"im SJ.-'4 w tf ht gattjj toia. ASTORIA. OREGON: TUESDAY. -FEBRUARY U5. 1890 City mu CeMHtjr OWcial Paper. Gbosge Fbakces Tbain is going to start from Tacoma March 16 to go around the -world in 70 days. To the Ledger belongs the credit of the in duction of the enterprise. Tkaiks on the Pennsylvania Limited hve the market quotations posted, a stenographer and typewriter render gratuitous service to the passengers, sad a "waiting maid is provided for the ladies. Chicago gets the -world's fair in 3S92, a foregone conclusion. That is right, raid ns it should be. The coast congratulates congress on its good sense in thus recognizing the eternal fitness of things. The Spokane Falls JRetiew thinks that -what the Olympia law makers need is the employment of some third mate on a Columbia river steamboat who will open the daily exercises with a ten-minute speech. They are too far gone for prayers. The caucus plan of choosing post masters is gradually acquiring quito a foothold. Congressman Kennedy of Ohio has directed that caucuses of Republican voters be held at three points in his district, -where a multi plier of postmastership candidates threatens embarrassment. "WnAT was at first regarded as a joke on the part of Mr. Merrier in connec tion with the proposed bounties upon children in Canada has passed into the domain of actual fact by the legisla tive enactment of the bill entitled "An Act to confer privileges upon fathers of families who have twelve children living. XoTnrxG has thus far been done in regard to the salmon cannery busi ness on the river this year, and dealers here and in Portland report a lifeless market for supplies. The movement to dispose of all the canneries to an English syndicate further compli cates the situation. It is believed thatinany event no gear will be put in the water l)cfore Mav. Dyspepsia Makes many people miserable, and often leads to sell-dcstructlon. Distress after eating, sour stomach, sick headache, heart burn, loss ol appetite, a faint, "all gone" feeling, bad taste, coated tongue, and irreg Dktroca ularity of the bowels, are is 1 9T168S tjj0 moro common symp- After toms. Dyspepsia docs not PaIno- gCt wel1 o itsclL Jt ro" call rig quires careful, persistent attention, and a remedy liko Hood's Sarsa parilla, which acts gently yet efficiently. It tones the stomach and other organs, regulates the digestion, creates a good ap appetite. and, by thus sm,,!, overcoming the local ICK symptoms, cures the HdaCh headache, and refreshes the tired mind. " I have been troubled with dyspepsia. 1 had but little appetite, and what I did Heart- cat stressed me or hd . me little good. After eat "Urn Ing I would experience a falntness, or tired, all-gone feeling, as though I had not eaten anything. My trouble, I think, vas aggravated by my business, painting, and from being moro or less shut up in a room with q fresh paint. Last spring -. . I took Ilood's Sarsaparilla StOiTiach and it did mc an immense amount of good. It gave me an appetite, and my food rel ished and satisfied the craving I had prc iously experienced." Geokge A. Pack, Watcrtown, Mass. N. B. If you decide to take Hood's Sar, Eaparilla do not be induced to buy any other. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by druggists, gl; six for JW. Treparedbj C. L HOOD & CO., AiMrthecarics, Lowell, Mats . IOO Doses One Dollar CASE'S NEW TO-DAY. ASTORIA! KNOWN AS THE OLD MILL PROPERTY. erty on the market To-Day ! Only Three FoA of a lie Soitl of the l P. 1 i Dock PERSONAL MENTION. Fish commissioner Heed is in the city. "W. H. Parker the contractor, is in town. Hon. J. IL Jones, oC Olympin, is in the city. AT. "W. Ward, came over from II wseo. yesterday. "W. S. "Wood, representing (Jordan Bros is in the city. Mr. Pntney, editor and proprietor Pacific Journal, is in town. James F. Watson and wife of Port land "were in town yesterday. Geo. T. Ford, a banker of Seattlo, is in the city looking over real estate. C P. Huntington will be in Port land next montli, and is then expected here H. A. Hanson, of the growing city otHoquiam, Washington, is at the Oc cident H. M. Taylor, of Cathlamet, and K. E. SIcGaire, of Skipanon, are at the Parker House. J. It Smiley, a cannery man of Eureka is in town. He reports the salmon business as ven dull. M. Herrick, who has been taking an excursion through California, Ne vada, Utah and Wyoming, returned yesterday. Abe Clark, a graduate of the Oregon University, will arrive to-day to take charpe of the school at upper town next Monday. S. D. Eannells, of Los Angeles, CaL, brother of J. A. Eannells, arrived yes terday on an investigating tour. He thinks of locating here. MARINE NEWS AND NOTES. The Telephone went down to D. K. Warren's place yesterday, with 120 bead of stock. Mrs. F. D. Winton and ZNIiss May Hobson returned from Portland yes terday afternoon. The British ship If ettai began dis charging cargo yesterday. She will put off 10,296 boxes tin, a lot of salt and caustic soda. The Lakmc arrived in yesterday from Seattle. The captain reported a rtrong demand for coal and increased amount of shipment. The bark Enoch Talbot, laden with lumber from Port Blakeley for Hono lala, has secured a non-union crew to Australia via Honolulu and return at $25 per montli. The Santa Rosa arrived yesterday Morning crowded, as usual, with pas sengers and freight It was rather a pale assembly of people that came down the gang plank to stretch them selves when the steamer landed. She Bet some heavy winds and rolled Boagb. to thoroughly sicken most of the passengers. There were 185 per ssm in the cabin and Go in the steer ace. Several prize fighters were on board, -which created some talk. The freight list was very large: 1,250 tons were brought up from San Francisco, of -which G5 tons were for Astoria. Xacii of the freight was piled up on the upper forward deck. This may he the last trip for the present of the itotnta. Jiosa, now that the Oregon is running, unless business compels her continued use. AFEWCUBra y Jey Vegetable SarMparllta. Xa SeMcB, an aged and fecblo lady at 513 HamSC, Saa Francisco, after going down MmAhj- lor sooths was completely restored as Ji a well aad healthy. J. X. Brows, book-keeper, Fctaluxaa, cured Mbelyet fck indigestion and eonatlpation. Mies data Mdrin, 139 Kearney street, S. F.; caret el as aggravated case of indigestion MeeaatipaUoB. X. X. Fearatt, Chief vFharflngcTi foot of , 8. F., cured of pains in the back, i aad sick headaches. L J. Laaaaere, 1342 Market street, S. F., eaea wader phyticiaas' care for two iferHTerceaplalnL With the third hot- i wiaiuuii her old accuitoiaed health. I A. Keeker, Baldwin Hotel, B. F., suff- at fer yean with dyspepsia. Felt better WW m mY aalk sow cared. MatorBaleaHB I 231 Valencia street, S. F., iMatekheaaacaesaadllTartronble. BeateQ, TS Everett street, S. F I at aaaas ia the hack aaa camnlo blV C. R. F. P. Union Notice. THE BEGULAR MONTHLY MEETING of the Columbia River Fishermen's Pro tective Union will be held at Liberty Hall. Tuesday, March 4th, 1KX, at 7 i30 o'clock r. m. At the meeting the nomination and election Of Illf KMrptetn will f rtn nlin 1 lull attendance is desired. By order of " ALEX HOLMAN. President. Secretary pro tern. Boss Opera House Thursday and Friday Ev'ngs 27-FEBRUARY-28 A Heroic Tlay MAGU1RE, RIAL & MORRIS' Uuequaled Company In the Latest New York Success. THE GREAT METROPOLIS ! Eleanor Harry, Clyde Heron, William Morris Harry Bell and 11. S. Fiske, in a play replete with situations, show lug the noblest side of human nature. Heroic lifa Savers! Thrilling Ship wreck Scene ! Seats on sale Weduesday morning, Febru ary 2Cth at 10 o'clock at the New York Nov elty Store. GILLETS TonsormlEmpori ii THE- Finest Fitted Shop in the City NONE BUT FIRST-CLASS ARTISTS EMPLOYED. This splendid Easiness and Residence Property lies on the sonth side of the hill, sloping downward from the cemetery, and has a deep water frontage on Young's Bay. It wrill be traversed by a cable or motor line within six months. Clear, level lots in this magnificent tract are now for sale on easy terms, at prices which will rapidly advance. J. H. MANSELL, REAL ESTATE BROKER, NOTARY PUBLIC FOR STATE OF OREGON. City Lots and Acre Property, Ranches, Timber Lands, and Water Frontage for Sale. Investments made for Outside Parties. Established, 1883.. Correspondence Solicited. Next W. U. Telegraph Office. Third St. Astoria, Oregon. P. O. BOX 863. THE ASTORIA Real Estate and Trust Co. (INCORPORATED.) CAPITAL, $50,000. President, L. P. W. QUIMBY. Vice-President, C. W. WILLIAMS. Secretary, W. H. EDWARDS. The above Company Placed the BAM AY ADDITION ! For Particulars Inquire of Wakren & Wright BUY YOUR LOTS IN Sunny Mead Addition! TO ASTORIA. This Fine Property lias been put on the market by MRS. OWENS ADAIR, M. D., and is situated near the Astoria & Coast Railroad. For Sale by McGowan Bros. & Tuttle, PRICES, S50 AND S60. THIRD STREET; - - EAST OF 0LNEY. Third Street, 0pp. Rucker's Restaurant. CSO TO LARSON & HILLBACK FOR GROCERIES AND FRESn FRUITS. Orders Delivered Frae of Charge. Country Orders Solicited. Third street, next to Pioneer office. Magnus C. Crosby Dealer In HAOWASE, IRON, fflHL. Iron Pipe and Fittings, STOVES. TINWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEET IRON, TlxL AND Copper. Wilson & Fisher Ship Chandlers, HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE FARM IMPLEMENTS, Paints, Oils, and Varnish. LOGGERS' SUPPLIES. PRO VISIONS MILL FEED AGENTS FOK SALEM PATENT ROLLER MILLS Portland Roller Mills, FAIRBANKS' SCALES. A.STORIA.. OREGON. E. P. N00NAN fc CO., (Successors to) J. P. HYNES, DEALERS IN- Groceries Produce. Water Street, Astoria, Oregon. TELEPHONE 50. 7. P. O. BOX 8M Wanted. MAN AND WIFE TO GO ONJARM. Man to look out for stock ami do gen eral farm work, and woman to cook and take care of house. Apply at tills office. Astoria, Feb. 22, 10. W. L. Uhlenhart & Co., Real Estate and Money Brokers, OFFICE ON THIRD ST., - 0pp. Odd Fellow's Building P.O. BOX 841. $75,000 Worth of Real Estate For Sale I have opened my offico with a splendid selection of Business, Kesldeoce, Seaside, Fanning and Timber Land. SOME VERY CHOICE ACREAGE PROPERTY, On John Day's River, suitable for plattlnc. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. Abercrombie & Stevens, REAL ESTATE AGENTS. We Offer To-Day Choice Acreage! Twa Hundred and Twenty Acres Choice Land on Lewi and Clarke's River, CO Acres slashed and burnt, 15 Acres cleared with good House aud Barn. One Hundred and Ten Acres partly cleared on Ferris Creek above Swlnson's Landing, Two Blocks In WARBENTONr Two Blocks In MATTER'S. HOUSES AND LOTS AT SEASIDE. Two Iots in HUSTLER'S & AIKEN'S. Three Lots on West Ninth Street. ASTORIA. Office in the Telephone Building, Opp. Thompson & Ross. TO ASTORIA, on the market December lSth, 1889. A clean sweep of all the lots in above addition was made by January lSth, 1S0O. AN EXTENSION TO THE RAILWAY ADDITION Has been placed on the market. Get in now while the price is low. General Office, Rooms 16 and 17, N. E. Cor. First and Alder FRAM SPITTLE, Agent Astoria, Orep. Warren Wright, Real Estate Dealers, Mansell's Building, Water Street. ASTORIA, - - OREGON. City Property, Seaside Property, Tide Lands, Timber Lands, Farms, Etc., Bonght and Sold. ADDITIOX. Astoria's most delightful suburb. J,ots 520 to S&1 cash or installments. Loans negotiated and a general commission business transacted. Invest ments lor non-resiucnts a specialty. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. The Mikado Candy Factory Fresh Candies of All Kinds Manufactured Daily. Also Handle None but the Finest and Imported Key West CIGARS. Please Call and Give me a Trial. THIKD STREET. Next w. U. Telegraph Offlce N. J. BERGMAN. w WHOLESALE AND RETADTj DEALER IN Groceries, Provisions and Mill Feed, Crockery, Glass Plated Ware. o The Largest and finest assortment of. Txmmh. Fruits and TTegetablea. Beoeived fresh every Steamer. CITY BOOK STORE The Largest Stock in the City of- BLANK BOOKS, OFFICE SUPPLIES, SCHOOL BOOKS AND FINE STATIONERY. The Best Goods for the Lowest Prices ! All Goods Guaranteed as Represented. SILVERMAN & THORNBURG, DEALERS IN General Merchandise A SPECIALTY MADE OF COUNTRY PRODUCE. We pay the highest cash price for country produce, and guarantee square dialing. We will receive orders for potatoes, butter and eggs at lowest market rates. Orders from any quarter will receive prompt attention. SKAMOKAWA, WASHINGTON Wholesale Wine House. Fine Wines, Choice Brands. I have completed arrangements for supplying any brand of Wine in any quantity at lowest cash figures. The Trade Supplied, Families Supplied; t ALL ORDERS DELIVERED FREE IN ASTORIA. Toar patroaage in City or Country solicited. A. W. UTZINGER, Cttmt plitan SatoM. GRIFFIN & REED. ISSSSMSSSSSSMtM H. W. Strickler, M. D. DEALKK IX Pure Drugs, Toilet Articles, Etc J'rcscription C!erk speaks Fur different Languages. General practice of Medicine nttendedto by the Doctor. Second Street, near rostofllce. rrvr r r r m ii nn n 1 1 1 The Oregon Bakery A. A. CM'.VKLAM), I'r.jp'r. Good Bread, Cake and Pastry None lint til HeM Matnrialn Used. Satisfaction Guaranteed Customers Bread delivered In any part of the city. Lots in Case's Astoria Are Now oi Sale AT THE OFFICE OF TIIE Astoria Real Estate Co. PRICES FROM 8150 TO $250 EACH. TERMS One-Half Cash ; the Balance in Six and Twelve Months. D.H.WELCII. JAS. W.WELCH. D. H. WELCH & CO , Real Estate Insurance General Brokers "Ve have lots from 20 up. Inside property alwajs listed for sale. Correspondence solicited. Investments made for non-residents. The prices wo Rive on property arc guaranteed. 3nd tio further consultation necessary with owners. Lots within the city limits can be bought from 250 to $C0O for the next eight days- Office on Water St., Near Union Pacific Wharf and Depot. P. O. BOX 460. Your Money's W IS WHAT YOO GET AT Foard & Stokes IN Groceries and Provisions. Everything in a First-class Store and at Extremely Low Figures. Goods Delivered all over Town. The Highest Pribo Paid for Junk. FOARD fc STOKES GKLO F. PARKER. CARL A. HANSON Parker & Hanson SUCCESSORS TO C. L. PARKER, DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE New Goods Arriving Every Stetmt THIS WEEK. waterproo f floods The Old Stand - Astoria Oretoa. Stockton & Welch, AND EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. City, Suburban and Acreage Property For Sale. MAIN ST ASTOKIA, OU., P. 0. Box 511. No curbstone brokers employed here block ao Hustler & Aiken's Addition Has been subdivided and will be put on the market TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 23th, 1S90. by VA1V DUSE1V & GO. THIS DESIRABLE BLOCK is entirely clear. Is situated on the proposed Cable- Road route between Genevieve and Main streets, and within one street of Taylor's proposed Motor route. The Oregon Land Co. J". A. . Manager, HAS AN ASTORIA OFFICE S. W. G0R; THIRD AND 0LNEY STREETS, Buy and Sell Property on Commission. We Deal in Real Estate and are Successful in Our Business. V.v THE EBAVEV fiftTENT CAMT130CL HASXGSORST & COHAITT, Successors to KIRK SHELDON. HEADQUARTERS FOK LOGGERS' SUPPLIES. Agency for ATKINS' CELEBRATED SAWS. LANDER'S LOGGING JACKS. GENERAL HARDWARE. 151 Front Street, PORTLAND, OR. The New Model Range CAN BE HAD IN ASTORIA, ONLY OP E. R. HAWES, Agent, Call and Examine It ; You Will be Pleased. E. R. Ilawes Is also Agent for tn Buck Patent Cooking Stove, AND OTHER FIRST CLASS STOVES. Furnace Work, Steam Fittings, Etc., a Specialty. A Full Stock on HwmI 3?5eS?jibIe These SEINES are made true' taper and from an actual scale, and will hang true and draw when hung in to lines, and from the Gold Medal 1-2 Patent Twine. RIGHT AND LEFT HAND LAID PATENT ROPE, 9 thread and larger, soft and free from kinking. SALMON TRAP NETS knit from the Gold Medal 1-2 Patent Twine, superior to the medium laid, stronger, more durable and Holds Tar Longer. Letters or Telegraph shall have our Prompt and Careful Attention American Net & Twine Co EatmbUsked 1843. Bostoa, Mas. Capital, SUWM. N. B. We have the largest Netting and Twine plant. New and costly machinery has lately been added for knitting heavy Traps for the Columbia river, and Seines for the Alaska Salmon Fisheries, and the most skillful help employed. Highest awards at Boston, lsesr-Thlladelphla. 1876, London Fisheries KxpositioB, M83, --i. -K Z ,-"