was struck. Yesterday a native of Sweden named Carl A. Howkansson, declared his in tura of becoming one of us, and took out his first papers. On her last in trip the Danube brought 622 old car wheels. They went to San Francisco on the State, there to bo sold for old iron. Two Astorians announce their in tention to compile a directory of the city, and a third is talking of "starting a rual estate journal. Good idea. Narrow Escape From Suffocation. MarenbamYimDiiseii, wife and child had an unpleasant experience last Monday night and one that but for prompt action might havo hud most serious ending. While about re tiring, Mrs. Van Dusen was taken sud denly with a choking sensation in her throat and fell to the floor in an un conscious condition. -Her husband, a moment after, was seized the same way, ana tnen their little son, Arthur, was attacked. Mr. Van Dusen, though almost asphyxiated, summoned strength enough to secure a physician. On their return to the house Mrs. Tan Dusen and the child were still in a dead faint They were restored to consciousness after some difficulty and then the cause of the strange attack was looked for. It was finally ascertained that a base burner furnace had emitted a deadlv gas that gave no notice of its presence, but had occasioned the sudden chok ing of all three of tho occupauts of the room. It was a narrow escape, and but for tho prompt action of Mr. Van Dusen, -might have resulted fatallv. He is still suffering from the effects of the deadly inhalation. THE FEDERAL CENSUS, Questions That the Enumerators fill Urn to Ask. a. noon JIAXT TO AXSimit. U. has changed the and hereafter will The W. a T. hour of meeting. meet at 2 o'clock overv Thursday af ternoon at the Y. M. C. A. hall, com SHJnciug to-day. The sea gulls seem to enjoy n ride, for it is a common sight to see a dozen or more of them standing on a log and lsurely floating down stream, as hsppy as so many children. 1 L. Ayer has put in a stock of fur niture and house furnishing goods in ine oast side of the Flavel building on Third street which has been commo dionsly fitted up for tho purpose. C R. Sorensen and C. S. Guuderson have formed a real estate co-partner-diip,andaro fitting up a neat office oa Olnev street next door to Fred Saiz's harness and saddlery establishment Empty boxes in front of a store indicate business and the arrival of aew goods, but certainly do not look well when left out in tho street, day after day, and aire in the wav of tho passing teams. The approach of the primaries and tfee conventions makes a little polit ical talk: but so far little work has been done by eitlierside. The ten dency evinced by both parties is to aaake a short and lively campaign. Sturgeon has about disappeared from the market, but smelt are plenty. As for salmon there isn't a hint of such a fish to be seen anywhere, and the close season is evidently being ob served so far as Astoria is concerned. There is a little note of preparation in the canneries, though comparatively o material has yet been purchased. Both the canners and fishermen ap pear to have agreed on one thing, viz: tfcat the number of boats on the river should be less than last year. Aa ordinance will be introduced in tie city council next Tuesday, direct ing the superintendent of streets to place signs with the names of the streets painted thereon, at the inter section of all streets in tho city of As toria, and making provision for pun ent of those who may deface or isjare the same. A belated individual hurried to the wharf last evening one minute too late for Portland, as the steamer had just left the dock. He was loaded down with buadlea. and thouch he looked as if terriHy disappointed, he did not say & aiagie naughty word. He was evidently a preacher or a newspaper awn, for they never swear. Providing For Numbering City Buildings. At next Tuesday's regular meeting of the city council, an ordinance will be introduced providing for a uniform system of numbering buildings in As toria, by placing on the door or frame of the main entrance the number as signed thereto; the number to be painted on tho door or on metal or glass affixed to the door, or a metallic figure to bo used at the option of the owner. InMcClure's and Olney's Astoria, the numbers are to run from 2 to 234. In Shively's Astoria, from 240 to 434. The numbering is to be done by June 1st, 1890. The idea of numbering the houses has been advocated for several years, and if this ordinance pass, the plan can be given a practical trial. Jloving From Corvallts M Sew York. In a letter received by J. H. Mansell yesterday from A. A. Schenck, of Cor vallis, who has invested heavily in Astoria real estate, he informs him that ne lias been offered and has accepted the position of chief assistant engineer on the New York Central !t Hudson River R. R. and leaves Corvallis for New York to-day. Mr. Schenck had resigned his posi tion as chief engineer on the Oregon Pacific R. R., and had intended to make Astoria his future home aud de vote his time to the improvement of his property, but was induced to ac cept the responsible position offered him. He expresses liimsnlf n? linrma unbounded confidence in the future of Astoria, and will lose no opportunity of furthering its interests while resid ing in New York. The Charge of Venue in the Hill (W. Tho Hill case is net for trial before Judge Shattuck in Portland next Tuesday. This is the caso intended as a test, wherein the Astoria aud South Coast railway company, sued Geo. Hill for balance duo on stock subscribed for, which went by default hero at the last term of tho circuit court, judgment beiugnominally given for plaintiff. C. W. Fulton will ap pear for plaintiff aud C. J. Curtis for defendant The main point will prob ably be tho allegation on the part of the defense that an actual tender of stock to the amount subscribed and a formal demand for the money there for is a necessary preliminary to briuging suit for payment A Theft or a 3IiumleistanJhi. A -memory ring' is tho latest It is aerely a silver 10 cent piece rimmed oat, with tho milled edge left un touched. Usually, tho ring has a bmagle attached, made of the inner part of the dime, and bearing the saosogrmaa of the youth who has been inveigled, into giving the girl the coin. The ring, all finished, costs less than a dollar. Messrs. Hume and Pinschower were aroand yesterday in the interest of tfee newly organised Astoria Athletic Aociatxm. There are now 85 names enrolled, and $1,010.50 paid in. The dea is to raise $1,500 for a starter. It is probable that the old Geo.' "W. Hum baDdfflff wrll be fitted up as a CymiiaaiuEL, ete for the use of the association. The ooaouttee on rivers and har bora aatkodied a favorable report on Mr. Hsohm'i bill last Tuesday, and wimilml him to report the same to Ike hoBse. It provides for cancella tion of a contract entered into be tveca the Oregon Paving and Con tract company of Oregon and the goveraaeat, whereby the company contracts to furnish a certain amount efatoseof certain dimensions to be eft oat n saMMBt-roofc was teoTered, ajrfttbje. tJM$xjred- for fleKrcrr of tbemterkl Tinier the contract. Far devw ttkCiatsopjcosflt stands' Josely ItaWtatiea eccufieaniy: aiiiVi WBoyearsgo fled from the follies of a great city to expiate in 'solitsde the nalorfascKd frailties ofTak youth. TWecotta, bwK of:ipiaa.Tcds.i atfrered by tiate. MToalirwftinofc? aft ikmbm&iT lartjiflra ofl theaasatt. af Or 1i 1 11 riaaaai lid iiT nTTr wiskjaaait aamattefacWrai: Yesterday a warrant was issued for the arrest of John Hull on complaint of Thomas Graves that five dollars was stolen from him bv tho former It is said that in paying'for drinks in waves saloon a gold piece was given and when Hull looked at the p.1inm he claimed that it was not right, as he had put down a ten, but Graves in sisted it was only a five, and placed on the counter the piece he had received. Hull snatched the coin and ran out hence the complaint It is a question of veracity between the two men, or n misunderstanding, and Hull im proved the opportunity to get what ho claimed was due him. It will, prob ably be settled amicably. A Creditable Home Production. The supervisor of census for this district has received many applications from those who wish to be enxunera tors, aud a large number of them are evidently from men who think they will havo an easy time at tho ex pense of the government Those who accept a position under this impression will find in June that they have been sadly mistaken. Under the present law any enumerator who has accepted an appointment is compelled to finish his work, and if he refuses to do so without giving a reason satisfactory to the superintendent, he may be fined and imprisoned. Ten years ago mauy who counted on an easy job were ap. palled when they received their book of instructions, and over 5,000 of them resigned. The census is to be taken between June 1 aud June 15. Tho great body of enumerators will be paid as follews: For every living person, 2 cents; for every death, 3 cents; for every firm. 15 cents; for every factory, 20 cents; for each veteran or veteran's widow, 5 cents. Every person is compelled to an swer the questions or pay a fine of S100. An improvement this year over the former methods of taking the cen sus has been the distribution, in ad vance, of several millions of family schedules, so that the enumerator at many points will find it already filled, and so will be greatly facilitated in his work. It is a curious fact, as shown by tho last census, and in fact by all, that while there are porhaps 1,500,000 women of tho ago of 29,39, or 49, there will only be about 60,000 of the age of 30 or 40 or 50. The inference is irre sistiblethey do not like to acknowl edge having turned tho corner of a decade. It would, of course, bo un reasonable to presume that once in ' every ten years there is such an alarm ing decrease in tho birth of girl babies. Another difficulty which the enu merators will encounter is the collec tion of statistics of what are called tho defective classes those who are deaf, blind, and idiots. Ten years ago the question was put beforo the head of a family: "Are there any deaf, dumb, idiots, or blind in your house?" This was often construed as offensive, aud tended to increase tho difficulty in as- cortaining the true facts. This year the enumerators havo all been in structed to ask at each heuse: "Is the speech all right, is the hearing perfect, is the mind correct, can everybody see?" The census, too, instead of calling these classes "de pendent, defective and delinquent," will call them "special" and will not class them with criminals. An especial feature of the census will be a separate enumeration of vet erans and their widows, which of itself is a gigantic task, but it is hoped the result will bo a great aid to tho pen sion bureau. The chief item of expense, of course, is tho pay of tho enumerators, wluch in 1890 exceeded 63,000,000, and this year will doubtless be more than SG.- 000,000. Tho appropriation made for the eleventh census is 5,400,000, aside from the Sl.500,000 appropriated for printing, but it is estimated that 2,000,000 more will bo needed to com plete the work. A Word of Explanation. Inasmuch as some dissatisfaction has lately been expressed bv sub scribers about the lateness of the hour at which The Mousing AsroEr an has sometimes been delivered, I wish to say once for all, that tho pa per, in every instance, has been deliv ered just as soon as it was possible to do it, after it camo from the press. On account of the excellent tele graphic reports which Tnn Astorian is giving its readers and the de sire of the proprietors to give tho very latest news, it sometime happens that the paper goes to press a littlo later than usual. In such cases it comes into my hands later iu the morning. I make this statement of facts to show that I am not at fault iu tno matter. Reasonable people J m ut uApeci, me to uenver tne per before it comas from the press. Respectfully, J. A. Rannelis. City route ngt PERSONAL JIEXTIO.V. E. P. Thompson is in tho city. H. S. Gile was in the city yester day. Geo. Johnson has returned from California G. W. Louusberry is confined to his house by severe sickness. T. G. Boelling is in the sheriff's office in Harry Smith's absence. C. "V. Fulton, Herman Wise and I Bergman are back from Portland. J. P. Austin and "W. W. Parker have been appoiuted notaries public. J. "W. Alderman was among the ar rivals on yesterday's steamer from California A. W.McKenzie and wife and A. J. Megler and wife returned yesterdav from California Ole Wilberg: Your family arrived yesterday from the east, and are await ing you at O'Brien's hotel. Geo. Hibbert, a compositor on The Astorian. has returned from a visit to his ranch on the Nehalem. J. Richards, Otto Peterson, G. Har kourt and J. Ivohn, were passengers to San Francisco yesterday morning on the Oreifon. C. Johnson and August Larson left here yesterday morning on the steam er for San Francisco, and will there embark for Alaska John Fox, superintendent of the Astoria Iron "Works, went up to Port land on the steamer last evening. Walter Seaborg, of Hwaco, was in tho city yesterday and deeply inter ested in viewing the handsome pic tures in the gallery of the Carruthers sisters. Wm. Reid didn't come down yester day morning. He was on the boat Tuesday night but went ashore be foro tho boat started for the sea port of Oregon. The haudsomest young lady on the steamer from San Francisco got off at Astoria yesterday. Her name is Miss Rice, and she will manipulate tho typewriter in the office of Elmore, San born Sr Co. MARINE SEWS AND NOTES. Tho American ship Clarence F. Dement is due now from New York. The steamer Willamette passed down the river yesterday, in ballast, on her way to Seattle. The steamer Alliance arrived from Portland yesterday, and will leave hero this morning at 5 o'clock, for Gray's harbor. The steamship Columbia arrived yesterday morning from San Francisco, and after leaving here 1,55G packages of merchandise and a number of pas sengers, passed up tho river to Port laud. Tho British ship East Croft, a fine ship whose gross tonnage is 1,367 tons, arrived yesterday from Portland, hav ing there taken on 54,381 bushels of wheat, valued at S40.37S.50, and after completing her load here she will sail for Qneenstown. Tho steamship Oreaon came down from Portland yesterday morning and left for San Francisco. " She took from here, 60,401 bundles of shooks, 165 sacks of oysters and 699 packages of miscellaneous goods aud merchandise, as well as ten cabin and live steerage passengers. 'SVleplwitiet.oit:;:.: iSonse. ltaL liudtln town. Rooms per niht 50 ami 25 et. ier week SlJi). New and clean. Private entranrc. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. MARCH 19. As Filed fa The Cooaty Rerordcr's Office Yesterday. W.E. Warren to Tillie A. Crow lot 5. blk 7, Skipa non addn V. Boelling et al to Ella F. Beard lot 11, blk 7, Skip anon addn E. P. Thompson to Geo. F. Moeck lots 7 andS, blk 19, Warrenton addn V. Boelling et al to Marga ret Brown lot 12, blk 7, Skipanoti addn J. C. Dement to C. Brichter lot 3, blk 1, Dement's Astoria State of Oregon to Joseph Gibson lots 4 and 5, sec 33, T8N, B9W, swamp land, 56.86 acres John Matier and wife to Angu3 McGregor lot 6, blk 2, Matter's addn to Warrenton State of Oregon to O. M. Godfrey, SWJLf of NWK ofSWif,sec36,T6N,R 6W,80 acres W. L. Robb aud wife to Martin Olsen, lots 11 and 12, blk 6, East Astoria. . . B. C. and Rachel Kindred to Conrad Buchter, lots 3 and 4, blk 3, Kindred's Park Charles E. Bain to Clatsop Mill company, SK of NW i and WH of NEY, sec 23.T6N.R9W. ...... Martin Olsen and wife to Wiley B. Allen, lots 11 and 12, blk 6, East Astoria 250 100 330 90 65 muuiHi 01 THE ROAD! 5 200 100 200 100 900 300 Previously reported this year Sl,115,877 Total to date Sl.118,512 A good appetite is essential to good haiku, and loss of appetite indicates soiuutliin? wrong. Hood's Sarsaparilla creates and sharpens the appetite, as sets tlie digestive organs anil regulates the kidneys ami liver. Take Hood's areaparil!a this season. Sold by all druggists. Meal k Cooked to Order. Private rooms for ladies and families: al Central Restaurant, next l Foard & Stnfci-.. Espected to Arrive Daily! OVER FIFTY OASES . New Spring: Goods wm. H. COOPER ? TIM Street. THE Leading Dry Goods and Clothing House of Astoria MORGAN & II Top s p ARE SXJC ading Shoe House FOR A GOOD SHOE FOR LADIES' OR GENTS' WEAR GO TO Mansell's New Building, MORGAN & CO., Water Street, Astoria, Or OPENING OP THE DO YOU MB CLOTHS? IF SO REMEMBER THAT PHIL. A. STOKES & CO., 3STe: :t IDooa? -to OF'orca. cj Stois.es, - ir.vvr. a Large Stock of Mens and Boy's Clothing.. Hats.. Caps, Boots and Shoes, Underwear, Etc., That will suit you in size and price. Wo. cannot be undersold. PHIL. A. STOKES & CO., Water Street, Astoria, Or EAST MENTOI AltVICR TO JIOTllEUv Mira. Window's Sootiiixo Sykup should always he iim'I lor children tucihiiiK. H .MMithfii Hi. child, m) Ifiis lhc guiif.Mllay all pain, cures wind rholic. uud is llic lsi tciurdy fordiar-rhcca.Twenty-nvc! cents a bottle. IJofliv ami cake. Centra! HcMnunuii. m.-v. in the Morgan & Sherman a ROGERS Ami Div.lcrs hi 'luMiiT Supplies ! ,c-cial Attention Given to Filling Of Orders. The How Salmon Storv. The Astoria electric light company is now using a new boiler, which has just been made by the Astoria Iron Works. It is a steel boiler, 60 inches in diameter, 16 feet in length and con tains 102 three-inch tubes. The shell is o steel, three-eighths of an inch in thickness, and the heads are of seven sixteenths steel. It has a capacity of one hundred horse power, aud was on trial Tuesday night The trial was perfectly satisfactory, and it will now be used exclusively and the two small er boilers will be retired. It is well made in every particular, and is a credit to the establishment who manu factured it, and shows what can be done at home. PusscBgtr to Portland. The following is the list of passen gers who went up the river last night on the steamer Ji. R. Thompson : A. Tindale, W. B. Ianiels, Harry O'NeilL P. Bronson, A. G. Douglass, M. Wise, A. W. Bosenblalt, John Fox, J. H. Woodson, R P. Thompson, F. H. B. Anderson, JCrs. Bishop, Al Cody and wife, Mrs. Waltinan, lire. Tarbox,Mra. B, M. BelL B. B. Taylor, M. S. Gris wold, P. O'Hara, H. B. Parker, J. Ii. Stout, B Smith, B. Nixon and wife, J. Rubens; A.' Gamaee, C. Sbyer, A. Peterson, L. G. Hasven' W. M. Ire land, J. O. HanthbfnrP. McGregor andwife,&T.3aoon,S.Turk,P. Za rich, A. B. Heath and wife, Mrs. Mas ters, A. W. Dutch. Mrs. ShetMmi." W. ft Ibe if if mat cttiermthT?rkerMre-Andereon J Alderman, Oolufcw.,. QiirriM-.were ? Chamberlain, C. Munson, O. Mrs. Dasgett, Mrs. Mamie Daggett, Mrs. P. H. Johnson, Miss Thomson. The value of Pleasant View nronertv isliecoming apparent Pleasant View is gooa property lajwy, either for resi elence or investment Dm Yea'Xllcc 2 Cigar? Call aciiarVy OIm-hV, eastorC.IL Cooperti, -tile will suit 3-011. A fine 9tcknf oljrars to select from. CtttrttCrrwPtttiirtCttlwii The World published at Vaneonvnr. British Columbia, not Vnncnnwr Wash., is entitled to the fish-story belt. It tells of a run of salmon on the Cayoosh creek so thick that thev wrn crowded upon the bank until th'ey lay mere a iooc ueep. jjut that is only bv way of introduction to the fact that the pleutitude of salmon and tho scarcity of herbage developed in the cattle of the neighborhood an appetite for fish. Some of them ate salmon with such relish that when the bunch-grass appeared the cattle showed a preference for the fish. And then they became dainty in their piscatorial appetite. The salmon on the shore became too dry for them, and they would walk into the stream ana select tho plump ones, and seemed to enjoy their wriggling as they made the descent into the bovine stomach. This is from a reliable resident, who challenges doubters to visit the creek and see for theselves. The taste of the milk is not made fishy, but this diet must give the butter a rich color. Seattle Fost-Intelligencer. . m . Electric Bitten. ThN remedy is becoming so wel known and m) popular as to need no special mention. All who have used Electric Bitters sing tint same Ming of praise. A purer medicine does not ex M and it is guaranteed to do all that is claimed. Electric Bitters will cure all diseases of the Liver and Kidneys, will remove Pimples. Boils, Salt ItliKum and ot'F,?"rePlIons caused by impure, blood. yill drive Malaria from the system and prevent as well as cure Malarial le vers. Fpr cure of Headache, Constipa tion and Indigestion try Electric Bit ters Entire satisfaction guaranteed, or money refunded. Price 50 cts. and Sl.00 per bottle at J. V. Conn's. Fer Fine Pltetarraitkfi. Go to 3Iissies Carruthers' photograph - u UHii CARRIED .if! Mi;ij)ll.-s imiiLtlietl at Satis f jt'tory Terms. INirrlKw.s delivered in any p:irt of the city Office and Warehouse Iu Hume's New Building on Water Street. I. o. lUix fix Telephone No, 37. lVrKC!t. (IKEfiOX. Spring Campaign! In consequence of the demand for those beautiful lerel lots. Mr. l r. u'nrron ii-a been Induced to plat ninety-six lots Adjoining Warrenton on the East. Which will be known and sold as East Warrenton! THE RAILROAD runs through the plat, which Is only 200 yards from the Warrenton depot. or further Information call at once on the ASTORIA REAL ESTATE CO. Or sp Snaps. $.2."5( House and .Lot on First Street, Business Property. Cheap. $275 to 623-Lots in Block 2d, Hustler & Aiken's Astoria. Very desirable. 800 Comer Lot iu McClure's Astoria. Beautiful residence Lot. 375 to 500 -Lots in Alderbrook, on waterfront. 2,000 Eighty Acres on Klaskanine. Xlce home. 120 Per Acre Ninety Acres, near town, suitable for platting. If You Don't See Your Particular Snap, Call and See Us. -5355- TO LARSON & HILLBACK -FOIt- GROCERIES ARD FflKSII FUUITS. gallery: Third street, K"u cc ouernian s, opposite Mor- Weiakmrrf's Beer. And Free Lnneh at the Telephone Sa loon, r cents. Orders Helivered Free of Charge. Country Orders Solicited. Third Mreet. next to Pioneer office. J. B. Wyatt, MKALCUS IN Hardware and Ship Chandlery, Pure Oil, Bright Varnish, Binacle OH, Co turn Canvas, Hrinn Salt Twine, Lard Oil. Wrought Iron Spike', (alvauiztd Cut Xailt. Agricultural Implements, Sewing Machines, I'ujhIs, Oils, Grooories, 3E3to. OF Thompson & Ross Carry a Full IJnc of Choice Staple and Fancy Groceries. Give Us a Call and Be Convinced. Ludlow's Ladles' $3.00 Fine Shees: also flexible hand-turned French Kids, at P. .1. Goodman's. A Talented LeetHrcr. 5&P 0n),ia Ualt,lwin, of Cleveland Ohio, National Superintendent of Her edity and Ilygiene, will lecture in this city on Friday evening, March 2lst, at Rescue Club hall. This lady has a na tional reputation as a bright, entertain ing speaker, and all who do not attend will miss a treat ASTORIA TRANSFER CO. AND Livery Stables. Conveyances o! any kind, on short notice. Transferrinjr Baggage, etc, a specialty. Telephone No, 12. SHERMAN k WARD. New Goods ! RECEIVED AT HERMAN WISE Marshall & Co., Salmon Net Twines MANUFACTURED By GEO. A. CLARK & BROS., NEW JERSEY. For Sale bj- D. SMITH, ASnl. Onice at Wherry & CoV. i onr Money's lot -THE- OldReliaUeClotMef and Hatter Occident Hotel Building. IS AY1IAT YOU GET AT Foard & Stokes IN Groceries and Provisions. Everything In a First-class Store and at Extremely Low Figures. Goods Delivered all over Town. The Highest Price Paid for Junk. FOARD & STOKES n& Hoal Estate Brokers, Odd Fellows' Building, ASTORIA, OR. ..'A. ' Lois i Case's Astoria Are If on Sale AT THE OFFICE OF THE Astoria Eeal Estate Co. PRICES FROM SI 50 TO S250 EACH. TERMS- One-Half Cash ; the Balance in Six and Twelve Months. PATROHIZE HOWE INDUSTRY ! There Is no occasion for the most fastidi ous of our citizens to send to i'ortlaud or San Francisco for Custom Made Clothes As they can get Better Fits. Better Work manship, and for less Money. By Leaving their Orders with MEANY. New Goods by Every Steamer. Call and see him and satisfy yourself. P. J. Meany. Merchant Tailor. Wilson & Fisher Ship Chandlers, HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE FARM IMPLEMENTS, Plints, Oils, and Varnish. LOGGERS' SUPPLIES. PROVISIONS AND MILL FEED AGENTS POR SALEM PATENT ROLLER MILLS Portland Boiler Millt, FAIRBANKS' SCALES. ASTORIA. OREGON. If POIBSfllo Wine House. Fine Wines, Choice Brands. I havo completed arrangements for supplying any brand of Wino in any quantity at lowest cash figures. The Trade Supplied, Families Supplied. ALL ORDEltS DELIVERED FREE IN ASTORIA, lour patronage in City or Country solicited. A. W. UTZINGER. Cosmopolitan Saloon. I. W, Case. BANKER. Transacts a General Banking Business- Drafts drawn available In any part of the b. S. anil Lurope, anil on llong Kon, Clilua Ofvipk llouns :-io a. :.t. to 3 p. m. Odd Fkleows I?uh.dixo. Astoria. Oregon. S. P. N00WAN & CO., (Successors to) J. P. HYNES, DEALERS IX- Groceries Produce. Water Street, Astoria, Oregon. TELEPHONE JiO. 7. - P. O. BOX 300 Stockton & Welch, AND EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. City, Suburban and Acreage Property For Sale. MAIN ST., AST0IUA, OK., T. 0. Box 511. No curbstone brokers employed here PLYNN, The Tailor, KEE?S IU STOCK TflE- Finest Woolen Goods for Suitings. Ail the Latest Style He buys for Cash at Eastern Prices. He Guarantees tho Best Wnrknn.M Garments. Call and see for yourselfBarth ffiTORlA?OR.P IS ."w-!