0) ASTORIA, ORKGOiY, FRIDAY, MARCH 14. 181)0. PRICE FIVE CENTS VOL. XXX IV, NO 2. KINNEY'S j LESS THAN ONE MILE FROM ! THE O. R. & N. DOCK, -AND Beautifully Prices Low and Terms Reasonable. KEEN & COOK, AGENTS. SOIYIETHUNTG NEW. Kenney's Addition! itanitifully .situated on the banks of the Columbia, ad joining proposed Public Park and near the newlv discovered coal beds. Only $:f per Lot for a lew days. Get in now and secure first-class Lots. FRANK SPITTLE. Agent. FRED Saddles and Harness A LARGE STOCK TO SELECT FROM. GOODS AT SAN FRANCISCO PRICES. I iaVaiecialt of ;ok1 woik and guarantee satisfaction. At tin Old Stand, WVst Siili' uliHM, Street, Near Wilson & Fisher's. ASTORIA, OREGON. Kindred Slate at Moii Future Terminus of the Chicago & North western and S. P. Railroads, Destined to be th.e Shipping: Cantor of th. Great Northwest. LOTS $100 AND $125 Buy Now and Secure Choice Lots ! TERMS EASY. Prices Will be Advanced to $150 and $200 April 1st. FOB. SJUUS B7 BELL & BOODELL I Cor. Fourth anil Genevieve $125 AND $150 PER LOT BOBB & PARKER, General Ag'ts, Astoria. ASTORIA! Situated. ....... .........- Astoria. Or. SAIZ Park! of Colntoa RiYer. P Sts., Astoria, Oregon. ! HANTHORN'S ASTORIA! CINCHING THE CONSUMERS. Tie StaMaril Oil Company Atare Tie Price of Oil. -1 1HSXEIIZTO C.EXE11AL MILES. 5. ocial by.the California Assoliatii Pai-ss Washington. March 13. In the senate to-day the usual batch of peti tions wis received favoring the free coinage of silver. Two of the haase bridge bills then passed, one being for a bridge over the Columbia river n Oregon by the Washington and Oregon Btidge corn pany. The bills now go to the om tnil'iEe oiigconference. The senate committee on commerce reported favorably on a bill to repeal the bill compelling vessels to carry projectiles and means for' propell ing them, in addition to other life, saving appliances. This action is taken because owners of projectiles hail attempted a corner in the market and advanced the price at least three hundred per cent .Nomination tiy President Hirrlson. Sjwel.il to The AsroitiAX. Washington, March l'J. The pres ident has made the following nomina nemina nomina teons: iost master, John AL Lewis, East Portland, Or.; Joseph Hughes to be receiver of public moneys tit Spok nno FalLs; Win. Andrew Davidson or Cooperstown, N. Y., first deputy com missioner of pensions in place of Hiram Smith, resigned. "Washington, March 13.--Among the bills passed by the senate to-day were the follewing: lor the erection of a public building for a postoflice and other government offices at The Dalles, Oregon, to cost S100,000; to provide for the construction of a public building at Salem, Oregon, at a cost or S1(X),000. (Illaboma Kill Passes tlie House. S;vlal to Tun Astorian. Washington, March 13.- -The house substitute for the senate bill, providing aterritorial government for Oklahoma, has passed the house by a vote of 100 to 25. Dinner to General Miles in Va!iiiutnn. Special to The Astorian. "Washington, March 13.- Senator Mitchell entertained u company of gentlemen at a dinner this evening. Among those invited to meet General Miles, as guests of honor, -were justice Harlan, justice Field, senators Hawley, Squire, Pugh, Pasco, representatives Wilson, Payson and Hermann and Mr. Paul Schulze. The table was hand somely decorated- witlt jacqueminot and hermit roses. Oklahoma Kill Amended. Sncml to Tin? Astoiuan.J "Washington, March 13. - The house to-day adopted n prohibition amend mentfor tho Oklahoma bill, and at the close of tho debate, passed the bill es tablishing territorial government for Oklahoma by a large majority. Public Building at Port Townscm). Special to Thk Astoriax. Washington, March 13. -The bids for constructing a public building at Port Townseud, Wash., were to-day opened at the treasury department C. D. Wakeman, of PorlTownsend was tho lowest bidder. His bid was $138,250. The Price or Oil Adrancsd. Special to Thk Astokiax. Lima, Ohio, March 13. Tho Stand ard Oil flbmpany have advanced the price of oil two cents. There is great excilemont in the oil field. L'nlteJ State Circuit Judge Appointed. Sp-H-il to Thk A.vroKi vx.l Little Hock, Ark., March 13. -Henry O. Caldwell, who was recently appointed judge of the eighth judicial circuit, to succeed Judge Hrewer, qual ified this afternoon and notified Presi dent Harrison of his resignation as United States district judge for the eastern district of Arkansas. Little Rock will hereafter b3 federal judicial headquarters for nine states. More Strikes Amou; Minrrs. Special to Tun AsrouiAX.l Ikonwood, Mich., March 13. The miners in Aurora, Pabst, Iron King and Germania mines will very likely follow the lead of the Ashland miners, who are now on a strike. Two thou sand men are now out The cause of the trouble is tho reduction of wages and importation of foreign labor. In advance, the sale of ore this season is larger than usual and the men are confident of winning. The companies granted the demands of the miners late this evening and tho strike is declared off, and the men have returned to work here and at i Ashland. Earthquake in Chili. Special lo Thk Astoriax. New Yoke, March 13.--News has been received of an earthquake in Chili, February 2G, which shook all points between Valparaiso and Santi ago. The shock was felt severely over ten thousand square miles. A severe earthquake also occurred at Traigean, January 28th. Call Early and Take Your Important 'I D van j-tlie Northern i'aelllc. Special to Tiik Astorian'.I New Yoni, March 13.-The .Vail and Express- reports that N. O Davis, one of the Northern Pacific railroad attorneys, has been in St. Paul and other western cities lately. uuder orders from President Okes, studying the problem of lake navigation with a view of placing on the lakes an indepeudentline of lake steamers, by the Norther Pacific. Some time in June they will launch their twin screw steamer, which is of large capacity and finely constructed. Davis has gone to the Pacific coast in furtherance of the general project. i'lv-Li'iir itnyin lto.I Kl U: Special to r r Aroi:i.v J Indianapolis, March 13. President Harrison lias purchased to-day $2,0fl0 worth of real estate here. MISSISSIPPI'S HffiHTT FLOOD. A Watery Waste SgreaUns Froi Cairo lo to Orleans. THE LEVEES IX UKEA V ItA.MIEE. Specinlby The California AssciT;i 1'rrs?. New Orleans, March 13. -At 1 i;.m. to-day the water commenced running over the levee in several place.'. It is not eqeeted, however, that much damage will result as the levee : strong and will not give way. A largo part of the city below Canal .street is entirely submerged. The water at the custom house is over th; Milewalks and is coining up rapidly. The indi cations are that the entire business portion of the city will be covered with water before morning. Floods Still Um-inv. Special to Tuk Astoki x J Memphis. March 13. The reports of loss to property by the tloods con tinue lo ponr in. J?atsville, Arkansas, is partly Hooded while iiie river rose thirty-two feet in twenty-four hours. AtUIack Rock the water is sk feet deep in the hotels and business houses. In the vicinity of Little Rock :i large number of bridges have been washed away. No trains have reached that place since Monday. At Pine Hluff, Arkansas, the river i3 rapidly rising and there is danger of the government dykes beiug destroyed. Ohio lllver Faltinc Spot-ill sol in: Astoriw j Cakio, 111., Mirch 13. -Th3 Ohio river fell one inch and a hair last night and the situation is now more hopeful. The 3Ii:tippi I'io !. Special to The Astoi:i x. Memphis, Teun., March 13 -The height of the river feom Cairo to New Orleans is unprecedented. Thesivenigc width is inly miles. 1 rom all along the line comes news of a x;rtling uaiure. President Maxtield, of the Louisiana levee district, telegraphed here io-night for mittvial with which to hold ih.? crevasse. A-i order was immediately placed for :0,OJi) sticks and they will be bent forward to-morrow on the United States steamer Jim ma EUuridiie, which is on her way from Paducah to the ilood district. The levees from Arkansas City to the Louibana line are in imminent danger and are expected to give way at every minute. The water at this point is one foot and ten inches above the highest mark ever reached, and i still rising. Three, miles below this city the river is nearly b j miles wi i New Oritur Heins rion.leil. New Orleans, March 13. -L?vce from Canal street to the Frenc'i market, were threatening as were also those one mile further up. S'ore keepers and residrnls below Canal street were surprised to see the street s begin to Hood, and ruhel to tho levees expecting a crevasse. No breaks have occurred, lmt the river is steadily washing away over wharves and embaukmeuts. The streets below Canal and those of the middle stud upper districts are now submerged. A further risu of three inches will flood the lower stories of all business houses belcw Caual street and effectual iy stop business of all kinds. The biigar cvhnngo hotel, royal cathedral and Frein-h market are surrounded by wsster and loom up like islands in the Venetian sea Tho lower side of the canal is impassible to pedestrians sibove IJour lou street. Moiiry UiNctl For Floo.l Kmriuenpy. Special to Thk astoician.j New Orleans, La., March 13. A strong southern wind had much to do with forcing the water up over the levee into the city and the situation to-night is rendered very critical by a severe down jour of rain. The mayor called a special meeting of the council to-night smd $o0,000 was ap propriated to be expended as an emer gency fund. Dynamite Kxploslon at UrocAljn Special to Tin: Astoki n 1 New York, March 13. An explo sion of dynamite occurred at the Brooklyn water works at Rookville Centre this morniug. The dynamite cartridges were used for blowing up trees and stumps on the line of the extension of tho Brooklvn ncqueduct. 'Two laborers were blown to pieces and two others fatally injured. 3UiiKtiiKisaiiuasisiiEiMii:as:iiiiEiiezsiauszuHi utsiKMMSttmaassxsssssszzEszuiiMMafmmiisiEiasMMi PRESIDENT PARDONS A PRIVATE. Dakota Lottery Boomers Change Their Loye to Hate. AXOTlLElt OEJriCr.LL DEF.IVLTER Special by The California Associated Pbess. Bismarck, N. D.. March 13. The lottery boomer", professed love for North Dakota has suddenly turned to hate as they are sat upon, snubbed, and their scheme buried too deep to be resurrected. The boomers refused to be comforted and do not care a conti nental whether the destitute farmer- of the state die or starvation or not. The seed wheat com missioners, consisting wholly of friends of the lottery scheme, havo refused to serve longer. To-day the committee sent a sarcastic communi cation the house of Republicans, setting forth that the proposition of tho lottery company to furnish the destitute with seed wheat, having been rejected, the commission did not see its way clear to solicit a penny of con tributions, and would resign, so that tho state officials might go ahead and get seed grain in any way they choose. Clovernor Miller held :i conference with the other state officers, and they are now. trying to devise moans to tide over the distress. wither OMcial Defaulter, p vial to The Avrn;ti.v. JAfi:sjN, Miss., March 13. Expert accountants found that ex-state treas urer Hemingwav is short in his ac counts. YcvirU i:-tnei-n Sm Dirso and the Sound. Speil.il to Tin: AvroiMAX San Diego, March 13. The Ecen iiitj Snn says Mr. Hewitt is lsere rep resenting a company of Tacoma men lo secure an option on a wharf for op erating a line of sailing vessels be tween here and Pnget sound. It is proposed to bring lumber and coal. and they will take in return cargoes of hav. cement, marble and building stone. School ItooV Ian Declare! Co-istitatl onal. Special to Thk Astorian. Inolvnafolis, March 13. The su preme court to-day held tho school book law, over which a big fight has been made, to bs constitutional. Dry (iooils Ilouu Fails in 3!lssoarI. Spl.il ta Tin: Astikiax.I St. Louis, March 13. Harrison & Loder, wholesale dry goods mer chants, assigned lo-dav. Their lia bilities are from S300.0W to SIOO.OOO. Nominal assets will exceed the liabil ities. FrcM.icat Harrho-i I'ardm? s S3ldler, Spe-ul to Tiik AsrouiAX.l , Sr. Paul, March 13. May 2o, 1885, Lewis Carter, a colored private in the Twenty-fifth Infant ry, was court-martialed at Fort Snelling for rape, as sault, robbery aud desertion and found guilty on tilt charges aud sentenced to niuety-nine years in Stillwater peni tentiary. One year ago a colored lawyer, Fred L. McGhee, of this city, took the case in hand, and gathering proof that Car ter was innuocent of everything else but desertion, placed the matter in the hands of President Harrison, who reviewed, the case and issned an un conditional pardon to take effect May !loth next, sind reprimanded the court martial which convicted him on little or no evidence, also taking the ground that five years was sufficient penalty for desertion. Republic in Convention in Rhode Ilan.l. Sj-eeia'. toTiiK Astokiax. Providence, ILL, March 13. -The Republican convention litis nominated Herbert V. Ladd Tor governor and David G. Littleiield for lieutenant governor, smd adopted resolutions en d'iring Harrison's administration aud complimenting speaker Reed on his ruling in theliouse. The l!accan?er of OI.I Da iiitt-ti the .skull and crovs liincs, their i-M!.i, defiantly at the m wthead. Your mole-i pir.it), not on the liiti seas, but up.i the huh reputation of standard rem edies, skulks under various dluUes. lib hole a id corner t mine lias ne er to any de Siee affected Hostciter's Stomach Hitters, altaou'li that standard invi mint and cor rective his Ion:; been the saining mark at h e!i his shafts hive been directed. Cheap local bitters, composed of fiery, unrcctiQed .stimulants, with an bifiiaiou or extract pos sibly, of Mime tonic bark, arc sitll sometimes reeournonded sis identical with, or similar to, or possessing virtues kindred to those of America's chosen family medicine. These peP-h speedily, while the great subduer and preventive of disease pursues its successful career, overcoming malaria, dyspepsia, ner oiiMios, kidney troubles, constipation and rheum itlc ailments, not only oa this, but on many continents. 1 Tard on the Eyes : Mrs. Jaggs (sus picious! v) -Your eves are watery and terribly inflamed. Mr. Jaggs (with an injured stir) "Well, next time you give me si "Bible for a birthday present don't select one with such fine print. - New York Weekly. Sore Throat Is particularly favorable to the con traction of Diptheria. Heed the warn ing anil Use-lXirbys Prophylatic Fluid. It at once allavs the inllamniation of the throat, subdues the pain and gives permanent relief. It promptly ami ef fectually destroys all contagion and diptheritic germs. It is a safeguard against Diptheria, and should be ussd on the first symptoms of ore throat as a gargle. Astoria Beal Estate & OKLAHOMA BOOMERS REJOICE. Aprehension of Conflicting Inter national Matters With Mexico. S.4.H A.CCIBEXT AT SEATTLE. Special by Tho California Associ vted Press, San DrEGo, March 13. -On Monday an Indian uamed Cassinero was brought up from Tia Juana to serve a 30 day sentence in the county jail on a charge of disturbance. The Mexican authorities below the line have been called into the matter by some friends of tho Indian who contended that the offender had been arrest ed on Mexican soil by an American officer and taken awav for trial without due process of law. Upon evidence produced before the Mexican court authorities of that country it is understood that they will make a demand for the person of Cassinero and will make an inter national question of the case. They have prepared papers which will be forwarded to tho City of Mexico and to "Washington. The Mexican police also assert that if the arresting officer goes tho other side of tho line, ho will be taken into custody for mak ing an arrest without authority. UestractloK of aa Ice Iloute. Special to Thk Atoriax. Seattle, March 13. The immense ico warehouse, located, in the south ern portion of the city on the tide flats, collapsed this morning, the floor giv ing way, and lotting the whole struc ture go crashing to the bottom of the bay. Four men were working in the house and were carried down with it No one was killed, but all were more or less seriously injured. L. A. Math ews, one of tho number, was crushed, and will probably die. Tho structure, which is about one hundred feet square, was built upon piles fifteen feet above the water. A heavily loaded freight train passed along at a rapid rate, causing the building to sway to and fro until the flooring gave way. Opium StnuggliBg in San Francisco, Special to The Astorian. San Fbanctsco, March 13. Tho custom house authorities to-day cap tured S2,500 worth of prepared opium, which was being smuggled ashore by William Bourne in a Whitehall boat It is not known from what vessel the drug was taken. Bourne was arrested and was held to answer to the charge of smuggling, with bail at $2,500. Great Rejoicing Over Oklahoma. Special to The Astorian.1 Arkansas City, Kansas, March 13. This city is wild over the passage of tho Oklahoma bill in the house and which declares the Cherokee outlet of ptibhc lands. Hundreds of people are going into the promised land, and are staking claims. By morning this city will be almost deserted, all will be in the strip. News from Guthrie state that everybody is going to tho strip. Orange Lands in California Selling Li vely Special to The Astorian. Ontario, Cal., March 13. The state citrus fair at Los Angeles, seems to be atended with a boom in orange lands, eastern buyers are on the alert About S100.000 worth was sold here yesterday aud to-day, mostly bearing orchards for cash. Riverside, Red lands and Pomona report similar ac tivity. Oklahoma Territory in Prospective. Special to The Astorian. GurnRiE, IniLTer., March 13. A privato telegram from Congressmen Springer, Perkins and Mansnr, was received to-night, and conveyed the welcome intelligence that tho Perkins' bill had passed tho lower house. As this bill differs from that passed by the senate, the matter now goes to a cenference committee but the Wash ington telegrams say tho mat ter litis all been arranged and that within tho week Oklahoma, the beautiful land, will be a territory of the Union, delivered from an ab solute reign of anarchy. Tho news was received by the boomers with ac clamations of delight, and col lected around huge bonfiers, before tho Guthrie News office, eager crowds are reading tho bulletins from Wash ington. Citrus Fair in California. Special to The Astoriax. Los Angeles, March 13. The citrus fair now being held at Hazard's pavilion is conceded to be the great est display of citrus fruits ever made in America. Visitors are here from all parts of the Union and are loud in praise of the products of California. The State Citrus Fruit Growers' convention have attended the exhibi tion in a body and evince great inter est and surprise, and say they will no longer entertain the impressien that southern California consists of "barren hills and cactus covered plains." The exhibition comprises everything known in the citrus fruit line. Burglary at Spokane Fall. Special to The Astorian. Spokane Falls, March 13. Three masked burglars entered Goldsmith & Co.'s store at an early hour this morning. One of them took a revol ver belonging to W. W. Tilghman, a Choice ! clerk who was sleeping in the store, and kept Mm quiet wMle the others loaded a wagon with goods. The thieves escaped. An Insecure Bridge. Special to The Astorian. Spokane Falls, March 13. The Spokesman will publish to-morrow affidavits of the workmen who assisted in erecting the Monroe street bridge for me San Jrrancisco Bridge com pany, who had the contract They charge that the work was very im perfectly done and tho foundations and superstructure are insecure. The bridge was built for the railroad com pany, but fell down soveral times while under construction. The city had to pay fifteen thousand dollars of tho cost, which was fifty thousand, but the council now refuses to pay any thing, alleging the bridge unsafo. It has sunk several inches in places and is now closed to traffic AN EAST PORTLAND SENSATION. Willamette Falls Electric Co, En joinei from. Setting Poles, FOUlt-ItOUSl itoxisa coy TEST. Portland, March 13. Late yes terday afternoon Henry Failing filed papers in the circuit conrt asking that tho Willamette Falls Electric company be enjoined from setting poles and doing other work tending to injure property on Third and Washington streets. This morn ing Deputy Sheriff Solomon found a giant named Joe McFarland. an em ploye of the company, perched high on one of the poles in that locality. The man said that the courts and injunc tions might be hanged, but after a brief argument Mr. Solomon placed tho faithful servant under arrest He was taken to Superintendent Morey's office and there released on his per sonal recognizance to appear in court on Monday to answer a contempt charge. Public Opinion, a new paper, made its appearance to-day. It is devoted to workingmen and tho eight-hour system. Arrested for Seduetlon. Special to The Astoriax. Portland, March 13. A sensation was caused in East Portland vicinity this morning by the arrest of Mr. JohnForan a furniture dealer. The complainant is Mrs. Fanny Calkins, mother of a beautiful young girl just budding into womanhood, who accord ing to allegations has stooped to folly and learned how easily men betray. It is claimed that on the 28th of Jast November, under promise of marriage Miss Ida surrendered toForan, all her claim to virtuo. Foran at once engaged in his ser vice, Judgo J. F. Caples, and acting under his advice waited examination and was admitted to bail in the sum of 3500. UI am willing" said he "to;do what is right by the girl, and have wanted to see her, but her mother would not allow me to enter the 1 house. The fact is, this arrest is caused by spite work and is wholly unnecessary. I am willing to do what is light". Sparring Contest. Special to The Astorian.j Portland, March 13. A four-round sparring contest between Jack Demp sey and McCarthy, tho Australian, this evening .attracted a gathering of two thousand persons at tho pavilion. Tho honors were equally divided. Ex-UoTernor Woods' Estate. Special to Thk Astoriax. Portland, March 13. To-day the appraisers of the estate of ex-Governor George L. Woods filed a report in tho probate court, showing tho estate to be worth 63,247, as follews: One desk, S300; three chairs, $450; one pair elk horns, $230; two volumes of tho History of the Pacific Northwest, $10; and an undivided one-half inter est in the donation land claim of Ca leb Woods in Yamhiil county. The smallness of the late governor's estate is mainly due to his generous nature and honest careor all through his life. The Ks Was a Cnre. A good story is being told about tho wife of a prominent gentleman of this city who has long been a confirmed invalid. A few weeks ago she took to her bed, and bid fair to lie their help less the rest of tier life, and there seemed to be but little the matter with her. Her husband, who believed that her illness was more imaginary than real, prepared a novel test for her. He took their pretty colored servant into his confidence, and by a prearranged plan the man reached out and, embrac ing the girl, planted a fervent kiss on her black skin. The wife's lost powers returned to her at once and she jumped out of her bed and drove the girl from the house. She now does all the house work herself with ease. Scranton Record. All the patent medicines advertiseu in this paper, together with the choicest perfumery, and toilet articles etc can be bought at the lowest prices at J. W. Conn's drug store, opposite Occident hotel, Astoria. Remember the Austin house at the Seaside is open tho year 'round. Trust Co., Portland Ag'te. FOREIGN WTELLKEHCE. h Grippe Attracting the Atteitioi of Indians ani Persians. TREASON IA- THE TRAA'SrjLAJL. Special by Tho California Associated Pssa London, March 13. Sir Howard Elphinstone, treasurer and comp troller for tie Duke of Connaught, was swept overboard by a heavy sea ana arownea last evening during the passage from Plvmouth to TflnfirifTa. His family were on board the vessel at tno tune. La Grippe in India. Special to Thk AstorianJ Bombay, India. March 13. An ani- demic resembling the influenza is spreading in India La, Grippe in Persia. Special to The Astorian. Teheran, Persia, March 1 Tha influenza is raging and causing seventy deaths daily. Several members of the shah's household are among the suf ferers. Grain Porters on a Strike. Special to The Astorian. Liverpool, March 13. Two thou sand grain porters struck for higher wages to-day. Alleged Conspirators Arrested. Special to Tns Astorian. London, March 13. Advices from Johannesburg in Transvaal, ifete that three persons who arrived there for taking part in a demonstration against tho government had been taken to Prepari, charged with trea son. There is intense exoitement throughout the republic. Bold Attempt At Robbery. This morning at three o'clock m James Riley, bartender for Alex Grant, was going home and had stepped into tne nail to go up to his room on the corner of Second and Benton streets a man emerged from the shadow and struck at him with a sand bag. Riley jumped away and after going up two or three sten3. fired at tha scoundrel who ran away. The officers are looking for him and it is hoped ha may be caught. The New Postage Stamps. The new series of postage stamps are of the same denomination as the old, but different in design. The one-cent stamp contains a pro file bust, after tho Rubricht, of Benja min Jfrankiin, printed in the ultra marine blue. On the two-cent stamp is a profile bust, after Houdon, of George Wash ington looking to the left, on an oval disk, printed in carmine. The 3 cent stamp contains a profile bust, after Powers, of Andrew Jack son, on an ovil disk, printed in purple. The i cent stamp contains a por trait of Abraham Lincoln, after a pho tograph from life, three-quarter face, looking to the right The color is chocolate. On the 5 cent stamp is a portrait of Gen. Grant, after a photograph from life, three-quarter face, looking to the. right; color, fight brown. The 6-cent denomination has a por trait of James A. Garfield, after a pho tograph from life, three-quarter face. The color of this stamp has not been fully determined upon. The 10-cent stamp contains a por trait of Daniel Webster, after a da guerreotype from life, three-quarter face, looking to the left; color, milori green. The 15-cent denomination has a portrait of Henry Clay, after a daguer reotype from life. The color is deep blue. On the 30-cent stamp is a profile bust of Thomas Jefferson, after Cer acchi; color, black. The90-cent denomination contains a profile bust of Commodore O. H. Perry, after Wolcott's statue. The color is orange. ARE YOU MADE miserable by in digestion, Dizziness. Loss of Appetite, Yellow Skin? Shiloh's Vitalizer is a positive cure. At J. C. Dement's. SLEEPLESS NIGHTS, made miser able by that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is the remedy for you. J. C. De ment. THE KEV. GEO. H. THAYER, of Bourbon, lnd says: "Both myself and wife owe our lives to Shiloh's Consump tion Cure will give immediate relief. Price, 10 cts., 50 cts. and 51, at J. C. De ment's. s rjOBS Q I CUBE. A CLEAN AND PERFECT CURE OF Hurjs and Bruises A. Doctor Saw It. Lawrence. Kansas. Ang. 9. 18S8. George Patterson fell from a 2d-story window, striking a fence. I found him using St. Jaeobt OH freely all over bis hurts. I saw him next XnOrning at work ; all the blue spots had goat, leaving neither pain, scar nor Swelling. C. K. wEUMANN. Jf. D. At Druggists and Dealers. THE CHARLES A. V0GELER CO.. SUREHm TERMS EASY! ' - - '- " - l - Cl, - &? "!'