CT" & rtGT ' -t -, it. Jsaihi Sjisferiaw. ASTOKIA, OREGON: SATUUUAY. FEBRUAKY 8.1800 ISSUED EVERY MORNING. (Mond ty i'roptcd.) J. F. HAL.LORAX & COMPANY, Inblhhcr ami Proprietors. astokian Hrii.ii.:, - Cass Stkket. Terras of Subscript ion. Scrwd liv Carrier, per week .... j5 cts S-nt by Mall, per month . fin cts Sent by Mail, one ear ........ S.ix) Free of o,t:u;e to Mih-rribers, Tiik Atouian giiara:it; to Its adver tisers the larxeNt neiil.iiioii ofn'u iifutpi lKTj)tilili!icili.ii the Co iiiilu.i liver. Citj ami Coiintj-Oflicitl I:irr. All the Astoria lawyers arc mar ried. Astoria's temperature, yestertlav, wa-s 52 Fahrenheit. In this section 'tis the direction r the -wind that controls the weather. Fifty passengers of the Columbia were obliged to sleep in the saloon. The Weekly Astokian, twelve pages, full or news, is published this morning. Portland's city council has levied a ten mill tax on $2.1.000,000 valuation, alxuit one-fifth of the actual value. Vancouver. Wash., has appropriated S20.000 for the removal of the sand bar near thai city and will ask the United .Slates to assist. Seventy tons of sturgeon per week are lwing put up by one firm in Port land, who have the headquarters of their sturgeon fishery at Skamokawa. Large quantities of logs are re ported scattered along the weather beach, floated down the river and out to sea. and then piled up to the nortlfard. Ghehalis culls loudly for a lire de partment, and a brass band. They are not so particular about the fire department but the Cant rattans yearn for a brass band. Additions to The As toman's mu seum have been scarce of late, but yesterday one showed up in the shape r a pearl, a lustrous pearl from a Shoal water bay oyster. It is a per fect gem. The Messrs. Kinney of the Clatsop mill have fitted up a room in the up per .story of the "I XL" cannerv in which the ltev. F. O. AVeeks will preach on Sunday at .'J o'clock. Alt in the neighlwrhood are invited. There is considerable talk of start ing a cannery near Cent ml ia as the salmon industry is rapidly growing in imiorlauce there. One weighing twenty pounds was caught in J Tan son's bay last Saturday morning. The irritating delay in the receipt or mail is a source of annoyance and loss to Astoria business men. Several im porlant contracts, etc., hang fire, but everything will be straightened out next week. Then look out for a little fun. This otlice was yesterday in receipt of a letter Trout JJonestell & Co., of San Francisco, Cat, mailed at that office October 21st, 'SO. It arrived at Astoria yesterday morning. The choir will now please intone the hundredth psalm. The Thompson went to the Cas cades last Thursday morning to bring down i00 sacks delaved eastern mail, returning that night at UiW. The Manila took Iter place, arriving here yesterday morning and leaving up last night. The wood supply is running low. People who live along the bank can go out, though, and get plenty as it lloats by, and hillside dwellers can secure a supply of logs, etc, between their domiciles and Young's bay. Coal is preferred, in stores and offices. The vessels in the harbor are im proving the opportunity of weather without blows to dry their sails. They make quite a picturesque appearance with their upper sails bent Some of these sails show the effect of heavy winds out at sea and will need repairing- A new whim struck Chinatown yes terday. One man commenced to wash his windows and sidewalk with the use of a hose. This struck the specta tors as a good idea In a short time a dozen Chinamen were cither trying the same scheme or preparing to do so. The following were the passengers up on the lionita last evening: E. llosenberg and wife, Mrs. Seaborg, Miss Smith. C. W. Fulton, Mrs. Whit comb, A. Handler, B. T. Smith, A. Loveland, A. Loupe, P. lironsdon, J. H. D. Gray, A. Wing, VL S. Millslor, M. O. Blakely, J. H. Bacher and ,T. Kahu. A bill lias been reported to the sen ate authorizing the secretary of the treasury, after advertising thirty days, to lease the Alaska seal fisheries from March 1, 1890, at an annual rental of not less than S50,00(Vaiid an additional revenue tax or duty of not less than S4.50 on each skin shipped from the islands. Oregon ought to have a state statis tician. The news paper men are pret ty good on statistics, but a state offici id compiling figures on fur, fin and feather, the field, the forest and the mine, the sea and the waters of the state, and putting facts in condensed and readable shape, would be of aid to the commonwealth. A Tund of a thousand dollars is raised to put an advertisement in an obscure New York paper. It is sin gular that KpIe do not realize that the advertisement that goes farthest is hi the home paper. The exhibition usually made in a foreign write-up impresses nobody, as it bears the ear marks of pay, and is by the average reader considered tibout as reliable as a circus bilt The low ground around the court house has answered the purpose of a reservoir duing the recent rains. On the water has been iloating a mass of debris so that the appearance of the place -was bad. Mr. Trenchardhas made several efforts to keep the yard clean. Yesterday the accumulated pieces of wood were removed, aull the water will probably all run off. A reporter of the Pasco Pilot, in a spirit of recklessness, recently inter viewed Indian '.Billy" and became the possessor of. the following horrible facte: "Nika tumtum alka highyou sbow charko. Spose nika cuitan wake wiwinloose nika klatawa copa Moses illaliee copa caw liiyou tipso. Clonas'REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. FEB nika halo kelipL Jfica tumtum teuas laly halo cuitan." tipso yakwa copa nika The business of the Oregon aud Washington police association was finished last Thursday evening at Tacoma. A constitution and by-laws were adopted and officers of the" asso ciation elected, as follews: president, Chief Chesney, of Tacoma; vice-president, S. B, Parrish, of Pertland: secre tary and treasurer, Joseph F. Warren, of Spokane Falls. The association adjourned to meet the first Wednes day in August next at Portland. Work on the stricken telegraph wires still goes on. The line is all right now as far as West port, and a force of repairers is busy between Westjort and Oak Point. Whenever the line is entirely free from con tact wmi tnc ground and water The Astokian's regular report can be re sumed. A little received last night is published this morning. The line wasn't working very first rate, bnt by to-night things will be iu full swing once more. Printers Tnl:, a weekly journal published in New York, serves as an exponent of the principles of the art of advertising, aud offers practical suggestions to newspaper advertisers. It alsoindicates to the inexperienced advertiser how, when and where to advertise, how to write an advertise ment, and how to disnlav one. It contains in eacli issue interesting j matter original and selected of interest to advertisers, and dis cusses advertising topics in an intelligent, impartial ami instructive manner. Its subcriplion price is S2 a year. A sharp aud distinct shock of earth quake was felt at Port Townsendat, 550 last Saturday afternoon lasting a few seconds. The ground shivered as with the force of an explosion. Goods upon the.shelvc of stores on Wnlor sfrnnf nxUUA fitwi shook, especially glassware A few buildings on the water front rocked perceptiblv aud people ran out into 1 the street, not knowing what was go- ing to happen. So far as heard from none of the cities up Sound seem to have felt the stiock, but it is reported by the Victoria Colonist that Vic toria felt it even heavier than in Port Townseud. THE AIM'KOPKIATION PASSED. (J ratifying Action of- the Senate. I7iiitiil St.it.-- Washington, Feb. G. -In the senate this afternoon the house amendment inserting a provHou of $75,00.) for im provement at the mouth of the Co lumbia river was adopted. This is the best of news to all the commercial world interested in the great work now in progress at the mouth of the river. It insures the continuance or work and ably sup plements the previous appropriation, while it acts as a welcome preface to the regular appropriation in the river and harbor bill, which may not be passoil ijetorc next August Drtayrd .Mail Matter. Alxmtn thousand ton, more or less, of delayed mail matter are due here, and when it gets here, there will be music in the air, and it will be a season of fasting and prayer for the post ollice and express employes. The letters, no doubt, that are over due, will show up some time, Iwtween now and the spring, run, but a good many of the papers will never be un wrapped. In the old days, in eastern Nevada, whenever there was a particularly bad place in the road, the stage driver used to reach into the front boot and yank out a sack of paper mail. This ; Hung under the wheel, helped out many a bad place; as for the mail and the sack, there it lay, it had fulfilled an important mission, and no further attention was paid to it After two or three freighters and stages had passed that way, it would have been difficult to make out the superscription on the wrappers. As Seen On Hie Wharf. To an impartial observer there was much of interest in the 71' members of the Emma Jucli opera" company that came up on the Columbia. It was a good example of the different workings of nature. Here was a girl, thin, hollow eyed, with sallow com plexion, and very homely withont the effect of a "make up." There was a maiden, plump, bright- eyed, with clear pink skin, and needing no paint or wigs to make her presentable. One looked as if she had come from a hard working factory force; the other as if she had blown on the stage, wafted by a breeze from the country with all its vigor. Another condition worth notic ing is this. The male actors arc gen erally a hale looking crowd. This is largely due to the fact that they take life easy, and seldom or never worry. Freedom from worry is not so much a characteristic of actresses and so more worn faces are seen among them. New Plat of Williaxiisport. John Williamson, of Williamson" has filed a correction or his plat of that town. This plat purposes to be in sec. 17, T 8 N, It 9 W, while in real ity its true locality is in sec. 1G. T 8 N. It 9 W. Hence he certifies that the map's true locality is in lot 7 of sec 1G, T 8 N, It 9 W, and in the front age thereof and the initial point of said plat is a rock set in the ground which is at the S V corner of lot 8, blk 20 of this plat, which rock is like wise the S W corner of lot 7. of this section 1G. He thereby ratifies and confirms all deeds and conveyances which he has heretofore made of property on this plat with the under standing that they are to attach to these lots and blocks as loaiied on the plat'as corrected. lU's.-'rters from British Yc-wrlt. A good deal is being said and sung about there being no law covering the desertion of sailors from British ships in this country. Such is the fact There is no law. But its a stand off. When JJack skips off, and leaves so many pounds, shillings and six pence due "him, there is no law by which he can recover the amount Ot course no skipper would connive at the de sertion ot liis own men, and yet somo funny stories are told from time to time about the ease and facility witli which the way is paved for an "A. B." it he wants to" take French leave. Lost. A gold bar pin. Finder will be re warded by leaving at this office. For Sale. , A few choice lots in Hustler fc Ai ken's Additon. Inquire at V. L. Uhl enliart's real estate ofllce. Kemember the Austin house at the Seaside Is open tho year 'round. As Filed In The County Recorder's Ofllrc Yesterday. John H. Smith and wife to Wm. D. McDonald, Jr., lots G, 7, 8, blk 1, lots G, 7, 8, 15, 1G, 17, 18, 10, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24. 25, 2G, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, blk 2, Sunnyside S Marv Ann Adair to J. 1L Booth, lots 29, 30, blk 12. Adair's ... Chas. Henrv and wife to Jost Schule lot 3, blk 20, Laurel Park Thos. Boelling to Wm. H. Lewis, lot 12, blk 4, Skip anon James K. Kelly and wife to M. Young lot 8, part of lot 9, blk 18, Aldcrbrook M. Young to It Ehlinger, lots IS, 49, 50, 51, blk 8. Alder brook Frank Spittle to S. B. Crow, lots 3, J. 5, G, blk 1G, Will iamsport Previously reported this vear 400 100 100 400 210 GOO 772,153 Total to date this year g773,991 FI.OTSA3I AND JETSAM. "Say," siid the hotelkeeper to the reporter, 'if there's oue tiling I do get tired of it's the way people have of telling me how to run a hotel. One fellow says 1 ought io do tins, and another says I ought to do that. By the way. it's a wonder to me that you fellows don't write that kind of peo ple up. It's just the thing you ought to do. If I w;is running a newspaper you bet I'd what are you grinning at I'd like to know';' -The facHhal the business portion of our city is on piles argues nothing against the future," said a prominent business man. 4,It means that some day we will have a seawall and all for mer title land will be filled with dirt from our 1,,Ils- When San Francisco 1,atl S-000 population the water was 30 ,oet "! ! nearly ns far as Uatlcry street, while the tide reached almost to Montgomery. Jov, there arc acres upon acres of line business property where once the waves rolled." A man was standing on the corner musing. He was asked why he stood there so long and silently. "0, I was listening," said he, "to the sounds or the hammers which are growing more and more frequent every day. I like to hear that proof that improvements are being made and business demands the new space. But inside ot three months 1 want to see a dozen or more substantial blocks going up and hun dreds of lionses built. You can't make too much noise in that wav for me." Two men were discussing the cli mate of tills section as compared with that in the south. Said ene: "The northwest will Income the great man ufacturing center of the coast. Man ufacturing is always at its highest per fection in a northern climate. Look at Europe. England ranks first, while! Italy ami fepnin do nothing in this line. Then glance at the east, of our own country. Massachusetts does more manufacturing than nearly all of the southern states combined In the central section we see Minnesota and Michigan in the lead. Come to this coast, California now controls the greater interest, bnt her influence will be only temporary. There is some thing in the southern air that fails to give the necessary vigor for the hard working, skillful laborer." "San Francisco proves another point for Astoria," said a member of the group. "We hear the reiort that As toria lias no developed count tv back of it to support a big citv. But look at San 1 raucisco. Is she any letter off? Certainly not, or wasn't until she had assumed large proportions and began to spend her accumulated capital in developing barren wastes. Astoria has the advantage in possess ing a line back country. I tell you that that city, from her key position, had to become a metropolis. It was fated. So it must be with Astoria." Again," added another, "the San Joaquim valley and that of the Sacra mento have grown into mammoth feeders for San Francisco's commerce In a few years the great products of the Willamette valley will come to Astoria." i'KILSOXAL MENTION'. A. G. citv. E. King is in the city. J. Hill, of Ellonsburg is in the Maj. John S. Hayden, of the TJ. S. army is at the Occident M E. Blakely, of New York, is stopping at the Occident Arthur AV. Oglivie, an Englishman, has taken outhis first papers for citizen ship. City attorney Curtis, F. D. Win ton, and Ed. AV. AVright returned yester day on the Telephone. C. E. Bain and Alice Pope-Parker have filed separate answers as defend ants in the case of John Tnnge aganst Mrs. Daggett and others, in regard to the unfinished house ot the latter. Mr. aud Mrs. John C. Dement ar rived from Seattle yesterday and are domiciled at their handsomely- fur nished house Mrs. Dement nee Boot 13 welcomed to Astoria by a host of friends to whom she has been known for several vears. MARINE NEWS AND NOTES. The English ship Ifcrrwt Captain Laing, arrived in port yesterday from Lota, Chile. She is in ballast for Portland. Her log is published else where. The steamship Stale of California sails from Portland at eight o'clock this nwniing. The probability is that she will leave here for San Francisco about 4 30 this afternoon. The Columbia brought up from San Francisco the largest cargo for Astoria that has arrived this year. It was made up of general merchandise and amounted to 52 tons. At the mouth of the Willamette, says the Oregonian, the steamer T. J. Potter, injured in a collision, lies an chored in midstream. The splendid craft tloats calm and still, presenting a sorry spectacle with her white bows badly torn away. She is crippled badly but to what exact extent her owners are not prepared to state with out nuiuur invesnganon. Kemcinlior the grand hall at Liberty Mall next Wednesday eve given by the loimg Men's Institute. Tickets, Si. b or sale by all members, or at the door. Steals Ceekcrt to Order. Private rooms for ladies and families: at Central Restaurant, next to Foard & Stokes'. Coffee and cake, ten cents, at tho Ceulral Kestaurant. ANOTHER FISH DILL. Farther Piscatorial ICgi-ialion Across The River. A bill supplemental to the one creating a fish commission passed the AVjishingtou state house of representa tives during the week. It is intended to protect salmon and other food fishes, and was introduced by senator Seaborg. of Pacific comity, who is him self engaged in the fish canning busi ness and may therefore be presumed to know the needs of the trade The bill prevents tho .taking of or fishing for salmon in the Columbia river or its tributaries, by any means, between March 1 and April 10, and between August 10 and September 10, and also during the weekly close time, viz: Be tween G v. sr. Saturday and 6 p. m. Sunday. It is also made unlawful to catch salmon within one mile below any rock or other obstruction erected, across any river or stream for the pur pose of obtaining fish for propagation. The close time in Gray's Harbor and Shoalwater Bay is fixed at November 15 to December 15. It is made un lawful for any net, trap, river wheel or other appliance for catching fish to extend more than one-third of the way across any river or stream. Provision is also made for fishwavs or ladders in all dams, and stringent penalties are I imposed upon all persons, polluting or allowing water wherein fish propagate to be polluted with any deleterious substance, sawdust included, as well as against the use of giant powder or other explosives. The bill h:is already passed the senate and now goes to the governor. IN THE NEWSPAPER AVOitLD. The Lark of Exchanges a Pre.-ent Regret. The dcartli of mail is seriously felt in more than one newspaper office. Early in January the San Francisco papers ceased appearing: then the eastern exchanges became a tiling of the past This week the eastern Ore gon and AVillamette valley paicts failed to connect, and Tor the last two or three days the Sound papers tire the only ones that have pnt in an ap pearance. "With the telegraph lines down, and the mails few and far between, it makes double work in every newspaper otlice, for no matter how assiduously the local field is covered there is al ways a freshness and variety to the piquant notes to be culled "from our sprightly exchanges. The local column ot a newspaper is its spinal column. Nothing can take its place, and on it depends the life of any newspaper, large or small, but the graceful dress and attractive embel lishment can be secured best by judi cious cullings from abroad Then, too, one gets new ideas, or has the old ideas, presented to him in better shaie, in reading the columns of our more or less esteemed contem poraries. Every man in a newspaper office if lie be a newspaper man puts his best before the public in every issue, and to be cut off from so general a source of supply as is furnished by the stale exchanges, works a privation on all alike. There isn't much originality about any of us. Occasionally some one of the fraternity says something that sounds new, but generally it is more a matter of repetition, than anything else But a pretty thought is like a pretty woman, it looks best when it is best dressed, and very often one cm get hold of an idea or thought and by arraying it in graceful garb, enhance its appearance and elicit admiration which would not be accorded less elalioratc presentation. How They Work It In Tacoma. Beat estate agent (Tacoma, AVasli.) Stranger just arrived in town from the east -Bush around to the hotel, greet lpm as a long lost brother or something, and when he explains that there is some mistake cover your con fusion by inviting him to drink." - New man "Mavbe lie won't accept it" "Oil, yes, he'll accept, to relieve your embarrissment Thev alwavs do do." "Yes, sir. AVhat next?" "Keep in conversation until I come around .and ask to speak with you on business, '-'hen introduce me, and we will have another drink. That'll settle it Two drinks or Tacoma whis ky will make any man feel rich enough to buy the whole earth." The Io of the Ship Nereasof Greenock. Left Lota, Chile, December 10th, ISSi); hail light southerly winds and very light southeast trade winds cross ing the equator; January 9th, longitude 111) deg. west, had light variable from 7 deg. south to 11 deg. north; 120 deg. west had moderate northeast trade winds; trades failing 27 deg. north 130 deg. west, had a strong northwest gale 2S deg. north 129 deg. west; from thence had light variable airs and calms to 32 deg. north 130 deg. west: from thence fresh winds from south west to northwest, with rain and fog; Thursday. Gth, off Tillamook; 7th, at 8 A. jr., off the bar; got a pilot and en tered port; days from Lota, 59. L Laing, Master. Can ler.t Nelly IHy's I.crord. Iu an interview this week President Van Home, ot the Canadian FaciGc railway, said tins winter had demon .straled the fact that the Canadian Pa cific was the only transcontinental road that could be operated even' dav in the year without interruption. Speaking of Nelly Bly's feat of cir cling the globe in seventy-two days, he saiil a copy of the London Times two years ago was sent around the world via the Canadian Pacific in G9 days, and if an effort was made he had no donbt the time could easily bo beaten by the Canadian road. Pour Sweili-h Excursions This Month. The MinucaM)lis JlceJcoblad h:is an item in a late issue which says that four Swedish excursions from St Paul and Minneapolis will be sent out to Idaho, Oregon and Washington dur ing the month of February. Mr. AV. Jansen is said to be the promoter of the excursions. This is regarded as a significant immigration movement, coming thns early in the season. Khcumatism originates in lactic acid in the blood, which settling in the joints causes the pains and aches of the dis ease. Hood's Sarsaparilla cures rheu matism by neutralizing the acidity of the blood, and giving it richness and vitality. Try Hood's Sarsaparilla. advice to 30thkus. Mrs. Wixsmnv's Soothing Syrup should always be used for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums,alla3-s all rain, cures wind cholic, and is the best remedy for diar-rhoea.Twenty-fivc cents a bottle. 1 Ton Kike a Aeol Clear? Call at Charley Oisen's, east of C. II. Cooper's. Ho will suit you. A fine stock of cigars to select from. Not a Pimple on Baby. IliLr one rear old. Bad with Eczema. Hair all cote. Scalp covered nitu Eruptions. Cared hy Cntlcnra. Hair Splendid and not a pimple oa him. Cured by Cuticura I cannot say enough In praise of the Clt ir uka ItKai KDins. My boy. when one year or a:e was so bad with eczema that he lost ail ofhis hair. His scalp was covered with eruptions, which the doctors sa'd wasscall head, and that his hair would never prow atsiin. Despairing of a cure from physician I bejnui the ueoxtlic Ccticuua kemkiuks and. I am hapov to saw with the inot j er fect Miccess. HLs hair L now splendid and there Is n jt a panple on him. 1 recommend the CimcuKA Kkmkdies to mothers as the most speedy, economical and sure cure for all skin diseases of Infants and children, and feel that every mother who has an af flicted child will thank me for so doinc. MS. M. E. WOODSUM. Norway, Me. Fever Sore Eight Years I must extend to you the thanks of one of my customers, who has been cured bv using the Cuticuka Kkmkdies of an old sore, caused by a long spell of sickness or fever eieht ycais ago. He was so bad he was fearful he would have to have his leg am putated, but is happy to say he is now en tirely well. sound as a dollar. He requests me to use his name, which is II. II. Casox, merchant. JOHN V. MINOK. Druggist, Gainesboro. Tcnti. YVe have been selling yonrCirricuitA Kkm kdies for years, and have the first complaint yet to receive from a purchaser, cne of the worst cases or scrofula I ever saw was cured by them. TAYLOR & TAYLOR, Frankfort. Kan. Cuticura Resolvent, The new Mood and Skin puriflerand purest and hot of humor remedies. Internally, and CirricuitA.thegnat Skin Cure, and Cirrt cuka SoAr.an exquisite Skin Keautifier, ex ternally, speedily, permanently and eco nomically cure every disease and humor of the .skin, scalp and blood, with loss of hair, whether itching, burning, scaly, pimply, scrofulous, or hereditary, when all other remedies fail. Sold even-where. Trice, Coticuka, 50c ; Soai2."ic: kksoi.vknt.SI. Prepared by the POTTKIt DllUO AND ClIKMICAl. COItroKA TIOX. IlOStOU. R-B"Send for "How to Cure Skin Diseases," CI pages, 50 illustrations and too testimonials. D k DXTC i?km '"l Scalp preserved and DmDT O beautified by Cuticuka Soap. Abso'utely pure. EVERY MUSCLE ACHES. Sharp Aches, Dull Pains. Strains and Weaknesses rcIleTed in one minnte by the Cuticura Anti-Pain Planter. The find and onlv iu- Maui.iiicousMiii-KiiiingMrt'nglliening pias ter. 'Si cents. OH lap yo Hands STAMP YU HOOFS AN RAISE; Yo Gentle Voices You'll Catch onto tho Music ttofoiT. you Got Through. Us members of suiciety Am always dressed tor kill! We live :n great propriety, Up on Main street hill. We never patch our Sunday pants Nor mend our underclothes; We wears white kids on bohf our hands, An' on our feet silk hose. Yo' wonder, chile, how dis am done On 'stecn dollars a week. Dat am de secret of our club, Which noiic of us dare speak. We am the dandy boys of town! An' dress rich on po' pay Well, 3'ces,T tells yo' how its done, But don't gimme away. We tried mostcbery store in town, But found 'cm all high priced Until at last our club went down, And talked wtf Dcrman Wise. lie showed us through his fine great stock, Which opened bohf my eyes, An' watered my capacious niouf, When he made usde price! We all bought suits, hats, shoes an' shirts, Socks, collars, gloves and ties; An' got good value an' good fits Vees, Herman takes de prize! Therefore, clap yo' hands and stamp yo' hoofs, An' raise yo' gentle voices! Quick, teil yo' friends de place to dress Am down to HERMAN WISE'S HERMAN WISE -THE- Old Relia! Clothier an! Hatter Occident Hotel Building. 1 ifira) Twenty Per Cent ON Now is the time, plain figures. The cash purchases. i : : : : : : : . . This is no Peter Funk business, but straight goods. PjfUan BniliE Don't But Buy Immediately, if Not Kinney's Before It is All Gone. We are now selling lots in this fine Addition for $100 and $125 that in less than one month will more than double in value. It is Less than One Me from the 0. B. & 1 Ml, anl Beautifully Situate! HEEXT & COOH9 Thompson & Boss Carry a Full Line of Choice Staple and Fancy Groceries. Give Us a Call and Be Convinced. Grand Sale of Cheap Lois Adair's Astoria, BLOCK 12, (KKCK.NTT.Y ci.k.vkkd.) Adjoining present Street Knihvay KxtenMon Lots in the aliove sightly Block are offered Tor sale at prices ranging Troin $20O TO S250 PER LOT. Terms, oiie-lmir down, balance in six mos. Bonds for deeds. Five per cent, off for cash. Warranty deed. WM. $. ADAIR, Agent. I. OT. Case. BANKER. ESTABLISHED - - 1870. Transacts a General Banking Business- Drafts drawn available in any part of the 0. S. and Europe, and on Hong Kong, China Office Hours : 10 a. m. to 3 r. ar. Odd Fjcixows Building, Astoria, Oregon. VERCOATS ! FOR TEXT DA VS.: don't wait. All these goods are marked in above percentage will be deducted on all . IL C00PER,M Get Left eDQ YOU WANT TO MAKE: IF SO This Property is situated at the head of Young's Bay and only thirty min- ' utes walk from TJ. P. Dock. STREETS ARE NOW BEING CLEAREI. For Further Information Call on Elmore, Sanborn & Off aaaaaaaqp p Sooner in Astoria ! Agents INVESTMENT? BUY IN j a m .-' V-""- E t IS! - - -&