The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, March 20, 1890, Image 1

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WiMmtS&? w mrw r W )wWww w
LaAVlUMdUU-- lH 7 I H H H IH H m B H H H
I I THE O. R. & N. DOCK, I j
: : : :
Prices Low and
Kenney's Addition!
Beautifully situated ou the banks of the Columbia, ad
joining proposed Public Park and near the
ncwlv discovered coal beds.
Only $35 per Lot for a tew days. Get in now and secure
first-class Lots.
Saddles and Harness
I make a special: v of good w oik ami guarantee satisfaction. At I lie old Stand, WVs
Side Olney Street, Near Wilson & Fisher's.
Irish Flax
LlZ kT f
Hgff V " HOUSE FOUNDED.-I784-.--?' CSaft
Tiiej re -rived the
Itondon Fisheries Exhibition 1883.
And have been awarded HIGHER PRIZES at the various
Than the goods of any other
Quality Can, Always be Depended on.
517 and 519 Market Street. SAN FRANCISCO.
TING Conitantlv on Hand. SEINES, POUNDS and
TRAPS Fnrniihei to order at Lowest Factory Prices.
$125 AND $150 PER LOT
BOBB & PARKER, General Ag'ts, Astoria.
Terms Reasonable.
Astoria, Or.
YUimW Rtf
Fisnermen use no uk
FayoraMe Consideration of Appropri
ations for the Nortlwest,
Special by California associated Press
"Washington, March 19. In the
senate to-day the following resolution
introduced by Voorhees was taken up:
and decay in the agricultural interests
of the American people; enormous and
appalling amount of mortgaged in
debtedness on agricultural laud:
total failure of the home markets
to furnish remunerative price for pro
ducts; palpable scarcity or insuffi
ciency oi money in circuiauuu iu me
hands of the people, which transact
f h business of the country, and effect
exchanges of property; and labor at
fair rates are circumstances oi most
overwhelming importance to the safely
and well being of the govern
ment. JLueretore, oe n Jie&oicm
that it is the duty of congress in the
present circumstances to lay aside all
discussion or consideration of mere
party issues and give prompt and im
mediate attention to the preparation
and adoption of such measures as are
required for the relief of farmers and
other overtaxed and underpaid labor
ers of the United States.
Voorhees took the floor aud made
a long address on the resolution.
At the close of tho morning hour
the resolution was laid aside and the
Blair educational bill was taken up
and discussed.
Valuable Medal to bo PreienteJ.
Special to The astoki n.1
Washington, March 19. By au
thority of an act of congress, the sec
retary of the treasury has had pro
pared a gold medal to bo presented to
Joseph Francis, the celebrated in
ventor of the life car. The medal has
been struck, and is now in the keep
ing of the secretary of the treasury.
It possesses a greater intrinsic value
limn either medal voted to Cyrus W.
Field, for laying tho Atlantic cable,
or to U. S. Grant for his service dur
ing the civil war. A model of the orig
inal car, which was used in the
wreck off the coast of New Jersey, is
on exhibition in the national museum.
A UepreaenUlIre Claim Hit Silarj.
Special toTliK Astoman.i
Washington, March 19. The court
of claims this morning heard argu
ments in the claim of Wm. H. Grain
against the United States for salary
due him as a member of tho house of
representatives wliich he failed to re
ceive, through the defalcation of the
missiug Silcott, cashier of ex-sergeant-at
- arms Leedom. All the
members of the court were on the
Natal Officers 1'roaotcd.
Special to Th k Astokian.
Washington, March 19. The presi
dent has made tho following nomina nemina nomina
teons: Navy-, Commodore Andrew E.
Ki Bcnham to be rear admiral; Com
mander Fredrick Kogers, to be cap
tain; Commander Jno. F. M. McGler
zey to be captain; Lieutenant Comman
der Chas. M. Thomas to be comman
der; Lieutenant Commander Albert
Snow to be commander; Captaiu
Joseph Fyffe to bo commedore: Lieu
tenants S. ttobert, E. Cannady ami
Eugene J. W. Hold to be lieutenant
l st. ltuililinRs in IU-La iu hn :ti-;u:ivi.
Sjec al toTliK Astoiua.n.
Washington, Mnrch 19. -0. T. Por
ter, United States Marshal for Alaska,
h.-is aslve.l for an appropriation of S'3,
GOOforthc repair of the foundations
of the government buildings at Sitka,
Alaska, which he says are in a danger
ous condition. The attorney general
this morning transmitted the request
for the appropriation to the house.
Change! in later-State Commerce Iair.
Special toTliK Astokian.
Washington, March 19. At a
meeting of the senate committee on
inter-state commerce to-day the Wil
son bill to prohibit railway companies
from transporting liquor into the
states where a prohibitory law is in
force was discussed, and action was
postponed until tho next meeting. A
bill to place the operations of telegraph
companies under the inter-state com
mission wa3 referred to a sub com
mittee. Aged Veteran Properly ReaembereJ.
Special to Tnn Astokian.
Washington, March 19. In the
seaate to-day, tho house bill granting
an increase of pension to 98-year-old
veterans of the Mexicau war, was
unanimously passed.
The I'retldent UubUbs DbcLi.
Special to The Astokian.
Washington, March 19. President
Harrison accompanied by ex-senator
Sewell left this afternoon on a duck
shooting trip. They will return on
The "Despatch" Airala Afloat.
Special t3 Tnn Astorian.1
Washington, March 19. Tho
Uuited States steamer Despatch
which was aground with secretary
Tracy on board came off and reached
Norfolk uninjured.
Call Early and Take Your
To Ilcinibnre for the Nez I'ercei War.
Special to The Astomax.
Washington, March 19. -A bill to
day was reported on favorably to au
thorize the secretary of war to return
to the states of Washington and Ore
gon ordnance and ordnance stores suf
ficient to make up for the amount lost
bv them in the late Nez Perces war.
The Itaidt-rs Will lie Kept Out.
Special toTiiKAsToniAN.l
Washington, March 19. It has
been discovered that the Cherokee
homesteaders' association has issued a
secret circular calling fora general
raid into the strip from all directions,
on April 22nd. It is said that there
is good reason to believe
that they will not be
molested if a sufficiently large number
go in. On the strength of this Presi
dent Harrison has authorized the state
ment that the settlement of the strip
will not be allowed until duly author
ized, no matter what proportions the
raid has assumed.
A Light Ship f.T tlir Mot:t;i r the
Special to The Astokian.
Washington, March 39. The sec
retary of the treasury has indorsed the
senate bill appropriating the addition
al sum of $10,000 for a light ship at
the mouth of the Columbia. The sec
retary says iu relation to the bill ap
propriating 30,000 for a first order
lightat the mouth of the Caquille river
that a first order light is not
needed and a fourth or fifth order
light, costing perhaps $.",000 will be
Appropriations for the Northwest.
Special to The ahtouiax.
Washington, March 19. The sec
retary of tho treasury, to-day sent to
the house a communication making
an estimate for tho expenses of collect
ing tho revenue for the customs for
the year 1891. Ho recommends the
abolition of a number of offices and
ask3 for tho customs service,
$7,500,000 for next year. The
estimates for tho year for Oregon
are: Astoria, S10.3S0; C003 Bav, $10,
G10; Willamette, $32,392. Washington
Port Townsend. S3G,151; Yakima,
1,805. Alaska Sitka, SU,f7f.
Improvement of the Columbia Hirer.
Special toTliK astokian.
Washington, March 19. -A few
weeks ago tho senate committee re-
Iorted favorably a bill for the im
provement of the Columbia river
above The Dalles, and representative
Hermann has invited the attention of
the nation through his commit ice lot lie
needs of the great Columbia valley by
bringing to the front the gigantic work,
or overcoming the numerous obstacles
to navigation above the city of
The D.illes. The members of
the committee say tho Oregon
representative is demauding or
them more numerous appropriations
than has any other stale. With all
this, however, he is now insisting that
a provision be made for tho commence
ment of work ou the proposed boat
railway in the Columbia riwr. The
engineer board recommend the boat
railwav scheme and estimate that it
will cost nearly S3,C09,m
Pensions r r Ti Orejronian.
Special to The Astokian.
Washington, March 19. Oregon
pension issues: original invalid, Wm.
More, Kellogg; original widows,
Mary, mother of G.o. IX Slocuiu,
Favorable Report "ii llie Tariff Kill.
Special to The Astokia.n
Washington. March 19. In Ihe
senate to-iiurhi the MoKinlev tariff
bill was renorted favorably from the
committee on finance, with sundry
amendments, makiug lightning olTecLs
upon importers.
A '. Y. Dry (iootls llouxe KalU
Special to The AsroiitAN.
New Yokk, March 19. The assign
ment of Jno. F. Plummer & Co., dry
goods dealers, is annonnced, but the
assets and liabilities are not slated.
Another Cinch by Standard Oil Co.
Special to The Astoki n.
Lima, Ohio, March 19. The price
of crndo oil has again been advanced
2 cents by the Standard Oil company,
making it now 2o cents per barrel.
Lauach or the CmUer 4Xew York."
Special to The Astokian.
PiiiTjADEiirniA, Pa , March 19. The
cruiser JVcm York was successfully
launched this afternoon.
Execution or a Murderer.
Special to The Astokian 1
MEiirnis, Tenn., March 19. M. J
Cheatham, a wliito man. was hanged
at Granada, Miss., this afternoon for
the murder of John Tillman, colored
Tho hanging Wcis private.
Deep Snow Drifts In l'eansylvanl
Special to The Astokian.
Pittsburg, Pa., March 19. The
fiercest snow storm of tho season is
raging. Tt extends over a wido area
and railroad travel is almost suspended.
Heavy drifts are reported all ovor the
A Report For Relief of Settlers On
N. P. Railway Lands.
Special by Tho California Associated Peess.
Washington, March 19. The house
committee on public lauds, to-day or
dered a favorable report on the Corn
stock bill for the relief of settlers on
the Northern Pacific Kail way indem
nity lands, with a few amendments.
As it will be reported, the bill pro
vides that persons who have settled
upon, improved and made final proof
on lauds in the so called second in
demnity belt of the Northern Pa
cific Railroad grant under homestead
or pre-emption laws, or their heirs or
assignees, may traribfer Uieir entries
to other vacant government lands and
receive final certificates aud receipts.
Those who were prevented from mak
ing final proof by the decisions of
courts or withdrawal of lands, may
also transfer their filings in like man
ner upon making such payments as
arc required by existing laws, and
in accordance with the instructions of
the secretary of the interior.
Serious KailiTay Ac-Merit.
S;ee!a: to The Astokian.
Milwaukee. March 19.--A collision
between two passenger trains on the
Norlh Western Railway took place
this morning at Lavillc, Wis. One
woman, four men and a boy, all pas
sengers, were seriously hurt. The
accident was caused by the engineer
thinking the track clear when only
a part of the approaching train was on
the switch.
Mrs. Hnrchell Acquitted
Special to The Astokian.
Niagar.vFai.TjS, Ont, March 18.
Mrs. Burchell, accused of complicity
in the Bellwell murder case, has been
Steamship Lino Front San D!e?o.
Special to The Astoiuan.1
New York, March 19. Iveernan'a
News company publishes this: Bos
ton advices say that president Manvel,
of the Atchison system, is in San
Francisco negotiating for the estab
lishment of a transpacific lino of
steamships from San Diego. Jit is
also rejwrted that Henry Baring is on
his way to join Manvel aud important
developments arc exacted in the next
ten days.
Agreement In Sugar TruvL Cde.
New Yokk, March 19. The sugar
trust case went over until to-morrow.
It is understood that an agreement
has been reached, the sulistanco of
wluch is that if no objection be made
to the payment of a dividend by the
trust, it provides that an amount sum
cicnt to guarantee the payment of div
idends, due and accruing to the North
River company, be deposited with some
trust company, therefore the proceed
ings to-morrow will consist practically
in a ratiucation ot tins agreement.
To Shorten Time Around the World.
" ei i! to Tint asto ii x.'
Montreal, March 19. The Cana
dian Pacific company repudiates any
connection with George Francis Train
and ihe other round the world racers,
and savs that when their new steam
ship line takes a place on the Pacific
nel year anybody will be able to beat
the record by a week or more.
liming Out the Roomers.
Special to Tin: Astokian
Guthrie, I. T.. March 19. The pa
trol of tho Cherokee strip by the
forces of the U. S. army began to-day.
The troops were massed at this point
this morning, and from here will
march to four different ioints
along the southern boundary
of the strip, thence they will
march in squads covering as
much ground jis possible, northward
through the strip, notifying the settlers
who now remain of the president's no
tice and forcibly evict those who re
fuso to go voluntarily. Once out they
will be kept out
Fire In a Wisconsin Mine.
Special to THE ASTOKIAN. I
Miiavaukee, March 19. A special
from Hurley. Wisconsin, says a fire is
raging in the Germaniamine and fifty
five men have been .burned to death.
The loss will reach 8100,000.
Northern Pacific Bonds In Berlin.
Special to TnE Astokian.
Pnn.ADEi.pniA, March 19. The
Inquirer says: Within tho past few
days the Deutscher bank of Berlin
has notified the Northern Pacific di
rectors that it will exercise option of
taking the second block of bonds at
the net price of 89, The resignation
of Bismarck is not likely to interfere
with the scheme.
lleary Snow Storm In Sew York.
Special to The Astorian.1
New York, March 19. Tho heaviest
snow storm of tho season began at
two o'clock this morning. The snow
has been falling rapidly without inter
niption in this city, Brooklyn and the
surrounding country for ten hours.
Launch of the Crnlser "eir York "
Special to The Astokian.
PittTiADELPniA, March 18. The
cruiser JVew York was successfully
launched this afternoon.
Astoria Real Estate &
Discussion anil Proceedings of The
Board of Commerce.
Special by California Associated Pksss.
San Francisco, March 19. The
fact that the California Associated
Press was the only press association in
the United States that obtained, in
advance, at Washington the text of the
new tariff bill, which wfll be reported
by the ways and means committee to
the house, is looked upon as one of
the greatest "scoops" in newspaper an
nals. It has created a great stir
among the other press associations
and the newspapers generally. None
of the great eastern dailies
had a word of it, and yet
the most strenuous efforts were made
by the agents at Washington at the
other press associations to obtain it,
but they all failed to do so, and the
eastern papers were obliged to tele
graph their special agents in San Fran
cisco the next day to telegraph it to
them from here. The text of the pro
posed bill contained about 7,000 words
and was telegraphed in advance in full
to tho California Associated Press on
tho night of the 17th. It is expected
that the bill will be reported to the
house by the ways and means commit
tee to-dav.
Sudden Death or an ex-Srnatur.
Special to The Astokian.
San Francisco, March 19. Judge
J. S. Hager, ex-U. S. senator and ex
port collector, was found dead m bed
this morning at his home. The cause
is heart paralysis, and his age was 72
Pacific Coast Roard of Commerce.
Special to The Astokian.
San Francisco, March 19. A meet
ing ot the Pacific coast board of com
merce was held this afternoon. Among
those present were F. A. Weeds, of
Eureka; Geo. A. Breckenborough, Jr.,
S.M. Nolen, E. V. Cushing aud C. B.
Seabrinski, of Tacoma, and P. Evans,
of Fairhaven,Wash. The meeting was
called to order by Samuel Collyer, of
Tacoma, president of the organization.
As it was the first meeting Mr. Collyer
had attended since his election " as
president he took advantage of the
occasion to thank the members for
the honor they had conferred upon
him. The Santa Ana board of trade,
Walla Walla board of trade and
Fairhaven (Wash.) chamber of com
merce, were admitted to membership
and the delegates from these organ
izations seated. A resolution was
adopted, stating that the people of the
Pacific coast wonld view with alarm
any attempt to repeal the Chinese ex
clusion act, and asking congress to
pass such additional laws as will ef
fectually prevent the immigration of
Chinese to this country. A copy was
ordered forwarded to tho president,
vice-president, speaker of the house
and each member of congress.
A motion was also adopted submit
ting the following questions to various
local organizations in the form of an
address and asking them to pass their
opinions on them: First, best methods
of extending the scope of the organi
zation; second, expediency of
subsidizing shipping; third, leg
islation looking to the proper
recognition of silver ceinage:
fourth, national bankruptcy law; fifth.
Pacific coast river and harbor improve
ments and harbordefenses; sixth. anti
Chinese legislation; seventh, interstate
commerce; eighth, subsidizing the
trans-oceanic cable hues. These an
swers will be submitted to special com
mittees, who Avill report at the annual
meeting. It was also resolved to sub
mit the question of placing a Pacific
coast exhibit in the World's fair, to be
held in Chicago, in a similar manner.
Tho meeting then adjourned.
Striken Sending Eastern Slolden Rack.
Special to The Astokian.
San Francisco, March 19. Eighteen
of the molders, who arrived from tho
east yesterday, returned this afternoon,
tho molders union purchasing tickets
and providing for their snbsLstenco
on tho way. It is said that others
will be forwarded to-morrow. Only
four of tho imported molders are at
work. It is claimed by the strikers
that these would be glad to leave, bnt
they are forcibly prevented from do
Rumored Murders hy Indians.
Special to The Astokian.
Lobksrurg, N. M., March 19.
Word was received here to-day that
one hundred Indians went from San
Carlos, and had killed seven men on
Blue river, in tho northern part of this
county, but nothing authentic can be
Koblters Captured a Year Afterward.
Missoula, Mont, March 19. E. A.
Searles and W. C. Haino were arrested
here to-day for robbing tho Northern
Pacific express office at Brainerd,
Minn., of $15,000 about a vear airo.
The men have been living here for the
past six months, and were tracked
uown Dy aetectives. uotu, previous
to tho robbery, were in the employ of
the express company.
Choice !
Salmon Canneries Bonded.
Special to The Astoria.
Portland, March' 19. S. Farrell,
owner of the Pillar Rock cannery
states that a majority of tho salmon
canneries have been bonded to an
English syndicate, and that other can
neries are holding ont to watch developments.
Spreekcl's Opinion on Rednction.
Special to The Astokian.
San Francisco, March 19. When
asked the effect of the proposed re
duction in duty on the beet sugar in
dustry of California J. D. Spreckels re
plied "It will kill it. If the proposed
bill passes we shall not put up tho
machinery for a second refinery but
will send it back to Germany."
Uooil For Tort Aiu;elc.
Tacoita, March 19. A party of
eight Union Pacific engineers arrived
here to-night with orders to proceed to
Port Angeles and do reconnoitering
work there where the company own
sixty acres of land and a great deal of
water front. It is understood that
tho company will build northward
from Portland close to the Willamette
river line and that the object is to get
deep water facilities.
Meeting of Creditors of Belloc Freres.
Special to The Astokian.
San Francisco, March 19. At a
meeting of the committee of the cred
itors of Belloc Freres, bankers, who
suspended abont two weeks ago, Chas.
Mayne, the principal creditor, made
an informal proposition stating that
on assurances from Hippohto Belloc
in Paris, he would guarantee the credi
tors sixty per cent of the indebted
nejjs, without prejudice to Mr. Belloc's
expressed intention to pay dollar for
dollar. No action, howover, was taken
upon the proposition.
fl ravel for the Astoria Railway.
Special to Tun Astoki .vn-J
Independence, Or.. March 19. It
is said that 200 men will be required
to get gravel hero for the Corvalis ex
tension and the Astoria railway.
15uiiary in Iuilcpemlcnre.
Special to The AbTOKi.vN.1
Independence, Or., March 19. J. S
Stockton's dry goods store was burg
larized last night
and monev stolen
aud $G00 in goods
Kctiuisidun for KtMusbur
Special to Tin: Astokian.1
Fresno, Cal., March 19. The neces
sary affidavits have been forwarded to
Gov. Waterman to secure a requisition
on the Oregon authorities for tho re
turn of C. W. Remsburg, the alleged
defaulter who wa? arrested at Astoria
last Sunday.
Another X. Y. Official Arrested.
Special to Tin: Astokian.
New York, March 19. Chas. E.
Hebbard, a special deputy sheriff,
connected with the sherilFs offico was
arrested this morning on a chargo of
ThcBowen-Merrll! ttalldin? Falls
Special to The Astokian.
Indianapolis, Ind., March 19. At
five minutes before 1 o'clock to-day
the whole interior of the Boweu-Mer-rill
building, which was gutted
by fire hvo davs ago. fell, bury
ing three or
men. There was
aud the walls of
buildings started.
more work
a terrible crash
several adjacent
The fire depart-
ment wjis
called out and
the street was
closed to traffic.
It is impossible to make a
thorough search of the wreck yet, as
the rest of the iron front threatens to
topple over at any moment. Immedi
ately after the fall of the roof, the
cast wall of the adjoining building
fell iu. It is believed that all the
clerks and customers escaped.
Coa! Minns, ia Pennsylvania on a Strike.
Special to Tin: astokian.
PrrrsauRG, Penu., March 19.
Eighteen hundred miners are on a
strike in the fourth pool, ono mine
after another going out. Thev de
mand increased wages. A tremendous
shut down is anticipated by the coal
operators who refuse an advance.
Tiie Pliunmer Failure Creates a Sensation.
Special to Tim Astokian.
New York, March 19. The dry
goods trade was startled when it be
came known that John F. Plummer
& Co., tho well known dry goods com
mission merchants, had assigned for
the benefit of their creditors. It is
due principally to the depreciation in
value of the goods on hand. The lia
bilities are one million dollars, of which
three hundred thousand dollars is bor
rowed money. Tho nominal assets
will slightly exceed the liabilities.
IJin-lilcit krziica Sat re.
The Best Salve in the world for
Cud--, Bruise:., bores, Ulcers, Salt lihe
uin, Fever Soies, fetter. Channed
j Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin
l-.ruption.s, ami positively cures riles,
or no pay required. It is guaranteed to
give perfect satisfaction, or money re
funded, i rice 2.1 cents per hox. For
sale hy .1. W. Conn.
All t!ie patent medicines advert iseu
in this paper, together with the choicest
perfumery, and toilet nrtiel-s ete.. win
e bought at the lowest prices at J. W.
J-0"11 -s drug store, opposite Occident
hotel, Astoria.
The latest style of GemV Uoots and
Shoes at P. .1. Goodman's.
Trust Co., Portland Ag'ts.
For ResignatioD, are His Age And
Failing Healtt.
Special fcy Tho California Associated Priss.
London, March 19. Many thousand
mill hands at Accrington and other
points continue idle on account of the
coal famine. Tho coal strike at Not
tinghamshire is practically ended and
the men have resumed work in all the
pits except four. If the strike con
tinues until the end of tho week, 10,
000 brick and terra cotta workers will
be idle. Tho colliers will send a dep
utation to meet the owners. The
1,800 miners at Sheffield have secured
tho advance asked.
Bismarck Cordial With the French.
Special to TnE astorian.j
Berlin, March 19. To-day's papers
call attention to the fact that while
taking lunch yesterday with tho dele
gates to the labor conference Bismarck
gave a cordial greeting to Jules Si
mon, the head of tho French delega
tion, and had a long conversation with
him. Ho has invited all the French
delegates to dine with him to-morrow.
Dock Laborers Strike Ended.
Special to The Astokian.
Liverpool, March 19. The strike
of tho dock laborers here, is practi
cally ended and tho men are resuming
Prussian Consols Declining.
Berlin, March 19. Prussian con
sols have declined three-fourths of
one per cent, on account of Bismarck's
Massacre In Africa.
Special to The Astokian.
Paris, March 19. It is officially re
ported that ton natives and European
agents have been massacred at tho
French post at Ubungus. in the Congo
country. The reason assigned is the
abduction of tho wife of a native chief.
(Jen. Von Caprlxl Succcc.ts Bismarck.
Special to The Astokian.1
Berlin, March 18. General Von
Caprivi has been appointed chancellor
to succeed Bismarck.
London Stock Market Affected.
Special to The Astokian.
London, March 19. Tho stock
market is weak in consequence of Bis
marck's resignation. There is a gen
eral feeling of anxiety on the conti
nent. Bismarck's Reasons for Resigning. -Special
to Tns astokian.
Berlin, March 19. It is reported
that Bismarck has written the kaiser a
letter alleging ago and failing health
as tho reasons for his resignation.
Changes In Prussian Official';.
Special to The Astorian.j
Berlin, March 19. It is announced
that Van Boettscherwill become presi
dent of the Prussian ministry Count
Eulenberg, governor of Hesse will
succeed Boettscher as minister of tho
interior and Count Bismarck will be
assigned the ambassadorship.
More Prussian Changes.
Special to The Astokian j
Berlin, March 19. Tho Tagblatt
asserts that the resignation of Herbert
Bismarck has been accepted by tho
emperor. Count Von Berchem, the
undersecretary of state will probably
succeed him.
Connt Walderseo Dismissed.
Special to TnE AstokianJ
Berlin, March 19. The Tagsblatl
says tho emperor has dismissed Count
Waldersee from the command of tho
Little Confidence iu the Emperor.
Special to TnE Astokian.
Paris, March 19. M. Transigeant
says a war is doubly certain to break
out before long. Steele fears that
some rash act of Emperor William's
will disturb Jlie peace.
A I'alctiieil Lecturer.
Mrs. Dr. Orpha Baldwin, of Cleveland
Ohio, National Superintendent of Her
edity and Hygiene, will lecture in this
city ou Friday evening, 3rarch 2lsr, at
Rescue 01 ub hall. This lady has a na
tional reputation as a bright, entertain
ing speaker, and all who do not attend
will miss a treat. .No chargo for ad
mission, SLEEPLESS NIGHTS, made miser
able by that terrible cough. Shiloh's
Cure is the remedy for j-oti. .1. 0. De
'Twos out in tho gloaming, way out
in Wyoming, a maiden sat combing
her hair; when, heated with roaming,
all panting and foaming, there came
up and squeezed her a grizzly bear.
It did not afright her the bear did
not bite her; she lay back and mur
mured "Still tighter, my dear!" This
broke up old bruin, he left off his woo
ing, sneaked back to the mountains
and hid for a year.
CATARRH CURED, health and
sweet breatn secured by Shiloh's Ca
tarrh Remedy. Price, 50 cents. Nasal
Injector free. J. C. Dement.
' .,'