OV-l ? S - - VuL. XXXIV. SO. Ml ASTORIA, OKKGOJY, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY f. IS!)!). PRICE FIVE CENTS C. P. Upshur, Shipping and Commission Merchant Zxm J. iharf. si int ! ' 'i SI'fiCIAl.TiSvS: Cannery Supplies Barbour's Salmon Net Twinej. NKITCXK I'.raml Salmon Tump. VTOOMtEU'IY Cation Lines and Tu.np'. SEINES and NETTING l.ict r ! .. FIRE INSURANCE 5 SccKnI ih !-irt ria Goiii'KJ'i.es. THIX. Hartford. t.v HOXU. Niw Vn k. Acrarj rcitc l'irrMand ljVelN.I'ariroACo. ThiBlSBB. Isier & AndGISBD, CIVIL ENGINEERS. Surwvors and Arcliit-'cLs. Officii Ro-im l, Fi..vvi:is lJi.i:, SECOND STREET I O. lhixSlS. ASTORIA, (US. Y Sl ...rhH1" w. Arf li- .. a"1 i" ieis tl'S" ,vllC- -.rtin- vJotV-c- VC,0 noU.v"v " ioW cc5 Win. B. Adair, REAL ESTATE AGENT. K E. Cor. Oine and Third Xts. P. O. Box 43G. rs-tteHtar attention guen t Projieilies In VVpcrANlorin ;:tfso ii jnircli:is of 'lim ber Lands. :q. if. LX-iiaXDisr, nEAi.r.i: in Wall Paper and Oil Paintings SI'IXJIAI.IY. Sign Writer, Grainerand Ornamcniai Painter. Cw Ca5s and .ToITerson Sl Astoria, PU R E J CREAM AKlNg Tsct l. Hie I'uittd States (Soversinient. Eudoised by the heads of Hie (Jreat Univer 4tJrsaKd lniMic rol Analysts, as the Strongest. I'm est and mcst Ucilllifiii. Ir. Tube's Oram lUkiuc I'owdcrdoes not contain Anummia. Lime or Alum. Di. l'rn e's Delicious Flxmnng FXMrs, Vanilla, U'liion, Onuige, Almond. Kose. i tc, So not contain 1Imui ms Oils r rJiemlcals. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO., New Yil;. Clucigo. S:,n rnmeiseo. SEALANO. The terminus of the llwaeo and Shoalwaler llav llailioad. THE CUE AT 1TT .SUMMER ItKUKT ON TJIE NOKTII WEbT COAST. Lies at the head of the Kay, at deep water, and only twelve miles from the bar. The enming County it and Commercial Metropolis of Pacific county. Now laid ouL Lots on the'market from 50. and upwards. For particulars and fuli information, call on or address B. A. SEABORC, Il-waco, rss zx&ToL. IIWIimilllHMIIIIIIIIIIIIIHtltEi This Delightftd Suhurhan Property is Now on the Market and Selling Rapidly. It is Inside Property Compared with all Other Additions to Astoria. Situated on the Water Front is Clear and Level and as an Investment Has no Equal in the Northwest. Lots, $75 and $85. R0BB & PARKER, Agents, -:VU ? Long-Standing Blood Diseases are cured by the persevering use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. This medicine is an Alterative, and causes a radical change in the system The process, in some cases, may not be quite so rapid as in others ; but, with persistence, the result is certain. Kead these testimonials : ' For two years T suffered from a se vere pain in my ripht side, and had other troubles caused by a torpid liver and dyspepsia. After giving several medicines a fair trial without a cure, I began to take Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I was greatly benefited by the hrst bottle, and after taking five bottles I was com pletely cured." John "W. Benson, 70 Lawrence St., Lowell, Mass. Last May a large carbuncle broke out on my arm. The usual remedies had no effect ami I was confined tojny bed for t iht weeks. A friend induced me to try 't's Sarsaparilla. Less than three l iiiles healed 4he .sore. In all myepi' ! with mcdie'ii. 1 never saw more Wonderful Results. Aunt her marked effect of the use of this m ilieine was the strengthening of my siht." Mrs. Carrie Afiams, Holly Springs, Texas. "I had a dry .scaly humor for ycai.s, and suffered terribly; and, as my broth er and sister were similarly afliicted, I presume the malady is hereditary. Last winter, Dr. Tyron, (of Fernandina, Fla.,) lccomincnded me to take Ayer'a Sarsaparilla, and contiimo it for a year. For live months I took it daily. I have not had a blemish upon inv bodv for the last three months." T. E. Wiley, 11G Chambers St., New York City. " Last fall and winter I was troubled with a dull, heavy pain in my side. I did not notice it much at first, but it gradually grew worse until it became almost unbearable. During the latter part of this time, disoidcrs of the stom ach and liver increased my troubles. I began taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and, after faithfully continuing the use ol this medicine for some mouths, the paii disappeared and I was com plot el j cured." Mrs. Augusta A. Furbush Haverhill, Mass. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, rKErAXlED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Trice 1 ; elx bottle, $5. Worth $5 a bottle. -TIIR- DIAMOND PALACE GUSTAV HANSEN, Prop'r. A Large and Well Selected Stock of Finn Diamonfls Jewelry At I'jitr.T.iHj n 1'iiees. Ill (nniK 'loitglit at lt:i. !!.i!ilK!tii!rn Warranted Genuine. IV;iIji rni '2o:-h Cj::irt?: A SrFOIAl.'IV Coie.i'i Pass :tnl cii'iamm:i Ss reels. A NEW ENTERPRISE. Ci,y ExprcS5 T$fsr Comp:,nif- H. D. Thing and C. E. Miller, PIMHMMISTOKS. lie.u!iuaMeisaI Main Mieil '.vlruf. TKI.MMIONF. NO. I :. AOeneral riii-ss.t!iil Deltei Jliisnies. ir.uisieleil. our p.itioaaf;e i, elicited. r..3i )VJ L - nfl.men rSsESSHfia.. 1J8S "tt DELIHODS fUVDRlNG EXTRACTS NHIHLHWIT FUNIS POWELL'S r.nisox'.s Iitilt idea. An r.!ert.-is' .Motor AVhich Does Away Willi the OverlK-ad Wires. Thomas -2(lion has nearly com pleted :m electric motor for street railway car.-. His arrangement tlis penpcs willi the overhead high tension electric wire, and also with the stor age liallery. Tims far his experi ments have been very successful, and within n short time he expects to be able to prct-ent to the public a motor that will solve for all lime the ques tions of street mil way locomotion. His invention is not nearly as com plicated or dangerous as the electric motors which are now in use on some of thestrcet railways. In a few weeks lUr. Edison expects to give his inven tion a trial on one of the street rail roads in Orange. Mr. Edison said that he would have had this, his latest invention, completed by the holidays had it not been for the fact that since his return from Paris much of his lime has been occu pied in jerfeeting the phonograph, which was complicated. Business men had complained that it was not serviceable, owing to the duliculty an inexperienced person found in work ing it. All of the difficulties had now been overcome and the machine had been verv much simplified, so that auv pcrfou could manage it. His greatest (luucuuy ai present was in getting an the sapphires he wanted. He used these gems in the needle toint, which traces the sound indentation on the coils ofihe phonograph. 3Ir. Edison said that he had exhausted the mar ket, having bought all the sapphires that he could iind m the country. As a last resort he had begun to manu facluio them. "I can make a pretty good sapphire, too," paid the wizard. 4,They are not perfect, however, but T hope to make them good enough for my Avorlc The trouble with the sapphires that I have made is that they are soft, amorphous, wiine tne genuine sapphire is a crys tal and very hard. 1 think 1 shall be able to remedy th:t trouble." Mr. Edison then referred to the suc cess of the phonograph, and said that it was constantly growing in ixinnlnr- it. "We now have an office," said he, 'in Temple court, on Beekmau street, where the court stenographers can go when their day's work is finished and read Iheir notes into a phonograph. They can then turn the phonograph over to the typewriter, who, at her leisure, can write the notes off. It saves a vast amount of time, and has become very ixiimlar. Cnluirti.'il !o:-.:"m-ss Hay lVvr -.1 IS w 1!o:ii 'Frenf itinit. .Suifeiers an' not generally aware that these disease-, are contagious, or that tlie ate due lo the picsenccoi living parasites in 'the Ihnig membrand of the nose and eustachian lubes. Micro scopic leseareh. however, has nroved this ton.' a laol, and the result of this diseoerv is lhatasimnle remedvhas been humiliated whereby catarrh, ca- uimiai nearness nnu nay lever are per manently emeu in iioiu one to iiuee simple applications made at homely Ihcp.Wieiit once in two weeks. -N. I J. This treatment is uotasnuff nor an ointment ; both have been riis cijderi by lejiulab e physicians as inju lioiis. A pamphlet oplaiuiug this new ticatinei:! is sent on leeeipt of three eeiiKin stamps to pay postage bvA. II. Dixon A.sm,:r.7 and.'CW West King st i eel, Toionto, Canada. Christian Ail ntratr. .Suffetcrs. fioiu Catarrhal tum bles should lead the above. Horses Tails for Harness. This lough story is told by tho Goldeml.ile tirntiwl of January 23: Howard Marshal!, who drives Tho D.ille.s stage, is certainly not to be downed by am ordinary mishap. One day last week when going to The Dalies he :uricd all right at the Saxtoh place at the foot of the moun tain on this side v.heie he changes horses, and when taking the team lo the stable, the hor.se which was leing led by the man in charge of tho sta tion, got frightened, pulled away, and running between Howard aud his horse caused that one to get loose and away Uiey went, taking the only set or harness with them there was within a mile aud a half. Then how lo get tothe next house, which was Mr. Mulligan's, and not lose impoiiant time was the next questien: but Howard proved to be equal to it. Tho breaststraps were still on the neck yoke, and leading the fiesh horses out of the barn ho pnt the breaststraps around their necks after passing them through the rings on the ueekyoke, tied the horses' 1 tans to ttie doubletrees, and while he mounted one horse, the hostler mount ed the other, and in this manner thev soon reached Mr. Mulligan's, where he got a set of harness, and arrived in The Dalles very little behind schednlo time, ik. &'Kt:i: t:x;Lisn riLiiS Are active, cffccliu: and pure. For sick headache, disordered stomach, loss ot appetite, bad complexion and biliousness, they have never been equaled, either in America or abroad. Sold by .1. W. Conn. Cattle are reported to be dving by thousands throughout the ranges of Idaho. The loss ot one owner alone is said to be about 4,000 head. It is a fact worth knowing that, as a housi hold remedy, for children and ad ults, Ajei's Pilis are invaluable. THE GREAT LANGUAGES. English Conns First, German Second aod 'French Third. The language in wliich Shakespeare and Milton -wrote was tho language of less than 0,000,000 human beings, and when Washington was president less than 10,000,000 of people used the En glish tongue. At tho same time French was the mother tongue of at least 30,000,000 ot people, and 50,000, 000 of French speaking people were living at the time of the revolution of 1780. This state of affairs is com pletely reversed. Between forty aud fit ty years ago the English language equaled the German iu the number of those speaking it, and now the latter is left far behind in the race. German is now spoken by 10, 000,000 persons in the Austro-Hunga-riau empire, by -10,000,000 in the Gor man empire, bv -i.000,000 in Belgium, and about 2,000,000 in Switzerland. Besides the countries meulioued, iu which German is usually classed as the native tongue, it is spoken by about 2,000,000" iKjrsous in the United States and Canada, giving a tottd of G4,000, 000 who use the German lauguage. With French the case is much the same, but the gain during the last century has been smaller tliau that of German v. French is now spoken bv the 3S,000,000 inhabitants of France, bv 2.250,000 people in Belgium, by 200,000 in Alsace-Lorraine, by 000,000 in Switzerland, 1,500,000 in the United States and Canada, 6,000,000 in Hayti, and by 1,500,000 in Algiers, India and the West Indies, and Africa, in all, -lo.OOO.OOO. English is sioken bv all but 1,000, 000 of the 08,000,000 in the British Isles, by 58,000,000 ot the 00,000,000 in this country, by 4,000,000 persons in Canada, by 3.000,000 in Australia, by 3,000,000 in the West Indies, and by 1,000,000 people in India and other British colonies, bringing the total to over 100,000,000. An Kxcrllrnt Medicine. "My wife and myself were in had health lorsouu fifteen years. I chanced to be looking over one of 2imiiioiis Liver Regulator Almanacs ami saw A. J I. Stevens' ami Rishnp Pierces names to testimonials. 1 then obtained some of the Regulator, and can heartily rec ommend the Liver Regulator to my friends as an evcellent medicine. Z.E.IlAKKIsO.Y,M. 1).. ('nrdonsille, Va. Captain .Tames Corbelt was mar ried in Gardner, Maine, fifty years ago, he went to sea and was snpiosed to le dead. His wife married again. Corbelt subsequently relumed and married again. His wife aud his first wife's husband dying, both were again remarried Monday morning. Both are wealth v. em: i:i:v ursx r:orLi: Confirm our statement when we say that Dr. Acker's English Remedy is in every way superior to any and all other preparations for the Tlitoatanri Lungs. In Whooping Cough aud Croup, it is magic and relieves at once. Remem ber this Remedy is sold on a positive guarantee. .Sold bv .1. W . Conn. The Armours, r Chicago, did a business of SG0,Ov)0,UlH) lasL "vear, $5, 000,000 in excess or 1SSS. Six thou sand men were employed, and paid 3,000,000. The linn killed 1,200,000 hogs, UO0,(J0O cattle and 250,0t) sheep. Ayer's .S-ti-s.sp.ii ilia purifies the blo..d, ami expels all poisonous eleni'Mits. Nild by druggists. The receiver or the land oftiee at Present I, Ariz., settled his accounts with the government recently and was notified from Washington that he wa entitled to $82(153 from Uncle Sam. No olhcr Linin-ent matio to resemble COMPAIRE WITH IX. St. Ja cons On. is the $iz&rr9 AMI Til VT IS WHY ITS CTKES AEE PROMPT AMD FESfrlAHENT. At Pr.rc(.isTs .nh Dcai rns. THE CHARLES A.V0GELER CO.. Baltimore, ttd. Abstracts of Title. C. R. THOMSON Keens a full set of Abstract Books ami will examine the 'litle to any ite.il Ins tate in the county and furnish an Ahstrac of Title to the same. Terms reasonable. Work guaranteed. GILLETS rimnni 1,1 IdUlKl Finest Fitted Shop in the City NOXH HUT FIRST-GLASS ARTISTS KMl'LOYKI). Third Street, Opp. Ruchcr's Restaurant. Tonsonal Emnonnm POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never vanes, A marvel or I'Urity, strenith and uliolcsoineiics. Store economical than the ordinary kinds, and can not be sold hi.comnetitkm with the multi tude or low test, short weight, alum or phos phate powders. Sold only in can. Kovai. r.AKlt.-fi l'0'.vi)i'.u Co. IK Vall-st..K. Y. Lewis JI. Johnson & Co., Agents, Port land. Oregon. M Opera House. Auiioiuicciueiit Extraorflluary ! eari: sight owi.y Tlmrsday. Feln-iiiirv Otli Engagement of the DLstinguMieil Tragedian, Frederick Warde Supported by an Excellent rniiip.1113. in IVl'tineo 's Romantic Drama "THE MOUNTEBANK" Legitimate CaM. Keantiful Picturesque Costume, Complete Accessories. Notwithstanding tlie heavv expense at tendant mioii this engagement, the prices will not be increased. RESERVED SEATS. Ijnvcr Floor,. $l.wi BAIjCOXY .7.-. GALLERY ja Iloxsheet open Wcdncsilay morning at the New York Novelty Store. The Mikado. CANDY MANUFACTORY. N. J. BERGMAN, Prop. Fine Chocolate Bon Bons FRESH MADE DAILY. As U'eil:is AI! Olhcr Kinds of Cream Candies. Please Call and Giva r.To a Tnal. THIRD STRP.Er. Next to Western Union Telegniph Otllce. SiWEIISEIPEBUE. "Tt" plantation is in a malarial tls trict'ilier feer mid ague prevails. 1 omploy jHO hands; frequently hair of 1 lu-iu were siek. I was nearly tlis countged thcn I began the use of The result xvas marvellous. Sly men Ih-'camo stroiigriiMl hearty, anil 1 have had no furthiir trouble. With these pills, X v.'ouM not fear to lie in nny swamp." U. ISIVAL, l,iyou Sara, La. SOJjT everywhere. Office, 41 Hurray St., Hew York. Tlio only modicino which destroys the jprm- of Catarrh. Rheumatism. Femalo Lomplaintg. Consamption (if not too far ;on.-. Dyapepsin. llalnrial and all Blood urn M-fin Diseases. It iB a safe and positivo Mrp for LOSS Of Manhood and Gon orrhea. Is pleasant todriak. Givoita trial I rice, to cents and $1.2. PACIFIC SLOPE MEDICINE CO., Hpokano Falls, Wash. J. C Dement, Sole Agent, Astoria Tiffs Pills SiS&CTf49ilfilfi9 ttCIHj Bf(ii' gp-ypwMic 'rH9H ADDITION! EAST ffARBENTBN In consequence of the demand for those beautiful level lots, Mr. I. C. Warren has been induced to plat ninety-six lot.s Adjoining Warren ton on the East. Which will he known and sold as East Warrenton ! THE RAILROAD runs through the plat, which is only COO yards from the Warrenton depot. For further information call at once on the ASTORIA REAL ESTATE GO. For Sale ! The West One-Half of Block 71, McClure's Astoria. Onlv three blocks south of the Odd Fel lows milldiux. There Is a tine dwelling on this choice property that will rent at top figures the year roiiuit. For further particulars inquire of ASTORIA REAL ESTATE CO. I. W, Case, BANKER. ESTABLISHED - - 1870. Transacts a General Banking Business. Drafts drawn available in nny part of the U. S. ami Euro'ic, and on Hong Kong, China OFFion Houus : 10 a. si. to 3 r. ai. Odd Fki lows liun.mxo, Astoria, Oregon. Grand Sale of Cheap Lots IX Adair's Astoria, BLOCK 12, (KKcn.vri.Y ci.i:ai:i:d.) Adjoining present Street Railway Extension Lots iu the above sightly Block are offered for sale at prices ranging from S200 TO $250 PER LOT. Terms, one-half down, balance in six 1110s. Bonds for deeds. Five per cent, off for cash. Warranty deed. WM. B. ADAIR Agent. HO Vli LARSON & HILLBAGK GrROOKRTlCS AKII FCSESII PICI'ITf. Orders Delivered Free ef Charge. Country Orders Solicited. Third Mreet. net to Pioneer oflice. Morgan & Sherman And Dealers in 1 Special Attention Given to Filling Of Orders. A FULL LINE CARRIED AmlSupplics furnished at Satis factory Terms. Purchases delivered Iu any part or the city. Office and Warehouse In Hume's New I'uildhig on Water Street. I'. O. Rex 153. Telephone No :i7. ASTOUIA. OREr.().. J. B. Wyatt, DEALERS IN Hardware and Ship Chandlery, Pure Oil, Bright Varnish.. Binacle Oil, Cotton Canvas, Hemp Sail Twine, Cotton Sail Twine. Lard Oil, Wrought Iron Spikes, Galvanized Cut Nails. Agricultural Implements, Sewing Machines, Taints, Oils, Grrooeries, Site. LIDDICOAT & CRIBB. Carpenters and BuiUlers. Holt .t JIcCurtries old stand, hive over 00 ntatex nml ilmwiii'm iT nil L-iiwIu -mil .!, loo of dwelling-houses, ninglng from 6oo to Sl.eoo. Call and see thcix. ."2 Cannery mini AL0ERBR00K Joins Astoria on the East and will be the terminus of the two Transconti nental Railways. Young's Addition to Alderbrook! Is the only inside addition on the market, and prices of lots will treble in value within three months. Buy now, while lots are selling for 75; $20 down and 10 per month. Wingate & Stone, ARIS Lseadinpr Tailor of Great Reduction in Prices. IMPORTEK OF English, French and Scotch Woolens. NEW GOODS r.Y EVEUY STEAMER. First-class work, and no garment will ho allowed to go out of tho store unless it gives satisfaction. Pine Ihisiness SniLs made to order for $33. Genuino Imported Tweed Cheviot "". Cashmere Suits from .'fJJS to $l.'. Uroad Wail Overcoats at $30 and upwards, lhis gives every gentleman in Astoria a chance to get a Fiuo Fitting Suit. Come around and satisfv j-onrself. J. N. IOiOSTER. - BARBOUR'S Irish Flax Threads HAVE NO EQUAL! tfHD81f,7 j0Ckt?Sl fX. VVvVsjLJ I Vs&Z'WM Bt"" GRAXI) 1'KIX PARIS 1878, A.nd GRAND CROSS OK THE LEGION D'HONNEUK. They re -eived the ONLY GOLD MEDAL For FLAX THREADS at the. London Fisheries Exhibition 1333- And have hem awarded HKIIIER PRIZES at the various INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITIONS, Than the goods of any other IN TIIK would. Quality Can Always be Depended on. Eipriert FMemei Use no Oto. HENRY DOYLE & CO.. 5 1 7 and 5 1 9 Market Street. . SAN FRANCISCO. AGENTS FOR PACIFIC COAST. WOODBERRY SEINE TWINE, ROPE and NET TING Constantly on Hand. SEINES, POUNDS and TRAPS Furnished to order at Lowest Factory Prices. Astoria, Oregon. TAILOR. UiaiaaESSillKSBSHEIUaMHSHMMHinaSMUi . w h-: