The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, February 19, 1890, Image 3

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-r Tml Sbtoriatt.
(Mt.Mla ixroitteil.)
PKbttk'r and lrrpr!elr-.
Asi&:an lkiuic.
r.fcs STi:i:i:r.
Twnv oT Subtrrliillen.
rMl b Cjtrrifr. it fk ." ets
y-K fcf Mull, jior iHouth wets
Saul ly MaN. imm ear $7.00
Pw f M;mec 10 Mili-cri!irr.
Tmk Atori Kam.;t lo it atlver
lr thr latcfst om-tix mil of :m nnsi,i
lr M-4mhI m j!k Co'itiutu.i river.
A ihh'sooI horn out
eiMHi fc n kootloo.
of the sahnoii
This is the 26th anniversary of the
foHudhi- of the order of Knights of
A few cnes of influenza arc still
roftortotl, but the dread disease has
lost its gripia
A very Mibtantial valentine arrived
at the Iioupc of George Kabolh and
vite. on the 11th inst.. in the person of
l&tfc Imby girl.
Frank Spittle always has something
good to offer his patrons in real es
tate. This time it is something well
worth looking:.!: sec adv'l.
J. E. Lognn was in from Olney yes
terday. So far. 0J has been a hard
or for those in that section who
have Ikhmi short of feed for their cat
tle. Chinamen are fishing through the
cracks in Flnvels wharf. They
catch a species of porgy whicji Cau
cnsimis do not consider iarticularly
Tom LimiUe went hunting last
Monday iio-ir Fort Stevens, and killed
wildcat." Meanwhile, Munson, of
the lighthouse mie- a tomcat that
hasn't shown up in his accustomed
haunts Miice Linville's visit.
Go r?je Car.-Hn and Liouis Uainard
have l(Hn arrotcd at St Helens ac
cused or hliOiitmg a fisherman named
Luland in a boat in the river near there
lust Snt unlay night. The examiiri
tioM will lake place at Itaiuier.
The ageil wife of X. Ij. Scott, living
fonrttvn miles from McMinnville, was
found murdered in her bed last Sun
tiny. Suspicion ixiinhs to her husband
anil stepson as knowing more or the
tragedy than the have jet told.
In the U. S, .senate last Tuesilay,
vtAimtor Alitrhcll introduct'd a bill ap
xpriating$l,lKK) for the removal of
the snags from sundry rivers empty
ing into the Columbia in this vicinity
wtl improvements the streams.
ltaftoris from outside canneries on
th- rivorare to the ellect that with the
cxcAptiou of llapgood tCo..atWater
Fonrl. no cannery lias :is et given out
zm twine, nor is there any note of
preparation, beyond a general ovcr
linulim; of loats.
Tliis is Ash Wednesday, the begin
ning or the season of Lent, which lasts
40 days, a time or fasting and pracr,
terminating in ihc joyous church fes
tivities of Easier Sunday. That great
festival is always on the lir&t Sunday
after the first full moon after the 21st
of March.
A strange fish that our correspon
dent cannot accurately describe was
cast ashore dead at Ilwaco last Sun
dii. with a seagull iu its stomach.
The seagull had a small fish in its
stomach. Probably further anatomi
cal investigation would have shown
that a smaller seagull was in the small
fish's stomach.
The Geiu Canbj brought over from
niwaco. yesterday, about 100 bags of
oysters which will be shipped to
Portland. The California trade is not
very brisk at present, says Capt. Park
er, compared with what it was former
ly. There was a time when nearly all
shipments went to San Francisco and
in large quantities.
In the United States senate last
Tuesday senator Allen presented pro
osed amendments to the river and
harbor bill providing for an appropri
ation of SKX1.000 for dredging Swino
mish channel: SoO.000 for deepening
and improving Gray's river, Deep
river. Crooked creek, Skamokawa
creek aud other tributaries of the Co
lumbia river in Washington, and S30,
OsX) for cleaning the Nael, Willapa
and Xorth rivers of Ixmldcrs and snags.
Quite a crowd gathered yesterday
moming on the east side of the ap
proach to the U. P. wharf to see the
old sailing boat l'l linger, righted
from lying on her side in the mud.
She has been there for over a month,
aud was washed over by the tide every
day. Koies were fastened to her
mast, winch were extended to a place
on the roadway near the wharr. Then
a horse was secured aud the harness
attached to the rope. At first the
boat would not stir, but in a few min
utes the mast began to rise, and she
was soon upright. At night when the
tide was low she was bailed out and
should now Hoatall right.
Another "Cootl Tliias.
'I sec," said and old subscriber yes
terday. lhat you think a man would
do well to get a barn full at hay here
oven- winter and sell it at famine
prices, when the snow falls.
"WelL maybe se: it seems to me
another way to make a good thing, if
a man wanted to lake the chances,
would 1h? to get not 20 acres but two
acres. c!o.?e b, and plant it in pota
toes; he ought to get G0J bushels off
that much ground. Then storo them
somewhere in a cool dry place, and
when the animal January ilurry comes
he can get two cents a pound for his
potatoes. That would bring him $720
for the product of his two acres."
Iftiic Pupils.
Profisor Francis is now prepared to
receive pupils on the violin, guitar, pi
ano or cornet Will also give instruc
tion in harmony ami thorough base.
Residence, corner Fourth and CassSts.
UHilertH It a 11 U K. of I.
SmKxiGiiTS, Attentien: You are
hereby commanded to meet at your
cuttle hall this Wednesday eveninc'at 8
o'clock r. m., in full uniform for inspec
tion. iy order toi. day ruttie.
Attest : A. A. CLKvr.r.ANi),
Sir Knight Recorder.
Far Fine rhotograjtli,
(Jo to Misses Carruthers' photograph
Ralkry Third street, opposite Mor
sa t Sherman's.
Girl Wanted.
Te do general housework in a small
fwaily. Apply at this office
A Lit tie
Pasear Alonj
The Corwin
reuinieu jcsieruaj
aays crime dovrn the
ip was not made, as m-
I I -j
from a twelve
n.ncl 'PI.:.. 4ot
viuaiH. jluw uipi mia jjul ujiiuc, it's iu-
rXvl- 7. contemporary. - G Hntclicroft vs. George and
Siit4?SlaiIiaIle8eapinitesuI,!.iiii Aiistey: demurrer argued and
the north shore.
Captain Hooper was f-een bv an
Astoklvk reporter last night, and
stated mat the cutter had been on a
regular trip to the limitot its territory
in the south. He was in Coos bay
most of the time. Finding that
good weather was prevailing there
in? ; w;K ,"T ""V I
newly painted, while lying near
Marshfield. So she returns to the
Columbia, looking more trim than for
some time past. The Conrin brought
up with her a3 a passenger, Mr. Geo.
W. Loggic, of Empire City, the gen
eral manager and vice pres
ident or the Southern Oregon
company. He is en route to
New York and Massachusetts. All
the stockholders but himself live in
the east. The company has a capital
of ;l.o(0,(XX) and aie doing much to
develop Coos county and bay. At
Empire City they have one of the
largest saw mills on the coast or Ore
gon and Washington. It has a capac
ity of 175.000 feet per day. Half of
Empire City is owned by them and
they propose to make it a big town. Mr.
Loggie said that Capt Hooper made
soundings while there this last time
and found 24 feet at low tide on the
bar. He says that section of the slate,
as well as this, is j et in its infancy and
has a fine outlook for the future.
A railroad will soon be built from
Pioseburg to Coos bay which will make
Empire City the sea port of a large
trade This company was once doing a
losing business :md the large
saw mill was closed, but since
Mr. Loggie has been superin
tendent they have been carrying
on a succeful trade, and enlarging
their scope. At present they atei
building a special railroad to convey
lumber to the bay.
Mr. Loggie was pleased to see that
Astoria was forging ahead, and hoped
on his return from New York, to see
business very lively here. He leaves
this morning on the lion Ha for Kala
ma, taking the train there.
George IL Sanbert, of Salem, is in
the city.
.T. W. Howerton, of Ihvaco, is at the
). W. Hush, of Mi. Coffin. w:is in
the city yesterday.
Mr. .Tot. Preast, of Jlwaei, is visit
ing friends at Clatsop.
J. E. Ferguson sails to-day on the
Slate for San Francisco.
Capt Hooper, of the Conrin, has
relumed after a trip down the coast
Pilot Moody brought the st earner
Signal down from Portland yesterday.
L. A. Whcrcal, one of the engineers
of the A. .t S. C. II. 11., came to town
Mrs. Eugene Peeples leaves this
morning to join her husband at South
Bend, Wash.
Hon. T. A. McHride, our efficient
district attorney, is hard at work with
his grand jury these days.
Mrs. D. IL Welch, who has been
seriously ill with 11 second attack of
la grippe, is repoiled to be improving.
Capt .Toe Harriman will no longer
reside in Astoria. He himself has al
ready gone to the Sound where
he will be permanently. Yesterday
the steamer Signal toolc aboard
neaily all of his household furniture,
which will be used to fit tip his new
house in the north.
J. 11. Gilstrap and family leave to
day on the State. Mr. Gilstrap goes
to Coquille City, where he and.l. P.
Hynes go into the cannery aud gen
eral merchandise business. So soon
as circumstances permit they propose
to build a steam schooner to ply be
tween San Francisco and the Co
Suits Fih-d Yrstcr.lav.
J. IL J). Gray has brought suit
against Jane and C. N. Hess in regard
to 100 acres of land 111 section 20, T 8
N, It I) W, part of which is the
plaintiff's properly. Where 11.K
acres were to be deeded to make out
the 100. 3G.U2 acres were deeded.
The plaintiff demands judgment that
deed executed by Sophia Daggett to
Jane Hess be rendered void, and
alttered so as not to convey moro
than 1L93 acres.
The suit of Josephine M. Hobb vs.
J. W. Hume was filed yesterday. The
plaintiff alleges that she held prom
issory notes executed by E. D. Curtis
and A. F. Naef, one a mortgage to
$400 at 10 per cent and two of S50
each at the same per cent; that on the
12th of May 18S4, the plaintiff sold
these notes to J. W. Hume: that he
has paid So23, and asks judgment
for Iho remainder.
M. lvuudson h:is sued T. Itothe
for the sura of $250, which he claims
is due on a note of $150 at 8 per cent,
executed bvIRothc to him on March
1, 1SSI.
Two Postal Employers.
Messrs. Emery and Burns, the mail
agents on the Portland-Astoria route,
are about as hard worked as any gov
ernment postal officials in the neigh
borhood; their duties require loug
hours, constant vigilance and unceas
ing attention. They have to make up
a good detl of the mail en route on the
steamers and deliver it to the various
towns as the boat arrives. Sick or
well there is no excuse, and the re
sponsibility always rests on their
shoulders of having everything right;
a responsibility, it may be said, that Is
faithfully assumed and carried out
with praieworlhy fidelity. Their sal
aries are in ridiculous proportion to
the amount of work done and the in
tegrity required but is in direct line
with Uncle Sam's parsimonious re
cord in this matter.
Vcith:ircls 21t.
And Vi ee Lunch at the. Telephone JS.i
loon, . cents.
Xo. O Sow on DccU.
We are now rcadj for business, and
have some first-class bargains in real
estate, both inside and outsjd property
We have a fine baigain in a two-story
house, with an elght-j-ear lease, situated
on Third street near the Central hotel.
We have at a bargain a fine residence
and two lots just five blocks from our
office No. V.
We also have lots in all parts of the
city and acreage in all parts of the state
We have timber claims and farms in
Clatsop county.
We do not "propose to misrepresent
any property that we have for sale, but
to establish a safe and reliable business.
Call and see us at the corner of Main
and Third streets Real Estate Co.Xo.'J.
Dunhai: & IlAKDnSTV.
Here's a Goatl Cliaucc.
Lots in city limits from $200 to $300,
for eight davs, at the real estate office of
Stockton & Welch.
February 18. Taylor, J.
The court met yesterday
morning at 10 A. yi.
J.A1 lliu utiu v, awwu.v-1. to. ii.xr.
Howanl the Oemurrer was overruled;
teJ m to.monw moming to
, -1
ri i
everruled: to answer Thursday.
1L A. Smidt vs. Mary Smidt; mo
tion to allow alimony argued and
taken under advisement.
Waldo O. Young vs. W. H. Parker;
demurrer argued and submitted.
N. P. Cannery Company vs. "W..H.
Parker; demurrer overruled by con-
sent, and given until February 24th to
N. P. Canning Company vs. Thomas
Heunessy; same order ;is the previous
M. J. Kinney vs. city of Astoria aud
W. J. Harry: demurrer argued and
everruled: given until Saturday to
Christian Olseu. F. F. A. Hilde
brandand Jacob Pnngari were ad
mitted to citizenship.
Adjourned until 10th at 10 a. m.
Tan In The JiMicc Coart.
The court room of Justice May was
the scene or a litllo.excitement yester
day afternoon. The trial of Prof.
Hrowor for the alleged unjust pun
ishment of a pupil came up at 5 o'clock.
Deputy district attorney Kanaga for
the stale and Sidney Dell for the de
fendant, with a crowd of school chil
dren, were on hand. The motion was
made by the defense that the caso be
continued until Satnrday, as that
would bj the first day when Mr.
Hrower and the scholars would be
free. Some director. of the school
were anxious alo not to have any day
of the regular week broken into. Jus
tice May granted the continuance un
til Saturday. This, not without rea
son, excited attorney Kanaga. lie
claimed that such action was unjust
and that it was not allowable
to continue a criminal case
to H distant a date without
affidavits. .These, he said, were not
forthcoming, and the case ought to be
tried Wednesday. Justice May,
moved by this and other language
used by Mr. Kanaga, fined him $10 for
contempt of court The remarks were
continued and another $10 was added.
Then the attorney said he might fine
him $50 if he wanted, and walked off
out of the door. As they were already
to select a jury and the lawyer for the
slate had gone, thee'ise was left in the
lurch. It is expected that this morn
ing some new acliou will be taken, and
possibly the case may come before
Judge Jewett Developments are
awaited with interest
Incoming Passengers..
The btcamer Oregon is due from
San Francisco to-day. She has the
following named passengers on beard:
A. Schrauz, IL 13. Scott, G. Wr. Stet
son and wife, 13. M. Whiting, I. Sim
ons, E. llalev. H. II. Welch, Oscar
Shontin, W. S. Duval. J. F. Nolau,
D. J3. Callowav, F. A. Baldwin. S. li.
Solomon, W. L. Lyon, IL S. Gile, S.
M. JaHcson, W. E. Hensley, Ed Long,
IL F. Marsh, Mrs. Hensley, MlssSaur,
George Hensley, Mrs. 11. Stieber. Mrs.
N. V. Wood, Mr. and Mrs. Asbjorns
son, G. M. Heller, W. M. Wittamore,
S. M. Itunvan and wife, Miss Mav,
CL T. lialtiiila aud wife J. II Jones,
G. Palnietage, Andy P. Anderson,
Mrs. Thompson, S. Williams aud
wife, J. P. Sheridan, F. It Stokes, M.
Gustrube, Win. Hroranell, H. Wolffe,
James Eetz, M. Miller, A. Abbott W.
Simmons, .7. Rait, F. li. Fields C. F.
Whitney, A. P. Anderson. D. L. Halc
well, L. Martin, A. W. Lucas and
wife, J. W.Sofford, G. Cartell, 1). K.
Alden and familv. W. Sim, Miss J.
Buick, F. It Erringer and familv, AY.
C. Pharris, F. W. Strowbridge," Miss
Page, F. M. Peter, P. Ackerson, P.
Thompson. II. Patterson.
A Will CoiiMruittrtl Roat.
A fine new fishiutr boat could be
seen yesterday at the U. P. warehouse
It Is understood that she has been
sold to outside parlies, and will soon
be taken away. The sail expanse will
be unusually large for such a crart,
while a strong, well made ccnlcrboard
is ready for operation. She looks as
if she could ride a heavy sea, or make
great speed with a favorable wind.
The Hues or the boat are remarkably
good, and are a credit to her builder,
Joe Leathers. A lot of old salts stood
around her yesterday morning, com
menting aud criticizing, but nearly all
agreed that she was a "pretty one'
One question was suggested by a man
standing by: when will Astoria make
a specialty of constructing large ves
vels? Showed Hint How He Cot It.
There is a young man in Seattle
who is renowned both for his physi
cal prowess and Ids good looks. But
one day recently the young man man
aged to run up against something
hard, and the result was a very pic
turesque black eye.
Last evening he slopped into a
business house Ho had stood so
much "joshing' on account of that
eye that he was not feeling in a re
markably hilarions mood.
"Hello, there!" yelled a friend, as
soon as he got sight of the mournful
looking optic, ''how did you get that
black eye?"
"Just like that,' answed the young
man, as ho drew off and lauded his
left fist squarely iu the right optic of
the iuqnisilive young man. Press.
In the Police Court.
The city is richer by $27 than it was
yesterday morning. O. Erickson,
John Sidd and Eric Kurrv, and a
Chinaman, who had all put up bail
to appear yesterday iu the police
court, failed to do so. Matt Kurrv,
who was arrested for drunkenuess,
came around, but ho was fined $3 and
given three days' imprisonment Xet
time he thinks he will skip bail too it
he ean get olf cheaper in that wav.
Tiieso fellows evidently have a posi
tive iear 01 a penalty, winch speaks
well for the action of the police judge
The city can just as well have their
money either by forfeit of bail or fine,
and have it spent for legitimate pur
poses, as it should be wasted in giving
them a chance to have a customary
Romance and Re.ilitj.
"Come to this beautiful land," says
a Dakota circular, printed only last
week. ''The winters are open and
mild, plowing can be done iu January,
and the profit from forty acres of
wheat will equal GO per cent interest
on your money." One hundred
thousand starving people crops
failed for four seasons snow fifteen
feet and thermometer 42 degrees be
low. Detroit Free Press.
The latest style of Gouts Boots and
Shoes at P. . I. Goodman's.
As Filed In TlioCounty Recorder' Ofice
Columbia Investment Co. to
W. M. Kapus lots 2, 3, 4, 5,
blk 10, Columbia $ 280
Annie E. Gilstrap to August
Danielson, lot 5, blk 55,
Shively's 2,000
E. A. Noves to A. Williams,
lots 13, 14, blk 15, East As
toria 90
John N. Griiliu and wife and
A. S. Becd to A. Wildman,
lot 7, blk 2, Ocean Grove ... 125
I. W. Case, trustee, to Win
gate & Stone, lots 7, 8, 9, 10,
lots 4. 5, G, 7, 8, 9, blk 29,
Alderbrook S250
E. P. Thompson to Lizzie
Scott lot 8, blk 10, Warren
ton 160
E. P. Thompson to E i
Scott, lot 8, blk 11, Warren
ton 125
M. H. Lienenweber to O. A.
Hungate, blk 77, Adair's
Upper Astoria 2,500
U. S. to S. P. Haske, 160 ac res,
sec 23. T 7 N, R 9 W.; pat
ent U. S. to NiLs Larson, 120 acres,
sec 26, T 7 N, E 9 W.
Previouslv reported this
year... 8S07.147
Total to date $315,677
The Stale sails for San Francisco
to-day, and will carry mail from As
toria. The steamer Signal came down
from Portland yesterday and went to
the Sound. She was not very heavily
loaded as freight is not yet plentiful
at Portland. She has just had a new
mast put in forward and can now
carry considerable sail in addition to
the force of her engines. Her cargo
was a general one, being mostly mer
chandise from the wholesale stores.
Lake Chelan, in eastern Washing
ton, never freezes, although in latitude
4S degrees north. The reason given is
that it is so deep and the warm water
always rises from the bottom to sup
plant the cold, which goes down to
warm itself. The Indians fish in the
lake at all seasons, and uso salmon
eggs to bait with. The noble hop
pickers live high on mountain trout
while the Boston man and his frow in
the big city are wrestling with quinine
or smashing their teeth on tough steak.
Frc-h Fashion Fitiiries.
Pompadour ribbons of various widths
are sliched on evening dresses in rows
from the neck to the hem of the toilet
Shepherds' checks of one color, with
lines of black, white or red, come in
soft twilled woolens for children's
Pretty cotton, meriuo aud challie
cloths have printed borders along ono
selvage that will work up neatly for
house gowns.
The furor for plaids this season re
ceived iis first impulse from the tartan
cloaks and gowns made for the
Duchess of Fife.
Straight sashes of three-inch padded
silk and angel sleeves of gauzo are
characteristic of a very novel house or
party dress.
Fringing of monkey fur is a cosy
looking finish for a walking jacket
It is also seen 0:1 princess dresses of
black silk and cloth.
Boat-shaped turbans have been dis
placed by the military cap made of
the dress material, with band of f nr to
match muff.
Brilliant mohairs and lustrous al
pacas come in all the new colors for
the early dresses in which to shop, go
abroad or take spring journeys to the
land of ilowers.
Any profit in the fur trade for Iho
season has come from small pieces,
such as cuffs, muffs, collars, vests and
capes. The English fashion of wear
ing fur capes in summer will doubt
less be repeated next season.
A novelty in veiling i3 a dotted net
with a Va-i Dyke lorder, below the
Ioints of which a fine fringe is woven.
So arranged as to have the points fall
over the month and fringe dangle
about the chin, not a man in a million
would be able to tell his own mothor.
Kicking babies predisposed to throat
trouble are put to sleep iu bags of
eider-down or thick itaunel. A draw
string ties about the neck, and the
novel night gown being roomy, baby
is allowed to kick :dl night if he likes,
fearless of croup, cold or catarrh.
With spring styles, slim figures will
be introduced, and fat women ordered
to wear striies, longstraight draperies
and yokes for all underskirts. Al
ready the yokes are in tho notion
stoclcs. They are made of canvas and
silk, profusely gored to fit about tho
hips smoothly, and edged with but
tons to which the petticoats can bo
The new brocades from London
and Paris, to bo combined with vel
vet, cloth and bengaline, are as rich
in color and fabric as the stuffs for
upholstering furniture In the flower
patterns the leave3 are ribbed with
gold threads and copper and gold
wire for tho stems. Some of the
stripes are two inches wide, and on
white, rose, ivory and crimson grounds
vines aud creeping plants are brought
out in gold and silver decorations.
These beautiful fabrics aro used for
tabliercs and trains only.
A (Srowins Industry.
The Youujs river niil.3 keep send
in' large supplies of pulp to the city
to be carried to San Francisco. There
are many tons of it at the U. P. wharf
which will probably go down on the
next steamer. There is no reason,
judging from the reports of those who
are authority, why this business should
not increase in immense ratio. The
paper business is growing every year.
The demaud is entirely equal to the
supply. Several of tho great San
Francisco newspapers state that they
arc readv to purchase their paper on
this coast just as soon as the various
manufacturing plants are made large
enough to meet the demand they will
make. Clatsop county bas an abund
ance of new material and it has only
begun to be used. We look for a
f utifro of much developement in this
Kiud, pitient wives, when you mistrust
As noble women sometimes must
Your lords have toyed with liquor
Apply to them this certain test,
And from their tongues the secret wrest,
For nothing could be slicker.
First let them in a manner fleet,
And oft and hurriedly repeat
These two words, Truly rural.
Then follow up with this, "The sun
blunes on sbop signs," ana in eacn run
See that they mind each plural.
If they say these without amiss
Then make them pat their tongues to
Aud see if 'twill detect them:
If 'Sho sells sea shells' they can say,
You can console yourselves that they
Aren't drinking to affect them.
Coilee and cake, tfn cents, at the
Central Bestaurant.
Not a Pimple on Baby.
Baby jeer tli. Bad irltk-Eeiena. Malr
all sesc. Scalp catered with Eraatloas.
Cared by Catieara. Hair Saleadld aad
aet a pla-ale ea blau
Cured by Cuticura
I cannot say enough In praise of the Cut
icuba Remedies. My boy. when one jear
of ace was so bad with eczema that he lost
all of his hair. Ills scalp was covered with
eruptions, which the doctors said was scall
bead, and that his hair wonld never grow
acain. Despairing of a care from physicians
I begau the use of the Cuticura Remedies
and. I am happv to say. with the most per
fect success, ills hair Is now splendid and
there is not a pimple on him. I recommend
the Cuticura Remedies to mothers as
the most speedy, economical and sure cure
for all skin diseases of inrants and children,
and feel that every mother who has an af
flicted child will thank me for so doing.
Norway, Me.
Fever Sore Eight Years
I must extend to you the thanks of one of
my customers, who has been cured by using
the Cuticura. Remedies of an old sore,
caused by a long spell of sickuess or fever
eight yeais ago. He was so bad be was
fearful he would have to have his leg am
putated, but Is bappy to say he Is now en
tirely well. sound as a dollar. He requests
me to use his name, wblch Is H. H. Casox,
merchant. JOHN V. MINOR.
Druggist, Gainesboro.Tenn.
edies for years, and hare the first complaint
yet to receive from a purchaser, one of
the worst cases of scrofula I ever saw was
cured by them. TAYLOR & TAYLOR,
Frankfort. Kan.
Cuticura Resolvent,
The new Blood and Skin purifior and purest
and best of humor remedies. Internally, and
Cuticura. the gnat Skin Cure, and Cuti
cura exquisite Skin Beautlfler, ex
ternally, speedily, permanently and eco
nomically cure every disease and humor of
the skin, scalp and blood, with loss of hair,
whether itching, burning scaly, pimply,
scrofulous, or hereditary, when all other
remedies fail.
Sold everywhere. Trice, Cuticura, 50c;
Soap, 25c: Resolvent, $1. Prepared by tho
TION. Boston.
fl"Send for "How to Cure Skin Diseases,"
G page. 50 Illustrations and 109 testimonials.
niQVQSkin and Scalp preserved and
DDl O beautiOed by Cuticura Soap.
Absolutely pure.
gt even 1 muobLC nonco.
jZEJP Sharo Aches, Dull Tains. Strains
tlaate by the Catieara lati.Pala
Plaster, the first and only in-
sUinuucmis paln-killlnc vtrengthenlng pias
ter. 23 cents.
It's 4 years since I started a small
clothing establishment in the
Occident Hotel building, and
thanka to God and my
friends, I can now boast
of haviqg one of the
Largest and Finest Clothing
In consideration of their liberal
patronage, and thanking them
with all my heart, I have con
cluded to offer to roy trade,
Everything in my store at
This I intend as a
Special Benefit to the People
of Astoria,
And a sale you all will
remember for some time
to come.
Respectfully Youks,
Old ReliableClollieraid Hatter
Occklect Hotel Building.
Twenty Per Cent
Now is the time, don't wait. All these goods are marked in
plain figures. The above percentage will be deducted oh all
cash purchases.
: i
: :
This is no Peter
uOllllUll 1101 IfflllGd
For Sale by I. SMITJI, A Rent,
Ofllce at Wherry & Co's.
Thompson & Ross
Carry a Full Line of
Choice Staple and Fancy
Give Us a Call and Be Convinced.
Carnahan & Go.
Corner Chenamiu and Cass streets.
Morgan & Sherman
And Df alers in
Special Attention Given to Filling
Of Orders.
And Supplies furnished at Satis
factory Terms.
Purchases delivered in any part of the city.
Office and Warehouse
In flume's New Building on Water Street.
P. O. Box 153. Telephone No. 37.
Wall Paper and Oil Paintings
Sign Writer, Grainer and
Ornamental Painter.
Cor. Cass and Jefferson Sts.. Astoria,
Wm, B. Adair,
N.;E. Cor. Olney and Third Sts.
P. O. Box 436.
Particular attention given to Properties
In Upper Astoria; also to purchase of Tim
ber Lands.
Caiery Sullies!
Funk business, but straight goods.
Youws Admthm !
Lots Only S80: 820 Down and 10 Monthly.
THIS PROPERTY commends itself to all as being the Best Addition on tb Matktt.
(lood ' ater and good drainage. Streets partly Improved.
YOUNG'S ADDITION joins other additions where lots are selling atfUStolMaU
are advertised as beinirten minutes ride by street car line from postomce.
One Hundred Lots
Balance of Tract w ill be sold for $100 to
This Property is situated at the head of
Young's Bay and only thirty min
utes walk from U. P. Dock.
For Further Information Call on
Elmore, Sanborn & Co.
Orders Delivered Free of Charge. Country
Orders Solicited. Third street,
next to Pioneer office.
1 3
3 S
M Street.
For Sale at S80!
$125 per Lot. Buy before the adraace.
,-. cfrf-Stt
E. P. NOOK AH k 00., '
(Successors to)
Groceries Projluce;
Water Street, Astoria, Onmm. :
ffi 1!
- i