r .-..-. - ?i-TT(s pfWMT17? - X - .? ,-- &Zi9'9irtye"T- -35? cf Site gaits girtOTfcm ASTORIA, OKEGON: SATURDAY. .FEBRUARY 8, 1800 TIXE TABlil. FOR ASTORIA. HIGH WATKH. LOW YTATKIi. Ktrt. Second. I First, becond. sS'5 a 5 --. a. tn. ju h. m. , A. in. . A. mi. J5 1 4 , -03 -03 -0G -or, -03 01 01 03 C3 CO Gil 7 1 11 03a 11 49a 12 20 1 01 1 37 01 222 2-15 mi 2 14 7b The nours between mldnlgnt and noon :ire designated bv a (a. m.). those between noun and midnight bv p (r. m.). Oh. oQm.a denotes midnight, oft. (Win. i denotes noon. Tnc height ii reckoned from the level of average lower low waters to which thesound Ings are -lven on the Coast Survey charts. vessels ox the way Belle of llatb. Am sp 1317. X x Oct 1 lien Mac Dhu '.11 r Wc 1100. Santa Rosalia Cik llcmcnt,Amspl299. N YXoi 17 S Hnlbcrt. Am bk UCC. New York llarlsconrt, lir lV 1113. Liverpool Nov S Kaslcraft. Urfii3I2, Vololiama. Doc i India. llrlikSTl, London Ivr.AjnFpllSl.Kcw York Mcnai. 15 r rp 1377. Liverpool Oct 12 McMillan, lir sj 1 1 50. Santa Kosalia Krreus, l!rhpl2TJ, Lota NorUicrnliay. Krbk ISM. London Oct 9 Saint Mildred, llrsp 1G, Liverpool Nov' Vandnara. 15ri:MiZ. Liverpool BUSINESS CARDS. jy I. IC.VV.1I OX 1, CIVIL EXG1XEEK. County Surveyor of Clatsop County. Ofllcc : ISoom No. 7, Kinney's Brick, Asto ria, Oregon. A. A. C:iiKVKEiANI, ATTOIIXEY AT LAW. Ofllcc Flavors new brick building, corner Second and Cass streets ; up Mairs. C. .1. CURTIS, Attorney-al-Law: 'olary Public. ConuniKloncr or Deeds for Washington Territory. Office in Flavel's new brick building. Cor. Second and Cass streets. J OlErS . N22ITII. ATTOIIXEY AT LAW. Office on Cass street, 2 doors back of Odd Fellows Building, Astoria, Oregon. KK.1I ItAXAttA, ATTORNEY AT LAW. onice over White House Cor., Astoria, Or. '. V. KOI.TOS-. O. C. KULTON FUI.TOI BKOTI1ERS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Kooms 5 and G. Odd Fellows Building. r q. a. Bowiiitv, Attorney and. Counsellor at Law Office on Chenamus Street, Astoria, Oregon T II. MAXSKLIi, "itlML KSTATE RROKF.It AXD XOTAKY PUBLIC. Established 1S83. Tliinl Street, next to W, U. Telegraph Of fice, Astoria, Or. rvR. 4. K. I,A. FOIEUK., DENTIST. Rooms 11 and 12 Odd Fellows Building. ASTOKIA, - - OREGON. JAY TUTTLE. M. D. Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur. Office, Boom G,Pythian Building. Ofiico hours : 10 to 12 and 2 to 3. Residence, south side of Cedar St., next block west ciflhe Hospital. "i k. xn.LKn, m. i. Graduate or Cleveland Homoeopathic Hos pital College, and Pott-Craduatc of New York City rolyclinle School of Medicine and Surgery. First and Main street's, Portland. IHcaCf of Woraon a Specialty. D US. A. I.. AXJ. A.FIIl.TOX. Cass stieet. belwcen 3rd and 4th. Sieclal attention to Diseases of Women and Children, by Dr. A, L. Fulton. Special attention to Surgery, by Dr. J. A. Fulton. Office hours from 10 to 12 A. 7i and 1 to 4 r.M. D K.O.R.ESTKS. PHYSICIAN AXD SU11GKON. Siecial attention to Disc-wis of Women ind Surgcry- urneK: Opposite Telegraph Office, up Stairs, Astoria, ivgon. rVR. I. A. KRKS, DENTIST. Rooms 7 and S, navel's new Biick Build ing. .SMITH. DENTIST. Kooms 1 and 2 Pythian Buildm? t IL Cooper's Store. ir. t. iiukxkv. L. T. HAItlX, B URNEY AKIN, ttoruoys i at-Iaw. Oregon City, Oregon. Twelve vears oxiwrience as Begister of tfcc U.S. Land Office here, recommends us ta oar specialty of Minnie and all other bus Shcs boforc the I-and Office or the Courts. mkI lMvol1tig the practice In the Cener.il ijindOWcc Nttice to Builders and Contractors ATA MEETING OF THE CABI'EXTEBS' and Joiners' Union No. 520. of Astoria. kcW January 3d, 1SK). it was decided that, hectoning wi the 1st of March, isiw. and tkreeaftcr, nino hours will constitute .a tv'8 work for union members in Astoria tewed I0 JOHN NYLAND, Prast. l J J. P. SCOTHAN, Secy. T FeHmc Carpenters: X cardial Invitation is extended to carpen teHd Joiners to unite with its. Brother teller. It matters not who bears the stand am T reform so It is carried aright Master mectaiHics arc made of llesh and blood the mum as ourselves. All wc have to do Is to tfgmn what Is just and righteous and they wW eowwnt. Yours for hunianlty's sake. ASTORIA UNION 520 OF B5OTHEIUIOOD CAKPKNTERS AND JOINERS OF AM ERICA. J. P. SCOTHAN. Secy. A Perfect Face Powder. A ASA HnlraK-rree rrea niHn ob.Arf Pu WDERi uBta i'tn . ti HjlrBncItt J. W. CO!It . STJtICKLER; E OIE.V. 10 13 0C 1 01 1 31 1W 1 . 40 G23 C57 729 7 59 SSI 9 09 4 0 .147 3 0 0 2(5 3 8 G.'iD 37 7 20 30 7 52 31 8 17 2 8 8 43 25 II 11 BLA 1I?J i-JSrc. "Tfi5ffi?1&AWAW nOTELS AND ItESTAURANTS cnnis. kvexsox. F. COOK THE Central Hotel EYENS0N & COOK. On tho European Plan. LARGE CLEAN ROOMS. A FIRST-CLASS RESTAURANT Board by the Day, Week or Month Private Rooms for Families, Etc. Transient Custom Solicited. Oysters, Fish. Meats, Etc, Cooked to Order. WAT Kit St.. Opp. Foard A Stokes A FIRST CLASS SALOON Bun in connection with the Premises. The Best of WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. Good Billiard Tables and Private Canl llooms. THE VIENNA Restaurant anil Chop Hon C. W. Fisher & Co., Prop's. Game, Fish, Oysters, Etc., COOKED TO OUDEIt- Fino Private JtoomN. rcverythlnc t irrit ClngH, Genevieve Street, rear of Griffin & Heed's. SATISFACTION GUAHAXTEEI). Rucker's Restaurant Enlarged and Refitted to Meet the Popular Demand. FINEST RESTAUR AST IS CITY ! Shoaiwater Bay and Eastern OYSTERS. Piivate Booms for Dinner Part las, etc. Meals Coooked to Order. THIBI) STBEET, - - ASTOKIA, OR. Adjoining Dement's Drug Store. Maison Doree RESTAURANT Domingo Bczericli, I'rop'r, SECOND STBEEr - - Near Postorflce. The Only French Bcstaurant In the City. Mv object is to make the Maison Doree the best in Astoria, where the Finest French Meals Can be had at all times. Open Day and .Night. PIANOS DECKER UltOS., J. & C. FISCHER, I VERS & POXD, A. TJ. CI I ASE CO., And Otiikii Makhs. ORGANS MASOX & IIAML1X, A. IS. CHASE CO., WEAVER OIIC, AN CO., Low Prices and Easy Terms Intending Purchasers will do Well to Wiite tn Winter & Harper, 7 1 Morrison St., Portland, Genevieve Street Improvement Notice. Xetici: is hereby given that tho com mon council of the city of Astoria, Clatsop county, Oregon, propose to or der the improvement of Genevieve .street, in the city of Astoria, Clatsop county, Oregon, as laid out and recorded by . I onn ilcClure and extended by C3' nts Olncy. from the north end of the wharf line of said city to the southern city limits, in the established grade of said street, by piling, capping and planking that portion between the north side of the wharf line to the south side of Aslor street, to a width of thirty-four feet through the center thereof, with new and sound lir plank four inches hi thickness, and by building side walks on both sides thereof, and by grading and filling that portion between the south side of Astor street and the south ern limits of tho city of Astoria to its established grade and to the full width of the street, and by planking the same to a width of. eighteen feet through the 1 center thereof, with new and sound fir I planks four inches in thickness, and by j building side walks on both sides there of. And unless a remonstrance, signed by i the owners of two-thirds of the proj j orly fronting on said portion ot said Mrcei, uu nieu wuii iuu uuuuur unu po lice judge within ten daj'S of the final publication of this notice, to-wit: on or before Monday, February 24th, 18M, the common council "Will order saut im provements to be made. Rv order of the common council, Attest: T. S. Jewktt, Auditor and Police Judge. Astoria, Februarj-, 1st, 1S90. J. B. Wyatt, DEALEBS IN Hardware and Ship Ckattdlcry, Pure Oil, Bright Varnish, Binacle Oil. Cotton Canvas, Hemp Sail twine, Cotton Sail Twine. Lard Oil, Wrought Iron Spikes, Galvanized Cut Nails. Agricultural Implements, Sewing 9 Machines, folate, Oils, Grrooeriesi !Elt. rj a "Tiwmfem! PEARS obtained toilet SOAP in competition with all the possible distinction." Hughes & Co Wholesale and Beta!) LIQUOR DEALE S. Importers of All Brands of Foreign and Do mestic Wines, Liquors and Cigais. J. II. Cutter Whiskies a specialty. Val Ittatz Bottled Beer. Finest brands or Key West and Domestic Cigars. Liquors for Medicinal Purposes. Family Trade Solicited. All oiders from the City and Country promptly filled. Squcmoqua Street, - - - Astoria, Oregon. North Pacific BREWERY, JOHN KOPP, - - - Proprietor. Patronize Home Industry! Wc supply as GOOD A. QUALITY OF BEER As Any In the Market, AT AS KEAKOXABL.K A l!tICIC Tie Horll Facile Brewery Beer la Pure and Unadulterated. It gi ves general Satisfaction and Is Furn ished in Quantities to Suit. Leave orders With A, W. Utzmger next to Bergman & Co.'s, or Fred Cooke, next to Foard & Stokes. Daily Delivery in Any Part of the City. AUG. DAiIELSOi, Sample Rooms, Dealer In Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agent for the GUION Steamship Line and in Lii .ine. the THINGVALLA Steamship I direct. Also, agent for "Svenska Trlbuncn" and 'Svenska Amerikanaren." Corner of Water and "West Ninth Streets Astoria, Oregon. THE Resort Billiard Parlor, GBOSBAUER &BRACII, Prop's. L. FEUREB'S CELEBRATED Gambrinus Beer I ON DRAUGHT. Gambrinus Bottled Beer. J. II. Cutter Whisky. Domestic and. Key West Cigars, Constantly on hand. Third Street, four doors west of Telegraph Office, formerly Telephone Bcstaurant. ASTOBIA, OREGON. GERMANIA BEER HALL The Celebrated -y WEINHARD LAGER BEER, On Draught On Ice, and Drawn from the Wood. Five Cents a Class. WML BOCK. Proprietor. Hill's Palace Yarieties. Open Every Night. GEO. HILL, - - Sole Proprietor. NEW PEOPLE WEEKLY. Aim to Please Even-body. The only Free Show in Astoria. Wines. Liquors and Ci gars. Ire Cold Beer. The Gem Saloon. The Popular Resort for Astorians. or the Finest of Wines and Liquors Go to THE GEM SALOON. ALEX. CAMPBELL. - PBOPRIETOF The Globe Saloon Under New Management. Chrlntiaa tVejen, Proprietor. (Formerly Bartender at the "Resort," Bestof Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Corner Mam and First Streets. LOEB & CO. fines, Lipors anil Ciprs. A Large Stock of FIRST CLASS GOODS. THE TRADE Supplied at Lowest Market Rates. All orders filled promptly and Accurately. Agents for First Class Foreign and Domestic Brands. Main street Opposite Parker House, ASTORLV, - - - - OREGON. Steam Engine and Boiler for Sale. ENGINE 8X12 INCH. BOILER 3x10 ; 3 inch flues, set in brick, 2 steam pumps with connections ; about 1000 fet t assorted steam pipe with couplings, main, etc. ; also water tanks, holding from 15 to C03 barrels water eacli. Above will be sold for a bar gain if applied for at once, as property lias been leased for other purposes. Inqntrc of George T. Myers, Ninth and D streets, Port land, Oregon. I nrMfriho ami fnllw endorse BIr U as the only specific for the cer tain cure ot this disease U..'i. 1KOBAUAX.M. H. Amsterdam, K. Y. many years, and it has -slven the bestof sUs- 1 action. . IL Dvchk ft CO.. ChlMM. 11L Idl. 8old by DrazctsU 814 byJ.W.Oeaa, Astoria, Oracea. CmtaVfl WViZiairtaBM. M Bm KrMt7fc7 BftaMCMBlMlOl wMiyi mteHBPFTlrl Pari, the only gold medal INSURANCE. I . "W. CASE, Insurance Agent. REPRESENTING : California Marine Ins. Co., S. F. Columbia Fire and Marine Ins. Co., Portland. Home Mutual Insurance Co., S. F. Phoenix of London. Imperial of London. Robb Sl Parker, AGENCY OF Fire and Marine Insurance, With an Aggregate Capital of $70,000,000. IMPERIAL, of London. CALIFORNIA, of California. CONNECTICUT, of Hartford. OAKLAND HOME, of Oakland LION, of London. FIREMAN'S FUND, of California, QUEEN, of I-ondon. $67,000,000 Capital Liverpool & London Adobe, North British and Mercantile of London and Edinburgh. Hartford of Connecticut, Commercial of California Agricultural, of Watertown. New York, Loudon & Lancashire ot Liveriool( Eng.. Fire Insurance Companies, Represent In a capital of $G7,000,000. B. V .! 1UHKX. Agent. 1LARKET3. Washington Market. Mala Street, Aterla, eregsa. l'IIRI$TEXSF..V .V ., ntFKIETt)KS. RESPECTFULLY CALL THE ATTEN tlon of the public to the fact that the aoove Market will always be supplied with a FULL VARIETY AND BEST QUALITY OF FRESH AND CURED MEATS I 1 Which will be sold at lowest rates, whole sale and retail. tySpecial attention given to supplying chips. STAR MARKET. WHERRY fc COMPANY, Fresh and Cured Meats, Vegetables, FRUITS, BUTTER, and EGGS. OPPOSITE OCCIDENT HOTEL, ClIKXAMUS Street. Asterla, 0. Roadway Market. P. O'HARA, Prop'r. Opposite Foard & Stokes. A First-Glass Meat Shop. Fresh and Salt Meats. AH Purchases Delivered in any part of the City. To Ganners. Jensen's Patented Can Capping Machine. Will Cap and Crimp 95 CANS per MINUTE. It has proved to Reduce the Leakage more man w percent, less man nana canpeu. Price. $C00. Orders complied witli by The Jensen Can-Tilling Machine Co. H. W. Strickler. M. D. DEALER IN Pure Drugs, Toilet Articles, Etc. Prescription Clerk speaks Four different Languages. General practice of Medicine attended to ny me Doctor. Second Mreet, near Postolllce. The Oregon Bakery A. A. CLEVELAND, Prop'r. Good Bread, Cate ill Pastry None but the Best Materials Used. Satisfaction Guaranteed Customers Bread delivered In auy part of the city. Polk Street Grade Notice. Notice Is heichy Riven that the com tuon council of the city of Astoria pro pose to establish the grade of a portion of Polk street in the city of Astoria, Clatsop county, Oregon, as laid out and recorded by John McClure, as follows to-wit: At a point 225 feet north of the north side of Concomly street at a height of 17 feet above the base of grades as estab lished by Ordinance No. 71 of the city of Astoria, entitled "An ordinance es tablishing a base of grades for the streets of Astoria." At the intersection of Folk street wit k the wharf line; when established, at a height of 17 feet above said base of grades. And unless a remonstrance, signed by the owners of two-thtrds of the property fronting on said portion of said street, be filed with the auditor and police iudge within ten days of the final pub lication of this notice, to within or be fore Monday, February 24th, 1890, the common council will establish said grade. By order of the common council. Attest: T. 8. Jewett, Auditor and Police Judge. Astoria, February 1st, 1890. H. EKSTBOM, Practical : Watchmaker, ASTORIA, OB. A fine line of Gold and Silver Watches, Solid Gold and Plated Jewelry, Clocks, etc, at reasonable prices. Repairing Promptly Done. Opposite Crow's Gallery. c V- Exposition, i88g. awarded solely for world. Highest G!LLET?S: TIIE- Finest Fitted Shop in the City NONE BUT FIRST-CLASS ARTISTS EMPLOYED. Third Street, Opp, Rucker's Restaurant. T. B. Loughery. DEALER IX Cigars, Tobacco, Cigarettes, Confectionery, Etc. S05E BUT THE BEST BRANDS HANDLED. THIRD STREET. Opposlto Halm's Boot and Shoe Store. ASTORIA TRANSFER GO. AND Livery Stables. Conveyances of any kind, on short notice. Transferring Baggage, etc., a specialty. Telephone No, 12. SHERMAN & WARD. Jackson Street Grade Notice. Notice is hereby given that the com mon council of the city of Astoria pro pose to establish the grade of a portion of Jackson street in the city ot Astoria, Clatsop county. Oregon, as laid out and recorded by John McClure, as follows, to-wit: At a point 225 feet north of the north side of Concomly street, at a height of 17 feet above the base of grades, as es tablished by Ordinance No. 71 of the city of Astoria, entitled "An ordinance establishing a base or grades for the streets of Astoria. At the wharf line, when established, at a height of 17 feet above the base of said grades. Anu-unless a remonstrance, signed by the owners of two-thirds of the property fronting on said portion of said street, be filed with the audior and police judge within ten days of the final publi cation of this notice, to-wit: on or be fore Monday, February 24th, 1893, the common council will establish said grade. By order of the common council. Attest : T. S. Jewett, Auditor and Police Judge. Astoria. February Isr, 1890. Squemoque and Water Street Grade Notice. Notice is hereby given that the com mon council of the city of Astoria pro pose to establish the grade of Sque moque street in the city of Astoria, Clatsop county, Oregon, as laid out by John McClure and extended by Cyrus Olney and of Water street in the city of Astoria, Clatsop county, Oregon as laid out and recorded by J. M. fchively as follows to wit: At the intersection of Squemoque street with Main street at a height of 19 feet above the base of grades as estab lished by ordinance No. 71, entitled an ordinance "establishing a base of grades for the streets of Astoria." At the intersection of Squemoque street with Cass street at a height of 19 feet above said base of grades. At the intersection of Squemoque street with Genevieve street at a height of 19 feet above said base of grades. At the intersection of Squemoque street with Olney street at a height of 19 feet above said base of grades. At the intersection of Squemoque street with Water street and the claim line between the donation land claim of John McClure and J. M. Shively at a height of 19 feet above said base of grades. At tho intersection of Water and West 9th streets at a height of 19 feet above said base of grades. At the intersection of Water street with West 8th street at a height of 19 feet above said base of grades. At the intersection of Water street with West 7th street at a height of 19 feet above said base of grades. At the intersection of Water street with West Cth street at a height of 19 feet abovo said base of grades. And unless a remonstrance signed by the owners of two thirds of the property fronting on said portion of said streets be filed with the auditor and police iudge within ten days of the final pub lication of this notice, to wit: on or be Monday, Februarj' 24th, 1890, the com mon council will establish said grade. By order of the common council. Attest : T. S. J ewttt, Auditor and Police Judge. Astoria, February 1st, 1890. West Sixth Street Assessment Notice. Notice Is hereby given that the as sessment made by Ordinance No. 1151, of the city of Astoria, for the Improve ment of West Sixth street, in the man ner provided by Ordinance No. 1139, en titled, An ordinance providing for the time and manner of improving West Sixth street," approved November 29th, 1889, is now due and payable at the of fice" of the city treasurer, in U.S. gold or silver coin, and unless paid within five days of the final publication of this notice, to-wit: on or betore Tuesdaj, February 25th, 1890, the common coun cil will order warrants issued for the collection thereof. The assessment is as follews: TonsoriEmprM NAME OF OWXEB. Cost. Mrs. Mary .Johnson.. . Mrs. Mary Johnson, S 23 feet. ......... .. Hubbard &Wrigh N.125feet Win. Kneymier P.E.Ferchen Jas. Taylor, S. 85 feet Sirs. T. O'Brien. 50 ft Mrs.T. 0'BrIenjN.37ft B. Gallagher, N. 37 ft. Thos.DeaIy.S.50ft.. Cleveland & Henry, N.20feet S334 GO 73 32 293 28 300 20 312 20 284 20 125 00 95 50 95 50 150 00 By order of the oommon council. Attest : T. S. Jewett. Auditor and Police Judge. Astoria, Or., February Gth, 1890. Many Imitate, None Equal No No. Lot. Blk. 12 113 1 113 1 113 0 112 7 112 G 121 1 133 1 120 1 120 1 120 1 133 jJiyMBaljII THF. RECEDING WATERS. The Willamette Flood Partly Snbsidfs. Albany, Feb. 7. The river lias fallen four and one-half feet at this city. Business, which has been par alyzed by the flood, is being resumed. The damage to property in Albany is slight. It includes only a few old buildings, a portion of tho old Mbu tieth mills and the Union Pacific wharf, besides damage from inunda tion of basements. Several county bridges are gone and a considerable amount of stock was drowned along the river. Eugene City, Feb. 6. The river is falling slowly. The highest mark reached was twentv-two feet above 4 low water. The large bridge near bpnngiield went ont Monday; also a part of the bridge near this city, en tailing a loss of $20,000. A few small buildings in the low bottoms were washed away, and a large amount of cordwood, fencing and other material, also, the aggregate losses figuring many thousand dollars. The city of Eugene did not suffer any loss from the river, and but slight loss and an noyance from surface water. ConvAiiMS, Feb. 9:15 A. jr. The city is feeling jubilant over the fact that last night the river fell thirty-six inches, and is now going down at tho rate of three inches per hour. A light frost was on the gronnd at daylight, and the sun shinning brightly. The sky is perfectly clear, aud a northwest wind prevails. The Oregon Pacific train will arrive on time. McMrxxvELiiE, Or., Feb. G. 9:15 a. ar. The river fell nineteen inches since 5 o'clock yesterday, and is falling now quite rapidly. To say the situa tion causes joy does not express the prevailing sentiment. The sky is as blue in summer, and a warm south wind is blowing. Independence, Feb. G 9:15 a. jr. The Willamette fell twenty-four inches since last night, and is now re ceding at the rate of two inches per hour. Tho general impression is that within twenty-four hours it will be five feeet lower. The weather is warm, with a clear sky and a south wind. A COLLIERY EXPLOSION. One Ilnndred And Fifty Jliners Killed. London, Feb. G. An explosion oc curred to-day in a.colliery at Aber sycham, in Monmonthshire, ten miles northwest of Newport. Three hun dred miners were imprisoned, and for several hours no communication could bo had with them. An opening was finally effected at noon. Two hun dred of them have been rescued. A number of those taken out were seri ously injured. Rescuing parties are still searching for those remaining in the mine. It is feared that it will be impossible to rescue the miners who aro still imprisoned. Up to 4 o'clock this afternoon forty bodies had been taked from the mine. Fifty miners are still imprisoned, and it is not known whether they are dead or alive. Hvter. It is now apparent that the estimate of the number of lives lost by to-day's explosion in the Aber sychan colliery made by the owners of the mine was not placed too high, and many believe that the dead will ex ceed their figures, 120. Although some fifty bodies have been taken out, the ghastly work is only at its begin ning, and a vast amount of labor will be required to clear away he debris and recover the bodies that remain in tho pit. The bodies taken out are so horribly mutilated that except in two or three cases identification is impossi ble, recognition being rendered doubtful by the fact that the men, ow ing to the close and heated atmos phere of the mine, wore no clothing whatsoever, except heavy boots to pro tect their feet from the flinty bottom. It is ascertained that the mine has been in a dangerous condition for some time past; that 'long ago an ex plosion occurred in an adjoining pit by which live men were killed. The damaged pit was flooded and, the water gradually forced the gas into the pit which was the scene of to-day's disaster. Upon this information it is already suggested that the owners of tho mmo be prosecuted for criminal negligence. Sixty dead have been taken out Latest estimates place the loss of life at not less than 150. Physicians in attendance pronounce half of tho number dead to have been killed by fire and concussion, and the other half by suffocation. Several of those rescued nlivo have since died. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria SVhen Baby was sick, wo gave her Castoria. (Then sbo was a Child, she cried for Castoria, iVhen she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, iVhen shohad Children, she gave them Castorit Collecting silver spoons is a new craze, but a rather dangerous one, for your Host or the hotel waiter may have his eye on yon. It is a fact worth knowimr that, as a household remedy, for children and ad ults, Aycr s Pius are invaluable. Man wants bnt little here below, but what ho does want he wants badly. and when he can't get it realizes what want is. It has been observed that the man with the fewest failings is the man most tolerant of those of his neigh bors. BETTER THAN GOLD. RESTORED HER HEALTH. Pot 25 years I suffered from bolte, erysipelas end other blood affections, taking during that time great qniintltieg of dlffercntinedlclnea with out giving mo any perceptible relief. Friends induced ae to try 8. 8. S. Itlapcoredme from the etart, and after taking several bottles, re stored ay health. aa far asl cotOd hope for St y age, which is bow sereaty-five yetrs. Mas. 8. M. Lhcas, Bowling Green, Ky. E" SSSiJJ,-auned ft SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Gs. LIDDICOAT & CRIBB. Carpenters and Bilders. Holt & McCurtrle's old stand, have over 200 plates and drawings of all kinds and stvles of dwelllne-houses, ranging from $900 to $1,200. Call and see them. A r JAMES MEANS' PJAMES?MEANS? &i$3fSH0E '.4H' rr-N a & ' rfansw . UNUAUtU-tUJSIN . i5r.YLE UNEQUALLED JNUUKAHILITT (- AND.5r" PERFECnOrl J FIT.' .h-FS TflcS !he.ISc" P"?rcss In our branch of Industry that we are now able to affirm lha' ? Ja Means' 4 shoe Is In every respect equal to the shoes which only a few years ago were retailed a. elcht or ten dollars. It you will trr on a pair you will bo conTlnced that wedo not exaggerate. Ours aro tho original $3 and St Shoes, and those who imitate our system or business aro unable to compete with us m quality or factory products. In our lines we are the largest manufacturers In the United States. -5h'ir,.i.,I?"S.2?r.ccmirat.l?.d 1ctory are said by wideawake retailers la all pnrti oi the country. V, e win place them easily within your reach la any State or Territory if you win invest one cent In a postal card and write to us. JAMES MEANS &. CO., 41 Lincoln St Boston, Kasi FULTj lines of toe above shoes for sale by PARKER & HANSON, ASTORIA, OR. mmmiMmimmm&mvLVM WALL PAPER AND CEILING DECORATIONS! 5000 double roll of Wall Taper and Decorations of tho latest styles and shades jnst received direct from Eastern factories. Also a large assortment of C XJL.R P J2 MT Sp Of nil grades in beautifnl new designs New Smyrna Rugs, Portiere Curtains, China Matting, Etc., Etc. Call and examine. CHAS. HEILBORN. Portland and Coast S. S. Co. GRAYS HARBOR. STR. ALLIANCE. Sails from Tort land every Thursday at 7 r. M. : and from Astoria the following morning, land ing at Hoquiaui, Aberdeen, Cosmopolis aud Montesano. SH0ALWATER BAY. STR. DOLPHIN. Sails from Portland on 1st and 15th of each month, landing at North Cove, South Bend, WHIapa and Hay Center. F. 15. STRONG, President. C.r. UTSIIUK, Agent Astoria. S.ARNDT&FERCBEN ASTORIA, - OREGON. The Pioneer Machine Shop BLACKSMITH on ri OiJivA- ?asbsssbsssbsssbVsbbV W 9--zmtm Boiler Shop All kinds of ENGINE, CANNERY, AND STEAMBOAT WORK Promptly attended to. Aspecialtymadeof repairing CANNERY DD38, KOOT OF LAFAYETTE STREETI. Magee, Argand and Acorn Stoves Ranges, Cooking and Heating, EVERYONE FULLY WARRANTED. WATER CLOSETS, PLUMBIXO GOODS, PUMPS, SINKS, AXD ItATII TUBS. CHENAMUS STREET. PILES FOR SKIN DISEASES USK Moore's Celebrated Poison Oak Remedy It kiiLs all inflammation and irritation, aud Is the only sure destroyer of Microbes and other Skin Parasites. Ukc freely. Price, 23 cents a Box. ATJOTION" AND COMMISSION HOUSE. MARTIN OLSEN, Successor to E. C .Ilolden. The oldest established Commission Ilouse in Oregon. Goods of all kinds sold on com mission. Auction Sales Every Saturday. General Repairing, Jobbing and Uphol stering done. Fine stock of Furniture on hand. When you want Bargains in Household Goods go to MARTIN OLSF-N Administratrix Notice. mnE UNDERSIGNED HAVING BEEN X appointed administratrix of the estate of W. w. Belcher, deceased, all claims against said estate, with the proper vouch ers, are hereby required to be presented to the undersigned at the office of F.D. Win ton, In the city of Astoria, within six months from this date. BARABRA A. BELCHER, Administratrix. Astoria, Clatsop county. Or., Jan. 25, 1890. The Celeurated French Cure. Warranted "ADUDfiniTHIC" ormoney to euro ArnnULIIIInC refunded. TS SOLD OX A POSITIVE Guaraatee to euro any form of ner vous disease or any dis order of the eonorativa organs of BEFORE whether ar- Ar 1 tK isingfrom tho excessive use of Stimnlants.To bacco or Opium, or throngh youthful indiscre tion, over indulgence, Ac, such as Loss of limin Pnxrnr. Wakefulness. Bearine down Pains in the Back, Seminal Weakness, Hys-1 tnria. :Nnnrnns Prostration. Nocturnal Emis- ' $Km cHp Bsf lEA rm .BBBslPs sions.Leucorrhoea, Dimness, Weak : Memory. PB-i'i FII A mil nsT Loss of Power and Impotcncy. which if ne-kU M II mil WW elected often lead to premature old ago andfT" UMUU Ifl'l IV UIam.Blai insanity. Price gl a box. 6 boxes for S3. Sent mm WIVsssl I by maU on receipt of price. ..-1 POSITIVE I?SSSJL,0'PJ,lt A WJUITEX GUABA5TEE for every So or-1?1 r wJ C nd aaa sTOYOTO MimTT. der. to refund tho money if a Persuiiest cnreflfTTT! 3?k,' fr'J- is not effected. Thousands of te8hmoniabfy . "ggg" WM"J OUsrfii-m; uum urn uiu juuugi . "o ' ,l,- r tj J ...A...1.. f Ivifh .nriMT. Trmn.-",,. sently cured by Aphroditijie- Circular free.!,,!, 1.1J.... THE 1PHKI1 9KHIi:iNK III. Box 27. Wkstkiw BRA5CH, Fortlaad, Or.i.s;wHtfcr-; v....i.1..r P TISMRNT. WW) ITtS A $3 & $4 SHOES tjartES DEARS'' 4idnu&, XANNOtFAIkj SATIS -SHE M0STV FASTIDlO; I. R. &N. Co. FROM ASTORIA TO Tanzy Pt., Ft. Stevens, Ft. Canby and llwaco. Connecting by Railroad and Steamboats for NAHCOTTA, Oysterville, Montesano and Olympic STEAMER idSL "GEN. CANBY," Tnos. Farkku. Master. Will leave Astoria daily (Sundays excepted) for Tanzy Ft. Pt Stevens, Pt. Canby and llwaco, at 8 A. M., (Tide permitting.) With Oysterville Malls and Express dally and Through Malls to points beyond, and Montesano, W.T., on Mondays, "Wednesdays and Fridays. Tickets ts Ilwaee. .......5 cents llwaco Freight per Ton, - $2.00 tTFor Tickets, Towage or Charter ap ply at the company's office. Flavel's whan. The Str. Telephone Portland and Astoria. Time Table, leaves Asteria: Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 6 A. ar. Leaves Pertland: Monday, "Wednesday and Friday at 7 a. m. OO YOU PHOKO WRIT WANT A DWfV f TO US. Any book in the world furnished at publish ers price. Name books wanted. (Sendstamp). Metopolitaa Press Agency, 45 Warrai St. ,H.Y. PHOTO-ENGRAVING. IT PAYS TO ILLUSTRATE YOUR BUSINESS. Portraits, and cuts of colleges, hotels, factories, nachinexy, &c, made to order from photo rraphs. Send stamp for specimen sheets. BOODWORK. MetropoIitaaPress Agency, LOW PRICES. 45 Warren Street, QUICKTIME. Hew York. Bubfaer Stamps of all lands. AtuixuasBi'iiunatuiTzasiLviua W1TBYCDS Ua3f 1TOIB, A P-, TOWN AND STATE Be. KXTRA. HWWi Agists mala aasy tut ; ssl lUap for ttrme. Metropolitan Press Agency, 45 "Warren 8t., N. Y 50fl feM itf rvS s.h - i VAS HEALTH. La Iticbaa's Golden Balaam Ko 1 Cures Chancres, first and second stages: Sores on thi Legs and Body; Sore Ears! Syphilis. pricet $5 qq Bottle u niciuai uoiaem "Fsan N,3 Cures Tertiarr. Mercurial Syphilitic Rheu matism, Tains In tho .Bones, Pains in tho Head, back of tho Neck, Ulcerated Sore Throat, Syphilitic Rash, Lumps and con tracted Cords, Stiffness of the Limbs, and eradicates all disease from the system, whether caused by indiscretion or abase cf Slcrcury. leaving tho blood pure and healthy.. Prlco S5 OO per Bottle. Lo ltlcban' Golden Npanisn Antl. dote for tho cure of Gonorrhoea. Gleet. Irritation Gravel, and alt Urinary or Geni tal disarrangements. Price $3 5 per Bottle. Le Richan'ii Golden Spanish In jection, for severe cases of Gonorrhoea, Inflammatory Gleet. Stricturcs,&c. Price 81 50 per Bottle. Ls Rlchau'x Golden Ointment for tho eft ctivj hcalingof Syphilitic Sores, and eruptions. Price $ I OO per Bex. Le Rlchan's Golden Pills Nerve and Brain treatment; Ios3 of physical pow. er, excess or over-work, rrostratlon, etc. Price S3 OO per Box. Tonic tii.d Nervine, Sent everywhere, C. O. D., reenrely packed per express. C. P. RICHARDS & CO. , Agents, 4-27 & 429 Sansomo street. Corner t'lay.i -, San Francisco. Cal. CIRCULAR MAILED FREE. HrmttaWUI om uauuus con wuLcsscTBxetaB esfiAsa nmottiSu uSAfnm! SUto Tmteta, muKSmSmXi SUat mi- fin-ifi-aiiii! Miiiniri IK (MCAL M., Mff Mt. 1. 1 rBSSBBBB ifl I hm W .w -1 P:'- BBBBBBBBKaWB gsssa -Bir-rTiii'ss. ana muismsmm -BW9S1 BtyVrfH - SavO'wv. 9rar AaP i.:&rffe-.&.;. ( i