The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, March 19, 1890, Image 3

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She gaily tftoratt.
(Monday excepted.)
luMWiers and 1'ioprietois.
ASTVBIAN ItriLDIM:. - CassStukkt.
Tf ran of Subscription.
Served bv Carrier, per cck 15 cts
Sent lir Mall, per moutli Co cts
snt by Mail, one j ear . $7.00
Free of postage to subscribers.
The atoui vn gunratiteis to its aiher
tisers tlie largest ciieulatiou ol any newspa
ler published on the Columbia river.
The colli, frozen fact is that John
K;p is now inalrinij ice ly the ton.
Semi hini jonr onlcrs.
The fltvtric light poles, now leing
jml up in this city, are higher than
ilia- in nhnost any otlier cl.
.leifhas let the contract for a now
front for his restaurant, and expects to
lj rcnQv for business about the 1st of
This is steamer day, and the Oregon
from Portland and the Columbia from
San Fniuefcco are expected .hero this
The skies were Italian yesterday in
their blneness and the air was like vel
vet to the cheek, so soft and balmy
from the ocean.
The new electric light poles may be
strong but they arc not pretty. The
one in front of the office contrasts with
the athctic door.
Aug. Olson's nomination as janitor
of the Astoria custom house was yes
terday confirmed by secretary of the
treasury "Windom.
A mau namoil Graham has started
to build a sawmill at "Warrenton, and
another mau is about to put up a
furniture factory there.
Yen- little is being done in tho way
of futures in salmon contracts, and
the salmon swimming in the sea are
yet unsold to any extent
Alwut thirty men aro employed on
the Bay View railroad, and work is
progressing favorably. The rails and
motor will shortly arrive.
The new two-cent stamps are now
being received here on part of the let
ters which arrive. They are a little
smaller than the others, and more at
tractiveiu npiearauce.
Tho two pictures iu The Astoriax
office, "Before the Boom" and "After
the Boom,,' have caused many a hun
dred hearty laughs, and continue to
excite the risibilities of all who see
From the number of traps being
bnilt and repaired in Baker's bay, it
looks as though that section of the
lower Columbia was expected to furn
ish its usual quota of Chinook salmon
this season.
Company H, First Bcginient, O. N.
G., have a meeting for drill this even
ing. They will soon have a meeting
called to elect a captaiu and first
lieutenant, and fill any other vacancy
which mav occur.
It is expected that tho locks at Or
egon City will bo again ready for use
by tho latter part of this week, so
that if auy boats on the upper Wil
lamette desire to como down to As
toria, they can do so.
A wife with two little boys wjis last
night looking around the disreputable
dens on First street below Lafayette,
searching for an absent husband and
declaring she would make it warm for
him when she found him.
Sam Harris yesterday bought a ton
and n half of ice of John Kopp, the
first that our enterprising upper
Astoria brewer had for sale. If you
use ice Kopp can supply you with a
first class home product at low rates.
Large numbers of Chinese with their
dunnage aro coming on every boat
from Portland. A singular fact in
connection with tho Chinese popula
tion is tho few Mongolians now em
ployed hero as help in private families.
If there is any truth in the old say
iug that when it rains while the sun is
sliming "the devil is whipping his
wife," then severely the old prince of
ners must have been chastising his
beloved partner several times yester
The synopsis of the city's fiuances
for the last ten years, as published in
yesterday's Astoriax, will be sent to
Kobt Porter, superintendent of the
census, and will ultimately find place
in voluminous reports, which will be
ready for issue in five or six years from
One subject of Great Britain, named
John W. llardwick. having arrived at
the conclusion that America is good
enonch for him, yesterday took out
his first paiers, and declared his in
tention of becoming a citizen of the
broad land over which floats the starry
Portland cannot help beiug respect
ful to Astoria, for it appears that the
total value of the real estate transfers
iu Multnomah county this year from
Januarv 1st to March 17th, inclusive,
was $,382,877.86, while in Clatsop
for the same time it was $1,113,957, or
nearly half as much.
Frank S. Aikawa, of Port Simpson,
B. &, reports a population of 800 at
that port, mostly Indians, a Hudson
Bay company steamer, and eight can
aeries on Skcna river. Flour is worth
$2 a sack, bacon 20 cents a pound,
Winchester rifles $30. Deer are very
plenty, also ducks and geese.
From April 1st, 1889 to Dec 31st,
1989. there were received at San Fran-
ekecfrom all sources. 829.198 cases
of salmon; from Jan. 1st 1890 to March
8th, 12,976 cases, a total since the
1st 01 last April 01 &kz,io. xor me
corresponding time tho year before
there wiilJeen received 529,936 cases.
Two men started out in a fish
iK boat yesterday from'the Washing
toB cniafy,''Tat quickly came to
grief; a squall Irtta'hte'southward up
netting their' boat and'throwlng the
lacjfkwi pair in'tbe irtten Tortunate
lv for the the steamer C. W.' Rich
oasae along and rescued them, me
boat was lost.
Tke 'toMMBg to as anchor," of the
iferiniftay, a Miwroced in the
Or, to a loreea pt She
ditot m loan Mcbor. Somm
to a fltat JfcNMt'of St Johaa," where
ate rack, ad the OkWtomtt tad
Bonita bad a picnic the next day pull
ing her off the top of the bottom of the
creek where she lay imbedded in the
It is proposed to organize a camp of
the Sons of Veterans in this city. This
is an organization composed of sons
of union soldiers who served in the
civil war, and its principal object is to
continue the work of Decoration day
services when the ranks of the veter
ans shall be entirely broken in the
not far distant future, by the onward
march of time.
The children of the public schools
had a merry time yesterday afternoon
at Liberty hall, where they were en
tertained with a sleight of hand per
formance by a traveling magician.
Every child paid fifteen cents admis
sion, saw the show and received a
package of candy, many of which con
tained a nickel or a dime. They were
happy little kids as they came out
Some of Ihe young bloods who were
out on a lark last night and had evi
dently been imbibing something
stronger than city water, desiring to
do a brilliant act, tipped over some
boxes on Third street, and rollod one
out iuto the street A wearer of a
star was on hand however, and com
pelled the young men to replace the
boxes to their original position.
Alex. Anderson who had imbibed
too much tanglefoot, which liberated
his tongue, temporarily increased his
capacity and inclination to be noisy,
and rendered him a victim to a knight
of the star and locust, put up five dol
lars for his appearance. Yesterday he
failed to present his physiognomy .be
fore judge Jewett and the money was
added to the wealth of the city by the
Two almond-eyod heathen were
last night escorted to Berry's hotel
on Genevieve street, for having in
dulged in the national pastime of
"hitting the pipe." They will lan
guish in the city bastilo until three
o'clock this afternoon, unless, mean
while, one of their brethren puts up
ten dollars of the coin of the realm for
their appearance, which is almost sure
to bo the case.
The Astoria Amateur dnim corps
succeeded at their 17th of Ireland ball,
in paying all expenses, and having
enough for their uniforms and a few
dollars over. Tneir expenses were
$61.50: their uniforms cost them $114,
and their receipts were a little more
than the total of these sums. Tho
boys desire, through The Astoriax
to return their hearty thanks for tho
patronage so generously accorded
them by the public.
Mutton, like other fresh meat still
continues dear. A prominent dealer
in meats said to an Astoriax reporter
last evening, "mutton is very scarce.
I pay 5 cents a pound, live weight
for sheep in Portland. These sheep
come from eastern Oregon. The
sheep are scarce throughout the state,
for many of them have been shipped
east A sheep that weighs 96 pounds
gross, will net only 42 pounds. It
costs 25 cents apiece to bring the I
sheop down from Portland. So you
see that by tho time a sheep is ready
for tho butcher's block, it has cost
123 cents a pound." This is why the
butchers ask 15 cents a pound for
mutton at present There doesn't
appear to be much in it at that price.
A good story is told of Colonel De
Tiere. It seems that about ten years
ago, when the Chronicle was running
in Seattle, the colonel was spending a
few pleasant hours in that city, unem
barrassed by cares other than how to
amuse himself, and the city editor of
tho paper requested him to attend a
lecture, (comps. furnished,) and take
notes, and report The genial am
ateur reporter did attend and took all
the notes the lecturer had in his
elaborate silk hat, The result was
that the Chronicle had a veroatim re
port of a lecture which was never de
livered, as the lecturer could not lec
ture without his notes, which the col
onel, in obedience to instructions, had
deftly secured. The colonel lost his
job the iiext day as the city editor
thought ho was entirely too en
terprising. J. E. Hunsicker, who was in Los
Angeles at the time of tho .boom, tells
of a great advertising fake that was
successfully worked. A couple of
young fellows started the Real Estate
Journal. The Journal was to find
its way from Sitka to Palestine.
Every railroad train and hotel in the
land were to be supplied with a glow
ing account of Los Angeles. The pa
per charged an excessive amount for
advertising, but when, each Wednes
day morning, it was found on tho
brokers1 table it was so bright and
such a neat specimen of typographical
work that he was satisfied. Finally a
row occurred in the Journal office
and it was divulged that only two
hundred copies had been issued and
that the brokers had been nearly the
only subscribers. The editors skipped
out between two days, for one of the
brokers, renowned for his sagacity, de
clared unmistakably that he did not
believe that the Journal was helping
him much.
Clark Loughery came down from
Knappa yesterday.
Mrs. F. A. Fisher and son leave this
morning by steamer for San Francisco
on a visit to menus in ban Jose, JJal.
J. W. Wilking returned from Port
land by steamer last evening, and was
on duty at the telegraph office here
last night
No Railroad XeetiBg Last Evealag.
There was to have been a meeting
of the board of directors of the Astoria
& South Coast Eailway company, last
evening, but at the hour named,
Messrs. Page, Case and Warren were
the onlv ones nreaenL so no business
was transacted, there not being a quo
rum. It' is desirable that the road to
the Seaside be finished and in opera
tion this season from the west side of
the channel to the Seaside. The
weather is fine for railroad work and
it is time a Taove waa made ia this
matter. It wafljexpeciedthat the road
would be in opSratJoh last season, and
there is neither rhyme nor reason m de
laying its construction and completion
by June 1st, 1890 to the limits named.
A Taleatted lttirer.
Mrs. Dr. Orpha Baldwin, of Cleveland
Ohio, National Superintendent of Her
edity and Hygiene, will lecture In this
city on Friday evening, March 21st, at
ttescueuiuonau. in is laay nasana
tlonal reputation as a bright, entertain
ing speaker, and
will miss a treat
ing speaker, and all who do not attend
The value of Pleasant View .property
is bftfkming apparent Tleasant v lew
is flpea property to ouy, eiuier ior resi
ifince or Investment
Y tike M4Ctcmr?
I,at Charley, Olsen's, eastofCH.
k He 'Will suit yoe. a one
: clfKs Wtttect ire.
No Cl to the MiJwiBg Civil Engineer.
The case ol E E Jackson is a
singular one. Not a trace of him has
been secured since he went on board
the Telephone for Portland on tho 8th
inBt. He had been doing some plat
ting for Van Dusen Bros., and wanted
to see the surveys in surveyor-general
Tavlor's office in Portland. But he
never reached there. A telegram re
ceived from Mr. Taylor says he has
not appeared there. A thorough
search and inquiry at the business
firms in Portland where he was known
and usually called, elicited only one
reply: "He hasn't been here."
It is very singular. The supposition
is a plausible one that he never reached
Portland. What adds to the singular
affair is that he is reported to be in no
way embarrassed financially, and his
domestic relations were of the pleas
antest character. He was exceedingly
fond of his wife, and that lady says
she is as much at n loss as anyone else
to account for his mysterious disap
Tho S. V. Heed brought down a
goodly number of passengers last
evening, and a fair amount of freight
The three masted schooner Esther
Buhne arrived in port yesterday from
Eureka, California, with redwood lum
ber for Portland.
The repairs to the shaft of the Man-
zanita have been completed, and it
will be restored to its place to-day,
and tho staunch steamer made ready
for duty again.
The bark Seafarer which left San
Francisco, for Liverpool on tho 11th
inst. carried 32,000 cases of salmon
22,000 from the Aleutian islands a. Jc
M. Co., and 10,000 cases from Field &
Review or the Real Estate Market.
The real estate transfers yesterday
were only eight in number, and as tho
considerations were small in each case
tho total amount was only Sl,920. The
amount, however, for the 77 days of
thisvearis $1,115,877, or an average
of $14,491 per day. Taking out the 11
Sundays during which the county
clerk's" office was closed it leaves 66
days in which deeds were left for rec
ord, and that makes the daily average
of real estate transfers this year, S16,
907, which is certainly a good showing
as to the number of lots sold, for thoy
are all at low prices, and not liko the
fancy prices of southern California
during the boom days.
Then, too, it must be remembered
that this has been an unusually stormy
winter, and during our dullest season.
It is safe to predict large sales of land
during the spring and summer, and
those who wait for lots to be cheaper
will wait in vain. Buy now, for it is a
good time, and if you wait for any desired-
property, you will surely pay
more for it in the future than you
would have to pay now.
IaeomiBg PasseBgers.
The following passengers will arrive
to-day on tho steamer Columbia from
San Francisce: Mrs. Bice, Miss Bice,
MissKelley, Miss Edith McGun, S.
Goodenow and wife, Thomas Grace
and wife, Miss S. S. McEweng, Miss
Adell Willmouth. Miss Alice Fitzell.
Mrs. Livermore, Mrs. T. N. Strong,
Mrs. Clare Johnson, J. S. Kelley, C.
H. Fiendly, John L. Perrin, F. G. Mc
Graw and wife, L. V. Losway, F. M.
St Clair, J. W. Beed, C. R Smith and
wire, W. H. Jbenden, W. J.-Uart, G. A
Morgan, A. J. McDanel, S. P. Buisy
and wife. J. W. Alderman, E. H. Jef
ferson, Mrs. E. W. Bowen and child,
E. Campbell and wife, T. Elliott and
wife, John Calbert, T. Bosenbaum. P.
L. Dament, Mrs.M. McCullongh, Mrs.
E. J. Callaugh, Mrs.A W. McKenzie,
George H. Shinn.Mrs. M. Mahon, Mrs.
Sander, J. E. Whitney, W. J. Gart and
wife, Hon. J. P. Taut F. E. Dorse, W.
Brown, A. M. Harris, B. G. Booss,
Mrs. BoBendofFi E. Adlum, A H. Cow
ell, Mrs. L. S. Berry and child, N.
Steinberger, J. A Carr, H. L. Adam
son, S. H. Mcintosh, E. S. Hoffman,
W. Ash, R. Olson.
Shoalwater Bny.
Shoalwater bay was first settled in
1851 by a company of oystermen, who
went there for the oysters which ex
isted there in great quantities. A
company of six men purchased a
schooner in San Francisco named
Robert Brwa. The names of the men
were Mark "NVinant, John S. Morgan,
Richard Milward, Frank Garretson,
Alexander Hanseu and another whoso
name 1 have forgotten, but I think it
was Tyson. They started for tho bay
in the winter season, and after a hard
passage arrived in safety. The cap
tain, whose name was Terry, had some
misunderstanding with the cook, and
whether nrompted by spite or some
other motive, he set fire to the vessel
one night when they had all
gone to bed, and after he had
administered all the laudanum
there was on board to them in
their tea, and made his escape in the
yawl boat first throwing all the buck
ets overboard so if they should wake
they would have no moans of putting
out the fire. Tho only white man in
the place wa3 au old man by the
name of McOarty who was living with
the Indians, and who when he saw
the vessel on fire, sent off two Indians
to awake the crew, this the Indians
could not succeed in doing, and so he
went himself and 'finally, after great
effort succeeded in arousing them, bj
which time the vessel was in flames
and they could save nothing except
what was in the cabin, among which
was a spare jib, which they took
ashore and used for a tent, thus mak
ing the first settlement, which they
named Bruceville, afterwards changed
by the legislature to Bruceport J. J.
Winnnt, in Yaquina Ban Repub
lican. Electric Bitters.
This remedy is becoming so wel
known and so popular as to need no
special mention. All who have used
Electric Bitters sing the same song of
nraise. A purer medicine does not ex
ist and it is guaranteed to do all that is
claimed. Electric Bitters will cure all
diseases of the Liver and Kidneys, will
remove rimpies, nous, aaic iineum and
other affections caused by impure blood.
Will drive Malaria from the system
and prevent as well as cure Malarial fe
vers. For euro of Headache, Constipa
tion and Indigestion try Electric Bit
ters Entire satisfaction guaranteed, or
money refunded. Price 50 cts. and 81.00
per bottle at J. W. Conn's.
FrFiate FkoUcrapfcs,
Go to Misses Carruthers' photograph
gallery: Third street, opposite Mor
gan & Sherman's.
Weiatkarela Seer.
And Free Lunch at the Telephone Sa
loon, 6 cents.
Ludlow's Ladies' aos Fine Shoes;
also fexible hand-turned French Kids,
at P. J. Goodtaan's.
Remember the Austin house at the
Seas Isle Is open the year 'roand.
A Filed in The Coaaty Recorder' Oflce
E. P. Thompson to Mary A.
Harrison, lot lo, blk ,
Warrenton add. S 150
C. Evenson to C. McDonald
and W. C. Fuller, lots 32
and 35, blk 9, John Adair's
Astoria 350
TillioA Crow and S. B.
Crow to B.C. Ward, N
lots 5 and 8, Necanicnm
Grove 250
Mary Ann Adair to Lucy A.
Johnson, lots 15 and 16
blk 12, upper Astoria 425
Florence Wadleigh to Lucy
A. Johnson, lots 9 and 10.
blk 2 sub. of blk 30, 01-
ney's add 375
E. P. Thompson to Mary
Ann Cnlross lot 16 blk
7, Warrenton add 170
D. H. Welch and wife and
J. Q. A. Bowlbv and wife
to J. W.Dickev, lot 22, 23,
24, 25, 26 and 27, blk 27,
Astor add 150
D. H. Welch and wife and
J. Q. A. Bowlby and wifd
to T. H. Boynton, lots 20
and 21, blk 27, Astor's
add v 50
Previously reported this
year Sl,113,957
Total to date Sl,115,877
Stockings anil Corsets.
Miss Edith Sessions Tupper, writing
from New York, says: Every once in a
while some prophet of evil will ariso
and announce that black stockings
must go. It's absolute rubbish.
Women will not give up the hosiery
that makes the feet look small. Tho
black silk stockings are not going but
growing. Tuey are Having ineir
apotheosis. 1 was shown some
the other day at Altman's
which have left the stocking
age behind and have become f nllfleged
tights. Yes, the swell girls wear now
with their riding habits and tailor-
made frocks, nothing less (or more)
man ojacK suk nguis wnicu cover
feet and limbs to the hips, mid are
there joined to a yoke of flesh-tinted
silk. Soino very beautiful black hose
were also shown with stripes of va
rious colors running horizon
tally up tho back and sides,
leaving an inch or two of tho
plain black on the front of the stock
ing. This is a much prettier effect
than where the stripes are in front,
and is much newer. Tho newest fad
in corsets are those made of ooz calf,
boneless, steelless and seamless. They
are pinked at top and bottom, aud are
sold for habits and tailor-made cos
tumes. Corsets of white kid are jnBt
being shown, and are liable to becomo
great favorites.
The Alaska Canneries.
From appearances tho coming sea
son promises to be a very busy one in
Alaska. Last year thero were thirty
six canneries in operation there, and
although the returns were not as large
as had been satisfactory to the owners,
this year the thirty-six canneries will
be again in operation, and in addition
two new ones will be started. The
agents of the Alaska steamship line
also say that tho indications are very
favorable for a wonderful increase to
the development or tho territory, and
in anticipation propose to make an
especial effort to encourage it
Last season seventy vessels were em
ployed in the traffic between this port
and the canneries and fisheries in
Alaska, and fully 1,500 sailors and fish
ermen were transferred from here to
the northern waters. This year this
number will iu all likelihood bo ex
ceeded. This drainage of seamen from
this port presents a very important
problem for solution by tho owners
and captains of deep water vessels. A
canvass by the Coast Seamen's
union, made yesterday, shows that
150 sailors and 200 fishermen, avail
able for Alaska, were in the city. A
very large number have already been
engaged and will sail as tho ships
leave port Yesterday the schooner
Dashing Hrace, chnrtered by Lyndo
& Hough, left for Sandy Point, Alaska,
carrying materials for the new cannery
to bo erected there. Tho charterers
were obliged to pay S40 a month to
the memlers of the crew. S. F. Bul
letin, :;.
A gfwul appt'l t is (j.Nt'iitial to good
lie ith, ami lo--, of apj-Hite intimites
MUiii'thin.: v. ioii'.
crcitiR anil sJiarivn the appe ite, as
ii ts the iliuotivc rgans mitfregnlate-.
Ihe kidneys and liver. Take Hood's
varnp:irifl:i t heason. Soil by all
An Excerpt From a Portland Paper.
What is wanted is cheap freight,
and this can only bo had by sending it
through without rehandling from
Eastern Oregon and "Washington
points to and from Portland, or from
these points to and from tho sea; that
is. to Astoria.
Portland does not want the earth.
Eastern Oregon is entitled to her share
of good things. As the citizens of that
section propose to build a railroad
through Washington to a point oppo
site Astoria, they might as well have
cheap river means of transportation
ditto. Now that Oregon and Wash
ington have been opened up by rail
roads, open up the whole country
thus and improve nil the rivers and
harbors. Portland Examiner, Mar.
Tilbury Fox, M. V., the eminent medical
writer, in his work " Skin Diseases," thai ac
count! for the pimples ao common to tat
faco aud neck. Eating too rich or too greaey
rood, or too hearty eating while the ex
cretory organs aro sluggish, causes in meet
people Indigestion or a dyspepsia! condition,
which ceases the blood toiaoTO sluggishly,
aad eafeehlee the pores. The result is, thai
Use exuding secretloat block la the potat,
which Inflame, each distinct Imfliwirlnt:
being a pimple. Dr. Fox therefore does Bt4
pieecribe "bleod purifiers" ao called, bat a
" dyspepsia cure" to be takes, to use his fc
wards " tUl the dytptptlal symptoms httt
sWsaeyrsrei." The old Idea was, that fast
eraptieas were caused by a"bater la tas
Used," for which they treated the Wood,
iTlas; the atlaeral, potash. Jot's VegfUaH
Sanaparilla follows the modem ideas of Dr.
Fax, and alms with gentle TegetaUs altessr
tires at the stomach aad digestive osjtal
Asreasoa tsappareatwhyit cures dii
sla aad indigestion, and the platflss ast
skin eruptions which result tBerebeas aOT
why arsaijarmss that use seiaenls asJL
Mrs. Wixslow's Soo-nnxa Syrup
should always be used for children
teething. It soothes the child, softens
the gums, allays all pain, cures wind
chollc, and is the best remedy for diar-rhoeafwenty-five
cents a bottle.
Coffee and cake, ten cents.
Central Restaurant
at the
Scaly Skin Diseases
TsorlaalM S years, covering face, head
and entire body with white scabs. Skin
red, itchy and bleeding. Hair all gone.
Spent hundreds of dollars. Pronounced
incurable. Cured byCutieuraBcmedics
Cured by Cuticura
My disease (psoriasis) first broke out on
my left cheek, spreading across my nose and
almost covering my face.. It raa into ray
eyes and my physician was afraid I would
lose my eyesight altogether. It spread all
over my head and my hair all fell out, until
I was entirely bald-beaded; it then broke
out on my arms and shoulder,untll my arras
were just one sore. It covered my entire
body, mv face, head and shoulders being the
worst. The white scabs fell constantly from
my head, shoulders and arms; the skin
would thicken and be red and very itchy,
aud would crack and bleed if scratched.
After spending maav hundred? of dollars 1
was pronounced incurable. I heard of the
Cuticura Remedies, and after using two
bottles Cuticura Besolvxt I couu see
a change ; and alter I had taken four bottles
I was almost cured ; and when I had used
six bottles of Cuticura Resolvent and
one box of Cuuicura, and one rake of Cut
icura Soap. I was cured of the dreadful
disease from which I had suffered for five
year. I thought the disease would leave a
very deep scar, but the Cuticuba Reme
dies cured it without any scars. I cannot
exutess with a pen what 1 suffered bofore
using the Curicun Remedies. They
saved my life, and I Telt it my duty to rec
ommend thein. My hair is restored as good
an ever and so is my eyesight. I know of
others who have received great benellt from
their use. Mrs. ROSA KELLY.
Rockwell City, Iowa.
Cuticura Resolvent,
The new Blood and Skin purifier and purest
aud best of humor remedies, internally, aud
Cuticura. the great Skin Cure, and Cuti
cura SoAian exquisite Skin Beautifter, ex
ternally have cured thousands of cases
where iIip shedding of scales measured a
quart daily, the skin cracked, bleeding
burning and itching almost beyond human
endurance hair lifeless or all gone, sunVrmg
terrible. What other remedies have made
such cures?
Sold everywhere. Price, Cuticura, 60c ;
Soap. 23c : Resolvent. Ji. Prepared by the
TION, Boston.
"Send for "How to Cure Skin Diseases,"
pages, CO illustrations and 100 testimonials.
niUPLES, black heads, red, rough, chap
rlm pedaud oily skin prevented by Cut
icura Soap,
Rack-ache, kidney pains, weak
ness, rheumatism aud muscular
pains relieved in one minute hy
the Cuticura Anti-Pain Platter.
The tlrst aiid only instantaneous paln-kill-
ing piaster.
New Goods !
OldReliableClothierand Hatter
Occident Hotel Building.
lew SDring:
Leading Dry Goods and Clothing
Mansell's New Buildingr,
Next Door to oardl cfc
Large Stock of Mens and Boy's Clothing, Hats. Caps, Boots
That will suit you in size ami price. Wc cannot be
In consequence of the demand for those
beautiful leTel lots, Mr. P. C. Warren has
been Induced to pint nlnety-slx lots
Adjoining Warrenton on the East.
Which will be known and sold as
East Warrenton !
THE RAILKOAD runs through the,
which is only 200 yards from the Warrenton
depot. For further Information call at
once on the
Marshall & Co.,
For Sale by 1. SMITH, Agoitt.
Ofllce at Wherry & CoN.
Foard & Stokes
Groceries and Provision?.
Everything In a First-class Store
and at
Extremely Low Figures.
Goods Delivered all over Taw n.
TneHighost Price l'ald for Junk.
Parker & Hanson
New Goods Arriving Every Steamc
X37e0 - Goods,
The Old Stand - Astoria Orecon.
There Is uo occasion for tne most fastidi
ous of our citizens to send to Portland or
San Francisco for
Custom Made Clothes
As they can get Better Fits. Better Work
manship, and: for less Money.
By Learlng their Orders with MEANY.
New Goods bv Every Steamer.
Call and see him and satisfy yourself.
P. J. Meany. Merchant Tailor.
Livery Stables.
Conveyances ol any kind, on short notice.
erring Baggage, etc, a specialty.
Telephone No, 12.
Salmon Net Twines
Yonr Money s Worth
to Arrive
am Sk SRS S Q
fill IS kP 1 H
0.250 House and .Lot on First Street, Business Property. Cheap.
8273 to :i23 Lots in Ulock 20, Hustler & Aiken's Astoria. Tery desiraWa.
SOO Corner Lot in ircCInre's Astoria. Beautiful residence Lot
375 to 300 Lots in Alderbrook, on water front.
$2,000 Eighty Acres on Klaskanine. Nice home.
120 Per Acre Ninety Acres, near town, suitable for platting.
If You Don't See Your Particular Snap, Call and See Us.
ra to m H
3g.Oll !E?25tltO
Odd Fellows' Building,
Fine Wines, Choice Brands.
I have completed arrangements for supplying any brand of "Wine in aay qmaati
nt lowest cash figures.
The Trade Supplied,
Families Supplied.
lonr patronage in City or Conntry
Successors to KIRK SHELDON.
Agency for
151 Front Street,
L. A. Gkanoek.
Civil : Engineers : and : Surveyors
Special Rates for Town site and Addition Worker
Odlce with .MKiounn Bros. ftTnttle,
Mansell's Xcw Building.
Real Estate Brokers,
City, Suburban and Acreage Property For Sili.
MAIN ST ASTOKIA, OK., T. 0. Box 511.
Finest Woolen Goods for Suitings. All the Latest Stylet
He burs for Cash at Eastern Prices. lie Guarantees the Best WofkavuMB m. v
Garments. Call antl see for yourself. Earth Block, AJWOSlIToit
House of Astoria
ading Shoe House
Water Street, Astoria, Or
and Shoes, Underwear, Etc.
Water Street, Astoria, Or
Wine House.
W. UTZINGER. Cosmopolitan Stwon.
W. L. tUxLoxocnar
& Welch,
No curbstone broken espleylk
The Tail,