The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, January 25, 1890, Image 3

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    - ' "
She gaily gitoriatu
.JANUAKY 25. 1890
(Monday excepted.)
Publish ers and Proprietors.
Cars Stiiket.
Terns of Sabscrlption.
Served by Carrier, per w eck 15 cU
Sent by Mall, por month . Co cts
Sent by Mall, one year $7.00
Free ol postage to subscribers,
Tiik AsToniAX guarantees to its adver
tisers the largest circulation ol any newspa
per published on the Columbia river.
SEMag , , .!
Cltj-aad County Oflrial Paper.
Bill Nye and his confrere
will bo berc March 27th.
The changeable, disagreeable "weather
is receiving compliments all around.
Robb & Parker sold 32 lots, Powell's
addition, in bond to various parties on
Where are all our social parties?
The young people should be moving
in this line.
At half past twelve yesterday morn
ing, rain fell in this city from an un
clouded skv.
The present year -will see more than
S2o0.000 expended in improvements
and building in Astoria.
If any one hears of a chinook -wandering
around anywhere, he will please
kindly direct it this way.
On account of the sickness of Iter.
G. C. Hall, Dr. Garner -will preach in
the Congregational church to-morrow
The resumption of the night boat
on the Portland route increases the
travel between the two cities one hun
dred per cent
In the police court yesterday, Chas.
McPherson, forfeited S10 on a charge
of fighting, and Jno. Baldwin S2 on a
charge of d. d.
As a result of a little fracas Mike
Sullivan had his leg broken early
Friday morning at Hill's. He is now
in the hospital.
A person noticing the now offices
being fixedup on the different streets
cannot help being impressed that bus
iness is increasing.
As la grippe decreases, so will at
tendance at the public schools in
crease. The numbers will soon reach
their normal state.
No letters were distributed yester
day from the California mail. They
came in through pouches and go to
Portland, from whence they will be
Recorder W. B. Ross, of Seaside
lodge. No. 12, A. O. V. W., of this city,
paid Mrs. W. W. Belcher 32,000 last
evening, a sum of money that comes
very handv.
Two men were around yesterday
trying to sell their checks from the
railroad. That is unnecessary, for
there is no danger but that the" pay
ment of all dues will be made.
The real estate market has been a
little dull, but with the departure of
snow, slush and la grippe, we may
look for a rapid movement Many
men are iu town wishing to invest
If our snow were going to remain, it
wouldn't be a bad idea for some of
our young people to organize a coast
ing party. It is as enjoyable as and
more exhilarating than telling fort
unes. Astoria, with her plank business
streets, has one advantage over most
towns. The slush of melting snow has
no mud under it, in which the dis
gusted pedestrian can lose his rubbers
or swamp his boots.
If auyuoe wishes to see a skilful
tasty piece of drawing, he should take
a glance at the book containing all of
the various plats, prepared by Mr.
Stengle at tbe county clerk's office.
It represents a great deal of work well
Justico of the peace May, had a
lively office for a while yesterday af
ternoon. It was a grand gathering of
paganism. Two Chinamen arrested
for misdemeanors of various kinds,
were tried and discharged for insuffi
cient evidence.
From the sunrise forests of Maine
to the sandy slopes of South Carolina;
from the wave washed shores of Loui
siana to the sunset slopes of the
Sierras, is heralded the fact that "As
toria is to have a $100,000 hotel." It's
a good big adv't for the place.
The Y. M. C. A. held a debate
Thursday evening. They discussed,
with the eloquence and force incident
to such occasions, "Protection versus
Free Trade." Protective was advo
cated by Messrs Schuble and Hilder
brand. Free Trade was upheld by
Messrs Frickie and Sickler.
Seaside Lodge No. 12, A. O. TJ. W.,
the banner lodge of this jurisdiction,
has 297 members. Industry, of Port
land, is a good second, but Seaside
carries the broom. Next July our
home lodge expects. to have the larg
est representation four delegates, of
any lodge in the jurisdiction.
Though we have- had considerable
sickness in this city recently, wo are
no worse off than many other towns.
From all points come reports of weary
doctors and lively druggests. Most of
our sickness comes from carelessness,
because there isn't a healthier place
naturally in Oregon than Astoria.
One of Astoria's loveliest daughters
was passing along Third btreet The
stranger en route to San Fracnisco
was taking a stroll up town from the
State. The reporter overheard this
remark: uTo tell the truth, I didn't
suppose such a subdued town as this
looks from the boat could produce so
attractive a girl. "Well, Astoria can
equal Portland in one respect"
Separate proposals will be received
at the Washington, D. C, office of the
lighthouse board, until the 11th of
February, for furnishing the materials
and labor of all kinds necessary to
construct one first-class composite
light-ship, to be delivered at Astoria.
Plans, specifications, forms of pro
posal, and other information maybe
obtained on application to that office.
Chief Barry is in receipt of an invi
tation to attend a meeting of all the
dUeCa of police and marshals of Ore
coa and Washington at Taoomaon
the 5th o-f February, 1800. A grand
ball will be given on the occasion and
probably considerable enjoyment as
well as considerable business will bo
accomplished. "While there Barry
can have a little social chat with chief
Rainey, of the'fire department
A one-legged chap went stumping
around town yesterday selling pencils.
Last night as the 1L Ji. Thompson
was leaving he was assisted onto tbe
dock by two kind hearted men. He
was as drunk as they make 'em, and
when he got as far as the dock said,
"Let go now, Pm aboard." A few
moments after he wanted to have
some one tell him why he was alive,
but no one could answer the poor fellow.
The following are the passengers up
by the .ft. JR. Thompson last night:
W. J. Binder, A. W. Wernin, E. P.
Thompson, S. B. Street, O. Olson, F.
L. Parker, W. H. Barker, C. P. Up
shur, J. MandeL Miss Smith, M. Arm
son, Mrs. Pratt, Miss Grounds, J. O.
Hanthorn, Mrs. Gilbert, Mrs. Reed,
N. H. Webber, C. E. Moore, W. II.
Smith, A. Paulson, W. S. Uhlenhart,
A. D. Bowen, Mrs. Morse, Dr. Walker,
J. G. Stout, Jno. Moore, J. IL Clark,
O. Burk, J. Hare, G. Trullinger, C. S.
Hardy, S. F. Judy, Mr. Hagin.
As Filed In The County Recorder's Onire
D. H. Welch, J. Q. A. Bowlby
to J. D. Graham, lots 21. 22,
blk 51, Astor. .'...S
D. H Welch, J. Q. A. Bowlby
to C. L. Beach, lots 23, 20,
blk 51, Astor
M. 1.1. Dee to A. M. Esson, blk
8, Chelsea.
Moses Dannenbaum and wife
to H. Lash, lots 2, 3, blk B,
Ocean Grove
W. G. Wesfricott to W. T.
Williams, lot 29, blk 11,
W.G. Westacott to E.L. Iroine,
lot 25, blk IL Adair's
Previously reported this
Total for month to date. . . .SG75,031
Has Not Quit, But Is Going Rlslit Ahead.
"That evening paper has made sun
dry false assertions about mo," said
contractor W. H. Parker yesterday
afternoon, "which I would like to
have opportunity to deny.
"In the first place I have uot re
signed, I am going right ahead, and
have 4J0 white men and 70 Chinese at
work in the vicinity of Sackelt's mill,
and have had a force at work all the
"It also speaks of my feeding men
on beans, bread and coffee, with an oc
casional piece of bacon. 1 feed my
men welL They get plenty good food.
I buy six quarters of beef from Thomp
son & Ross every day."
"I don't see why such lies are pub
lished, and am of the opinion that
they greatly injure the prospects of
the road."
Mr. Parker says that from Sackett's
mill the work goes right ahead across
the forks of Lewis and Clarke's, and
then striking the main stream goes on
to tbe southeast
A Business That is Almost ns Profitable as
Salmon Catching.
Yesterday the Examiner's reporter
was at the Alder street wharf when
the Telephone from Astoria came in.
Capt Scott hailed us and wanted to
know if we wanted a mes3 of fish.
Now, if there is one thing we like bet
ter than another it is fish, and visions
of the tootlisoine smelt ilitted through
our mmd as wo boarded the steamer
and went aft in tbe freight room.
"There," says the jovial captain, "help
yourself," pointing to a pilo of stur
geon that contained 411 of these great
backboneless fish. These fish were
captured at Skmokawa by two men,
between the hours of Saturday night
and Monday .noon, and were valued at
something like S450. In weight, there
was twenty-two tons and a half, and
will net the men something like 200
apiece. They were taken to tbe cold
storage warerooms to be frozen a
very small task just now and will bo
shipped to New York and Chicago.
These two fishermen have caught over
1,000 sturgeon during the past two
wecta Portland Examiner, 22.
Capt J. T. Gray has gone to Cos
lnopolis to look after some acreage
property there.
Messrs.01ds,Gunning and Cook from
Yamhill county are in town with the
intention of investing. They took a
trip on horseback to the west part of
the city yesterday afternoon.
m m -
The Dolphin is off for Shoalwater
The Columbia brought up yester
day morning, a lot of iron for the
Astoria Iron Works. They will use it
to construct a boiler for the Clatsop
Mill company.
While the Columbia was at the
wharf yesterday morning, Richard &
Pringle's minstrels, who were on
board, gave a public concert They
certainly have a good orchestra.
There was abigcrowdontho incom
ing steamer Columbiayestcrday morn
ing and a bigger one on the outgoing
steamer State of California. The
Columbia brought a few tons of de
layed mail that had accumulated in
San Francisco, thus relieving the pres
sure. The Creditors File Attachment.
J. R. Dawson of Portland, has sued
J. Strauss & Co. for judgment to tbe
amount of $1,261.91. The allegations
are these: Esberg, Bachman & Co.
sold goods to Strauss for S288.54;of
this he has paid none, and tho com
pany assigned tho bill to Dawson; J.
K. Gill sold merchandise to defend
ant amounting to $1,767. He paid
$857.17. Interest of $63.40 has ac
crued. Gill also assigned to Dawson.
Hence the plaintiff sues for $1,261.91.
His attorneys are J. H. Smith and
Geo. Noland.
J. Leeser Cohen has filed an affida
vit and movement for attachment, on
account of a number of firms who have
sold Strauss & Co. goods, to the sum
of $4,654.
The sheriff yesterday attached the
Yew Like a. Geed. Cigar?
Call at Charley Olsen's, east of C. II.
Cooper's. He will suit you. A fine
stock of cigars to select trom.
Remember the Austin house at the
Seaside tho year 'round.
Coffee and cake, tn rants, at Uie
Central Restaurant.
A to Mexico Sheriff a Victim of
LiscoKjJan. 24. A large meeting
was held in the Trinity theater last
night, to start a fund for national de
fense. The Duke of Polares .acted as.
president A committee of one hun
dred and twenty men consisting of
leading citizens and naval and military
officers were appointed to solicit a
subscription fund. A number of
speeches were made bitterly assailing
England's course, which has been fol
lowed in the dispute with Portugal.
Tbe French and Spanish were lauded
for sympathy with the Portuguese.
Great enthusiasm was exhibited as
well a3 a determination to show Eng
land that, though small, Portugal was
not to be abused.
LkMaks, New Mexico, Jan. 24.
Joseph Garrett the deputy sheriff and
jailer, shot himself through the heart
yesterday. He leit a wife and seven
children. Tbe only motive is thought
to bo despondency, caused by an un
founded rumor that ho connived at
tbe recent escape of certain prisoners.
a ruoMiMrsT jurist paraltzed.
Loxdok, Jan. 24. Judge Mansel, of
tbe queen's bench division of the high
court of justice, was stricken with
paralysis while sitting on tbe bench.
His condition is serious.
Loxdok, Jan. 2L Advices from
Meutone say that there has been fur
ther improvement in the case of Spur
geon. He is now able to leave that
place. This causes great joy in his
large parish.
Loxdon, Jan 24. Tho Delago rail
way has been completed to the frontier
of Transvaal, opening up a rich coun
Winchester, Ya., Jan. 24. Ex-senator
Riddlebergcr died at 230 o'clock
this afternoon. His death will tend
to promote harmony in the Republi
can party in Virginia.
Portlakd, Jan. 24. In reply to an
inquiry as to the situation on tho
Union Pacific, C. W. Johnson, the di
vision superintendent said: "We will
have a through train in by to-night
I am sure that trouble has existed
mainly between "Union and Tellacaset
At least the worst place was between
those two points. Wo have had our
snow plows constantly at work day
and night, and now I am informed
that trains are moving towards Port
land. Three trains now overdue,
have been delayed three days, since
our line bronght tbe eastern mail into
tbe city.
Portland, Jan. 24. In the circuit
court to-day Loretlo Heuley began an
action against Dr. Rob't Patton, claim
ing 10,000 damages and alleging ig
norant, careless, and unskillful treat
ment John Buckley was brought here
from the penitentiary a few days ago,
where he was serving a term for per
jury, by reason of having been granted a
new trial. He was released on $1,500
bonds to-day.
tho Quaker Dairy, No. 20 Ellis St., an Fran
elsco, last week sent the following letter to
Iho Edwin V7. Joy Co. "My family have
tea takioff Joy's Vegetable
Sarsaparilla now for months
with splendid results. Our ex
perience lias bo-a that aftei
taklnff It refuhcly for a short
tfaao and getting the system
started right, an occasional
3obo thereafter keeps the sys
tem Iu perfect ccdition. A
pcecHanty of your vegetable
compound Is, iat It does not
Ion Its effect, but seems to accomplish the
same results continually. As a liver and
bowel reguHtor and corrcctiTt it is perfection.
We wouH not bo without IL In fact I Lave
Just bought a dozen bottles to get the to
dnced price " A. II. Itowo of 52 Jones street
8. F., also writes that It has been his habit I oi
years t awake in tho mornings with a head
acho and an exhausted feeling; but since thf
first bottlo bo has had no return.
. There is some meat to the following
soliloquy by Peter the peet: "Will
Oregon " ever conclude to lay her own
eggs? Here's tho teachers' institute
to be held at Medford the day after
New Years, and an Iowa egg for
our own teachers 1 How long must
our noblo schoolma'ams submit to a
foreign yolk? It is hard oh it is hard
boiled and horrid, and some different
course of study must be adopted for
our cliickens."
All tbe patent medicines advertised
in this paper, together with the choicest
Eerfumery, and toilet articles etc win
e bought at the lowest prices at J. W.
Conn's drug store, opposite Occident
hotel, Astoria.
Telephone Loilxmr House.
Uest Beds in town, llooms per night
50 and 25 cts., per week SlUQ. Jew and
clean. Private entrance.
For Fine Photographs,
Go to Misses Carrulhcn' photograph
gallery: Third street opposite Mor
gan & Sherman's.
The !nti-d stylo of Gtnt Coots and
shot at P. .1. Goodmas's.
Luflju's LiMit's &J.G0 Fine Shoes;
i5m Flexible I5:iid turned FiviicIj Kids,
at 1. .J. Goodman's.
Wcinhartt'K lieer.
Aud Free Lunch at thu Telephone Sa
loon, a cent;
Rcducliou iu Steamship Fares.
Martin Olson is agent for several Eu
ropean steamship lines. If j-ou want a
ticket to or from Europe he can supply
you at greatly reduced: rates this week.
Mrs. WnfSLow's Soothing Syrup
should always be used for children
teething. It soothes the child, softens
the gums, allays all pain, cures wind
chohcandis the best remedy fordiar-rhra.Twenty-five
cents a bottle.
Meals CoelteA te Order.
Private rooms for ladies and families:
at Central Restaurant, next to Foard &
CMilirei Cry fa-Pilcicr Castiria
Bain More Disastrous to Railroai
Lines tlan Snow.
siiootixg ix sax fjt.ixcisco.
San Francisco, Jan. SL Dispatches
from northern California state that
the situation of tbe continued snow
blockade is becoming serious to par
ties abovo Sims. Keports all state
that no roads are open above Sims.
Several engines are without wood or
water and cannot bo had. Provisions
are scarce and higb; Sisson; and
Dunsmuir are cut off from all approach
either way.
The rain that is, and has been pre
vailing, endangers the road bed much
more from land slides than snow.
Tho telegraph wires are down just
above Sims and reports are not to bo
had. The railway clerk, in charge of
the mails which left this city on the
15th on the Oregon & California rail
road did not get further than Sims.
He gave up all idea of getting through
and came back yesterday morning.
All northern mails are being shipped
by steamer for the present
San Francisoo, Jan. 2-L L. L.
Bromwell, president of the California
Insurance union, was shot and serious
ly it not mortally wounded by G. C.
Pratt, general agent of tbe same com
pany, shortly before 11 o'clock thia
forenoon. The shooting occurred in
the office of tbe company, 318 Califor
nia street. Tliree shots were fired by
Pratt, who was seated near Bromwell,
all of which it is thought, toel: effect,
ono striking liiai ri ilia bod. jis!; b J
low the heart. Tuo shooting created
intense excitement, ou tbe street.
Pratt was immediately arrested and
taken to the city prison. He refuses
to make any statement until Lo has
consulted his lawyer. Ilromv.-pll was
carried into liis rear oftice, where he 13
being attended by surgeons. He was
still living at nocn.
vtii.Ij jixnirE ri "i:iv vx to-shy.
Chicago, Jan. 2L Nellie Ely ar
rived at 8 this morning on a special
train and left at 10:30 on the regular
Pennsylvania train. She should ar
rive in New York by -1 1. :.:. to-morrow.
r.orLiNGi:us kkmeveks
Paius, Jan. IL General Boulaujjcr"
has sent a telegram lo 3L Paul De
ronlde and his colleagues iu the cham
ber or deputies who led the recent re
volt in that body, when XL JeiTcrin
attempted to speak, congratulating
them upon showing themselves real
dependers ot universal suffrage. Mar
tineau, member of the chamber of
deputies who recently seceded from
the Boulangist parly entered a meet
ing of tho Boulangist headquarters
last night. He was immediately at
tacked, kicked and cuffed ami spit
upon and compelled to sign the resig
nation of his seat in tho chamber.
Calanh is causcrl by scrofulous taint
in the biood, and is cured liy Hood's
Sarsaparilla, which purifies ami enrich
es the blood and giws the whole system
health and strength. Try this "peculiar
medicine-' Jt is prepared by C. I. Hood
& Co., Lowell, Mass.
Morgan & Go
3rd St.
The Leading Shoe House
ss at ill W
Butters anA
Butter B
Custom Work and Repairing.
Ross' llgers House.
Commencing Thursday. Jan. 23d.
First ApjH'anuicc of
John S. Lindsay,
Tho CELEBltATF.D TltAGEDLVN, an.l an
Excellent Dramatic Company.
"Wednesday RICHELIEU
Mr. Lindsay Is supported by an excellent
company and the public may expect the
rarest entertainment ever Riven In the place,
and the first ol the kind in 1890.
Prices Eeserred Seats, 75 and 50 Ots
Gallerv 5 Cents.
Reserved Seats at the New York Novelty
Scratched 28 Years
caer?4 with arale. Itch las; ter
rlhle. SOTrrlas endless If relleC
' wetlielaes fall. Speedily
eared hy Catlrnra at a Cost of 95.
Cured by Cuticura
If I had known of the Cuticura Kkmk
dxks twenty-elsht years aco it would have
saved me $209.00 (two hundred dollars) and
an Immense amount of suffering. My dis
ease (psoriasis) commenced on my head In a
spot ot larger than h cent. It spread rap
,d,y all over my body and got under my
nails, rue scale would drop off or me all
the time, ami my suffering was cndles and
without rel:er. One thousand dollars would
not temp me to have this disease over
apun. l nni a poor man. but feel i Ich to be
relieved of what .some of the doctors said
was leprosy. Mime rauworm. psoriasis, etc.
I too. . . and . . . Sarsapaillhu over one
year and a half, but no cure . I went to two
or three doctors snd no cure. I cannot
praise the Ccticuka Remedies too much.
They have made my skin as clear and free
from scales as a babv'd. All I uned of them
were three boxes of "Cuticura" and three
bottles of 'Cuticura Keso!vnt," and two
cakes of Cuticura Soap. If you had been
here and said you would liave cured me for
S.oo jou would have ludthe money. I
looked like the picture In your took of psor
IasK (picture number two, -.low to Cure
Skin Diseases";, but now 1 am as clear as
nny person ever was. Through force of habit
I rub my hands over my arras and legs to
scratch one in a v;hl!e. bu- to no purpose.
I v ail we'd. I scratched 23 years, and it
uot to be a Kin '. of a second nature to me. 1
thanW vu a thousand times.
DCXX1S DOWNING. Vatcruury. Vt,
Cuticura Resolvent,
fha iv'vr Dloo.l and Skin puriller and pur
et and best of humor remedies, internally,
ard Cuticura. the eat Skin Cun, and Cut
icura soap. :ui exquisite Skin Beautifler, ex
ternally, snecdlly and permanently cure
every si eies of itchlm bnniln'. smlv.
. misted, pimply, scrofulous and hereditary
d.-ne.s and humors of the ."kin, scalp and
ibJ'Jtxl. l:h loss of hair, from pimples to
I Mufti.n
Sold everywhere IMce, Cuticura, cOc;
Se.ip.23c: Keyolvent. SI. Prepared by the
j tiov. IJoston.
iviTSend for '! low to Cure Skin Diseases,"
, CI pve-'i 53 illustrations and 100 testimonials.
Qi II PJXS, black heads, chapped and oily
rllll kln nravuntMl liv rhitinm Mfili.
cated soap.
Free from Rheumatism.
Ib obb iclMHte the Catlcara
7fa malic.
t and mi
Pals Plaster relieves rheu
e. sciatic, bin. kldnev.cbest
muscular uaitis and weak-
I nes.vjs. !'
KTstnnd only pain-killing plaster.
ap yo Hands
Yo Gentle Voices
You'll Catch onto the Music
Before ou Get Through.
Us members of Miiciety
Am always Jresc(I ter kill!
Wo live :n great propriety,
Up on Main street hill.
Wc never patch oar Sunday pants
Nor mend our undtMoIithis;
Ve wears white kids on bohf our
An' on our feat Mlk hose.
Yo' wonder, chile, how dis am done
On 'steen dollars a wnolc.
Oat am de secret of our club,
Which none of us dare speak.
We am the dandy boys of town!
An dress rich on po' pay
Well, vees,I tells yo' how its done,
But don't gimme away.
We tried mostebcry store in town,
But found 'cm all high priced
Until at last our club went down,
And talked wif Herman Wise.
He showed us through his fine
great stock,
Which opened bohf my eyes,
An' watered my capacious mouf,
When he made usde price!
We all bought suits, hats, shoes
an' shirts,
Socks, collars, gloves and ties;
An' got good value an' good fits
Yecs, Herman takes do prize!
Therefore, clap yo' hands and
stamp yo' hoofs,
An' raise yo' gentle voices!
Quick, tell yo' friends de place to
Am down to HERMAN WISE'S
Old Reliable Clothier aod Hatter
Occident HoUl Baildisg.
Twenty Per Cent Off
Now is the time, don't wait. All these
plain figures. The
casn purchases.
: I
: i
This is no Peter Funk business, but straight goods.
But Buy Immediately, if Not Sooner in
Kinney's Astoria!
Before It is All Gone.
We are now selling lots in this fine Addition for
$100 and $125 that in less than one month
will more than double in value.
It is Less than One Mile from the 0. R. & 1 M, and Beautifully Stated. -
IrftlH OhIjt $75.
A Tract of Desirable Land
On tbe WalluskI, containing between 50 and
GO acres ; ball ot it Is tide land. For partic
ulars, enquire of "WM. BOCK,
At Germania Saloon.
The Mikado.
K. J. BERGMAN, Prop'r,
Fine Chocolate Bon Bons
. As Well
All Otter Kind tf Crttn Candies.
VIMS Call and Gtr Me a Trial.
Next to Weston TJaloB Telegraph Office.
above percentage will
Don't Get Left
Fortunes neve B
You Have Been Looking Back !
Regretting Lost Opportunities
Elmore, Sanborn & Go.
Or Win. Loeb, about it.
is a Chance to
goods are marked
be deducted on
TMrft Street.
een Made
Mate Honey Qtt