C) She gnttj gitorfHn ASTORIA. OREGON: FJUDA.Y.. FEBIIUA111' 14. 1800 Citj-XBd County Official Paper. WAVE ACTION. Wave and Tvave action form an in teresting study. "Ve see the billows carling toward the sliore, then break, the sand and pebbles washing back ward with them; who has not noted the rapid changes of the ocean beach? ThisEtonniearingit away, and that one broadening it out; the gradual wearing away of islands along their seaward face, while at the same time making to leeward. "What is the mean effect of wave action on the conti nents is a subject wliich, for the most part, has been treated by hy drographers like Admiral Davis, Lieutenant Maury, and Beautemps Beaupre. Now comes a geologist, ProL Shaler, who, in a recent paper discusses the subject from the stand point of one familiar -with continent formation, that is to say, from effect to cause as well as from cause to ef fect All the rocks, he says, bear un-1 deniable evidence that the sea has swung over them in the oscillations of the continent in its alternate uprisings and downsiuldngs. All waves, save those comiug from submarine npheav ings, are cauvd by the wind. Wind comes from variations of temperature, the great trade winds being an effect of the disparity letween the heat of tho tropics and the peles: difference in temperature be tween sea and land causing load winds. You can study wave action on an ordinary ond. So says the au thor. It the shore be a shelving one, the waves will topple over, as do the ocean's surges, and strike their blows. After an artificial pond has existed for a short period, it is easy to see where these repeated blows have cut the earth upon its shelving sides, so as to form what is called a wave scarf, and how the process of erosion goes on. On ordinary soil, even upon rocks of moderate hardness, this wave action combined with the freezing which takes place in winter breaks up the earthy material and bears it outward. The tops of tho waves move more rapidly than the bottoms, thus all wave-swept shores have an under current movement of their waters, which sets off from the coast line to ward the deex?r waters. Where ever a wave rolls up on a shore, it grinds up a certain amount of material. With the retlux of the surge this ma terial is carried off to the edge of the deeper water, the margin of the surf belt, where the undertow comes in to drag the debris still further from the coast Undertow has no influence near the surface, which sets shoreward while it is pressing seaward. Many lives are lost at the bathing beaches, he thinks, because the exhausted swimmer essays to struggle ashore afoot instead of throwing himself out flat in the sur face waters. Waves while scarfing a beach against the shore build out a shelf composed of all the material they had dragged from the land, save that gone into complete solution from grinding. By this he means the outside bar, with which every bather is familiar, the same being composed of the detritus Hundreds, indeed thousands, of miles inland are found sandstones and clay deiKJsits, which, m nearly all coses, in dicate the fonncr presence of the sea, under which they were formed precise ly as like formations exist to-day in the outer bars. Says a Washington dispatch: Gen eral Nelson A. Miles, of tho division of the Pacific, is in Washington to ap pear before the congressional commit tee on coast defenses in support of his report recommending that addi tional protection to the Pacific coast be made. The report of General Miles has created a great deal of in terest among congressmen here, who were not aware that there was so much need of coast defenses in Ore gon and Washinvton. Tho average congressman is not easily convinced that the greatest harbor in the world is on the Pacific coast, and it is hard to teach them that the prin cipal coast line of the Pacific is above the California line. General Miles believes Hint with the showing ho will make the appropriation asked for in tho bill now pending, 8125,000,000 for the Atlantic and 28,000,000 for the Pacific coast, will be favorably re ported. The Oregon and Washington delegations are very much interested in the bill and will use all the influ ence they possess to get through the appropriation. From the manner in which rail com munication has been blockaded dur ing the last few weeks, says an ex change, a casual observer will almost come to the conclusion that steam boating is almost as reliable as the iron rail. Man made the railroad and God the river. Remove the obstruc tions at The Dalles and the Cascades, and allow the water to flow unvexed to the sea, and the inland empire will pour its wealth of production down the bosom of the placid stream to tide water by wholesale. Ife. Hew oh Deck. We are now ready for business, and bare some first-class bargains in real estate both inside and outside property. We have a fino bargain in a two-story beaae, with an eight-year lease, situated r. Third street near the Central hotel. We have at a bargain a fine residence m4 two lots just five blocks from our mtt Xo. 9. We also have lots in all parts of the city and acreageln all parts of the state. we have timber claims and farms in wtaopcouBty. We do sot propose to misrepresent fWr MQMrty that we have for sale, but ttcanblfeh a safe and reliable business. Qui m4 see s at the corner of Main I TMcd streets, ileal Estate Co. No. 9. VZt UOBAI UAXDKSTY. A VIGOROUS RICK. N A. Merchant' Wife tho Bono of Confed) tlon A Dcnonclat'-n. A well known merchant who has been greatly benefitted by Joy's Vegetable Sarsa parilla, desired to givo it to his wife, who was very delicate, but out of caution first consulted his physician, Dr. W.IL Griswold of 850 Market street. The doctor, who is one of our leading practitioners objected, saying ho had never seen a sarsaparilla that did not contain potash, which thinned tho blood; that his patient did not have any vitality to lose, and that what tlclicato pcoplo need is not decreased vitality, but moro blood. Ho however consented when assured that Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla was opposed to tho blood thinning idea of other sarsaparillas, and that on tho contrary by specific vegeta ble alteratives it promoted digestion, and re paired nutrition, hence created new blood and was tho very thing for feeble people. Tho abovo explains tho many cases in which sged, delicate and run down people, have been bui' up by Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla liter the potash sarsaparillas failed. Its ef fects arc creating a sensation. S. r. Examiner AH VICE TO XOTIIEKS. Mns. Wixslow's Soothixo Syrup should alwavs be used for children teething. Il'&ootlips the child, softens the gums, allays all rain cures wind cholicandis the best remedy fordiar-rhcen.Twenty-five cents a bottle. TeJcphoJieliOilKinc SIohsc. Best Beds in town. Rooms per night 50 and 23 cts., per week SI .50. New and clean. Private entrance. For Fine Photographs, Go to Misses Carruthers' photograph gallery: Third street, opposite Mor gan & Sherman's. BARGAINS Lots in Tract 3 of the beautiful suburb of CHELSEA, only fie minutes walk from the steamer landing at Skipanon and terminus of A. & S. C. K. J:. These lots are 50loo feet, on the first bencli above the tide land, are clear and Ie el. anil good water obtainable within ten feet of surface. Prices from $co to 75 ; 2o down, balance Sio per month. Tlio W.t flnn-TI'ilf nf V.lnolr 113 fllllfiv's Astoria, having a frontage of liw feet on Vlndi cirAiit iiwt vm fiint on Once ctroM A .splendid residence site. Abstract furnished. Ten Acns, suitable for platting, clear and level ; on county mad and wit Inn easy driic of Aitoria. Front Corner Residence Lot in Block No. 00, Olneys. J. H. MANSELL, Real Estate Broker. Morgan & Sherman GROCERS And Dealers in Special Attention Given to Filling Of Orders. A FULL LINE CARRIED And Supplies furnished at Satis factory Terms. Purchases delivered In any part of the city. Office and "Warehouse In Ifumc's New Building on Water Street. P. O. Box 153. Telephone No, 37. ASTORIA, OREGON. Garnahan & Go. SUCCESSORS TO I. W. CASE, IMI'OKTEIW AND WHOLESALE AND ItETAIL DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Conit-r Chenamus and Cass streets. ASTCRIA OREGON FOR SALE ! The West One-Half of Block 71, McClure's Astoria. Onlv three blocks south of the Odd Fel lows "building. There is a fine dwelling on this choice pmpt-rly that will rent at top figures the j e.ir round. Tor further junicul.in. inquire of ASTORIA REAL ESTATE CO. H. W. Strickler, M. D. DEALER IN Pure Drugs, Toilet Articles, Etc. Prescription Clerk speaks Four different Languages. Ceneial praclicc of Medicine attended to by the Doctor. Second street, near Postotlice. Marshall & Co., Salmon Net Twines manufactured ny GEO. A. CLARK & BROS., NEW JERSEY. For Sale by J. SMITH, Agent, Olllce at Wherry & Co's. THE PEERLESS. Trios. Craves, Propr. A new and first-class saloon, fashionably fitted All the modern conveniences. My Aim is to Please My Patrons. SECOND STREET. - ASTORIA, OR, Opposite Flavors Brick Building. Magnus G. Grosby Dealer In RMDfARE, IRON, STEEL. Iron Pipe tnd Fittings, STOVES. TINWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS SHEET LEAD-STRIP LEAD SHEET IRON, Tin. and Oopper. Cannery Sullies The Oregon Land Go. T. A. OOOK., Manager. HAS AN ASTORIA; OFFICE S. W. COR. THIRD AND 0LNEY STREETS, - -.-. Buy and Sell Property on Commission. We Deal in Real Estate and are Successful in Our Business. BUY YOUR Sunny Mead TO ASTORIA.. This Fine Property has been put on the market by MRS. OWENS ADAIR, 3L D., and is situated near the Astoria & Coast Railroad. For Sale by McGrowan Bros. & Tuttle, PRICES, S50 AND S60. THIRD STREET, W. L Uhlenhart & Co., Real Estate and Money Brokers, OFFICE ON THIRlFsT., -- 6pp. Odd Fellow's Building P.O. BOX 841. $75,000 Worth of Real Estate For Sale I havo opened my office with a splendid selection of Business, Residence, Seaside, Farming and Timber Land. t SOME VERY CHOICE ACREAGE PROPERTY, On John Day's Elver, suitable for plat tins. COKUESrONOENCE SOLICITED. Abercrombie & Stevens, REM. ESTATE AGENTS We Offer To-Day Choice Acreage! Two Hundred and Twenty Acres Choice Land on Lewis and Clarke's Elver, co Acres .slashed and burnt, 15 Acres cleared w ith Reed House and Hani. One Hundred and Ten Acres p:irtly cleared on Ferris Creek above Swinson's Landing, Two Blocks in WARRENTON. Two Blocks in M ATI ER'S. ' HOUSES AND LOTS AT SEASIDE. Two lAils In HUSTLER'S & AIKEN'S. Three Lots on West Ninth Street. ASTORIA. Office in the Telephone Building, 0pp. Thompson & Ross. SILVERMAN & DEALERS IN General Merchandise A SPECIALTY MADE OF We Pay the Highest Cash Price for" .Country Province, and Guarantee Square Dealing. Orders From Any Quarter Will Receive Prompt Attention. SKAMOKAWA, Wholesale Wine House. Fine Wines, Choice Brands. I have completed arrangements for supplying any brand of ."Wine in any quantity at lowest cash figures. The Trade Supplied, J" -: -Families Supplied. ALL ORDERS DELIVERED FREE IN ASTORIA. Your patronage in City or Coutry solicited. " ' A. W. UTZINGER, Cnnqriitah Sirttn. LOTS IN Addition! EAST OF 0LNEY. TH01B IE, COUNTRY PRODUCE. WASHINGTON r . J-H. MANSELL, - REAL ESTATE BROKER, - NOTARY PDBLIC FOR STATE OF OREGON. City Lots "and Acre Property, Ranches, Timber Lands, and Water Frontage for Sale. Investments made for Outside Parties. Established, 1SS3. Correspondence Solicited. Nwcl W. U. Telegraph Ofiicc. Third St. Astoria, Oregon. P. O. BOX 863. THE ASTORIA Real Estate (INCORPORATED.) President, L. P. W. QUIMBY. L'0 .':: Secretary, W. The above Company Placed the -RMLffAYMTffl!- TO 'ASTORIA, on the market December iSth, 1SS0. A clean . , sweep of all the Jots in above addition was made by January ISth, 1S0O. AN EXTENSION TO THE RAILWAY ADDITION Has been placed on the market. Get in now while the price is low. General Office, Rooms 16 and FRAM SPITTLE, Apt Warren & Wright, Real Estate Dealers, Mnnscll's Building, Water Street. V ASTORIA, - - OREGON. City Property, Seaside Property, Tide Lands, ' Timber Lands, Farms. Etc., Bonght and Sold. ,t .,' Astoria's most delightful suburb. Lots 20 to S.T5 cash or installments. ., Loans negotiated and a general commission business transacted. Invest ments for non-residents a specialty. i- CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. Flp, the Tailor KEEPS IN Finest Woolen Goods for Suitings. ALL THE LATEST STYLES. 4. He bu3s for Cash, at Eastern Prices. He Guarantees the Uest Workmanship on all garments. Call and see for yourselves. "' Barth's Block, Astoria City Book Store. VALENTINES I Comic and Griffin & Reed. Lots in Case's Astoria Are Now on Sale AT THE OFFICE OF THE- Astoria Beal Estate Co. PRICES FROM SI TEBMSr-One-HalE Cash; the Balance anil Trust Co. CAPITAL, $50,000. Vice-President. G. W. WILLIAMS. H. EDWARDS. 17, N. E. Cor. First and Alder Astoria, Oregon. A.2DiiTioaa p STOCK TJIE Sentimental! 50 TO $250 EACH. in Six and Twelve Montbi. D. II. WELCH. D. H. WELCH & CO , Real Esta te, tara We have lots from $) up. Inside prorercy aiv.aj s Iis'.cil for sa!i Conespomlei ce solicited. Investments marie for uuu-resident' The prices we give on property are guaranteed. ! n ftir.Iur coi-Miltatiim isci"sary vriin owners ixns within tlu city limits can i.e uoimiit ironi 5250 to 300 for the net eight day-- Office on Water St., Near Union Pacific Wharf and Depot. r. o. box ico. Your Money's Worth IS WHAT YOU GET AT Foard & Stokes IX Groceries and Provision?. Everything In a First- class Store and at Extremely Low Figures. Goods Delivered all over Town. The Highest Price Paid for Junk. FOARD & STOKES Stockton Real XSstate AND EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. City, Suburban and Acreage Property For Sale. MAIN ST., ASTORIA, OR., I. 0. Box Ml. No curbstone brokers employed here F.H.SURPRENANT&CO., SUCCESSORS TO jr. o. hoss County Coronor. First Class Undertaking ESTABLISHMENT. New Styles, Caskets and funeral material Next to Astoiiian olllce. LIDDICOAT & CRIBB. Carpenters ami Builders. Holt & McCurtrie's old stand, have over 200 plates and drawings of all kinds and styles of ilwellinx-lionse.s, ranging from 900 to $1,200. Call and see them. SEALAN0. The terminus of the Ihvnco and Slioalwater Hay llailroad. THE GREAT EST SUMMER JRESORT OX THE NORTHWEST COAST. Lies at the head of the Ray, at deen water, and only twelve miles from the bar. The coming County Seat and Commercial Metropolis of Pacific county. Xow laid out. Lots on the market from 30, and upwards. For particulars and fuli information, call on or address B. A. SEABORC, Ilwaco, wash. THE REAVEY PATENT CANT'DOG. HJLBIGHOB.ST & COXTA2TT, Successors to KIRK SHELDON. HEADQUARTERS FOR LOGGERS' SUPPLIES. Agency for ATKINS7 CELEBRATED SAWS. LANDER'S LOGGING JACKS. GENERAL HARDWARE. 151 Front Street, PORTLAND, OR. The New Model Range CAN BE HAD IN ASTORIA, ONLY OF E. R. HA WES, Agent. Call and Examine It ; You WHI be Tleased. E. It. Ilawes Is also Agent for the Buck Patent Cooking Stove, AND OTHER FIRST CLASS STOVES. Furnace Work, Steam Fittings, Etc., a Specialty. A Full Stock on Hand. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Groceries, Provisions and Mill Feed. Crockery, Glass Plated Ware. o The Largest and finest assortment of Fresh. Fruits and Vegetables. Received fresh every Steamer. HKSsh888HSsBKKHhHBB KII aEJSJSca These SEINES are made true taper and from an actual scale, and will hang true and draw when hung in to lines, and from the Gold Medal 1-2 Patent Twine. RIGHT AND LEFT HAND LAID PATENT ROPE, 9 thread and larger, soft and free from kinking. SALMON TRAP NETS knit from the Gold Medal 1-2 Patent Twine, superior to the medium laid, stronger, more durable and Molds Tar Longer. Letters or Telegraph shall have our Prompt and Careful Attention American Net & Twine Co Established 1842. Boston, Mass. Capital, 1350,090. N. B. Wo have the largest Netting and Twine plant. Now and costly machinery has lately been added for knitting heavy Traps for the Columbia river, and Seines for the Alaska Salmon Fisheries, and the most skillful help employed. Highest awards at Boston, 1869, Philadelphia. 1878. London Fisheries Exposition, 1883, J AS. V.r. WELCH. 18, m UKI.O I-. iAKIXKi: CAKL. A. II M)Jf arker & Hanson SUCCESSORS TO C. L. PARKER, DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE New Goods Arriving Every Steame THIS WEEK. f The Old Stand - Astoria Oregon. & Welch, . u.ri John C. Dement. DRUGGIST. Successor to W. E. Dement & Co. Carries Complete Stocks of Drugs and Druggists' Sundries. Prescriptions Carefully fompeiiadetl. Agent lor Mexican Salve and Norwegian File Care JPetruo. for Rent With forty-five head of cattle for half the increase. Call or write to O. I'.JOIIANSON, Vesper, Clatsop County, Or. JkSQHNHHHBI MBB waternroo Ms -s3 . - :& sk &i t-v . i