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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (March 15, 1890)
4 - 'it, K?f m She glaUg gtstoriatu ASTOXtfA, OKEGCS: satuud.v MARCH 15.18S0J ISSUED EVERY MORNING. (Monday excepted.) J. F- HAL.L.ORAK &: COMPANY. Publisher :iud 1'ioprietors. ASTOSIAN HfIUIN. C'AJ-S STUKET. Terras of Subscription. Ser'l by Carrier, er week Sen: ly Mall. jer month ....... Sn: by MaH. one ... Frro'of otasc to subscriber. 15 ctg GOCIS 1 -'w Tuk Atokian suaratitiv s to it: adver tivir tlie larger oitciil.i'ioii of any nowspa-l-r published m the Columbia river. CITY AND COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER Comparison is constantly and cor tliollv invited. Mr. .lacob Strauss has bought business of Bergman ic Marion. the Sheriff Smith has already received lut S 13,000 in payment of taxe-. There wore forly-six passengers who wont up the river hist night on the II. I!. Thompsou. The noie made by the loom of a town is jjenenilly identical with the rojKrt r a newspaper. Tun WnnKijY Ahtokiax, a twelve Igi epitome of the week's news, is published this morning. The first day's receipts of the elec tric mad at Victoria, B. C, were $330, a trifle over SS9 to each air. City Assessor Wright is busy with his blanks and will shortly make some remarks appropriate to the occasion. A Button man has contracted with the ieople of Seattle to build a S100, lk9 shoe shop mid have it running by next August. i. J. Coodmati has bought lot 9 from the Astoria Exchange company, for $-l,r00, and will erect a commo dious structure thereon. The new electric lights have a line vlXcci when viewed from tho water front, and light up the residence and business iortions of the city. The Astoria drum corps got their new uniforms yesterday. They are nobby, and will show up in great shape at the ball on St. Patrick's night August. Nils J. and Otto Nilson arc the names of three Swedes who yester day declared their intention to become citizens of Uncle Sam's broad domain. "Can a reasonable man believe the Bible?" This question will be dis cussed to-morrow evening by Bev Dr. Cnxnpltell at the Presbyterian church. Eastern Oregon papers arc urging those who want to be candidates before the county convention to put cards in the aforesaid papers making such an nouncements. W. 1L Scheibe is fitting up a neat place and will next week open cigar factor- No. 14S, district of Oregon. Here is a home production thatshonld le patronized by Astoriaus. Messrs. Granger tHallouquist have formed a business copartnership, and have a neat office in McGowan Bros. & Tuttle's office. They are clever young men :ind will do well. The four o'clock service at Grace church will le omitted this afternoon owing to the abseuco of the rector. The boy's and girl's guilds will meet as usual; services Sunday also. Last evening the police arrested Harry Hanson, known as Hoodlum Harry, charged with being drunk. In addition to this he was insulting and indecent towards a young lady, and greatly frightened her. The Columbia foundry was running successfully yesterday, when some of the packing blew out of the engine, allowing quite an escape or steam, but it did not stop the work, and several hundred sash weights were cast The proclamation issued by the president warns persons against enter ing the waters of Behriug sea within the dominion of the United States Xor the purpose of violating the provisions of section 195 or the revised statutes. A ph.t of land designated as Astoria ;-.n!mrh.i was yesterday filed in the of !uv of the county clerk by Archibald A. and Mary M.Schenck." It is the E. . of the S. W. i4 and N. W. f of the S. E. , or section 2i), T. 8 N.. K. 8 W., and contains 21 lots. C-ipt U. B. Scott, of the Tvltphone, has been over on the Sound this week, in counuection with the project of building a $70,000 steamer for the Olympia Steam Navigation company, tins summer to alternate with the Fleelirvorf on the Olvmpia-Tacoma route. j Prospect Park, Prospect Park Ex tension, and Spring Hill Extension to Prosiect Park, are the names of three pieces of land, the plats of which were tiled yesterday in the office of the county clerk, by Charles S. Dow. Thev include the'N. E. I4 of section :U, T. S NM K. J W., and contain sev eral hundred lots. There was a change in the weather program yesterday, the fine days talc ing a back seat and allowing a small sized rain to come to the front It was a kind of listless, lazy rain, com ing down as easily as if it were en tirely void of any ambition, and con sequently was of no account in check ing the wheels of progress. The Columbian has made itself the laughing stock of the town. Af ter all its blowing and bragging about its "exclusive franchise," its few little cribbed items do look slim when com pared with the full associated press report received by The Morning Astoriax. Come over boys, and we'll loan you a few. No ill feeling here. There are four Ms on a silver dol lar, two plainly vkible one eacb in the words TJnum and America, another less distinct at tho base of the neck of the Goddess of Liberty, and the fourth on the left curve of the knot that binds the wreath, together on the reverse side of the coin. Thelast is hardly visible to the naked eye. Mr. Morgan was the designer and engraver of the die, and the small M represents the initial of his name. W. S. Duval succeeds Alfred Stall nan as manager of the Pacific Insur ance union. Dnval will make m his headquarters in Portland. He is a thrcghhcL A good many years ago he dropped in ob Pine street, San Jtzawasoo, and began operating mining slocks. He cleaned up about 51,000,000, but went in for a final coup d'etat, and came out dead broke. He was discliarrrojl rniWl nnd ia ! strictly business. The incoming steamer has no mail aboard, and when ex-Gov. Perkins was asked, in San Francisco, why this was so he said: "Well, the Rovernment can't afford it. They are going to send mail overland hereafter, and the peo ple in Portland and Astoria will not get any mail for some time, in my opinion. We have sent by steamer about fifty letters written bv people who imvrt ir faifli ti 41io tii!t-i1 -tmif-a irl 'would not send their letters in the t ri mi.. t !!. l t many, xuujanubu uvuruiuuui, uow- ever, continues to pay us for bringing mail to this city from British Colum bia, and it pays about S30 per sack, while we charge the United States only alxmt 10. The department could not afford that" PERSONAL MENTION. J. L. Smiley, of Eureka, Wash., is in the city. Mrs. G. W. Bucker has roturned from a visit to Portland. E. 11. Flagg, editor aud proprietor of the Forest Grove Demorrat, is in the city. J. 31 Shepard, commissioner ot immigration for Oregon, is in this city on his way to San Francisco. James Crawford, of Vancouver, has received the appointment of fish com missioner. The salary or the office is $2,000 per year. The genial proprietor of Bucker's restaurant, no longer wears a discou solate look, for his wife has relumed from her visit to Portland. Capt .1. Ml Olsen arrived from Shoalwater bay yesterday, having turned over the command of the Po lar Hear to George Whitcomb. Mis3 Minnie Petrie, who has been visiting friends in this city, leaves this morning on tho steamer for Sau Fran cisco, for her home in Wheatland, Cal. W. F. Cuthbertson has returned from engineer Habersham's camp. On the summit the snow was six feet deep, and traveling through it was the reverse of pleasant Mr. C. sails altont the 1st, for Melbourne. MARINE NEWS AND NOTES. The schooner lierllc Minor sailed for Sau Francisco yesterday with a cargo of lumber. The schooner Web foot arrived at Knappton yesterday from up the river, to load lumber for San Francisco. The steamer Willamette arrived in the harbor yesterday, en ronte to Port lond with 2000 tons or coal from Se attle. The little schooner Columbia came down the river yesterday with a cargo of wood, to be landed at the llwaco dock. The tug lloniUi went up the river yesterday, towing the barge Columbia Chief, laden with general cargo from the Belle of Hath. The tug Hunter arrived yesterday from Gray's Harbor for the machinery for the Northwestern Lumber com pany's mill, and starts back to-day. Captain Dan McVicar reported yes terday havingboarded the British seal ing schooner Maggie Mar. outside the bar. All hands were well. The crew had caught 175 seah. The Telephone to-day makes her last trip for some time, leaving for Portland at 0 a. m., when she will lay up for repairs. It is expected that the Lurlinc will take her place while she is being refitted. Two T.iir of Mongolian PIicaant. A. L. Fox expects this evening to receive two pairs of Mongolian pheas ants, which he will turn loose on Jacob Kamm's farm at Olney. If they are not molested they will rapidly increase, and hunters should bear in mind that whoever shoots one of these bird is subject to a fine of $50, as they are protected by a state law. In a few years they will become so numer ous "that the legal restriction will be removed, and then they can bo shot. They are fine eating when properly cooked, better than a chicken. In Linn and Marion counties in the Wil lamette "valley they abound in great numbers. . Valuable Cargo for England. Tho British ship Pattlerdale cleared for Liverpool with a cargo valued at $86,817.G7, of which nearly half was from this port, as will bo seen by tho follewing: FKOM l'OUTLAMJ. Wheat 17.833 sicks, valued at. Flmir 7.VJ-. ' ' " ' Tola front i'ottUin.l PllOM ASTOIiIA. Salmon 7.000 case, valued at .... Flour 2.K.I sacks, S30-&25 18 4 15.321 VJ 546.149 C7 , fTo.OCO 00 5 GG8 00 Si'c 00 A Phrase Originated by Geo. II. Prentice. Years ago Visscher was private sec retary and amanuensis of tho famous George D. Prentice, who said to Will one day: "A great newspaper, a great hotel aud a great theater will rally a city about them in a wilderness." "You will see," said the colonel'how this will work. We are going to get out a great paper in Fairhaven, the great hotel is building, and a man has promised to pnt tip a $10,000 theater, so I consider that we are goiug to have a great town nt Fairhaven." Seattle Prest. Passengers to Portland. The following is the list of passen gers who went up the river last night on the steamer Ji. It. Thompsen: Miss Carnahan, Miss Smith, H. Buppa and wife, Ben Young, J. W. Gearhart, L Stevens, J. F. Cox and wife, C. C. Fallenius, A. Brock, J. O. Hanthorn, (J. H. Warner, W. JS. Jbrost, d. J. weiK, F. B. Williams, C. Taylor. W. O. Young, T. Wright, F. Turk, 0. M. Coleman, L. Bellinger, H. Livingston and wife, C. C. Hancock, A. Coucher Geo. Jennings, H. B. Smith, Abe Wing, J. Doland, H. S. McGowan, F. J. Carney, L. N. Eckland .and wife, Mrs. W. W. Parker, Miss LeGrand, A. Fenner, T. Tolson, O. Thompson, Mrs. Peanuts, D. P. Williams, M. John, J. C. Barrett, A. Schuring, J. A. Cook, Prof. M. L. Pratt A fair trial of Hood's Sarsaparilla for scrofula, salt rheuni, or any affection caused by impure blood or low state of the system, will be sufficient to convince any of the superior and peculiar cura tive powers of this medicine. Buy it of your druggist 100 Doses One Dollar. 11 Meals Ckc4 f rer. .Private rooms for ladies and families: at Central Restaurant, next to Foard & Stokes'. The value of Pleasant View property is becominc apparent Pleasant View Is irood nronertv to bur. either for resl- in I dmot or investment. SOME SALMON SURMISES,' A Sew Featnre in tie April Salmon Business. JfJI. I T C-lA-VTlf .S A Xl OTHKliS SA Y. Will Salmon Sell for Fifty Cent-? Apiece In April? The close season on the Columbia river ends in sixteen days, but, so far, the canners have made little move toward beginning active operations. A little twine has been given out, and a little has been bought by outside fishermen, jjjut up to the present, few orders have been placed as compared with other years. The price of $1.25 a fish, coupled with the lifeless condition of the sal mon business, and the reported negoti ations of the English syndicate, tend to further deaden any forward move ment It is thought there Avill be some gill net fishing done in April, though the snags and drift are usually disastrous to gear,. It sounds strange to hear it said that salmon will sell for 50 cents apiece in Astoria next mouth, but that is just what a Astokiax re porter heard asserted yesterday morn ing by a gentleman whose iosition gives'weight to his words. Inquiry developed a new feature in the salmon business on the lower Columbia. A good many gill-net fishermen will lake chances on April fishing, and have agreed with Portland fish dealers to dispose of their cstch to them for 3 cents a pound in unlimited quantities; that is, ivalhch Bros, and one or two other Portland fish dealers are re ported to have agreed to take nil that the fishermen will furnish them at this figure. Should the fish come in freely dur ing the first week, the inevitable result will be a glut, for if, say 200 boils, each get four or five salmon a night, they will overstock the Portland local market It is said that in that event, two Astoria canneries have agreed to take all the overplusofTthe Portland men's hands, so that, if it turn out as antici pated, it may be that salmon would bo secured at a figure in the neighbor hood of fifty cents. Mr. Alderman, representing the syn dicate of which so much has been said, is quoted as saying that in case they consummate the purchase of the can neries as contemplated, the number of canneries in active oieration will be eight, and that the number of fisher men ou tho river will be so restricted that tho men actually employed will be able to make good wages, prefer ence being given to resident fishermen. Tho canneries of Win. Hume, and Hapgood & Co. are mentioned among those that the syndicate will have dif ficulty in securing. "The future of the salmon business on the lower Columbia, will be an easy one to prophesy,'' said a prom inent canner yesterday, "it this rule is put into rigid operation, viz: that the words 'Columbia river salmon' appear on no can that doesn't contain genu ine cliinook salmon." That comprises the law and the profits, and is the keynote of the situ ation. The best salmon in the world, pnt up in the best manner, will always be sought for by those who recognize its superiority, and are willing to pay for u, anu man is me iraae 10 wnicii it pays to cater. Negroes on the New Orleans docks, and navvies on Geor gia railroads don't care if it is spring salmon, straight goods, all wool and a yard wide, or do-overs, or inferior stuff from away over yonder, so they can buy it from a grocer who can re tail it at a dollar and a quarter a dozen, but with those who appreciate a prime article, the price is a secondary consid eration. To prostitute a brand, or put up salmon bearing a Columbia river la bel that isn't Al in every respect is suicidal, and a smaller pack at gilt edged figures, is better than efforts at competition in cheap markets with cheap fish. Ben Young started for Liverpool last night. His tussle with Hughes k Co., will be viewed with interest by several in the salmon business, who've "been there.' The reclamation racket has been worked by English agents for all it is worth in years gone by, but the day is pnst wiien it can io maue to cut any ngure. Tii!ro were uoium bia salmon canners last season, who didn't have a dozen cases of 'do overs" in their entire pack, and the averago for the past few years has been one eighth of one percent This high per- iVMifrjrr.- nt nprfvf. nnlmir ;irrlinj tn Fraser river aud other streams as well, for the men who manage the busiuess all along the coast from the Oregon the yellow or the jonquil or Uie ileli liue to the Arctic circle are men who cate green foliage about lilacs and thoroughly learned their hnsinpss on lilies of the valley. In most instances the Columbia river. Lively Day in Ileal Ftate. It is a matter of congratulation to glance at the real estate transfers in another column and see how fast they are increasing in this city. Yesterday there were filed twenty-five deeds, the considerations amouutingto $GG,778, and this Is really far short of the value as in several of the deeds the only 1 amount given was one dollar, one very valuable list of property was a gift deed from mother to son, and another tract 830,000, and possibly even more than that, is counted at only 5. It is therefore safe to estimate that the actual value of real estate transfers in this city yesterday was 8125,000 or more. Etipcpsy-. This is what you ought to haw, in fact, you must have it, to fully enjov life. Thousands are searching for ft daily, and mourning because they find it not Thousands upon thousands of dollars are spent annually by our peo ple in the hope that they may attain this boon. And jet it may be had by all. We guarantee that Electric Bitters, if used according to directions and the use persisted in, will bring you Good Digestion aud oust the demon djspep siaand instead Eupepsy. We recom mend Electric Bitters for Dvspepsia and all diseases of Liver, Stomach and Kidneys. Sold at 50c. and SL00 per bot tle by J. "W. Conn, Druggist De 1fea Like m Gee Clear? Call at Charley Olsen's, east of C. B. Cooper's. He will suit you. A fine stock of cigars to select lrom. A. Talented JLcctHrcr. Mrs. Dr. Orpha Baldwin, of Cleveland Ohio, National Superintendent of Her edity and Hygiene, will lecture in this city on Friday evening, March 2lst at Rescue Club hall. This ladv has a na tional reputation as a bright entertain ing speaker, and all who do not attend will miss a treat The latest style of Gents' Boots and Shoes at p. j. Goodman's. KEAIj ESTATE TRANSFERS. XARCII 14. As Filed in The County Iicronlcr's Office Yesterday. M. M. Dee to James Taltou tract 5, being 5 acres in Chelsea, N. Ebennan's D L C S M. Young and wife to La vina Tatton lots 1 and 2, blk 16, Young's Addu to Alderbrook Lane Johnson to W. E. Warren all of blk 1G ex cept lots 1 to S, Williams port Mar- H. Leinenweber to Laura P. Adair lots M and 19, blks -11, Adair's Upper Astoria Caroline A-and Jacob Kamm ct al to J. H. D.Gray lots 1, 2. 3 aud 4, blk 102, 01 ney's extension McClnre's Astoria ". Wm. B. and Mary L. Adair to Andrew Swanston, and David and Grace Hors burg lots 7 and 8, blk 21, Adair's Upper Astoria. . . D. H. Welch and wife and J. Q. A. Bowlbv and wife to P. L. Gerow lot 2, blk 20. Astor Addition D. II. Welch and wife and J. Q. A. Bowlbv and wife toA.Wiudello"t3,blk20, Astor Addition 1L W. Hamblin and wife to I. W. Case, Trustee D.' c. C. or Ira II. and Jane McKean, 200 acres S Louis Verhaag to C. 11. Page, loLs 1, 2, 7. and 8, blk 112,01ney's extension of John McClnre's As toria 500 100 300 :iso ao 30 it) 000 1 ' , . , l,00t) Maxwell Young and wife t Geo. BaLston. lota 12 and 12, blk 15, Young's add to Alderbrook Marv Ann Adair to W. U. Adair blks 130, 1G2, 143, 151, 14G. and lots'), 10,31, 12, 13, 11, 15, 16, 17, IS, 36, 37, 33, 49, 40. 41,12, 13. 41, 45, and46, blk 167, and lots 5, 6, 7, S, 9,10, 11, 12. 11, and 14, fractional bll: 173. Marv Ann Adair's S. add to upper Astoria. Gift . C. Jeffers and wife to D. E W. Sears and E. C. Hoyt. SW-4 of SE.j,see30,T 8N,B9 W Oregon Land Co. to C. .1. Stanton S blk 11, Pa cific add. including lots 13, to 24 inclusive U. A. Smith, sheriff, to A. J. Swahn, K$ of SW?4' and S1 of NWlf sec 8, T 7 N,"B9W,160acres Laura P. Adair to Wright & Harris, lots 14 and 19, blk 41, John Adair's Upper Astoria E. P. Thompson to .1. L. Hayseth, lots 7 and S, blk 15, Warrenton add D. IL Welch and wife and J. Q. A. Bowlbv and wire to M. Delancy,lot 24, blk 47, Astor add L W. Case, trustee, to E. K. Habersham, lots 5 and 6, tract 2, blk 23, Hustler & Akin's add W. E. Warren to Frank Spit tle, lots 1, 2, 9 and 10, blk 6, Williamsport Florence L. Wadleigh to Edward Kraehmer, lot 14, blk 1, snbdn of blk 20, 01 uey's add Florence L. Wadleigh to F. S. Cornelias, A.Contnrc and W. Porter, lots 31,32. 33, 31, 35, 3G, 47, 33, 39 and 40, blk 2, snbdn of blk 20, Olney' add Charles S. Dow and wife to E. D. Cusick, block 4, Prospect Park addition. . M. Nowlen and wife to Oli ver Stewart, lots 4 and 5 sec20.NVlf of NW1., sec 29, also S1 of, NJ & SWlf sec 29, and part o"f SK of SWif see 29, 317.59 acres, more or less, all in T8N, B9W Oliver Stewart and wife to t,:"ifl: 250 GOO 310 33 S00 200 2,000 oOO 23,000 -George Eckler, et al., same as above 5 Previously reported this year...'. 1,03G,3S3 Total to date. Sl,103,ini FilEsil FASHION XOTKri. For service, beauty and style, the long ulster is the b-.-st selection to make for a March wrap. Tablecloth? are again plain spotless .trp.m1 tvliilo K'tpnta mv mmln with hemstitched edges and ruffle of lace ; or embroidery. There are dead-black handkerchiefs for mourning toilets and solid colors to match the new dress goods., all in cambric and fine linen, but not in the best taste. All the favor flowers are tied with ! ribbons that match the purple of the I violet, the pink of the la France ro3es, I J the ribbon streamers cost more than , the lxuquet itself. The young women of the period af fect sweet simplicity in dress for all occasions, and especially on the street Some of the hats are almost baro of trimming, the costume is plain and all manner of jewelry frowned at. All this, while lwiug admirable, is inex pensive and distinctive. A --rrai orPapi-rhuvcs Jtler I.i fe ll was just an ordinary scrap of wrap ping paper, hut it saved her life. She was in the last stages of consumption, told by physicians that she was incura ble niul could live only a short time; die weighed les than r-cventy pounds. On a piece or wrapping paper she real of Dr. King's New Discovery, and got a sample bottle; it helped her,.sho bought a larger iKittle, it helped her more, bought another and grew belter fast, continued its use and is now dicing, healthy, rosy, plump, weighing U0 pounds. For fuller particulars send stamp to W. II. Cole, Druggist, Fort Smith. Trial Bottles of this wonderful Discovery Free at J. W. Conn's Drug store. ADVICE TO MOTIIEKS. Mns. Wixslow's SooTmxo Svuup should always be used for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind chohcandis thebesl remedy fordiar-rhoea.Twenty-five conts a bottle. TcXcnlieneLedijins; Mouse. Best Beds in town. Booms per night 50 and 23 cts., per week S1.50. New and clean. Private entrance. r.iullow's ladies' S3.00 Fine Shees: also flexible hand-turned French Kids, at P. J. Goodman's. H, Coffee and cake, ten cents. Central Restaurant at the FHralsbcA Reem to Rent, On the ground floor, with a bay win dow. Inquire at this office. CbilireiCryiwPitckerOastoriii Scaly Skin Diseases I'sortaais S years, roreriiijr ""C, head antt entire body with tchite scabs. Skin rrd, itchy and bleeding. Hair all gone. Spent hundreds o f dollars, l'ronounecd incurable. Cured byCutieuraJlemedies Cured by Cuticura My disease (psoriasis) first broke out on my left cheek, spreading across my nose and almost covering my face. It ran into my eyes and my physician was afraid I would lose my eyesight altogether. It spread all over my head and my hair all fell out, until I was entirely bald-headed ; it then broke out on my arms and shnuldersuntil my arms were just one sore. It covered my entire body, my face, head and shoulders belnp the worst. The white scabs fell constantly from my head, shoulders and arms; the skin , wouiu iiiicKen anu De rea ana very ucuy, mill wntilil rraolr nml hlperi If 5imthiil- AftersHendins nvwv hundreds of dollars 1 was pronounced incurable. 1 heard of the CirricuitA Khmkdies. and after using two bottles CtrricuiiA Kesolvht I coulJ see a change ; and alter I had taken four bottles I was almost cured ; and when I had used six bottles of Cuticura Kksolvext and one box of Cuuicura, and one cake of Cut icunvSoAr.I was cured of the dreadful ILscaae from which I had suffered for Ave years. 1 thought the disease would leave a very deep sear, but the Cuticura Keme oins cured it without any scars. I cannot cxrre:s with a pen what 1 suffered before uslm: the Cutipcka Kemkdies. They saved my life, and I felt it my duty to rec ommend th?ni. My hair is restored as good as ever anil so Is my eyesight. I know of others who haw received threat benefit from their use. Mrs. K03A KELLY. Kockwell City, Iowa. Cuticura Resolvent, The new Wood and Skin iniriileraud purest and bast of humor remedies, internally, aud Cirrici'RA. the great Skin Cure, and Cuti- ctTRA Soaiviii exouLslte Skin lteaiitifier. ex tniatly have cured thousands of cas-es where the shedding of scales measured a quart daily, the .skin cracked, bleeding Inirn:ug .-iiui itching almost beyond human endnnuue hair litele.vs or all cone, suffering terrible. What other remedies have made mi.Mi cures? Sold even-where. Price, Cuticura, SOc; Seai2jc: Kesolvext, St. Prepared by the Pottkii Druo axd Chemical Corpora tion. Boston. iB-Send for "How to Cure Skin Diseases." jt;()ictpaga,.iOHhLstrations;uidlOOtestlmonlais. niUl'LT'S. black heads, red, rough, chap rilil 1 wil and oily skin prevented byCtT iri:uA .Soap. IT STOPS THE PAIN. I'ack-ache. kidney pains, weak ness, rheumatism and muscular pains rclfetvil m one minute hy the Ciitteura Antl-Paln Flakier. Tlietlrstniid only instantaneous pain-kill ing pfciMcr. -OF TIIE mpaip 57: OF ew Goods ! -ItECElVKI) AT- HERMAN WISE -THE- Old BeliaDle Clothier ana Hatter Occident Hotel Building. u OPEN NG Spring Ge r ' ; 1 ON Expected j ew Spring Goods WBiJSSCJt Ht -CyftOPBltt,. Third street. Leading Dry Goods and Clothing MORGAN & CO.. The Leading Shoe House FOR A GOOD SHOE FOR LADIES' OR GENTS1 WEAR GO TO MORGAN & CO., Mansells New Building, - Water Street, Astoria, Or DO MIEiffi CLOTHES? :N"03Kt Door torFoard c& HAVE A Large Stock of Mens and Boy's Clothing,';Hats, Caps, Boots That will suit yon in size and price. We cannot bo PHIL. A. STOKES& CO., EASTIKH In consequence of the demand for those beautiful lerel lots, Mr. P. C. Warren has been Induced to plat nlnety-slx lots Adjoining Warrenton on the East. Which will be known and sold as East Warrenton ! THE RAILROAD runs through tho plat, which is only 200 yards from the Warrenton depot. For further Information call at once on the ASTORIA REAL ESTATE CO. BARGAINS Lots in Tract 3 of the beautiful suburb of CHELSEA, only Ave minutes walk from the steamer landinjrat Sklpanon and terminus or A. & S. C. iCR. These lots are GOxlOO feet, on the first bench above the tide land, are clear and level, and good water obtainable within ten feet of surface. Prices from SCO to $"." ; 20 down, balance $10 per month. Ten Acres, suitable for platting, clear and level ; on county road and within easy drive of Astoria. Front Corner Residence IM In Block No. 90, Olneys. Six Lots in Block 9, ADAIR'S ASTORIA, running ctear through the block, and mak ing a line residence site. 100x150. Only one hluck from Columbia river and street car lino. Price. 31, 050, part cash. J. H. MAN8ELL, Real Estate Broker. Marshall & Co., Salmon it Twines MANUKA CTUIIKD 1Y GEO. A. CLARK & BROS., NEW JERSEY. For Sale by JD. SMITH, A sent, onice at Wherry & Co's. Thompson & Ross Carry a Fnll Line of Choice Staple and Fancy Groceries. Give Us a Call and Be Convinced. Morgan Sherman GBOCERS And Dealers la Caieryjijlies! Special Attention CIvento Filling Of Orders. A FULL LINE. CARRIED And Supplies furntaaed at Satis factory Toss. Purchases delivered In aay part of the city. Office and Warehouie In Hume's NwBulMlBg ob Water Street. P. O. Box 153. TelepBoae No. 87. ASTASIA, KECWH. THE ROAD! to Arrive OVER FIFTY OASES 1-13:. IF SO REMEMBER THAT Crisp $0,S30 House and Lot on First Street, Business Property. Cheap. $375 to $325 Lots in Block 20, Hustler & Aiken's Astoria. Yery deslraWe. $8S Corner Lot in .McClure's Astoria. Beautiful residence Lot $375 to $500 -Lots in Alderbrook, on water front. $3,000 Eighty Acres on Klaskanine. Nice home. $120 Per Acre Ninety Acres, near town, suitable for platting. If You Don't See Your Particular Snap, Call and See Us. Heal Estate Odd Fellows' Building, Wholesale Wine House. Fine Wines, Choice Brands. I have completed arrangements for supplying any brand of "Wine in any quantity at lowest cash figures. The Trade Supplied, Families Supplied. ALL ORDERS DELIVERED FREE IN ASTORIA. Your patronage in City or Country solicited. A. W. UTZINGER. Cosmopolitan Saloon. THE PEAVEY PATENT CANT OOQ. HJLBIGHOB.ST & CONV&XTT, Successors to KIRK SHELDON. HEADQUARTERS FOB LOGGERS' SUPPLIES. Agency for ATKINS' CELEBRATED SAWS. LANDER'S LOGGING JACKS. GENERAL HARDWARE. 151 Front Street, PORTLAND, OR. L.A. GlSAXGER. GRANGER & HALL0NQUIST, Civil : Engineers : and : Surveyors Special Rates for Townsite and Addition Work. Offlce with McGowan Bros. & Tuttle, ManselPs New Building. H. W. Strickler, M. B. DEALER IN Pure Drugs, Toilet Articles, Etc Prescription Cleric speaks Four different Languages. General practice of Medici no attended to by the Doctor. Second Street, near Postoulcc. Flp, the Tailor. KEEPS IN Finest Woolen Goods for Suiting! ALL THE LATEST STYLES. He buys for Cash, at Eastern Prices. He Guarantees the Best WorkBM on all garments. Call and see for yourselves. Barth's Block, Astoria. House of Astoria PHIL. 1. STIES & CO.,, and Shoes, Underwear, Etc., undersold. Water Street, Astoria, Or Snaps. f.0110 irok.er0v ASTORIA, OJR. XT W. L. IIAIXOXQUIST P.O. Box 721. ASTORIA, - OREGON Wm. B. Adair, REAL ESTATE AGENT. N. E. Cor. Olney and Third Sts. P. O. Box 436. Particular attention given to Properties in Upper Astoria ; also to purchase of Tra.-y her Lands. STOCK THE 1 v r 2 - Vs,-- . , ''Sl -r .-0 2? - xr -. M '; "