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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (March 13, 1890)
f I iff -1ffM (0 imriflti ASTORIA, ORKGOjV, THURSDAY, MARCH 13. I8SW. PRICE FIVE CENTS- VOL. XXX IV. NO HI. i'l iSli a I liWi1l1&.i KINNEY'S ASTORIA LESS THAN ONE MILE FROM THE O. R. & N. DOCK, Beautifully Situated. Prices Low and Terms Reasonable. KEEN & COOK, AGENTS. SOMETHING NEW Kennen Addition i r.t'aulifully situated on the banks of the Columbia, ad joining proposed Public Park and near the. newly discovered coal beds. (inly $:5 per Lot for a lew days. Get in now and secure firf-(ilass Lots. FRANK SPITTLE. Agent. Astoria. Or. FRED 8AIZS addles, and Harness A LARGE STOCK TO SELECT FROM. GOODS AT SAW FRANCISCO PRICES. 1 mikVfaswnn!J5 r?nul woik ami ximrautcf satisfaction. At lln Old St and, WiM Suit' 01ne Stri'ft, Near Wilson & FisherV ASTORIA. OREGON. - BARBOUR'S Irish Flax Thre HAVE NO EQUAL I ads etRv!H ter? igsss frn '"SK:2eSCE!?B&ilSiHI.I.I.I.MCflh: -v--3EIBKtl xiiniriini THE BITCH AKD HABBOR BILL. Literal Appropriations for Iiproye- meuts iu tne Northwest. i a an ri t.lti o.v.v j: ecommexb r 5iocial by Tho California Asociati:i Pniss. Wasiuxotok, March 12. It is ex pected that the house committee en rivers ami harbors will have their bill ready to report in about three weeks. The bill will probably amount to about S0,000,ODt). It will contain, as far as Oregon is concerned, ample ap propriations for the mouth of the Co lumbia, for canals and locks of the Cascades, for tho Willamette river above and below Portland, for the upper Columbia, for the Willamette lwlow Oregon City and the rapids. Yaonina. bay, Coos bay ami the Coquille river. These figures em brace projects in operation years past. Among new projects which will be provided for under the recent surveys nro additional improvements of TJmpuna river by which increased depth will be secured between Scotts bnrgand Gardiner, additional improve ments provided for tho jetty worlcs on Siuslaw bay, improvement of Tilla inook bay and a proposed jetty on Nchalom bay. Of the loat railway reported on" by the commission of engineers appointed to survey nnd make investigations some time ago, to overcome obstructions at Tho Dalles and 3 and 10-milo rapids nothing can bo at present stated. Herman is quite determined that the loat railway if attempted shall not go through tho same experience that the locks and canals at the Cascades and nn nrovements at the mouth of tho Co lumbia have done. He holds that un less the river and harbor commiitee will allow moro liberal appropriations than have been !eforo given to the al)ove named project, ho shall take new steps and seek for special legislation. He says he feels able to announce to the papers of Oregon that the forthcoming report of the river and harbor committee will show very liberal allowances for the two great works now in prog ress on the Columbia. Light Houses and Lire Siting SUtiocs Special to The astokiax.j Washington, March 12. The sec retary of the treasury has reported to the committee on commerce a favor able bill Tor the establishment of a light house at Newport, on Yaquina bay, Or., at a cost of S80,000. lie has also sent an extended communication to the committee in regard to the pro posed life saving station on the Pacific coast The secretary says he does not believe a life saving station is neces sary n Coos bay for the reason that there is one already established on the south side of the mouth of the Coo3 river near cape Ar- ago light, in regard to tue pro- pcs2d station at ltoguo river, the tec rotary says that he has investigated the reports for tho past fifteen years and finds that in that time eight ves sels have been lost in that vicinity and the value of properly is $33,Sfl As to Port Orford, there have been four wrecks in that vicinity in 15 years, one of which was a steamer valued at S1G1,000. While no lives have been lost in these wrecks, the secretary believes that the increase or the coastwise trade demands that nil possible exigencies should bo met and at any rale one life saving station must be established at liogue river. There Is full reason to justify the establishment of o n a t Port Orford. Petitions la Coasress. Special toTjiKASTOKtAX-1 WAsmxGTo:.-, March 12. In the senate to day numerous petitions were received favoring the free coinage of silver, and the Sunday rest law and against liberal appropriation for the new navy and coast defense. Hoar called up the resolution to censure Call for inserting in the record lan guage not used in the debate. A yea and nay vote was then taken on the adoption of the resolution and re sulted as follews: Yeas ?, nays 1 J. Oregon Lcttcri Harced ia a Car. Serial to Tin: AsiOiUAX'. Washington, March 12. -The Ore gon delegation are considerably exer cised over the fact that there is but little doubt that numerous ielicrs sent by them to their constituents were consumed in the car burnt in Utah on February 27. Senator Mitchell Fays that he fears that some fifty letters written by him in resone to com munications from persons in Oregon were burnt in that car. ClianR.' of I. S. Stoaa; r. tM il to TllK AxTOlUAN.t Washington, March 1 The re cent accident to the U. S. steamer lrutuois while on her way from Hon olulu to Samoa to relieve the Adams, which necessitated her putting into Pt. Townseud, will prevent her from performing service at present and another vessel will have to be sent to Apia. Admiral "Brown, commanding the Pacific squadron, has ordered the U. S. steamship Mohican lo sail at one." to relieve the Adaini which is under orders to return to S.;n Fran cisco for repairs as soon as the other vessel arrives. MISSISSIPPI RIVER FLOODS. Til English Pugilist Arrested. ! Special to The Astoria. I London, March 12. Mitchell, the Railways aM Leyees Suffering h,,--ctaffi field Gooder. Great Damage. "mtuii.-rKt'on OJUcrra I'.rtuliitsil. Sjcfi il to The amoki n.J Washington, March 12. -The pres ident apiwinted .Tno. 13. Weber, of Buffalo, commissioner or immigration, and Geo.Obcrn first assistant commis sioner of immigration. I.lsM House llst-prr!ii:rJ. ij.cclal to Tin: AstokianVI Washington, March 12. The sec retary of the treasury has appointed Hans P. Score third "assistant keeper of the light station at Tillamook rock, Oregon. Dlair Kill to ho Voted On. Special to The Asto::ian.1 Washington. March 12. The pen ate has ordered a vote on the Blair bill, to b taken at : o'clock on the 2Wh insL morris ij:ox mixes strike. SiecialJy tho Californii AsdociiTEn Press St. Louis. March 12. The flood news from various points along the Mississippi river and other streams this morning is that the White and Black rivers in Arkansas are out of their banks and overflowing the conn try on both sides for miles. Heavy rains have fallen and continue along these streams, and a general inunda tion Is looked for. All railways in the vicinity cf Fort Smith are suffering from j-orious washouts or lost bridges, and irains which have been abandoned temporarily. At Ar kansas City the water from the Sappiugtou Hook crevasse indundated the rear part of tho town and lands in the back country are be ing flooded. It is thought, however, that ho great damage will result as the interior streams are capable of carry ing water awa vcrv rapidlv. All the available boats of tho government fleet have lcen put in the levee service. The river front from Arkansas City down is being carefnlly watched and all low places are being filled up with sack-, ofaml and earth. Corrupt OiHcers Iu N.w lorl. s . oil' ; i Yin: vstouianI Nj:.; Youk, March 12. Warden James l. Keating or Ludlow street jail and deputy sheriff M. F. Gonigle have lecn arrested and held m blu.UOU bail each on charges of bribery. This is the outcome of the expose by the II n aid. which alleges wholesale cor ruption among county officials. The Jli rali1 mid the prisoners iu Ludlow street jail were enabled by bribing the oihcinls to do about as they pleased attending theater and coming and go ing practically at will, and sent a re porter to the jail as a prisoner, who went through such experiences, and which he described in the lit raid. How the Exalealea Occurred. Special to The Astoria. London, March 12. An unlocked lamp along side the corpse of a work man named. Morris explains the ex plosion in the Morfa colliery. Ia The House of Commons. Special to The Astoriax. London, March 12. The house of commons this evening rejected the Irish land tenure bill by a vote of 213 to 170. Socialists lacreaslag. Special to The Astorian. Berlin, March 12. The total vote at the recent elections, was 7,ll,4bU. The socialists pulled .1,331,587 which is an increase of over four fold in nine years. MUM PAMRAPHS. The Becter Mystery Clearing Up. The U, P. Extension. ROBERTS XOW WAXTS DAMAGES. Pacific 314:1 vs. Northern Pasiilc. Specla-1 T:ii:.sio -ian.1 New York, Much 12. TIi Wall Wrtri Ncii'.t .sends nut a story that five directors of PaciGc mail decided not to permit the company to uiakeJ also! says the story is untrue. nnv terms with the .Northern Taenia These directors who ordered at the last meeting that the matter lo laid on the table, will in all probability vote agaiust anv propositi-.)!! to give the Pacific mail U; propose. I con tract at Tacoma. Hirers Rising la Illinois. Special to Tn k Astori a x.l Cairo, I1L, March 12. A water spout at TJllin, HI., submerged the tracks of the Illinois Central railroad to a depth of five feet. No trains came in on that road since yesterday afternoon. Tho Ohio river continues to rise here. Portland, March 12. The mystery surrounding the death of young Geo. Becker is beginning to clear up, and the theory of criminal administration of poison has been exploded. Dr. C. H. Wheeler, who was called on the morning of the death is of the opin ion that the poison was "Bough on Bats." Frank Ivans, the companion of the dead boy, states that Becker purchased the poison last summer to kill rats. He says that he and Becker used about half the poison, while the box found in the pantry was about half full. The coincidence" strengthens the belief that the young man committed suicide bv takine a spoonful of the contents after which he put the cover on and placed the whole on the shelf back of the match can. Donahue's Estate Reported Talielec. Special to The astoriak. Sax Fbanscisco, March 12. The statement is published in an afternoon paper that the estate of Mervyn Don ahue, recently deceased, which was believed to aggregate at least $1,000, 000, will really yield but little if any thing to the heirs and the charitable institutions to which it was devised. It is claimed it had been hypothe cated by the deceased to its full value, to the Seligmans. The estate consists entirely of stock in the San Francisco and North Pacific railway. The line was working very poorly last night, it being 10:45 before the first of The Morning Astorian's press report was received. The trouble was at the bridge at Portland. His Mustache. HUNTINGTON NEGOTIATING For YalnaWc Property in Tie Northwest. A SACUAMEXXO LEVEE BREAKS. N.V.ola I.otterj Hill Defeated S,- oial to Tin: Astokiax. Bismarck, X. D., March 12. The lottery bill was finally defeated this evening .after an all day battle in the hoiis bv a vote of .'J4 to 2-"). tf Jay CouM Xat to ?!arrr. Sj fUil .to TllK ASTORIAX.j -jXkwYo:::c, March 12. Edwin GxtJVI, son of Jay Gould, says there is no truth in the story that , Jay Gonld is about to marrv Mrs. Fly mi. Theo dore Moss, the father of Mrs. Flynn, UKAXD TRIX PAItlS 187.S. AND OH.VN1) CROSS OF THE LEGION DMIOXNEUK. Tuej lo-clved the m ONLY GOLD MEDAL For FLAX THREADS at the London Fisheries Exhibition 1883. And haw been a vi aided I1IG11EH 1'UIZES at the various INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITIONS, Than the goods of any other IX THE WOULD, Quality Can JUways be Depended on. m eriencea Fisnermen Use ho un. HENRY DOYLE & CO.. 517 and 519 Market Street. SAN FRANCISCO. AGENTS FOR PACIFIC COAST. WOODBERRY SEINE TWINE, ROPE and NET TING Constantly on Hand. SEINES, POUNDS and TRAPS Furnished to order at Lowest Factory Prices. CaHfurnii KaHnnJ Tax ras.-s Spent to 1) Washington. Marc'j 12 The Califor nia tax casus came to a rather .-uuile:: aud unexpected ending in the supreme court this afternoon. When the case of tho state of California again -t the San Pablo and Tulare railroad com pany was called, Senator Edmunds appeared for tho railroad company. Attorney General Johnson staled that since the case had been set for a hear ing, the supreme court of the state of California, in three different cases for railroad taxes for 1SS3, had decided that the statute imposing these taxes was unconstitutional. It y.a finally decided to postpone the present hearing until the next term. Senator Edmunds said to the California Associated Press repre sentative that in all probability, no extended hearing on the subject will be reheldin the United States supreme court when the case again came up. but it would render judgment in ac cordauce with the finding of the su preme court o California. The Oklahoma Hill. Special to The Astohian. Washington, March 12. The house has adopted a resolution fixing the limit of debates on tho Oklahoma bill at -i v. jr. to-morrow and debated the bill until adjournment. Another Money OrJer Unite. Special to Thk Astokian. Washington, March 12. In com pliance with a request of senator Mitchell, the postoffice atElgiu, Union county. Or., has been placed upon the list of additional money order offices to bo established at the" beginning of the next fiscal year. iTeC'ra t'ni-i Hitter. loTtir Asto;:an.1 Nkw Youk, March 12. -The West ern Union directors have declared a quarterly dividend of 1 per cent. William W. Astor was elected director to .sncced John Jacob Aslor. Tho net earnings for the quarter were $l,.Mft,(KH an increase of S20.UIWL Aetna of ijci!i,: -l;il !-iiie! Special to riiK Asrour w.l Nnw YonK, March 1 1 The com mercial Adtvith'-r favs the statement that half of the Pacific m ul directors have decided to oppose isie plan of tVe Ir.inspno'iie liue from Taeoma, i un true. The decision i held in abey ant ienl:i'' an examination of an estimate and negotiations a to ter minal fnciikie: at Taconri. .icritttn un ttuc. Is sad U. il. SjK-ii .! i "l!ir .r.::i.N j Chicago, March 12. -A passenger train on the Hock island road collided with a freight train at Blue Island late last night The passenger engine and three freight cars were demolished. One br.ikeman was killed and the con ductor was hcrionsly injured. The passengers were badly shaken upt es caping with only a few slight bruises. The news wa? suppressed until this morning. Iluutintoa's Opinion. Special to Thk Asroiti vn.I New Youk, March 12. Dow, Jones & Co's FinuttrJal A't-wv. sends the follewing: Huntington says he thinks some trade by the Pacific Mail will be made with the Northern P.icitic. The matter will bo held in abeyance pending the return of Gould. Sage says the Pacific Mail has not yet con cluded any trade with the Northern Pacific, and the matter is still open. Ja) (ioulil Docs Xot Ien). Special t.iTin: ast i:ian J New York, Mnrch 12. - Edward Gould sent a telegram to his father inquiring about the truth of the re ported engagement to Mrs. Eiynn and received the follewing: "Yours re ceived, George and self both will. Can't sav a word about that" Jay Goui.p. jlore !.-ws cf the I'loo.l. Spt'iia1 to Thk Astokian. New OhiiCvns, March 12. Dis patches from Arkansas City this morn ing reports the river still rising and that citv Hooded with water from 18 inches to two feet deep. Heavy rain is railing and assisting tlie rising waters. 17 Tho California Associated Pres3. Sax Francisco, March 12. The jury in the case of Mrs. D. S. Terry, charged with resisting Marshall' ranks in the discharge of his duties, disa greed after being out 17 hours and taking 20 ballots. The last ballot stood eight for acquittal and four for conviction. The jury was discharged. A second trial will probably be had. U. P. Road Extension. Special to The Astohian. Portland, March 12. Mr. Antonell, railroad contractor, left tho city Mon day eve for eastern Oregon, to look after the work of constructing the Un ion Pacific Railway company's La Grando extension road to be 21 miles in length, and the contract calls for its completion by July 1st. Mr. Anto nell said that it will bo impossi ble for tne road to be fin ished by that time, however. owing to the very severe weather during tho winter. For about two months work had been entirely suspended and considerable damage done to grading and other portions of the work. The road will be of great value to the U. P. company, running as it does, through the richest part of the empire. Destraetlre Flra Ia Xerada. Special to Thk Astouian. Keno, Kev., March l'i This even ing tho Eeno reduction works were entirely destroyed by fire. Loss about 70,000. Insured for 310,000. There is a great deal of character in the mustache. As the form of the upper lip and in the regions about it, has largely to deal with tho feelings, pride, self-reliance, manliness, vanity and other qualities that give self control, the mustache is more particularly con nected with the expressions of those qualities or the reverse. When the mustache is ragged and, as it were, flying hither and thither, there is a lack of proper self-controL. When it is straight and orderly, the reverse is the case, other things, of course, taken into account. If there i3 a tendency to curl at the outer ends of the mustache, there is a tendency to ambition, vanity or dis play. When tho curl turns upward there is geniality, combined with a love of approbation; when tho inclination is downward there is a more sedate turn of mind not unaccompanied with gloom. It is worthy of remark that good natured men will, in playing with the mustache, invariably give it an up ward inclination, whereas cross-grained or morose men will pull it obliquely downward. ii Helping tke Unemployed. Special to Tnr. Astouian.I San Francisco, March 12. At least one thousand men applied for work to-day to tho committee which has a fund for the unemployed in its charge. The committee fouud it possible to furnish employment for only two hun dred and fifty. This makes five hun dred and fifty men who have been fur nished with employment This work will be continued until the most seri ous distress has been relieved. To Co-operate. .Special toTiiE Astokian. Portland, March 12. In accord ance with a resolution passed at the last meeting of the Portland board of trade, president Macleay appointed the following committee to investigate if it be proper for tho board of trade to concur with tho Astoria chamber of commerce resolutions as requested: Jas. Laidlaw, W. L. Sibson nnd D. D. Ohphant. Iron iiiners MrikitiT. p. i ;I tu Tiik Astokian. AsuiiANP. Wis., March 12. One thousand employes at the Morri.3 Iron mines, the largest producer in the world, went out on a strike to-day. GEBBHT OCCUPYINPt ISLANDS. The Fire Still Spailim in The Morfa Colliery. .1 1' ft: l LIST JS FIVE I -f.70. Special by Tho C.ilifcrnii As3ocutm I'kkss, Deulin, March 12. Germany will shortly notify tho owcrs that she has taken the islands of Manila and Patta under her protection. DeJVit cf the Dafconilini Special to Thk Astokiax.j Paris, March 12. One thousand DahonuaiH were killed, including one female general, in the recent encoun ters with the French. King Dahomey has retreated to Lamonr. Southern Taclflc Reaching Oat. Special to The Astorian. San Francisco, March 12. C. P. Huntington, who is expected shortly on this coast, is negotiating for some extensive properties in the north. Be sides coal fields, he has his eyes fixed on several lines of railroad in the vicinity of Portland owned by a Scotch syndicate, and should these be acquired by the Southern Pacific it woidd have as firm a hold on the Willamette valley as it now has on the San Joaquin and Sacramento valleys. siilLOU'S CATARttll UEMWiY a positive cure forC.ilprr'i, Diphtheria and Canker Mouth. At .1. C. Uenient . More Meno- in RrazU. Special to Tin: Astokian. Eio Janieko, Brazil, March 12. The National Bank and Bank of Bra zil, havo been authorized to issue 50, 000,000 milreis in paper. Eacli is to be redeemable in gold as soon a3 ex change permits. The TerrlMe Colliery Disaster. Special to The Astori vn. London, March 12. Tho lire in Morla colliery is spreading and nine teen bodies have been recovered. Iti is known that S3 lives were lost. Orankcn Juror Fined. Special to The Astokiax.1 San Francisco, March 12. Juror C. S. Simpson, who reported for duty during tho trial of Mrs. D. S, Terry in an intoxicated condition, was to-day fined S2o by Judge Boss for contempt of conrt The tine was, however, re mitted under plea of hard times, made by Simpson's nttorney. Sacramento River Levee Breaks. Special to Thk astokian. Bio Vista, Cal., March 12. A break occurred in the levee on the Morgan ranch to-day and is widening rapidly. If not closed soon the whole of Bran nan island will be flooded and this, once the best farming land on the river, rendered useless perhaps for vears. Will Sao for Damaites. Spejlal to The Astokian, Portland, March 12. At the time of the arrest of W. E. Boberts in Ash land charged with embezzling 88,000 from his employers. Wm. Dunbar & Co., his son, J. A. Boberts. was also taken into custody aud detained in jail. The grand jury of this county found that the young man was not im plicated in the alleged crime and after being confined in prison some two or three weeks was released and it is now the intention of young Boberts to bring heavy damages against Dunbar & Co. for false imprisonment. Articles of Incorporation. Special to The Astorian, Portland, March 12. Articles of incorporation of the Lewis Biver Transfer company were filed in the office of tho county clerk to-day, by O. W. Hosford,L. P. Hosford, C. O. Hosford and J. P. Moreland. Capital stock $30,000. Articles of incorporation of tho Pa cific Mortgage, Trust and Agency com pany were filed in the office of the county clerk this afternoon by D. P. Thompson, Charles E. Benn and Alex. Thomas with a capital stock of 1,000,-000. Another Old Pioneer Drlnir. Special to The Astokian. Portland, March 12. This after noon T. Cader Powell, county clerk, received a telegram announcing that his grandfather Mr. John Milliom. is dying at his home at Junction City, Mr. Powell left for the old gentleman's residence this afternoon. Milhornis 86 years old, and came to this state in lbo2. A New Incorporation. Articles incorporating the Garfield Iron & Lime company were filed in tho county clerk's office yesterday afternoon by C. H. Prescott, H. Thiel son and J. H. Pomeroy, with a capital of 8150,000. This company proposes engaging in nearly every branch of business, except running a newspaper. Oregonian, 12. It is a curious fact that during the recent epidemic of influenza the Turks alone of all the nations of Europe es caped any visitation thereof, an im munity which is ascribed by several prominent physicians to the fact that they never under any circumstances remove their fez or turban. More over, the medical faculty of Vienna, after a careful investigation into the causes of the malady, have issued an official declaration to the effect that its prevalence has been largely attrib utable to the frequent doffing of hats in the street In corroboration of this theory it is pointed out that the great majority of the victims belonged to the male sex, and that there were rel atively few cases among the soldiers, who, it is well-known, do not remove their head-gear when saluting. ljlor Conference In Europe. Special ioThk Astori N. Madrid, March 12. Spain accepted the conference. has invitation to the labor Rome not IrkLabor Conference. Special to The Adrian. Boxie, March 12. It is announced .that the Vatican will not be represented at the labor conference at Berlin. Suicide or a Woman. Special to The Astorian. Stockton, March 12. Catherine Applehoff, 56 years of age, was found this morning by her two little grand children, who went to awaken her, hanging by her neck from the bed post. She had committed suicide during the early hours of tho morning. The act was caused by despondency, brought on bv disease. Sore Throat Is particularly favorable to the con traction of Diptheria. Heed tho warn ing and use Darbys Prophylatic Fluid. It at once allays the inflammation of the throat, subdues the pain and gives permanent relief. It promptly and ef fectually destroys all contagion and diptheritic germs. It is a safeguard against Diptheria, and should be ussd on the first symptoms of sore throat as a gargle. THAT HACKING COUGH can so quickly cured by button's Cure. uaranieu u. ,j. j. ueraenr. A county official, of Pacific county, writes CoL DeTiere to have a law passed declaring that pennies shall not be legal tender. He does not wish, "our noble country disgraced" by pen nies. Now if the colonel will have a law passed that water shall run up hill when a proclamation is issued to that effect, that a pint measure shall hold a quart, and that every loaf of bread shall weigh a ton and be sold for a quarter, our noble country will not be disgraced. Reveille. Col. Mervin Donahue, of San Fran cisco left liis relatives $75,000 and the bulk of his fortune for a home foraged men and women. He gavo 825,000 for a fountain; 820,000 to the Catholic San Bafael orphan asylum, and $100, 000 for other Catholic charities. Special to The Astorian. Portland, March 12. This morn ing Bev. John W. Sellwood, pastor of St. David's Episcopal church, died after having been in feeble health for three or four years. He came here in 1856 and was tho son of Bev. John Sellwood. The deceased was a good and highly respected divine. Death oran Old Pioneer. Special to The Astori an. Portland, March 12. Last night Mr. Gilmore Kelly, uncle to sheriff Penumbra Kelly, died very suddenly ac nis resmencs is Lowell's valley. Kelly came to this stato in '58 and was abont 70 years of age. A Crazy Prophet. Special to The Astorian.1 Oakland, Cal., March 12. G. A. Ericksen, the Norwegian crank, who prophesied the destruction of San Francisco, Oakland, Alameda and Berkley on April 14, was examined by im the commissioners for the msanothis We afternoon and committed to the Stock ' ton asylum. Catarrh Cured, A clergyman, after years ol suffer ing from that loathsome disease, Ca tarrh, and vainly trying every known remedy! at last found a recipe which completely cured and saved him from death. Any sufferer from this dread ful disease sending a self addressed stamped envelope to Prof. J. A. Law rence, 88 Warren St., New York City, wilk eceive the recipe free of charge. All the patent medicines advertised in this paper, together with the choicest Eerfumery, and toilet articles etc can e bought at the lowest prices at J. W. Conn's drug store, opposite Occident hotel, Astoria. Kcmetnber the Austin house at the Seaside is open the year 'round. THE GOOD OFFaCS OF: Is well illustrated in the care of neuralgia, tho chief symptom of which is, an intermit ting pain which follow the course of the nerve affected. St. Jacobs Oil by gentle rubbing and applied frequently, will cure NEURALGIA. 196 Sackett St., Brooklyn, N. Y., Jan.31, 1889. I was taken with neuralgia in side ana suffered 6 months. I was given up by doc tors, but was enrtd by St Jacobs Ofl. MICHAEL McOINir. $125 AND $150 PER LOT At Druggists and Dealers. THt CHARLES A. V0GELER CO.. laWrt.lM. TERMS EASY ! HANTHORN'S ASTORIA! iiniiHKZtssc8szsz:si:3:ss3!!iis:z3::::3:ss:cs2::s'iE2isi:BSEHiiiiiiiiiiit Call Early and Take Your Choice ! IHHitSMS;tttIHHtIISi323!J3IHlKtltaHlI3i;IHHMHaimmmiimMSI ROBB & PARKER, General Ag'ts, Astoria. Astoria Real Estate & Trust Co., Portland Ag'ts. V