The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, February 21, 1890, Image 3

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    ti-jg ?
I 55
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?r 3aUt Jioratt.
(Monday excepted.)
Publishers and Proprietors.
Term of Subscription.
irred bj Carrier, jkt v eck lr eta
bent by Mall, per month . . cocts
ent b Mail, one oar ..... . 7.00
Free of postage 10 subscribers.
The Astokiav puarantets to Its adver
tisers The largest drcula'ioii of any newspa
per published on the Co'miibia river.
The frolicsome zephyrs blew Judge
Elliott's silk hat overboard esterday.
A baby daughter arrived j esterday
at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Herman
A baby son mado his appea ranee at
the house of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Boss
yesterday morning.
The fourteen- ear-old daughter of
Prof. Jfillard. is reported dangerously
ill with ccrebro spinal-meningitis.
A ixHldler named Waggoner, who
was stopping at the Astor house, has
gone off without paying his bill, but
has left a collection of books.
Tho fire lell rang at 10:30, yester
day morning, tho first fire alarm of
tho j ear. It was caused by a burning
chimney at the hespital: no damage.
C. H. Perkins, engineer of the tug
Ilotcena, fell from that boat between
Ilooster Rock and Capo Horn last
Tuesday afternoon and was drowned.
Sheriff Smith wants tho delinquent
taxpayers of school district No. 1 to un
derstand that they must pay immedi
ately or their red estate will bo sold
Cold weather enforced a vacation in
Profesor Pratt's and Miss Carnahan's
rooms in tho Court street school yes
terday. There ought be some wav to
heat that building.
"While repairing telegraph wires
near Tongue Point yesterday, Ross
Clintou received a shock that flung
him to tho ground and momentarily
deprived him of consciousness.
Tho cold weather of the week is
something unusual: nothing of the
kind lias been experienced since tho
last time we had Eimilar weather: yes
terday's keen northeast wind made a
hot stove a center of nttmr.tirm 1nrinr
the day.
The fakir Dr. Yellowstone, who
skipped his board bill and other dues,
utruck the town at just the right time.
It was just after tho railroad emplojes
had been paid and so money was free
with them. He made a big haul at
Ins free lecture.
Edwin IL Elliott, for some time in the
auditor's office of the O. R. & X. com
pany and appointed ticket exchanger
to the Union Pacific in place of the
late Thomas Sebastiu, has disappeared
with $300 of the companv's money and
$150 worth of tickets.
Raker City is in a remarkable con
dition. Wonder if Astoria is like
minded. It seems that men desirous
of office in the metropolis of eastern
Washington, are very scarce. This is
phenomenal. Surely Baker City
ought to boom this spring.
Three years ago, sas the Portland
Examiner, the Pacific Postal Tele
graph company lost a reel of cable.
Last Tuesday while down bv the
steamer dock, Jeff Hayes found it
jticking out of tho mud and washed
up by the flood. Tho find is worth
83,000 to tho company.
Astoria may not have enjoyed the
cold weather of the past two days,
but the city must be thankful that it
escapes the deep snow and severe
cold combined, of eastern Oregon.
There the temperature has kept down
for a long time and the warm winds
have swept over miles and miles of
snow covered plains and mountains.
Sophia Daggett has been sued by
I. Mansnr. The plaintiff alleges that
on Nov. 1, 1S39, he rented his house in
Astoria to the defendant at the rate of
$30 ir month. Tho latter has not
paid the $90 due, nor for February up
to date. Hence tho plaintiff sues for
the full amount due with costs and dis
bursements of action. A. R. Kanaga
fc attorney for the plaintiff.
D. B. Cummins who is paying the
time checks issued to laborers for the
Pacific Construction Co., had a com
paratively easy time of it j esterday,
very few presenting their claims. The
Snt day there was a rush; the idea in
the minds of some seeming to be that
there was not going to be enough to
go round, but the way they are coming
now Mr. C thinks he will have to go
around and hunt them up and coax
them to come over to the office and
get their money.
The steam schooner Oertie Storey
has signed a crew of six men at San
FrsBcwco, and as soon as she is fitted
oat for sea will leave for Copper river.
Tfee schooner is owned by the Central
Alaska Canning Co., which opened a
cannery on Copper river last year at
considerable expense, and had a very
aafiacoessful season, putting up only a
few hundred cases of salmon. It has
been decided to abandon the new can
nery, and the mission of the Gertie
Stfrry will be to transfer the ma
chinery and such stuff as can be car
ried to some place which lias not j et
bsea selected by the company. It is
said, however, that a new cannery will
be built, where the machinery will be
Ah ErRln With Longfellow.
The pupils of the Court street school
have a very fine organ. This organ is
Bot yet wholly paid for. To aid in
the payment, there will be a Longfel
low eatertainment at Rescue halL on
aext Thursday evenmxr. the 27thinst.
The entertainment, which will be
participated in by some of the best
talent xn the city, will consist of sing
& instrumental music, recitations,
etc and apart from the purpose to
which the receipts will be applied,
will be well worth hearing.
Geiag to Sell Arteria Real Estate.
Jeff Crandalk assistant superintend
sat ef: the Portland postoffioe, quit
Saaday last and has gone to Astoria
te aeU real estate. We presume Cran
ial thinks ami Barrioe be .Port-
ZaYMaaT eBBaaBBftAaaaaa' f
A-aacawiBle ,- -Stevens yesterday
aia.UWata'k4e l aad 2. block
gatiM JMHWM tot $4BQ.
Some Tarns Spnliy Men Wlo Ha?e
Been on the Ocean Wave.
Tho wind blew keen from the cast
across Flavors dock yesterday, and
after looking at the whito caps and
listening to the breeze whistling
through the rigging, the usual assem-
blaB0 of seafarers gathered read tho i
lire at Scotty Johnson's steveodorel
office and gravely smoked each man a
Ions pipe.
The talk drifted from the recent loss
of the Rosalind off Rogue river to the
sharks said to be sometimes seen in
that vicinity, and then to stories of
what those maneaters sometimes did
in southern latitudes.
"Speaking of sharks." said one skip
per, as he blew the cloud of smoke
aside to get a glimpse of the man on
tut. uiuci ul me 'e, ' -l recoi-
lect something remarkable that han-
the other side of
M. L LIT 1
,W1 , fl.o ,,, Tort;fi A M;i-
of a British ship lying near us fell over
board and instantly disapeared. Some
thought that ho had been so badly
hurt in falling that he was drowned,
but others who had seen sharks about
the ship, imagined that the unfortu-
MBic mau -u uccu atuzuu uy one 01
me lerocious oiacK or grouna snarKs tj i4-r Y i i -r. L
that inhabit the waters of Panama , ?? an? f"endVn P?rt"
bav " '-This is onlv the inrmrlnolinn '' laml were teleSraPliel to last evening
iStheSBetue,oTO-Tuo'U be low" on this morning's
story will come later. This happened tt
Thursday, and on the following Sun- nnrriT rnrinwRnri-'raivr
day we caught a shark at our ship and UUl IT Cl RT RocfcEni
Hauled him aboard. We cut him open
and found the buttons, knife and some
of the clothfng, that enabled the men
aboard the British ship to identify the yesterday morning,
sailor that fell overboard. We cut ' In the case of Bergman & Marion
that monster shark from one end to vsH,A. Smidt, the motion was nl
the other, took out his intestines and lowed in part and over-ruled in part,
dropped him overboard- The first Hing Ching Co. V3 the Pacific Con-
thmghe did on striking the water was
to swim away and gulp down his own
interior works. This shows the vital-1
ity of a shark. Of course he died, but
he lived to eat himself, and perhaps
be devoured by raiders of his own 1
Some one said he would be good to
clean the beach of salmon heads, and 1
there was a pause in the conversa
Then the joungest of the group be
gan to think up what he knew about
sharks; so taking his eyes off a picture
of the latest addition to Astoria, he
said that he had sailed the
seas from his earliest jouth
and knew a great deal of sharks
on land and sea He started
out with the proposition that no
landsman can believe the shark sto-1
ries because they seem so improbable.
'The vitality and ferocitv of a shark
can never be understood uutil one
participates in the capture of one of j
tuem," said Uie narrator. Then he
told his shark stery: "Wo ierc lying
in Panama bay taking coal. One night
a party of us wont to a friend's house
on one of the islands and had
a pleasant evening talkiug and
party broke up, and one of the mini-
her to reach home decided to cross a
little sand spit that is dry at low tide, 1
and nas about three feet of water at '
high tide. This passage connects
two islands and is often used at low
tide. The party separated and all J
save tins one crot in a boat to return .
to the ship. We warned this man j
against crossing the spit, but he paid
no heed to the warning. Presently,
while in the boat rowing home, we ,
heard agonizing cries of Help! Help!'
coming from the same spit. We rowed
there at once, but found no trace of
anyone. Now comes the remarkable
nnrf. nT flio ctnrv Wn L-nrir 41,f lm
had been devoured by a shark, and , ?n- w4cl1 .13 yesterday re
never expected that his remains would 1ported to e 1.11 h. feare for
be seen. On the following Sunday,
uie sailors 01 onr ship made a shark
hook." "How do you make a shark-hook
and bait it?'' asked on interested list
ener. "It is made of iron, a piece as thick
as my wrist, and to this is attached a
, --.; - I
a lanre piece, as Iarco as two cicrar 1
boxes. Mr. Shark comes aloncr. and
when it is thrown overboard, he turns
over on his back swallows bait, hook,
and as much of the rope as ho can get.
Then he turns to go away, but the
sailors saw 'Wait a minute, we want in
see von aboard " and then thev hnisr I
him up carefnlly, keeping a long dis-
tance, for one stroke of a shark's flip-
pers would break a leg or kill a man
"Now, about the man lot in the
sand spit?"
"The shark we caught that Sunday
moniing, was taken aboard, cut open,
and we found in him the buttons,
thigh bones, clothing and papers of
uie man lost on me spit, ine mons
ter was a large specimen of the
black ground species, the most fero
cious enemy of the human kind that
swims the seas. Amoucr the papers
rope, it is usually baited with pork'VL.y,ra " we worning near Tongue
in the shark's stomach was fonnd the
will of deceased." , A surveyor who has recently come
"Well, didn't he administer the ' in f rom tlie Nehalem river coiuitry re
man's estate and take all that was marked esterday that there is going
left to the widow?" to " murfl trouble in that section be-
'No," after a pause, "a -shark is i Jre lo"ff over the various claims,
greedy and ferocious, but he is not ' Tuere w a large tract unsurveyed
quite so bad as that." , which is all covered over with squat-
'The remarkable part of the story J"8- .He said that they have a very
is this believe mo or not it is the f"mt ea of uow the Ihies of the town
solemn truth, that that shark, after j P3 anl sections nin, and in many
having been hung up over the rail
for twenty-four hours, and having
been cut open from head to foot,
wagged his flippers and started to
swim away when cast into the sea"
And then everybody got up and
went out to see if the river boat was
in sight
TelcpkeaeljedKina Hease.
Best Beds in town. Itooms per night
50 and25cts., per week $1.50. New and
clean. Private entrance.
Music Puil.
Professor Francis h now prepared to
receive pupils on the violin, guitar, pi
ano or cruet Will also give instruc
tion, in haimony and thorough base.
Residence, corner Feurth and L'as Sts
;irl WHtct.
To do general housework in a small
family. .AppJy afcuiis office.
Ludlow's Ladies' $3.00 Fine Shoes;
also flexible-hand-turned French Xids,
at P. J. Goodman's.
Meals Casket te Order.
Private rooms for ladies and families:
at Central Restaurant, next to Foard 4U
Coffee and cake, tpn writs, at the
Central Restaurant
Weiahard't Beer.
And Free Xnnch at the Telephono Sa
loon, 5-cents.
a Gaal CJtaace.
Lots in city limits from $200 to $300.
Xoraight days, at the real estate office of
Stockton & Welch.
Thelatest style of Gents' Boots and
Saaeaat P. J; Goodman's.
A Steamboat Jlan's Fearful Blow on the
Kane Olney. mate on the steamer
! Wonder, met with an accident near
Catulamet yesterday morning that
may cost him his life.
The steamboat was hauling up logs
on the bank about a milo above Cath
lamet, the donkey engine being in use.
About 830 the mate was out along
side the log which was being pulled
up the incline, when one of the irons
& n wiTterXftSrce t
the left temple, and inflictinc a uhastly
I wound. The skull was smashed, the
brains oozing out The boat made the
best time possible, coming down in
side of two hours. He was taken to
the hospital, and all that surgical aid
could do was done to afford relief. In
dressing the wound about two spoon
fuls of the brain matter exuded. At
midnight last night the patient was
alive, and slight hopes were enter
tained for his life.
Capt. Turner and the other officers
oI the hmit expresseil deep regret for
wri C" v ite -
?"""""" """uul :" uuiiuvvau
be attached to any one but himself as
he had been reneatedlv warned to
stand one side and away from the end
of the log as such accident was liable
tit any moment to occur.
Mate Olney is well known on the
river, having previously run on the
TeIehone aml tllGr nts.
Feb. 20.
' The circuit court met at
Taylor J.
10 o'clock
, strucuou company, the demurrer
sustained .and the case settled
N. P. Cannery companv, vs W
Parker, settled and dismissed,
W. If. Warren vs Geo. M. Bowe,
on trial. The following was the jury:
.1. P. Schothan, Robt Christie, W. J.
J. W. Conn, A. W. Sale, L. G. Weit,
W. A. Johnson, Jas. Brown. F. Sher
man, C. R. Sorenson, E. C. Jeffers,
The jury rendered a verdict of
$501.20 for the plaintiff.
Before the grand jury, came up the
case of State of Oregon vs Wm.
Woods; indicted with assult with in
tent to commit robbery. The defend
ant was called. Gave no answer.
Bail was declared forfeited, and a
bench warrant ordered issued.
until 10 o'clock this
A. Becker, a piano man, of Albany,
is in town.
R. C. Bhthe, of Portland, is at
Parker houfe.
R. F. fWmor will
arrive from tho
Nehalem to day.
m rt nin, -,.wi ro.;i t t..: ...i
Clarke are in the citv " '
mi r-. , " , ,
TlieZiler brothers, Uosurve ore
from UujIvlaskaiinie,aro at the Parker
' urouuari goes to ranuiort,
the new town at Deep River, this
Lieutenent Edward Burr of the U.S.
armv and hvdrographic survev, is at
the Occident".
SamL. Tee has returned into the
I city after spending a couple of weeks
1 on his 320-acre ranch.
her recovery.
She is suffering from
II j drojrrapliie Sun ey.
There was considerable- excitement
for a while last evening among a few
in regard to a htrange partv of snr-
1 ,-.- . - n.
'oinr. xney were seen yesterday by
several iersons who started various
rumors around town. Some claimed
that they were representing a railroad
and were the advance surveyors
to determine a feasible route, or thoi
cost of a proposed line. Such stories !
as these
alwas excite a town
anxious for anv railroad
news or gossip. An Astohiax reporter
interviewed Mr. Burns, one of the
party who is in town, and asked him
about their plans. He replied that
'they represented the hvdrographic
survey of the U. S. army" and were
working down the Columbia river,
j They have nothing to do with any
( railroad or private corporation. They
simply are doing regular map work for
the government, which requires care-
1 1111 suneys along the river course.
Fntnre Trimble Probable.
uuses inere are several squatters on
one claim. It is unfortunate that any
part t our state which is being rapidly
filled should not have been carefully
surveyed. It is impossible to tell
when this area will receive atteution.
In the meantime the efforts of the
squatters will be of no especial avail,
because they are all liable to lose their
For Fiuc
Go to Carrulhers' photograph
gallery: Third street, opposite Mor
gan it ShermanV.
Merit Win.
We desire to say to our citizens that
for j ears e hae been selling Dr.
Jvmir s JeyDiscnvery for Consumption,
Dr. Kings New Life Pills, BukletiN Ar
nica Salve and Electric Bitter, and
have neer handled remedies that sell
as well, or that have given such univer
sal satisfaction. AVe do not hesitate to
guarantee them every time, and we
stand ready to refund the purchase
price, if satisfactory results do not fol
low their use. These remedies have
won their great popularity purely on
their merits. J. yr. Coxy. Druggist.
2f o. Hew ea Beck.
wlecaorIl0w ?a?y fo,r business, and
haesome first-class bargains in real
estate, both inside and outside property.
c have a fine bargain in a two-storv
h0HS?. V.1 an eight-year lease, situated
on Third street near the Central hotel.
e have at a bargain a fine residence
Sffice-Nal3 'C blocks fromr
We also have lots in all parts of the
city and acreage in all narts of the state.
ClSSmSSg?" clr
We do not propose to misrepresent
fL?.rXty th? e "ave for sale, but
t0in 5h asafe and reliable business.
.SmtmS IF lVs aktUe coraer of Main
and Third streets, BealEstate Co.o.9.
Ddsbab 4fc Habdestt.
Recent Experience in lie California
Four months ago o-day the storm
began, and with a few intermissions of
an hour or two each, has raged with
unprecedented violence ever since.
Nothing like it was ever before expe
rienced in these mountains, or any
other that wo know of. At least fifty
feet of snow has fallen. In many
places it is hundreds of feet in depth.
The sides of the mountains are over
loaded, and there Is extreme danger
from avalanches in every direction.
Last Saturday the camp was in a
high fever of fear. All day long snow-
shdes were tumbling and thundering,
bringing down immense masses of
rock and timber, and piling them op
into grotesque and fantastic mounds,
some of which were of huge dimensions.
Everj body was nervously anxious,
for disastrous results seemed imminent.
The gloomiest anticipations prevailed."
Both walls of the narrow canyon were
covered with immense banks of snow
ready to fall and entomb us, and no
one place appeared to be more secure
than another.
In the morning a terrific slide came
down from a deep gorge on the north
ern Hank of Mount Gilchrist Start
ing at a point about 3,000 feet above
tho town, it was augmented by slides
ii uui uuuiiuuut wuujuua uuui jis ptu-
portions were enormous, and with ao-'
celerated velocity it charged down the
precipitins hill like a flood of molten
silver. When it struck tho lake there
was a thundering crash of 6 foot ice,
followed by cannon-like reports on the
other side of the lake, as compressed
air escaped from blow-Jioles in the ice.
Some of these vents, however, omit
ted sounds liko the hoarse roar of a
steam fog horn with a bad cold; others
shrieked liko wicked angels on the
ragged edge of repentance and des
pair, while more seemed to howl with
demoniac glee over the wreck and ruin
that threatened us.
For several minutes tho air was
filled with angular sounds punctuated
by the cracking reports of artillery, as
the ice was rent into great cakes and
thrown in heaps along tho margin of
the lake. This diabolical fracas of
clatter and smash was followed by
silence that oppressed us like a night
mare. After a brief interval another
slide started from the southern escarp
ment of Mount Hector, on uie other
side of tho lake. As it gathered ma
terial it accumulated speed, roll
ing over and over like breakers
on a sloping shore and throwing
feathery spray hundreds of
yards ahead, until it shot out upon
the lake like a flash and lay an inert
mass of glittering white, akin to a
glacier in solidity. The sight was
weirdly and appalingly grand, so"
startling in its magnificence that the
few beholders were prompted to kneel
in adoration. It is at once awful and
sublime to seo a large slice of- the
earth in swift motion, but the sensa
tion becomes one of abject fear waen
a person realizes the infinite danger
that hovers in the track of one of
these fascinating spectacles.
To be in readiness for an emerxzeocr.
a number of large '-toboggans hayihjf'
been constructed, so that the women
and children may be quickly ramoVed
to a place of safety when slides again
threaten us. There seems to be no
danger just now, but there is no telln
ing what a day may bring forth. A
snow-slide is twin-devil to an earth
quake, and gives no more waraiajf.
When it comes it comes "for keeps." -I
tiomer, mono uo., cat., inex,
Feb. 1. -
The Corwin went to sea yesterday.
The Bam ib e came' in yesterday
from Vancouver.
The City of Kingston? the new
steamer of the Fugat Sound and
Alaska Co., arrived at Port Townsend
last Tuesday.
The two sealers, Walter L. llich.ol
San Francisco and the Sea Lien
of Victoria werespoken off the harbor
to-day by the pilot boat Governor
Moody. Tho JiioJi reported all well,
and the Sea Lion said it had onboard
40 skins.
The AUiuwe got in lato last night
from Gray's harbor. Although it
was quite dark when she reached the
bar, Captain Petersen is so good, a
sailor that he didn't mind the time of
day, but came right in and landed
safely ht the dock by 930. The
steamer brought n number of passen
gers from tho Harbor.
Tho Oberon camq down from Port
land yesterday afternoon. When she
arrived off the front of tho city in tow
of tho Willamette Chief, she went
down below the River Bollock? to
turn "around. The tide was beginning
to ebb, aad the wind was blowing
hard towards tho west As a result,
she got down too far and partially"
grounded. Af tefr somd pushing and
turning she was got off and safely
moored. If she had thrown out her
anchor in 0e first place, as did the
Lorton, she' would have escaped this
scraping. The Oberon will take on
GOO sacks of wheat at the Union Pa
cific wharf. I '
The Loiton came down from Porlj-f
land yesterday. She has. on boar
2,020 tons of wheat and will take 250
bushels more from Portland by light
erage. Capt Steel has been into the
Columbia river thirteen times, aad
about eighteen times in all to this
coast The Lortori? which, he now
commands, is a comparatively new
vessel, being built about two years
ago. She has an iron frame and sides.
Her deck plank are four inches thick.
The captain said he never wanted to
strike Portland again during a freshet
when he reached that city it snowed
four days, then rained as many, after
which came the flood. He will remain
here a few bays to put in the final
part of the cargo, and hoping to hear
that the cargo is sold before sailing.
If no instructions are received he will
sail to Queenstown for orders. The t
crew will be filled out here.
A Safe Investment.
Is one which is guaranteed to bring1
you satisfactory results, or in case -of
failure a return of purchase price.- "On
this safe plan you can buy from our
advertised druggist a bottle of Dr.
Kind's New Discovery for consumption.
It is guaranteed to bring relief in every
case, when used for any affection of
Throat Lunes or Chest, such as Con
sumption, Inflammation of' Lungs,
.oruucimis, Asuima, wnooping uougo.
Croup, etc, etc. It Js pleasant and
agreeable to taste, perfectly safe,- and
can always be depended upon. Trial
bottles free a J. W. Conn's drugstore.
Mrs. Wdjslow's Soothixq Syrup
should always bo used for children
teething. It soothes the child, softens
the gums, allays all pain, cures wiaa
cbolic. and is the best remedy ferjalar-rbcea.Twenty-five
cents a bottle.
UypfammtT Kwarfet'a Oflet
Young's, Alderbrook f
L W. Case to Jho. Thomah-
len, lot -2a,kai'-blkri8,
Jno. Tbormahlen to i O.
M. M. Dee toBusk Smith, 50
acre -toaotL-.Waa V'ao,-12
Maxwell Young to W. G.
Brown, lota 25, 36 and 27,
blk L'Toang'a, Alderbrook.
Maxwell Young to Kobert
Browa. Jr.. Jot VL- blk i,
Young's, Aldarbrook
fi. P. Tboaajaon to a T. Har
rison, lota land 2, blk 8,
Previously reported this year 819,634
Total to data.
"So you want to marry nay daogh
ter,.ahr,aakad1.the nliliiuMsami if
the cowering' objeot'wkich stood in
front of him.
"Yea, sir." responded our aero, for it
was hs aad no other.
"Young man, da yoa ever drintjp
toxicatnff lfoaor f
"No, air."
"Do you smoker'
"No, ajr.
. NcH a gjfwtair
"Stay out late ;nighsf9
"Ever get mashed oa actresses '
""Never, air: never ."
The old-man bowed his head on hist
hands, in thoaght several yards deep.
Thenne looked up at 'his victim and
inquired-m a4on.milduriesity:
" "YountT man, hbw long have you
been deadf Jrferowry.
1 Yaat Uks a Gsael Cigar?
Gall at Charier OJien'a, atdf C. U.
Ceoper'. lie will suit you. A. 'fine
stock uf cigars to select lrora.
It's 4 years since I started a ssaall
clothing eatablithnant ia tha
Occident Hotel building;, and
thanks to God and my
friends, I can now boast
of having one of the
Largtstand Fintst Clothing
In consideration of their liberal
patronage, .'and. tbaaktag; teem
with alLmy heart, I have con
cluded to offer to my trade,
for Tata-
Everything in my store at
'fe'i" 1
psaiaaBsaaBBaBsawBwaaF aaHpa v
Jkdi m li asi jHtV'Jt-w4ll
, renewaar torwpo turn
:toeoVa. "
Bawnboi j 0 tcTfopgs,
Twenty Pe
Now is- the time,
plain figures. The
cash purchases.
1 &
cThis is no Peter
i!LC. II C
Marshall & Co.,
Salmon Net Twines
Far Sale by D. SMITH, Agent,
Offlco at Wherry & Co's.
Thompson & Ross
Cany a Full Line of
Choice Staple and Fancy
6iv Ut t Ctli and Be Convinced.
Garnahan & Go.
I. "W. CASE,
Corner Chen&mos and Cass streets.
Morgan & Sherman
And Dealers In
Cannery Supplies !
ripsclal Attention Given to Filling
Of Orders.
Aad Buppttes fambned at Satis
factory Terms.
Fareaaaaa delivered in any part of the city.
OJAoe and Warehouse
In Bume'a New Building on Water Street.
F. O.Boz 15ft. Telephone No, ST.
Wall Paper and Oil Paintings
Slfrt Wrtttr, Graint rind
'- Ornimental Painter.
Co. Caia aas, JeSerssn Sts.. Astoria,
Wm. B. Adair,
N. l; Cor. Olneaad Third Sts.
-Fartlwrtar attenttoa glvea to Properties
Wfr;Aateria;alaoto porchase of Tim-
don't wait. All these goods are marked in
above percentage will be deducted on all
111 fM & wsKM:fflaii
WBtoP mi
Funk business, but straight goods.
fe Wn I'illi
Lots Only $80: 820 Bowk and i$10 Monthly.
THIS Pi:OIi:i:TY conimcmls itself to all .is hemp: the Hest AiUlition on tho Market
Good water and good Jmm.iKC. Streets nartly Impro ed.
YOUXfi'S ADDITION joins other .ultlitioiiswliere loU are selling at $125 to $150 and
areadertLseilas heinirten iniinito-, ride lj street car line from postotllce.
One Hundred Lots
Ral.mce of Tract w III l sold for ?UM to
hiiiip liif LaliflLHI i
lllJkJiiiaillU ilkJlUlllill
This Property is siiuatcd at the head of
Young's Bay nl only thirty min
utes walk t cm U. P. Dock.
For Further Information Call on
Elmore, Sanborn & Co.
Orders Delivered Free of Charge. Country
Orders Solicited. Tliird street, .
next to rioneer ofllce.
TMrfl Street.
For Sale at S80 1
SU", jer Lot. Uiiy before tho advance.
E. P. N00NAN & CO.,
(Successors to)
J. P. HYNE8,
Groceries Produce.
"Water Street, Astoria, Oregon
TELEPnOXE XO. 7. - p. O. BOX
'-ti- ,