'-" "' ,$ C - (The Battjj itftotm ASTORIA. OREGON: SUNDAY. -MARCH 9. 1830 City and Ceunt j- Official Paper. JJJCiT JIJE.V AY 2VI SEX ATE. Mb. Wattersox, tlic editor of. the Louisville Courier Journal, thinks fit to declaim to tlie farmers of tlie vest that the country is in danger from rich men; that the senate is full of them, etc They are not afraid of rich men. They know something of the means by "which wealth is accum ulated in this country, and that the scramble is free for all- They have made money themselves. The mere inability to make money is not con clusive proof to them of an exalted forecast or a high'charactcr. No oth er qualification appearing, they es teem ability of this kind more highly than mero impecuniosity. As a class, they have something of the respect for pecuniary standing, attained by one's own efforts, which in more aris " tocratic countries is felt for inherited wealth. The same bias which led Mr. Wat terson to think thirty years ago that slave labor was better than free labor, that a slave confederacy would be bet ter than a united republic, attends him to-day. It inspires him to imag ine that the farmers, of whom he sees little, instead of being the ruling class in this conntry, aro the oppressed class; that instead of being aided in their prosperity by legislation which is the effect of their own votes, they havo evinced their incapacity for the suffrage by voting themselves into a condition of bondage, from which they need to escape. The difficulty is in jtfr. AVatterson's vision, not in the condition of the western farmers. He is like a fiery horse which has never been broken to the presence of the locomotive. He fears a higher civilization than he can understand. He assumes that safety for him and others lies in breaking away from bridle, harness and gearing, and smashing through to a supjwsed liberty, an untamed ideal. Tlie loco motive seems dangerous to the horse only because he does not understand it His noso being held to it long enough, ho fiuds that his"sole danger lies in his pursuit of freedom. So the federal union beemed dangerous to Mr.Watterson thirty years ago, and the tariff seems dangerous to him to-day. He laments that we have no Clay, Webster or Calhoun in the senate. If the senate could consist of Clays, Web eters and Calhouns only, it would be further from Mr. "NYatterson's standard than it now is. Clay was an ardent Protectionist If he were now in the senate, Watterson would detest him as an Indian detests a fann, or as men who are free traders merely from an unthrifty f anatacism hate manufactur ing, or anything which is in advance of them. Both "Webster and Calhoun dis trusted the influence of the illiter ate class, "having no stake in the country," but upon whose votes Wat tersotfs views so largely depend for their danger. Webster intimated that affrage should bo limited to taxpay ers, and Calhoun believed that capital should be represented. If Watterson would stand well with his friends he aanst not too indiscriminately approve the policy of "making government a study." Mr. Watterson says: The city voter is notoriously more corrupt thau his country brother. He seldom concerns himself about the man who makes the laws unless he has some job to put in his hands for saooessful promotion. For that pur pose a fool or a scoundrel suits him better than an able and upright man. Singular anomaly! The very classes of voters whom Watterson thus de nounces constitute the strongholds of free trade. Those whom ho pictures as upersons whom none but a fool or scoundrel will suit'' recognize in him one of their most superb and accom plished leaders. CURED SCROFULA Is that impurity of tlie Wood which pro duces unsightly lumps or swellings on tlie glands of tlie neck; causes painful running sores on the arms, legs, or feet; dcvelopcs ulcers in the eyes, cars, or nose, oltcn caus ing Mindnejs or deafness; Is the origin of pimples, cancerous growths, or the many other manifestations usually ascribed to "humors;" and fastening upon the lungs, eauses consumption, and death. Being the most ancient, It is the most general of r.ll diseases or affections, for very few Iicrsoiii) are entirely free from it. Kow Can it Be r. taking Hood's Sarsaparilla, which, by t!.t remarkable cures It has accomplished, rf ten when other medicines havo failed, l.as proven itself to be a potent and pccul '. -.r medicine for this disease. Some of these cures are ically wonderful. If you "lor from scrofula or impuie blood, bo .se to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. " JIvcry spring my wife and children Jiavc Won troubled with scrofula, sores break ing out on them in various places. My llltfr Ihiv, throe years old, has been a tv-nihv sufferer. Iist spring he was one mass of bores from head to feet. I was advibcd to use Hood's Sarsaparilla, and wo have all taken it. The result is that all have '. cured of the scrofula, my littlo boy i .. entirely Jrce from sores, and all four .1 : : children look bright and health-." VT. 2J. Atiikiitox. I'assaic City, X. J. Hood's Sarsaparilla s-fili'i. Uv is. SI; ixlor5. Pre pared ny C X. TiOt H CO.. iol!:esaric, Iuwcll, Mass. EGO Doses One Dollar NEW TO-DAY. A Bargain Six Yoke of No. f For Sale. Cattle Youn? and in good condition. Two yoke of splendid leadeis. 'Jeims cash, or approved sccuiity. imjuikk or MAYGER : & : SLAUGHTER, 3IAYCKH, OltEfiOX. - GRAND GLEARMCE SALE TABLE.CANNED: FRUITS Kv the ASTOKIA CROCERY AND CANNED I'KUIT CO., opposite llell boni's furniture store, for one week onl, commencing to-dav and ending March 1'itJt. ltvX 'I he e goods are fiit-class. every can war ranted smd will be sold at the nominal sum of 15 cents per can. These figures are below cost, but we propose to reduce stock. K. M. THATCHER. Editor "Wager, o the Pendleton JSast Oregoiiian sensibly declines rc omination for state senator. No sewspaper man lias any business with apolitical office. A newspaper man who accepts sucli position alwavs mdb to the -writer like a man who deliberately sets a trap and then walks a to it The peculiar combination, proportion aad preparation of Hood's .Sarsaparilla Makes this medicine difiVienL from otfeers and superior to them all in au taal curative power. Sold by alldruu rifits. rreparcd by C. 1. Jiood A Co., A pothecaries, .Lowell, Mass. Fr Fine Photographs, Go to Misses Carmthcrs' photograph Kliery: Third street, opposite Mor gan 4b Sherman's. The latest style of Gents' Hoots and at 1. ,1. uoodm.vn s. Here's Your Chance ! - lll'YA HEATING STOVE AT COST AT Noe : & : Scully's. MUKItMHl jjDih o ASTORIA! KNOWN AS THE OLD MILL PROPERTY. J.H. MANSELL, REAL ESTATE BROKER, NOTARY PDBL1C FOR STATE OF OREGON. City Lots and Acre Property, Ranches, Timber Lands, and Water Frontage for Sale. Investments made for Outside Parties. Established, 1S83. Correspondence Solicited. Next W. U. Telegraph Oflice. Third St. Astoria, Oregon. P. O. BOX 863. THE ASTORIA The Finest Inside Prop- erty on the Market To-Day ! i i i I i te and Trust Co. (INCORPORATED.) CAPITA,, 850,000. D. H. "WELCH & CO , Real Estate, Insurance, General Brokers NOTARY PUBLIC FOIi OREGON. We have Property in the original townsite iVoui 8225 up wards. Good Business and Residence Property always on our list. Investments made for non-residents. Corrtimndenee Mi'ii'itetl. Call and see u. Office on Water St., Near Union Pacific Wharf and Depot. ASTOKIA. P.EG0X. Your Moneirs Worth Only Three Ms of a Mile Soil of tie D. P. 1 K Prnctriont I P VJ AIMMRY V.na.Prnctrinnf ft. W Wll I IAMS. I i i biu.la. . . . ... yuimui . iuu-1 iwub.iM w. ... ... -...... w. f- ibbibiui j. ii. ii. iu uniiw. let This splendid Business and Residence Property lies on the south side of the hill, sloping downward from the cemetery, and has a deep water frontage on Young's Bay. It will he traversed hy a cable or motor line within six months. Clear, level lots in this magnificent tract are now for sale on easy terms, at prices which will rapidly advance. The above Company Piaced the AILWAY ADDITION ! For Particulars Inquire of Wakren & Wright TO ASTORIA, on the market December 18th, 18S9. A clean sweep of all the lots in above addition was made by January ISth, 1S90. AS EXTENSION TO THE RAILWAY ADDITION Has been placed on the market. Get in now while the price is low. General Oilice, Rooms 16 and 17, N. E. Cor. First and Alder TP'OIEl.TIj.A.lSa'JO, ODEL FfiAUK SPITTLE, Apt - - Astoria, Oregon. IS WHAT YOU GET AT Foard & Stokes IN Groceries and Provision?. Everything in a First-class Store and at Extremely Low Figures. Goods Delivered all over Town. Hie Highest Price Paid for Junk. FOARD. STOKES OET.O 1. I'AKKKR. PAltl. A. n.XNSON Parker & Hanson SUCCESSORS TO C. L. PARKER, DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE New Goods Arriving Every Steams I THIS "WEEK. Dress Ms! Tlie Old Stand - Astoria Oregon. Stockton & Welch, Real Estate Brokers, AND EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. City, Suburban and Acreage Property For Sale. MAIN ST., ASTORIA, OR., P. 0. Box 511. No curbstone brokers employed here BUY YOUR LOTS IN Williamsport ! LOTS 50x100. $200 EACH. For a Few Days Only. Sunny Mead Addition TO ASTORIA. Tills fine property la lwen pu on tlie market by Mis. Owens Adair, M. ! 1 .. and is .situated near Hie Anuria, and South Coast Railroad. - PRICES, S50 AND S60. Warren & Wright, MansoUs ltuilriing, Water Street. ASTORIA, - - OREGON. FOR SALE IJY McGOWAN BROS. & TUTTLE, Third St., East of Oiney. iMj.iffTniiijyir-- 'mm A Chance to Cet a Fine Stove Cheap. We Aleau Business. Valuable Acreage for Sale Tlic.Vi-Acre Tract of Hiram Gray with im provements thereon, valued at S2.OO0, at .?2 jO i cr acre. A pply t o E. C. LEWIS, cr W. IJ. ADAIR. FOE SALE. The SW 1-4-of Block No. 22, Shively's Astoria. Consisting of three lot.s each .TOxlW, mak ing a plendid corner site l.W feet .square for a line lesidence. and in the best part of tlic city, with lnamiificcnt iews ot river and bar. (5ood houses all around and .service water w ithin ten feet, fnce S5.1S0-J. J. H. IViansel!. Real Estate Broker. FOR SALE ! The West One-Half of Block 71, McCIurc's Astoria. Duly three Mocks south of the Odd Tcl !o;s' building. There is a Hue dwelling on this choice property that will rent at top figures the year round. Tor further particulars inquire of ASTORIA ffEAL ESTATE CO. JPziY-m for Lezxt Wdh forty-lie head of cattle for half the increase Call or write to O. P..IOIHXSON. Vesper, Clatsop County, Or. LIDDICOAT & CRIBB. Carpenters and Builders. Ilo't & McCurtrie's old stand, liavc over 200 plates and drawings of all kinds and styles of dwelling-houses, ranging from srKKt to SI .C00 Call and see them. m i n m i ASTORIA NEW ASTORIA is located on the harbor between TMxy'Point and Fort Stevens, at a place where there is water, well in shore, deep enough for the largest ships of Ike ocean. Anchorance room for hundreds of vessels, bettered from every dangerous breeze that blows. W. L. TJHLENHART, Mikado Candy Factory Fresh Candies of All Hinds Manufactured Daily. Real Estate Broker $25 fk(( Buys One-Half Business Block, jUUU centrally located. enn Bujs a Nice Business Lot on jwvrv second btreet. enn Buvs a Nice Business on the cor ,viOU Cr oiney and Fourth Streets. Cfin Will buy a Block In Adair's As jvliru tona. one block from horse car line, and cleared. CIV) Buys a Nice Residence and a tniU comer Lot in McClure's Astoria. Bujs Choice Lots in IIustler& Ai ken's Astoria. $7 $5 $5 line, $3 $225 1 tTU I5llJl n Hoilsc and I)t in Mc J I jnvtU ciurc's Astoria, only two blocks from schoolhouse. 1 9fUl WH l"iy & r"c Ites'dencc Let in s jtUU ipClnre's Astoriiu Fine view. $1,200 M nnn Buys Lot 4, Block 50. JlcCln LfVfUU Astoria,only two blocks from courthouse. $800 "Will buvTlneeFine Itsin Al dcrbroofc. Lots are C0M00 each. McClure's the Lot l. Block 10S, McClure's Astoria, two blocks from schoolhoue. Lots in the Principal Outside Additions to Astoria. Also some Fine Acreage suitable for Platting. OFFICE ON THIRD ST.. 0pp. Odd Fellow's Building SILVERMAN & TH0ENBURG, DEALERS IX General Merchandise A SPECIALTY HADE OF COUNTRY PRODUCE. We iay the highest cash price for conntrv produce, and guarantee .smtare dea'inp will receive orders for potatoes butter and eg.;s at lowest market nilcs Orders from any quarter will receive prompt attention. V SKAMOKAWA, WASHINGTON SEALANO. The terminus of the Ihvaco and Slioalwater liav Kaihoaii. TI IK (J UK ATT EST SUMMER 11ESOKT OX THE XOKTIlWEbT COAST. Lies at the head of the JJay, at deep water, and only twelve miles from the bar. The coming County Seat and Commercial Metropolis of Pacific county. Now laid out. Lots on the market from S50, and upwards. For particulars and fuli information, call on or address B. A. SEABORC, Il"mraco, Wash. SOMETHING NEW! A MUCH NEEDED BUSINESS! Has Established a COLLECTION AGENCY! And Is prepared to make a specialty of roller! inns in this city and vicinity. The patronage or Astoria business men respectfully solicited. Satisfactory references given. Oilice at Fitzgerald and Carney's Real Estate Olhce. 15ox 733, ASTOKIA. OREGON. THIS PROPERTY Will be Placed on the Market March -20th, 1890. Also Handle None but the Finest and Imported Key West CIGARS. Please Call ami Give me a Trial. Til I RD STREET. Next W. U. Telegraph Onlco N. J. BERGMAN. if F Ilfe Stop A FINE STOCK Children's : Carriages JTJST RECEIVED. PRICES LOWER THAN EVER. riffl n A Lois in Case's Astoria Are Now on Sale AT THE OFFICE OF THE- Astoria Eeal Estate Co, PRfCES PROM $150 TO $250 EACH. TERMS One-Half Casli ; the Balance in Six and Twelve Months. E. J. Ford & Co, GENERAL AGENTS. BLOCK 20 Hustler & Aiken's Addition Has been subdivided and will be put on the market TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 25th. 1500. by VAN DUSEN CO. THIS DESIRABLE BLOCK Is entirely clear. Is situated on tlio proposed Cable Road route between Genevieve and Main streets, and within one street of Taylor's proposed Motor route. The Oregon Land Co. 3. A. OOOK, 1VI fixit s;ox , HAS AN ASTORIA OFFICE S. W. COR, THIRD AND 0LNEY STREETS, Buy and Sell Property on Commission. We Deal in Real Estate and are Successful in Our Business. mwmmmmmmsm wmzmm I55a These SEINES are made trne taper and . from nn actual scale, and will hang tme and draw when hung in to lines, and from the Cold Medal 1-2 Patent Twin. RIGHT AND LEFT HAND LAID PATENT ROPE, 9 thread and larger, soft and free from kinking. SALMON TRAP NETS knit from the Gold Medal 1-2 Patent Twine, superior to the medium laid, stronger, more durable and Holds Tar Longer. Letters or Telegraph shall have our Prompt and Careful Attention American Net & Twine Co KiUbllifaed 1842. Boston, Mass. Capital, $350,000. N. B. We have the largest Netting and Twine plant. New and costly machinery has lately been added for knitting heavy Traps for tho Columbia river, and Seines for the Alaska Salmon Fisheries, and the most skillful help employed. Highest awards at Boston, 1869, Philadelphia. 187GL London Fisheries Exposition. 1883. 131 IB ASTORIA Its frontage naturally affords the finest opportunity for building docks where ships may exchange freights with tho railroad cars with but one hauling. And that is just what is going to happen at NEW ASTORIA, v A -