r j.w 51 -(. -J.-. .31 -.S'3 -. s"- a VOL. XXXIV, NO. It. ASTORTA, OREGOJV, FRIDAY, JANUARY 17. I. HIM IJTts xn TiiTm nnnrma - . - 3- rnnri in vr. 1,11.11 in . . i . . .. , , W5fr.' A. - kY?M Wi -Visi5S3 "V 2i5---trtfalj.,3SfVlTCi.-iiii..,.. . V yK2 - -- EJ I H A lV -HZ -SB -k wm .m. .K IK VV V--.Ad&rV. -r - --- -"-- I I T J Cf V kw . .A. J Bw V .ftw .BW .BW . ,Vr-SSrj3 - '- 'V -"l1 -" i rH "shh a. - . - a. r z zo.' - -" . .;.-- - - ? nt iwivtfi 7 irr, . . . a. a. w P . 11 f 1. mil IPsfiiMlipSllS Jxwtl ITT 1 1f Tl '&! 7 C. P. Upshur, Shipping and Commission Merchant LlalD St. Wharf, Astoria. Oregon SPECIALTIES : Cannery Supplies Barbour's Salmon Net Twines. NEPTUNE Brand Salmon Twine, WOODBEKKY Cotton Lines and Twines SEINES and NETTING Of all Description Furnished at Factory "rices. FIRE INSURANCE i fleeted m lirt Class Companies Kcprcseutliis13.000,l I'HtF.MX,.. IIOSK, ... .Hartford. Conn New Yoik, A;fncj I'aciflc Kxprcss and Wills, Target Co. Wan Lsster & Anfleisen, CIVIL ENGINEERS, Survivors and Architects. Ol-Klt'i:, i:.)0t i, Fl.AVKlS I'.Mfl, SECOND STREET !. (. i:.x Sin. .Wi'OlM A, OK. . lYS W Vteftfl . ,, Stf" ..bi15' vtfH' C" . on" ' En9' in'6' u!ic , HV A"0 .,.v,uMux -.-.w ., vw" ,ow vtvr Wm. B. Adair, REAL ESTATE ACENT. X. W 0r. Olney and TJdr.l .-ts P. O. Box 43 G. Particular attention fiiei to Proiierlies in Ujinvr Atoii.i;al l" purchase olTmi lirr liiuls. Abstracts of Title, C. R. THOMSON Keeps a full set or Abstract Books ami will examine the 'iilleiouuy lteal h--talein thecouut and furnish an Abstrac of! Hie to t!ie Kime. Terms rvasoualtlf. Work nuanmteed. Carnahan & Co. UCCluSSOllS TO 1. W. CASK, IMroitTKKS AM" WIIOI.KSAI.K AND UKTAl:. !HUI.i:US IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE, ,nit-rl)lieit.ii:ii: and ":.vUeefs. AST M - - - - oi:eon BOOTS AHB SB.OES! Of Best Quality, and at LOWEST PltiCEa. SIGH OF THEJOLDEH SHOE. H. W. Strickler, M. B. DEALlili IN Pure Drugs, Toilet Articles, Etc Prescription Clerk .speaks Four different IinKU.istis. General practice of Jledictnc attended to by the Doctor. Second Mreet, nf ar Postofllce. SEALANO. The terminus of the I lwaco and Slioahrater Day Kaihoad. THE GltEAT EST iJUMMEIi KEUUT ON THE SOUTHWEST COAbT. Lies at the head of the Uav, at deep water, and only Iwelve miles fnnn the bar. The coming County J-'cat and Commercial Metropolis of Pacific county. Now laid out. Lots on the market from SWand upwards. For particulars and fttli information, call on or address B. A. SEABORC, The Teacher flTho advised her pupils to strengthen heir minds by the use of Ayer's Sar ;&parilla, appreciated the truth that jodily health is essential to mental rigor. For persons of delicate and feeble institution, whether young or old, this uediciue is remarkably beneficial. Be mre you get Ayer's Sarsaparilla. " Every spring and fall I take a num ber of bottles of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and am greatly benefited." Mrs. James H. Eastman, Stoneham, Mass. "I have taken Ayer's Sarsaparilla vith great benefit to my general health." Mibs Thirza L. Crerar, Palmyra, Md. "My daughter, twelve years of age, aas buffered for the past year from General Debility. A few weeks since, we began to give hi r Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Her health has zu-Jitly improved." Mrs. Harriet H. n.itthls, South Chelmsford, Mass. "About a year ago I began using Ayer's S.n.snjiaiilla as a lemedy for debility .1I..1 nemalgia resulting from malarial i .posure in the army. I was in a very lud condition, but f-fx bottles of the Sar sanai ilia, with occasional doses of Ayer's i'llls hao greatly improved my health. I am now aide to 'work, and feel that I cannot say too much for your excellent remedies." F. A. Finkham, South Moluncus, Me. "My daughter, sixteen years old, ia f.sing Ayer's Saisaparilla with good ef fect." Itev. S. J. Graham, United Brethren Church, Buckhannon,"W.Va. " I suffered from Nervous Prostration, t, ith lnuie back and headache, and bavo licen much benelited by the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I am now 80 years of age, and am satisfied that my present health ami prolonged life are due to the use of Aver'.s Sarsaparilla." Lucy Moflitt, Kiliingly, Conn. Mis. Ann II. Farnsworlh, a lady 79 c:. is old, So. "Woodstock, Vt., writes: "After several weeks' suffering from i.ei vims prostration, I procured a bottle i f Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and before I i -wl taken half of it my usual health . tin lied." Aysr's Sarsaparilla, I'UEl'AUCD 11 Y D'. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Pri:c tl; ir t.oU!ee. f5. Woith $3 a Lottie. -Tin:- DIAMOND PALACE GUSTAV HAX.SE', ITt.p's. A I-iri.' and Will Selefted St ek 1 1 i n. Diamonfls Jewelry At Kxtremcli l-o'A Pn(i. U tiaots nni.-ht at IhK ltnlitNtiti:ii: Warranted Genuine Wufrli :s:te! Clocii ISt::rii A SPiK'lALTV Oiniei w-" -tin (tiej.UHjlct sili-Hls Tliompson & Eoss C.irr3' a Full Line e: Choice Staple and Fancy Groceries. Give Us a Caii and Be Convinced. A NEW ENTERPRISE. City Express Transfer Company. H. D. Thing and C. E. Miller, PKOPKIKTOItS. Headquarters at Main Street wharf. TELEPHONE NO. -13. A General Extrcss and Delivery business transacted. Your iMitonage Is solicited. The Oregon Bakery A. A. CLKVKLAMN Tn-jiV. M Breafl, Gate ai Pastry None liuttli Best Materials Usrd. Satisfaction Guaranteed Customers f.r.v. 1 delivered n any part ot ISiecity. A- 15. Steinbacli & Co. THE HATTERS and CLOTHIERS. MEN'S AND BOYS' Clothing and Furnishing Goods. HATS TttUNKS AND VALISES. Corner First and Morrison Streets, Portland, OREGON. Countiy Orders Solicited, and Promptly Executed. miMiiiiiiimiiiHiiiiiiiuuH-JtnK'g'KK' Have Put The "Woman Got the 3Ioncy. ilEMPHiSj Tenc, Jan. 15. The sheriff of Riley connty, Kan., arrived in this city this morning to take charge of James Fortney, the absconding treasurer of tliat connty, who was ar rested here on board the City of Cairo. At present Fortney ofms a valuable farm near Manhattan, -and Las an in terest in two iron foundries, one at Manhattan, and the oilier at Des Moines, Iowa. The exact amount of the shortage is $30,517. He -was elected treasurer of Eiley county four years ago, qualifying under a bond of S125,00U. A year ago a shortage in his accounts was suspected, and suit was entered, and resulted in a man damus to compel him to show the books. Hearing of the writ, Fortney locked the vault in which the county funds were kept, and avoided the sheriff by going to Canada. He re lumed four months tigo, ;md it is claimed robbed the vault and again skipped out. He was followed to a questionable house in St. Louis, where he met his inamorata. As Fortney had only $120 in his possession when arrested, and was supposed to have absconded with thousands. Sheriff McCord thinks the cyprian secured the lion's share of the money. If faithfully used, Ayer's Sarsapa rilla will remove scrofula in whatever form it exists. The "Weather lit The Iulcricr. "While at Portland, and throughout the valley, the weather is mild and the rainfall copious, all through east ern Oregon and Washington, the snow storm still rages; but the tcm jierature remains rather high. Yes terday a fearful wind and snow storm visited Union. One foot of snow fell, in an incredible short space of Ume. The wind reached almost a hurricane in fury, and attained a sliced of seven ty five miles an hour. At nearly every point on the Union -Pacific lines, oast of the Cascades, from three to eight inches of snow has fallen within the last twenty-four hours, and at last re ports the snow continued falling with no sign or relenting. North Powder recorded the coldest temperature for the day, by many degrees, giving lmt seven degrees above zero. At this place the snow was drifting bad. anJ a blinding storm prevails. Orryo niau, 1G. Ayer's Cathartic Pills stimulate the apclite and regulate the bowels. Try them. Have you seen Ayer's Almanac? SirKnpjis.uHl I)ith in Wallnla. Wat-ia'JjA, Jan. 15. Jerry McAuley. an old lime rc-ident of "Wallula, died at Spokane Falls, and was buried here Friday. James Oleson died at Walla Walla Sundav. They were both railroad employes and leave fam ilies m town. Mrs. Oleson is a daugh ter of Colonel Hunter, the noted In dian scout and fighter. There are several in town quite seriously ill of the grippe and complications arising from that disorder. The disease here begins with chills in the back,rheuma tivni and neuralgia, a splitting head ache, sore throat, catarrh and all the other ills of the flesh. In most cases three davs sees a chance for the belter. A CHUM K!M.E;. Another child killed h the use of opiates given in the fo in of Southing syrup. Why mothers give thei i child ren such deadly poison is .surprising, when they can relieve the child of l peculiar troubles by using Dr. Ackers llaby Soother. It contains no opintn r morphine. Sold by .1. W. Conx. A General Shut-Dawn. All Hie lumber mills on Paget sound belonging to the Pacific Pine Lttmber association have reduced their actual working lime to twelve days per month, amounting to 120 hours. The occasion for shutting down is a scarcity of lumber tonnage. Foreign and coastwise freights con tinue favorable. The coasting lumber vessels have nearly all gone foreign, and the mills have no means of send ing their product from the Sound. It will be fully three months before shipping will" resume its old-time ac tivity. Some mills contemplate shut ling down nulil April. I0 XOT rJITFJ K AM I.O.Vtt) K. Knowing that a cough can be check ed in a day, and the first stages of con sumption hrokeu in a week, we hereby guaiantce lr. Aekcr'a English Cough Keiuedy, and will refund the money to all who buy, take it as per directions, and do not find our statement correct. Sold by J. W. Conn. ARE YOU MADE miserable byin digestion, Dizziues. Loss of Appetite, Yellow skin? Shiloh'.s Vitalizer is a positive cure. At J. C. Dement's. THE KEY. GEO. II. THAYER, of Bourbon, lndsas: 'Both myself and wife owe our lives to Shiloh's Consump tion Cure. At J. C. Dement's. WHY WILL YOU cough when Shi loh's Cure will give immediate relief. Price,10cts.,50cts.andSl, at J. C. I)e- ment's. SHILOH'S CATARRH REMEDY a positive cure for Catarrh, Diphtheria and Canker Mouth. At J. C. Dements' ROBB & on the Market the Fine Property of Henry Powell, DYSPEPSIA. iS that misery experienced when ire sud denly become aware that wo possess a, labollcal arrangement called a stomach. The stomach Is the reservoir from which, every fibre and tissue m"it bo nourished, andanytroul. elthUlssooafelrtbrouuh out the who's ss:cri. Araon? a dozen dyspeptics no tv..j wl.l have the some pre dominant symiv rr.s. DyspepUcsolactlva mental power u:.d a biUou-M'Hirament are Bubject to Si k IIadc;c; those, fleshy nudphlegir.u -JiaveCt. ulpatlon. while the thin audi roasare ,jndoned toclooinyforebadln:j.. Soie. tspeptics are wonderfully fun-ariil; others. Cava great Irritability of tciu;er. "Whatever form Jypiia may take, one thing is certain, The underlying- cause is in the Z.Sl&R, and ono thin? moro Is equailv certain, no ono will remain a dyspeptic who will -fe it wiii correct Acidity or th Stomach, .Expel foul gases. - Allay Irrltctlon, ,.'Aslst Digestion. S.ft 1 ? and. at the same tlmo Start the lAvtv to working-, when all oilier troubles soon disapiitar. "My vife tras a ccrfirroed dyspeptic. Some three years ago by ihc.1 I..e ct" Ur. Fteiner, cf Augusta, she was in 'if 1 to t-y Sin.rcn liver Regulator. I leel k '" 1 for the icluf it has given her, and laaj . .i u'o irad tliii ?nd are afflicted in anyra . u-iiVr clirr.'-.ic or other wise, use Simmon; 1 t U--ab:i,r -i&J I feel confident health vill I tcsior.i to ill who will be advised." V. M. Kuuii, i "ort Valley, Ca. See that you set the Genuine, ith red 2 oa front cf Wrapper, reci.rru c.tv bt J.n.ZEILTN ii CO., riiUudclphla.Pa. Prlee, $1.03. tVntr.il I'ariflr Delayed by Snow. San Francisco, Jan. 15. The Cen tral Pacific company officially report all trains late, but tracks clear last night. A delay of eight hours was caused by a wreck on the road near Emigrant Gap. As a night train was coming through a wheel on one of the cats in the center of the train broke, but the car continued down the road fur a mile, until it blruck a switch, whicli threw the broken wheel around. It struck a post in a snow Bhed, caus ing the latter, which was over weighted with snow, to crash on cars loaded with cattle, smashing three cars and lulling twenty-three head of cat tle. The debris was immediately cleared from the shed. The delays are principally due to the difficulty of getting snow plows aronml. WaicJ Up Kncctnall. A lethargic, dunuaut c ntditiuu of the 1 ver is I'tirliy to !- overcome with draM.c ca th.trtws an 1 nan cnii diIa:"o,ues A : nt ler, pleasantcr end far more t ftYi thv ineaus exists of amusing the orjan when so:uu) I nt- Hits Is llestfttcr'.s -tumic'i Hitlers, vouched furb.v theme ical fr.itetui y.te ted by the pub ic lor inanv years. A ics'umptinu h the I mlary organ d t ve cre'ivo lui.ction vitli tiicartivltj atteud.-iut upon health, a return m regularity of the Imwel . an I a re uewal .f digeMiiui, aic tin' no less liapji.x and certain results o( uiiii; the 11 tteis ss leinalicilly. In l.ivaiive elTecl is never pamful and drenehlnx. lendeo-v heina nither to jwrpelu tie regularity lliaa"l pin dnee a eopious aclidii. Malaria nervou-iMS-.deM!nv. Kidney tionhli-s.-u dn ttni'gia it suhdii -i elfivtiiallv. JACOBS Q on MARICI AlN "-"-rue nor at EDYtiApj A CERTAIN CURE FOR TOOTHACHE, 417 V. Lombard St, Balto., Md., Juno 9.1SS3. ltobbcd of sleep by toothache ; swclllnggrcat in face, rubbed u ith SL Jacobs Oil ; first appli cation relieved; went to sleep : merning: rin all gone, JOIIN UOUEXSCltGER. At DacccisTs and Dcalebs. THE CHARLES A. V0GELER CO.. Baltimore, K4. Tutt's Pills will Bavo tho dyspeptic from many days of misery, and enable him to eat wliatcver ho wishes. They preveat Sick Headache. cause tho food to assimilate and nour Lli tho body, give keen appetite, aad Develop Flesh imu M)lid muscle. Elegantly sugar coated. Price, 25 cents per box. Sold Everywhere. Office, 44 Murray St N. Y. FOR SALE. A Tract of Desirable Land On the V:uluki, containing betvvecii'0:nd (X) aero ; half of it is tide laud. For partic ulars, enquire of WM. 150CK, At Geruiania baioon. City Wood Yard. Hamilton &. Co., Prop'rs. Office and Woodyard on Gray' Dock. All Kinds of Fine Dry Wood Cut AND DELIVERED At IteaNoiiablc Price. Satisfac tion 4itarnntccI Our I'ntroHH. All Orders promptly filU d and delivered in any part of the city. l-M-Wra tyi v tjew JT TRADE f-5g& kwmm KEM The End of Ihc Sharon Case. Sa- Fkaxctsco. Jan. 15. Judge Shafter in the superior court rendered a decision in the Sharon case this morning, -which virtually ends that fa mous litigation. The judgement teb on a motion to dismiss the answer and on a demurrer to the answer. Both motions were overruled bv the court. The principal point in the present con troversy was on a demurrer to the answer made by the Sharon heirs. In the" latter document they incorporated tho decree of the United States circuit court by which the alleged marriage contract was declared a forgery, and ordered canceled. Judge Shafter held that the decree was in force in oil the courts, and that the contract has no legal existence. He ordered the case postponed indefinitely. If Hantinston Were Yoanjer. C. P. Huntington, while looking at a map of eqnatorial Africa recently, laid his forefinger on a certain spot and remarked: ''If I were a young man with S10.000, Td go thero and make millions." Tho spot ho touched wa3 the town of TJpoto, on the river Congo, near tho northern boundary of the Congo free states, a distance of 700 miles from the Guinea coast "What would you do there, JMr. Huntington?" was asked. "Trade," was the brief reply. 'There are ivory, skins, precious stones and rubber" ho said. "You can buy rubber there to-day at a pen ny a pound. A young man might go there and pay 5 pence a pound for it and ninko a fortune." Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria When Kaby was sick, vro pavo her Castoria. iVhca she vras a Child, she cried for Castoria, JVTicn she became Miss, eho clunf; to Castoria, .Then shohiu Children, she gave them Castori Tho only nidicino which de?troya the jnn ot Cnt.irh. Rheumatism, Frrnnlo Complaint', Ct samption (if not too fnr j in- JDystMpMa, Malarial and all Blood md -cia Di-o ihos. It is r nafo nnd positivo 3.iro for LSS of MnnhonM and Gon Drrbm. Is pleasant todrik. Give ita trial Pisco, 75 pntn and $1 25. PACIFIC SLOPE MEDICINE CO., Spokaao Falls, Waah. J. C. Dement. Sols Agem. Astoria T. B. Loughery. nt'Ai.F.tt is Cigars, Tobacco, Cigarettes, Confectionery, Etc. SUSE RI.T Till: BSST P.IUM1S H.VXDI.KD. T1IIUD SrilEKT. Opposite Halm's Hoot and Shoe Store. PIANOS DECKER BROS., J. & C. FISCHER, ITERS & POND, A. 13. CHASE CO., Axn Otiiek Makes. ORGANS MASOX & IIAMLIX, A. B. CHASE CO., WEAVER ORGAN CO., Low Prices and Easy Terms Intending rtirchascre will do Well to Wilte to Winter & Harper, 71 Morrison St., Portland, it Tbb well-known Restaurant Is now Open for business. N. GTJY, Proprietor, Who will give Satisfaction to his Custom ers, and furnish the best the market affords. Water street, opposite the C. K. F. r. Un ion ltooin. Casino Restaurant PARKER mi POWDER Absolutely Pure. Tills Kinder never vanes, A marvel of ,urity, strenirth and wholesomeness. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and can not lip sold In competition with the multi tude of lou- ut, .sh"rt weight, alum or phos phatc powders. Sold onlu in earn. ICoval HAKlNfj PowoKitCo. ICt; V':iU-sf..N. V. Lkwis M. Johnsox & Co., Agents, roit land. 'recoil. CHIEF OF rO LICE SALE. Notico is hereby given that by virtue of a warrant issued by tho auditor and police judge of tho city of Astoria, in ac cordance with an order made by tho com mon council of the city of Astoria, by or dinance nntnbcr 1133, "entitled an ordi nance ordering tho auditor and police judge to issue warrants for the collection of assessments remaining unpaid on the Washington street sewer assessment np- nrnvrd Mov. 5!llli. 1KSO. Sri'fl nnrrnnt. bearing d'lte tho 'Uth day of November, ISM), coiiunanding mo to levy upon lot number 2 iu block number 40 in the city . of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by John McC'lurc, to collect an assessment of $":, v.'hich assessment vras made for.f ton street, between tho south side of Astor street, and 100 feet north of the north side of Water street, by ordinauce No. 1,100 untitled an ordinance declnring tho probable cost of constructing a sewer in Washington street from the south aide of Astor street to 100 feet north of the north side of Water street, approved July 2, 188U, I have this day levied upon lot number z in block number -10 in AlcCIures Astoria, said lot beinc assessed toM. Mever as owner and on Wednesday the 'Jfi day of January 1SIK). at 2 o'clock v. a. of said day in front of the court houae door in said city of Astorir, Clatsop county, Oregon will proceed to soil lot number i in block number 40 in Mc Clnre's Astoria, to tho highest bidder therefor, to pay said assessment, costs and expenses of sale. Said sale to be for U. S. gold coin. Dated at Astoria, this 28th davof December, 18SI). W. J. BARRY, Chief of police. CHIEF OF POLICE SALE. Notico is hereby given that by virtue of a warrant issued by the auditor and police judge of the city of Astoria, in ac cordance witli an order made by the com mon council of tho city of Astoria, by or dinance number 11.1S, entitled an ordi nance ordering tho auditor and police judge to issue warrants for the collection of assessments remaining unpaid an the Washington street sewer asc-snient, ap proved November2J)th,lSS'J, said warrant bearing date tho 3)th day of Novembor, 1889, commanding mo to levy upon lot number 5, in block number 39, in the city of Astoria, aa laid out and recorded by John McClure. to collect an assess ment of SJGj, which assessment was made for the construction of a sewer in Wash ington street, between the south side of Astor street nnd one hundred feet north of the north side of Water street, by or dinance number HOii, entitled an ordi nance declaring tho probable cost of con structing a sower in Washington street, from theroathsido of Astor street to one hundred feet north of tiie north sido of Water ntreet, approved July -.Ith, 1839, I have this day levied 'upon lot number i, in block number 39, in McCIure's Astoria, said lot being nssesscsed to Chas. Rohr, as owner, and on Wednesday, tho 29th day of January, 1890. nt 2 o'clock v. ir., of said day, in front of tho court house door in said city-of Astoria, Clatsop county, Oregon, will proceed to sell lot number ., in block number 39, in Mc CIure's Astoria, to tho highest bidder tlierefor, to pay said assessment, costs and expenses of sale. Said salo to bo for U. S. gold coin. Dated at Astoria, this 23th dav of De cember, 18S9. W. J. BARRY, Chief of Police. I. W. Gase, BANKER. ESTABLISHED - - 1870. Transacts a General Banking Business. Drafts drawn available in any part of the U. S. aud Europe, and on Ilong Kong, China Ofkick Houns : 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. Odd Fellows Buildixo, Astoria, Oregon. For Sale ! The West One-Half of Block 71, McCIure's Astoria.' Only three blocks south of the Odd Fel lows' building. There is a tine dwelling on this choice property that will rent at top Htriircs the year round. Tor further particulars inquire of ASTORIA REAL ESTATE CO. ALOERBR00K Joins Astoria on the East and will be the terminus of the two Transconti nental Eailways. Young's Addition to Alderbrook! Is the only inside addition on the market, and prices of lots will treble in value within three months. Buy now, while lots 20 down and Wingat PARIS TAILOR. Leading Tailor of Astoria. Great Reduction in Prices. IMPORTER OF English, French and Scotch Woelens: NEW GOODS BY EVERY STEAMER. First-class work, and no garment will be allowed to go out of the store unless it gives satisfaction. Fine Business Suits made to order for $33. Genuine Imported Tweed Cheviot and C.ishmere Suits from $38 to $45. Broad Wail Overcoats at $30 and upwards, lhis gives every gentleman in Astoria a chance to get a Fine Fitting Suit. Cons around and satisfv yourself. J. N. KLOSTEK. BARBOUR'S Irish Flax HAVE NO tfuoor.f Kywww p ffct .T jar's. MBftjflYl nsSsvI XMs t E3k f?V9iHM:S4slaHiii?iiEiKU-T5liiK?'aIiat GRAND PRIX PARIS 1878, AXD ORAND CROSS OF TIIE LEGION D'HONNEUR. They rei-elved tho 2 ONLY GOLD MEDAL For FLAX THREADS at tho London Fisheries Exhibition 1883. And have been awarded HIGHER PRIZES at the various INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITIONS, Than the goods of any other THREAD MANTJFACTaRfiRS IX THE WORLD, Quality Can Always be Depended on. Experiencefl Fishermen Use no Otter. HENRY DOYLE &, CO.. 5 1 7 and 5 1 9 Market Street. SAN FRANCISCO. AGENTS FOR PACIFIC COAST. WOODBEREY SEINE TWINE, ROPE and NET TING Constantly on Hand. SEINES, FOUNDS and TRAPS Furnished to order at Lowest Factory Prices Hmmrnimmmiiniiiiiiiiiiiiniiwiiiiiiiiiii are selling for $75; $10 per month. & Stone. Threads EQUAL! ? yjy e ?. ja J""1 AM "s V- . -! i " T -.J. S-U j-?l H - -ci.wr-J " -t -r- 'HteG& --o rn " ainT-i?! - J Tt tv5'- ; -h - 3ti "ti'. a 4e--M. & S ..&& JfHk; re r w 2sit -l.