The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, January 28, 1890, Image 3

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?c Safin 'Stetorimt.
JANUARY l!t. 1600
(Uoday .wjUtl.)
Of "Which the "Pioneer" Would MaLe a As Filed In The Comity Recorder Office
3Ioantain. Yesterday.
With needless exhibition of follv,
yesterday's Pioneer has an inflated
and absurd account of a lit tin mailer
rcixrted in a sensational manner cal-
uuiaieu ro sirenjjtuen l'ortland s efforts
to malign Astoria.
When the Thommon emn dnmi
A- . VNlUllJ.INU. - C.hs STKI'.KT. from Portland last Hmiflriv nuirninr
a. f.
raMfc-fcets xttd Proprietor.
Trai f Milt
. y furrier. ir wtriv
, w mm:, mt imwtu
" k Mall. om spur
!w f (NHiage lt miIivhImt
TWR ATK1 . KHMRllltOOx to its adwr
iiwrsiktiurta ottriitntiiiii if :in iit'wi--r
Mblis4Mt tid tin Columbia ri t r.
Oitj atitl County Ottirinl I:irr.
Lartor SniHl-n comes on April filh.
The kapptacas of the small boj has
.lfiariL The Chinook bus stolen his
The InhI Iwloin the street at the
l xwarwd of Guss street has been rc-
j. , j051 f11. La? on 1)oartl five sailors shipped
Ik i-uu I b-v Ju? Tlrk for ibc r)Aw; The
k ....r.V:r. ku-ts ?vorc " charge of Jim Turk's right
uoucr, Air. llzbimmons. who wnne-
times poses as a Deputy Marshal Of
llie United States Of North Amcr-
Annie Heidi and husband to
.Tosie Sullivan, lots 1, 2,3,4,
5. G, 7, 8, blk 9, llosedate. . .$ 90
"NV. V. Parker and wife to J.
W. Casey and W. H. Ed
wards, SWjLT SWlf sec 13
T8N.K0W 12,000
ATadelieno Guipon to "V. If.
Edwards, lot 1 blk 3, East
Astoria SO
D. IL Welch et al. to J. A
Beck, lots 19, 20, 21, 22, 23,
21, blk 39 180
Win. Clinton to J. Yeon and
M. Leroux lots 3, J, blk 1G0
Olney's fiOO
Geo. Anstey aud wife lo Or
egon Land Co., SEj, sec
19 T S JS, li S W..
1 is rojoksiug over increased
mail ftieilitios boiwpen there aud
WtHapm city jd Xasel.
The doctors report that la grippe is
jseiwral mow, bnt more severe
n he it does attack one.
Ctataop Laud Co., have moved
tliee westward, and are now op
GrosbsMer & Uracil's.
is quite it demand for ixtiiiji
1 lent? rooaw. indicating that
t .Muom ig lucreasrag.
'jnrt storm prosiratod the
Tmb Astoriax is without its
nwBi jKapntchee this morning.
This imh- -weather booms railroad !
talk, la hotel and real estate o.'liees I
;t 1 s one topic of discussion.
I ' arc bound to liavc e:c-
t i .t"i if business is dull.
T.i five runaways yesterday.
ecllT8N,B 9 V 90
Previously reported tills
munth.". $G9G,93S
This time he was just a watchman,
for a bonus, sent down by "Turk, his
employer, and paid so much or so little
to deliver the lnmmn frn'rrii
Dick ATcCarron, with two or three ' Noyes and wife to A. A.
more, went aboard, and askoil no of ftainueis, iou.:o, .:, uik it,
the sailors a qivil question in a civil
(way. lutzbimmons at once bounced
Hun, when McCarron, without htoi
ping to turn the other cheek, returned
the compliment Then FitzSimmons
went down in his hip pocket and
pulled a gun. ATcCarron shook hhn
till the gun fell out of his hand.
Then Capt. Sam Olson stepped in
and parted the men. That's all thvre
wastoit. i ,, , . . .. .
The Pioneer with its usual awti-. S',e fojnaMs self-explanalow.
tude to givceverj-bodyinthetowna t Oive the lpys a rousing big house
black eye, tried to make out that there ' M-i"rrow mglit:
was a fight for possession, aud that Astoria. Jan. 2Sih, 1890.
the Astorians laid themselves liable to John 8. Limhay, Esq. :
go to the penitentiary. Dear Sir: If it will not interfere
If it is a penitentiary offense to go with jour arrangements, we would es
on board a steamboat and ask a pas- ( teem it a favor if you would present
senger a quation, then they did. ' the great firemen's play of the ''Streets
But what :.bout Eilz Simmons, and of New York,' before the ending of
his display of his revolver? your engagement in this city, and we
Simply this: that ATcCarron lies , will use our best endeavors" to secure
sworn out a warrant against Deputy j von a good attendance.
unncii fcunos -Marshal Ui Tlie United We remain
Total for month to date. . .3709,999
the r.'ttCMi'N's n::sr.riT
Al !!." OjM-ra llou:o T-Iorrir.v Ni;zht.
Of North Amerit-a Pits Simmons,
charging him Avith assault with a dan
gerous weapon.
1 I
1 b v
K ati
A x -
It 1
u a cars there ought to be
1 mined in this count to
' "Mly Astoria, but PorilwuL
: r stove lias b?en able to
1 during this month of Jau
i i paralysiag to tlxs wood
Very respectfully yours,
Ciias. IL Stockton-,
Chief Engineer.
P. IL Sur.rnEKAXT,
Pirst Ass't Engineer.
Edward ITautjOck,
Second jss't Eng.
P. Grosiuuri:,
Act. Foreman No. 1.
-. gmoofnl fishing boat has
n completed by Joe.' Eenthor.
lnjpth of 25 feet with a 7 foot
t .m-i -1.4V:.
is many a long fat-e m China-
the recent Klice raids on
. ;:ablere. and opium suiok-
wa- uo eo(ing of the chani
fc:imit35e last lUght. The in-
. titer eeenicd to keep mem-
i ( rpeea dacoratious in the
!. 1 oirnrch are vary tasty and
'.- Mtditorrem a fresh, inviting
The whole thing is a part or the old j
rivalry between shippers of sailors,
here ana m l'ortland. Turk, under
me aegis o the l'ortland board o!
trade, is in the business in Portland.
and lias a "pull.7 chas. If. 8toc7:ton, F. IT. Sttrprc-
To go into the details of the busi mint. Edward Hallm-l;, and 1
ness would form a readable chapter. ' Uroibauer. officers of A. F. 1).
Aiie luvesugauon u carried siraignt r.rCTrmmsi-Vnnr nfo mmmd.
.. ..., .v,..v.
on would lead to some revelations
ing me to play the Streets; of New,
warding not a few in Portland ilial yrkj isat bamlj; j cbeerfiiUy consent
would be more interesting thiin pleas
ant to tuem.
v (
-son I -dor
. i
.nWirit. TheflwlItealld30-T?tsiiUo?meral Iani1 nice' "rC
rs. At. Jienry starts to-day for a
tttmdaucc al the churches
was rather small. This was t the inclement weather
inCant danglitxr of Mr. and
iletKlrickson. died vosterdav of
Thos. II. Foss, of Gray's River, is in
Officer lvirhy is down Arith hi
Gouueilmau Parker is able to be out
J. W. Casey, tlie C. M. & St Paul,
agent is iu the city.
K. Eugelbreckt, a prominent cigar
manuf;icturcr ol San Francisco, is in
the city.
Captain Smith came down last night
ou the Td-jrftonr to take the Santa
Rosa up.
AT. M. Ketch um and Sam S. Tee
have come in from Nehalem and are
at the Occident.
1j. E. Gilletfc will open a handsome
baruer sho
ant. next
IL S. Travers and F. W. Beach, rcp-
to your wish, and assure von that I
regard your note as a compliment to
myself and company. The fame of the
A. F. D. is wide as our country, and I
shall take pleasure in malring the oc
casion a benefit to your organization,
the play to be given on Wednesday
evening. Hoping this will meet with
your approval. 1 remain.
Yours truly.
Joirx S. Lixdsay.
Caught On The "Wing, Yesterday.
''The young ladies of Astoria" said
an observing man "are not afraid of
work. They have business capacity,
and many of them exercise it welL I
was never in a town where so many
ladies are in business for themselves.
It is a good characteristic, always im
pressing a stranger favombly, and
serving to advertise the town."
Referring to ladies reminds us to
repeat the words of a docter: "This
epidemic of colds has been severe
enough on the men, but the women,
especially the younger class, seem to
be more generally afllicted." "How is
that?' we asked. "Well, you see the
women are shut up so much indoors
that when they are exposed the cold
attacks Ihem the easier. But the girls
are careless. They go here and there
with light shoes and thin rubbers in
variably getting wet feet, while their
cloa!:s are often loose and not protec
tive. The average young lad3' h so
impetuous that she does not stop to
think of the consequences."
To change the subject although it
is not an unpleasant one, a hotel clerk
remarked yesterday: "Do you know
that some men have what I call nu
mitigated cheek? Why, they come to
me and ask for everything. They
hold that I am a safe deposit com
pany, an encyclopedia, tin agent or
every boat ou the river, a library, a
The Project Deserves Government Con
file, in short, a jack of-all-
The Columbia left Portland at 12
m. aud will be down th3 morning.
The Clara Par7;er is bringing large
quantities of wood into the city at
every trip.
The Alliance started out yesterday
morning, bnt was obliged to return on
account of the heavy sea.
The British ship Orpheus cleared
hop ooposite Bucker's restaur-! for Liverpool yesterday, carryit
t Saturday. j "' "u's' our, valued at $91,301.
A ImsincBs man spoke the truth yeg
Udy whan ho said that those men
wittpn a town most who hale to see
Um -- utakuit: nrnaey.
week's trip looking over timber prop
erty on Young's river.
Ylta. C. W. Fox, who lias been pros
l rated since the death of her husband.
V t.V- oat or wood is being ' ws. rcporied very seriously ill last
ruu uf i tlie wharves now but it is J ineIH,,tf-
:rau ! : II grera. OouRoqiiently dry i , vr. H. EdwarGs, the live manager of
wtt i ,n great deuiaud. " '-' Asioria Trust company, is in the
,cin. YeslcrJav ho imt no 12.000 bur
i l UecHteut fUeigti stands out j dollar for Astoria realty, and to-day
T .
n I
-s inaet lonesome in the rain i; ou and m for a new addition.
.vn Imts oho of the mow that is rfcott Swellatul, receiver of the laud
.- hpe iKTinatienih. , onice nt Vancouver, W:ish., on Salur-
.' matler of gootl engineering
l bold an umbrella cor
rite foitv of I he rain and
wind wn hard to combat
da received a telegram annouuciiii;
the dith of his sister, Mrs. Mary Im
brie, at Ellensburg; and on Sunday he
wis the recipient of another dispatch
from the same place with the addi
In tittHoollmHioi! district the imports i tional sad news of the death of his
ist $111209 mother, Aire. Wm. Dillon.
: rlvS8w$2flH2.r2, against $11120
f-r the proceeding year, and the ex-
pnri- inexeeI from S1.419.50S in 1SSS
YrsJprdav S-ion
Comity C'oart.
The Clan JIcKenzie. after consider
able hard work is now up and afloat
She looks badly bruised and cut, but
repairs will make her seaworthy.
The fine iron bvirkJiritish Monarch
was blown to atoms by an explosion
of dynamite on Nov. 29 last, when
within 700 miles of Cape Town, Africa.
The rib3 of the new Alaskan boat,
being built opposite the Astoria Iron
works, have a very solid appearance.
bne ought to be able lo stand the ice
and winds in good shape. j
The United States inspectors or
steamers have received an order from 1
"Washington to the effect that after
February 1st all ocean going sleam
vessels having the Hag of the United
States shall be arovided with a life I
line carrying a projectile and means
oi projecting it
'Aud further'' he added, there ia a
class of men who never buy a news
paper. They depend on the hotel to
furnish them one. Suggest that they
snend a nickel to nurcliase a cony.
and they are horrified. They all want '
to read Tin: Astortax, but they ex
pect that they a-e to be supplied free
An oil pilot who came to this t-ection
in 1853 has a good many interesting
facts to relate in regard to the river
and its navigation. 'lt is true," said
he tliat tIio.- Government men don't
sound the channel right. I know the !
Columbia as well :is any of them and j
theirsoundings never agree with mine.
They always get a foot or more ofi
depth tlianl do. You see they have a j
shorter lead than I aud their foot is!
often nearer ten inches than twelve.
Then again their lines are not kept
well soaked. It isn't right to sav
that there is a greater depth than j
there is. It is liable to lead to ncci-1
dents." '
'What about these time checks''"'
asked a gentleman last night "There
have been $900 worth of them brought
into our office to-day which can be
bought tor seventy-uvo cents ou a
dollar. I have made inquiries all
around town and can find few people
even ready to take them at that rate.
It is hard luck for these fellows be
cause they need the money. The
railroad company has-been hard on
them indeed.'
ilheitmathm originates in lactic acid
in Hie blooi, whu-li settling in the joints
causes the mins and aches of the dis
ease. Hocus Sarsaparilla cures rheu
matism by neutralizing the acidity ot
the blood, aud giving it richness and
vitality. Try Hood's Sarsaparilla.
A sea wall on the Astoria front is a
great public necessity. It is the legit
imate subject of appropriation by the
United States congress. If the gov
ernment goes to the expense of sev
eral millions in the construction of
jetties for the bar of our great river it
is plainly incumbent upon it to pro
tect the channel of the commerce of
the river at its seaport The channel
on the Oregon side past Astoria 3 a
verv fine one and should not be en
croached upon. It. deserves the best
protection of the government
Main street dock, near the Parker
house, at the point where tho gravelly
shore begins, up to the east line of
Shively'a Astoria at the citv limits and
just beyond the Clatsop mill the
ground is such that it is being con
stantly floated off into the river and
filling it up. To such an extent is this
true that it will soon be difficult to
reach the Union Pacific docks without
dredging. A sea wall between the
points named would make the channel
permanent and protect it from en
croachments, and so soon as it should
be built by the government the adjacent
hills would be brought down by hy
draulic process, and Astoria would
straightway become one of the great
seaport cities of the world. The duty
of the government to thus protect the
commerce of this great river by pro
tecting the channel at its great sea
port, is plain. The cost would be but
trifling compared with its vast impor
tance to commerce. Not over $200,000
woidd be necessary and this wonld be
but a drop in the bucket of our sur
plus millions. This surplus has to be
returned to the people, and none other
than such a channel of commerce
could be more worthy of an appropri
ation. Congressman Hermann, being
on the "river and harbor committee,
has it in his power to compel tho at
tention of congress to this great work.
AH of Oregon and all the cities and
valleys of tho Columbia and its tribu
taries are interested in this sea wall.
The Astoria Chamber of comraerco
should start tho ball rollino- and call
in the assistance of all interested to
secure a sea wall ou the river front by
congressional appropriation.
iapyo Hands
Still Itmsing the Insurance Rules-.
Insurance ralc3 in Yreka liave been
raised 50 per cent. Something must
be done to get even on last year's
losses by the mombers of the compact,
although they were only 41 per cent,
of tho premiums received. 8. F. Bull
etin, 13.
fc Moderu Treatment that CnroS
'" CoRillpation.
According to tbo San Francisco dailies a
remedy has been discovered that with almost
anerrin? certainty overcomes constipation,
it is the now lasativc principle In Joy's Vege
table Sarsapcriiia. Tho papers aro full of re
rent occurrences confirming its efficacy, and
we give place to their last sensation, a card
from Sanrrancisco'r. well known lady xnanl-
;(arcity of Tonm;e on tbp Columbia.
-LUIS IICW measure i enra. Shecars: " Iain willinrr to relate lha
will render it possible for a line to be I followics experience. I have for years had a
thrown over a wreck or to the shore if went stomach attended with constipation,
necessary. tad never found but ona urenaraMon
helped no and that rccn wore out and lost
its cCect. and I was aahi a sufferer till I
I tried Joy's Vegctablo Sarsaparillo. It baa
'", mniv. nn .,w -T.,nn,. 1 The Jlcbperidcs was chartered dur- thoroughly reorganized me. I had one of tho
Si. . laamul inMvf v.-n mn,,;. ..; ,4-in ..iir ' ing tlie week Dv tuc Pacihc Coast ISIo- nsi scnsiuvcoi stomaens ana was in con
r-4 ! etewlH in the fight at Port-1 X. H. O. Lindcr, of Sweden, applied vator company, which will forward the
l.-md 1 wi ChoviHki and McLarnev ! f.r his naturalization papers. ?arS0 to thls l,ort from Oregon. This
atr- Iiy night. The general impics-1 Tlie b-mds Tor L A. Smidt, sheriff, 1 Is a "cw departure, several years hav-
that it wa what is called in as la v collector were annroved. His m" wy& ucc full cargoes of Ore-
g circles a -fake'. . bondsmen arc A. V. Allen, L W. Case, ' S.n at "7 beci sbinpe from
. - . . 7 , . , A. Ivinney, ,T. Halm, M. J. Kinney. this iort, and caused by the scarcity
'" l" HOiU OlIUillM.Uyi Uil , " ia M .-mMiwr ciiiinrvicnrii rvf mn.l - 4U1HJI1U ,11111 lllim IinCCS UeiUanUCU.
were appeinted: District No. 1, A. i J.f 1t,bo ratnation does not alter mate
Jurhs,reapnoiuted:No.2,F.H.Ward; 0', future business of tho same
No. 3. J. W. Gearhart; No. 4, D. J. In- j character may be expected The de-
that the railroad fever is on
ami that all sorts of stories and
-oh -aw are fioRiing in the air. They
ver confident and expect soon
lo ei a metropolis at South Bend, or
-m outer pntut near there.
The Fecretary of the troasurv has 3 - ''. , reap
iOaciMl Uie rewnne .steamer Jius7i at i),ned4 .if0' H. T-vihght; No.
JlH4iBposal of the iioalmastcr general h C-J1- c,r.- :N,12 9,arc;
f.K- tfce punKe of earn ing the mails i.:. V' Chrisliai1 P &1 l
ktwc Saa Francisco and Astoria ! tllsncl8 were reported, and the clerk
al Porilaad. durins? the oxfonen of i 7as aaM wrucr uie supers-
galls: is'o. o. wlucli is a new district, T- " iuuuu is u.iKur, uui
C. S. Dow. No. G, E. Warnstaff; No. 7, . S"1'3 arc no 1 be 1,atL s- ' Dfll
A. B. AfcMillan: No. 8, Maxwell Commercial lfcws, 17.
lhejweseni railroad embargo.
Tlie regular quarterly meeting of
the Grace church branch of tho wo
men's auxiliary to the board ot mis
sioas. will be held in Grace church
next Thursday afternoon at 2iJ0. As
litis is the meeting for the election ot
officers a full attendance is desired.
ore of others to do so or show cause
for failure to report.
A. .Turn", of No. 1, was allowed
S35.05 cents; E. Libke, of No. 4, S22;
,T. W. Allen, of No. G. S12: the balance
of sza'id in No. 7 is to be applied to uave ueeu leiegrapnea lor. Tiio lu-
uerai win uiko piaco irom urace
church at li30 to-moraow afternoon.
Dcatii or Little Esther Tliomas.
Esther, the oldest daughter of J. E.
Thomas and wire, died at Judge Page's
residence in this city yesterday after
an illness of six weeks duration. The
child was seven years and nine mouths
old, and her affection and intelligence
had endeared her to all.
The parents are at Nestucca, and
the Walluski
No. 0, $11.05.
ferry; Jas. Cusick, of
The Elrctric Lishl-
There is some complaint about town
Kuso tlie captain of the Columbia
dScs not blow the whistle before reach
ing the dock. It would be a great ac
commodation to people iu general
who wish to meet friends or intend to
lake the steamer, if she could bo
Tbere was h kicking es(crd..y
boaitbc weather than there has be u
ut Astora aay day this year. The ra.n
came down all day long in a porpo;:
dkntlar and business like maimer.
Wlien the warm wind blew from the
vmifcxest, the rain came down slcnt
indicnlar, but it came down, just the
same, and cvorybody felt better.
Another phase in tlie affairs of the
New York Novelty store took nlace
yesterday. Messrs. Bergman & Marion j
gave oonus in mo sum oi siu,uuu ana
Coroner Surprenant ff led a writ of re
plevin relieving Sheriff Smith's at
tachment Coroner Surprenaut's writ
of replevin holds for three daj-s. The
store is open for the transaction of
To-morrow evening Jno. S. Lindsay
and his dramatic company will give a
benefit performance for the Astoria
Fire Department The play will be
The Streets of New York," given with
all the scenic accessories and stago
effects that have made tho play so
popttbur and realistic The boys want
every friend of tho firo department
(which includes the whole town) to se
carea seat for to-morrow night's per
fomsDce. It will be worth seeing,
asd an event to be remembered.
Early last Sunday morning, one of
the boilers in lhc Electric Xiijjht com
panj'.s premises gave out and it was
11:30 that night before repairs were
finished and the lights, burning.
The company lias contracted with
an Astoria firm to build a new steel
boiler. They could have had the boiler
built in Portland, ciwlerably cheap
er, but they baheve i i protection to
home industries, and give out all work
possible iu their own toivn.
When the nw boiler is finished and
in piaco tavae vexatious "goings out"
of the light will cease.
As it is, they aro as aunoying to the
proprietors themselves r.i to anyone
else, and every-effort is made by the
company to prevent their occurrence.
A Felt Want.
Realizing that there is a scarcity of
newspapers in Astoria and Clatsop
county, 1 have determined to begin the
imbrication of a Sunday paper early
next month. Thn name of the paper
will be announced later, llespecfluily,
O. W. Du.vbai;.
Jleatu 7oCiMl to Order.
i'rivate rooms for ladies and families:
at IVntral Restaurant, next to Foard &
Remember the Austin house at the
Seaside is open the jear 'round. ,
Tt !oi3iun-Li(asist ;mso.
Re-t Rt-J in town. Uoonib per night
5: ntid 2. els., ir week'-Sl-W. New and
clean. Private entrance.
As usual al this time of tho year the
new crop of calendars is coming in.
They are of all sorts, sizes, shapes and
kinds, and many of them can bo had
for the asking, but the best calendar
that comes to our office is that pub
lished by N. W. Aver &. Son, newspa
per advertising agents, Philadelphia,
and which they send post-paid to any
address oil receipt of 25 cents.
Near Silvcrton is a quarry of what
is called "fireplace stone." It is soft,
when mined, and can bo sawed or
chopped into any desired shape, and
when subjected to intense heat does
not seem to be affected. It is consid
ered the best material for fireplaces or
Do You tike a Good Ciar?
Call at Charley Olsen's, east of C. II.
Cooper's. He will suit you. A fine
stock of cigars to select from.
tinual distress, bat can with tho aid of Joy's
Vegetable Sarr aparilla now cat any and c vcry
thins with my old accustomed freedom. I
am both surprised and delighted, and gladlj
recommend it"
Claaa Melvin, Manicure,
123 Kearney street, S.r.
Morgan & Go
3rd St.
The Leading Shoe House
AN' e
Yo Gentle Voices
You'll ditch on to the ?:Iusic
Before ;, on Get Through.
Stoss al i Prices.
Tho latest style of Gents' Boots and
Shoes at P. J. Goodman's.
Cofleo ami cake, ten rents, at the
Central Restaurant.
. All the patent medicines advertised
in tins paper, together with tlie choicest
perfumery, and toilet articles etc can
he bought at the lowest prices at J. V.
Conn's drug store, opposite Occident
hotel, Astoria.
2lK3. Wutslow's Soothixq Syiiup
should alwaj-s be used for children
teething. It soothes the child, soflens
the gums, allays all pain, cures wind
chohc, and is the best remedy for diar-rhccxTwenty-five
cents a bottle.
Custom Work and Repairing.
Us members of Miioieiy
Am always dressed ter kill!
We live :n great propriety,
Up on Main street hill.
We never patch our Sunday pants
Nor mend our underclothes;
"Wo wears white kids on bohf our
hands, "
An' on our feet silk hose.
Yo' wonder, chile, how dis am done
On 'atecn dollars a week.
Dat am de secret of our club,
Which none of us dare speak.
Wo am the dandy boys of town! .
An' dress rich on po pay
Well, j'nes, I tells yo' how its done,
But don't gimme away.
We tried most ebery store in town,
But found 'em all high priced
Until at last our club went down,
And talked wif Herman Wise.
He showed us through his fine
great stock,
Which opened bohf my eves,
An' watered my capacious mouf,
When he made usde price!
We ail bought suits, hats, shoes
an' shirts,
Socks, collars, gloves and ties;
An' got good value an' good fits
Yees, Herman takes de prize!
Therefore, clap yo' hands and
stamp yo' hoofs,
An' raise yo' gentle voices!
Quick, teil yo' friends de place to
Am down to HERMAN WISE'S
Twenty Per Cent Off
Now is the time, don't wait. All these goods are marked in
plain figures. The above percentage will be deducted on all
cash purchases.
OU Belialile Clotbier aid Hatter
Occident Hotel Building.
: :
Thi- is no Peter Funk business, but straight goods.
wiMiijiCs M. C00PER.MM
But Buy Immediately, if Not Sooner in
Before It is All Gone.
We are now selling lots in this fine Additi on for
$100 and $125 that in less than one month
will more than double in value.
It is Less thai Ooe lie from tie Q. B. & 1 Ml, ai Beautifully SitoateaV
Georpe H. Phelps Koceivr. tin "Elixir
of Life.
GEORGE II. PHELPS, of Colorado.
Some four years auo I contracted an In
jury white in the wdd!eon the plains of Col
orado and yew Mexico Four months :iro
the Injury developed and commenced to
ive me serious trouble. Jtistone month to
ay I came to Portland and placed mvself
under the care of Dr. Alfred L. Cole, ficad
physician and chief surgcen Portland Sur
gical and Medical Dispensary. My acquaint
ance and association with the doctor war
rants ine In saying that he is a gentleman In
his daily bearing, aud as a pin sichm and
surgeon there are none who excel him and
few on the coast who equal him. Under his
Eeculiar, wonderful and magic treatment I
egan at once to feel like a new man. He
has Imparted to mo the only true "Ellvlr of
Life" a cure ; and I cheerfully recommend,
hlra to the ailing, sick and afllicted all over
the land, for he is an honest physician.
1C Clay street, Portland. Oregon.
This well-known and reliable specialist
treats private, chronic and nervous uisenscj.
Including general debility, loss of manhood
and impotency. Consultations free, day or
night. Correspondence solicited. Send 10
cents In stamps for Maniago Guide. Ad
ICAL DISPENSARY, 132 and 15 Third St.,
corner of Alder, Portland, Oregon.
ve Been Made
You Have Been Looking Back-!
Regretting Lost Opportunities
f"t2xxi. for 3EtOXit
"With forty-five head of catlle for half the
increase Call or write to
Vesper, Clatsop County, Or.
Sanborn A Go.
Or Wm. Loeb, about it. '
Here is a Ctann to Male Honey Quiet