'jfs? -T - 0) tfffiftit VOT,. XXXIV. NO tt. ASTORTA, ORBGOtf, SATURDAY, MARCH 15. IS90. PRICE FIVE CENTS if Jllffr C I lYf 1 1l&a;4i; ill A KINNEY'S I LESS THAN ONE MILE FROM. 5 I THE O. R. & N. DOCK, AND I! Beautifully Prices Low and KEEN & COOK, AGENTS. SOMETHING NEW. Hptinprc n-;iuti fully .situated on the banks of the Cohiiiibin. ai- jnining proposed Public Park and near tlie newly discovered coal beds. Only $:" per Lot for a lew days. Get in now and secure lir.si -class Ijots. FRANK SPITTLE. agent, FRED Saddles and Harness A LABGE STOCK TO SELECT FROM. GOODS AT SAW FRANCISCO PRICES. I Man? a ?rrialt. of good work ami pi'iKinU'i- satisfaction. At the old Stand, Wot Side Olni'y Street, Near Wilson & Fisher's. ASTORIA, BARBOUR'S Insii Flax Til - to. y nUcgod newspapers to pi into the seinUa. means of bogus ci not to rneuti ;isO VMfcBMrTifniiffrflBBfcBBBBBBBBMBB" i & J iM"aBV't SBFfT! (WBBi'-- ca""";rw BBiiwtTM1 m HHHHHHExr CKAX1) PltlX PAKIS 1878. AXIi OKAND CROSS OK THE LEGION D'HOXXKUi: The, revived the ONLY GOLD MEDAL For FJ.AX Til HEADS ai. tin London Fisheries Exhibition 1883. Ami h.iu been awarded IlKJlIERl-JtlZES at the various INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITIONS, Than the goods of any other THREiiD MANUFACTURERS IX THE WOULD. Quality Can. Always be Depended on. Experiencefl Fishermen Use i Oilier. HENRY DOYLE & CO.. 517 and 519 Market Street. SAN FRANCISCO. AGENTS FOR PACIFIC COAST. WOODBERBY SEINE TWINE, BOPE and NET TING Constantly on Hand. SEINES, POUNDS and TRAPS Pnrnished to order at Lowest Factory Prices. $125 AND $150 PER LOT BOBB & PARKER, General Ag'te, Astoria. ASTORIA! Situated. Terms Reasonable. Addition ! Astoria, Or. i in I ! mum i win I ii SAIZs OREGON. Threads EQUAL ! ivJ- 1 f tiZ&lNjrr HANTHORN'S ASTORIA! iHHHIIIlIlil3SCICISaIIBllii::E3HmilIIStHtIZSIESZS3EISCIiaiIIIllllllimil Call Early and Take Your Choice ! HisBcs:sni:z2Rsr:t:nc:e?zzimtnainzsssu3:sisKHtiHitnHimMH "A GIGANTIC JOKE." Tie Sensational Tarn Alont tlie "Missing:" Geo. H. Chance. A I.. COltY TO HE ItlSCIIARiSEIK 1'oim.AND, March It. This mom ins "i party of laborers engaged in re pairing and cleaning out- the Green wich dock found the corpse or a tramp wrapped np in his blankets in the rear of the wharf. The coroner was noti fied of the find and the remain were poiivesd to the morgue where an in quest will Jk held to-morrow. The body bears the appearance of having been dead three or foar day.. There i nothing found upon the person throwing the slightest light upon his identity. Some of the men working about "the wharf imagine they had had seen the defunct before his death and if they are not mistaken he has a family on Lewis river and a daughter residing in this city. THE AUSTi: ALIAS INTERVIEWED. Ills Opinion As To Kccent Flst'c JU'trrs. Poktlaxd, March 11. -Talking with Billy McCarthy, the Australian, in relation to Jack JDempsey, he said: "Jack is an exceptionally good man and a friend of mine, but 1 wish T had broken his jaw two wcelts ago because it's business. "We will go to the city to-night where we will teach together in the California Athletic club. I may stay there five or six weeks, when I think 1 shall return here and settle down, as Portlaud is a beautiful city." "Do you and Jack intend to make a sparring tour?'' "Oh, I can't say, hut not at present, anyway." "Is there any likelihood of you and Jack fighting again?' asked The As tokian reporter. "It is possible, but if I meet Jack I have to train too much to get down to his weight" "Will you fight La Blanche?" "I'll fight him in May if he will agree to match, but he ront. No, Dempsey will never get a match out of him cither, becauso he knows he will be beaten," said Mc Carthy. "That was a very pretty im itation of La Blanche's whirling blow you gave Jack last night' remarked the reporter. "That was no imitation. It was or iginal. I'm infinitely quicker than La Blanche. He is as slow a3 a stage horse." "Do you think Corbett will meet Joe McAuliffe?" "I can't say, but if he does, Joe will demolish him. If he doesn't accept the challenge though, he would bet ter retire." THE -CHANCE" IS ALL KlflJIT Krjilodini,- a SenbitlonaJ Kjurt I'roni This City. Special toTfiK AsroniAX. Poutland, March 14. -The report telegraphed from Astoria that the steamer Geo. If. Chance is probably lost, is treated as a huge joke- here by the officials of the Yaquina. Deep Sea Fishing company, t he owners of the vessel. Dr. George 11. Chance, president of the corporation, is in Philadelphia Secretary E. II. Habighorst said that only a week ago he received a report from the seh vn er, which was then in Neah bay. "The Cltaiux? said he, "i3 all right, and so far as inefficiency on the part of her ollieers is concerned, that is all a hoax. Captaiu T. W. Adams is one of tiie bast known navigators on the coast, andjias held papers many years. The engineer is aUo a tirxt-elas- man in every rcspeel, and has our unlnninileii confidence. Jn facl, our vsel is manned by a picked crew, from oilers to commander. Manager G. V. Will iams did visit Astoria about two weeks ago, but he went there to look after some real estate he owns and not in the interest of the company. He is now aboard of the schooner, I believe. The revenue cutter Cor 7oin certainly would not go out to hunt for our steamer unless wo or dered her to, and 1 am not aware that such a measure has been taken. The Chance is all right and taking lots of fish, too. The fact Is, that story emanated from fishermen who are jealous of our wonderful success." THE 1-0RTLISD COURTS. AI Cod) to Its Helwett From Custody. Special toTiiK AsroniAX Pon.rr.AND, March 1-L In the crim inal court this morning district attor ney McGinn moved that A. J. Cody, who was convicted of the crime of mayhem, committed upon Joseph Morau be discharged from custody. The judgmeut of Judge Stearns had been reversed, rind Ttfoftinn J stated in court that he had careiniiy persued the opinion of the supreme -court and felt confi dent that every other conviction upon testimony elicited in the first trial, would be treated similarly by tlie higher court Judge Stearns, appar ently agreed with the district flttor ney and an order was made in compli ance with his request The case of C. B. Higley, a hack man "ndicted for aiding W, B. Dan nie' to abduct a young girl, which was to have been tried to-day, was continued to 22nd inst Joseph Holder, convicted of selling liquor without a license was sentenced to pay a fine of S200. The indictment charging him with selling liquor to minors, was dismissed. A mandate from the supreme court r.ns nrlnrfwl entered, reversing the judgment in the case of Frank Jam's, Tlit sunremo court holds as its opinion that tho unsupported testi mony of Jarvis's daughter. w:is not sufficient to justify conviction and the presumable result in tms case will he that the district attorney will be compelled to request the discharge of the prisoner. Thr U?n MolIM.i) l-talc. S.ii-ci il io Tur Astoki ..j PourLAxn, March 11 Ujo:i peti tion of Jas. S5eel. administrator of the estate of the Lite Ben llolliday. il is alleged that it is neccessary to ."oil the whole or some portion of the real es tale or tho deceased to pay tho allow ance to the family and the outstanding debts. Judge Catlin to-dny made an order citing all intereU'vl persons to apjear before him on the oth of May, at 10 a. m, to show cau.se vh tiie projerty should not be disponed of and all outstanding obligations liquid ated. Ktllnl lij UH i!r.i Csrel'vsaeM. Siivia! to TiiKA-Toiti .1 Portland, March IL -Sylvester Goddard, a young man 27 years of age, employed as a section hand on the Portland and Vancouver railroad, was instantly killed at ItaseJnlc this morning. As the train Trom the Co lumbia river was, approaching Hose dale station, which is between Wo d lawn and East Portland, the engineer saw two meu on the track ahead, but before the train came very near to them, they both steppe 1 from the track, and were then entirely oat of danger. When the train came to where the men had b?en standing, one or them suddenly stopped back to the track with a crowbar in his hand, and commeueed doing somcihiug. The engine struck the heavy inn bar, hurling in with terrific force against the uufortunate man's head, throwing him about fifteen feet from the track. The train was iustanlly stopped, but when the man was picked up he was dead, his neck having lieeu broken. A tele gram was sent to his father, who lives at ltogers, Benton county, Ark., ac quainting him with the death of his son and asking what disposition should bo made of the remains It is evident that Goddard thrust the crowbar in front of the engine, but what his ob ject was c.iau)t hi surmise 1. His death was clearly the result of his own carelcssnes-, and not the slightest blame attaches to any one else. The coroner's inquest was rendered accord ingly, exonerating the railroad com pain' from all blame. ::lsin tho Hunt Snbsirtj. Spe- i! J The sr mu vx.j Portland, March It A pres rep resentative to-day calle I on O. F. Pax ton, one of the most active spirits who is endeavoring to secure $2,0 l,l).) for the Hunt raiiwav .scl:em. mid that gentleman slated 'that so rarSl,2l:yX)0 has been subscribed He remarked that several very h.avy capitalists were deeply inieiv-t'd io the hcheme but were withholding their name Tu the present, only hec.ms- they wi-h !o figure closely on the am i:nt they reasonably can afford lo subjcriiic. Paxton added: "The subscription agreement prepare 1 by th Portlam! coni'iiittee required that the propo sition signed by (.. W. Hunt should be ratified by ihe bo.ard of directo-s of the Oregon and Washington TJad ro 1 company, which has bwn done, and th ball will noon beset rolling." Cunttntiie or Cily 5 I') :)aii ? Sj .'m! J .Tiir. si..i:s xn T.u'oma, M ireh i I fiso !up ' 'r.tij eml'.f tr ttil .vi 1 h ! m i iviv I t) th. United States o:irU next v.vek. Judge" Han ford having telegraphed that ho will be here to luvir the al miralty cases. Hardly less than half a dozen damage ;:uit? ::re liable to b brought against the constable and his depntias or the city orTacoma accord ing to the expressed intentions of those connected with the Craifjeiul affair. The most unportant of these suits will be that of the owners of the f'raitfii'l for dam ages of time lost in loading her and annoyance and expense caused by her seizure, the suit or Capt Hamilton for damages lo the amount or the value of his chronometer that was taken, and that of E. S. Hamilton for damages Tor injuries sustained by him when the gang-plank was piished off the ship by the deputy constable and he fell thirty feet into the water. Deputy Sheriff Campbell has been alxard the Uraty enrf, to prevent any breach of the peace, since Wednesday. Riilru.1 Accident Xr Tha IJillis. Special to Tin: Astokian. Tnn Dalles March 11. - This morning about 1 o'clock the engine of a freight train was ditched two miles west of Blalock bv the rails spreading. Geo. Baker, engineer was badly scalded on the arms and breast I. T. Burns brakeman, had his le: sprained. A. Carstens, fireman had an eye injured. The brakeman and lire man jumped, but the engineer was imprisoned in the can with hot steam ponrhur over him, until released. The injured were brought here. It is ex pected that Baker will be taken to the hoipital at Portland as his injuries are verv serious. CHINESE FIRED FROM 'FRISCO. Toey Must Go Ontslfle tlie City Limits Within Sixty Days. sT.urrr.ixG xEirs yon sealers. 'Iiccinl by The California Assocutcu Prlss. S n Francisco. March 14. A rumor was current on the water front this morning hint tlie government had directed the naval authorities to send a list of all vessels which could be made availablo for the northern service. Among a large number of persons who engage in the sealing business, this rumor caused some consternation, iu as much as it was iulerpe'o.l that a vigorous policy was to be pursued this season in Dehrin ? sea and that a force or naval vessels was lo be verv con siderably increased in these waters. Inquiry of the naval officers failed to confirm the rumor or even an acknowl edgment of there being am occasion for its existence. It w;u learned, however, that the naval force on tin? coast now consists of the revenne cutters IitisJi Corwin, Walcott nii&Jieur, men-of-war Pin In and Tlului, besides coasting sur vey vessels Palters(m.HrArlhniUed ;'; .':::.! ! fussier, allot which could be made available for service in a short time. .X PilNKtrAXI- JIEISUKK. ('iran.i :; "vm Francisco From a Cancerous Ulcer. .-i trial to Tin: Atohian San Francisco, March 14. The Bingham order, removing the Chinese to South ban mnc:sco, recently passed by the board of supervisors, lias been approved by Mayor Pond. This will remove Chinatown from the heart or the cily to the extreme out skirts of the municipality. The order declares that it is unlaw ful for any Chinese to locate or reside, or carry on business within the limits of the city and county of San Fran cisco, except in that certaiu district generally known as Sonth San Fran cisco. The order goes into effect in sixty days. It will be opposed by the Chinese, and a test case will undoubt edly be made as soon as an attempt is made to enforce the new law. Aortiou-sl r..iseba'l l.caap. 5p via So Tick Astohi n.J Srattli:, March It A baseball league has been formed, taking in the cities of Seattle, Spokane Falls, Port land and Tacoma Stock for each club, 810.000. All the local stock was subscribed to-day. A Southern CallforaU Opinion Spci.i! tiTiiK AsroniAN.l Los Anorlts, Cat, March 14. A resolution was adopted by the stato fruit growers convention to day favor ing the repeal by congress of the long and short haul clause of the interstate commerce laws. S'i!c"i!i! lo Kscai5 I'iJ.i S 1 1! ( Hir .stoi:ian1 Sw Frinoisv'o, March 11. -F.J. Horn committed suicide to-day by taking poison, owing to his suffering from a cancer in the face. , Warn-a 'loa'l !rt Hie Xiae il'indrc! Dollar. S; -i 1 :i Vw. Asroni n S v Francisco. March 1 L- -The suit of Tommy Warren against the California Athletic, club for 900 claimed to be due him as his share in his contest with Frank Murphy which ended in a draw, was virtually decided to-day by the court sustaining the demurrer of the defendant alleging that th 'comphiinlslatedthnttlicrcwas no nise of action. The court held that thy money was to be paid only in case of a contest being determined in favor tif one or the other or the con testants. ;3-.th of a XoteJ Oatlau. .'.wi ll t TUK ASTOKIAN. SR.VTTLT-, March 11. -Smuggler Holt, who was shot by inspector Cob-lonl-j on Iward Holt's opium sloop in Salmon Bay, last Thursday night, died at 1LH) this morning from his injuries. Inspector Cobentz is to be arrested on a charge of murder. Holt leoves an estate valued at S 10,000. Tra'n Cordially Welcomed in Tacoma. Special to Tin: Astorian. Tacoma, March 14. -George Francis Train arrived hero this afternoon and was received by an immense throng of citizens headed by the mayor. A heavy rain was falling which interfered with the plans somewhat, but an informal reception was held at the hotel amid a great crush. He will spend to-morrow sightsceiujr, and on Monday will lecture in the theater, leaving here Tuesday by special steamer for Vancouver, B. C," where ho will take the Abyssinia for Orient and a trip around tlie world. Deiapsey Charters a Special Trala. Special to Thk Astoxian. Tacoma, March 14. Jack Dempsey, who has been sparring lately in Ta coma and Seattle, passed " through hero this morning on his way from Seattle to Portland, on a special train. Dempsey missed the regular train, and as ho had important engagements at San Francisco, was forced to char ter a special traiu at a cost of S17"5. Astoria Real Estate & Prlie Fight For $l,GtiO. Special to The Astorian.1 San Fkancisco. March 14. Billy Murphy, the Australian, and Tommy Warren fought with small gloves for a purse of $1,500 at the Occidental Ath letic club to-night, the winner to take all, and tho championship of the feather -weight claaa of the world. Murphey bet Warren 25 that he would put him out by the fourth round, which Warren promptly accepted. Murphy was not in first class form to-night, while Warren, who declared if ho could not knock the Australian out he would not be done himself, had trained carefully and was in the finest condition. Bet ting was about 100 to 70 in favor of Murphy. Warren weighed one hundred and seventeen, Murphy one hundred and sixteen and n half. Danny Needham was appointed referee. Tho police entered tho ring at tho end of tho fourth round fearing trouble. When the referee could make himself heard, he announced Murphy the victor, claiming that Warren had remained on the lloor over ten seconds after being knocked down. Ilouie Burned for Fuel. Special to The Astokian. MARYSVTX.LE, Cal.,March 14. A let ter received by tho Appeal to-day, from Stevens, a" remote district in the northeastern part of the state of Washington, gives particulars of great hardships and loss by severe cold and unusual depths of snow. In one in stance three families were obliged to live in one honse,nsing the materials of two others for firewood. PARISIAN POLITICS. Two TiionsaM Enlist Ewers Strike for Slort Hours. J-2XOLIS1K COAT, MIXERS STRIKE. Special by tho California Associated Peess Paris, March 14. The adverse action of the senate yesterday on Tir- ard's demand for a vote of confidence with reference to a commerciillreaty with Turkey has brought about a down fall of the entire ministry. Enterpel- lation was submitted during yester day's sitting regarding the treaty and in response Tiranl moved the order of the day, when the senate by a major it of 78 refused to adopt Tirard's motion, which amounted to a refusal to vote the confidence in gov ernment Tirard then tendered his resignation to President Carnot, but the latter persuaded him to remain in office untd after Easter. A cabinet meeting was held to-day. and a discus sion of the situation, at which Tirard reconsidered his determination to re main, and after the meeting was over ho went to Carnot's residence and tendered the resignation of all the members of the cabinet Do Freyci- net wall probably form anewministry It Is rumored that Constant and Bi hot will hold portfolios in the new ministry, ai is unuerstoou tnatJba bey, Faye and Falliere will remain in the cabinet Kusllsk Minets WiUStrlke. in tial to Thk astokian. London, March 14. In consequence of the masters avoiding a direct reply to the demands for an advance in coal miner's wages, the miners federation resolved to immediately inaugurate a strike through the country. French ODIcUls ia Coaptation. Spccin! to Thk Astorian. Paris, March 14. President Carnot held a consultation with Floqnet this afternoon. It is possible that Floquet will ba asked to form the cabinet English Knglaeer oa a .Strike. Special to Thk Astokian. -London, March W. Two thousand engineers, of northwestern England, have organized a strike for short hours. A Valuable Battle. Racine, March 12. One day last week an elderly lady, residing in Ken osha, suddenly dropped dead from some heart trouble. She was supposed to be very poor, having worked hard all her life. Tho undertaker was summoned to the residence to prepare the body for burial, and while removing the clothing it was noticed that the bustle was rather heavy; in fact it was so weighty as to attract attention. It was ripped open and the spectators were thun derstruck to find secreted therein over $1,800 in bank notes. The old lady, instead of putting on style and spending her money had hoarded every cent and saved the above amount, which she preferred to carry around with her rather than in trust it to the banks. Sore Threat Is particularly favorable to the con traction of Diptheria. Heed the warn ing and use Darbys Prophylatic Fluid. It at once allavs the inflammation of the throat, subdues the pain and gives permanent relief. It promptly and ef fectually destroys all contagion and dipthentic germs. It is a safeguard against Diptheria, and should be ussd on the first symptoms of sore throat as a gargle. ALASKA SEALING LEASE SIGNED. Tie HississlpQi Valley Floois Are Slowly Alating. ASTORIA CUSTOMS APrOIXTEES. Special by Tho California Associated Peess. Washington, March 14. Senator Higgins bill, introduced to-day in the senate to establish a court of appeals provides that the proposed court shall consist of three judges, who shall each receive a salary of $8,000 a year, and that the terms of the court are to be held in the several judicial dis tricts. It shall have final jurisdiction of all cases arising in the district and circuit courts, except where constitu tional questions are involved in the cases of patents, and copyrights, a re view of the controversy may be had by the supreme courts." Cantoni House Ofllears at Astoria. Special to Thk Astokian. Washington, March, 14. Secretary Windom has approved the following appointments in the customs service at Astoria, Oregen: Deputy, at $2,000 per annum, Frank L. Parker; deputy collector and inspector, at Sl,500, Jas. E. Higgins; inspector at $-1 per diem, Thomas Linville. A Desirable Appointment. Special to Tuk Astorian. WABHTNaTON, March 14. George P. Tingle, who was a special agent of the treasury department at Seal Islands under the last administration, has received an appointment as gen eral manager of the North American Commercial company, the new lessee of the Alaska fur seal privileges. The Alaska Fishery Lease Signed. Special to The Astorian. Washington, March 14. The North American Commercial company, hay ing filed the reqired bonds for the safe conduct of the seal fishery privilege, Secretary Windom this afternoon signed the lease. Unique Present to Speaker Reed. Special to The Astorian. . Washington, March 14. Speaker JKeed nas been presented by tho Young Men's Republican club, of Portland, Maine, with a silver candle extinguisher in the shape of a cone. The surface of the cone is elegantly engraved with an historical picture representing the victory of the speaker over obstructionists and wath appro priate inscriptions. VUlard's Oregoa Railroad Bonds. Special to The Astorian. -. Philadelphia, March 14. Tho J quirer says: Henry Villard has gpuoj to Boston to arrange for the retire ment of the Oregon Transcontinent;.1 ' ' bonds, which will be placed with tl proceeds of the Northern Pacific bonds. Rednceloa In Fares and Freight. Special to The Astorian. Chicago, March 14. A general de moralization of passenger and freight rates exists between tins city and the Missouri river. The old rate of $12.50 has been reduced to $5, open rate, and of this amount $3 is paid in com mission, leaving only $2 to tlie road. There is perfect unanimity among the railroad officials that rates have never been in a more demoralized state, and yet none of them seem to move for a change. An Extensile Embezzlement Special ta Thk Astorian.I New York, March 14. Frank Dis sendofer, an alderman of Lancaster, Pa, was arrested in Brooklyn this af ternoon on a charge of embezzling S69.000. Striking Miners la Michigan. Special to Thk Astorian. Ironwood, Mich., March 14. The strike in tho mines of this range is in creasing. Two-thirds of tho men are out and those who are working are under the protection of tho police to prevent threatened violence. Tlie strikers are growing ugly, and several of the leaders have been arrested. Disgrace to Civilization. Special to The Astokian. Detroit, March 14. Information has reached this cty of the existence near Potts, Oscoda county, of one of the most infamous stockade dens which ever disgraced Michigan. Thir teen girls are held in slavery by one Jim Mnessrin, for the orgies of drunken lumbermen. A Strike Delays Atlantic Steamships. Special to The Astorian. New York, March 14. News has reached the agents of the transAtlan tic steamship lines here that the fire men's strike in England is spreading and the owners of vessels carrying the mails are trying to get help from the freight steamers. The agents of the latter decide to transfer as much help as possible to the mail steamships to let them make the trips. The steam ship AlasJca which was to leave Liver pool to-day could not get away. The Wyoming, advertised to leave to morrow, will be unable to get off. The City of Rome and the Arizona which are scheduled to depart on March 22nd. will also likely be delayed. Trust Co., Portland Ag'te, Wrestllar Xatck ImBalale. Special to Thk AstobianJ Bvftalo, March 14. Hugh. Leon ard defeated Jimmy Faulkner in a mixed wrestling match, at the Buffalo Athletic club to-nieht The first bout, Graeco-Boman, was won "by Leonard in 20 minutes and 49 seconds. The second, catch as catch can, was won by Leonard in 16 minntea md 38 seconds. Alaska Company Formed la New Terk. Special to The Astoria. New York, March 14. The Albany Alaska company of New York has filed a preliminary certificate of in corporation with the secretary of state. The capital stock is $100,000. It is formed to engage in mining, fishing, trading and dealing in fur skins. The directors are Wm. B. Pope, Thaddeus D. Brad ford, Henry S. Tibbey, Wm. F. Davis and Jno. H. Drago. Still la Danger. Special to The Astorian. Cairo, His., March 14. The latest reports from the lower Mississippi are that the country between the Arkansas line and Yicksburg on both sides is in great danger of inundation. The Ar kansas levees have been abandoned, uuu. mu wuier is running over mem in several places. This will put the Ten sas basin in a merry flood. If breaks occur in the Lousiana side, Mississippi will be the same and vice versa. Bain has fallen in torrents everywhere. A break in the levee at Meyersville, Miss., has caused a panic among the population, and many women and children have been sent to Vicksburg by steamer. The Ohio river at this point fell three inches last night. The weather is cloudy and cold. The Flood Abating Slowly. Special to The Astorian.1 New Orleans, March 14. The rain has now been falling 54 hours along the river. The total fall exceeds five inches. The river here ha3 risen an inch and a half in the past 24 hours. The government guage this morning shows 16.1 feet, a fall of .4 from the highest point reached yesterday after noon. The streets here are free from overflow. No water except at St Peter's and it is slight there. A private levee on Davis island. Lake Concordia, has given way, flooding several plantations. Up the river the situation i3 practically unchanged, the water in most places continuing high and rising slowly. R. B. Directors Iaspectlag Koad. Special to The Astorian. Chicago, March 14. President Breyfagle, Gen. Manager Black and a number of new directors of theMo non route,started on a tour of the line to-day. tr V r ptnre rt srial to The Astowx Tnr CoBsoIId ''.ilg'.fc tuayuc Special to The Astorian. Detroit, March 14. The Brush. Electric Light company has absorbed the Thompson-Houston company. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria When Baby was sick, we gave her Caitoria. (Then she -was a Child, she cried for Cactori. When she became Mlas, she clung to CMtoria, iVhen she had Children, she gave them Cafltorb THE KEV. GEO. H. THAYER, of Bourbon, Intl., says: "Both myself and wife owe our lives toShiloh's Consump tion Cure will give immediate relief. Price, 10 cts., 50 cts. and 1, at J. C. De men t's. SHILOH'S CATARRH REMEDY a positive cure for Catarrh, Diphtheria and Canker Mouth. At J. C. Dement's. All tlie patent medicines advertised in this paper, together with the choicest Eerfumery, and toilet articles etc can e bought at the lowest prices at J. W. Conn's drug store, opposite Occident hotel, Astoria. Remember the Austin house at the Seaside is open the year 'round. 5 JACOBS OR CAUTION. No other Liniment made t rettHMt COMPARE -WITH IX. St. Jacobs On. is THE BEST, and that is why its cures ask PROMPT AND PERMANENT. At Druggists and Deaxebs. THE CHARLES A. V0GELER CO.. iaMf. MIL Valuable Acreage for Sale The 55-Acre Tract of Hiram Gray with las provements thereon, valued at 92,000, at $250 per acre. Apply to E. C. LEWIS, or W. B. ADAIR. TERMS EASY!