The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, February 23, 1890, Image 1

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VOL.XXX1Y, NO 4(5.
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SeifSSSSfiSBH'r Yw' Mt bf JNr A JLw'Hw .'V
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New OierlaM "Mail aM Passenger
tite Hawaii ax i:i.i:cnoxs.
Central Parifir OGirialn Un.ib!e tn Keep
The Line Open.
Sax Fr.vkcisco, Feb. "2i Now ar
rangements for overland tniv.-I n the
Ceutral Pacific r.mte will -j into ef
fect on Mnrc'j 2nd. The fast p.iK:ie
time from Chic iro to .Svi Fmm'i-co
will not be changed, but ilie fast pns
euger time from San Francisco to
Chicago -will be lengthened by six
and one half hours. The fast mail
time both ways will remain the same.
Tne change is consequent on the gov
ernment's demand for mail cars on
the fast eastern part of the line, and
the necessity of relieving the mail
train of its paengor load over a por
tion or the route.
The fast mail will leave San Fran
cisco with the p;issengers as at pres
ent, but at Green Kiver, Wyoming
territory, the cast-bound mails and
passengers over the Oregon Short
line are received. nc man ana pas
senger cars will be separated and the
mail train will run to Chicago on the
present schedule. The passenger
traiu from there eastward will ar
rive at Council Bluffs five hours later
than st does now and in Chicago, six
and one-half hours later.
Atmtrallan Commerce
San Fit s cisc o, Feb. 22. The week
ly California circular .states that last
mail reiorts from Australia only show
one vessel on berth in Newcastle load
ing for this port. This is almost un
precedented here. Already there is
an advance of fully f0 cents per ton
on sjot cargoes of Australian. The
arrivals this week are considerably
less than the actual consumption.
During Uie week there have been Hie
following arrivals of ceal: From Aus
tralia, G,330 tons; from coast mines,
11.979 tons,
Australian Wheat Uejiort.
San Fraxcico, Feb. 22. Mail ad
vices from Melbourne by the last
steamer report the grain market as
follews: During the month
harvesting has been in full oper
ation in most of the wheat
growing districts but so far
witli variable results both as to quant
ity and yield. Avery largo propor
tion is seriously deteriorated by the
rest and will not be fit for miling.
Deliveries are not likely to be or any
considerable extent before the end of
the month. With regard to the prob
able extent of this years wheat yield.
A fair average crop may be relied on
but at the present time it is almost
impossible to arrive at even an ap
proximate estimate of what available
export the surplus will be.
A Small Majority Tor the Itcform Part.
Sax Francisco, Feb. 22. The steamer
Australia brings almost complete re
turns or the election for nobles and
representative's held in the Hawaiian
kingdom, February oth. Returns
received here by steamer a week ago,
led to a belief that the opposition or
national reform party had gained a
sweeping victory, but present advices,
which iuclude returns from all but
two districts, show that the success of
the national reform party was confined
principally to tho island of Oahu, on
which Honolulu is situated, and later
returns indicate that the reform party
will have a small majority in the next
Returns so far received give the re
form party thirteen members in the
liouse of nobles, the national reform
or opposition ten members and inde
pendent one. Iu the house of repre
sentatives the reform party elected
twelve members and the national re
form ten members.
The Honolulu Adcerther concedes
that the remaining seats in the house
or representatives will be held by the
national reformers thus making the
parties a tie in that house and giving
the reform party a slight majority in
the honse of nobles.
reAte W III Appeal A Sugar Famine
Portland, Feb. 22, Capt Geo. A.
Pease, whose license was recently
revoked by Messrs. Edwards and Mc
Dermott, United States local inspec
tors or hulls and boilers, "intends to
take an appeal to the supervising in
spectors at San Francisco, hoping to
cause a reversal of the decision.
The cable road was formally opened
this afternoon.
The closing of the California and
American sugar refineries threatens a
svgar famine here. The wholesale
gtooers say they have only - a small
elock on hand and unless shipments
arrive from San Francisco soon a ma
ioritywill run out before consign
ments can be received from the east
Reliable authority states that the
Union Pacific will" build into the
Sound with Port Angeles as the ter-
Llftktlr Obceired.
Poktuixd, Feb. 22. Washington's
birthday was lightly observed here.
$125 AND $150 PER LOT
BOBB & PARKER, General Ag'ts, Astoria.
The Cenlral Pacific Hi sources Domifil 15 I
The SnoK. j
Washington, Feb. 21 Senator j
Stanford this morning received the
following telegram from general man
ager A. N. Tovne, or the Central Pa
cific Railwav:
San Franclsco, Cal., Feb. 22. The
last passenger train but one that went
up the mountain on the Central Pa
cific required eighteen of our most
powerful locomotives and a push
plow to get over, and even
with this power it got stalled near
Emigrant Gap, this was the last trip
possible to make with the push plow
after that it had to depend upon pow
er plows to throw the snow out of the
deep cuts. If the storm continues 21
hours longer it will be impossible to
Icccp the line open with any power.
A Cijihir Pirture rKniiHw Hum sil
ifMI:ltioil Aiioat A;iinw.-tll.
United States consul Yirquair, sta
tioned at Aspinwall, in his last official
report to the state department, gives
a striking picture of the present con
dition of affairs along the line of the
Panama canal. The decadence of
Colon (Aspinwall) and the almost en
lire prostration of all business at that
place since the collapse of the canal
becomes more and more apparent. It
very often happens that not a solitary
vessel is to be found in the harbor, a
thing that was never known there,
even previous to 1SS0 and after 1SG0:
and yet it is but a short while ago
since vessels were obliged to be
anchored out for days in wailing for
dock room at which to unload tlscir
respective cargoes.
The local traffic of the isthmus dur
ing the time that work was being
pushed on the canal had reached vast
proportions. The line of the canal,
between Colon and Panama, about
fifty miles, was a vast bivouac, where
the most energetic of all nationalities
and races had congregated to amass
wealth, and many have done so, es
pecially among the Chinese portion
of it. Wages were high, princely sal
aries were paid, money was made
easy and expended most freely. Day
time was not eneugh: the nights them
selves were turned iuto day, and lit-
erallv speaking, the twenty-four hours
of the dav were a constant draft on
various industries. The expression
tho most fiting is, "it w;is Bedlam let
loose," and people can not have any
idea of what the isthmus was in lST),
18SG, 1SS7 and part of 18SS, unless
they have seen it.
Forty towns have sprung up on the
line in almost as many miles, every
one of them thriving, a real beehive
of people; in fact, all or them bent,
not only at changing the physical
aspect of the land, but in turning a
tropical jungle oi heretofore a death
dealing clime into a new Babylon, for
never was there such a confusion or
tongues and a conglomeration of races
from all over the world. These peo
ple were fighting back the diseases
manfully, dying at once without a
murmur, or living in spite of clime,
lives of the most reckless dissipation
when at leisure. It is not a wonder
that so many died; it is a won
der that so many have lived.
Indeed, it can be very truth
fully said, that "grim death got ex
hausted at the task' and retreated to
his lair. The isthmus had become
habitable; before the advent of this
reckless throng it was not. And what
has become of it all? Vanished. The
people have all gone, business is dead
on the line, the local traffic is dead,
the line of the canal, once only a
short while ago the liveliest place on
the globe, Ls dead; the rank vegetation
of the tropics is growing denser, it
seems, for the rest it has had, hiding
from view railroad trains, dredges.
and all paraphernalia of the canal
contractors, who left their implements
of all sorts as if work were to have
been resumed in the morning.
Colon and Panama still live, but
that is all, merely by-way stations for
the traffic across the isthmus eastward
and westward between two hemis
pheres. In Colon rents have fallen off
50 per cent in three months, and are
still on the decline. Tho Panama
railroad, which in 1S88 paid 23.50 per
cent of dividends, will in 1880 pay only
0 per cent This line in 1888 carried
1,300,000 passengers (4,000 per day);
this year it may carry probably 500.000,
it so many.
But the transit traffic has not suf
fered; on the contrary, it is only the
local traffic, which in a short six
months has suffered a loss of nearly
110,000 tons of imports that is to say,
this much has been lost to the local
trade. As a result nearly two-thirds
of the business houses iu Colon are
closed up and bankrupt sales are a
dailv occurence.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria
(Vhea Baby was sick, tro gavo her Castoria.
(Then she -was a Child, she cried for Castoria,
vYhen she becamo Miss, she clene: to Castoria,
IVhcn shohad Children, she gave them Caatorii
sia and Liver Complaint? Shilolfs Vi
talizer is guaranteed to cure you. J. C.
n. P. HMitiMion Makes
Porclases of Coal Lands.
.i rj:i:r i:xtj;xsj rj-: schi:mi:
Sax Francisco, Feb. 22. The re
port that C. P. Huntington is negoti
ating with Henry Villard, president
of the Northern Pacific Railroad com
pany, for the purchase of coal lauds in
the state of Washington, is rn
firmedbvn prominent Southern Pa
cific official who says that I'm negoti
ations for the purchase of immense
tracts of the most valuable coal lands
discovered in the Paget Sound coun
try, have progressed favorably ami
the trade will soon br consummated.
It is understood that the scheme
contemplates the investment by the
Southern Pacific Co., or an
amount reaching into the millions.
The negotiations include not only
the purchase of thoe large coal field,
but the building of roads connecting
them with tide water at a point not
vet announced.
Whether the road will be built by
the Northern Pacific or the Southern
Pacific Railroad company, is one or
the problems of the situation at pres
ent Another feature of the scheme
will be the establishment of a line of
colliers between the terminus of the
road from the coal fields and San
A Successful Kflutri.
SvxFRxcTsco,Feb.22. -Thesteam-cr
Australian arrived from Honolulu
this morning. Among the passengers
are John Dillon, the Irish patriot, and
SirTho3. Giilan Esmond, who have
been lecturing for the cane of Irish
home rulo in Australia, having ob
tained a Tun d of $30,000. They will
tour the American continent to add
more to the fund.
Fire at Rerieley.
Svn Francisco, Feb. 22. The
Berkeley hotel, at Berkeley was des
troyed by fire last night: the loss is
placed at twenty thousand dellars:
insured for half that amount
Coaiiclcil ofiJanslauclilor.'iv Crrr, Feb. 22. -B?njama:i
Benkins dnring a quarrel, with his
wife last September, shot at her, the
bullet killing her son. He was con
victed to-day of manslaughter, in the
circuit court for Storey county.
A Frontier Desperado.
ATiUUQOEnQUK, N. L, Feb. 22. -News
came from Los Cerrillos of the
robbcrv of .Tno Elder, the mine pay
master' of $500 by Jjeo White. The
latter stole a horse and compelled a
Mexican woman to don male atlier,
mount another hor.-,e, and accompany
him. The couple were pursued and
overtaken by deputy sheriff Meyers
and posse. White and the woman
opened fire fatally wounding Myers
and wounding another man. AVhiie
and the woman escaped.
MaltreateJ Rj Xntislit Freemen.
Auburn. New York, Feb. 22. A hun
dred members of the .sophomore cla.-i
of Cornell uuiversity arrived this even
ing to attend the annual bampiet
They all bear evidence or rough treat
ment received on their dcp-irture from
Ithica, where they were assailed by
250 freshmen, who besmeared them
with lampblack, smashed their hats
and tore their clothing.
The Jnrj ISiUier (Jets Three Year.
Chicago, Feb. 22. The jury in the
Cronin jury bribing case this morning
returned a verdict or guilty, sentenc
ing O'Donnell to 3 years in the .Toliet
Tuo llaii!;lii,s la Aldlmnia
Montgomery, Ala. Feb. 22. Bev.
Henry Duncan, a white minister of
the Free Will Baptist denomination
was hanged at Ozark yesterday for
poisoning his wire.
Birmingham, Ala.. Feb. 22. -Gilbert
Lane (colored) was hanged here
yesterday for the murder of T. W.
Meadows, a white man.
The I'hual Result.
Chicago, Feb. 22. After a long de
bate the jnry in tho Twombly-Lac-loche
case this morning relumed a
verdict finding the engineer and fire
man not guilty of murder in connec
tion with the Englewood accident on
the Bock Lsland road last Saturday in
which seven lives were lost.
The "Jesuit of Carelesnes.
llCTircitGLYX, Vji., Feb. 22.-There
was a boiler explosion two miles from
here in Hunter Bros. & Co.'s saw mill
this morning, killing two outright; six
others were badly injured.
The killed were Wm. James, and
Henry Johnson. Firing up without
sufficient water in the boiler caused
the explosion. Tho mill property is a
total wreck; there was no insurance.
Washington's lilrthdajr in San Francisco.
Sax Francisco, Feb. 22. Washing
ton's birthday is being observed here
to-day by a general cessation of busi
ness Public offices, banks and whole
sale honses are closed. The uncer
tain weather and wet condition of the
Call Early and Take Your
I ground at the Presidio have combined
Jto prevent a field day at the ma
Jnenvers which were to have
taken place on the reservation to-day.
Neither the national eruard nor tho
U. S. troops will parade, anuougu or
ders have previously been issued for1
the usual military exhibition.
Postmaster at Cosmopolls.
Washington, Feb. 22. S. AY. Smith
has been appointed postmaster at Cos
moyolts, Chehalis county, Wash.
A I'onipiiratiT Shotting.
San Francisco, Feb. 22. Brad
st reel's mercantile agency reports sev
enteen failures in Pacific coast states
and territories Tor the week ending
February 22, as compared with twelve
Tor the 'previous week and eighteen
Tor I he corresponding week or 1889.
Take Care! There Is Danger
In allowing inactiMty of Jit" ktdnejs to
grow through n-glert. The deadly stioals
of l.riglit's disease and diabetes will wreck
Hie goodly bark of health If it Hallowed to
drift rudderless nprn them 'lhe bladder,
too. ir inactive, and judicious medication
doc r.ot peedily direct the helm toward
the port ofsafetv, will be whe'med by the
qu exsand or dUeae. In selecting a di
uretic let vour choice fall up n Hostetter's
Stomach Hitters which Minmlatc? the renal
organs without irritating ami exciting them,
tniH'Uceisioue appreneniieu iromuieuu
mvdlcat.'d.s inui'.i largely lesirtcd lo. These
have a tendency to react prejudicially The
RUtcriimigorite the kidneys and bladder,
in eommoii with the nerves and the digestive
oraaiw. and . nlTord lasting aid. it also
.iTonls dual :isslMauce iu preventing and
eunng Intermittent and remittent fever.
r.Hi(tusne.s, constipation and rheumatism
It al-o Mibjugates.
All in the KaNing.
Our postmaster, Colonel Hardeman,
having to employ a charwoman about
the new United States postofiice,
singled out a colored lady and offered
her tho place. She declined it, for the
reason that there was too much work
for $20 a month. "What!"' exclaimed
the colonel. 'You could not make tho
halt of it at anything else, Why, at
the north a woman will scrub the floor
all day through the month for 810."
'Yes,' jmswered the lady of color, "but
dem Yankees is raised to work, and
we isn't' Macon, Oa., Telegraph.
Catarrh Cnreri,
A clergyman, after years of suffer
ing from that loathsome disease, Ca
tarrh, aud vainly trying every known
remedy, at Inst found a recipe which
completely cured and saved him from
death. Any sufferer from this dread
ful disease sending a self addressed
stamped envelope to Prof. J. A. Law
rence, 88 Warren St, New York City,
wilh eceive tho recipe free of charge.
WHY WILL YOU cough whenShl
loh's Cure will give immediate relief.
Price, 10 cts., 50 cts. and $1, at J. C. De
nienfs. SLEEPLESS NIGHTS, made miser
able by that terrible cough. Shiloh's
Cure is the remedy for you. J. C. De
Horse -and Cattle Diseases.
For General Use.
The Anns' Palace and Stock Car Co.,
Toledo, Ohio, June, 1SS8.
Wc cheerfully recommend SL Jacobs Oil as
lhe liest for general use ou stock.
H. ARMS &. CO.
Cold, Swelled Limbs, Inflammation.
Kenotiet. IU.. May 21, 1SS3.
My mare caught cold; rcMilt: swelled
limb:?, liu..p l.civcoii fore-legj and inflamma
tion. Cured her w itb Ht. Jacobs Oil.
Vt P!:r.fitTs ,sn Dhai.krs.
THE CHARLES A. VOGELCrt CO.. Baltimore. W.
Stimulate the torpid livi-r. htreugfiiun
tlie digestive organs regulate the bow
els, and are unequal cd as ait
In malarial district their virtues are
m itlely recognised, as they possess
In freeing the system from that poUon.
Dose small. Klegantly sugar coated.
Price, 25 cents per box.
Sold Everywhere.
OJIice, 44 Murray St., N. Y.
Carpenters nn1 Buillcr.
Hc.:t .t MeCurtrie's old Mand. h ivo over 200
Ilatcs and drawings of all Kinds and styles
or dwelling-houses, ranging from $900 to
$I,C0j Call aud see them.
Tax Notice.
JL trict No. , for the ear ls. will shortly
become delinquent. AH parties not having
paid their taxes are requested to .settle
forthwith. Tae.s mav be paid at my ofilce.
Clerk School District No. 18. Clatsop Co., Or.
Teachers' Public Examination, 1st
Quarter, 1890.
JL tlon fir Clatsop county, Oregon, will De
held at tit Cedar street school houso; to
commence at 12 o'clock i on theSUh day
of February. A. 1). ISM). No one will be ad
mitted Into the class afler the examination
questions are opened. Strangers must bring
recommendation as to their moral charac
ter, endowed by two jers.tns known to th?
superintendent- C- W. SIUVEIV.
Superintended Public Instruction.
Astoria, Or.. February H, 1SC0.
JL men to canvas for a useful household
article. Agents who h-ivc had some exper
ienca preferred. Good commission. For
further information address V. F. WADE,
Srfdt e. U ash.
The Composition of The ReicMag
Unsatisfactory to Bisiarct
New York, Feb. 22. John Jacob
Astor died this morning of heart fail
ure. Mr. Astor complained yesterday
morning of feeling unwell, but in the
evening went out to dinner. After his
return he became so ill that the fam
ily sent for Dr. Fordyce Baker.
When he reached the bedside he
found the patient already dying:
hardly any pulse was perceptible.
Mr. Astor continued to sink slowly
until four o'clock this morning, when
he died.
There were at his deathbed William
Waldorf Astor and a couple of other
John Jacob Astor was the eldest
son of the late William Astor and
grandson of the origninal John Jacob
Astor who founded the fortunes of
the family. He was the head of the
third generation of the Astor family.
Ho was born sixty-five years ago. In
lo7o lus father died leaving him a two
thirds share of an estate valued at
S200,000,000. During tho civil war
Mr. Astor went to the front and served
with credit as aid de camp to Gen.Mc
Clellan. He is succeeded by only one
son, William Waldorf Astor, who was
minister to Italy some years ago.
The Little Boy Worse.
London, Feb. 22. The condition of
Abraham Lincoln, the son of Eobert
T. Lincoln, is considered serious.
CritleUIair the Conataader.
London, Feb. 22. The commission
appointed to investigate the condition
of the army and navy recommends
revolutionizing, and indirectly con
demns the duke of Cambridge for in
competency Illaexs of The Poet Laureate.
London, Feb. 22. Tennyson is seri
ously ill with influenza.
A Laaghable Farce.
Paris, Feb. 22. The cabinet meet
ing today considered tho case of the
Duke of Orleans, recently convicted of
violating the expulsion act and who
was sentenced to two years imprison
ment, and decided to remit tho sen
tence and conduct him to the frontier.
The Duko will be escorted to the
frontier to-day. The route that the
royal prisoner will follow, has been
kept a profound secret
London. Feb. 22. Gladstone's
physicians announce the patient much
Biggar's Kuaeral Postponed.
London, Feb. 22. Tho steamer by
which the remains of tho late Joseph
G. Biggar, M. P., is being con
veyed to Belfast for interment
is fog bouud. For this reason the
funeral will be postponed until to
morrow. BinmarcV's Waterloo.
Berlin, Feb. 22. Tho latest report
of the result of Thursday's election
for members of the reiclistag, shows
twenty-seven Conservatives, thirteen
National Liberals, sixty-six Ultra
Montanos, twelve Freisiunegs, three
Poles, one Independent, ten Alsatiaus,
three Democrats and one Dane were
elected. One hundred and four re
ballots are necessary. The official ro
turns will not be known for several
Mother- and nurses may give Sim
la ns Liver Uegu'ator to children and
to the most delicate home-bound inva
lid with the utmost confidence in its
safety and efficacy. It safes iu end of
doctor's bills. Always keep it in the
house, for it is a household remedy, and
there are many ailments that the Kegu
lator will cure. It is safe to take in any
condition ot tiie system. No fear from
exposure after taking the medicine.
undersigned has tiled with the honor
able county court of the stato of Oregon, for
Clatsop county, a petition, iu wonts and
figures follo-ving to-wlt :
To fie County Court ofClaUop County, State
of Oregen:
Your petitioners, The Pacific Cable Con
struction Company, would represent that it
Is a private corporation, incorporated under
and by virtue of the laws of the state of Cal
ifornia, with head office In San Francisco.
That It has a franchise for a cable road
through Main, Washington and Madison
streets, from the river front to Summit
avenue, in McClure'd Astoria In the city of
That It desires permission and franchise of
the court to construct maintain and operate
a cable line, single or double track cable
railwav alone Main and Polk streets, from
Summit avenue to Olney avenue, through
Olney addition to Astoria, as laid out by J.
(J. Hustler and H. S. Aiken, executors;
also the right to construct J operate and main
tain a cable railway, with single or double
track, along Olney avenue between Main
and Polk streets, also on Summit avenue be
tween Layfayctte and Folk streets.
Frauchlse for thirty years : Feb. 11, 1890.
COMPANY.-Ry B. S, Woreley, Agent.
And that said court has set Monday, Feb
ruary 21th, 1890. at the -hour ot 10 o'clock A.
m. as the time for bearing objections to the
granting of the rights asked for in said pe
tition, if any there be.
This notice is published in pursuance of
the order of wild county court.
COMPANY. By B. S. Worsley, Agent.
Dated this 15th day of February, 1890.
Astoria Real Estate &
Absolutely Pure.
This powder never vanes, A marvel of
purity, strength and wnolesomeness. More
economical than the ordinary kinds, and can
not he sold in competition with the multi
tude of low test, short weight, alum or phos
phate powders. Sold only in cans. Koval
OAMIIU rOWIIEKViU, 1UD r Ull-tl.. 11, 1.
Lxwis M. Johnsox & Co.. Agents, Port
land. Oregon.
In consequence of the demand for those
beautiful level lots, Mr. P. C. Warren has
been induced to plat ninety-six lots
Adjoining Warrenton on the East.
Which will be known aud sold as
East Warrenton I
THE RAILROAD runs through tho plat,
which is only 200 yards from the Warrenton
depot. For further information call at
once on the
City Express Transfer Company.
H. D. Thing and C. E. Miller,
Headquarters at Main Street wharf.
A General Express and Delivery Business
Your patronage is solicited.
There ls no occasion for the most fastidi
ous of our citizens to send to Portland or
San Frauclsco for
Custom Made Clothes
As they can Rbt Better Fits, natter Work
inai)"Iii.ant tor los Money.
By U-avlnj,' tliolr Ordi-rs with MEAXY.
New Goods bv Evory Steamer.
Call n. e Him an.l Satisfy Toumelr.
P. J Meany. Merchant Tailor.
. .. SVa archil
CAl e and rC'
Lots in Tract 3 of the beautiful suburb of
CHELSEA, only five minutes walk front the
steamer landing at Sklpanon and terminus
of A. & S. C. It It. These lots are 50x100 feet,
on the first bench above the tide land, are
clear and level, aud good water obtainable
witbin ten feet of surface. Prices from 60
to $75 ; $20 down, balance $lo per month.
Ten Acres, suitable for platting, clear and
level : on county road and within easy drive
of Astoria.
Front" Comer Residence Lot in Block No.
90, Olneys.
Six Lots in Block . ADAIU'S ASTORIA,
running clear through the block, and mak
ing a fine residence site. 100x150. Only one
block from Columbia river and street car
line. Price, Sl.OoO. part cash.
Real Estate Broker.
School Meeting Notice.
eal voters of School District No. 1 will
be held at the school house in Astoria, Clat
sop county, Oregon, on Monday, March 3d,
1890, at 7 r. h.. for the purpose of electing
one director to servo for. three years, and
one clerk to serve for one year ; also to levy
taxes to support a school in said district, and
for interest on bonds, and for the redemp
tion of bonds, and for incidental expenses of
said district. By order of the Board, of
Directors. C. W. FULTON. Chairman.
Attest : J. G. HUSTLER. Clerk.
Astoria, Feb. 20, 1890.
Choice !
THE O. R. & N. DOCK,
Beautifully Situated.
Prices Low and
Beautifully situated on the
1 "It 1
joimng proposeu ruoiic rarK ana near ine
newly discovered coal beds.
Only $35 per Lot for a few days. Get in now and secure
first-class Lots.
The terminus of the Ilwaco and Shoalwater Bay Kailroad. TIIE GREAT
of the Ray, at tleen water, and only twelve miles from tho bar. The coming
County Seat and Commercial Metropolis of Pacific county. Now laid out. Lota
on the market from 550, and upwards.
For particulars and full information, call on or address
Il'waoo, AalL.
Irish Flax Threads
jSHHHa2i2HMHKHK-Kir2n; 1 1 I
They received the
Iiondon Fisheries Exhibition 1883.
And liavo been awarded HIGHER TR1ZES at the various
Than the goods of any other
Quality Can Always fee Depended on-
Exjeriencei Fistermen Use no Ota.
517 and 519 Market Street. SAN FRANCISCO.
TING Constantly on Hand. SEINES, POUNDS and
TRAPS Furnished to order at Lowest Factory Price.
Trust Co., Portland Agti
Terms Reasonable.
banks of the Columbia, ad-
1 Tk 1 1 ,,
Astoria, Or.
"'" 3
' 4