wtw..' n-.w ?rc 'rsr i "" J '"SSgWEWr 5 - -ss1 ""w. --i tpt-Trj'J..BT"9" ,""V ,C rr-m rw HO. p '-t.jrr";r-"""i CO VOL. XXXIV, NO G. ASTORTA, OREGOIY, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19. I8J)0. PRICE FIVE CENTS hJmMi & '& ill m 11 1 ianlM 1 11ll3isSf'fei-3Kieri Ml OhI Bil II ll Mil IWiB 4fiJl I E HL. I II III IJlSPBfevVjl L LI L L LLJI l i KINNEY'S LESS THAN ONE MILE FROM I ! THE O. R. & N. DOCK, j j AND j Beautifully I 'rices Low and KEEN & COOK, AGENTS. SOMETHING NEW. Kenney's Addition! Bountifully situated on the banks of the Columbia, ad joining proposed Public Park and near the newlv discovered coal beds. Only $35 per Lot for si tew days. Get in now and secure first-class Lots. FRANK SPITTLE, Agent, FRED Saddles and Harness A LABGE STOCK TO SELECT FBOM. GOODS AT SAN FRANCISCO PEICES. 1 make a specialty of j;ood work and guarantee satisfaction. At the Old Stand, West hide Olney Street, Near Wilson & Fisher's. ASTORIA, Kindred Situate at Moii Future Terminus of western and OMtlatd to Torn that Shipping Camtsx of the) CxX XTorthWMrt. LOTS $100 AND $125 Buy Now and Secure Choice Lots ! TERMS Prices Will be Advanced to $150 and $200 April 1st. TOR SJUUB S7 BELL & GOODELL, Cor. Feirtk and Genevieve Sts., Astoria, Oreps. $125 AND $150 PER LOT EOBB & PAEKER, General Ag'ts, Astoria. ASTORIA! Situated. Terms Reasonable. : : a Astoria, Or. SAIZ OREGON. Park! of ColnMa River. the Chicago & North' S. P. Railroads, EASY. HANTHORN'S ASTORIA! DEHfl WHILE ON DUTY. Mianapolis Firemen BoasteiinTlie Ruins they Dieii to Save. WASUIXGTOX XEWS SPECIALS. Special by Tho California Associated Parss. "Washington, March 18. Prof. Thos. T. G. Clemens (colored) was before the police court this afternoon, charged with obtaining $100 from Senator Stanford under false pretense?. It is charged that he obtained the money from Stanford by representing tbat he wanted it for the benefit of the "Le land Stanford Colored Orphan Asy lum, of Spartanburg, S. C," and there is no such institution in existence. Clemens has worked for Senators La mar and Hampton. Lills Dean ap peared for the prisoner, and be pleaded guilty; John D. McCarthy, private secretary to Senator Stanford, was called as a witness, and ho told of the prisoner's visit to the senator's house and the giving of n check. Witness could not tell what conversation had passed between Stanford and the de fendant McCarthy said Senator Stanford knew nothing of tho prose cution. Sew Bills For Washington. Special to The Astorian. Washington, March 18. In the senate to-day, Allen introduced a bill to reorganize the customs district of Puget sound, Washington. Squires introduced a bill for the survey of public lands in Washington. More Postal Service la Orezon. Special to TnE Astorian.1 Washington, March 18. Senator Mitchell has called the attention of the postoffice department to the urgent necessity of establishing a mail service by land between Mitchell Creek and Glendale, Douglas county, Oregon, on account of breaks in the railroad at those points. UPOKTAilT BILLS INTRODUCED. For the Hirrey r Lance uJ Jfew OBcUIs For Oreraa aan Waeklaaton. Special to The Astorian. Washtnoton, March 18. In the senate, senator Squire presented a petition from the legislature of Wash ington, asking appropriations for the survey of the public land of the state. Senator Allen presented a memorial from the Oregon legislature asking for money for the removal of obstructions in the Columbia river. Senator Allen introduced a bill to reorganize and es tablish a collection district of Puget sound, to comprise the state of Wash ington, with Port Townsend as the port of entry and Seattle and Tacoma sub-ports of entry and delivery, with deputy collectors at a salary of $2,000 each. The collector at Port Townsend is fixed at $4,000. Senator Squire in troduced a bill appropriating $300,000 to $500,000 for a survey of public lauds of tho state of Washington at tho following rates: standard and meander lines $9; township lines $7; and sec tion lines $5 per lineal mile. Fertlfleatloai Appropriation mil. Special to The Astorian. Washington, March 18. The house committee on appropriations has completed the fortihcation appro priation bilL The total amount ap propriated by it is about Sl,500,000. The Tariff ea Tia Plate. Special to The Astorian. Washington, March 18. The four Dakota senators have created quite a sentiment in favor of tin plate. They say that the duty of 2 cents per pound will protect American workingmen. Armour Bros, have petitioned congress for free tin plate on the ground that the duty will ruin the canned goods business and increase the price to con sumers. The Preeldeat In aot G'olagto Philadelphia. Special to The Astoria n. I Wasbtxoton, March 18. The pres ident has decided not to go to the launch of the Newark at Philadelphia to-morrow. Abelisalartae Utah Commission. Special to The Astoriax.J WASHDfarov. TVfnrnh 1R In tha house to-day Stone of Missouri intro duced for reference, a bill to abolish the Utah commission, and have its du ties devolve upon a board consisting of tho governor, territorial secretary and the president of the council of the" legislative assembly. To Protect the Lerees. Special to The Astorian. Washington, March 18. The secre tary of war to-day authorized the Mississippi river commission to ex pend $100,000 for the protection of the levees along tho Mississippi river in the fourth district, whioh extends from Warrenton, Miss., to the head of the passes, a distance of 484 miles. This is in addition to 20.000 nllmral at Morgan's levee. Deficiency BUI Passes the Senate. Special to The astorian Washington, March 18. The sen- ctfA -jlnv Thfiaaoj3 41, a mmA- J3 ficiency bill. Call Early and Take Your SENATOR MITCHELL AT WORK. A Sew Postal Konte la Oreaoa and a Wreck to be Beraored From the CoIaabU. Special to TnE astorian. Washington, March Mitchell has secured from the postoffice 18. Senator an order department directing advertisements for bids for mail service on the new route for Yaquina to Collins on Alsea bay viaElkton. He also recom mended a new post office at Elkhorn, which will be ordered. This service is not to interfere with the service from Yaquina to Alsea via Newport. Senator Mitchell earlv in the session introduced a bill making an appropriation for the removal of the hull of the wreck Hil da De Grace from the channel of the Columbia river, opposite upper As toria, Oregon. This bill was in Janu- arv last referred to the secretary of war for a report, and was to-day returned with a statement from the chief of engineers that the act of June 14, 1880, contains all needed provisions for the removal of this wreck, and therefore the passing of this bill was deemed unnecessary. Kt-port on the Turin". Special to The Ajtoia. Washington, March 18. The Bo publicans of the committee on ways and means expect to report their tariff bill to tho whole committee day alter to-morrow. Steamer Snbtldj- Hill. Special to The AvTOitiAN.l Washington, March 18. The house committeo on merchant marine and fisheries have about completed their steamship subsidy bill. They expect to be able to report it to-morrow or next daj. It gives a subsidy tax of 30 cents per ton for every thousaud miles traveled by American steamers be tween thus and foreign countries. Public Building at Walla Walta. Special to Tni: Astorian. Washington, March 18. -The sen ate this afternoon passed the bill pro viding $30,000 for a site for a public building at Walla Walla, Wash. More Bodies of Firemen Found. Special to The astorian.j Indianapolis, Ind., March 18. A large crowd visited tho scene of tho disastrous fire this morning. Tho work of removing the debris w being carried on rapidly. Three more firemen are in sight making eleven killed. It is thought that a number more or bodies will be rescued. The relief fund is growing rapidly. Help For Ike Injured Firemen. Special to The Astorian. Indianapolis, lud., March 18. The relief fund for tho injured firemen now reaches S5,(X)0 and the?o are mostly contributions at the newspa per offices. The bodies of two men are yet -in tho ruins, and not recov ered. Special to The Astoria.v.j Indianafolih, Ind., March 18. All the bodies of the firemen have been re covered save that of Henrj' Woodruff, which cannot be located to-night. Further work is stopped owing to the dangerous condition of tho building. John Burkbardt, a pipeman who was rescued this morn ing, died to-night, swelling the total number of deaths to eleven, with eight firemen disabled, five dangerously so. The families request private burials, and the public demonstration will be dispensed with. The relief fund con tributions to-dav are estimated at So, 000. Court Martial or Lieut. Steele. Special to The Astorian. Chicago, March 18. The court mar tial of Lieut F. M. Steele for his ac tion in the case of private Dell P. Wild, commenced at noon to-day. Captain Murray acted as judge advo cate. Steele, through Lieut. Crowder, his counsel, entered a plea of not guilty. Crowder said the charges were not denied, but he claimed that Steele's conduct was justifiable. Af ter this Trooper Wild was sworn in and told the court his story; how Steele ordered liim to do menial work, and on his refusal, struck him. When Lieut. Crowder asked Wild if he wasn't a deserter and had been in the service under the name of D. P. Ward the judge advocate objected, remarking: "This man is not on trial." The court sustained the objec tion and the great crowd burst into applause, which was not suppressed by the court Several other witnesses were examined, when the court ad journed until to-morrow morning to give the defense time to prepare. OBelali Charged With Extortloa. Special to The Astorian. New York, March 18. This morn ing Geo. Minderman was arrested on an indictment for extortion while em ployed in the sheriff's office. Dep uty sheriff McGonagle and ox-warden Keating were re-arrested to-day. The district attorney discovered that the indictments were faulty, and the grand jury was asked to frame new ones. The original indict ments charged extortien: the new ones make tho offence bribery. Bail of $10,000 was given again by each. At noon there were 22 more arrests, including deputy sheriff Chas. Linderman and Joseph Young. The former was indicted for petit larceny and briber', the latter for bribery. It is expected that many more arrests will be made. araaaasasi tlnini sts sM lltl wwwsrsisfa?ww IIIIWIIIIIIIIHI DAKOTA LEGISLATION. Closes Its First Session, Distiii pishei for franfliui. COJf.VEXT OX GEJtMAX' POLITICS. Sped j1 by California associated Press New York, March 18. The Post says editerially: Bismarck is not the man to divide responsibility with any body. His retirement could not be far in the ordinary course of nature, so ho only leaves the young emperor in undisputed possession, rather sooner than was expected. With a majority hostile to the government in the reichsing, with socialism growing every day, and making itself felt in the army, with an inexperienced young man in command, who con siders the whole community "a tal ent" .committed to his keeping, by the Almighty God, we may fairly "look forward to a state of things "in Ger many described in an old English say ing as ''pigs on the green." Soldiers Home Official ArrcOVd. Spefi.-I to The Astorian.1 Leavenworth, Kan. March 18. Gov. Smith and Post Master Hollo way of the Soldiers' Home were ar rested this morning on complaint of comrade J. Batson, who charged them with purloining a letter addressed to him. They were taken before the U. S. commissioner and released on their own recognizance. Special to The Astorian. St. Paul, March 18. At 7 o'clock to-night a fire destroyed the packing house of John J. O'Leary & Sons. The loss is estimated at $50,000, fully insured. The "World" oa the Germs Sltaatloa . Special to The astorian. New York, March 18. The World's Berlin cable says :"the fact that the news dispatches are allowed to pass censor ship to-night with so little delay is only corroborating evidence that it is now practically certain that tho eraporer has accepted Bismarck's resignation. Until this morning it was thought that all friction between tho kaiser and chancellor had been got rid of and that a modui vicendi for a certain period at last had been arrived at but now it is known to be a breach beyond repair. Tho main causes are that the kaiser is determined to rulo more in accrdance with the wishes of the eople. There is no longer the slightest ground for belief in the al leged estrangement between tho cm peror and the empress Fredrick who fully regained that influence, which she was said to have lost Oth ers who have run counter to Bis marck's views on internal policy, havo gained his majesty's ear, which was in the highest degree disagreeable to Bismarck, and the composition of tho new reichstag made it impossiblo for him to continue to govern. His efforts to effect an understanding withWin thorst were abortive. Such attempt have really been made, despite repeats ed contradictions, lleports are circu lated that all the members of Uic min istry have tendered their resignations. The belief increases that Count Her bert will remain. This causes confi dence on the Bourse to-night Herr von Bottlicher is named as tho chancellors successor. World of Hante Finance, of Berlin, is not in the least anxious about tho future. Leading bankers have great confidence in tho stateman liko qualities of the Kaiser, and be lieve that he is accepting the resigna tion of his valuable servant because the people are crying for another sys tem of government. Count Waldersee will scarcely be transferred from the post of chief gen eral of staff. The count is about to proceed to Italy for a change of air. A Xew Tork Editorial oa BIsmarcl. Special to The Astorian. New 1tork. March 18. Tho Press editorial on tho act of retirement as well as in his conduct, and his long public career, claims that Bis marck is one of the most in teresting studies in the world's records. The great man is resigning, in all probability as a result of the differences of opinion with the young emperor, concerning his international conferences and social reform. The '. T. "Star" oa Bismarck. Special to The Astorian. New York, March 18. Tho Star editorially says: "Without tho great chancellor, but observant of his teach ings, Germany's ruler might go se renely on his way. But what will happen to tho young, venturesome sovereign withont Bismarck's methods is ono of the most interesting ques tions of our time. If alone he suc ceeds in the contest on which he has entered ho will indeed win tho right to be considered as the man of the day." Coafagratioa la Peoria. Special to The astorian. Peoria, HL, March 18 The large dry goods house of Pardee, Mills & Co., was destroyed by fire this morn ing. ne loss is estimated at between $125,000 and S150.000, on which there is an insurance of $100,000. iinimimmnmiiMnniii Astoria Beal Estate & 50B.TH DIKOTA LEGISLATURE. An Account Which .Stands UoparaKcd'in .AaeriSaa History 3 Special to The Astorian.T Bismabck, N. D., March 18 The session of the first legislature of the stato of Dakota, came to an end to night after 120 days of the bitterest wrangling ever engaged ui by embryo statesmen. From the first day's ses sion until the adjournment to-night Governor Miller and the members oftthe legislature have been at loggerheads, chiefly because tho governor has played a lone hand and declined to consult with the legislature regarding appointments. Every member of tho legislature, whether Republican or Democrat, who voted for the lottery bill, was boycotted by the governor in his appointments to-day. The sena tors got even on the list oE appoint ments made by the governor on Mon day by making sweeping changes in the state boards, which were consid ered jn open session. To-day several senators had pre pared speeches full of invective and when the appointments came up for confirmation Governor Miller was roasted to a turn by men of his own political faith, Swanstown charged that one of the governor's appointees had been indicted for bribery at the last election, and a half dozen others fol lowed up this with a vigorous denun ciation of Miller and his appointees. Finally the senate rejected all ap pointments ; this rebuke of a republican governor by a Republican senate out lines the issue in tho nc'tt campaign and clearly indicates that not one of the present officers of the stato can be nominated, much less elected. An other failure of crops and the legisla ture will be ready for any schemo that flavors of relief. Many farmers will go without &eed wheat because they will not ask for it. Many will go without because they havo no security to put up. Many will find tho outside world not as gen erous. Tho probabilities are that the legislature of 1891 will be no better than the'legislaturo of-1890. 'There may be added to another crop failure in 1890, a deficiency in the state treasury of $20,000 and then there will be another disturbance that cannot be accurately measured at this time. It will be prohibition" and buildings all over the state it has vacated. Every town and village in North Dakota will lose something and some consuming power by this change. Hundreds ot people . s will leave the state and" Oicjvwin lake" with them thousands of dollars. The transition from bad to good in tho economic world is expensive at first Prohibition goes into effect July i. The anti-lottery people must pray for good crops and drill their seed deep. Anything like failure on top of tho immediate effects of prohibition, and Louisiana cerastes horridus will crawl all over North Dakota. Reduction or Interest in Iowa. Special to Tue Astorian. Des Moines, Iowa, March 18. The bill reducing the legal rate of interest from 10 to 8 per cent, was passed by both houses to-day. THE COMINT. CENSUS. A Foretaste of the Ordeal all 3Ien And Women Will Have to Pass Thronsli. Three months from the present lime the census bureau will have thrown into the field an army of 45,000 men, who will sweep the United States clean of information on pretty nearly ever' imaginable subject that has a statistical bearing. The story told by the reports of the agents of the bureau will follow the least important indi vidual in this vast land from the cra dle to the grave nay, more; from them you can estimate your chances in 100 before you were born of being twins or triplets, and can calcu late the probabilities that wero in favor of your turning oat a boy or girl. They will show that you "had only two chances in three of snrviving your firat year of life, and from that time on they will figure upon your lease of this sublunary existence," un til at length the ghoulish compiler of the gathered figures, withont bowels of remorse, joyfully tabulates you in his exhibit of "causes of death."" Not content with discovering the day and place of your birth, tho census will in sist upon knowing from what race you sprung, what your sex is, if any, and where your father and mother were born. Also it will require informa tion as to whether you aro married, single or divorced; how high above the sea level you live, in what great drainage-basin you dwell, what tho l6west degree of cold'may be from which you suffer in the winter, how hot you find it in the summer when the thermometer 'touches its top notch, and how many other people live with you in your house. As for the house, you will be compelled, un der 'penalty of a fine of $100, to say whether yon own it or not if you do own it, whether or not there is a mort gage on it, and, supposing that there is one, tho reason why you bor rowed the money on the property. The census is much interested in your private affairs, you see, and if yon have a farm around the house j'ou will have to tell similar facts about that, even to tho value of tho cows and the tools in the bam. All this is merely the begin ning, however, and all this mass of information will eventually be con densed into about twenty-five vol umes, which will be entitled the "Elev enth Census of the United States." Choice ! MORE SLIDES AT NO, 9. Sale of asMDgl9n State Bonis. ATngaiil Baft Ashore. GEO. J'J:AXCIS TJ:AIX STAJtTS. Special by California Associated Press. San Francisco, March IS. Prepar ations arc being made to bring suit against Aquayo Harmance who re cently sold the Mulattos mine in So nora, Mexico, to a syndidate of Amer ican and English capitalists for Sl, SOOjOOO. Among those interested in the purchase in this city are Alvinza Hay ward, George Crocker, and Mr. Hamilton of Baker & Hamilton. Tho suit will be brought to recover that portion of the purchase price al ready paid, and to annul the sale on the ground that ore has been salted so as to raise tho value from $2, to $S a ton. - Clisnse- in Capt. Henly's Case. Special to The Astoria v. S xFRANcisco,Mar. IS. Tho charge of drnnkness preferred against Capt Healy, of tho revenue cutter Hear, was withdrawn to-day owing to a lack of witnesses .to substantiate it. The investigation into the chargo of cruoltr was resumed. Contested Election in Sacramento. Special to The Astorian. Sacramento, Cal., March 17. Jacob Neagle, a member of the Republican city central committee, commenced suit in the superior court to-day to onst the newly elected Democratic mayor. W. D. Comstock. A recount of the ballots is demanded by Neagle who says he can prove fraud in several preemts ami that Gregory, the Renub lican candidate, was the victim of a gigantic conspiracy. Washington State Honds Sold. Spiri d to Tin: Astorian.j Olympia, Wash , March 18. Under a law passed by tho present legislature for the salo of $200,000 in lxmds, cov ering the past and present state in debtcdness, it is said that the bonds sold to-day at 3J per cent., with one- eigniii ol j. per cent, premium, 10 run from five to fifteen a ears. Another Snun Tllaclade at Sisson, Special to The Astoki n. Sisson. Cat, March IS. -It has been snowing all day. There is a cold rain to-night Tho snow plow is in use again. The train from Ashland ar rived this afternoon, and was side tracked hero as the road is again ob structed by slides at tunnel No. 9. The -Bedding train failed to get through. Train Starts Around the World. Special to The Astorian. Victoria, B. C, March IS. George Francis Train, the globe-girdler, em barked on the Abyssinia this after noon for Yokohama, amid the tooting of whistles and the shoutmg of 400 ex cursionists, who accompanied him from Tacoma to Victoria. Eastern Holders to Iteplare Strikers. Speei.il to Tin: Astorian. San Frvncisco, March 18. The fifty-si moldcrs arrived at Oakland this afternoon, from tho east Some were taken on a in; to the Union Iron Works, and tho others conveyed in hacks under a strong guard to the points of destination. "e-elx Ashore Near Victoria. Special to Hik AnTORian.J PORTS nd, March 18. -Information was received this afternoon at the Merchants' exchange that the tug Sea lion and the Nicarnngnau bark Jiun dalerhnil run abhorc at Dungeucss, near Victoria, B. C. We'll Suppose a Case. Yon arc nervous and dyspeptic. ;.our ap petite flairs, jour slttmaer !s broken or dis turbed y uneasy dreams, or jou court the sleepy t:od In v.iiu. What Mull jou do? Try an alcoliolie excitant to stimulate appetite, deaden the nen es at lied time with a nar cotic? Neither of these Try IIotetter3 Mouucli fitters. It will, believe in, be more tliiii.itri.il You will continue, to usa this justly renowned neri Iiivigorunt and stom- :iein" ui -in ;ne eujtencv supposed Just whit is wanted. Itis a heart ful stimulus to appetite and digestion, doe-, not excite, but niuets-the brain and nerve-", is an excellent diuretic: and a sppcily reformer of a disir dered condition of t!i in er and bowels. It counteracts a tend-uey to rheumatism, nul lities the prestratlnir effects or overwork, mUUt.Ues the iulinuitics of age. and hastens convalescence. 1'ersons ex oscd to rough weather should uie it as a preventive. as should also tired students and ousincss men. Stateman My dear, your husband will never amount to anything unless you spur him on. Why don't you persuade him to go into politics? Daughter- Bnt, pa. he has tried and he can't htand it. The whisky makes him sick Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria When Babj- tras sick, tve gavo her Castoria. Vhen she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, SVhen she became Miss, she clung: to Castoria, Yhcn shehal Children, she gave them Castori Trust Co., Portland Ag'ts, A CRISIS IN &ERHAH POLmCS. Bismarct Retires. T1& Sitiatiii loots flaft ani PoreWin, EXGLAXI FEAXS TMOUBLX. Special by the California Assocutkb Pbmb BeriiIn, March la Tha Rational Zeitung says: "Gratitude toward the the restorer of the German unity which is filling the hearts of German at this time proves Bismarok to be long regarded as the personification of Germany's growth and prosperity, even though other men carry on his work." The Citing believes count Bismark will remain in office and as serts that the Prussian ministry has not resigned as reported. Eaglaad Fears TreakI Jrtw. Special to The Astobiait. - London, March 18. The resigna tion of Bismarck is regarded isLon don as the most important event since the fall -of tho French empire. Itis feared that continental war is now more than ever prob able. His withdrawal is regarded as a European calamity, which tho eratic conduct of the German emperor since his succession to the throne, serves to aggravate. The Star concludes its comments on the resig nation with the remark "The empress Frederiokis now avenged.M German Pre oa Blaaurek'a KMlgaattM. Special to The astorian. ' Berun, March 18. The Reichsan zeiger this morning made no aUtuios. to the resignation of Bismarok. Tba" North German Gazette, a Bismarok organ, published reports concerning the resignation, but made no editorial comment Horo MM Cloned for Waat efCl. Special to Thb astorian.j London, March 1& The supply of coal, owing to the strike of the miners is rapidly growing less. The cotton mills are shutting down at Aocring ton, Blackburn, Bury and Bolton. The Southwestern railway company has been compelled to stop their wait ing room fires. The All Let Go. Special to The Astoriak. Berlin, March 18. All the Proanaa ministry xesigned simultaneously wrlfc Bismarck. The disagreement between the Em-' peror and Bismarok is reported to have been occasioned by the chancellor's refusal to accede to a request by the "Windthorst to'restore the Duke of Cumberland, the claimant to the throne of Hanover. Waldersee to Succeed Btevarck. Special to The Astorian. Berlin, March 18. There is a ru mor on tho street that Waldersee will probably be named as Bismarck's suc cessor. Yellow Fever ia Braxll. Special to The astorian ,1 Kio Janeiro, Brazil, March 18. The yellow fever has broken out in Campanis and San Paulo. Acceptance of Bismarck's BeaJgaaties. Special to The Astorian. Berlin. March 18. It host faon an. nounced that the emperor at noon to- uay accepieu rmce Sismaroks resig nation of the chancellorship. Earthqaake la Fraaala. Special to Tue Astorian. Bonn. Prussia. March 18L An earth. quake was felt here to-day. Strikiay Mlaera Likely to Wla. Special to The Astorian. London. March 18. Tho rniwral opinion is that the strikin? miners will succeed in forcing to be made an ira- meuiate advance or o per cent, in wages and a further advance of 5 per cent. July 1. . Many more mine-owners not in Nottinghamshire and Lancaster nave already acceded. An Important Coafereace. Special to The astoriak. London. March 18. Lord Salis bury has summoned all supporters of the government to meet at the Carlton club on Thursday to discuss matters of importance. Dock Laborers Caaaot Xalatala a Strike. Special to The Astorian.j Liverpool. Mnreli 18. THa striVa of the dock laborers is collapsing, as new hands are arriving at a rapid rate. Geraaa Cabinet Reported Reelnei. Special to The Astorian.1 " London, March 18. A dispatoh from Berlin gives the rumor that all the cabinet have resigned because of Bismarck's action. Ship Carpenters Jola tke Strikers. Special to The Astobian. Stettin, March 18. All .the ship carpenters in this city have struck. CATARRH CURED, health and sweet breatn secured by Shiloh's Ca tarrh Remedy. Price, SO cents. Nasal Inj'ector free. J. C. Dement TERMS EASY!