J' M r " ,-"fr;Bi5j';it ; C) 4 ! i Js.l2;S5;s:i'igrt, 3"- 4J1HSH igx -. xaaEfaS' 3!5' VOL. XXXIV, NO AW. ASTORIA, ORBGOiY, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20. 1890. PRICE FIVE CENTS V ' J W fi 4. k. n m jk,s a xfc. mr :i iimi II mmimmm& ni &m r it r i n 1 1 . vw?y I &. FziB bi El HL W? cu fcl w -r s3'j'j' h n CAUGHT OH THE FLY. Sews Items From All Oyer tie Uiiitea States. ttrs TiiKuvc.11 mi: rusitv.ssiui. Ice-cnttcrs on tho rivor n. Omaha tfi $1.7i a tiny. An Tudiana farmer has ma.lp a suc cess of froj; farming. The -wheel trust controls nearly all i!.e great factories. Snow sli welers at Grow Valley are paiil S1.?0 an lunr. The business men of In H-tna will f ma a commercial league. The New York potIIicc el rks un ion has l.(X) members. Guatemala contemplates a line of railroad from ocean to ocean. Near Atchison. Kan., 1,300 men are at work cnlting ic? by electric light. The Chicago inistal clerks are de manding eight hours a day ami graded salaries. lusumiice lates at San Francisco are ffl per cent, higher than in other large cities. Tlie Illinois Central has reduced the rate to Miss mri river points over 2(1 Hr cent. The Chicago coojers won the de mand for 35 cents for barrel-; and -10 cents for tiercfs. There are twenty-two Hour mills in MinneaKilis. with a combined daily capacity of 78 barrels. Tlie Bricklayers and rasons inter national union decided that it was not time to demand eight hours. At the principal iorts of the United States lat year over nine million bunches or bananas were imported. The women temperance crusaders of Lathrop. Mo., have formed a regu lar organization for suppressing sa loons. Troops have compelled Ixiomcrs to have the town sites located on Indian severalty lands on the Sioux reserva tion. A cyclone swept over the parish of fcast Carroll. La., mjuriug properly and live stock and hurting a number of people Captain Elisha Oakes, of Vinalha wn, Maine, has 00,000 live lobsters in his pond, from which he is shipping to Boston. Priuee Victor Dhulcep Singh has sailed from Halifax to England leav ing many creditors and a host of lady acquaintances. Springer of Illinois will oppose the admission of Idaho and Wyoming He will bring in a bill to include New Meiico and Arizona. Oscar Roberts and Arthur Butcher were arrested at Denver for conspir ing to kidnap and extort money from ex-Senator Tabor. They confessed. The Liederkranze Eintraeht, of Chicago saug an anthem over the graves of Jefferson Davis and Sydney Johnson, in the Melarie cemetery, New Orleans. Charles Gloster, of the United States army and a member of the Schwalka cxiedition, makes sensa tional charges against secretary of war Proctor. Joseph Hill man was hanged at Voou!lorry, N. J., last November, for the murder of a iwddler. His father now says that Joseph's wife com mitted the deed. Wholesale forgeries have been com mitted by ticket scalers in forging certificates issued by the railroads to those attending the electric light con vention at Kansas City. In a quarrel Itclwceu Daniel Paul and Henry Glover, at Ashland, Ga., the latter, crazed by drink, stabbed Paul and plunged the blade into his own alvlomen. Neither of them can Davis has introduced a bill providing for pensioning at the rate of $2T a month from March -1, 18S0, all women army nurses during the late war who rendered six months' service Secretary Windom has notified the chairman of the house committee on coinage, weights and measures that to-lav ho will appear before that committee and give his views upon the silver question. In Chicago negotiations have been opened for the construction of a 300 stamp mill in the mountains of China to develop a rich gold quartz lode in the province of Shantung. The job in volves about $4,000,000. Ex-representative Page, of Califor nia has written a letter to the chair man or the house committee on ways and means severely criticising seerc tary Windom's adverse reiort upon the fur seal bill now pending in con gress. A bill is now before the house labor committee to pay laborers, or me chanics, employed by the goverment since June 23. 1SGS. the date of the passage of the eight-hour law, for all the time they have worked in excess of eight hours a day. It involves be tween four and five millions for navy yjml -work alone. The Itic Railroad Pral New York, Feb. 18. It was not possible to obtain from the officers of the Northern Pacific in tliis city any ooafinnation of tho Baltimore & Ohio consolidation scheme which has ! been revived by recent dispatches $125 AND $150 PER LOT EOBB & PARKER, General Ag'te, Astoria. from the west From sources practi cally official, however, there came statements and admissions, which go a good way toward indorsing the western announcement One of the officers of the Northern Pacific said: So far nothing like the big deal suggested lias been accomplished,"' but when pressed to tell whether or not the project w as in view, he practically admitted that it was being worked upon. He pointed out what he called "the manifold ad vantages of control of the Baltimore & Ohio by the Northern Pacific' It was no new discovery, he said. Vil lard had always been awake to the op portunity in it, and it was added sug gestively that the present holders of Baltimore & Ohio securities are not disinclined to sell out at a fair price. Every representative railroad man consulted regarding the report or the big deal declared it was in no wise im probable. It was exactly in line with the policy which it is known had been mapped out by Villard. It wonld at once make him the leading railroad magnate of the country. It would, moreover, be just such an accom plishment as would vastly redonnd to his credit as a grant financier, and would add immeasurably to his prestige abroad. Further than this, it would be of stupendous advantage to the Northern Pacific property, and by appreciating the value or all North ern Pacificsecurilies would strengthen Villard's grasp upon the confidence of the security owners. The most important fact bearing upon the probability of the report is the practically untold amount of money at Villard's command. It is suspected that when the 150,000,000 bond was lately authorized by the Northern Pacific directors, A'illafd had his eye upon this big Baltimore and Ohio deal. Things Worth Known!-;. The official expenses of the cilv of New York are 100,000 a day. The word ''rivals' once meant neigh bors who lived on the banks of a river. The whole cost of the great Forth bridge of Scotland is estimated at S10, 000,000. It costs Great Britain S3,312,200 an nually for salaries and allowances to the royal family alone. Brazil has a law for the medical ex amination of persons about to marry to determine their fitness. The New York Tribune estimates that this country will have next Jnlv a population of GG,700,(K)0. Undo Sam pays his 200,000 em ployes, including soldiers and sailors, an average salary of SS2o apiece. Of the eighty-two members or the federal senate. New York can claim to be the birth place of fourteen. With less than 2.000,000 voters, the colored race furnishes 1,01C,3SO of the 1,809,215 illiterate voters or the coun try. Our presidents have all been law yers and soldiers, and among them no millionaire or man of excessive wealth can bo found. It is said that there are more dogs than sheep in Missouri. Nearly every fanner keeps from one to halt a dozen canines. In the English language there are about 38,009 distinct words, or which some 2S,090 in common use are from the Anglo-Saxon. Fortress Monroe is the largest sin gle fortification in tho world. It has already cost the United States over 3.000,000. Eight years ago it took a letter over one hundred days to go around the globe. Now the circuit can be made in TO days. In the year 1700 there was but one newspaper in the United States. In 1S70 there were 5,871; this year there are 10,319, the total for the United States and Canada being 17,107. Siitiic Salmon KtatNtirs. Full returns of the exports of salmon for the season to February 1st are now to hand, the rail road shipments in Jan uary being just received, and the an nexed table shows the situation to date: Cases. Salmon pack l.GT.O.OO') KXPOBT SEASON TO FKltKOAUY 1, 18iO. From Cases. British Columbia 323,5') Columbia llivcr by sea.. 127,490 " rnil..2l4,2r7 From San Francisco to Australasia 8G.420 . Kuropo 318,01"; East by sea T0,1G7 " ' rail 113,910 Orient 3.C0C Pacific Islands 4.34G Spanish America . ... 1 .2T.G-1 ,27S,r0G Apparent Stock February 1st 371 ,404 Since the first of February 8,157 cases have been shipped from this port to Australasia, 15,2tS cases to Europe, 12G cases to the Orient 29G cases to the Pacific Islands and 22-1 cases to Spanish America, a total of 24,071, leaving tho apparent stock this date 317,333 cases. Locally the situation is without change. -S F. Daily Com. j'eias 14. Wo Toll Yom Positively That Simmons Liver Regulator will rid you of dyspepsia, purify j-our sj'stem, enable you to sleep well, prevent niala r.al diseases and jjivc you a brisk and vigorous feeling, ltacts directly on the liver and kidneys, cleansing, purifying, invigorating and fortifying the system against disease. It will breakup chills ard fever and prevent their return yet entirely fiee from calomel or quinine. MllLOIl'S CATARRH REMEDY a positive cure for Catarrh, Diphtheria and Canlc-r Mouth. At J. C. Dements' H A NTHORN'S ASTORIA ! THE NATION'S DEFENDERS. A Bill Proyifliug for OrgaulzatiQU of Tie Naval Militia. .I-V7J .1 LSO A XATIOXAL :VAIU. Washington, Feb. 17. The exten sion of the naval militia system is the object of a bill which congressma An drew, of Massachusetts, has introduced in the house. His idea is to encour age a sort of naval training school un der the different stale governments which will fit men for active service in the navy in case of war. The first two sections are as follews: Section 1. That the sum of 50.000 is hereby appropriated, to be paid out of any money in the treasury not oth erwise appropriated, for the purpose of providing arms, ordnance, ammuni tion and equipment for issue to the naval militia. Section 2. That the appropriation shall be apportioned under the direc tion of the secretary of the navy among the several slates, which shall, on or l)efore July 1, 1890, have created a naval militia according to the num ber of senators and representatives to which each of said states respectively is entitled in the congress of the United States, as compared with the total niunber of senators and repre sentatives from all of said slates and to the District of Columbia such pro portion and imder such regulations as the president may prescribe; provided, however, that no state shall be enti tled to the benefits of the appropria tion aportioned to it unless the num ber of its regularly enlisted, organized and uniformed active militia shall be at least twenty men for each senator and representative to which such state is entitled in the congress of the United Stales, and the amount of said appropriation which is thus deter mined not to be available is to be cov ered back into the treasury. The third section provides for the issue of arms under the direction of the secretary of the navy and that they shall be annually accounted for by the goveranicnt'of the states. The fourth section provides for the disposition of arms and equipments which become unseviceable. By section five the secretary of the navy is authorized to permit the naval militia to drill on board the receiving ship or ships assigned as of the naval reserve or to be embarked on board ships in commission, or he may assign for their use any vessel unfit for sea service The sixth section authorizes the secretary to permit officers of the naval militia to attend a course of torpedo instructions or a course at the naval college, and the seventh section auth orizes the secretary to detail an officer of the navy tcassist in the instruction of the militia. A house committee on militia has ordered a favorable rejort on the bill introduced by Mr. Henderson of Iowa to promote efiicency or the militia. 11 provides that the militia shall consist of every ablebodied male citizen who is more than 18 and less than 15 years of age, and such acceptable male citi zens as may volunteer for military duty. The militia shall be divided into twoclasses, organized to be known as the national guard, and unorgan ized to be known as the reserve militia. The reserve militia shall not be liable to any military duly except when called into service by an act of eon grcss and upon the proclamation of the president. The national guard shall cunsi-t or such regularly enlisted troops as are or may bo organized in the several suites ana territories in pursuance witli their respective laws: provided, however, that the original enlistment shall be for not less than three years, and rc-enlisrmenl Tor not lcs than one year, and in both eases with the provision that if such enlistment sliMiild expire during the time when in the service of the United Slates that it shall continue until tho ex piration of the time for which called into sen-ice butshall not exceed ninety days. The bill also appropriates 100,000 and supplies to the national guard. It also establishes a bureau of militia in the war department Marto Reparation. The train was just pulling out of Weston, Mo., for St Joe, when one of the nassenirors in the smuVpr mil his head so far out of tho window that a man near him felt it his duty to utter a note of wamiug. 'Yes it is a little risky,' replied the man as ho pulled in his head and sat down, 'but I was looking fnr n irrnro in that field. Beckon it has been plowed under and forgotten." "How did they happen to bun- him there?' 'ItS a Slid fitorv. p-nntlnmoiv vnrr sad. It was just ten years ago this month, and 1 was living here then. A strauger came in from the west with three horses to sell, and ho acted so queerly that we clapped him in jail. He never denied that he stole 'em, and ons night the bovs turned out and hung him to a tree back there That used to be our way of discouraging the business and I believe it is still prac ticed farther west We buried him near the tree and it was his grave I was looking for." 'Never denied it eh?' queried-one of the listeners. "Never did, although we gave him Call Early and Take Your every chance. Just a week from the time he was hung we found out that he was an honest, honorable fanner, living about forty miles below us. While he hadn't stolen the horses, lie had killed a man, and he no doubt believed we were hanging him for that We felt mean enough when we discovered that he was no horse-thief, and that all he had done was to pop a man over, and a Kansas man at that. and he must have been sadly puzzled over our conduct Ave made such reparation as we could, however." "In what way?" "We rounded-up tho grave, passed resolutions of sympathy for tho wife, sent the horses on home, and a few months later I went up and married the widow. She's in tho next car be hind." - Now York Sun. Catarrh Cnreil, A clergyman, after jears of suffer ing from that loathsome disease, Ca tarrh, and vainly trying every known remedy, at last found a recipe which completely cured and saved him from death. Any sufferer from this dread ful disease sending a self addressed stamped envelope to Prof. J. A. Law rence, SS Warren St, New York City, will eceive the recipe free of charge. At Cheyenne, Eugene Callahan, aged, sixteen, fired threo ineffectual shots at Maude Hall, aged fifteen, then shot himself dead. Cause, un requited affection. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria When Baby ras sicJr, wo gave her Castoria. 3Then cha was a Child, she cried for Castoria, iVhen she hecamo illss, she clung to Castoria, Then she had Children, she gave them CastorU ARE YOU MADE miserable by In digestion, Dizziness. Loss of Appetite, Yrllow kin: JShiloh's Vitalizer is a positive cure. At J. C. Diluent's. CATARRH CURED, health and sweet breatti secured by Shiloh's Ca tarrh Remedy. Price, SO cents. Nasal Injector free. .1. C. Dement THE REV. CEO. II. THAYER, of JJourho . Intl.. savs: 4!hth myself and nif. owe our lives to Shiloh's Consump tion Cure. At .1. C. Demeut's. ' Uind according la QlRECTIDHS will each. BuTTliJl nrnij For CUTS and WOUNDS. Llcdcrville, Iowa, Aurr. 5, 1SS8. I cut my foot with an axe: St. Jacob Oil cured rac up nicely. EKXEST STUpC P"lix,Iowa,AU5.7,18SS. I was wonndal in the neck end knecauHnji the war, the r-ain of which St. Jncbbs Ofl clwaja relieves. JXQ. V. SHIMER. At Dnrfioiv-n and Dealers. T!'EC?'.;SLES A.V0CELER CO . Ealtlmort. Mi. IF YOU HAVE no appetite. Indigestion, Flatulence, Sick Headache, "all run tlown," losing llesli, 3 on -will lincl Tutt's Pills tJio remedy you nceil. They tone lip tho weak Ktouiucli unci BUILD UP ttie flajjclnj; enerffiej. Sufferers from mental or plijKical overwork will find great relief from them. Elegantly sugar coated. Price, 23 cents per box. SOL.D EVERYWHERE. Office, 44 Murray St., New York vlr Case, BANKER. ESTABLISHED - - 1870. Transacts a General Banking Business. l)!.ililra.u available in anv part of the I. S. and Europe, and on Moiig'KoiiK, China UKI'ICK ilOUUS : 10 A. 51. IO 3 t M. Oim l KiT.owdIiun.tiNC. Astoria. Oregon. Magnus C. Crosby Dealer iu EADWARE, maH, STEEL. ;ron Pipe and Fittings, STOVES.. TINWARE HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS SHEEl LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEET IRON, Tix AND - Ooppor. Teachers' Public Examination, 1st Quarter, 1890. ritilE TEACIIEltS PUBLIC EXAMINA X tion Tor Clatsop county, Oregon, will be held at tlu Cedar street school house ; to commence at 12 o'clock si., on the 2Cth day of Feuruary. A- D. 1890. No one will he ad mitted into the class after the examination questions are opened, Stranpers must hrlng recnminemlatioiK as to their moral charac ter, endowed hy two persons known to the .superintendent- C W. SHIVELY, superintendent Puldte instruction. Asotin. Or., Fehruary 1 't 1KX. iSmmtHHHHlHHtl IIIIIIIIIUMIHIIIIWWI &j CLIPPED ASP CONDENSED, News Items froiAU Oyer tie Nortl west Coast. CULLED FROM OVR EXCHANGES. Milton, lias an epidemic of scarlet fever. Pendleton now has two cases -of small-pox. Oregon City is agitating the erec tion of a large hotel. Sponges have recently been found in Uibraltar pass, on Jfuget sound. Tncoma's exposition building is to cover 8,000 square feet and cost 8125, 000. Spokane Falls has a furniture firm that overstocked themselves and failed for 812,500. The city engineers of Tacoma have decided that vitrified brick make the best pavement Collector of customs, Max Fracht, of Juneau, Alaska, ha3 been charged with smuggling. Arthur Proebstel was drowned in La Camas creek, near Vancouver, last Tuesday, while rafting logs. Baker City and Pendleton will make an effort to have tho Republican stnte convention held in either of these re spective places. Tho Yaqnina bay people are getting anxious over their proposed life-saving station. Its establishment should not be longer delayed. The latest returns from distant !)arts ' of tho county show the actual osses in bridges and roads destroyed aggregate over 850,000 in Lane county. Mrs. C. P. Stratton, aged 87 years, died in Salem Saturday evening. She was a pioneer woman of Oregon, and came across the plains from Pennsyl vania in 1852. There is a family living a few miles from Jacksonville, whoso average height is great. One son looks down on struggling humanity from an alti tude of 6 feet 6 inches. Spokane Falls gamblers wero again raided last Tuesday by the law and order league. The doors were broken in with axes, and every player, as well as the gamblers, was arrested. A Montana paper refuses a request to publish the Ten Commandments "under tho plea that some of the sub scribers would regard them as aimed at them and would stop the paper. A prominent merchant of Eugene, who is a large buyer of wheat, says that the boi-tom has almost completely dropped out of the wheat market He estimates that one-half the crop of 1889 in Lane county is in the hands of the growers. Antouelle, of tho Antonelle & Dee, contractors on the Elgin branch of the Union Pacific, has made arrange ments to commenco work on their contract at La Grando at once. They have advertised for 500 men and 200 teams, to commence on March 1. Tho Kate and Annate lying on her beam ends, bang up against the bulk head, at Oyatcrville, Yaqnina bay, and full of water. She is so high that she does not lloat at full tide. A log strnck her and carried nway her fore rigging. Capt. Lntjens is now with the lioat trying to mend her ways. A statement by assistant stato treasurer Slater shows that financially Oregon is very healthy. Tho esti mated receipts for the present biennial term aro 82,300,000, against which tho estimated expenses will bo $2,000,000. The school fund for tho present year will amount to Sl.756,700. Indians on the Siletz reservation in the southern end of Tillamook county are doomed to slow bntsure extinction. As a tribe they aro very unhealthy, and many of them have died recently. They are decreasing so fast that it is only a matter of a short time when the reservation will be opened to white settlers. E. F.Sox tells tho Albany Herald tho banks of tho Willamette are tho scenes of much destruction. At tho "Wills warehouse opposite Miller's sta tion he saw 3,000 bushels of mined wheat thrown into the river. At In dependence was a hugo pile of 10,000 bushels which had been spoiled by tho flood and thrown into the river. It is not generally known that beav er, otter, mink, etc., yet make their homes along the Umatilla river. Helms Bros., who cut wood for 0. C. Fanning about two miles below Pen dleton, tell the Pendleton paper they have trapped several of these animals, and disposed of their pelts at a profit able figure. Mink aro quite plentiful, but it is only occasionally that a beaver or otter is captured. Thus singeththe Boseburg Plain dealer: Tho universal cry now is: How long, oh! railroad, oh! how long shall we endure delay r Oh, haste thee, haste thee, is our song and bring the welcome day. "When letters, pa pers, magazines, shall on our tables lay. We've cursed the railroads good and strong, and damned them day by day, e'en when the cars came quick and strong; but now we damn them for delay. Still 'tis the burden of our song, "Give us a railroad to Coos bay." ZPcljctdcl for Rent "With forty-five head of cattle for half the increase. Call or write to O.P.JOHANSON. Vesper, Clatsop County, Or. Astoria Real Estate & mi POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never vanes, A marvel of purity, strength and wholesomeness. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and can not be sold in competition witli the multi tude of low test, short weight, alum or phos Shate powders. Sold unJy in cans. Koval IAKIKQ POWPKU CO. 106 V'all-st.. N. V. Lkwis M. Johnson & Co., Agents, Port land. Oregon. In consequence of the demand for those beautiful lerel lots. Mr. P. C. Warren has been induced to plat ninety-six lots Adjoining Warren ton on the East. Which will be known and sold as East Warrenton ! THE RAILKOAD runs through tho plat, which Is only 200 yards from the Warrenton depot, for further information call at once on tho ASTORIA REAL ESTATE CO. A NEW ENTERPRISE. City Express Transfer Company. H. D. Thing and C. E. Miller, rjlOPKIETOKS. Headquarters at Main Street wharf. TELEPHONE NO. 43. A General Expn ss and Delivery Husiuess transacted. Your patrouaga Is solicited. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY There is no occasion for the most fastldl ous of our citizens to send to Portland or .m l'ranciscofor Custom Made Clothes As they can got P.etter Fits. Better V.'ork maii'dup, ami for less Money. Hy Univlng their Orders with .MKAN. Hew Coods bv Every Steamer. Call an.! 4r Him unit Satisfy nnrrlf. P. J Meany. Mi'irhant Tailor. ? as . W Aftflfl iart- sv sets- cw'- Arc" an1 Eo9":i ers , Hvd-a0,'C xC-V- tf-S&i . ,V- 'vv:sr u-r.o- sv,xw vT.Uov V o." BARGAINS Lots In Tract 3 of the beautiful suburb of CHELSEA, only live minutes walk from the steamer lauding at Sklpauon and terminus of A. & M. C. 1C It. These lots are ttkluo feet, on the first bench above the tide land, are clear and level, and good water obtainable within ten feet of surface. Prices from S6U to $75 ; $20 down, balance $10 per month. Ten Acres, suitable for platting, clear and level : on county road and within easy drive of Astoria. Front Comer Kcsidence Lot in Block Xo. 00, Olneys. Six Lots in Block 9, ADAIR'S ASTORIA, running clear through the block, and mak ing a fine residence site. 100x150. Only one block from Columbia river and street car line. Price, SI ,050, part cash. J. H. MANSELL, Real Estate Broker. FRANK W. BEACH. OF PORTLAND, tells us that he has a fine body of tide land for sale cheap. If sold soon. His address Is 2G, Multnomah block, Portland, Oregon. H. W. Strickler, M. D. DEALER IN Pure Drugs, Toilet Articles, Etc Prescription Clerk speaks Four different Languages. General practlco of Medicine attended to by the Doctor. Second street, near rostofllce. EAST WABMM Choice ! KINNEY'S LESS THAN ONE MILE FROM THE O. R. & N. DOCK, AND a i Beautifully Prices Low and KEEN & COOK, AGENTS. SOMETHING NEW. Kenney's Addition! Beautifully situated on the banks of the Columbia, ad joining proposed Public Park and near the newly discovered coal beds. Only $3f per Lot for a lew days. Get in now and secure first-class Lots. FRANK SPITTLE, Agent. SEALAN0 r.en,rLl?rwr,HWlsTtihc.Jhvacoan(l Slioalwater Bay Kailroad. THE GREAT EST SUMMER RESORT OX THE NORTHWEST COAST. Liesattheid of the Ray, at deep water, and only twelve miles from the bar. The coalos County Seat and Commercial Metropolis of Pacific county. Now laid out LoU on the market from 30, and upwards. For particulars and fuli information, call on or address B. A. SEABORC, BAKBOUR'S Irish Flax HAVE NO t0NBOR.'9f jvJiayadO' L-RSS Jjfe'- T """7"P" i ""L fKflM GRAND PRIX PARIS 1878, AND GRAND CROSS OF THE LEGION D'HONNEUR. They received the ONLY GOLD MEDAL For FLAX THREADS at the London Fisheries Exhibition 1883. And have been awarded HIGHER PRIZES at the various INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITIONS, Than the goods of any other TBCJFfcE-D aSANUFACTUllEllS IN THE WORLD, Quality Can Always be Depended on. ExDeriencefl Fishermen Use i Oilier. HENRY DOYLE & CO.. 5 1 7 and 5 1 9 Market Street, SAN FRANCISCO. AGENTS FOR PACIFIC COAST. WOODBERRT SEINE TWINE, E0PE and NET TING Constantly on Hand. SEINES, FOUNDS and TRAPS Furnished to order at Lowest Factory Price. Trust Co., Portland Ag'ts. ASTORIA! Situated. Terms Reasonable. Astoria, Or. Ili?iraoo, Wali. Threads EQUAL! &f8MT TERMS EASY! '& e- l&