The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, March 16, 1890, Image 1

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, i t
& 4
: THE O. R. & N. DOCK,
Pi ices Low and Terms Reasonable.
Kennei's Additien:
Ki'nutiftilly situated on the banks of the Columbia, ad
joining proposed Public Park and near the
newly discovered coal beds.
Only $::" per Lot for a tew days. Get in now and secure
firt-class Lots.
addles and Harness
I MwVeAMtecKiHx olj;oilo:k ami Kii.sranteo satisfaction. At tin Old Stain!, Vt
Mile Olney .Street. Near Wilson & rislier'.s.
Situate at Mouth
Future Terminus of
western and S.
Destined to be the Snipping Center
of the Great XTorthwest.
LOTS $100 AND $125
Buy Now and Secure Choice Lots !
Prices Will be Advanced to $150 and
$200 April 1st.
Cor. Fourtl anil Genevieve
$125 AND $150 PER LOT
ROBB & PARKER, General Ag'ts, Astoria.
Astoria, Or.
of Coliiml3ia Riyer.i
the Chicago & North-:
P. Railroads,
St&, - Astoria, Oregon.
Twenty Million Dollars DemanfleA For
j His Realcase.
'tis either TitVTiroK rirrioy-
j The l"i:ll Story IVulMii l i: "The As:i
i i .uf" 1 hi JlorniasSiniult.ia.-only
With 111!' New Ytnk P.irrr.
Special by Tho California Associated i'niss.
New York. March 15. -The daily
papers are making a bensation out of
thesupposedkiduapping of Jay Gould.
The World advertises io print io-mor-row
"How Gould was kidnapped in
1S57.' The Sun this afternoon prints
a long story with the heading "Kid
napped". According io the story the
World will print Gould was taken
from the train at lrvington. The
Surfs story has Gould paying a
million dollars for his release, and says
"Gould met his captors later on a bus
iness basis and got it all back.'
The Hail's story has Jay Gould pay
ing a million dollars for his release,
and says: ''Gould met his captors on
a business basis and got there with
bolh feet, getting it all back." llussell
Sago was asked what would
be tho effect if Gould
had been really kidnapped. He
replied "if that whole story were true
the effect on Wall street and on the
securities of the country would be
comparatively unimportant. All the
Gould stocks" would be affected some
what though not tremendously.
Gould's will is made and in that he
will protect his interests as well .is ho
does in life. There is not the slightest
doubt he has fixed things so that if
death or a kidnapper should got him
his properties could not be thrown
upon the market, and sacrificed hi a
moment of foolish panic. He owns
his stocks. They would bo held tight,
and thero wonld be tronble
on the market The ef
fect of a temporary and unreasoning
excitement would not amount to two
percent Some years ago it would
have been different Then Gould was
literally standing under the market
and holding it up and if he had stepped
from under the market everything
would have tumbled, but to-day it is
different He is in the pleading
position of a man standing on
the onlside looking quietly on things
which he owns and has absolute con
trol of. If he should go they would
not bo sacrificed becatra they wonld
not bo for sale."
The Sun, conliuuiug the interview,
says: "The office-boy comes into the
editor's room and annouuees the fol
lewing: 'A man what wants to pee
vou; he won't give his name. I think
It's Jay Gould.' 'Show him in.' The
man who came did look like Gould.
There was the familiar awry
twisted beard and of the same color as
Gould's; quick, restless, dark eyt,
long prominent nose, same shaped
head and forehead, the identical
general expression.
"I don't wish to take up your time,"
the man says m a business like way,
but a gentlemanly voice, "but I have
something to tell yon which I think
you will be glad to publish in
your paper. Of course 1 want
money for it. Now to come
straight to the point, will you give
me S50 if I toll you the fnll particu
lars of how Jay Gould was kid
napped?" "Kidnapped!"
"Yes, sir; kidnapped! !'
"Jay Gould was stolen as I tell you,
stolen bodily away, held sure and fast
in spite of all his craft aud iron will,
and released only when he came
squarely down and met every demand
made upon him, and now t will tell
you how that was done. Now I know
what you are thinking about Yon are
thinking I have gone crazy liecause I
look like Gould. Of course, 1 kuow I
look like him; I ought to know it, fori
have been taken for him often when I
had money to buy fine clothes. 1
used to bo taken for him every day of
my life. Why, that's just what
started the whole business. If
I hadn't looked like Gould
Gould would never have been kid
napped, but now I am not going to
tell you anything until we have an un
derstanding. What do you say. shall
I tell my story V"
'Why certainly," said the editor.
after a few minutes pause, "tell your
story if we will pay you what yon" ask
for it. If wo don't, of course the com
munication is confidential.'
"And do I get my money here
"If we print your story we will pay
yon just as soon as we get it"
A look of relief passed over the
little man's countenance, and settling
himself comfortably back in his chair,
he deposited his battered hat carefully
on the floor beside him, and spoke as
"Now I don't propose to tell you the
names of the men who took part in
the job. I was one of them, I won't
deny that, but you know my name and
you may call the two men who were
with me Miller and Porter, and call
Call Early and Take Your
me Wall if yon like. TIiller anil Por
ter were and still are professional
crooks. Miller is a tall, handsome
, fellow who always dresse3 well,
i and in pretty close imitation of a gen
tleman, lie is a confidence man ami
plays for high btnkes. Porter is
rougher and coarser, but still is pre
sentable enough when he has good
clothes. By profession he is a burglar 1
and lias been m prison, tie was m
Wall street, in a modest way, and has
a little money. My little pile came
in contact with Gould's big. rolling
snowball, which carried it off. My re-
somblauce io Gould and my kuowl-i
edge of Gould's ways in Wall street
ways from being wiped out by him. is
what put the game in our heads It
waslat August when I was sitting
with Porter :md Miller at a table in a
beer saloon under ihe Staats Zeitungj
building. Porter walked in. 'hello.!
j Jay,' he stud, for when 1-c.uae in they
always caucu me day, come iinve
some beer.' Well, as I went over o
them I noticed tbatMiller looked iluai.!cart. :u i that is my exact resemblance
He had in fact, made a reasonable
fill out west, and was living instils
at the Windsor, aud lading for some
thing io turn up.
'Jay.' he said, 'if I had lhat mug
of vours I would make millions nut or
D n me,' said Poi tcr, all of a sud
den as he brought his fi-t down on the
table, 'd -n me, why don't we make
a million out of Jaj's mug? Twenty
million dollars to split among us:
what's the matter with that?' Now
that's the way the whole thing started.
Porter's remark struck its nil of a
heap at first, for I saw he
was in earnest; in fact, at a
Hash it came over me thai it would do
something, in live minuie3 we were
hard at work on what turned out io
be the biggest job ever put up and
worked through in New York or any
where else."
"The thing took such a serious turn
that Miller said we were in no place io
talk business aud asked us up to Ins
room in the Windsor. Now. Miller's
room was opposite Gould's hosts".
which, you know, is on tho northwest
comer of I' nth avenue and I'orty-scc
ond street The moment we got into
his room Miller took us vti before an
open window and pointed to the house.
'There, bovs,' he wiid. 'is Use box
we've got io crack. In that eage
is a bird worth just as much
money to us :is avc ask for. Nov.- the
question is how are we going io get
our hands on him. In the first place
we have got to study thp habits of
the animal. Hero is the best io do it, but you. Jay, have
got to keep that mug or jours shady
for one tiling, wo can' I Irive two
Guiild Dromsus tr.ling around
the neighborhood. I).:t about the
old man's movements, as I understand
it he goes d wn town in his brouglnm
every morning about 1U o'clock, leaves
his office at ', either drive- back to
the house or goes oat to his place t
lrvington, sometimes 1 mail train,
sometimes by yacht, and seldom leaves
his office, not even for luncheon. So
far as our plan i: concerned he
does not exist from 10 in the
morning until three in t's" nfi'vnoo i.
Where he goe.s after thai, or what his
habits are between three o'clock in
the ailornoon ami unt:i no goes io
bed, is all that we have to c insider.
Now, my plan is a nervy one, and may
strike one as impossible, but when
you come io think it over,
you'll find it's the only thing.
Gould's stable is oi Thirty eighth
street, east of Fifth avenue, just
four blocks below his house. 1 have
piped the place for the last week, seen
the coachman bring out the brougham
exactly at 0:13 every morning. Now,
those men must get a message some
morning from Gould that he does not
want his brougham. Gould must get
a message from the men that a wheel
on the brougham is broken and that
they have sent a coupe from JJach
man's livery stable in its place. The
coupe issent aud will have Billy Homer
in the h fordrner. It will be fixed up
in such a way that whoever rides in it
won't know anything after he has rid
den two blocks. I will giea manage
to the coachman; we will do it i his
way. Wall here must walk to the cor
ner c.f Fifth Avenue and Thirty
eighth street, with me, aud wait there
iu sight of the men who are bringing
out the brougham. They must
believe he is Gould. I will
walk up to them and
say. Gould :isks me to tc!l you he is
going to walk down town this morn
ing, and will not need the brougham.
As I say that Wall from the corner
will nod his head as if to signify that
what I say. goes. Then I will return;
we will walk on down street in sight
of the men, arm iu arm. That will
slop tire brougham's coming to
the house. As soon as lhat
is done I will walk back
here, Porter will drive the hired
coupe to the sidewalk in fromt of the
house. I'll tell tho man at the door,
that the wheel of the brougham is
brokeu; that William, that's Gould's
head coachman, sent a coupe from
Eachman's. Gould will be waiting
for the brougham; will come out of
the house to get in it, aud will sus
pect nothing for it will be a handsome
turnout Jiilly here will be in
correct liverv aud all that sort of thin
Just as ho is coming down the slops I
will como up to them. I'll look pretty
hard at him, raise my hat, and say:
'Gould, I believe. I'm so-and-so
naming some big Western financier
that the old mad has heard of but
never seen. I hoped to catch
you before you went down town.
It was in reference to some
western securities of yours. I want to
talk io you, as I seo your carriage is
waiting", I will ask yon io let me ride
down town with yon for my time is
yen- pressing and of great importance, J
involving a good raanv millions.
ne ,
can't refuse to let mo get in with him.
As soon as we are in the cab to
gether, the matter is easy enongh.
I'll have a sponge soaked with chloro-
form under the scat. I'll hold him
by the throat with my left hand while
1 soak his face with the sponge in my
right he'll be quiet in a minute, and
Porter can drive ti3 wherever he
pleases. Porter seemed . to like
the plan, but I wouldn't have
it at any price. It was too much of a
knock-down and drag-out to suit me.
The idea of chloroforming a man ou
the avenue with a dozen carriages
passing with footmen at each window,
each minute. Then Porter, who was
headlong, foolhardv and rough, said
the easiest plan was to hire a gang of
lads ho knew and hold up the train on
one of the days Gould went out on
u. u Lriugioii. j. saw, impatiently
you've not considered our strongest
to the man we want; we must make
use of that before even-thing.' That's
so,' said Miller 'we mustn't forget
some scheme by which we can make
use of your face.'
'Well, we talked it over for hours,
and at last, not without missgivings
on my part, we decided on a scheme.
We planned that wc would decoy
Gottld over to the Windsor hotel, and
that when he was safely there
in our room, in our power
we could leave the hotel openly, con
Fpienouly, so that several people
should see me, and so that every one
who saw me would say: 'That is
Gould, he has just been upstairs. Is
going to his homo across
the street' But before I
left, Gould was to be changed so that
his family wouldn't know him; ho
was io bo shaved as clean as a whis
tle, gagged, then drugged just enough
to mako him stupid. When this was
finished I was to leave tho hotel
ostensibly as Gould, go to a private
room near by. get shaved, change my,
clothes and return staggering slightly
stopping at the desk to say that I
wished to be shown to Miller's room,
and to hurry, please, for I had dizzi
ness in my head and wanted to lie down
in my frieud's room. As soon a3. I
entered tho room Gould was to be
dressed in my clothes. I was
to leave the hotel by the side
entrance and Miller and Porter wero
io lad Gould down stairs, supporting
him between them. Tho clerks and
hall boys wonld think it was tho sick
man who had just gone up stairs, and
would suspect nothing. A cab
at the door was io take him away to
one of the ferries; there wc would dis
miss the cab aud engage a carriage of
our own, in which wo would
drive him to a tenement
house on the east side where no ques
tions arc asked and where wc would be
as mueh cut off from the rest of the
world as though we wero on a desert
The plan waj carried out success
fully, and when he had fully recovered
consciousness, he asked what they in
tended to do with him.
?Iil!er said, 'Gould, wc don't want to
hurt ou, but we must warn you if
you try to call out, or resist, avc must
use force.' Gould looked at him, but
made no other sign that ' he under
stood. Gould seeing no other
way out of it agreed, to give us
pom tern.
Gould got up and sat down in one
of the vacant chairs and said, 'I am
quite able io understand anything yon
have io ay but 1 want to ask you how
long I have been away from home, and
whether you have sent word to
my family concerning what has hap
pened to me. Miller said, 'No, we
haven't let 'em know yet how far
yonve traveled, because we uo not
care to let yon know where you are.
Yon are our prisoner until yon
or your family give the
ransom we want' 'What is it
you want, or, rather, how much?'
Gould asked. 'Twentv million dol
lar-', said Porter. 'How could I give
S!(),00,000,' asked Gould. 'The thing
is simplv an unpossibilitv. 'I think
you are worth 20,000,000 to your fam
ily." said Porter 'It isn't a question of
how much 1 am wortli to my failv,
relumed Gould, crossing ono leg over
the other aud lock"g his hands in
front of him as it he were readv to
enter into an argument. 'It isn't the
amount of the ransoni; its absurdity
lies in the utter impossibility
of my conveying that sum to
you without your being detected
aud given in trouble iu taking it
'We'll answer for takiug care of it if
you'll place it where we can put our
hands on it,' said Porter. 'That's
just it,' said Gould;'howar2yon going
to put your hands on it
without the use of a mid
dleman, aud what's to prevent that
middleman from having one who
comes for the money seized and held
until ho tells them where I am.'
'Oh that's easy enough,' said Porter.
'If our messenger doesn't return with
in twenty-four hours wo will cutyonr
throat within twenty-four hours.'
Said Gould with a smile: 'Then 1 am
not much farther off from New York
then Jersey City.
Have vou anv idea how much of a
package $20,000,000 would make?'
In thousand dollar bills it wouldn't
make very much,' said Porter. No,
but even one of those bills would be
inunbered said Gould, 'my own would
have numbers.' It wonld be simply
imiwssible for you to pass them at
any place in the civilized
world. They would bo as
worthless to yon as so many sheets of
blank writing paper.'
I hadn't said much up to this time,
but I saw that it was lime mv knowl-
Astoria Real Estate &
edge was to be of use to us if ever it was.
'Gould,' I said, 'you can sit here and
give us pointers mat win enaoie us w
make 320.000,000, in a week. If you
will write us to-night your check for
S100.000 with a note saying it is all
right, the bearer is one of your
clerks, who can be trusted
with money. We will present that. at
the bank tho moment it opens to-morrow
morning; then, with that cap
ital, operate as you direct on the
street. You never need to appear in
the matter iu any way. We
will permit yon to send
a note to your son, George,
informing him of these operations
which will undoubtedly surprise the
street; that they are made at your di
rection and that you are paying off a
ransom of S20,000,000 and that yon will
be a prisoner until the sum is paid."
Gould accepted this proposition.
Ihe note was sent, and the 100,000
On tho morning of September 15
the stock exchange opened quietly, but
was succeeded by a panic, caused by
some mysterious plunger, and
so continued for some hours
after, finally closing 33,000,
000 ahead bv using Gould's
tips. A mysterious report got out
that Gould was kidnapped and caused
great excitement on Wall street To
tho amazement of the crowd on that
day Gould appeared on the
street. After getting our ran
som wo set Gould free but
wo continued speculating and for tho
second time Gould cleaned me out, so
I am now a tramp going around sell
ing my story, after only three days of
Gould's freedom. He is a bad man to
ran against.'
Intenso rivalry among local papers
is the result of rampant and criminal
sensationalism the week past, placing
placards at elevated stations and other
conspiuous places have announced the
story of Jay Gould kidnapped in 1892
and held for ransom will bo published
in the World to-morrow morning.
Tho Evening World, daily,. contained
a catchy article to whet the appetite
of the public. Friday the
World people surreptitiously
bought a quarter page of the Sun
printed a puffy advertisement of a
story to be published in the Sunday
World. The Sun people in revenge
printed this evening a story of Gould
being kidnapped, anticipating the
World 12 hours. Tho Press will also
publish a like story to-morrow.
The whole matter is severely con
demned by all honest people, and
there is much talk of tho necessity of
a press censor. The stories are whol
ly imaginary, rankly unjust and con
ducive to stimulate crime by creating
an idea in the minds of tho vicious.
Tie Committee Fnrnisli Wort For a
Thousand Men.
si:. 1 1. t'ATCiiisa commkscet.
Special by tho California Associated Pbess
San Francisco, March 15. Tho
committee to aid the unemployed ha3
provided employment for two hundred
more men to-day, making 1,000 that
have been furnished with employ
ment. Nor more than 200 more have
applied for work and it is now believed
that virtually all immediate distress
has been relieved. Many of the appli
cants unsnpplied with work aro farm
hands nnd sailors who attempted to
take advantage of an opportunity to
secure work in the city in preference
to their usual occupation.
A Ponerral Coalition.
Special to Tuk Astokiax.
San Francisco, Mar. 15. It i3re
IKrted on good authority that a com
bination has been made between the Bis
don Iron works and tho Pacific Roll
ing mills of this city that will enable
the former to compete with the Union
works for future contracts for the con
duction of TJ. S. war vessels.
Harmon Must Espials Xattera.
Special to The Astoriax.1
San Francisco, Mar. 15. Warren
F. Harmon who was formerly engaged
in the manufacture of bed springs was
arrested to-day charged with forgery,
on complaint of Jacob Rauer's. Har
mon presented a note for eighteen
hundred dollars bearing what
purported to be tho signature of War
ren Jones, carpet manufacturer at
Eureka, Cal., to Rauer and asked him
to discount it As Jones is rated
well in commercial circles, Rauer dis
counted the note forSl,550. When
he sent it to Eureka for collection,
Jones repudiated it and declared it to
be a forger)-. Harmon was informed
of tho fact but ho made no effort to
return the money and Rauer fearing
he was going to leave town, had him
arrested. Harmon said he received
the note from a man named Trow
bridgo in whose favor it was drawn.
Ii. B. OBelals at Del Coronado.
Special to The Astorian.
San Diego, March 15. The Trans
continental association met at hotel
Del Coronado at 10 o'clock this morn
ing, but as there was no quorum they
adjourned to Monday at the same
time. Only a few of the railroad men
have arrived.
Victoria, B. C, March 15. Advices
from Clayoquet sound state that the
sealing schooners have begun opera
tions. Up to the fifth of March six
schooners have caught 563 seals.
Secretary Tracy fill Not stand.
Any FooMness,
coxaitESsioyAz ritocEEnixcs.
Special b7 Tho California Associated Press
Washington, March 15. In the
house to-day, Lodge, of Massachusetts
introduced a bill providing that when
500 -voters shall ask for it by petition
the United States shall by supervi
sions take charge of tho election of the
members of congress. Detailed ar
rangements are made for conducting
elections. Dalziell, of Pennsylvania,
offered a resolution calling on the sec
retary of the treasury- to report
whether tho government holds now
or ever held the first mortgage bonds
of tho Pacfic railroads given by the
government in aid of their construc
tion. The President's Proclamation.
Special to Tiik AsroitiAXj
Wasktngtox, March 15. The
president to-day issued a proclamation
ordering intruders on the Cherokee
strip to leave as the lands are still be
longing to Indians and not to the
United States. The Oklahoma bill
now pending in Congress, does
affect ihe status of these lands.
Successor Appointed.
Special to Tnc astokiax.
Washington March 15. Tho pres
ident has app ted Angus Cammeron
of Wisconsin commissioner to negoti
ate with the Cherokee and other In
dians for certain lands, in place of
Lucius Fairchild resigned.
The Senator Proposes to Inresllsate
Special to Tun Astorian.j
Washington March 15. Secretary
Tracy is making it lively for the de
linquent bureau officers of bis depart
ment. He assisted in rather an in
teresting scene at the department yes
terday afternoon, during which he
and paymaster-general, of the navy,
Commodore FnJton, had some warm
words that led to a presentation of
the lattera resignation, tos chief of the
bureau of provisions and clothing.
Tho secretary did not hesitate about
accepting it, bnt forwarded it at once
to tho president for final action.
Thi3 morning, just before ho left
the city, he designated Commodore
Dewey, chief of the bureau on equip
ment and recruiting, to act as paymaster-general,
pending appointment of
Commander Fulton's successor. The
exact reason for disagreement cannot
be learned. Unnecessary delays in
various works havo come sharply to
the notice of the secretary, and it is
considered likely that tho
sceno at the department yesterday
and his departure this morning for
Norfolk indicates that it is the inten
tion to make a personal investigation
into the system that may result in
some radical changes. His visit to
Norfolk is understood to bo to investi
gate the causes of tho delay in tho
completion of tho new cruiser Balti
more which is receiving her finishing
touches at Portsmouth. This expedi
tion is thought to bo the inauguration
of an extremely vigorous policy in
future with relation to domestic affairs
of his department
Eulogies Over CoDsressraan Kelly.
Special to The Astorian.1
Washington, March 15. After the
passage of several measuresl the house
at 2 o'clock took tho eulogies of late
representative Kelly.
The Colombia River Bridge Bill.
Special to Tub Astorian.
Washington, March 15. House has
concurred in tho senate amendments
to the bill giving the Oregon and
Washington Bridge company tho right
to build bridges across tho Columbia
Killed Ity a Locomotlre.
Special to The Astorian.
Jackson, Mich., March 15. While
Henry Purley, wife and daughter wero
attempting to cross tho Michigan Cen
tral tracks near here in a buggy to-day
they wero struck by tho engine and all
threo instantly killed.
The Mississippi Hirer Falling.
Special to The Astorian.1
Cairo, HI., March 15. The river is
falling and the Mobile & Ohio railroad
is running trains from Wickliffe to
Cairo over the tracks of tho Illinois
Central on account of the embank
ment on their road becoming weak
through wash of water. The weather
is cloudy and very cold.
Less Water nt Xcw Orleans.
Special to The Astobian.
New Orleans, March 15. The
work of protection against the advanc
ing waters is being actively pushed
forward to-day. The most serious
crevasse now along tho Louisana
levees is in the St. James parish on
the lino of the Mississippi Valley road.
The water has not risen appreciably
since last mgnt anu in spue oi many
bad places in front, the draining
machines are keeping the citj- clear of
Trust Co., Portland Ag'ts.
Xo Preseae of Xntd Tfctre.
Special to Tiik Astoxiak'.I
Uax Crrr, Mich March 15. A
dwelling house occupied by the fam
ilies of John Nadon and Thos. Logan,
caught fire this morning. Mrs. Logan
fainted and her husband in an excited
moment threw her out of the window,
fatally injuring her. The seven year
old daughter of Nadon who was over
looked perished in the flames.
Is It Taseott!
Special toTuK Astoriax.1
BAI.TMOBE, Md., March 15. A man
has been arrested here for theft who
claims that he is Tascott, though going
by the name of Minary.
A Fatal Boiler Explesloa.
Special to The Astoeiax.1
Pittsburg, March 15. A boiler ex
ploded near Carbondale at noon to
day. Two men were torn to pieces
and several badly injured. Three or
four of tho injured will probably die.
The explosion was in tho boilers of the
Northwest colliery.
A Bridge Catastrophe.
Special to The Astorian.
Saratoga, March 15. A bridge in
course of construction at Glenn's Fall,
fell this morning with a number of
persons, two of whom were killed and
several injured; three others were
seen going down the stream clinging
to the wreck.
Corbett Goes to Xew York.
Special to The astori anJ
Chicago, March 15. James Cor
bett, tho pugilist who whipped Eol
rain, passed through here this even
ing, enroute for New York, where
ho will meet allcomers.
Strikes Expected in Chicago.
Special by Tho California Associated Press.
Chicago, March 15. The labor sit
uation is growing worse, daily. The
carpenters and cigar makers expect to
inaugurate their strike at an early date.
It is likely to spread to other trades.
as all are in favor of eight hours per
Fatal Landslide in New York.
Special to The Astorian.
Trot, N. Y., March 15. A landslide
at Warren's hill this morning de
stroyed a double two-story brickhouso
on Haverman avenue, occupied by
four families. Annie Burns, aged 8;
Mrs. Canton, an old lady; and Mrs.
Hogan, her daughter, were taken out
dead, and several wero rescued badly
Challenge to a British Yacht.
Special to The Astoria-.
New York, March 15. A formal
challenge to Lord Dunraven to bring
the Valkyrie over to race with the
crack American second class sloop
yachts, went to England to-day. The
contents of tho challenge is not made
public. It is sent by the owners of
several yachts in a personal capacity.
A Base Ball Decision.
Special to The Astorian.j
PhtladeiiPhia, Pa., March 15. A
preliminary victory has been won by
the base ball brotherhood here,
Judge Thayer having sustained the
demurrer against granting an injunc
tion to restrain shortstop Hallman
from playing with any club except the
Philadelphia League club.
Strikers on tie Weir, Joined By
Tees ani Tyne Engineers.
Special by California Associated Frcss.
St. Petersburg, March 15. Intel
ligence received from Afghanistan
states that thero is a revolution against
Abdurrahman Khan, ameer of that
country. A number of revolting cour
tiers of the ameer were captured by
troops who remained loyal and were
beheaded by order of the ameer. Many
other courtiers fled to Russia, and at
last accounts they, with other revolt
ers, were gathering on the frontier of
Labor Strikes la Eaglaad.
Special to The Astorian.
London, March 15. The engineers
on the Weir river have joined the
strike of the engineers of the Tees and
Tyne rivers for a reduction of the
hours of labor. The coal miners at
Yorkshire, Lancashire and Derby
shire, struck to-day for an advance in
wages and a number of masters ac
ceededtothe demands.
A Tast Array of Strikers.
Special to The Astorian.
London, March 15. Twelve thous
and Nottingham miners have joined
in tho strike to advance wages.
Precautions Against Trouble.
Special to The Astoriax.
Liverpool, March 15. The dock
laborers here now on a Btrike, to-day
assumed such a menacing attitude
that orders were issued for troops to
hold themselves in readiness to sup
press any demonstration that may
occur, and the authorities also ordered
the closing of all inns.
Additional Telegraph on Fourth Page
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